Taali (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Taali ki Goonj

The doors were locked from the inside.
We had to keep banging on it repeatedly,
Finally, it broke down.
We put her in a rickshaw
and brought her here.
Doctors declared her dead on arrival
'Do you know that
I have never slept on the floor.'
'Remember to keep these three
things in mind about her'
'always come home on time'
'keep her betel leaf ready'
'And never make her sleep on the floor.'
Greetings, madam.
We brought her here.
No one else in the hospital
was ready to touch her.
So maybe a tip--
Why is she on the floor?
- Why?
- Why is she on the floor?
Where else do we keep her?
On our head?
As I said, no one came forward.
You can tip us if you like,
or just take the body and leave.
Come on. She is just a
waste of our time. Let's go.
I asked why is she on the floor?
Do not touch us.
- Are you going to tell me that?
- Watch your tone, madam?
Why is she on the floor?
Don't create a scene here, madam.
Are you going to tell me now?
Where is the doctor?
- The doctor isn't--
- Talk to me. What is the problem?
- Excuse me. Move aside.
- She is creating a scene.
- Look.
- What is going on here?
Tell me, madam. What is wrong?
My friend's body is lying on the floor.
Outside the toilet.
Why isn't she on a bed?
This is not a private hospital.
We are running short on space.
I can see two vacant
stretchers over there.
They were recently vacated.
Then is this how you're
going to treat her?
Like this?
Does she have no respect?
I do not get to decide that.
Then call the guy who can.
This is disrespectful,
I need an apology.
Where is the Dean?
- Call him.
- What?
Take the body and please leave.
And the Dean has already
left for the day.
Then call him up.
Tell him Gauri is waiting.
Until I don't get an
apology letter in writing,
I won't budge from here.
I see.
I won't call him.
What will you do?
I won't collect the body.
Do what you have to.
We are not afraid of anyone.
And especially not
from the likes of you.
And keep your tone down.
This is a hospital,
not a traffic signal.
The next thing you
hear won't be my voice.
But the sound of the blow,
on your hospital's reputation.
Then don't come crying to me later.
Because this is a hospital,
not a traffic signal.
Let's go. Leave them.
Let's go.
Munna, give me the phone.
You cannot clap with one hand.
Who would know that better than us?
There will be a clap now
- with My hand
And on their cheeks.
- Excuse me. I've to take this call.
- Yes.
She threatened me, sir.
Don't touch her.
She will wait a couple of hours,
then leave.
And in case she doesn't,
then let her wait.
Tomorrow morning,
dump the body in the municipality van.
But don't touch her.
Okay, sir.
And stop bothering me
for all these issues, please.
- For God's sake, I am at a party, Ashok.
- Sure, sir.
Sir. She's sitting
in front of the hospital.
What the f
Let's go.
Come on.
Amma, let's go. It's just a body
that we have to pick up.
It's not just about the body, child.
If we leave her down today,
our community will never
be able to rise.
They never gave us a chance
to be equal in life.
But I won't let them discriminate
against us in death.
They will have to give that.
Amma, it's raining.
Let's go.
It's raining, Amma.
Let's wait inside.
Get in.
Come on.
Let's go.
Get inside.
'Do what you have to.'
'We are not afraid of anyone.'
'And especially not
from the likes of you. Get it?'
'And lower your tone.'
'This is a hospital,
not a traffic signal.'
Good morning, sir.
They have been sitting
here since last night.
They want to speak to you.
Amma, Dean is here.
Let's go.
I am Gauri.
- I could figure it.
- Who are you?
I am the Dean.
I couldn't figure it out.
You know what we all want.
We treat people here, not their egos.
The media will surround
the place in five minutes.
is this a threat?
Patients are waiting inside.
Let me go.
So is a dead body.
Mind it, I can call the police.
I already did in the morning.
They said 'Call us if you need us'.
Should I make the call?
You'll gain nothing from stopping me.
- Let me go.
- On one condition.
I will accompany you.
Either we discuss this face to face.
Or we wait out here till the sun sets.
You decide.
Let's go.
You have no place for a dead body,
but offering me a seat instead.
What scared you?
Me or the media?
No one.
Is your printer in order?
You won't get an apology
letter in any condition.
Start writing then.
Because, next I'll take
off my sari's safety pin.
Once it comes off,
I'll take off my clothes off
and walk out of this cabin.
