Tandav (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Babool Ka Ped

I, Anuradha Kishore
do solemnly affirm that
I will bear true faith and allegiance
to the Constitution of India.
That I will uphold the
sovereignty and integrity of India.
That I will, without fear or favor,
affection or ill-will,
do right by all the people
in accordance with the
Constitution and the law.
Where have you been?
Where were you?
I've been starving.
You locked the door as well.
-Well, it's open now.
-What do you mean?
You're free.
I've got something for you.
It's your favorite.
I owe you.
Biryani is the least I could do for you.
Go on. Have a seat.
Eat it.
The true taste of the biryani
comes from the mutton.
Veg biryani is a sham.
what do you really do?
I mean for a living.
Please tell me what the plan is.
Don't you trust me?
I've been living in this
shithole for the past two days.
Well, I am not allowed to tell you.
But I'll give you a hint.
Listen carefully.
Once upon a time, there was a king.
He lost his throne.
Someone recommended
performing a sacrifice.
He tried it.
Someone else recommended
attacking the new king.
He tried that as well.
He lost.
Listen carefully, Vishal.
This is your story.
My story?
Then, someone else recommended
getting his daughter married
to the new king.
And he tried that as well?
He picked up an axe
and chopped up a banyan tree.
how is this my story?
Please give me my phone.
Let me go home.
I'm done eating.
In this story
you're the banyan tree, Vishal!
None of this was your fault, Vishal.
But for the king to retain his throne
the banyan tree had to be chopped.
Death is the only truth.
Death is the ultimate reality.
You can try all you like
all your life
you will never be able to escape death.
The modern man struggles all his life
for iPhones, for bungalows,
for cars, for women, for money.
That is all he does all his life.
But the day
you finally meet death
all these struggles seem trivial.
-What's wrong?
Vishal is dead.
I had no clue, Sana.
I don't care what you're doing.
But this
this is huge, Jigar!
They said he would be
back in a week, Sana.
Who said?
Who are "they"?
What's going on, Jigar? Tell me.
Do you really think I would've asked
you to do it, if I knew this would happen?
Why are you doing this?
Because we all have our curses, Sana!
I don't know about yours.
-But I have too many already.
-I know.
I know. But we don't
have an option anymore.
You just have to relax
and please be quiet--
-I'm going to tell the police.
-No, you will--
Sana, you'll do nothing of that sort.
Sana these are powerful
people we're dealing with.
You'll be the only one
to end up in prison.
And you have no evidence
that I gave you that phone.
-What the fuck!
-Give this to me. Sana!
This stays right here.
Please, listen to me, Sana.
Sana, Sana
I care about you.
Your money is in the drawer.
I'm really sorry, Sana.
It's done, sir…
Vishal Awasthi.
What about Shiva Shekhar?
I've spoken to Jigar, sir.
He has had a word with the girl.
Your plan's working, sir.
-Did you check the footage?
-I'm going through it.
What are you looking for?
I'm making a list.
Of the people who visited
the floor that night.
And I'm keeping an eye on
the doctors' movements as well.
But I doubt we'll get
anything substantial in there.
Because three out of the four
cameras on the floor were not working.
-Anything fishy?
They've been out of order
for over a month now.
We don't have the time, Gurpal.
-Look into it.
Is it just me, Gurpal
or is it getting crazier out there?
"Crazier" doesn't exist, sir.
You're either crazy or you're not.
But I want to stop you, sir.
Not because it's getting crazy.
But because
you're wounded.
Pretty badly, I'm afraid.
And you're at the
bottom of a deep ocean.
Move around too much,
and you'll alert the sharks.
I'm touched.
No one's noticed this, Gurpal
maybe because I'm not screaming.
But I'm bleeding, a lot.
And the sharks
they're coming either way.
Where did you get it from?
A bank heist.
A heist?
And this is all you could get?
I told you, Jigar!
Don't call me ever again!
Sana, I won't repeat this!
Listen carefully.
Not everyone is as kind as me, understand?
They've planted it, Shiva!
They planted that phone in my drawer!
Yes and "they" planted
the last call as well!
He stopped us from calling
the cops as well, remember?
Are you crazy?
It's a conspiracy.
They're trying to break us!
You can kill me if I have
anything to do with this.
Guys, please, stop this!
People are waiting for us out there.
Come on.
He won't join us.
One of our guys went missing
and his body was discovered a week later.
During the campaign
the guys from CJLD had threatened us
that they would
flip the elections within a week.
And then, Amit Mewani
cruises into the college on Vishal's bike!
Do you really need more evidence?
But the police, till date
has not arrested a single person.
They have not bothered
investigating either!
The cops must answer us!
The college management must answer us!
I think we should talk to the police.
I really don't think Chetan is involved.
He was murdered brutally.
His eyes are all I can think of,
ever since I've seen his body.
We've known each other for many years.
We know him very well.
Why would he do it?
He didn't do it.
Do you have Vishal's phone?
I think
we should wait.
We need some time.
