T.P BON (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Mountain of the Roaring White Dragon

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[Yoko] Looks like Bon is late again.
[Tetsuo] That's just the way he is.
He's never been any good at being on time.
- [doorbell chimes]
- [both] Hmm?
That must be him.
[Yoko] Coming!
[dramatic sting]
[birds chirping]
- [boys] Huh?
- [Yoko whimpers, grunts]
- [Tetsuo] Whoa. What's going on? You okay?
- [Bon] Hoo, ha, ho, ha, hoo.
[all scream]
[chuckles] It's just a joke. It's me, Bon.
[all groaning]
- Not cool.
- And you made us wait forever.
We're supposed to make a decision together
about what to perform
at the community fair.
Well, I'm only late
because I went out to borrow this.
- A monkey costume?
- Yeah, exactly.
I borrowed it from my uncle.
He happens to work at a movie studio.
Wow! So cool!
I also borrowed a pig costume.
So why don't we do a skit
based on Journey to the West?
And Journey to the West is?
It's an old Chinese folktale.
It's about a Buddhist monk
who travels with a pig,
a kappa, and a monkey.
And, yes! I shall play the Monkey King!
[cymbals crash]
I don't know. I think a choir group
is much better than a skit.
I'm telling ya, our best option
is to perform a magic show.
And I'm telling you
that we should form a band.
- [Yanagisawa] Everyone loves magic!
- [overlapping indistinct arguing]
- [Yanagisawa] It's magic.
- What the heck?
Guess I borrowed these suits for nothing.
[knocking on door]
- [Tetsuo] You know
- [Bon] Huh?
[Yumiko] Hi, everyone.
[chimes tinkle]
[Tetsuo] Guh.
- [murmuring]
- What is Yumiko doing here?
Yoko told me you're planning
a performance for the fair.
I'm here to help.
Yumiko's going to give us a hand
as an after-school activity.
Glad to be here.
[splutters] So are we.
I see you're getting hyped up
because Yumiko is here now, huh?
Would you quit it?
- You can sit here.
- [Tetsuo] So can I get you anything?
- This isn't even your house.
- [Tetsuo] Hey, Yumiko.
You wanna see a super cool magic trick?
- [beeping]
- Huh?
[Yanagisawa] Yeah.
Can you make your mouth disappear?
Hi. This is Bon.
[Ream] Looks like we have a new mission.
Where are you?
Well in the middle
of an important meeting.
[Ream] Oh, come on. That's no excuse.
It doesn't matter
how long a mission takes.
- As long as you return to the same time
- Come on out!
no one will notice.
[Time Boat whirs]
Bon, you can't use your boat
for personal use.
I'm sorry, Ream.
I have some stuff I had to carry with me.
So who are we saving today?
We're going to rescue a young climber
who tragically died
in a mountain accident.
[Bon] Hey, isn't it time
I get to witness something
a bit more historically important?
Yeah, yeah. I'm only kidding. Ha.
No life is more precious than another.
If you think about it,
there's nothing glamorous
about being a Time Patrol agent.
We do it because we wanna
save people's lives.
Stop trying to sound smart, you rookie.
[Ream] All right, you two.
Next stop, the Tian Shan Mountains,
about 1,400 years ago.
- [Time Boats whirring]
- [wind howling]
The highest peak here reaches 24,406 feet.
We're near the border between the current
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
of the People's Republic of China
and the Kyrgyz Republic.
[Bon] It's difficult to believe
that someone climbed a mountain so high
1,400 years ago,
and without any mountaineering gear
or even an oxygen mask.
This has been a path that has connected
the cultures of the East and West
since ancient times.
I take it you've heard
of the Silk Roads, right?
It's a network of trade routes
that spanned from China in the east
to Rome and Turkey in the west.
Traveling the Roads wasn't easy.
People had to make their way
through wilderness and deserts
and figure how to get
from one oasis to another.
[Buyoyon] They took big risks to travel.
