Such Brave Girls (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Such Daddy's Girls

Don't I look sexy?
The woman on the counter did it
for free.
All I had to do was buy all
the products.
Come on, love, go and put something
nice on.
Go and put on that dress that
I looked out for you.
Check her legs.
Pin her down! Stop writhing!
Leave me alone! It's my body!
I should be able to grow my hair
how I like!
Stop being so selfish,
for fuck's sake!
It's your nan's funeral.
I am genuinely worried it's a bit
too harsh, do you know what I mean?
I just want to let him have it,
though. Tell him how I feel.
Which is?
Not good.
Did you write that down?
Hi, Dad, hope you're well.
Actually, no, I don't.
It's Josie. Remember me?
It might help to remind him
if you say you're the ugly one.
Excited to see Dad, then?
You know that dream that you get
when your parents
walk in on you having sex?
I look forward to having that
so I can see Dad again.
Sometimes I invite him
to stay and watch.
I know. This is the happiest
day of your life.
Not entirely. Nicky's leaving
to open his ice bar in
Manchester today.
What? Billie Bar? Yeah.
He asked me to go with him,
can you believe it?
It would be completely ridiculous
to go, right?
Unless you think I should do it?
No, I don't think you should do it.
Yeah, I was never going to go.
I've seen the truth.
Nan dying has taught me
a big lesson.
Life is futile and we should
probably just get it over with? No.
Men always come crawling back.
Do they?
Yeah, well, just look at Dad.
Ten years ago, he fucked
off for teabags and, lo and behold,
now we're going to see him.
So I just need to let Nicky go,
realise the grass isn't greener,
and then he's going to come
crawling back,
just like Dad.
Why aren't you wearing your ring?
The patriarchy?
No, no way, I'm not
I'm not falling for that again.
It's not the patriarchy, it's just
a ring that you have to wear
that says you're mine
forever and ever.
I think it's best if I come today.
Give you some support
as your fiance and
And you know about my
abandonment issues.
It's just it's family only.
I am family.
Wow, did you shave your legs?
My nan is dead, Seb!
Oh, Billie, you look so feminine.
I really wish you'd have more
respect for the dead, Josie.
You know, I can't believe your car's
still at the MOT, Deb.
Still the problem with the wheels?
Eryes. Yeah.
What is the issue?
Um Uh
They've exploded. Ah.
Bye, darling! Josie loves you!
Perhaps I could just pop in?
You just wouldn't like it.
It's a closed funeral,
very intimate.
Blood relatives only.
She's your mother-in-law. Yeah.
I just think it's best
if you weren't there, OK?
It's been hard for the girls,
what with all they've gone through.
Death is difficult for us.
I thought you of all people would
understand that.
I'm sorry, how selfish of me.
You're just looking
out for the girls.
I did wonder, actually,
if you all fancied joining me for
lunch at my house later?
A little wake, of sorts.
It really helped after
Lisa's funeral. We'd love to.
Right. Well, I'll just be in the pub
round the corner, then.
Oh, and, Deb, will you let me know
when this is finished?
There's something else
I'd like to do today.
WHISPERS: Just us.
Sounds delightful.
If that's OK with the girls.
You're such a good mother, Deb.
I am a good mother.
Why can't he come to the funeral?
You know exactly why.
Because Dev and I have a connection
over both of us being bereaved,
and it would be nice if you didn't
try to ruin that by pointing out the
fact that it's built on lies.
Your dad is dead and that is the
last I will hear of it.
But he's not.
He's alive, he's in there.
I can't see him yet.
Wow. So she's definitely dead, then?
Were you suspicious?
I don't know.
I thought Dad might have set this
whole thing up so he could
see me again.
You think he staged Nan's death
to get to see you?
People do strange things for love.
Do you not think if he really
wanted to see you, he'd have texted?
Right, let's get in there
and show him how well we are doing.
If anybody asks, I am an incredible
mother and successful businesswoman
with absolutely no debt.
Josie is happy and engaged,
to a man with absolutely no mental
health issues,
and Billie
Billie's a virgin.
I'll lead with the Josie thing.
Bride to be.
Right, showtime!
Do you think there's space for me
in there too?
If you're going to kill yourself,
at least have the decency to
do it tomorrow.
It's hard to appear to be thriving
while you're threatening suicide.
So, is Nan in Heaven? I don't know.
Are we going to Heaven?
Probably not, no point,
we won't know anyone.
Where the fuck is he?
Well, I think that's everyone.
Thank you for gathering here to
DEEP VOICE: Where's Spencer?
