Suburrterna (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


What do you want?
It's very simple, Eminence.
Give up your presidency of the Foundation
and appoint Nascari in your place.
You're able to do that
by the end of lunch, right?
Are you out of your mind?
Better stop trying
to mess with us, all right?
We know you killed your sister.
You fucked up so bad,
don't even think about a saint coming
to save your ass.
I'm not gonna be able to do it
in so little time.
You're joking.
Everyone knows you have so much influence.
I'm sure you know better than me
there is nothing more powerful
than red tape.
Multiple forms to be filled out.
Certain procedures to follow.
- Maybe two days.
- One.
That won't be enough time.
Then you'll go from the Vatican
straight to Regina Coeli prison.
It won't just be the saints judging you.
She fell for it.
So why didn't she show up
at the Mollanones?
And it was going so smooth.
Nadia's friend saved her.
It was not a coincidence.
You know what I'm talking about?
I'm sick of this shit.
Man, stop being such an asshole!
Find Nadia, but make sure
you don't lay a finger on her.
I do to other people what they do to me.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
What would you have done
if someone stole your home?
Your cherished memories?
You better find her, Giulia.
I'm telling you, enough already.
I've had enough!
Yeah? Then you better
talk to your wife, Damiano.
- Watch this corner.
- Look at that.
It's nice, am I right?
People are always telling me
to stay in my lane and listen
'cause there's a certain order to things.
But to me, that's a waste of time.
And do you know why?
Anybody out there can own the world.
I'm the only one brave enough
to grab it by the globes.
What's with that face?
We should be celebrating.
Come on. Spill it.
There's an issue with catering.
Twice as many guests have arrived.
Problem? Please.
We don't have a problem at all.
Let me handle it. Everything is fine.
The police were guaranteed
to not intervene,
according to the commander.
That's not important.
Ercole's done well.
Tronto will go down for an old crime.
Without Tronto,
Ercole doesn't count for shit.
The cardinal falls,
and then the stadium crumbles.
Then it all comes back to us.
He's having a celebration rally today.
Yeah? Celebrating what?
The party has all jumped on his bandwagon,
and he's soaking it all in.
I bet.
I'll be attending. You should attend too.
I gave Tronto until tomorrow.
Don't wanna show my hand.
You're not showing up for that.
You need to be seen.
You know how it works, Amede.
No one thinks about you.
You show up today, show you're strong,
tomorrow they'll be willing and ready
to follow you.
We need to bring some guys to switch up
with Cinaglia's guards tonight.
You two, come here.
You, come here.
I want you guys to be ready
for a job coming up later tonight.
Hey, don't worry, all right?
It'll be a piece of cake.
Even boneheads like you can do it.
Look who's a tough guy.
Hey, where do you think
you're going?
Nadia disappeared last night.
No idea where she might've gone?
Ange, we always gotta be honest
with each other.
You don't trust me anymore?
That's not something to joke about.
The day you break my trust,
it'll all be over.
We both gotta be scared if that day comes.
Those douchebags
kicked me out of Ostia. He's gotta die.
Damiano's fucked.
The Lucianis are fucked.
Giulia's insane. Cesare's fragile.
I just gotta make Angelica believe
that I wanna team up with Damiano.
I'm gonna kill him,
but I need your help, Spadi.
I asked you before,
but you turned me down.
Something about not killing her kid's dad.
I changed my mind.
Hmm. Tell me why.
They smashed my gym to pieces.
It's all I have left of Aureliano.
It's all because of Damiano.
I really fucked up not listening to you.
Let's fight for 'em all.
Don't worry about Damiano.
Albe, focus on what's important.
The stadium's the priority.
You lecturing me, pal?
Oh, by the way,
Nadia and me worked everything out.
Great. I'm gonna be a little late.
So make sure you keep your eyes open.
And don't screw this up.
Mind if I come along?
I wanna go see the face of the guy
who kicked my family out.
We'll give Ercole a big surprise
and have a little fun.
Remember, at eight o'clock,
your guys switch over with mine.
I'll talk to Victor.
Victor is not gonna be
enough muscle by himself.
I know. I know.
I'll be there.
Go straight to the warehouse.
Why? Where are you going?
I'm busy. Go straight there.
I'm not a fuckin' kid.
Here we are.
This is the Rome we love, eh?
Thank you. Thank you all for coming.
And a special thank you to my family.
Without you, achieving what I did
would not have been possible.
