Taxi Driver (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Into the Strategic Planning Team

You passed while you were in school.
You volunteer regularly too.
I did volunteer work as exercise
to gain energy while studying for the bar.
How would you define the law?
Define it in a sentence.
It's the basic grounds to resolve
society's conflicts
and disputes with a fair standard.
It includes laws, codes,
regulations, and legislation.
I like your clear and concise answer.
Thank you.
Let's say you witnessed
someone getting assaulted
at a construction site late at night.
What would be the most appropriate action?
I can use bricks and steel bars.
Bricks and steel bars?
It's a construction site,
so those two are the most viable weapons.
I could use
spike nails and woodworking tools.
Hey, I was asking
for an appropriate answer
based on the law.
How does your answer
adequately address my question?
You must be talking about legal measures
such as self-defense,
evacuation, or self-help.
If the victim could evacuate,
they wouldn't have been dragged there.
If they could help themselves,
they wouldn't be getting assaulted.
In that situation,
I wouldn't have the time to assess
what is self-defense or what isn't.
That is if I really wanted to save them.
"When drums beat, laws are silent."
In a reality where the law is far
and power is close,
asking a victim who's in trouble
to wait until the law comes
to resolve their problem
lacks logic.
All right.
See you next year.
Goodbye for now.
Don't be nervous. Good luck today!
What happens on the first day of work?
On the first day of work, you usually
get me connected to the server
with the CCTV footage
of those men beating Seo Yeong-min.
Copy the file,
hunt down every single assailant,
make them pay
for Mr. Seo's medical expenses,
psychological damages,
and our taxi fee, and then
kill them all.
I have a lot to do on my first day.
You can do it!
Hello, Prosecutor Kang from
the Northern District Prosecutors' Office.
I'm so sorry.
Our visitor access is strictly restricted.
I just need a quick meeting
with the chairman.
Your company seems very unique.
You're very stylish, ma'am.
Is he your stylist?
Haven't you heard?
"The most personal is the most creative."
We're so sorry.
Our chairman
has told us not to allow
anyone without an employee card in.
It sounds like you're telling me
to get a warrant to go in.
Goodness, we're sorry.
I mean, we're simply on payroll here.
You understand.
If I took one more step,
that'll make me rude, right?
Oh, right. Please tell the chairman
that I'm sad I didn't get to see him.
Yes, I'll tell him you were devastated.
-Goodbye, Prosecutor Kang Ha-na.
What's with those three?
Are they traffic lights?
What's with their hair?
How annoying.
The former investigator once told me
that you sometimes just run over
demanding to see the owners and CEOs.
Just like now.
Is that what he said?
It's a good thing.
It's like a routine of mine.
It's like reading the table of contents
to prepare yourself for the book.
To prepare yourself?
I'm dividing it up to understand it.
When the prosecutor comes to see the boss,
if they open the doors, level one.
If the secretary stops me, level two.
If it's a senior officer, level three.
If they turn me away at the door,
level four.
So it's like
two wrestlers feeling each other out.
Feeling each other out?
Wrestlers can sense how good
their opponent is by grabbing each other.
How much they weigh,
what their specialty is.
Once they grab them, they just know.
That's pretty amazing.
Excuse me.
It is you.
What are you doing here?
That's what I want to ask.
Why are you here?
Do you work here?
Tell me. Do you really work here?
What about the taxi company?
I quit.
The president abused his power.
I see. I can't believe my luck.
Please excuse me, then.
Do you have some time?
No, today is my first day here.
What about at lunch? My treat.
I'm sorry.
I have to eat lunch with my colleagues.
You said it was your first day.
Isn't it your first time meeting them?
You didn't forget about lunch, right?
We're eating samgyetang!
With my former colleagues.
Then I'll be starting
my first day at work.
Prosecutor Kang.
I thought you didn't know anyone here.
That's what I thought, but it feels like
I have someone in my corner.
Let's go.
We should look into
why Prosecutor Kang was here.
Please pass that on to Mr. Jang.
I'll tell him she tried to hit on you.
-Where did you learn to speak like that?
-I didn't learn it.
I witnessed it first-hand.
