Swagger (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

All on the Line

1 Aight, I'ma walk from here.
Me too.
I'm gonna Lyft.
I'm rolling with you, right? - Yeah.
- All right.
Hey, wait.
- All right, Mus.
We out.
- All right.
Two first responders have tested positive for the virus: a police officer, and a member of the Baltimore Fire Department.
As of right now, we feel that there's nothing to worry about.
Hey, boys.
in quarantine and are well cared for.
Our departments are confident that Hey, Mom.
Hey, Dad.
Hi, Mr.
and Mrs.
Hi, Phil.
Drew, what happened to your face? Ah, i-it's nothing.
It's just, um - Got a little rough in practice tonight.
- Yeah.
Phil caught you with one of his legendary swinging elbows, huh? Yeah, I got him pretty good.
But, um, I hope it's okay if I-I-I stay the night again.
Your parents are fine with it? Uh, yeah.
My dad's working late tonight, but he wants to try to call you in the morning.
You're welcome.
Let me get ice for your - Thank you.
- cheek.
Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious di Hey, man.
You okay? No, man, I I I'm not.
What did your parents say? I told them we were playing two on two on the blacktop by Jace's house and I jus I I caught Phil's elbow.
Man, why does it always have to be me? What the hell do we do? I'm kinda freaking out right now.
Yeah, I know.
Me too.
It's gonna be fine.
How do you know? Someone easily could have seen it.
I gotta get outta here.
Wait, Musa, come on.
No, man.
I can't talk.
- Bro, where you going? - Bro.
What does he mean, he's gotta get outta here? He's probably just nervous.
I mean, we all are.
Why did you hit that man like that? It looked like you were never gonna stop.
I didn't want his ass to get up.
Ever? He was hurting one of Jace's friends.
I mean, that's all I know.
And we a family, right? Yeah.
So, we had to have his back.
But who the hell was that? I heard ol' boy got molly whopped for cheating with his side piece.
He was on the ground begging for his life.
I heard they all had on masks.
Maybe they didn't want him to get the coronavirus.
Who y'all talking about? Warrick, your coach.
I thought you heard.
- Wait, what? - Yeah, girl.
I can't believe they took down a whole-ass coach.
He's a legend.
Three of his former players made it to the WNBA.
For real.
They beat him so bad, they gave a new meaning to bent out of shape.
You okay? Yeah.
I'm good.
Yo, Jace.
Wait up.
You hear about the attack? - I might've.
- You might have what? Look, I gotta get to class.
Jace, do you know something about this? Look, I did it.
Coach Warrick.
I handled him.
Who else was there? It doesn't matter.
It does matter.
I told you not to say anything.
And I said I wouldn't say anything.
I didn't say I wouldn't do anything.
Ike! Hey, uh, Lewis is running a little bit late.
I'ma need you back on the floor until he gets in.
It's not really my problem, Sheila.
I got a game to get to.
Well, it is now.
Isaac, this is not a request.
Like that? You'll get overtime.
Your friend still coming to my Holly Ann color consultation tomorrow? Yeah, she's coming.
And she's bringing her daughter.
- I'll make sure they're on time.
- You know the deal.
The district manager is gonna be there, and this will be the biggest class I've ever done.
Girl, you moving up.
And you walking fast as hell.
I gotta get to my son's game.
He's got some prep school coaches coming to watch him ball out.
- Hey y'all.
- Hey.
Let's see.
- Thank you.
- Here you go.
- Tyrone, your facial kit.
- Yes.
Right on time.
- Jasmine, here's yours.
- Thank you.
- Titi, here's your order.
- Thanks.
Okay, I gotta run.
I'll see you later, girls.
All right, bye.
Man, where is he? I don't know.
Fellas, bring it in.
Yo, listen up.
I need y'all's focus.
All right? Yes, sir.
Coach Ike got held up at work, but he'll be here in a few, so just make sure you're on point, all right? Musa's on a plane to California with his mom.
His grandfather's in the hospital.
They're going out to help his grandmother.
Is the grandfather gonna be all right? Inshallah.
He will.
He's got the coronavirus.
When is Musa coming back? We're not sure.
