TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e06 Episode Script


What? Eren-senpai is missing?
I took my eyes off her for a minute,
and she disappeared.
She's so timid.
Where would she go without telling anyone?
Maybe she disappeared
because she's scared.
Today's area is dangerous, isn't it?
Maybe she sensed some kind of danger
and ran off.
For once, you're saying
something that makes sense.
-You're usually useless.
-Don't call me useless!
I know that I'm not much
Sorry to intrude.
This young lady will be joining our team.
My name is Rika Suzuki.
Please be nice to me.
Yo. You're Omi Jin, right?
I'm really sorry about that time.
But thanks to you, I came to my senses.
In that moment,
when I was trying to kill you,
you said to me
Adios, Ms. Suzuki. Live long!
Thanks for that, Omi Jin.
You're the one who brought
Rika Suzuki back to her senses.
Oh it was nothing.
Your leg.
I lost it for a Privilege.
Her privilege allows her
to completely avoid physical damage.
It's called the Right to Evade.
As long as you're with her,
you will also be protected.
I understand.
From now on, let's place Rika and Omi
at the center of the designated area.
With the Right to Veto
and the Right to Evade,
we can all be protected.
Yes. So back to Eren-senpai
-I'm surprised how easily
-You think she'll come back?
-he accepted me.
-Wanna wait till tomorrow?
He probably knows that you trust him.
Saneatsu Narita
has no Privileges or a grand title,
but everyone trusts him and relies on him.
Strange, isn't it?
Saneatsu, got a minute?
What is it, Saaya?
A Privilege envelope?
I found it in this building.
I was going to open it,
but when I thought about the risk,
I got scared.
No need to feel bad.
I understand.
what if I open it instead?
Saneatsu! What are you say
I promised to take down the Emperor,
that I'd fight till the end.
Hold on!
First, take a deep breath.
Hey, love birds,
what are you two doing here?
Is that what I think it is?
It's a Privilege!
Perfect timing!
Kazuhiko, play defense.
Block Saaya!
You're in my way.
Saaya, please don't worry about me.
This is my decision.
I'm such a fool.
What was I thinking?
What was I longing for?
Why did I become a teacher?
I won't hesitate anymore.
Is this it?
What's this memo?
I'm going to open it.
That's true, but I can't believe it.
I need to tell them right away.
I can't gain a Privilege?
I need to hurry and
tell this to Narita.
You can't gain the Privilege
due to an error?
Do you know why it's not letting me?
Let me think.
Either you already have a Privilege,
or there's some special rule
that prevents you from getting it,
so it's not letting you.
I think it's one of those two.
can you tell us everything you know
about the detention camp
and Privileges? If you can.
Of course.
The detention camp is a huge facility
located 100 meters underground,
right under the border
between Tokyo and Chiba.
A hundred meters underground?!
Such a facility is
under metropolitan Tokyo?
The facility was built
so that no one could find it,
and it was divided into ten areas.
I was in Area A.
I never saw the professor
or the bald macho guy,
so they were probably in a different Area.
Why were you in such a place?
I'm from the countryside, in Aomori,
in the Tohoku region.
Five years ago,
some men came to my house.
They said they were referred
by my father's company.
They came to recruit my father.
My father agreed.
Our whole family left for a new place,
dreaming of a brighter future.
But before I knew it,
my memory started to fade.
Mother! Father!
-Where are you?!
-Shut up!
In the detention camp,
they targeted families
who lived in rural areas
and had no relatives,
so they wouldn't be traced
and could be experimented on.
We were all deceived.
Unable to see our families,
we were called into the lab once a month.
For three years, they threatened me
that if I didn't listen to them,
they would kill my family.
Let's see
What if we have you lose your right eye?
You have no choice.
You'll have to pay the price.
Damn. Failed again.
What a shame.
They stuck it in so deep
that I'm deaf in my right ear.
So that bandage
I use it to cover that wound.
After that, I opened
the Privilege envelope,
so that I could escape
from the pain and fear.
I was somewhat aware
that the easiest family member
to manipulate
was used as a test subject
and that the rest were killed to avoid
their conspiring with each other.
Mother and Father both died because of me.
-That's messed up!
There's no way it's your fault!
It's all their fault!
They are shit! Garbage! Scum! Bastards!
Damn them!
What else is there?
They really piss me off!
Hey, bean sprout!
If you're gonna cry, do it with anger!
We're gonna kick the shit out of them!
Damn them!
-It makes my blood boil!
-All right, that's enough.
Let's talk over there.
-I won't forgive them!
-I totally get you.
-Hey, let go of me!
-I'll leave him to you!
I'm blazing with anger right now!
what else can you tell us
about the detention camp?