Er, unfortunately,
he couldn't be here today.
What? What?
Did you want to say a few words?
Forgot my vintage Cartier bangle.
Yes, Mr Sugar, I will make that 4pm
What a prick. Who doesn't come
to their own mother's funeral?
I know,
we shaved my legs for nothing.
Do you think Mum's OK?
She'll deal with it in her own way.
Complete denial.
Where are you going? I was wrong.
Men don't come crawling back.
We have to crawl to them.
I'm going to find Nicky.
lunch for the girls at Dev's house!
We'll be living there next.
I wonder what else he's
got in mind for me today?
Maybe he'll propose!
This is where Lisa was laid to rest.
I know you have trouble getting over
the death of your husband.
I struggle too,
but by bringing you here,
I know that Lisa is at peace
with me moving on.
Lisa, I want you to meet Deb.
She's wonderful, just like you.
It's all right.
I feel emotional too.
She's younger than me.
Missed you.
How did your speech go?
He wasn't even there.
I don't know why I'm surprised.
All men let us down.
Well, I'm still here.
Whywhy don't you say it to me?
Pretend I'm him.
Tell me how you feel.
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know how I'd say it,
it feels stupid.
It's not stupid.
He wasn't nice to you.
He wasn't, was he? No.
You've had one of the worst
childhoods I've ever heard about.
Really? Yeah.
It was really traumatic for you.
It was, wasn't it?
Does that make me
Very special.
Look at this massive house.
Dev's a fresh start.
He represents the new, none of that
old baggage from the past.
That's why I love him.
Where did he take you today?
His dead wife's grave.
Heated floors.
I kept some of Lisa's things,
I didn't know what to do with them.
Mm. I'd feel the same
way about Josie.
Except I won't have to cos
..when she dies,
I'll make sure I kill myself.
I'm going to check on my tagine.
Come along, Seb.
Look at all these fancy products.
I always think they'd be so
delicious, but I know you're not
supposed to eat them.
The things I'd do to you.
You look different, Seb.
I've done it.
It. I've done it, me and Josie.
And you know what?
I think we're going to do it again.
Oh, that's fantastic news!
Do you see what I mean?
We show these women no fear.
Are you all right?
I just, er, feel a bit nervous
about having the girls round.
But Deb's just been
so good at helping me move on.
Ooh, look at me, I'm Lisa.
I wear North Face jackets
and I go outside!
Ooh, I'm Lisa and I'm dead!
Good one, Mum.
What a treat this all is!
It is an honour to be here.
And can I just say,
this coo-coo is delicious.
Orange juice is a bit strong.
It's so wonderful having
you all here.
This house can get
so lonely sometimes.
There's something
I want to ask you, Deb.
But I really want Billie to be here.
Is she going to be here soon?
She's on her way. Hmm.
How was she after the funeral?
I know she had a tough time
after her father.
She's fine.
I'm so proud of her.
She's done such a good
job of moving on after Nicky.
Look at us girls.
Such strong, independent women.
You are strong, independent women,
and this one's mine.
Forever and ever.
Till death do us part.
I'm sorry you had to see this.
I swear to God, Josie.
Don't fuck this up for me.
Where the fuck is your sister?
Probably halfway to Manchester now.
You what?
She wants to be with Nicky.
She wants to hand out topless
shots at Billie Bar.
She's a romantic. Nicky couldn't
give a shit whether she lives
or dies.
People do strange things for love.
Yeah, not me.
You told the man downstairs that Dad
died choking on a chicken goujon.
That's different.
Dev's coming through for me.
He's like a 2p machine
on Brighton Pier.
If I keep putting in coins,
he's going to pay out, I know it.
Cos I don't think he's
paid for a single thing, not once.
Josie, look where we are.
We are in the massive house.
We are so close now.
He's about to ask us to move in.
He's got heated floors.
But what about Billie?
What about her?
She can make her own choices.
She's not my responsibility.
Is she all right up there?
Just a runny tummy.
You're such a good mother, Deb.
That's what I love about you,
always there for your girls,
whenever they need you.
A mother,
alongside them
every step of the journey.
Road trip!
Quite thrilling, isn't it!
You know, the last time I was
in Manchester it was with Lis
Never mind.
It's all very exciting.
My James Bond.
Billie Bar?
Bianca Bar.
You know I get
nose bleeds when I get carsick.
I'm dangerously anaemic.
A single journey like this
could end me.
But, you know,
anything for my future wife.
Hello? She's answered! Billie,
we know you're in Manchester.
We're coming to stop you making the
biggest mistake of your life.
