Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Episode 6
That man, Lee Soo Chang, is here in this prison serving a life sentence.
My name is Hyun Ki Sang.
I've requested this visitation.
Have we seen each other before?
I don't have any recollections of it.
Yes, you've probably forgotten it.
I have seen you before.
It was when you came to Jeju Island
as the project leader for the new highway.
Do you remember Kim Il Hwan?
At that time, he escaped from the infantry,
holding a woman as his hostage,
And you, Lee Soo Jung,
caught him and carted him away, that thug.
Those prisoners
have absolutely no relationship with me.
Let's go.
We are looking for Kim Il Hwan's
whereabouts right now.
If you know anything about him, please tell us.
What the hell? Let's go already.
Don't block the sunlight.
I don't have anything to say, so get lost.
People like Kim Il Hwan,
after being dragged out of Jeju,
what happened to him?
Please tell me.
What's your relationship with Kim Il Hwan?
He's my father.
I've never even seen his face.
That person he was holding hostage back then,
That was my mother.
No!! I beg you guys to stop!!
He didn't do anything wrong!!
I saw how pitiful he was,
so I just wanted to help him!!
Stop!! Please stop it.
I was thrown away right after birth,
so I have never seen my mother.
The person who ruined my mother's life,
and whose blood is running through my veins
Exactly how is he living right now?
I must know
what his life is like. Please tell me.
Line up!!
Hurry up!!
Is this him?
When they heard you were still alive,
and I saw the shock on Jang Min Ho
and Moon Sung Chul's faces,
I felt so satisfied.
But, Are you really going to be okay?
The one who wants to kill you,
is definitely Moon Sung Chul
But the one who gave
the order was Jang Min Ho.
Also, the one who hired those bastards was also Jang Min Ho.
If you knew how scary Jang Min Ho is,
I don't think you'd be laughing so freely.
I'm curious as to who this person is.
He is the kind of person who, even after being thrown into hell,
would still be able to come back alive.
he's not even human.
He's the devil. That's what he is.
weren't able to keep your promise.
At this point, how can you still
expect me to trust you?!
I'm speechless.
We'll just pretend I never promised
to invest in your business.
Really hate the kind of people who
don't keep their promises.
If that is your will,
then I have no other choice.
I understand.
Please see the chairman out.
know your financial
situation very well right now.
As such, I don't understand
how you can be so confident.
As this situation has caused our broken deal,
regretting this later on
will not do you any good.
Exactly, what are you planning to do?
Without Moon Sung Chul's financial backing,
all the hotel and casino operations
will be affected greatly.
It's still not too late to try and
change Chairman Moon's mind
Moon Sung Chul is the biggest
loan shark in Korea.
How do you think he became that?
If I bow to him now, do you think
he'll show mercy on me?
Never in a million years.
If you show him your weakness,
he will latch on to that and not release.
That's who Moon Sung Chul is.
As soon as I show him my weaknesses, he will
target even my businesses and try to swallow them up.
I do not want to show any more weaknesses.
We'll just gently and quietly,
sit and wait for this big fish to take the bait.
What are you planning on using as the bait?
The bait that Moon Sung Chul
will be attracted to the most
Is what?
I still don't understand no matter
how many times I think about it.
We threw an unconscious man out to the sea,
exactly, how is he even still alive?
Maybe he's actually a ghost.
Maybe, I should've realized back then.
The way he fought did resemble a ghost.
Anyway, that man being still alive,
I hope will not cause a problem for Jung Woo.
But he's already sentenced,
so how much more trouble can it be?
To tell you the truth, to know that
Jackson person is still alive,
makes me feel a little better.
That's true.
During these past days, just the thought of
me killing someone with my own hands,
made me feel really uneasy inside.
Someone's coming.
Hey! Isn't' that Jackson?! Jackson!
What is he doing here?
- Let's go down and see. Let's go.
- Okay.
It's been a long time.
I don't know how
you survived through back then,
but today is your last day on earth!
You must really want to die!
did not come here for a fight.
- So don't have to be scared.
- Bastard.
Scared? Who are you saying is scared? Bastard.
You bastard!!
Kang Rae!
What's wrong? Drink up!
I will just be blunt.
Kim Jung Woo
Is your friend, right?
How would you know about Kim Jung Woo?
He was the one who saved me.
was that friend.
that can't be. How can that be
I think you've got it all wrong.
That's impossible to have happened.
At that time, Jung Woo was still in jail.
I am not wrong. It was really Kim Jung Woo.
He said he wanted to help me only because he
didn't want you guys to become murderers.
Where is Kim Jung Woo right now?
Jung Woo
he's in prison!
I heard you deposited money into my account.
I have been in jail for 20 years,
and this was my first time getting money.