[Ream] Back then, the Tian Shan Mountains
were like an enormous wall
blocking the Silk Roads.
So where's the person
we're supposed to be saving?
He's still in the village below.
He won't start climbing the mountain
until the weather's milder in spring.
I wanna check
the site of the accident first.
[sheep bleating]
[footsteps approaching]
Hey, Dad!
[pants] What are you looking at?
It's a traveler.
From the way he's dressed,
he's a monk from Tang.
How unusual.
[boy] He must be traveling
to a faraway country in the west,
just like you did when you were young.
I heard that there are
hundreds of countries out there.
They have beautiful palaces,
huge statues of Buddha,
and the mountains are so tall.
One day, I'll see 'em all!
You better drop that stupid idea.
But, Dad
You're a shepherd, and that's all
you'll ever be. You understand?
Now, come on. Let's go.
- [sighs]
- [downcast music playing]
[Ream] That boy's our target.
He dies in a massive avalanche
in the Tian Shan Mountains,
leaving his father behind.
I see.
But from the way his dad is,
you'd think he'd never go
near the mountains.
Yeah, you'd think. But he will.
Forward two months.
[Time Boats whir, whoosh]
[father] You ungrateful brat!
I won't give up my dream.
I'm tired of being a shepherd.
I need to do more with my life.
You're so arrogant. You've got no idea.
- [Chamuku] But you did the same thing.
- [father] What did you just say?
It is true
that I once traveled far and wide
with my comrades in a caravan.
We shared many joys
and hardships together.
But every one of them died along the way.
Some starved to death,
some died of thirst.
Others either died in tornadoes,
drowned in rivers,
or were killed by bandits.
Traveling is not as easy
as you think it is. You hear me?
I'm old enough to look after myself.
I want to travel like you did.
A highly praised Buddhist monk from Tang
is going to the mountains,
and he'll take me with him.
We'll be traveling
in a huge group of 30 people,
so there's no need for you to worry.
You don't understand
how dangerous Tian Shan is.
Have you not heard?
A white dragon lives in those mountains.
Of course I've heard about the dragon,
but I don't believe in that kind of thing.
It's a terrifying creature who devours
dozens of men and horses, all in one go!
A single roar is enough
to knock someone out,
especially a child like you!
You just have to trust me!
All I want to do is what you did.
I want to be like you!
I want to travel
and see the big, wide world
with my own eyes!
Never! I will not allow it!
[whimpers] But why not?
Why can't you understand me?
Oh So he runs away.
And his dad never sees him again, right?
There's just no way you can come between
a person and their desire for adventure.
Hmm Wait a sec!
Why don't we talk to the monk
and tell him to cancel the journey?
No way. That is out of the question.
Why not?
We have to at least try it.
We should try every possible way.
[rousing music playing]
- Hmm.
- [Buyoyon] Buyo.
[Time Boats whir, whoosh]
Buyoyon, where's the monk now?
[Buyoyon] He's being entertained
as a guest in the kingdom of Baluka.
[Bon] These buildings are impressive
for a small country.
[Ream] Thanks to felt
and wool manufacturing,
the country is pretty affluent.
[Buyoyon] This way.
[music fades out]
[hawk screeches]
[bird chirping]
[monk] The spring wind is finally upon us.
This is what I have been waiting for.
So you're leaving soon
to cross the Tian Shan Mountains?
That is correct.
I shall begin my journey tomorrow morning.
Ah. I've never seen anyone like you.
Are you Persians?
Or perhaps you come from
somewhere near Rome?
The Tian Shan Mountains are dangerous.
You shouldn't go.
I'm fully aware of the danger ahead of me.
However, I must go, no matter what.
I must spread the teachings of Buddha
and help save people
in these turbulent times.
This is why I'm traveling to India.
There are still many
Buddhist texts in India
that have yet to reach us here in Tang.
I cannot turn eastward on my journey
until I bring the texts back to Chang'an,
no matter what happens to me.
See? I told you.
Him going to India is a historical fact
that cannot change.
