Suicide Squad Isekai (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

What the hell?
Who are those assholes?
Hey! Don't jump the gun
Hey, dipshits.
You mess with the peace
and you mess with me!
A bunch of uncouth clowns, I see.
Your lack of intelligence
is evident not only from
how you look, but how you act.
First a friggin' dragon
and now we've gotta deal
with a witch and a mad scientist?
This place really has it all.
So you know about me?
Nope, not a damn thing.
But what else could you be?
Anybody wearing that getup
has to be a mad scientist.
Whatchu want?
Seems pretty obvious that you're
another one of the Empire's flunkies.
You here to get even with us
for your little rodent friend?
Ah, you must mean Ratcatcher.
I couldn't care less
about a nobody like him.
Your fort has already fallen.
I don't see any point
in us fighting each other here.
Why don't you cut the bullshit?
I'm gonna end you.
After seeing that guns won't work,
you charge in with brute force.
Then follow it up with
A surprise attack by a shape-shifter.
How painfully obvious.
Beautiful, wouldn't you say?
Even the most incompetent clods
can become useful soldiers
if you link their brains together.
Here he comes.
Open fire!
Stupid musclehead!
Enough already! Stop!
Hey, finhead!
Let him have it, bro!
Take this!
You hungry
for another knuckle sandwich?
They just keep coming!
This is why I hate smarmy eggheads!
They're all talk
'cuz they can't do shit!
Oh? Are you sure
you want to provoke me?
What now?
How could you do something
so mean, Daddy?
Why did you let me die?
Guys! Snap out of it!
Still think I'm all talk
and no action?
What are you doing?
Quit making them suffer.
I thought you liked
to keep things classy.
Wise men such as I have a duty to
educate and discipline the foolish.
I suppose it was also
a wise man who once said
"There is no cure for stupidity."
Give up and walk away.
Then you can
Don't act like
you're the goddamn boss around here!
You're just another ass-kisser
for the Empire!
It's a temporary alliance.
I don't care for A.R.G.U.S.,
but I don't like the Empire, either.
You're doing their dirty work
when you don't even like them?
Just moving from one scumbag
to another, huh?
I hate people like you
with a passion.
You know nothing about me!
What's the problem, honey?
You came all this way
to a new world, didn'tcha?
Get your act together, Harley.
Go out there and paint the town red.
It'd be a huge buzzkill
if you died here.
Both for you and me.
Hey, did you hear what I said?
Back off. Do it right now!
You want to get
your head blown off or what?
Oh please, Mr. Flag.
You're only proving yourself
to be another one of these idiots.
If that was even remotely possible
then you would have triggered
all of our bombs
when we first got separated
a few months back.
Actually, one could argue that
now is even a better time to use it.
Am I wrong?
Look, my orders are
to catch you alive if possible.
You wanna test me?
You guys are still screwing around?
Very well, then.
We've wiped out your fortress.
An average human like you is helpless
at this point
even with a psychotic lady
and shark man on your side.
So feel free to rack
those brainless heads of yours.
It should prove entertaining,
if nothing else.
So, what happened?
This has to be a joke.
Are you and Nanaue
really the only ones left?
They're all
They're all dead!
You've totally nailed
the lamenting sobs
but you've got the pose all wrong.
A scene like this either calls for
a head in your lap
or a hug, obviously.
Divine intervention or whatever.
The bullets stopped for some reason.
The impact did knock me out, though.
What happened?
You got shot.
I thought you were dead for sure.
Did you rig your gun or something?
Hell no.
I heard the news.
Talk about a miserable defeat.
Sorry. They outclassed all of us.
How does that work?
I thought having all those
dirty weapons
made you guys practically invincible.
No wisecracks to reply with, huh?
Oh no! This is a disaster!
What's with those elves?
How does he lead them like that?
Such great power!
Not even our knights
can use magic like that
What are you panicking for?
Y-Your Majesty!
Nobody here is panicking, I swear
There is no denying
that we lost our fort in this battle.
But what else did we lose?
Nothing but some lowly prisoners.
What is there to fuss about?
Yes, you're absolutely right.
If our knights had simply
been in charge
of the fort from the very beginning
then this wouldn't have turned
into such a mess.
So the blame for the loss of our fort
falls entirely on whoever
let the prisoners out.
Hang them all.
Relying on those strange people
was a mistake.
Please wait!
Executing them won't do anything
to improve our situation
It will keep our military in line.
And it will send an important message
once again to the populace
that we must protect the kingdom
with our own hands.
Y-Yes, exactly!
These people were going around
claiming that their victory
was all but assured!
That's right! And look
at how badly they were defeated!
It's clear they're nothing
but reckless and incompetent!
Where are they now?
They're being kept in the dungeon.
That's just ridiculous.