- And when I walk out--
- Do you have no shame?
You stripped us of that yesterday only.
You see, mister,
I owe everything I
have to this "Pallu".
It's the embrace of my mom.
So I treat it with utter respect.
As long as it exists, so does Gauri.
When I'm stripped of this,
you'll see a fiery Goddess.
Do you want to see it?
Whatever happens next,
will be in front of the camera.
I just want to see,
what comes off first?
The print or my saree?
The media's here too.
You'll gain nothing from such stunts.
I can give you that in writing.
Write the apology letter!
Write the apology letter!
I will scream.
Will you write it, or do I scream?
Call the media here right now.
Sign it.
Write it.
As for the stunt.
Such stunts are necessary
to keep the fight alive.
If I had walked out of here naked,
then your reputation would
have been destroyed, not mine.
And then the truth would have come out.
Those who are afraid of their truth,
can never win.
We got the apology letter.
Wake up.
Her contribution didn't go to waste.
Gauri's stunt started an awareness.
And now it's come to acceptance.
Being gay, I always thought,
no one suffers as much as I do.
Grief, pain, humiliation, fear
No one has seen it as much as me.
But after meeting her,
I realised my suffering was very little.
Even though in a negative light,
at least I am treated
like a human being.
I've never said anything so
positive about her in front of her.
Go check on the result,
or everyone will fall asleep.
No one's asleep.
Everyone is awakened.
The social media team
is keeping a full tab.
Everyone is eagerly
waiting for the judgement.
Look at that, Gauri.
That's amazing.
Breaking news of the day
Soon the Supreme Court
of India will decide,
that we, in the preamble constitution.
We will not only stand
for male or female.
It's also for those millions of people,
who don't belong to the binary genders.
This is not a subject of laughter.
Take it seriously.
We are going to talk about those,
who have been among us for decades.
But we don't treat them as one of us.
They celebrate our joys,
but we don't share our joys with them.
They pray for us,
but we don't acknowledge
their pain and suffering.
Let's see what judgement
the Supreme Court passes.
Stay tuned with us
for the latest updates.
This court
is ready to give its verdict.
So please maintain silence,
until the entire verdict is read out.
Our society
doesn't understand the pain and
suffering of the transgender community,
nor does it respect their feelings.
But this cannot go on.
So, to abolish cruelty
done against transgenders,
on the basis of gender discrimination,
this court wants to take the first step.
From now on,
the transgenders of this country,
will be acknowledged
as the third gender.
And this acknowledgement
will be useful to them,
for carving a new identity
and keeping up with society.
This court gives special instructions
to the central and state governments,
to spread awareness in society.
You said you, you won't clap,
but makes everyone else clap
This historical judgement
by the Supreme Court,
has given the right to several women
hidden inside men to breathe freely.
Take this.
No more begging.
The judgement
of the Supreme Court declared
transgender as the third gender.
Affirmed that the fundamental right
granted by the constitution of India,
will be equally applicable to them.
And also give them the right
to self-identification of their gender,
as male, female or third gender.
The petition filed by Shri Gauri Sawant,
is a symbol of Marathi pride.
The entire third gender
community is celebrating,
their liberty to basic rights like
voter ID, Passport and driving license.
Gauri, you are a star.
Big day.
How do you feel after
this historic judgement?
Has been your inspiration
My mouth was full.
I was fasting since yesterday.
Finally ate something.
Really good. Very good.
What do you think, Gauri?
Will this bring a change in the country?
There is a long list
of Reformation due in the country.
But it's commendable
that we are on the list now.
Gauri, to all those who were supportive
and unsupportive in this journey,
what is your message for them?
I miss my mother today.
My Mother always taught me
To take care.
And father taught me
To always protect.
Today I did both.
Those who supported me,
love you.
And those who didn't,
thank you.
Can I say a few lines?
- Please, Gauri.
- Absolutely.
"Give me hurdle you can, God."
"I will overcome it."
"Give me the scorching sands,"
"I'll turn it into greenery."
"Build mountains in my path,"
"and I'll build tunnels in them."
"Hit me with lightning and thunder,"
"and I'll be the rainbow in the end."
No applause.
Let's go play.
This was my story,
but the story
belongs to several like me.
Sothey deserve
as much applause as me.
The next battle will
begin from where this ends.
But this time with the hope
that the world will be on our side.
See you.
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