Let's not hand it over to the police.
In fact
let's forget about the phone.
What are you saying, Sana?
Hi, Jigar.
Divorce papers?
I'll sign them, Sandhya.
Have some patience.
Tell me, Sandhya.
Why are you doing this?
What is he giving you?
Grow up, Jigar!
You're not a college boy anymore.
No one's getting anything.
It's a relationship of equals.
He gets me, unlike you.
Come on, Sandhya.
Tell me the truth.
Is this a status thing?
Or some power game
you're playing with me?
What is it?
he's great in bed!
And he obviously is a powerful man.
Sometimes, powerful enough to control me.
When a man from the lower caste
dates a woman from the higher caste
all he's doing,
is exacting revenge,
for atrocities spanning centuries,
on that one single woman.
Just sign the fucking papers.
My friend, why is Shiva
still holding on to that phone?
Tell the girl
to hand over the phone to the police.
Yes, I will.
Will you?
Yes, I will!
Why are you holding
on to the damn phone?
I don't know what I'm doing.
This is wrong.
-This was never a part of the bargain.
-Shut up!
You are a part of this now.
You've been paid for it.
They've paid you to do it.
This is not a joke, Sana!
You're equally a part of this shit!
And you cannot back out.
Tell Shiva
to hand that phone over to the police.
Framing you will be really
easy for these people.
Are you getting it?
Let me have a look.
Here, sir.
How long have you had this phone?
We found it last evening.
So, before the guy's death?
It's switched off.
Did you switch it on?
Yes, but it's locked.
Are you sure this is his phone?
Why didn't you report it?
Bravo, Kasturi!
Bang on time!
Good job.
Sir, we didn't know what to do with it.
And we merely suspect him.
We're not sure.
What's his name?
Chetan Kranti.
-Yes, sir?
Take the car and arrest the kid!
-Alright? Fast!
-Yes, sir.
Why didn't you talk to us?
Why would Mr. Superstar talk to us?
We've lost the election, Shiva.
CJLD has ripped us apart!
All I have done is handed
over an evidence to the police!
And all you guys care
about is your fucking election!
Did you see the look on his parents' face?
Merely screaming "freedom"
won't transform this country.
"Your election"?
Shiva, listen to me.
Please calm down.
Planting cell phones in drawers and making
fake calls are really easy these days.
Why would anyone do it?
Have you lost your mind?
Please listen to him.
Shiva is right.
We should've handed the
phone over to the police.
And even if Chetan is innocent,
it will help the police
to get to the bottom of whatever
the fuck is happening here!
I'm not a part of this anymore.
I'm withdrawing my nomination.
-Sana! Sana!
The students of VNU have alleged that
the police, instead of
arresting the real culprits,
have arrested their student
leader Chetan Kranti.
The classes have been
called off for the day.
-The students from CJLD and SAI
Ms. Garima Deswal
Yes, who is it?
I'm a big fan.
I have a breaking news for you.
Mr. Devki Nandan
didn't die a natural death.
He was murdered.
And I have the evidence.
Some guy says that Devki
Nandan has been murdered!
Who's this guy?
It's an unknown number.
I can't see it, sorry.
He's kidding.
It must be one of those pranks.
How can he be murdered?
It was a heart-attack.
Everyone knows.
These guys just want
their fifteen minutes of fame.
I received a mail yesterday that someone
had spotted Dawood in Panchghani.
They wanted to broadcast
this news and arrest him.
No, I think you're right.
I should have ignored it.
You've been working
really hard these days.
-Okay, bye.
I'm being humiliated.
I'm being humiliated.
And you don't give a fuck!
People think I'm a dumbfuck!
And you don't give a fuck!
-Are you using again?
-Yes, I am!
Why the hell do you care
so much about defence?
If not defence, you could have
given me something at least.
Finance, foreign, railways.
Something for God's sake?
You're a dumbfuck, Raghu!
Because you think you're at a party,
the ministry portfolios are candies
and I'm the clown
handing the candies out!
"A second-rung leader becomes the PM
and her son becomes
the defence minister out of the blue!"
Do you really think everyone out
there is a dumbfuck high on cocaine?
No one would notice
what the hell is happening?
Everything takes time, Raghu.
It takes time.
Six months, eight months
Aditi will fuck up!
You don't know what I know.
And the position will be open.
But until then, we must
consolidate our position in the party.
We're the minority even
in the core committee.
Surrounded by snakes,
waiting to pounce!
All you care about
is the next weekend, Raghu!
I'm not that short-sighted!
Just calm down and behave.
Bend the knee for some time, Raghu.
So that you don't spend
your whole life on your knees.
I was a mistake, wasn't I?
You're ashamed of me, aren't you?
Stop this nonsense.
I've known it
since I was a four-year-old.
I was a mistake because of which
you had to live with
Dad for two more years.
I will slap you, Raghu!
The situation was complicated.
It wasn't all black and white.
You know
I looked for a father in every man I saw.
But the guy you picked
I hated his fucking guts!