I really do mean that.
You're all probably wondering
what have I done.
The answer is simple. Nothing.
Of course, you could say
that I helped the situation in Ostia,
helping the legal tenants
secure their homes, if you want.
The stadium!
Rome's new stadium.
I guess we can count that too.
But this, to me, is just the beginning.
I would like this city
to not only be the city of big projects,
the Jubilee and the stadium,
though they are great
because they create a lot of jobs,
don't get me wrong,
but the real pride, the heart,
are initiatives for ordinary people
like you and me.
All right. Enough with the politics.
We're here to celebrate.
Time for champagne. Let's celebrate, huh?
Thank you.
Thank you, everyone, for coming.
What the fuck
were you thinking?
I save you,
and you walk right back into the fire?
I risked my life to help you, Na.
If they find you, they'll kill you.
I can't help you if they catch you.
You gotta leave this place.
Sending me away, Ange?
Might as well put the gun
right to my head.
Then stay and be killed.
I was a mess.
Help me make it right.
Everything's changed. Hear me out.
I wanna stay 'cause you're all I've got.
I apologize.
I'll apologize to Damiano.
Just tell him something for me.
If they let me stay,
I'll do anything they say.
Please talk to him for me.
Cinaglia must have it.
I mean, with all those warehouses
But we can't possibly check
all the warehouses.
Why don't we go to the cooperative
and check it out?
It would've been better
to turn myself in many years ago.
Maybe it's time I do it now.
I should.
I always dream about her.
Don't you ever think about
the kids in Colombia?
You've saved so many lives.
And you can save so many more
if we win this battle.
We will have enough power
to ensure the new pontiff is voted in.
You can't stop now.
A bottle of champagne for everyone.
Don't mind if I do.
And those sandwiches are top-notch.
I'll be right back.
Please, it's all for you.
Help yourself to whatever you like.
Grandpa, not having fun?
You look like a damn fool.
You don't have to be here
if you're not having fun.
Not your call.
This is my family.
Sure, but things are changing.
Are you still bothered
that your grandson can lift his head high?
That I'm actually doing well?
You think that little play is gonna
put you in charge of the family now?
If you keep doing whatever you want,
you'll just bring more harm to us.
Just look at you.
You're so scared.
I'm not like you.
I refuse to bow down,
bury my head in the dirt,
settling for crumbs for 20 years.
So that lesson wasn't enough for you?
No, I'm not fazed at all.
You're clearly stuck in the past.
I bet
that you may be disappearing soon.
You'll be safe here.
No one will come till tomorrow.
Stay put, and don't wander around.
That skinny ass of yours
just might get saved again.
Look, I know
I've been asking a lot from you.
She believed me.
Miria, you're not drinking?
No, thank you.
Jesus, when's the last time
these people ate?
They're gobbling it all up.
I'm glad that they are.
It expires tomorrow.
My friends are suppliers,
and they gave it to me for free.
- Mmm.
- That or throw it out.
You know, you should
probably watch your back
because I think you're moving too fast.
What do you mean by that?
Maybe you should figure that out, hmm?
"Young Rome is bella."
Congrats on the classy slogan.
I thought you were on the beach of Fregene
selling coconuts.
I'd have sent an invite.
The park is public.
There's no need for a formal invite
because anyone can show up.
I came here to formally congratulate you
on a job well done.
Thanks for that.
You hear this garbage?
What's with the music?
Surprised how quickly the music changed?
It's kind of like in Rome,
don't you think?
Sometimes power only lasts for a day.
You wake up feeling like an emperor,
but by nighttime, you're a troll
sleeping under the bridge.
You should be writing books
with all these tall tales.
I'm surprised you cleaned up so well.
I'm pleased that you noticed the changes.
What did you really come here to say?
I bring greetings and well wishes
from the Anacletis.
What's left of us anyways.
Albe, let's go.
We'll be seeing you soon.
- Congrats again.
- Thank you for stopping by.
- It's my pleasure.
- No, no, thank you.
enjoy this time while you can.
- Shall we?
- Take care now. Bye-bye, then.
She realized
the Maggiolino were gonna fuck it all up.
Why didn't she call you
right away?
So I wouldn't be in the middle.
But I was the only one who could help
help her stay in Ostia.
So where's she been staying at
this whole time?
Please don't make her leave here.
I don't trust her.
Do it for me.
- You can trust her.
- I'm not sure about that.