Well, could you at least
not take the young boy
along with you on the journey?
[monk] A young boy?
Well, I left it up to Mr. Huanxin
to gather all of the people we will need.
Although, I heard
he was having a hard time,
because most people are too afraid
to cross the Tian Shan Mountains.
That would explain why he took on the boy.
- Very well.
- Huh?
We will leave the young boy here.
- [Buyoyon] Wah?
- [Ream gasps]
That's great! Thank you so much!
[all giggle]
[Bon humming cheerfully]
[Ream] I didn't expect us
to finish so soon.
[Bon] You never know
unless you try, right? [chuckles]
[Ream] Mm.
- [door opens]
- I'm back!
All right, so this should be only
30 minutes after I snuck out. Uh-uh.
[all grumble]
We haven't decided on anything yet.
All of us
Have our own opinions
And everybody's refusing to give in.
In that case,
let's do Journey to the West.
But a choir is better!
A band is best!
Magic is bester!
[all grumble]
- [Yanagisawa] In a band, you get girls.
- [overlapping arguing]
- [paper whizzes]
- Mm.
- [Buyoyon] Buyo. Quickly, come with me.
- [arguing continues]
[Time Boat whooshes]
[Bon] What's going on?
Did something else happen?
Headquarters have asked us
to do a follow-up investigation,
so I rushed to the day of departure.
[horses nicker, whinny]
[Bon] No way.
It's the boy!
Oh man. That monk, he lied to us!
Bon, don't you think it's more likely
you didn't turn your Forgetter off
back then?
[Buyoyon] Oh boy.
Of course he'd forget to turn it off.
[Bon] But the rule is
to always keep the Forgetter on.
[Ream] It depends on the circumstances.
- [rock crumbling]
- [cattle lowing]
- Come on! Come this way. [straining]
- [horse whinnies]
[foreboding music playing]
[Bon] Oh man. Time Patrolling isn't easy.
[Ream] Just figured that out, huh?
Looks like we're gonna be here a while,
so we'd better take an Eisha pill.
[Bon] Right. The anti-aging pill.
Because if we're off
the normal flow of time for too long,
we age much quicker, right?
Right. But take to many
and you'll turn into a baby.
[both] Om.
[music fades out]
[man 1] It was an honor
that Master Xuanzang even spoke to me.
[man 2] How gracious he truly is.
[man 3 snoring]
- [father] Chamuku.
- [gasps]
Your mother would complain sometimes,
back when she was alive.
She thought you were too stubborn.
She said you took after me.
She did?
I can't change your mind,
and nothing I say
will stop you from leaving.
Father, I promise,
I'll come back home safe.
[murmurs nervously]
[father] It's okay to go
wherever you want.
However, you must promise me this.
[poignant music playing]
promise me that you'll survive.
[music fades out]
[fire crackling]
[man 3] We'll go through
this mountain pass to get to Syr Darya.
Then we'll travel along
the southern shore of Issyk-Kul.
It should take no more than seven days.
I'll be counting on you, my friend.
- [growl echoes]
- [monk gasps]
What is that bizarre sound?
[growling echoes]
[tense music playing]
[growl echoes]
It's the White Dragon!
[man 3 whimpers]
Master Xuanzang, we should run!
Whether I live or die
is at the mercy of Buddha.
White Dragon,
if it's prey you seek to devour,
spare everyone and eat me!
- [chants] Namu Kanzeon Bosatsu.
- Keep back! It's too dangerous!
[chanting] Namu Kanzeon Bosatsu.
Namu Kanzeon Bosatsu.
- Namu Kanzeon Bosatsu.
- [roars]
[terrified murmuring]
Oh, please, Master Xuanzang
[chanting continues]
- [man 3 sobbing] Master Xuanzang!
- [Xuanzang chanting]
- [man 3 whimpers]
- [projector whirring]
[Buyoyon] Well, he's sure got
a lotta guts.
I just realized something.
That monk is just like Sanzang
in Journey to the West.