But in terms of this game, Jace, Nick, you're splitting point guard duty today.
One more thing.
Police are investigating, uh, an attack on Coach Warrick.
He coaches girls basketball.
Now, if any of you hear anything that can aid in that investigation, I need you to tell me, or Coach Ike, or Coach Meg.
Clear? Yes, Coach.
All right.
All right.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's get it.
Be ready in three.
What the hell are you doing? Studying Vince's tendencies.
Okay, but why? I learn different from everybody else.
So, it's easy for me to memorize things.
I know one of your tendencies too.
Oh, yeah? What is it? Anytime you go one-on-one from the left, cross over twice and then attack the lane, or do a step-back three.
- I do? Damn.
- Yeah.
Maybe I need to add to my bag.
I'm not trying to go to jail, man.
We're good.
Aight? - Just act normal.
- You ready to tell us what this is about? Hey, we hoopin' today, or you gonna stand around talking shit? Hey man, I know we got off on the wrong foot.
That's my bad.
You like comic books? Yeah, I guess so.
And just so we're clear, I'm Batman.
Play your role, Robin.
I'm just now leaving.
I'll be there as quick as I can.
This sucks.
Who are you telling? You know what else sucks? Ever since Royale's dad's been helping out Nick and his mom, we're on our own with a few other outstanding bills.
Bills? What bills? Upcoming tournament fees.
We still owe money on our uniforms.
Might have to defer our salaries for the week.
That's fine.
Looks like you're not the only one running late.
- Sup? - How you doing, my man? There's hardly anyone here.
They're just waiting for me to make my grand entrance.
Glad you cleared that up.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How are you? - I'm good, thank you.
So, I'm planning on taking Hope Hill Academy to elite status.
From what I hear, your son could really help us out.
But we both know Westgate Prep, perfect fit for Jace.
Gentlemen, my son and I have the highest respect for both programs.
I look forward to future conversations.
- Sure.
- We supposed to hit elbows now.
Yo, this is crazy.
He got it too? Let me see.
That's my boy.
Good job.
Let's hustle.
Here! Move! Move! Come on, y'all, look alive! That's right.
Here we go.
Whoo! Nicolás! Bro, give me the ball.
Give me the ball.
Give me it.
Slow it down! Slow it down! Yo, take it all the way! Damn.
You can't dream of having hops like that.
Come on, Drew! Where the hell is our heads at? Come on! Lock in! Aha! Whoo! Offensive foul.
Yo! Ref! Royale, Sidney.
Ricky, get in.
Let's go.
Show up! Drew! Phil! Jace! Yeah! Whoo! Ah! Dropping dimes, son! Good finish, Nick! You and me both.
So glad you could join us today, Coach.
Was that the new offense you were telling me about? New offense doesn't account for three of our starters having off games and us not having our point guard.
It's your job to account for that.
So, I account for Jace missing dunks? Before your offense, he hadn't missed a dunk since he was 12.
I just need everyone to trust the process.
It's gonna take a little time to jell.
About how much time you talking about? A little.
Search online and see if you can find anything about him having some problems with some teammates or his father who had coached him.
Ma, are you serious? I heard some stuff.
Look, if you can spend all your free time digging up everything there is to know about Solange and Drake, you can do this for me.
We got the win, but that ain't how we play.
It was sloppy as hell, undisciplined, and unfocused.
Some of y'all played with heart.
Some of y'all just didn't show up.
And that can't happen.
Nick, take us out today.
- Hard work on three.
- Hard work! You three.
Y'all wanna tell me what the hell is going on? We just had an off game.
It happens, Coach.
Nothing just happens.
Not like that.
You tell us to show up, but you show up late.
That was my boss's decision, not mine.
Y'all made the decision to not give a damn about what happened on the court.
And the decisions you make come with consequences.
If you decide to keep playing that way, get used to riding the bench.
You got me? My mom's waiting outside, Coach.
Can I go? Y'all get home safe.
I think that new offense took you off your game and rhythm tonight.
You only scored nine points.
I can't remember the last time you scored single digits.
I mean, you have no idea who was there tonight.
We don't have to talk about it right now.