It was a little surprising.
I'll continue to make those deposits.
It's useless for you to do so.
I still won't say anything.
Is there any special reason why not?
It's all for you.
Kim Il Kwan, it is better for you not know him.
What are they doing here?
It's to help change Chairman Moon's opinions.
So I decided to keep them around.
How pathetic
What do you think you can do with those guys?
You really think this can help lure
Chairman Moon to the bait?
Get rid of them immediately.
Yes, sir.
You services will no longer be needed.
So don't come around here again.
Sun Young, please go beg
Manager Baek one more time,
it was really hard to get this chance.
How can we let it slip through?
So Oppa, do you also feel the same?
I think this is for the best. Just let it go.
I really don't want to beg Manager Baek.
Hey! Why aren't you saying anything?
Just try to convince Sun Young.
No, how can I do something so humiliating again?
Humiliating? Our life's on the line! Humiliated
This really isn't the time for saving your pride right now.
Our life? What do you mean our life?
My life is very worthy.
I never expected that you'd come to visit.
It never even entered my mind.
How is it? The life in there?
The life here is okay.
And Baek Sil Jang regularly puts money into my account.
I'm doing fine.
That's good to know.
If you'd said that you weren't doing too well,
then I was going to tell you that there's no need
to be so hard on yourself, just forget it all.
Oh! Is there any progress with Su Hyun?
She's studying overseas.
So I'm considering whether I should go as well.
Even if you don't see me again,
don't be too sad.
Whatever sacrifices you've made,
Chairman Jang will compensate you.
I never once thought about
who owes what and such.
Rather, I've been given a good opportunity
that I couldn't be more grateful for.
Then, I wish you well.
of all that I've found out about Su Hyun,
there's something I didn't have a chance to tell you.
Today, is Su Hyun's birthday.
Jung Woo!
Why are you going just like that?
Didn't you come here to see me?
Su Hyun!
What happened? Didn't you
say you'll be home late today?
What's up with you?
Didn't you say you broke up with Jason?
He said that he did wrong and kept begging.
Even still, did you have to bring him home?
This is a breach of our contract!
I'm sorry.
Just two hours.
I will pay up for breaching the contract, girl.
This girl
I'll double it.
Uh huh.
You're Korean, aren't you?
I live in unit 201.
My name is Lee Su Hyun.
Rest well.
Yeah, okay. Just for today, I won't be a tightwad.
Happy Birthday, Lee Su Hyun.
Hey, why are you home so late? You eat yet?
I've prepared dinner here.
Let's eat. I said I have it all ready.
You what's up with you?
Did something happen?
Sang Mi, I finally watched the show.
- The "O" show?
- Yes.
- So?
- While watching, I was so excited.
I thought my heart would burst! I'm definitely
going to become a part of the Cirque Du Soleil.
- What?
- After I've joined them,
I want to create the best stage, the best show ever!
At the same time I want to plan and direct.
Yea you're free to dream all you want.
But what'll you do when you wake from the dream?
Oh! Are you here, Sun Young?
I heard that Se Dol, Kang Hyun and you went to see Jung Woo?
- Yes.
- Is he doing fine?
- People in jail, how well can they be?
- Yea
Will you give us something to eat?
- Are Se Dol and Kang Hyun here?
- They'll be here soon.
Some nice Mud Snails just came in today.
How about I make you a spicy stew with them?
- Not bad, huh?
- Yes.
Okay, have a sit.
You're saying that Chi Gook Hyung used to be a notorious rogue?
Aigoo how is that possible.
Don't you know how timid and meek he is?
Back then he was quite a rogue!
You all know that Oppa is from the
same town as I am, don't you?
With just one word from him,
wailing children would immediately shut up.
After that he came to Jeju.
And after coming here, he ruled both cities
of Jeju and Seogwipo, I'm telling you.
And that Su Chu who works on his fishing boat,
he's also very good at fighting.
- You believe that?
- Aigoo
There is a fight going on at the pier!
- Who?
- The fishing shop,
That fishing shop ahjusshi!
Fishing shop Oppa?
You dared to steal away our customers?
Hyung nim!
What are you guys doing right now? Huh?
Hyung nim, what are you doing?
Hurry get up!
You guys stay out of this.
About what I did, I'm sorry. I was wrong.
Please ease your temper.
If you dare to steal our customers again,
you'd better be afraid of the knife.
I got it. I'm sorry.
Let's go!
What's up with that group of degenerates?
Nothing much. It's really nothing.
You're really something, Oppa!
- Su Chul.
- Yes, hyung nim.
just now was speaking the truth.
Looking at those lads, they seem scary.
Kids today, carry knives with them everywhere.
they'll just stab anyone.
