Tales from the Loop (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


- Good morning.
- Hey.
Oh, uh, are you waiting to?
Oh, no. No.
No, I was just-just watching.
You're new in town, right?
Yeah. I-I m-moved here
a few weeks ago.
Oh. Nice. Yeah.
I'm Gaddis.
You ride a bike.
That's me.
Y Uh, no car, or?
Uh, just doing my part.
You know, for the environment.
Good for you.
Uh, hey, this-this song
is pretty awful, right?
I chose it.
Oh, well, I, um
I'm not a-a big fan of music.
In-in general.
- In general?
- Not really.
I mean, I-I never think
to put any on, in general.
I can't even imagine.
I mean
there's-there's other things
I like.
But yeah.
Oh, I'm-I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- Um
Uh, was it here?
Well, uh
- It was nice meeting you.
- You, too.
- What do you think?
- I can fix it.
- How much?
- Don't worry about it.
Whose tractor is this?
Do you recognize him?
- Who is he?
- I don't know. I never met him.
I just found that in there.
What if he comes back for it?
The photo?
The tractor.
Wouldn't that be something?
Should have it done tomorrow.
I appreciate it.
You ever see any holes out here?
- Holes?
- In the ground.
Never mind.
Are you still living where
you were? -
I am.
You don't have any interest
in moving closer to town?
It's nice being near the woods.
He birds.
I'm a birder.
I watch birds.
Oh, okay.
You watch birds.
What do you like about them?
Well, they're a
a window into a world
that's right next to ours.
The way they look,
their unique calls.
They're perfect.
Just today,
I heard a golden plover
on its way from South America
to the Arctic.
What's there?
- It's where they mate.
- Huh.
Wouldn't be my first choice
for a location.
I think it's romantic.
Going that far for love.
I agree.
What? I do.
- I didn't say anything.
- Well, good.
Are you seeing anyone currently?
- At the moment?
- He's always been very picky.
I have discerning tastes.
- That's the same thing.
- Well, I imagine
there aren't too many options
around here.
For potential people.
No, there's not.
That is good wine.
- You good?
- Yeah. You?
Yeah. Yeah.
Must be nice.
Coming home and the lights
are on because someone's there.
Nothing's perfect.
So you say.
No. No, no, no.
Hey, just who are you?
- Leave me alone.
- Just wait!
Will you stop this?
Tell me who you are!
Will you leave me alone?!
Get away from me!
Just wait!
Just wait.
Stop it.
So, you're on the tractor,
you fixed it,
and now you're here?
And you two live here?
And you are?
You're not from here.
- Neither are you.
- You seem surprised.
It's just
nice to finally meet you.
You know,
that tractor out there,
- it disappeared a few months ago,
just like that. -
- I thought it was stolen.
- Yeah, we both did.
And the Loop,
it exists where you're from?
I work there as a guard.
Shut down years ago.
Uh, here.
- Decommissioned.
- That's what we were told.
At the time.
I'm thinking they did something.
- Who?
- At the Loop.
Uh, not here
but where you're from.
They must have caused
parallel places,
worlds to
And the tractor
got pulled through.
To where I'm from
because of what they did.
So it was stolen.
In a way.
And you fixing it
caused it to come back,
only with you.
I'm fairly confident
that's what happened.
Seems to make sense.
So, if you started
the tractor again,
would you go back?
I'm out of my depth with that.
This is really something.
He looks just like me.
Babe, he is you.
I-I know,
but he looks like me, too.
Of course he does.
I know. I'm just saying, it's
it's really something.
Come in.
You have everything you need?
I do.
Do you collect?
I do.
What's it like?
- My collection?
- No.
- Where you're from.
- Oh.
Not like this.
Odd, isn't it?
Hearing your own voice?
You know, I know
things are different,
but it doesn't seem like
we're that different,
you and me.
No. Not really.
Well, good night.
Good night.
Oh. Closed?
I'll get it.
I would've said
the same thing.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Try it now.
I'm stuck here, aren't I?
Appears that way.
Anyone back home
who will miss you?
Piping plover?
Well, maybe this isn't so bad.
You being here.
We could enjoy music
and books and birds.
We could be friends.
I I'd like that.
This is exciting.
Oh, I kept a photo
of Alex in there.
Did you find it?
Oh, well.
Sorry you can't go home.
These things happen.
Do they?
I guess not.
Last night, you said it was nice
to finally meet me.
I said "finally"?
I-I don't know
why I said that.
This must be quite a shock.
I know it is for me.
A-A good one, I hope.
You could use a table in here.
Yeah, you are right.
Can I ask
how did you two meet?
Just chance, really.
And we didn't
get along at first.
Why not?
We've been through a lot.
But here we are.
Here we are.
I meant him and me.
I know.
Back where you come from,
is there someone?
Someone like me?
There's no one like you.
This could be nice.
Once you settle in.
Do you have any
Sleepy John Estes?
No, don't know him.
Oh, man, you would love him.
I wonder if he exists
in my world.
Wouldn't be much of a world
if he didn't.
I wanted to ask: Alex.
Is it hard being with
someone so attractive?
Is that weird to ask?
It's not hard?
No, it's not weird to ask.
But it can be, sometimes.
Have you ever been
with anyone
Not really.
Are you happy here?
'Cause I really enjoy being able
to share things with you.