How dare she bid you luck?
That's right.
Keep going!
There we go!
-Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!
-Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!
-Six! Five! Four! Three!
-Six! Five! Four! Three!
-Two! One!
-Two! One!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
My beloved Udata family.
We've already surpassed
last year's annual sales!
And who made this happen?
It's the Strategic Planning Team!
Let's all give a big hand to the assholes
in the Strategic Planning Team!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
Is anyone wearing a new outfit today?
Raise your hand if you are.
You, come on over.
How much did you pay for this?
-I got it for 35,000 won on the internet.
-You paid 35,000 won?
-Oh, my.
-What's going on?
-My gosh.
How do you feel?
Hey, kid. Take this.
Before you come to work tomorrow,
buy an outfit
using every last penny of this money.
If it's even a single won short,
you're fired. Got it?
Yes, sir!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-How do you feel?
-You're okay with a ripped shirt?
-I feel great!
Everyone, let's give this a thought.
People say happiness
doesn't depend on your grades
and that you can't buy it with money.
Is that true?
-No, sir.
You can buy happiness with money,
and it's only determined by your grades.
That's why they made up
those weird quotes.
-You're right!
-Yes, sir!
Over your entire life,
what in the world is that one thing
that made you miserable?
-It's money!
Is there anyone here who doesn't want
a 40-pyeong apartment in Seoul?
-No, sir!
-No, sir!
Don't you want to scrap your crappy cars
and buy a fancy foreign car?
-We do!
-We do!
Don't you want to sit in a fancy penthouse
and spend the night
with your lover, you assholes?
-We do!
-We do!
Imagine having access
to everything I just listed right now.
I get to enjoy this luxurious life.
I, Park Yang-jin,
a street vendor who carried
bags of cosmetics to sell at marketplaces,
got to where I am
without any connections or help.
Then, you all should do better than me.
Because I am your connection and backer!
So trust me, you assholes!
Just believe in Udata
and believe in money.
-I will help you become rich!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
How interesting.
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin!
Did Mr. Kim go into the office
or a revival?
-Park Yang-jin!
-Park Yang-jin! Good!
Park Yang-jin!
Mr. Jang, I didn't know
you were still at Bluebird Foundation.
Soon he'll become
the soul and the spirit of the foundation.
Mr. Cho has been helping me out
a great deal.
Rumors say
you work the hardest at your law firm.
-Then you must make a lot too.
-Why? Are you asking for a donation?
Goodness, you.
-Did you want to see me, Mr. Cho?
Say hello.
This is Mr. Kim Yeong-tak,
the former chief district attorney.
Hello. You look rather young.
What class are you in?
Your senior asked you a question.
Why aren't you answering?
Come here.
Introduce yourself properly.
I am Kang Ha-na,
the 44th class of the training institute.
The 44th class?
Then you've been a prosecutor
for five to six years.
She's a young one.
Then Mr. Cho,
ask that young one a question for me.
Seo Yeong-min's case was already dropped,
so why is she snooping around the company?
What do you mean?
Prosecutor Kang.
Are you still looking into Udata?
Mr. Cho.
How do you take care of your subordinates?
I thought I made myself very clear.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Cho made it very clear for me.
He said to do my duty as a junior.
So I hope
you won't give him a hard time over this.
I am solely responsible
for everything that's about to happen.
What? Look here, Prosecutor Kang.
That's too rude.
Yes, and this rude person
will excuse herself.
My gosh.
-What a great world we live in.
-I'm sorry.
Great work.
Right, Mr. Choi.
-Isn't your wife's birthday tomorrow?
-How did you know, sir?
Man, you little punk.
Open it. There should be cash.
Get your wife a gift.
If you leave a single penny, you're fired.
Great work today.
Thank you, sir!
This is great!
How nice!
Let me interview you.
We need this touching moment.
-Hey, honey.
So a guy in the Strategic Planning
and I started together,
but he gets paid three times what I get.
My gosh. If you throw in the bonus,
I bet it's more than that.
Do you know who Seo Yeong-min is?
How do you know him, Mr. Kim?
I saw his business card
in my office equipment box.