It was large enough that it even had
a branch outside the country,
but I'm not sure about now.
Two years ago,
there was a mass escape
that destroyed the facility.
That's when we escaped.
But most people got caught.
We tried telling the authorities about it,
but no one believed us.
I see. It's making sense now.
I think the purpose of the detention camp
was to force the subjects to open
every Privilege envelope
until they got a winning Privilege.
The Emperor was the result
of a successful experiment.
Until they got a winning Privilege?
But the total number of Privileges
in the Majority Vote was 65, right?
I took a glance into the camp vault.
The number of Privileges
wasn't just 100 or 200.
-It was a lot more.
With all those,
they're pretty much invincible.
Wait a second.
Hey, Omi. Were there a lot
of test subjects there?
Yup, there were.
What do you think happened to those
who got caught during the escape?
I think they were eventually killed.
So what happens
to the Special Rights of the dead?
Hey, Omi,
is there any other way to get
Special Rights?
the only way is to open the envelope.
you can also be threatened
and forced to open it.
Or if you lose a visible body part
for a Privilege,
the envelope can be forced open
using someone else's hands.
But each person
can only have one Privilege.
You get it, don't you?
He makes people open their Privileges
and then kills them,
so that he can collect the Special Rights
that no longer have an owner.
I get it.
The Emperor can't open the envelope
because he already has a Privilege.
That's why he scattered
all the remaining envelopes,
so that other people
can open them for him.
That's right.
The Emperor's Privilege
is probably the Right to Collect.
And he's collecting Special Rights.
Right to Collect?
Originally, each person can only have
one Special Right,
but if the collection is made
to go to the Emperor,
he can collect as many Special Rights
as he wants.
And most likely the Majority Vote
was made possible
by combining the vast amount
of these Special Rights.
But this is just my theory.
And for my theory to make sense,
the assumption that a person loses
ownership of their Special Right
when they die
has to be true.
So we have to find a way to prove that.
In order to do that,
I've got to meet him again.
Ren Iruga.
I'm such an idiot.
How can I find a lone computer
in this huge ward?
Look, it's a girl.
What do you wanna do?
-Let's have some fun before we kill her.
-Me first.
You two, get your butts
inside that convenience store!
Right away, ma'am!
It's not working on him.
You bitch
Hey, are you hurt?
Good boy. Thanks buddy.
He must be the one
with the Materialization Right.
You'll be safe here.
No need to be scared.
-I won't harm civilians.
Does he not recognize me?
Thank you so much for saving me.
You know,
you came out of nowhere like a hero.
And it really surprised me.
A hero, huh?
What's wrong?
Hey, what would you do
if the person you thought was a hero
sold his soul to the devil?
Are you talking about a comic book story?
It's a story about a man
who saved my life.
I will never forget that day.
It was ten years ago.
My carelessness caused
our house to catch on fire.
Hey! Are you okay?!
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
I was cooking and then
-It's all my fault
-It's fine. You're alive.
-It's all my fault.
-Forget all that right now.
I liked to cook, but I'm going to quit.
I wanted to make my parents happy,
but because of that
-You can't quit.
Wanting to do something for someone
is a great thing.
You know, you sound like a teacher.
I bet you'll be a great teacher
who can protect any student,
just like a hero!
-You think?
And then he left
without telling me his name.
And a few years later, I met him in a de
I mean, a facility.
But something had completely changed him.
He was a hero to me,
but he was still a human being.
I can't blame him
for his desperation to survive.
Whether it was killing or destroying,
I told myself that this was
my way of repaying him.
But then
I started thinking,
"Is this really the right thing to do?"
It's hard to believe that
Professor Shinozaki had
such a soft side to him.
When did you know?!
From the very beginning.
You approached me
and acted like it was a coincidence.
You wanted to see
if the Professor was with me.
You're so easy to read.
You little!
Why don't you give him
a good punch in the face?
If he has a change of heart,
then your hero will return.
If not, you can boil him, roast him,
or cook him any way you like.
Cook him?
You know what, you're quite the character.
Humans are supposed to be
different yet complicated.
Don't forget that.
Hey, will you take me
to where your team is?
I'm sure Mr. Shinozaki will use
his Visibility Right and come after me.
I want to settle this with him
once and for all,
in front of you guys.
Under one condition though.
Tell me more
about your Materialization Right.
Sure, no problem.
Oh, that was easier than I thought.
The Materialization Right is
a Privilege that can materialize
pictures and photographs.
If it's a living creature,
it shows absolute obedience to me.
That's why I carry this card game
and use it as a weapon.
But since it's a Production-type
Privilege, it consumes my stamina.
Plus, I lost my right lung
in exchange for the Privilege,
so I can only use this Privilege
maybe three or four times max.