Can we get wings or something? Sure, baby.
It's devastating.
It really is.
But due to his injuries, Coach Warrick will not be with us for several weeks.
Vida's mother, Gloria, who played college ball, is gonna be stepping in to take over his duties until he returns.
It's only temporary, ladies.
I know this is difficult news for all of us.
But we cannot let it get in the way of the progress that we've made.
Coach Warrick would want all of you to keep going.
Rise above this.
Russell, may I lead a prayer for Coach? Absolutely.
Holy Father, we come to you with heavy hearts and pure souls.
We ask that you protect Coach Warrick and grant him a full recovery.
We ask that you bring the people who harmed him to justice.
In your name, we pray.
After every practice the only one out of the locker room faster than me was you.
I thought I was the only one.
But I saw the way he looked at you, the way he hyped you up.
That's how he treated me when I first joined the team.
He promised me South Carolina.
For me, it was Maryland.
He told me I was the best player to join the team in ten years.
Me too.
And the car rides were the worst, right? The first time, I thought he was really trying to get me a new pair of shoes.
I mean, I had been wearing the same sneakers for months.
And he noticed.
When we first got to Footaction, he told me I could get any pair of kicks I wanted.
I picked the Kyrie 5's with pink and purple laces for good luck.
He even threw in a pair of socks.
He drove me home and then I didn't know what to do.
He t He told me I was so special.
And no other player was on my level.
I guessed I believed him.
I know I shouldn't feel like this, but I'm glad someone beat his ass.
Yo, what the hell.
You can't answer my texts, bro? You just dip out on us when things get hard, huh? Look, y'all, I My, uh, my my grandfather's sick.
- Is that the real reason you left? - Yo.
It's his grandfather.
And it doesn't even matter.
Hey, how's he doing? They got him on a ventilator.
You know, I I don't know why we did that.
I've never been in a fight in my entire life.
He's not a good guy.
Well, I don't believe in violence at all.
And not to mention, we beat down another brother.
What if we get arrested? What happens then? That would ruin our chances of going to a good school.
That could possibly ruin our shot at D1.
Hey, Warrick's Crystal's coach, right? What did he do to her? Can't talk about it.
You tellin' me you put all our asses on the line for some girl and you can't talk about it? She is not just some girl! Then what are we supposed to do, huh? Just sit here and wait for this to come back on us? If we get busted, I'll take the heat.
I'll tell the cops I made us do it.
I mean, I did throw the most punches.
No, you're already been taking too much heat at home.
- What are y'all talking about? - They need to know.
Phil he's got some bruises.
So do I.
I don't think Phil's are from basketball.
- You aight? - Come on, y'all.
Haven't you ever been whooped before? I'm fine.
Nah, Phil.
Look, man, it's it's just us, okay? You can be real.
My dad's cool and all, but you know, sometimes he goes too far.
I-I don't know.
Musa, you've never been in a fight before, but I feel like my whole life's a fight.
We got you.
Aight? None of y'all are taking the heat for anything.
If we get caught, it was my plan.
All we gotta do is act normal.
We don't even talk.
We don't even comment on the situation.
Aight, this stays between us.
Aight? Hey, we family, right? - Family.
- Family.
You know, most people would schedule a meeting before just showing up.
I would assume so.
- After you.
- Thank you.
Water? Sure.
So, what can I do for you? You made a play to get Nick back on the Dominion Ballers.
Sorry that didn't work out for you.
Yeah, you seem really broken up about it.
How'd you do it? Honestly, uh Come out of pocket? - I don't know what you mean.
- I mean, I know his family isn't rich, and I know they need a place to rest their heads.
Alonzo, he's with us now.
Deal with it.
Perhaps we can talk about the win-win situation we find ourselves in.
You sound very sure of yourself.
So, question: how long do you think Jace Carson will stick around playing Pippen to Nick's MJ? Long enough for us to dominate the DMV.
We take on the Dominion Ballers next week.
You're gonna wanna be on the winning side of that slaughter.
I have five teams and five locales for this launch.
The Dominion Ballers is Gladiator's team for the DMV.
So, switching area allegiance mid-season? It's not a good corporate look for us.