She won't mess up again.
Give her another chance.
Damia, she's by herself.
She's not dangerous.
One more chance.
But we still gotta talk.
It felt great to DJ again. I missed it.
The audience wasn't exactly
the right kind of crowd,
you know what I mean?
Ah, I miss watching you perform.
- How's it going with Ali and Lia?
- Good. Teufelsberg is almost ready.
What about the setup?
Is it like I told you?
Did you put the bar up at the entrance?
You know how people get antsy
waiting in line and need a drink.
We set everything up just how you said.
It'll be perfect.
What happens tomorrow
after you win?
It'll be like before. No changes.
You'll continue
as my right-hand at city hall.
Your right hand?
The last three years,
I've been the eyes, the ears,
and the brains of this operation.
Something more important
would be appropriate.
More important than your position now?
Miria, when something isn't broken,
there's no need to fix it, right?
Nothing seems out of the ordinary here.
We just need more time, Armando.
We don't have it, Felipe.
I'm sorry, Damia.
I was pissed.
You know what that place means to me.
I wanted payback.
Sorry for what?
Are you sorry you failed to kill me twice?
Or sorry that I'm not as naive
as my wife is?
She believes you.
She's been telling me a lot of bullshit.
She even protected you
when you tried to kill my family.
But it's clear you don't give a shit
if she gets caught up.
For a gym that was falling apart?
A rag hanging from the ceiling?
Aureliano Adami is gone.
You're not doing it for him.
Don't ever say his name!
Angelica will not be harmed.
No? Who promised you, then?
It was Spadino.
Yeah, the last time he promised
to stop this war, Moreno ended up dead.
Am I wrong?
I know you care about her.
That's no question.
You gotta help me protect her.
We both know how this is gonna end.
Either me or him.
Nadia, you went through
the worst time of your life.
You lost your man.
It's not fair.
Do you want Angelica
to be put through that too?
You gotta choose.
What is such a big deal
that you can't talk about it with me
over the phone?
I've already had enough surprises today
with Cinaglia and Spadino showing up.
Those two are the real problem.
They took something
they weren't supposed to take.
- We must get it back.
- And that would be?
- Someone's coffin.
- Why?
They threatened to blackmail me.
If this gets out, I'm ruined. Completely.
They'll bring Nascari back again.
And you'll be ruined as well.
We're about to lose everything.
"You wake up feeling like an emperor"
Those assholes.
I only have one day.
One day?
Why the hell
didn't you talk to me about this first?
I thought I could handle it.
Does the problem disappear for good
if we get the coffin back?
All right, I'll help you out.
Felipe snooped around
at Cinaglia's headquarters.
He didn't find anything.
What? Was he expecting them
to serve some coffee?
- Where do you plan to start?
- No, not where.
Who's inside the coffin?
Someone who deserves to be resting.
Not running,
more like crashing into a wall.
I told you.
Help me and tell me how
to prevent a crash, then.
Where'd they put it?
- No idea.
- So I'm wasting my time here, then?
All I can tell you is
who to follow and when.
You might find something if you do that.
However, what do I get out of all of this?
Miria, I'm in a bit of a hurry,
so it'll be quicker if you tell me
what you want from me.
Mmm. To be the next mayor of Rome.
Oh, is that all?
How can I help you with that?
You've been put in charge
of the best deal of the decade,
and pretty soon, the city will be yours.
I want you to support
my campaign for mayor.
I want your vote.
Madame Mayor.
They'll leave when Victor arrives.
- They're back here at eight tomorrow.
- Sounds good.
We won, Albe.
We just have to wait for Tronto.
In two days, in Berlin,
we're throwing an event
I've been planning for months now.
In a couple of days, this will be over,
and you can do whatever you want.
Albe, I'm going. I promised the kids
I'd have dinner with them.
What are you gonna tell your kids
when they ask you what you did today?
What's wrong, Albe?
I have always been honest with Mesut.
But since I've been back here,
I've been telling him a bunch of lies.
If I don't tell him what happened,
it's like nothing ever really did happen.
But it did.
Who knows what Tronto told himself
when he buried his sister.
So what've you been
telling yourself, Amede?
I ended up believing the bullshit
I told my kids.
But sooner or later, you gotta
look yourself in the mirror and face it.
The truth is I murdered
the mother of my children.
The story I told them is
that she killed herself.
I think about it every single day.
When we're sitting
around the dinner table and they ask,
"Dad, what did you do today?"