"I've been soaking up the heat."
"Oh, my love, finally we meet."
Hey! Why the hell are
you parked here?
License and registration please.
Just joking, sir.
How can I ask the government's registrar
to show his license and registration?
Tell me, sir.
How can I help you?
You have arrested
the boy from VNU, right?
Chetan Kranti?
Yes, we have.
Sir wants me to ensure that
the boy has a decent future.
What are you saying, Mr. Gurpal?
I thought you guys would be
happy with the whole scenario.
Let him walk.
That won't be easy, sir.
The media is stoking the fire.
And your party is enjoying the barbecue.
I've got some meat for you as well.
It's fresh.
The demonetization clearly
hasn't affected your barbecue, sir!
Bloody hell!
The level you guys operate at
simply blows my mind!
the color of the note
doesn't change its value.
But, sir
why are you big shots getting
involved in petty student politics?
Stop worrying about things
that don't affect you, Jhakar.
There's a new "Ice World"
opening up in Dubai.
Take a vacation with your family.
Just like the rest of our country is!
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-We want
-Is that Samar Pratap?
-What is he doing here?
-Samar Pratap?
-Why is he here?
Samar Pratap is a dear friend.
He's also a former
president of the student union.
We were roommates for a year
in this very university.
Muktibodh Hostel
room 214.
I met him today for a book I'm writing
about the late Mr. Devki Nandan.
I told him
about Vishal's death.
And he insisted on meeting
every single one of you.
Like Jigar said
this university was my breeding ground.
I'm sure you must be surprised.
Because many people
here are a part of the party
which looks down upon mine.
These "Right-Left"
are all foreign concepts.
What really matters is
standing up for the truth!
Azad was just like you.
Slightly left of the center.
He was in my class back in 1996.
Jigar, Azad and I were
"The Three Musketeers" of the college.
Our ideologies were different.
But when he spoke,
he would blow me away.
His speech had the honesty
which conveyed the truth!
Today, when I was told about Vishal
I couldn't help but remember Azad.
He had a fire burning in his belly.
Fire which could have changed
the face of Indian politics.
But unfortunately
that fire was quashed.
I apologize to you Mr. and Mrs. Awasthi.
Because, I believe
we're all responsible
for the sorry state of
student politics in this country!
I'm not here to speak
on behalf of my party.
I'm here for Vishal.
Because it is these
kids like Azad and Vishal
who inspire us to
stand up for the truth!
Shiva Shekhar.
He's running for vice-president.
Hello, sir.
You're an excellent orator.
Thank you, sir.
All the best
for a glorious political career!
No, sir.
I don't wish to be a politician.
What then?
Civil Services, sir.
We need good people in civil services
as well as the parliament.
The only difference is,
one answers the call and accepts orders.
And the other calls and gives the order.
It's sad.
But it's true.
But all the best.
Proud of you.
What are you trying to do?
He's from Bihar.
He has politics in his blood.
Mugging up books won't change that.
I just want him to take a "right"
and get on the right path.
See you.
What's wrong, Sana?
I don't know.
I just can't sleep.
I was really surprised.
That guy, Samar
he came to us, he talked to us.
I think, I was wrong about him.
You were there, right?
He said
he was proud of me.
Let's play some music.
Come on.
-Go on!
Come on.
You can change your name
Chetan Kranti.
But you're still a naive Jaat.
These other rascals will rip you apart
and hang you out to dry.
Are you getting me?
Listen carefully
protect the dignity of
our community at all costs.
Go on.
You listen to English music?
Am I not allowed to?
Of course, you are.
Oh, yeah, right.
Only the cool kids from metro
cities listen to English music.
And I'm just some guy from Bihar.
Praveen and Manish have
testified against you as well.
The whole Bihar gang.
And Shiva is their leader.
And by the way
we Biharis love English music.
but you're not the type.
What type?
Your type?
I want to tell you something, Shiva.
a lot of darkness inside me.
It's like I--
He wants to be the
fucking college president!
That's exactly why he's
getting everyone out of his way.
And all you care about is
your poems and your slogans!
Listen to me,
you can try talking to them
but they won't get it until
we shove a stick up their ass.
That is all these fuckers deserve!
Chetan has lost it, man!
-Look at this!
-What the fuck!
-Come with me, please.
-Come on!
Why did you hit him?
What's wrong?
Roshan, you're breathing, aren't you?
You testified against me, right?
Look what the police did.
The fuckers were thrashing me all night!
That's exactly what I'll do to you.
Come here!
What the hell are you guys doing?
Stop it!
You're amazing, sir.
There's a fucking war happening out here.
I hope you won't be needing
the extra funds now?
-You're right, sir.
Samar Pratap spoke to the SAI students.
And reminisced about
his college days at VNU.
You wanna file a complaint?
Fucking asshole!
Take that!
Take that!
That's your fucking report!
the banyan tree we had chopped off
its seeds are starting to take root.
He was our friend!
Vishal was a friend!
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