But backing a loser is? Okay.
Real talk? - Please.
- I would love to sponsor Swagger.
But if a kid, a Black kid, isn't practically flawless, it doesn't check off all of the boxes that I need to make it work.
I mean, it's it's not right, but that's the corporate-ass structure that I work in.
My kids get A's and B's.
They don't do drugs.
You don't want kids that have tattoos.
How much more choirboy do you need them to be? Your head coach got into a altercation with another coach.
And, uh, Jace Carson apparently attacked a player during a game.
Attacked? It's in the scouting report.
I'm sorry.
You are.
The NBA is going to announce that they're suspending the season.
- What? - Yeah.
We got tipped off.
And there's a strong chance that the youth teams will follow suit.
So, if that happens, will you guys be able to stay afloat? What do you care? You just have to ask yourself, if you guys go under, will that be fair to Nick and the other players? When the Step Queens hit the stage You know we 'bout to go off So sit back, relax, and watch us go hard If you Go Go.
Go hard.
If you - Come on, Jack.
You gotta get this.
- You will.
Mom, you don't understand.
If I don't come tight, I might not get to do another solo.
So come tight then.
But just know if you don't get the solo, it's not the end of the world.
Mom, everyone is gonna be there.
I mean, we're competing against top teams, and the next competition is four months away.
I I gotta show up for this one.
You got it.
Just keep going.
Here, let's do it together.
- Okay.
You ready? - Mm-hmm.
Five, six, seven, eight.
When the Step Queens hit the stage You know we 'bout to go off So sit back, relax, and watch - Left, right.
- Okay, wait.
Okay, come Can we do it again, but faster this time? eight.
When the Step Queens hit the stage You know we 'bout to go off So sit back, relax And watch us go hard Girl, you get this from your mama.
At one time I thought I could be a dancer or something.
Wait, really? I met your dad dancing at a party.
He was doing this little tired two-step, and I was doing my dance in the middle of the floor and had everyone watching me.
I guess he felt brave that night, 'cause he came up and he asked if he could join me.
And we danced for a long time.
And then what happened? Don't matter.
Come on, let's get this move down, baby.
Uh, so the stomp, stomp, clap, clap? - Okay.
- Okay, ready? Five, six, seven, eight.
So watch us go hard - Show us your moves, Jace.
- Hmm? - Show us your moves.
- Mom.
- So watch us go hard.
- Mmm.
- Come on.
- Six, seven, eight.
Boy, you need to stick to basketball.
Come on, girl.
Show us how it's done once more.
It was Armageddon at that supermarket.
Yeah, but 24 rolls of toilet paper, baby? I would've got 50, but they sold out.
I'll go to another market, get some more supplies tonight.
- Tonight? - It's not like we got plans.
Do not even try.
You know tonight is the step show.
- Babe.
- Don't give me that.
Don't give me that.
My line sister coached one of the teams, and it's the championships.
It'll be fun.
Just Ooh.
Ooh! Can I help you? Yeah, I'm looking for my son.
Um, excuse me? I'm Phil's father.
Oh, you're Mr.
Marksby? I always see you on the team emails, but I was wondering when I'd see you at one of our games.
I either pay your dues by going to work or come to games.
I'd love to do both.
But all of us don't got that choice, now do we? Mr.
I'm Tonya, Ike's wife.
Good to meet you.
Come in.
It's okay.
You know where my son is? Naw.
Has Phil's mother seen or heard from him? His mom doesn't stay around here.
Phil said he was staying with a teammate.
I thought you might know something.
No, I don't.
Um, he was at our game, I can tell you that.
Well, how'd he seem? He's fine.
He's a strong player.
He always pulls through.
When's the last time you heard from him? Hmm.
Day before yesterday.
I know he came home the other night 'cause he ate my food and changed his clothes.
Listen, if-if you see him, just tell him he needs to call me, hmm? What was that? Meg told me that Phil's mom caught a drug charge a while back.
I think she's still locked up.
Does he talk about her? No.
Not to me.
Phil, where you at? Uh, h-hey, Coach.
Uh, I-I'm at Drew's house right now.