This guy is spilling every detail.
You must not be so smart.
What! How did you know that?!
I also have a surprise for you guys.
Let's meet up with your friends.
But isn't it dangerous?
Don't worry. You have me.
I've got to protect
Mr. Shinozaki's precious students,
don't I?
He hasn't lost hope.
He believes that
he can meet his hero again.
You're that guy from back then!
Are you Saneatsu Narita?
I'm Hayato Soma. Nice to meet you.
Eren-senpai, get away from him.
Wait, let me explain.
Why don't we talk in a calm manner?
A red laptop?
-I see.
if you can't trust me,
-I'll hand this red lap
Don't say another word.
The moment you give up
ownership of the computer,
there's a chance that Mido guy
will come and take it from you.
That's not good.
I thought it would be
quite difficult to retain a computer,
but it's fortunate
that you got a hold of it.
Hold on to this charger.
The battery is dead.
You'll need this in order to use it.
It's safer that way, right?
I already put in the password,
so it should be good until tomorrow.
And of course,
I haven't put in a question.
We shouldn't have to worry then.
Since Soma is
the current owner of the computer,
we have no choice
but to work together to protect it.
What's wrong?
-Mr. Shinozaki.
Why are you with Narita?
-Wait, you've got it all wrong!
-Mr. Shinozaki.
I've decided to take down
the Emperor with these guys.
What about you?
Let's settle this right now
in front of the students
that you betrayed!
Forgive me!
I don't expect you to forgive me,
and I don't deserve to be forgiven.
I was in the wrong.
Mr. Shinozaki
It's a little too late for that.
I know!
But please believe everything
that I'm going to tell you.
Sudo died.
What! Sudo-senpai died?
No way
Do you have anything to prove that?
For example, a note or an item from him?
These are materials and notes
that were entrusted to me.
As for an item
That's right.
He used a special ignition agent.
He said it was given to him
by a good friend, often used by magicians.
That's enough information.
-I believe you, Professor.
You guys don't need to believe him.
Just believe in me who believes in him.
I believe him too.
All right.
Please continue.
According to Sudo's notes,
the Emperor's Privilege is
the Right to Collect.
His motive is to collect Special Rights.
Sudo-senpai thought the same thing.
So why did the Majority Vote
begin in Suginami Ward?
It's because Saneatsu Narita was there.
-What is that supposed to mean?
Also, Sudo noted
"Saneatsu Narita likely has
some kind of Privilege."
That thought also passed through my mind
since I couldn't open
the Privilege envelope.
It all starts with this.
A newspaper clipping?
This is the article of the accident
that happened to me
when I was four.
The driver was a friend of my dad's?
You didn't know that?
According to Sudo,
he believes that Narita's father
asked his friend
to hit you on purpose.
Why would my dad do that?
This is the medical record from that time.
It says here that "Saneatsu Narita
lost one of his kidneys
due to damage caused by the accident."
Lost a kidney?
You don't mean
It's highly possible that your dad
took advantage of the surgery.
He gave up your kidney
and forced you to acquire a Privilege.
Why would Sudo-senpai
come to that conclusion?
I never told him about the accident.
Sudo first focused on me and Jin.
Is it because we already had a Privilege?
Special Rights are connected
to the Majority Vote.
And the Majority Vote
is connected to the Emperor.
What if the Emperor intentionally started
the Majority Vote from Suginami Ward?
And eventually
it leads him to this.
The Blue Sky Orphanage.
What is it, bean sprout?
You know about this place?
It's the place that took care of me
after I escaped from the detention camp.
Are you serious?
I was there too.
Me too.
The director's name is Yugo Shimahara.
He's the driver who hit Narita.
My dad's friend? Orphanage?
Lost a kidney to gain a Privilege?
Hey, is your dad still overseas?
It was large enough that it even had
a branch outside the country.
I can't gain a Privilege?
The more I think about it,
the dots connect.
And the note also said
The Privilege that you have
will serve as the trump card
to take down the Emperor.
In other words, Narita's father
is a member of the organization,
-but he turned against it.
Knowing that a successful test subject
would emerge anytime soon,
he put his hope in his own child.
But no one knows
what's inside the envelope
until they open it, right? Like, for real.
So how was he able to choose
Saneatsu's Privilege?
Sudo believes that
there must have been a collaborator
who had a Privilege
that made that possible.
Thinking of the circumstances, perhaps,
under some condition,
there was a researcher
who cooperated with him.
He speculated that much?
This Sudo guy is amazing.
That's pretty much the general idea.
The details are
beyond the realm of imagination,
but there are too many factors.
We know that. Our hope is right here.
Saneatsu Narita holds the key.
An Image Right.
This isn't the one either.
What a shame.
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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