You're right, hyung nim.
You did the right thing holding back.
Do you feel that this kind of life is especially shameful?
I can understand hyung nim's heart.
You can understand?
What I saw,
still lingers on in my memory.
Those things,
I feel they need to be settled.
Then you should feel more at ease, shouldn't you?
This is the financial plan needed for building the hotel.
We need approximately 450 billion for upfront payment.
I have a few matters to discuss with you.
Have a sit.
What is it?
I will do as you wish.
It's good that you think this way.
Immediately commence your managerial training.
The things I need to learn, I will learn them myself.
I want to study abroad,
majoring in hotel management.
I'm going to learn it the proper way.
Study abroad?
Do as you wish.
One more thing
I want to ask of you.
Kim Jung Woo,
after he's released from jail father,
please take a good care of him.
Thugs like him,
just erase them from you mind completely.
I sent him to you,
to let you recognize his
temperament and learn from it.
Since you've already decided to move forward,
we have no need for rubbish like him
in your path.
There is one thing in common
among all the casinos in the world.
What is that?
They don't have clocks or windows.
Why do you think that is?
Is it so they won't feel the tick of time
and just solely concentrate on gambling.
That's right.
I heard the hotels in Las Vegas,
filter oxygen into the hotel rooms
so people can feel energized even
after just a few hours of sleep,
and they can spend more time on gambling.
That's interesting.
How should they go about legally
winning their customer's money,
this is the dilemma casinos
are consistently facing.
This is also the dilemma that you,
Mi Ran will be facing.
Do you understand what I mean?
This time if I return to America,
I won't be able to return for a while.
Anytime you need my help, just contact me.
Who is he?
Oh he's my teacher.
What's the occasion? Without even a phone call?
Is business going well?
It's building up slowly.
In a year, I want to make this the best
performing casino in Jeju island.
Are you going to manage this yourself?
Study abroad?
Is that the best you can do?
Aren't you using this as a way to
end things between us?
Think whatever you want.
Although I don't know what
you're preparing to learn,
it's not a bad idea.
Regardless of what you do there, it'll be much
better than just wasting time away here.
Then, shall we have a goodbye drink?
I guess I better
take this chance and find a man that can replace you.
Hey, Sang Mi, it's time to eat!
Hey, why is it cold pizza again?
I seriously can't eat this.
Then go get some rice and kimchi.
I'll cook rice for you everyday if you do.
Hey! You said that you have to
concentrate on your studies
and quit all of your jobs.
And now you don't even contribute a
cent to our living expenses.
Aren't you a little too much?
Did you just now learn that?
Stop complaining and hurry up and eat.
Hmm? Who is it?
Could it be Jason?
Who is it?
May I come in for a sec?
Please have a sit.
If it's okay with you both,
I'd like to invite you for dinner.
Of course it would be okay with us.
We'll come right over.
Are you really going?
Aren't you?
There sure to be rice for dinner.
- I feel a little that
- What?
Don't you feel that she's a little gloomy?
And there's that suicide attempt a while back and all.
We don't even know here that well
and here she is inviting us over for dinner.
Isn't it a little
If you don't want, that's fine.
I should take something over.
what is there for me to take?
Don't we have anything?
- Why don't we have anything?
- I'll just eat the frozen pizza.
Please come in.
- Please come sit here.
- Yes.
I didn't have much to bring
so I just brought some soju.
Thank you.
We appreciated your invitation.
But seeing this wonderful spread makes
us feel a bit apologetic.
I just wanted us to become friends,
so that's why I invited you.
I'm Amy. My Korean name is Moon Jung Ae.
- I'm
- Lee Su Hyun.
I'm Oh Sang Mi.
It's nice to meet you, Sang Mi.
Yes, same here.
Then, shall we have a drink?
Down the hatch in one shot!
I'll enjoy this!
Now I feel like I'm living.
Unni, it's really delicious.
We attend UNLV. Unni, what about you?
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
I'm a stripper.
When did you come?
It's been about a week.
After I registered for my classes,
I dug around to find out where you lived.
And did some background checking.
So what did you find out?
A very frugal and poor life as always.
To you it may be poor,
but to me it's already a luxurious life.
Ah what about Jung Woo?
No idea. He should be doing well.
Aren't you two friends?
Friend he is a scary person and turns me off.
To me, you're like that.
Let's go.
Thank you, have a nice day!
Let's keep it short.
I know what you're studying
and what you want to do.
I will help you get what you want.
Don't look so sullen anymore.
This will be my last night
staying in a luxurious hotel.
I'm moving into the dormitory tomorrow.
I'm here to learn.
This school is known for their Hotel Management program.
After I've completed my studies and return
home, I'll destroy all of my dad's kingdom
and build my own.