Does your father know that? Uh, Yeah, uh.
I just spoke to him a little while ago.
When, exactly? Um, uh, an hour or something.
Um, but, uh, look.
Look, uh, we're about to eat, uh, so I-I gotta go.
All right.
All right.
Go, you got it! Go, go, go, go! Let's go! You got it! Run, run, run! Go, go, go! Yes! That's my baby! That's my boy! I'm gonna be a wide receiver for Washington when I grow up.
Well, you did good out there today, Phil, but I mean, tackling is way too dangerous.
I ain't scared, Dad.
See the way I dipped on those fools? When I'm running like that, it feels like I'm flying.
Like I'm floating or something.
You are, baby.
You fly past all them haters.
We know you love it, but I mean, what if something were to happen to you? W what would we do? Um, Phil.
Is there anything you want to tell us? No.
Drew, will you go to your room so we can talk to Phil privately? - But Mom - Drew.
So, what's going on, man? Nothing.
Your father stopped by my place earlier.
He said he hadn't seen you.
You told us he was fine with you being here.
Why wouldn't you tell him you're here? Is there something going on? I d I don't know.
Look, we all just want to make sure you okay.
I didn't ask y'all to come over here.
All right.
All of this sitting has got my back hurting, and I need a walk.
Your father seems like a hard worker.
He works night shifts.
My dad used to work long hours too.
And then he'd come home, and he used to chop wood in our backyard.
I never understood why he chopped wood, because we never used our fireplace.
But almost every day, after work that's where he'd be.
And then one day I asked him why.
And And he told me he chopped wood because after working for a boss who treated him like garbage all day he had to do something.
He had to take his anger out on something.
He needed a productive way to release.
We all do, sometimes.
Basketball's really the only place I feel like I can truly let my guard down.
I feel free.
Like I can fly.
My moms used to love it when I'd say that.
I get that your mom's not around.
And I know that's not easy.
How do you feel about living with your dad? My mom's already locked up.
Do you feel safe with your dad? I mean My dad's just under a lot of pressure right now.
It's okay.
It's all right.
Come on.
If Phil won't tell us what's wrong, what can we do? He loves his father.
But something's off.
I could feel it.
And without any obvious signs of abuse, it's tough.
I could check in with my coworkers at CPS, see if there's a open case or a file on Mr.
Marksby, and go from there.
I missed it.
Don't be so hard on yourself, baby.
It's just Here I am thinking my kids are immature.
And they dealing with some grown-up shit.
They looking out for each other.
And maybe you having more of an impact on them than you think.
Besides, you are here now.
And that's gotta count for something.
You know what? Let's just forget it.
Let's just skip the step show and call it a night.
No, I think we need this.
Let's go.
- Yeah? - Oh, yeah.
Sup, Mus? What's up, man? Your grandfather okay? Uh, nah.
They, uh They don't think he's gonna make it.
Damn, man, I'm sorry.
But, uh, ha have y'all heard any more about the investigation? Nah.
Well, uh, my pops said the cops think Warrick was beat up by four angry fans who were pissed at him because he left his starters in a game.
They already crushed the other team by 40.
I mean, though they still can't prove it.
I don't know, Jace.
Maybe we'll be fine.
Think so.
I guess I'll, uh, talk to you later.
All right, man, I'll get with you.
All right, yo.
Hey, girl.
It's usually standing room only in here.
Didn't know you was into stepping, Coach.
- Oh.
- This baby's stepping already.
My sister's on one of the teams.
Um, look, Jace.
I know what you did.
You do? Phil hasn't been getting along with his pops, and you guys covered for him.
That's why your head wasn't right the last game.
Sometimes other things in life feel more important than basketball.
That okay? Yeah.
Yeah, it is.
Twenty-four-hour person, right, Coach? Right.
Look, I just got some news I haven't really had a chance to share.
This COVID stuff is It's gonna be ending our season for a while.
- For how long? - I don't know.
Maybe a few weeks.
Nobody really seems to know anything for sure.
But we should know more answers tomorrow.
It's Crystal Jarrett.
Sorry I missed your call, but why you callin' when you can be ballin'? Yo, Crys.