I thought he was my predecessor.
He had a problem… Why?
No, it's not that.
He quit shortly after he started working,
so we don't really know him.
He transferred
to the Strategic Planning Team,
and he quit shortly after.
I see.
I heard they had a strategy meeting
at a hotel in Jeju Island last month.
A hotel is nothing.
They get to go to the chairman's villa
as if it was their home.
I'm sure they do.
They're the key players of Udata.
Damn it.
They have an opening,
so why won't they take me?
What do you think?
-Goodness, these losers.
You won't make it with your performance.
Just get back to work.
Yes, we'll do our best.
-Work hard.
-Yes, sir.
What are you doing?
Hello, sir.
I have to make some copies.
Why are you here, then?
Well, I…
Right, Mr. Kim.
You must've gotten lost.
-I see.
Go towards the break room.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jang called.
"The deputy district attorney
stopped her from investigating,
but her spirit is still strong.
Even if she shows up again,
you don't have to mind her.
Pass that on to Do-gi.
From your abusive boss."
That's what he said.
Are you connected?
Yes, I'm connected.
Mr. Kim, you're good at your job.
When will Dr. Kim get here?
He'll arrive around midnight.
What will you tell Mr. Jang?
It doesn't matter.
He doesn't need his eyes to listen.
Hey, mister. Come here. Let's talk.
I won't do anything. Come here.
Hey, mister!
You're fasting as of today.
Intermittent fasting
is supposed to be good for you.
I'll make sure I remember you people too.
I love that look in your eyes.
That's why they'll be taken away.
according to their sales last year,
they made a total of 210 billion won
with a profit of 52 billion won.
Their profit margin was 25%.
If you look
at the detailed breakdown of their sales,
about 90% of their profit
comes from adult content.
This is…
Prosecutor Kang.
Prosecutor Kang?
Are you listening to me?
I'm sorry.
Is there another problem?
I don't think what we're doing right now
is the core of the problem.
-"The core"?
The core issue we must tackle.
He said
that he didn't want
to be a coward anymore.
That he wanted to make me proud.
-Do you know Chairman Park Yang-jin?
-I don't know anything.
Leave at once. I did nothing wrong.
I know nothing, so just leave!
Hello, I'm Prosecutor Kang Ha-na.
I visited you recently.
Please don't hang up. Hear me out.
Someone wants to meet you, Mr. Jeon.
The wiring is concentrated
in the Strategic Planning Team.
There are CCTVs everywhere else
except the Strategic Planning Team.
The entire team is in a blind spot.
Mr. Kim.
Manager Kim Do-gi?
-Don't just drink your coffee and tell me.
What will you do now?
Before I do anything,
I need to switch departments.
To Strategic Planning.
No way.
-You want to go to Strategic Planning?
I thought that was the essence of Udata
and the most influential team.
You're right.
You just started working there,
and nobody knows or acknowledges you.
How will you go there?
Then we can start there.
I'll let people know who I am
and get them to acknowledge me.
Then get transferred.
-Right, so how will you do it?
-I have you.
For your information,
I'm in Program Development Team Two.
My gosh.
Does he think I'm a child?
I'm done polishing these.
They look very clean.
Thank you.
Keep up the good work.
I think we chose
the wrong profession as our cover.
We haven't even had lunch yet.
Gyeong-gu, you'd better hurry.
We have to take these back before lunch.
Stop polishing them so well.
We keep getting customers
because you're so good.
Even so, how could I stop polishing these?
-I guess I shouldn't be so pessimistic.
-You're not doing it right.
I suggested delivering packages.
Damn it!
What is going on?
Who's in charge?
Hey, have you gone insane?
-What the hell is that?
-What's going on? Shit!
What's going on here?
It looks like our firewall is down
due to a DDoS attack.
-We're restoring it.
-How long will it take?
About a week.
Do you know how much we make in a day?
How could you say that bullshit?
Can you do it faster?
The internal network became a botnet,
so it'll be five days at least.
I think it'll take that long too.
Goddamn it!
I can have it fixed in ten minutes.
Hey. What did you just say?
Did you just say
you'll fix this virus in ten minutes?
