Tabbar (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


I took her to Ishaan's home.
His parents are
visiting Vaishno Devi.
Lucky bum.
Listen, did she let you kiss?
You can't imagine the things we did.
I was sweating in the cold weather.
Tell me honestly, Happy.
You're my bro. Will I lie to you?
By the way, girls are
easily impressed by seniors.
Do you want me to
find someone for you?
How about Palak?
From my neighbourhood.
She has suddenly turned sexy.
Don't be stupid.
She is a nice girl.
Nice girls can't be sexy?
I told you don't say that.
Oh my God,
getting furious over your own brother.
Does Palak give you goosebumps?
That's not true.
Lucky loves Palak.
- Don't be crazy.
- I am going to tell the entire class.
Aren't you my bro? Please.
If it's true love then
everyone should know.
Please Happy, now you're being naive.
What are you doing?
All the kids from class come here.
Oh, come on.
There you go, Romeo.
I've made your love story eternal.
I'll show you.
The number you are calling is
currently busy on another call.
Please try again later.
Hey buddy
Who thrashed you?
I hope you are not
cheating me, rascal.
Neither Jogi is answering
my calls nor you
Rascal, listen to me.
Don't mix business and friendship.
Do you have stuff?
I knew Jogi's guys would be like him.
Useless, rascals.
But don't worry.
I'll find a new dealer.
I returned the stuff to Happy.
Have you lost your mind?
Hasn't your dad
squandered enough on him
that you gave him
that expensive stuff too.
I am speaking from ACE IAS Academy.
You called?
Yes, I wanted to know
how much fee is left to pay?
What is your name?
- Harpreet Singh.
- Let me check.
What are you snooping around?
But you left our coaching
class two weeks ago.
Do you want to join back?
Mr. Harpreet.
Even if I manage that, why
will he give me a job in his office?
Why won't he, son?
Elections are around the corner.
They need guys.
And you're educated.
Why won't he give you a job?
Why will police believe us?
Why won't they believe us?
Ajeet has benefitted
most from Maheep's death?
Everybody was cursing
the drug-video of Maheep.
It is election time so
he got his brother killed.
The most important
part is to win Ajeet's trust.
And plant some evidence.
So when the Police raids
they will be assured
that Ajeet is the murderer.
Don't worry.
Your Multan is very brave.
He'll be alright.
Don't tell anything to mom.
Do you remember your school play
where you two dressed
up as the king and queen?
This pretty princess threw
so many tantrums a day before.
She wanted to wear
the Cinderella dress.
We couldn't find it
anywhere in Jalandhar.
Her father drove all the way
to Ludhiana on his scooter on
that freezing night to get the dress.
Only then did this
princess go up on stage.
I wonder why before
your wedding he
It's all my fault.
If I hadn't put so
much pressure on him
then he wouldn't
It's not your fault, mom.
I used to taunt him
about money all day.
Earlier he said
I've arranged for two million.
Later he said I've arranged
for three million more.
He wasn't making any sense lately
Stay seated. I'll be back.
Palak, I'll leave too.
Where was uncle going to
arrange three million rupees from?
I don't know.
Papa never told me anything.
Don't worry.
I'll look into it.
- Did you find it?
- No.
Hey hands up.
Come out, Dukkii.
Tegi. Tegi.
Tegi, wake up.
Do you have any brains left or not?
Or did you smoked that too?
This was the only thing left.
Leave it.
I will talk to him.
Look at Happy.
Look at Happy.
Will Happy alone take
responsibility for the family?
Your Happy isn't going
to achieve anything.
You keep singing praises
all day about it.
My son the police officer.
Ask him
is he even preparing in Delhi, or
Wasting your money.
You fool!
Calm calm down, dad.
Tegi, what are you doing?
Where are you going?
Tegi, where are you going?
What happened?
Everyone's lying in this house mom.
There's no place here for honest one.
Yes, Lucky.
Hey eating alone.
You should ask ladies first.
I will, once we're
in the Police station.
Why are you interfering?
- Greetings.
- God bless you
- What happened here?
- What happened?
My scooter skidded.
Were you sitting on the back?
Look here.
What were you looking for?
I was looking for a sanitary pad.
Where are you hiding it, uncle?
Don't you understand
what I am asking?
You know what,
check if anything is missing?
I'll deal with them until then.
Trying to be wise guys.
Happy, we must get rid of it quickly.
When is the lawyer coming?
I spoke with him.
He'll be here soon.
Enough of your ways.
Tell your sirji.
There will be violence.
Ask him to be ready.
- Iqbal.
- Yes brother.
Look here.
I think there's some connection between
Maheep Sodhi and Sunil uncle's case.
How can you even connect these two?
-The reward on Maheep Sodhi's
murderer was three million. -Yes.
And Sunil uncle was
getting three million.
There's a high probability
that the killer is from Deep Nagar.
The killer came
to Sunil uncle's home.
Sunil uncle allowed
him inside his home.
After that,
the killer escaped from the roof.
He knew all about his home.
Meaning the killer knew Sunil uncle.
Maybe they were even good friends.
We'll find our clue
through the debit card.
Swear on me
no one will die because of us.
I swear on you.
"Lord, forgive my past actions,"
"and place me on your
path for the future."
"Lord, forgive my past actions,"
"and place me on your
path for the future."
"Teach me, scold me."
"Teach me, scold me."
"But hold me close in your embrace."
"Lord, forgive my past actions,"
"and place me on your
path for the future."
"Lord, forgive my past actions,"
Sweetened rice! Sweetened rice!
