Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

I'm a Good Person

Do you believe in monsters?
Abel says there's
a swamp monster.
Who's Abel?

Something very bad
happened here.
It wasn't a hallucination.
It happened, Pete.
I remember the man.
I'm not crazy.
John: You came across her,
didn't you,
my friend Andrea Black?
I knew he was gonna rape me.
I know what you did, Mary.
I have a daughter.
I messed her up, too.
-Mary: She is a monster.
-Get out!
-Get out! Get out!
-She's part of him.
They took my daughter.
You have Karen Miller?
She can tell me the truth.
No one's ever gonna find her.
I'd be safe and warm ♪
I'd be safe and warm ♪
-If I was in L.
-A. ♪
Oh, come on, baby, sing with me.
-I can't see anything, Mom!
-California dreamin' ♪
-On such a winter's day ♪
-[ Horn blares ]
[ Crash ]
Oh, my God. Karen!
Oh, my God.
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?

[ Police radio chatter ]

Woman: She admits to
an alcohol problem.
The mother had her drive.
They went into a ditch.
She's in custody.
I want my mom.
Looks like you're gonna stay
with us for a while, Karen.
We have accommodation tonight
but we'll need to place her
in foster care tomorrow.
[ Receiver hangs up ]
Emma: No one should take a child
from her mother.
She's back!
-Hi, little girl.
-What's wrong?
Little Bitty. Ooh.
Get out here and see this!
-[ Cat meowing ]
-Hi, little Bitty.
I missed you!
Where have you been?

I'm just gonna stand with
my bag hanging off my left arm ♪
I'm just gonna walk home ♪
Kicking stones
at parked cars ♪
But I had a great night ♪
'Cause you kept rubbing
against my arm ♪
Hey. Come here.
It's okay. Come here.
-Come here.
It's all right.
Thank you for giving me
the time off.
[ Breathing heavily ]
You take as much time
as you need.
We'll be here waiting for you.
so I can adore you ♪
You seen Tom around?
I want the entire street
out of town ♪

I adore you ♪

[ Footsteps approach ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
My grandmother died.
I had to go say goodbye.
Or maybe you're just a liar.

Maybe everything Emma Hall ever
said was just one big fat lie.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]
I didn't know what you'd like.
Rose: You get one for yourself?
Emma: That would be weird.
I was ready to go with you.
I was gonna leave my family,
my home, this town.
You think that some candy and
a keychain makes up for that?
I was sad.
People do crazy things
when they're sad.
[ Water running ]
You told me
some really dark shit
about bad stuff happening here,
and then you just went.
But you know what?
Maybe you're the bad stuff
that's happened here.
-Emma: What?
-You told me my mom was right,
that it isn't safe
here in Saint James.
But maybe that's because of you.

What if you're not
who I thought you were?
Maybe I need to tell my dad
it was you who broke my nose.
Hey. Wait.
Hey, I do care about you.
And it's true
something bad has happened here.

[ Sniffles ]

Jess is dead.

And I think they know about it
at St. Jerome.
I think they're lying.
How do you know?
How can you be sure?
I saw her.
I saw her. I saw her dead.
No. No.
I'm trying to be
honest with you.
What if it was you?
-What if you hurt her?
-No. Rose, listen to me--
-You hurt me.
Yes, I was protecting her.
I was protecting Jess.
-What if you're lying?
-I'm not.
If you've done nothing wrong,
why don't you tell someone?
Because I have
done something wrong.
I have.
What did you do?
I was in an accident.
I hit someone, and I left.
And I can't have that come out.
So I need you not to say
anything about Jess. I
I need you to trust me,
trust that I will

I'll find out what happened.
Do you trust me?
Do you trust me?
You won't lie anymore?
I promise.

I trust you.

[ Laughter, indistinct talking ]
[ Mid-tempo music plays ]
Not just a debt ♪
And all that you left
is debts that you don't pay ♪
Pay, pay ♪
Well, you need
to make a quick call ♪
Just call it a loss,
but you can't just ♪
Theresa: Your shot.
No, no, no ♪
You can't just write me off ♪
Thank you.
I needed a friend tonight.
Can't just write me off ♪
You can't just write me off ♪
[ Both laugh ]
You can't just write me off ♪
No ♪
You can't just write me ♪
Off ♪
You can't just write me ♪
Off ♪
You can't just write me off ♪
[ Cellphone chimes ]
You can't just write me off ♪

[ Bottles clink ]

Did you make a friend
at the spa?
Although these look like
more of a funeral.
I guess you mourned
the loss of sugar, right?
Wow. You really did not
kick that habit.
So didn't miss
my moral conscience.
Oh. I don't believe you.
[ Chuckles ]
Who are they from?

Mary: John, where are you?
Are we gonna get
into the weeds again?
Don't you just want a phone call
one of these days
with some really good news?
I don't think I'm gonna get
that phone call anymore, John.
And even if I did,
I don't think you're
the right man to make it.
Are you suggesting that I get
an assistant, have him call you?
I know of several candidates,
although I'm not sure
you'd like their methods.
I'm suggesting you stop.
I'm suggesting that this,
you and me
it's it's over.
It's over, John.
After everything I've done?
What have you done?
I am closer than you
could ever imagine.
Closer to what? To Miller?
Why don't you just stop
asking questions, Mary?
Why don't you lie back and relax
and let me call you
with some good news?
And I will call you, Mary.
I promise.
Do you know what I think?
That you're the only one
in pain?
I think you like
your credit card,
you like your car,
and you don't want to go back
to the grocery store
to stock shelves anymore.
I think you've strung this out
just as long as you can.
And I think you don't know me.
I do.
I do.
I know what you've done,
and it scares me
that nobody else does.
Turn yourself in, John.
For Andrea Black.
Turn yourself in
before I do.