I tell them a bunch of lies
because I can't tell them the truth.
Cesare'll be there tomorrow.
Don't worry about it.
This shit is flying off the shelves.
I'm telling you.
If he doesn't come through,
we'll be cleaned out in no time.
- I said he'll be there.
- Yeah, okay.
- We cleared it up.
- That's really great.
Thanks, Ange.
I'll bring her by the fish shop.
We better clear it up
with Ce and Jules too.
Why can't you call?
They gotta look each other in the eye
when they talk about it.
I'm coming along.
Probably a bad idea.
Those two are already
pretty worked up on their own.
It'll likely be worse if you come too.
I agree. Something I gotta do, Ange.
So you trust me?
After, we'll celebrate.
We'll celebrate
that great deal with Santenocito.
I'll drop you off at home,
give the kids a kiss, then head out.
- Okay.
- Come.
Armando, I followed the Lucianis
just like Ercole said.
I found it.
Sorry I won't be there.
You've done more than enough, Ange.
I mean, you kept me from getting killed.
Let's not think about it anymore.
But I want to.
You have to think about it.
You know I'd jump into the fire
for you, right?
The only place
I want you to jump is with me.
Right into the mountain of cash
we're about to make.
Let's go.
I'll be right back.
I love you, Ange.
Call him now.
Now we just gotta give it some time.
So, like, after we hear from him,
then what?
Then what?
It all comes back to us.
Our villas.
Angelica convinced him.
Listen to me.
Tonight it's only gonna be those three.
If you show up with a couple of your guys,
we can put an end to this. Easy.
I can't tonight. I've got important plans.
More important than killing the people
who destroyed your family?
Then we gotta postpone tonight.
You don't get it.
I'm the one risking my life here
if we get caught.
Tell me if you're changing your mind.
I'm not changing my mind.
I'm just saying we go another time.
There is no other time.
You owe me.
Fine, I'll go.
I'll be back. Wait here with the others.
- What are you doing?
- Give it to me.
- Tell me where you're going.
- I don't have time for your games.
- Give me the gun.
- Tell me.
Nadia's with the Lucianis.
We're taking them down
at their own fish shop later tonight.
- Oh, I'm going. I'm gonna come along.
- No.
Your job is here.
So I gotta sit here and babysit a coffin?
I have to pay 'em back
for what they did to my grandma!
I'm the one taking care of it.
But this coffin here
is the only thing we have
that brings us back
to where we rightfully belong.
You're the only one I trust.
Give it to me.
You two. Come with me.
Just to be clear, if it was up to me,
she'd be six feet under already.
And what if she changes her mind again?
I assure you that's not gonna happen.
Now she knows who she's doing it for.
Ercole just called.
Spadino's on his way.
Hey, I'm counting on you, Ce.
Fabrizio, Vittoria. It's Dad.
Hey, enough with the noise.
If they don't answer,
they're clearly gone.
You're right, sorry.
- Do you know where they are?
- How would I know, huh?
- Good evening.
- May I help you?
I'm Amedeo Cinaglia,
son-in-law of Mr. De Santis.
- I know.
- Great.
Can you give me the keys to his apartment?
Nobody's answering.
I saw them earlier in the afternoon
leaving with their bags.
Didn't they tell you?
They told me, of course.
I mixed it up with next weekend.
- I completely forgot.
- I forget everything too.
- Thank you for your help.
- It all gets jumbled.
Good evening.
Nadia's waiting in the back.
Let's go. You, wait for us here.
- Fuck you, you piece of shit!
- Cover me! Cover me!
Get down, Alberto!
Go, Nadia! Hurry!
Give up, Spadi! Time to die!
Die, Spadino!
Give up! You're surrounded!
You fuckheads!
Damiano! Damiano!
- Get inside! Go back!
- Get out of the way!
I got you covered!
- Where'd it get you?
- Don't worry. It's nothing.
It's nothing to worry about.
Hold still. Hold still.
One of you guys stand watch.
Hey, come on!
Come on!
Hey! Come on!
Got it?
- You got it?
- Yeah.
Move, let's go!
Okay, thanks.
She needs the hospital.
We can't move her, Ange.
She's losing too much blood to do that.
Oh, are you crying?
The doctor's on his way, Nadia.
Hang in there a little bit more.
I've been hanging on
for too long now, Ange.
I love you, Nadia.
Who was it?
Fucking tell me who did this.
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