I'm at my sister's step show.
Everything just feels crazy right now.
Coach just said we're shutting down our season, and I just wanna say I'm sorry if I upset you for doing what I did.
If you don't wanna talk right now, I get it.
Just know I always got your back.
That's my baby.
Whoo! Show 'em what you workin' with! Jackie was supposed to be on 30 minutes ago.
I I gotta get to my color consultation.
Tell Jackie I love her, and I'm sorry, and I'll watch her performance on your phone.
Record it for me.
Come on, Mom.
There's only one team left, and then she gets on.
I can't.
The district manager will be there.
I can't keep her waiting.
Bye, babe.
Cheer good for me.
Come on! Five, six, seven, eight.
When the Step Queens hit the stage You know we 'bout to go off So sit back, relax And watch us go hard If you move your eyes You just might miss So hold on to your seats There is no defeat When it come to queens We cannot be beat What Whoo! Go get it, Jackie! Yeah! - Okay.
- Oh! All right.
Go get it, Jackie! Let's go! I heard about your grandfather.
Is he gonna be okay? Um, it's You know, doesn't look too good.
I'm sorry.
And I hope you don't mind me calling.
Nah, nah.
It's cool.
I just I mean, I don't know, I guess I'm a little surprised 'cause you kinda ghosted me after you went to my game.
What? No, I tried to say bye to you after that game.
Wh For real? I-I-I thought you just left.
I wouldn't do that.
I was waving from the stands.
I even yelled your name, but you were so in your feelings that you didn't look up.
Look, Tamika, I'm-I'm really sorry about that.
It's okay.
Are you a Cancer? Yeah, yeah.
Cancer pride.
What's up? You guys are moody.
W Wow.
All right.
But, I mean, you have a good reason to be right now.
My grandfather, he would always tell me, you know, "In life, make sure you live it to the fullest.
" So with that in mind I-I got a little surprise for you.
Really? Hey, Tamika Butterflies every time I see ya Lookin' at you Should be lookin' at the teacher But it's hard to focus when I see your pretty features Your smile, warm as the bay I'm tryin' to kick it with you, queen No, sensei You're so, so clean And your heart full of grace Girl, you a shootin' star And I want you in my space Yo, honestly? That was hella dope.
Yes! Yes.
Oh, my goodness.
You know, I'm glad you like it 'cause that took me forever.
As we are adjusting to the virus thing, I'll have to talk you through the demonstrations.
So, for the eye shadow, you wanna go from light to dark.
Like this.
Now you try.
How could you do that, Mom? Jackie, I'm sure this can wait.
So if it's not an issue with Jace, it can wait.
Is that it? It looks like you need your space.
Uh, n-no, it's fine.
My daughter was just going.
No, Jenna.
We're gonna end this.
Good night, ladies.
Thank you all for coming.
- All right.
- Mmm.
We'll continue this next week.
Look out for my email.
I can't believe you would embarrass me like that.
It's bad enough that most of my group canceled.
And then you come in here yelling like that? What's wrong with you? You promised me you would be there.
I was there.
Your show was late.
So? - Tonight was important to me, Jackie.
- Tonight was important to me, Mom.
All of my teammates had their parents there, cheering and and telling them how good they did.
Why not mine? Because I had to work.
I finally found a way to help pay for the clothes, the sneakers, the step show costumes, and all the things my little gas company job can't cover.
And for the first time, I'm doing something I love.
And you come in here and throw a temper tantrum.
Because you weren't there for me! But doing research for Jace's coach and making sure he has scouts at the game.
That is top priority, right? You would never leave Jace's game for a stupid-ass meeting.
You watch the way you talk to me, little girl.
I am the only one doing shit around here for you.
The only one.
Feels like the world is ending.
I know.
And we may not be able to come within six feet of each other.
That would be nice, actually.
You a fool.
So, you okay? Me? I wanna know if you're okay.
I, uh, talked to another teammate yesterday.
Turns out our asshole coach was messing with her too.
Are you serious? Yeah.
Well I'm glad you found someone to talk to.
It made me think.
Why'd you beat him up if you knew it could ruin everything for you? I just had to.

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