Survive (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Don't Look Down

[intense music]
[intense music continues]
- Sorry.
- It's OK. It's water under the bridge.
- You're not an asshole.
- Yeah. Well, I've built up
some goodwill 'cause
you're really not gonna like
this next part.
- What do you mean?
- We have to climb down.
- No, I'm not
No, that's completely impossible.
- You know, that's funny,
for someone who really wanted to die
here she goes.
- I'm here, aren't I?
- PAUL: We got to get down the valley,
all right? That's the goal.
Otherwise we freeze to death.
We're just gonna go
side to side and down, OK?
That's it. Just follow me.
- Ah I'm not I'm not climbing down.
- Jesus! No one's coming to get us,
all right?
What do you expect?
Some Christmas miracle?
- I don't believe in Christmas.
- Why not?
- Atheist.
- [scoffs] Well, you know what?
I'm gonna tell you one thing
you can believe in.
It's just me and you up here.
Let's keep going.
[intense music]
[both panting]
Just follow me.
Here. Here.
Stay as close as you can.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Jane grunts]
- Watch your feet.
[both panting]
- Jane! Jane!
I got you. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
I got you. You OK?
- Yeah.
- OK. OK. Come on.
- Yeah.
[breathing heavily]
[Jane grunts]
You OK?
- Yeah.
[breathing heavily]
- Ah
Don't look down.
Don't look down.
[breathing heavily]
Watch your feet here.
Watch your step.
We're gonna have to swing around.
There's nowhere else to go.
- I can't.
- Jane, yes, you can.
- No, I can't.
- We're gonna have to swing it.
We can't go back up.
- I can't. I can't.
- We can't go back up!
Look at me. Jane. Jane.
Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Look at me. I got you, OK?
I got you.
You can do it. You can do it.
I got you.
[breathing heavily]
Just give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
There you go!
It's OK. It's OK.
[Jane breathing heavily]
You're OK.
- What?
- Shit, shit, shit!
- What?
- There's no more cliff.
We can't go any further.
- There's a There's a solution, right?
[both breathing heavily]
[crow cawing]
- You're not gonna like it.
- What?
[both breathing heavily]
- Trust me?
You got to follow me.
- Paul!
Are you OK?
Paul, talk to me!
- PAUL: Jane!
I'm OK! I made it!
Jane! You have to jump!
You have to jump!
[breathing heavily]
Jane! Jump!
Jump to the tree!
- OK.
[Jane grunts]
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