-Hey. Don't you see what's going on?
Don't joke around
in front of the chairman.
I wasn't joking.
It's the same program that attacked
the company I worked for in the US.
I went through so much trouble back then,
so I built a patch to prevent it.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
This fixes the problem in ten minutes?
I just need to catch the computer
that attacked our server with DDoS.
I said ten minutes earlier,
so I think it's about time.
I got it. It's done.
I got it!
Try rebooting the system.
The website is back up.
What the…
Look at this punk. Hey.
-Who are you?
-Yes, sir.
I'm Manager Kim Do-gi
of Program Development Team Two.
-Director Jung.
-Yes, Chairman Park.
He resolved a huge problem for us.
Give this punk a special bonus.
-Bring it over in 60 seconds.
-Yes, sir.
Tell Ms. Kim in the Secretary's Office
to bring a bonus over.
Right now.
I'll show you my appreciation.
Man, this punk.
You're incredible.
This much.
Here. Take this.
Well, sir.
Why? Do you want more?
Well… Instead of a bonus,
I'd like more points.
-Points for what?
-For my performance evaluation.
Is there a team you want to work for?
Well, I want to work for the core team.
-The core team?
-Yes, sir.
I hear Strategic Planning
gets paid a lot,
and I heard it's the key team of Udata.
So you want to work there?
Yes, sir.
If you let me transfer, I will do my best!
You little punk. You're a funny guy.
Just take this, punk.
You're an interesting one.
He looks like a chick in this yellow.
Man, that punk.
That's a pretty awesome punk.
I can't believe him.
You made yourself known
and got acknowledged,
so why can't you transfer?
You saved his company from a crisis.
Why won't he let you switch teams?
He pretended like he's such a big shot.
I think we overlooked something.
We did?
Go-eun, will you do me a favor?
-It's a bit inconvenient.
-Well, fine.
Go ahead and ask.
If it's inconvenient, I won't do it.
If you do it for me, I'll give you a gift.
I just finished warming up.
What is it?
If you're done with your boring task,
how about we go get some food?
I'm open to making it my treat.
Let's just say you did.
If you ate already,
why don't you grab a drink with me?
Let's say we did that too.
Someone will mistake it for a money bag.
-Did you get started?
-We're ready.
We'll take off now.
-Let's go.
-Yes, sir.
Do all cloud storage services
have to work with a filtering company?
I heard 10% of their employees
need to be filtering agents.
I'll look into it.
We know someone who works there.
Maybe we should ask him.
-Ask him what?
-A reason to barge in.
Like whistle-blowing.
Are you being serious?
Should I not be serious?
How long have you known the man
who works there?
Since yesterday.
You were there when we met.
Goodness, Prosecutor Kang.
This is why people say you're a nutcase.
-What did you say?
-I didn't say a word.
I'll be going then.
This is Kang Ha-na from
the Northern District Prosecutors' Office.
talked about you a lot, Mr. Jeon.
He said you found him work
when he needed a job,
and after he started, he was grateful
for how considerate you were.
It's all my fault.
I told him to apologize
and put an end to it.
Who's number 14?
Show your face, you idiot!
Who are you to apologize
on behalf of Udata?
Look at this arrogant punk.
Is this your company?
Are you the chairman?
Your boss, the owner of the company,
has to bow to some no-name loser
because of you. But what? You're sorry?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
The Strategic Planning Team?
That's where everything began.
Hey, this guy looks very fresh.
How much did you get for him? Yes.
I'll go ahead with the transplantation.
I put him to sleep.
Goddamnit. Come at me.
Where the hell am I?
Those assholes.
Damn it. Those sons of bitches.
You jerk!
This is how it should be!
Ms. Baek. Cho Do-cheol escaped.
If you have time to report it,
go catch him.
I'm sorry, Ms. Baek.
Open the window.
What is this?
They have a lot of ex-cons working there.
Bad credit,
alcohol addiction,
and even a gambling addict.
Is anyone here going to tell me
I did a good job with the research? No?
Well, if that's the case…
-I'll take these.
-The bonus?
As expected, they have
different criteria for recruitment.