Yeah, and it was my idea.
Oh, no, I didn't leave.
Right, I've got to go. I'll talk to
you later, I'm a bit busy.
Of course she didn't really go.
This is your fault, Josie.
What a waste of poor Dev's
lovely lunch.
What was that question you were
going to ask me, Dev?
Is now a good moment?
Oh. Er, OK.
erm, it would mean an awful lot to
me if, um, you
andand the girls,
would consider
It's OK, you can say it.
Well, Deb, will you
..take me to Spencer's grave?
of course.
I will take you to his grave.
I'd love that.
Ah, OK, well, um,
I'll go and fill her up, then.
I'll get my card.
No, no, no, don't worry.
I'll get this.
We're the same, you and me.
Both natural blondes.
Fuck this! Let's go and tell that
prick exactly how we feel about him.
Perfect Pussy Club.
Perfect Pussy Club.
And he's going in.
And he's walking to the till.
He's getting his wallet out,
he's removing his card.
Andhe's paid!
I know it feels small, but that man
in there is paying for petrol
and at this point, he might as well
be cutting me a fucking key!
Please don't make me marry Seb.
I'm not making you do anything.
All I've ever wanted
is for you to be happy.
But the kind of happiness you
want doesn't exist,
so why don't you do the right thing
and love with less of your heart?
Trust me.
When you're married, you'll be
the happiest you've ever felt.
Really? Yes, absolutely.
Is that how you felt about Dad,
Where the fuck am I going to find
a grave with your father's
fucking name on?
There he is.
The love of your life.
We need to go.
Right now.
But Seb's not back in the car yet!
Do you really want me
to be happy, Mum?
Of course.
Then drive.
All right, Dev, let's go.
For God's sake, Seb, she's gay!
Wait. JOSIE: I am?
Yes. You're gay.
I mean, I prefer queer as it
encompasses my gender
Don't push it! You're gay.
For now.
No, Nicky.
Actually, we're here to tell you
some home truths.
We're sick of being
treated like this.
Yeah, you've led us both on.
We're done. You lied.
You cheated. You're a narcissist.
You treated us the exact same.
And do you know what?
You can have this necklace back.
What? And these.
Don't want them.
You can have them back too.
I'll have them.
And I've deleted all
the photos from Italy.
We're leaving you.
Fuck you, Nicky.
Fuck you, Italy.
I can't believe Dad didn't come.
I know.
I really expected
more from a man who said
he was popping out for teabags ten
years ago and never came back.
I knew it, really
..about Nicky.
Do other women do what
we do for love?
Yep. And if they say they don't,
they're lying.
He never loved me really, did he?
Sorry, do you mean Nicky or Dad?
I'm not sure.
I thought you said his name
was Spencer.
Yeah, but everyone called him
Fun little nickname.
An old soul.
He was 87 when he passed away.
Yeah. Young at heart.
Young at heart, though.
Love knows no age, Dev.
Well, er, Clarence-Spencer-Dad,
thank you for the many,
many memories that we have.
I hope I have your blessing to
move on to this incredible man.
He goes above and beyond.
He paid for petrol, he
He's just lovely.
Oh! Oh, I think he's, er
I think he's speaking to me.
Yes, it's almost like he's saying
"You have my blessing." How sweet!
Would either of you like to
say a few words?
Actually, yeah, I
I fucking do. He's fucking dead.
Yes, isn't he, Billie? Good girl.
You were a right fucking prick
and I'm glad you're dead,
you fucking freak.
Wherever you are,
I hope you never fucking come back!
We all grieve in different ways.
You're such a good mother, Deb.
Right, well, now I've got
Clarence's blessing,
shall we head back to yours, Dev?
I think I might need a little
bit more time.
And, speaking of which, I just
wanted to let you know,
there's absolutely no rush on
anything but, erm
..when you're ready,
perhaps you would just transfer me
that £30 for petrol.
Go on, what do you want to
say to him, then?
You're the artist,
I bet it's really good.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
I hope it was worth it.
I forgot to ask,
how was the funeral?
It was a lovely ceremony.
Was it?
STERNLY: It was a lovely ceremony.
How was the pub?
Oh, it was OK.
I met a really interesting
man in there.
He was too scared to
go into the church.
Imagine that?
Going to a funeral,
getting all the way to the doors,
and being afraid to go inside?!
Did he say why?
Yeah. He was scared
of seeing his kids.
People are odd, aren't they?
I'm going to see if your mum needs
a hand in the kitchen.
He was scared of us.
Are we scary?
I think we might be a bit, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
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