They both even travel to India
to get Buddhist texts.
- [whirring ends]
- [Ream] They're the same person.
What?! I thought that story's made-up?
No, he's a historical figure.
He's Xuanzang Sanzang.
So the story about his journey is true?
Yeah, he brought back 657 texts.
He wrote a travelogue
called the Great Tang Records
on the Western Regions
when he returned.
Journey to the West is a novel
based on his travels.
He visited 110 countries
that span modern-day Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, India, Nepal,
Bangladesh, and more.
He traveled through scorching deserts,
towering mountains, and dense jungles.
His life was even threatened
by bandits and wild animals.
It was a great journey
that took him 19 years to complete.
If he's Master Sanzang,
where's the Monkey King?
Where's Bajie? And Wujing?
That part of the story is purely fictional
and only small children believe in it.
Aw, man. What a bummer.
[Bon] I'm getting pretty tired.
- Maybe we should call it a night and
- [Ream] No way.
We also have pills to keep us awake.
We should stay up all night
and keep our eyes wide open.
- [Bon murmuring]
- Don't you slack off even for a second!
You sure you're not
breaking any labor laws?
[wind gusting]
[cattle lowing]
- [horse nickers]
- [wind howls]
It is too dangerous to keep moving on.
Let's retreat to a safe place
until the blizzard stops.
Yes, that's a good idea.
Everyone, listen! We will take a break
once we get to a safe spot up ahead!
- [cracking]
- [men] Yes, sir!
- [man 1] Whoa, hey now. Whoa!
- [horse whinnies]
- [man 1 cries out]
- [Bon gasps]
- Aah!
- [horse whinnies]
- [whizzing]
- Time Lock on!
[man 1] Aah!
- [Timeceiver beeps]
- Headquarters.
He's not our target,
but please investigate.
If it doesn't affect history,
I'd like to save him.
- [Time Boat whirs]
- They say there's no issue with it.
That's good to hear.
But how are we going to
save him from this?
[Buyoyon] Use the Gravity Canceler.
- [hatch whirs]
- [Bon] Oh.
- This thing.
- [beeping]
[cattle lowing]
- [man 1] Hey!
- [gasps]
[horse whinnies]
Down here!
[men gasp, chuckle]
- [men chatter]
- Buddha has watched us and protected him.
- [man 2] Are you okay?
- [Chamuku murmurs anxiously]
[tranquil music playing]
- [Xuanzang] Something troubling you?
- [gasps]
Oh, Master Xuanzang!
Are you having difficulty sleeping?
[gasps] Yes.
[murmurs, sighs]
I I left home,
despite my dad trying to stop me.
But he was right.
Oh, I had no idea
that crossing the mountains
would be such a dangerous thing to do.
Are you not afraid, Master Xuanzang?
But of course.
There is fear lying inside of me as well.
Yet, despite that, I know I must go on.
I shall never turn my steps eastward
until I reach India.
I made myself that pledge
when I first embarked on this journey.
[stirring music playing]
[Chamuku] I have a lot
to learn from you, Master.
[horse nickers]
[horse snorts]
I gotta say, it's getting pretty cold.
Our uniform usually has good insulation,
but we've been out here
in the cold of this region for so long now
that its effects
are beginning to wear off.
Oh, right! I just remembered
I brought something useful.
[Buyoyon] Buyo?
[hatch whirs]
Oh, yeah. This thing is pretty warm.
- [chuckles]
- [Ream murmurs hesitantly]
- [Bon] I have another one you can use.
- Huh?
[Ream grumbles disappointedly]
[whimsical music playing]
But I don't wanna be a pig!
- [Bon] It looks good!
- [Buyoyon] Perfect fit.
- [both laughing]
- [Ream] Stop making fun of me!
But it's actually very warm.
- [loud rumbling]
- [all gasp]
- [horses whinny]
- [cattle low]
[low rumble continues]
- What is that sound?
- [horse nickers]
Hmm. Could be
[tense music playing]
There's white smoke coming out
from near the top of the mountain.