Me, too.
But I can't believe you don't
have any Sleepy John Estes.
Fair enough.
What do you think?
It's for you.
A gift.
That is so nice. I
Have you always done this?
Chairs, cabinets, tables.
And what do you like about it?
I-I'm curious.
No one ever asked me that.
Not even me?
He has his things
and I have mine.
I guess I like
working with my hands.
You get an idea of something
something perfect.
Everything as it should be.
And little by little,
it takes shape,
until one day, there it is,
just as you imagined.
I'm a birder.
I like birds
because they're perfect.
Um that's not really
the same thing.
Oh yeah, I-I guess not.
I just thought
because of what you said, I
Just it's so strange
talking to you.
- Sorry.
- No, no.
It's a good thing.
With him,
he's heard it all before.
But with you, it's all new.
Isn't it?
- This is really good.
- Yes. Well done.
I'll have to make it again.
You tired?
Oh, lots of fresh air today.
You will sleep well.
You want to watch a movie?
Oh, um, I'm beat.
You can, though.
I shouldn't.
I have to get up early.
- I could help with the dishes.
- Oh, no, no.
Please don't worry.
I will take care
of them tomorrow.
I'm curious what you'll think
of those books.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Feeling all right?
I guess I'm tired, too.
- Good night.
- Good night.
We're having friends
over tonight.
Alex and I.
Would you mind?
Of course.
I mean, how would we
We couldn't.
- I know it isn't ideal, but you'll
- I'll stay here.
It's just, with the windows,
they still might see.
I see.
- So, then, where?
- Maybe the shed.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's fine.
- It'll be just for the night.
- I said it's fine.
I scare you?
Thank you.
- Uh, you having fun?
- No.
Not really.
You don't like them?
I did, at first.
And what do you like about him?
I mean, you've been together
for so long.
That's true.
So, there must be a reason.
There is.
What is it?
Because there is no one
like you.
I shall go.
- Alex.
- See you tomorrow.
Come on! Fuck you!
No, Alex! Alex, no!
- Fuck you! -GADDIS 2: No.
- E-Every time you do this!
Jesus Christ,
give me a break, man.
What?! What break do you need?!
Fuck you! -GADDIS 2: Oh, great.
That-that is That's great.
Oh, that's
How is everything?
Last night, I heard you.
Well, it made me think
maybe things aren't going
so well with you two.
- Am I wrong?
- Was just an argument.
We have those from time to time.
Nothing more?
Not really.
when you've been
in a relationship
- as long as we have
- Don't talk down to me.
I don't mean to. It's just
You'll see.
Nothing's perfect.
Can you identify it?
I was lonely.
And not just for anyone.
I was lonely for you.
I've been writing
in these pages for so long,
hoping we'd meet,
wondering what it would be like
if we were together.
And now, here we are.
And you're more perfect
than I ever had imagined.
I know you love him,
but that only means
you could love me as well.
Maybe even more so.
Is that such
an odd thought to have?
We could be so happy.
Run away with me.
Be with me.
I'm waiting.
What's wrong?
Everything I want,
everything I've felt,
it's in there.
I'll wait for you.
Where's Alex?
Did you read it?
- I'm
- I don't know what to say.
Just why?
- You take him for granted.
- You really feel that way?
I wouldn't have
done this to you.
Try to take him away.
You wouldn't?
It's hard.
Knowing what to do
in a situation like this.
I don't want to be mad at you.
And yet?
And yet.
You have to understand,
Alex isn't everything
you imagined.
There have been other men.
- What do you mean?
- He can't help it.
The excitement of someone new,
even if it's another me.
But it always runs its course.
And then that's that.
He doesn't want me anymore?
He feels bad you thought
this was more than what it was.
But it was.
Not for him.
These other men.
Why do you even let him?
He's not perfect.
And neither are we.
I know you're hurting
right now.
I just hope we can eventually
put this behind us.
You want me to stay?
Would that be so bad?
I mean, I know
we're both upset right now,
but we can get through this.
Why would you even want me
to keep living here?
Because you're my friend.
But I don't want
to be alone anymore.
You're not. You could
No, I can't! I
It's too hard.
Don't you understand?
I can't keep living out here
with no one.
just stay another day.
No. I-I have to leave now.
Just think about it.
Where will you go?
I'll figure it out.
I'm gonna miss you.
What can I get for you?
- Uh, just a water. Thank you.
- Okay.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Are you from around here?
- No. Not really.
- Oh.
Never mind, then.
Excuse me. U-Uh
W-What are the binoculars for?
Oh, um
I-It may sound a bit weird,
but I'm-I'm looking for a bird.
Wait. You're a birder?
I am.
I-I wouldn't have thought.
W-Wait, are you?
- Yes.
- Huh. What are the odds?
Uh, u-uh, yes.
It's the, uh,
ivory-billed woodpecker.
- It's extinct.
- So they say.
But I heard
there was a sighting nearby.
- Unconfirmed.
- Well
This is too far north.
Those were my thoughts exactly.
But I figure, what the hell?
I'll see for myself.
You know, 'cause end of the day,
who knows, right?
Earlier, I heard a bird
I couldn't identify.
- Maybe
- Uh, could you show me where?
Uh, if-if it's not
too much trouble.
Oh, um
Not too much trouble at all.
I Oh, I'm Gaddis.
- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
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