That's odd.
What do they do there
to hire those kinds of people?
Put together a new résumé for me.
One that they would love.
Go-eun. Be honest.
Did Mr. Jang only give you a bonus?
You look like you'd hit someone for money.
Mr. Park.
Hit me.
If you have any grudges against me,
just let it out now.
Why would I?
I'd feel less horrible that way.
-Even still, why would I hit--
If he can't do it,
I'll do it.
-I want Mr. Park to hit me.
Darn. It sucks, but what can I do?
Do your very best for my sake.
For real?
-Chairman Park.
Here's to your long, healthy life.
I'm at your service!
That's right!
That was very impressive.
This is… Hold on.
What was this called?
It's a loyalty bomb
to show my undying loyalty to you, sir!
-That's the name.
-Loyalty bomb!
I have to say,
I have nothing to worry about
because I have all of you
watching out for me.
It's all because you graciously hired us
as your guard dogs, sir.
Thanks to you,
I feel quite powerful at work.
Here comes another loyalty bomb!
Let's go!
-Loyalty bomb!
Another one!
Excuse me.
-Chairman Park.
-Right now.
Damn it.
-Gosh. Please excuse me.
-No problem, sir.
-I'll be right back.
-He's coming out.
Hello, Chairman Park!
-Gosh, you little punk.
What's going on?
We've come up with a great plan, sir.
You can be obnoxious,
but you do good work. I give you that.
It's very nice.
-I'm so drunk right now. We'll talk later.
-We'll have a meal.
Right. I won't forget.
I'll introduce you to this guy next time.
Sure, whatever.
-Let's grab a bite soon.
-Yes, sir!
Take care, sir.
Good night, sir!
Where have I seen him before?
I'm pretty sure I've seen him somewhere.
-Hey, let go!
-Yes, sir.
Let go…
Okay. Keep up the good work.
Here you go.
What the hell is this? What is it?
Sir, someone parked on the ramp.
I'll take care of it.
Damn it.
Oh, right.
Mr. Lee said
Strategic Planning is short-staffed.
He's been nagging me like crazy
to fill the spot.
How annoying. Do you know anyone?
I'm looking into it.
You jerk! What did you say?
Do you think I'm a joke? Hey!
-What the…
-I have connections!
Good grades lead to happiness,
and happiness can be bought with money.
That punk…
I know him.
That punk looks familiar.
He's our new hire.
-You gave him a bonus.
The virus guy! Right?
-Yes, sir.
-It's him!
-That virus punk!
I'm sorry.
Hey, how do you feel now?
You're flustered, right?
Hang on.
Here. Take this.
Take it, asshole!
How do you feel?
Good, right?
You feel good, right? You punk!
You punk.
-How do you feel now?
-Look at that.
-What a funny kid.
-You feel good, right?
That kid is hilarious.
-How do you feel?
Are you offended?
Hey, I'll fix it with this. Here.
Take it, you punk.
You can do whatever you want with this.
Hey, where am I?
He didn't say he'd go this far.
I should've just punched him.
Gosh, it's so cold.
I've brought him, sir.
Did you find someone?
None suitable yet, sir.
We'll keep looking.
We need to fill the vacancy
in Strategic Planning right away.
If you can't find anyone externally…
Who's the guy
that caused a scene in the car park?
Manager Kim Do-gi?
-Yes, that guy.
What about him?
I don't know him that well.
Then get to know him, you idiot.
Yes, sir. We'll look into it, sir.
Get out.
Come in.
Prosecutor Kang! What brings you by?
-This is for you.
-You didn't have to.
You got me coffee last time.
Thank you.
Are there any set standards
when deciding on
whom Bluebird supports?
No, not really. Why do you ask?
There's someone who needs Bluebird's help.
Is it someone you personally know?
Not really.
But he's in a precarious situation.
Please help him.
Sure, I'll look into it right away.
-Have a good day.
-You too.
He has bad credit
and priors for theft and aggravated theft.
He was also charged with fraud
for a cosmetics pyramid scheme.
Before joining Udata,
he worked as a taxi driver.
Any family?