Sweetened rice!
- Aunty, sweetened rice.
- No, no, not for her.
It is an offering. Put some.
It is an offering.
Sweetened rice.
Brother, sweetened rice.
Sweetened rice.
Happy, is there any news?
Yes. I cleared the interview
and got the job, papa.
Now get close to Sodhi
and plant the evidence.
- But be very careful.
- Alright, dad.
Come fast.
- Why did you steal the purse?
- What purse?
- Do you want to go Police station?
- Unbelievable!
Someone hit me on my head
with my own hockey stick
stole my bike and
fucking bashed it up!
- Who do you work for?
- No one.
- Did you file an FIR?
- Of course, I did.
At the police station near the market.
Who hit you?
Don't know. Was some guy.
- Do you remember his face?
- Never saw it.
What clothes was he wearing?
Was he from UP or Bihar?
Don't remember.
Did he look like the rickshaw guy?
Don't know.
Next time talk nicely to the Police.
Rajesh, what are you doing here?
I was proofreading
Ajeet sir's speeches.
Give it to him.
He's preparing for UPSC.
He's educated. He will manage.
- You come with me.
- Where are we going?
Maheep's cremation.
Can I come along too?
Just do the work you've been given.
Let's go.
The speeches are on the server.
Check them.
Ajeet sir has arrived.
And we've texted the
list to everyone as you asked.
And we're also made arrangements
for your rallies tomorrow.
You can inform me
whenever you're free.
- Get some coffee.
- Yes, sir.
I'm new here?
Today is my first day.
Harpreet Singh.
Assistant copywriter, sir.
I really like your work, sir.
I joined here because of you.
I felt terrible hearing about Maheep.
Today is his--
The coffee is too sweet.
Get me one less sweet.
Yes, sir.
- Hello sir.
- Good morning.
"I am great but born late."
"I am great,
but all I get is hate and debate"
"That's my fate. That's my fate."
- Take the lid off first.
- Thank you.
When I say action.
"I am great but born late."
Bro don't break the flow.
You're doing great.
Come on, action.
No man, I am not great.
Neither in studies
nor in singing,
- If Happy was in my place--
- Stop ranting about Happy
To hell with you and your Happy.
Happy is nothing compared to you.
he is great.
Whatever you say about him.
Do you know?
That day if I was in Happy's shoes
then mom wouldn't be alive today.
My hands would've shivered.
I couldn't have shot him.
That day Maheep Sodhi
came to our home.
And he was going to shoot mom and me.
But Happy fired in the nick of time.
Do you ever get the place cleaned?
I'll get it cleaned.
Tell me from the beginning.
We came in from this side.
- You guys came in from this side.
- Yes.
Then he went to the bathroom.
Did he get a receipt? Parking fee?
Who paid the parking fee?
- It was a guy in a black T-shirt.
- Was it you or the rickshaw guy?
The rickshaw guy.
Was it him?
Yes, sir.
Do you note down the number
of every vehicle that enters here?
Sometimes we do and
sometimes we don't.
Leave it,
Lucky, it won't help anyway.
Leave it.
I suspect the rickshaw guy.
But he was in the bathroom.
Go get the register.
"Sometimes we do sometimes we don't."
This is why our country's
going to the dumps.
You know what, show me all
the vehicles parked here at 4pm.
There will be several vehicles.
How can I tell?
Rickshaws have separate numbers.
Check and tell me.
Rickshaw, sir?
This is a two-wheeler parking zone.
Rickshaws are not allowed here.
I forgot. Maybe we came that way.
No, ma'am, rickshaws aren't
allowed that way either.
Parking for rickshaws is outside.
- On the backside?
- Yes, sir.
No, I
What's the matter, Palak?
I didn't want
to tell you like this.
I was with Happy.
I knew you will feel bad that's
why I didn't tell you earlier.
Sorry, Lucky.
Listen to me.
Go, Palak.
"O Farid, street is muddy, house is far."
"House of my beloved is far."
"My clothes get wet If I walk."
"Stay I lose my love."
"O Farid, street is muddy, house is far."
Started without me.
Bring my glass.
MLA sir. How are you?
So you know.
If you want I will stop drinking.
Please, continue
I'll make a drink for you.
A cop is making a drink for me.
Something good will happen
A lot will happen.
You say what triggered
you to drink in the day?
You tell me what happened?
How can I tell?
Come on, let's cheers.
Congratulations on Happy's wedding.
Sorry, buddy.
When I found out,
I wanted to slap you asshole!
You were making a fool out of me.
I can only apologise.
I don't know when it got serious.
I will tell Palak
everything honestly.
I was in love with
her since childhood,
When you were roaming
around with Pinky, Babli
And having a lot of fun.
But this is serious.
We were kids then.
I really love her.
They why are you shit scared?
Let her find out everything.
Fine, tell her.
Go tell her.
If you feel that's
right then go tell her.
My life's already screwed.
And now when Palak finds out
that we both love her will
she get married to such a family?
I don't want her to
get married in this family!
What's wrong, bro?
How many drinks did you have?
Get the bill.
I said it was a mistake.
He alone drank all this?
I forgot my wallet at home.
I don't have cash.
Take my card instead.
Do you have a PTB card too?
No, I don't. But papa has one.
So. Uncle has it.
But he lost it too.
He dropped it somewhere
a couple of months ago.
It's lost.
You know papa
It's been a while now.
Come on, let's go.
No, Iqbal's coming to pick me up.
You're completely sloshed.
I'll drop you home.
Hell with you
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