And then what happens next, if I want,
is that I become the queen of that kingdom.
Isn't that it?
You know it well.
But what should I do?
I'm not interested in your kingdom.
I want to build a kingdom of my own.
The name of my kingdom is,
Cirque Du Soleil.
That guy, he's Tae Hyuk isn't he?
You saw him?
Gosh I wondered if it was true,
but he followed you all the way to America?
Hey, it isn't like that. He's here to study.
Aigoo study what?
Then does this mean our fortune is opening up?
If you're that sick of frozen food,
I suppose I can ask him to buy us a meal.
Hey, doesn't BBQ ribs and
Kimchi stew sound good?
It's okay, right?
Hey with all the world class hotels available,
what do you mean Kimchi stew?
Stupid fool don't reject him again.
Just subtly give in.
Then, thanks to you, I can have a dependable sponsor.
That will never happen,
so snap out of your daydreaming. Okay?
Have you decided to stay in Las Vegas?
What will you do?
I'll probably be a bodyguard for the VIP hotel guests.
So how about you stop your stripping?
You came to me, and we finally can
be together. I'm very happy for that.
But I know that at any given moment, you can leave like the wind.
If I depend only you to live,
what will I do then?
Jung Ae.
Now, even if you leave suddenly,
I won't be shocked and I won't hurt.
Because I know that if I wait,
someday you will return.
I'm really thankful that you returned.
I love you.
Ok guys, we'll continue on with lecture today.
Number 433 in your textbooks
which you should have all
I heard that you got bailed out.
How much time more do you have?
Roughly about 6 months, but I'll be out soon.
That's good.
I know you've said that it's better to not know,
but you really can't tell me?
Do you really want to know?
Kim Il Hwan.
Your dad isn't human.
He is a feller who is so sly and ugly that
he can't even be compared to animals.
Do you know why I've been locked
in here for 23 full years?
It's because of Kim Il Hwan.
Being able to live through these painful years,
what sustained me was my desire to take revenge on him.
You said that you're his blood.
I even wanted to get rid of you.
I shall live the rest of my life
looking for Kim Il Hwan.
Then take my revenge on him.
A young woman who's impregnated before marriage with a homeless guy's child,
your grandmother hid your
mother in a fisherman's house
and there she secretly birthed you.
Even on her deathbed, your mom
didn't know you were still alive.
She thought you died right after birth.
Your grandmother abandoned you as a person who ruined her daughter's life.
Don't forgive grandma.
My sins, I'll atone for them in hell.
I'm sorry.
Your dad isn't human.
He is a feller who is so sly and ugly that
he can't even be compared to animals.
Hey, you two. Make some bean
sprout soup for breakfast.
Err we have to go out for a while.
Today is the day Jung Woo is released from jail.
Go on.
Okay. Then we'll be going.
Someone like that, do we still have to address him as hyung-nim?
When Jung Woo's back, let's settle it once and for all.
Get on.
Where did you get the car?
Our Baek Sil Jang-nim, once again,
provides these material goods.
Stop your nonsense and hurry up and get in.
Jung Woo, Jung Woo!
Jung Woo!
Have you been well?
Move aside a little.
Our Jung Woo looks not too bad, huh.
Beans and rice must agree with you.
prisons used to serve beans mixed into the rice.
Here, tofu,
Eat, eat. This is made from beans too.
Eat up.
Hyung nim! We're back!
Hurry! Come over here and sit!
Our beautiful mum, one kiss.
You're an irritating lad!
It all looks so delicious!
Jung Woo didn't he get out?
Jung Woo said he needed to go somewhere first.
- Ah so many dishes.
- Squash patty, squash patty, squash patty.
It's been a long time. It must've been rough.
It's nothing. I've come to greet the Chairman.
Oh. Wait here just a minute.
Today might be a little difficult to see him.
Come again for your greetings another time.
Is the Chairman not feeling well?
That not it. He's not in a good mood.
I'll contact you. Go on home.
You said that I might be your first chance in life.
You can forget about the rest of the chances.
From now on, you belong to me.
Main Translators: Hi :D, krayfi
Spot Translator: songbird
Timer: Nalmmes
Editor/QC: mahoula
Final QC: sayroo
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
Please spread the word to get High Quality
~ Swallow the Sun ~
The Chairman Jang that I know,
isn't someone who would sacrifice himself to protect others.
Don't talk nonsense.
How do you plan to deal with Kim Jung Woo?
If he is of no use anymore, then now
there is no need to keep him.
As an Asian, you wanted to turn the circus into your kingdom.
It is a fantasy that will never come true.
Don't try to control my life with your ideas.
Do you remember Lee Suk Jang?
Who are you?
Don't you recognize me?
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