After getting a divorce,
he was in rehab for alcoholism.
Sounds like he's a real scumbag.
A total scum.
He's better than Mr. Lee.
You guys are all scumbags.
He intrigues me.
I did as you said,
but I think we failed again.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
Move to the Strategic Planning Team.
Yes, sir.
Oh, right.
Do you have a credit card?
A credit card?
I have bad credit.
You don't even have a credit card.
No, sir.
Here, use this for now.
Work hard from now on,
and let's get you a VVIP card.
Goodbye, everyone!
Mr. Kim.
There you are.
Come here.
-This is the Strategic Planning Team.
-Oh, my.
-Isn't the air clean? Look.
To the right is an air purifier.
To the left is an air concentrator.
There's an old saying
by that Greek guy. Socrates?
-Yes, Socrates said this.
"A healthy mind in a healthy body."
-Right? I'm sure you've heard it.
Sit here. This is your desk.
-Oh, my.
-This is the best spot.
-Look at the monitors!
-I struck it rich here.
Gosh, it's no joke.
Oh, my.
Mr. Kim.
I just sent you a link.
Open it and download the app.
-I installed it.
-Sounds nice. Right?
I'll tell you what just happened.
You're like a director
whose first film
was watched by ten million people.
What? Why is that?
Because you've joined
the Strategic Planning Team.
I see!
You're one of the key players
of Udata now.
This is great.
-I have to work with you someday.
-Thank you.
Work hard.
He says I'm a key player now.
Congratulations, Mr. Kim.
The company gave you a special gift
for becoming one of the key players,
so watch what you say from now on.
That app you just installed
is a spy camera app
used for hacking and bugging.
It's the same one I like to use.
You can talk now.
I'll tell you when it's turned on.
The company treats them so well
that other departments envy them,
but they're being monitored.
You were right. Park Yang-jin
doesn't need competent employees.
He wants people he can control completely.
It's called gaslighting.
Are you done for the day?
What's her deal?
Were you waiting for me?
I was going to call you,
but I thought
it'd be better to talk in person.
How's work?
It's all right.
Are you interested in getting a new job?
I just started working here.
The thing is,
I'm going to do something to this company,
and I'd like your help.
Which department are you in?
Attorney Kim. Isn't it taboo
to treat former officials like that?
If she has the balls
to talk back to you like that,
she must be a nutcase.
My gosh.
What's that? What?
That lunatic is with my employee.
I'm sorry, Attorney Kim. I have to go.
How many times must I tell you?
I'm in the Strategic Planning Team.
"The Strategic Planning Team"?
Mr. Kim, the app is on now.
A viewer is watching your interaction.
Watch what you say.
You must not know yet.
Do you know what Park Yang-jin is like?
I do. He's an admirable person.
He's someone who doesn't hesitate
to kill someone
to fulfill his own ambitions.
Here's another hater.
Just leave.
Money-grubbing jerks stay and succeed
and they retaliate
against those with a conscience!
That's what happens here.
Open your eyes!
Chairman Park must've had a reason
for doing that!
Gosh, I clearly misjudged you.
You're just another scumbag like him.
Did you just say "scumbag"?
You can call me a scumbag,
but don't you dare say that
about Chairman Park!
Apologize right now.
It seems unlikely,
but I hope your conscience will win.
Get lost! What a load of bullshit.
Get lost!
I hope I never see you again!
What's going on?
What's the situation down there?
Hey, Mr. Kim.
-It's the chairman.
-Oh, my.
Chairman Park.
What is that? Your car is so old.
I have a bit of a situation, sir.
You need to make money to get a new car.
Does it even work?
Yes, sir! I'll work hard!
Mr. Kim.
-How much can I trust you?
-Pardon me?
Jerks! What are you doing?
Damn, this piece of shit.
Did you take us for some fools?
-Did you think you could keep fooling us?
-Why are you doing this?
Didn't you join our company to steal
information for Prosecutor Kang Ha-na?
-Let's just chop his hands off.
-Give me your hand.
No, wait!
-Hold on! Wait!
-Grab him.
-Give me your hand.
Did your sister kill herself
because of her video?