It's true that we relied
on their powers a little too much.
But executing them
won't change anything.
My mother once told me something.
She said that
ending the war
is the duty of royalty.
But I can't shake the feeling
that my mother
willingly let her anger towards those
people cloud her judgment earlier.
I'm not sure
whether I can trust
my mother anymore.
What are your personal feelings
towards them?
The otherworlders.
I cannot read Her Majesty's mind.
Nor can I fully understand
the concerns about her
that plague your heart.
However, it's clear to me you have
some attachment to those people.
Please tell me what you think.
Well, I
I don't know.
But perhaps I am driven
to want to believe in them.
I may have grown attached
to them myself.
I have an idea.
Let's escape and go kick their asses.
It's our fault they're out there
sowing all sorts of chaos
in this world.
Whaddya mean "our"?
You and A.R.G.U.S. are to blame.
Keep it straight.
And just look
at how things panned out
after they sent us
to clean up your mess.
Talk about a huge miscast.
Sorry, but I can't feed you.
Mommy's stuck in here right now.
Unfortunately, I can't use my powers.
How about we have Arthur
bust us out instead?
That puny little thing?
Well, it's a better option
than barnacle-butt over here.
He's in a funk.
Me lost
You should keep your voices down
if you're gonna plan a prison break.
Get out.
Are they sending us
to the guillotines or what?
They will if you stick around here
much longer.
What do you mean?
You need to leave
and fight the Empire again
to prove you're worth keeping around.
The Queen intends
to have you all executed.
You have to convince her otherwise.
So what? This is your way
of saving our lives?
By forcing us
to fight those bastards again?
Well, I'd like to see you try
and beat 'em first.
'Cuz I already know
you'll get your ass handed to you.
- What the hell
- You all fought admirably.
Although you relied on unfair weapons
and unfair strategies
it doesn't change
the fact you risked your lives
for a kingdom
that you owe nothing to.
It would be wrong to execute you.
My fiancee lost her life to this war.
What about you?
Any family or loved ones?
Aren't there people
waiting for you to come home?
I never figured
you guys were such chickenshits.
The Thinker pried into your heads,
didn't he?
That's his power.
And now you have cold feet
because you got spooked
by his mind games, right?
- As if!
- Please keep your voices down.
So, you're in on this too?
Cecil, we're running out of time.
I can't keep fooling
the soldiers forever.
What do you say?
Do this.
Listen up.
All these shark teeth you've got?
What are you doing?
I was trying to prove a point
by yanking a tooth out
and telling him that sharks
can regrow their teeth!
So he should regrow
his damn balls, too!
Oh? That's a pretty clever line.
Let me try.
Did you know?
These teeth of yours
can grow back infinitely,
like a phoenix rising from the
That hurt.
Say what?
That hurt!
W-Wait! No!
Somebody help!
- I didn't mean it!
- Hey, keep it down!
Go right. Head for the side door
on the right.
Are you sure you want to do this?
I don't know, but
How's your little brother,
Knoll, doing?
Is he feeling all right now?
More or less.
But they hiked the prices up
on bread again.
When's the war going to end?
I don't know.
Well, the soldiers must be
stuffing their faces, right?
There are dedicated staff
who cater food to them, apparently.
They follow the soldiers
to their camp
so they can prepare
their meals at any time.
Their camp, huh?
At the military camp?
Yeah. Some poor kid
was mistaken for an enemy soldier
when he snuck in to grab food.
That's awful.
How can anyone expect the children
to understand the war?
Go away!
Get lost!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry!
You're the one who told him
about the soldiers' camp, aren't you?
This is your fault.
That boy wouldn't have died
if you had just behaved properly
like a member
of the royal family should.
Don't visit the city
without permission ever again.
Just do exactly as I say.
Then we won't have any more mistakes.
It was because I made a mistake
It's easy to just do what I'm told.
But I'm not sure
that's the right choice.
Oh yeah?
It feels wrong to act the same
as I did in the past.
So that's why.
Was this really
the right thing to do?
Have I made another mistake?
Be that as it may
my duty remains to stay by your side
and support you.
Hurry! Sounds like they've already
caught on to our escape.
This is my time to shine.
I've actually played
a coach driver once before.
And not just some extra
in the background
it was a challenging role
that required me
to smile directly at the heroine!
Are you guys listening?
What's our plan
to beat those jerk-offs?
I just finished
formulating a strategy.
You've been thinking about it
this whole time?
You really are a nutjob.
The nutjobs are
the ones we're fighting.
Especially that scientist
who sabotaged my peace
I'm wasting his ass first!
I took a peek into your mind.
You need to visit this gate regularly
to pick up a signal
for your bombs, right?
I do hope that your inferior
attempts to outthink me
will at least provide some amusement.
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