Just like the White Dragon!
It's an avalanche!
[Ream] This is it.
The avalanche that kills the boy.
[loud cracking, rumbling]
Almost all of them
get trapped under the snow,
and only Master Xuanzang and a few
of his attendants are eventually saved.
[Bon grunts]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Time Boats whir, whoosh]
[thunderous rumbling]
- [all scream]
- [man 4] Run!
[all grunting, panting]
[man 5 screams]
[both panting]
[man 6 grunting]
- Ah! My leg! [grunts]
- Hold on!
- [man 6 groans]
- [Chamuku strains]
[grunts] Come on.
- [Xuanzang] Chamuku!
- [gasps]
Master Xuanzang!
Are you all right?
- [dramatic music continues]
- [rumbling intensifies]
- Go!
- [Chamuku gasps]
[dramatic music swells]
[Chamuku whimpers]
[soundscape stops abruptly]
[panting, grunting]
- [Time Boats whir]
- [man 5] Huh?
[Bon] Just in time.
[Ream] All right. It looks like
we have permission to save them all.
I guess it's easiest
if we push back the avalanche.
Are you going to reverse time?
[Buyoyon] It's not ideal,
but we have no choice.
Let me have a go!
[whimsical music playing]
[Bon] Ta-ha-ha!
I'm rewinding it all! This is so much fun!
There's a monkey and a pig
and some strange yellow creature
chasing away the White Dragon.
Y'all seeing that too?
[rumbling stops]
I think that's everything.
Look, they're coming back!
Over here! Over here!
- [all cheering]
- So it's true.
It really was a monkey
and a pig that saved us.
Buddha must have sent them here
to help us all.
May we be protected
throughout the journey
that lies ahead of us.
[all cheering]
No way. They think we're divine spirits.
So cool!
I could get used to being worshiped.
[Buyoyon] Don't get cocky, kid.
[whimsical music continues]
I can see a plain ahead.
[music crescendoes]
- [music fades out]
- We finally made it through the mountains.
I'm glad everyone arrived safely.
- [footsteps approach]
- [Chamuku] Master Xuanzang.
Thank you so very much for saving my life.
You helped me keep the promise
I made to my dad.
Uh, the promise?
Yes. It was a promise to live.
It is the ordinance
of this world of the living
that all life ends in death
and every meeting ends in parting.
However, as long as you live,
you may see the day when you will reunite.
[Xuanzang] Ah, we still have
a long way to go.
I shall keep counting on you, Chamuku.
[Chamuku] I am honored to be by your side.
[harmonious music playing]
I will definitely return home.
So, Dad wait for me.
- [birds chirping]
- [sheep bleating]
[Ream] They crossed
the Tian Shan Mountains,
but the journey of Master Xuanzang
has only just begun.
Seventeen more years
until his journey ends.
[Ream gasps]
Oh no!
- Huh?
- [Buyoyon] Buyo?
Because I was wearing
this ridiculous pig suit,
I completely forgot
to turn my Forgetter on!
And you're the one who told me
never to forget the Forgetter.
- [Buyoyon] Wah!
- [Ream] Huh?
[Buyoyon] Does that mean?
- [Time Boats whir]
- [Bon] Wait.
So you're saying
that the legend of the Monkey King
is based on the three of us
saving him today?
A monkey, a pig, and a kappa.
[both] Hmm.
I don't know.
You look nothing like a kappa to me.
- Piggy.
- Hey! Shut up, you!
[both snickering]
- [door opens]
- [Tetsuo] Hey, Bon.
Where did you disappear to?
[Bon] Hmm? Nowhere.
[Yumiko] They finally agreed
on what they should do.
Yeah? What is it?
We decided on
Journey to the West after all.
You're going to play the role
of Bajie the pig.
- Why am I playing the pig?
- [all giggling]
[Bon] I wanted to play the Monkey King!
He's cool and heroic and handsome like me!
It's the part I was born to play!
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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