This punk won't talk.
So you're not going to talk?
-All right.
-Your hand.
-Let's do this!
-Wait! I'll tell you everything!
-You should've done that from the get-go!
-Hold him.
Spill it!
The reason I came here…
This won't do.
Let's go!
I joined Udata to work hard
under the chairman and earn money.
Help him up.
That was fun.
-My gosh.
-Nice, that's great.
Ever since I moved you
to the Strategic Planning Team,
the other employees have been complaining.
They kept saying
I gave you special treatment.
So I told everyone
in the Strategic Planning
that I'd show them
what a genuine guy you are.
Am I right?
Sir, he said he joined Udata
to work hard and earn money.
I'm glad you joined us.
If you want money, you should work for me.
Here. It's a treasure.
-Did you piss your pants?
-Yes. A little.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
You're one of my boys now, okay?
For real, you're like my child now.
We're family now, okay?
I'll work hard, Chairman Park!
I like this guy.
Let's wrap up the hazing here!
-Welcome to the family!
Now, get back to work!
Make some money, you punks.
You've hit the jackpot!
You did great.
I'll work hard!
-See you.
-My gosh.
He's good.
Is there anything left?
Yes, of course.
The last step of your hazing ritual.
Here it comes!
Get up, you idiot!
Get up.
Do you get it now?
Traitors will not be forgiven.
That's the lesson here.
Damn it.
He's recovering?
-Do you get it?
-Yes, sir.
-You can go now.
-Thank you.
-The hazing is over now. Sure.
-Thank you.
You said he was practically dead.
What a nuisance.
Okay, all right.
They kindly told me all of this,
so I can't just do nothing.
-What should we do?
-What do you think?
You taught me what needs to be done
on my first day of work.
Damn it.
We should've done
a thorough job from the get-go.
What a pain in the ass.
I should just finish him off.
Who fixes their car up like that?
What the…
No! Stop! Are you insane?
-Hey, An.
Did you drink?
A little.
-With Mr. Lee?
-Come on. I'd never drink with him.
His smile creeps me out.
He's probably drunk
and making an action flick.
-This is driving me crazy.
-Action flicks suit him.
He's not cut out for a desk job.
He's too rough.
He never comes to work when he drinks.
Good morning, you two.
Mr. Kim.
Did Mr. Lee train you?
No, not yet.
Hey, An.
Train him.
Damn it.
-Follow me.
-Did you get your card key?
Mr. Oh.
Call Mr. Lee. Tell him he's dead meat
if he's not here in an hour.
-Make me some coffee.
-I won't say it twice, so listen up.
There's a gallery server that only
the Strategic Planning Team can access.
You need to stick this in to access it,
so don't lose it.
"A gallery server"?
Only a select few can get this
in the company.
I see.
I'll explain how it works.
You're smart,
so memorize it and do it later.
Once the concept is finalized,
just upload suitable ones
from the gallery.
You have to upload
at least 1,000 a day to make money.
Don't forget that.
-Get ready to make big money.
You love money, don't you?
I was in Udata's Strategic Planning Team.
I copied the card key.
I can get into the server too.
You're all dead meat now.
The key players of Udata.
The department everyone wants to be in.
The leader in sales.
The Strategic Planning Team.
I managed all the uploads.
I'll become rich soon.
No matter how advanced technology gets,
it can never beat the human touch.
-We have a page.
-Let's check.
-Hello, Mr. Jang.
-Go find Go-eun now.
-I'll explain later.
Pull her out of the operation.
What do you mean?
Keep her away from Udata's server!
My job…
was uploading illegal videos.
I was
Udata's heavy uploader.
What's going on?
Where is she?
An Jeong-eun is Go-eun's sister.
We have to delete everyone's video.
Not just Jeong-eun's.
Every single video is a life.
K University's Queen, An Jeong-eun.
That was his debut piece.
Don't lose the jerk in the blue pants.
If people like you did your jobs right,
-I wouldn't need to say this now.
Prosecutor Kang Ha-na.
Get everything
from the hard drives and the servers.
Don't lose him!
Those assholes who killed my sister…
I'm going to get revenge on them.
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