[ Cellphone closes ]

Did you like your gift?
Tom: Nobody's bought me
a keychain since I was like 10.
Georgia said you lost
your grandma.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, me too.
So, um, do you paint?
Uh, I draw.
I mean, not great,
but, uh, that's more my thing.
No, I mean, like, paint walls.
Oh. [ Chuckles ]
I'm painting my room, and
I don't have a ladder
or paintbrushes
or paint.
[ Birds chirping ]
Tom: I wouldn't have
assumed pink.
There is such a thing
as too much wood.
Was it a big funeral?
We're not a big family.
What, like, your
your mom, your your dad?
I mean, I don't know
if you got any brothers
or sisters or anything?
Copy that.
Marthe LeGrande broke my heart.
Five years ago.
She married me,
left me, took my house.
She still live in this town
Marthe LeGrande?
[ Laughing ] Whatever?
[ Laughs ]
You point her out.
I'll mess her up.
The pink's nice.
And I think she's gonna love it.
My daughter.
I have a daughter, Tom.
A beautiful,
beautiful little girl.
And I can't have her
with me right now,
because I went through
a really dark time.
And a lot of bad stuff
happened, and
and I'm still trying
to work through all of it.
What's her name?
It's a beautiful name.
[ Sniffles ]
I want to make something here.
A new life.
And I wanna forget
all the bad things
all of them.
Oh, Mickey, what a pity
you don't understand ♪
You take me by the heart
when you take me by the hand ♪
Oh, Mickey, you're so pretty,
can't you understand ♪
It's guys like you, Mickey ♪
Oh, what you do,
Mickey, do, Mickey ♪
Don't break my heart, Mickey ♪
I didn't know you had a brother.
-A brother!

Hey. Ooh, sorry.
[ Laughing ]
Sadie, go dance with your dad.
He's not my dad.
He's my stepdad.
Go dance with him.
It was nice to meet you, John.
Here. Thank you.
Can you just put it
on the table?
Hey, Sis.
[ Sighs ]
Man, what have you done now?
Uh, could I get a bottle
of your most expensive
champagne, please?
-No! I--
-My sister just got married.
Shh! Quiet.
No one here knows
who I am, right?
I mean, Sadie doesn't
even remember me.
-She's my niece.
-Come on, John.
Don't do this.
It's been seven years.
What do you want me
to say to her?
"Hey, baby,
this is your uncle, John.
-The rapist."
-Don't say that, please.
Don't call me that.
I-I've worked so hard.
Look, I-I don't know, I don't
know what you want from me.
But this is my wedding.
-You can't be here.
-I just
I-I just really need
to talk to someone.
[ Sighs ]
I, uh I have a job.
I'm, uh, working
for someone very important.
A lady.
What, uh What job?
Uh, I can't actually
share the details.
-My work, it's confidential.
-Oh, screw you.
Then why-why are you even
talking it about if you can't
-Well, screw you. You asked.
-share the details?
Come on, you always
were a busybody.
Thank you. Thank you.
[ Glasses clink ]
You look beautiful.
-Thank you.
-As always.
So, what are you doing for her?
Looking for someone.
Um, she may know something about
something bad that happened
or she may have
done something bad.
No. John, quit the job.
You're a convicted rapist,
out of state.
Even if you weren't my brother,
I would be really concerned
about the person employing you.
I want to be a family again.
I want to be a good uncle
to Sadie,
and I-I want to meet Derek.
It's Derek, right?
I've never found baldness
to be unattractive.
[ Chuckles ]
You, um
You can't be
in my daughter's life.
[ Voice breaking ] Ever.
I'm sorry.
Just, um, give up the job.
It is not, uh, a good thing.
Stay away from women, okay?
You can't just wipe away
those things you did, John.
You didn't just rape those
two women, you destroyed them.
-I got to go.
No. No. It's not much.
It's just a

Barman: Card's declined.
Just, uh, run it again.
I did. It says it's canceled.
Do you have another card, cash?
I already opened the bottle,

[ Cheers and applause ]
Hey, Emily. Emily.
The boosters keep talking
about state about the record.
-It's pretty exciting, huh?
-I try not to think about it.
Theresa's record isn't coming
down anytime soon, Mrs. Barlow.
Oh, you don't,
you don't have to say that.
She was more than a record.
For the record.
So, go for it.
Really, go for it, okay?
Sure. I-I gotta go.
Of course. Of course.
Bye. Bye, Emily.
Hey, Marty, how's Tammy doing?
Girls looking good.
God, remember that day when
Theresa swam those five races,
-won 'em all?
-You know I remember everything.
You never have to remind me
of any detail.
Because it is all stored right
up here, every minute of it.
So you don't have to
have those conversations.
I like having
those conversations.
You don't have to
come by anymore.
I like coming by.
Please don't come by.
I can't accept your support
as a booster anymore.
The blog.
The mother of that missing girl.
Just the recording
that you shared,
it made a lot of people,
a lot of our parents
uncomfortable, so--
I know. I mean, that whole thing
got overblown.
I th-I think Kamala herself
would admit that she
You know, she misinterpreted
my, uh my intentions.
Yeah, well, everybody knows
what you've been through,
and-and you get
a free pass from from me, okay?
That goes without saying.
But I-it's what you did.
Mary, it shows
a lack of control.
It's not good for you
to be here.
It's not good for us
to have you here.

Look, I am one of the biggest
boosters of this team.
So you tell the PTA to-to
back off.
In one week, no one's
gonna remember that blog,
but my checks will still clear.
It's not the PTA,
it is the board.
They took a vote. It's done.
I'm sorry.
I have to ask you to leave.

Look, let me walk you out.
Don't touch me.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

It's over, John.
Canceling my card, Mary?!
-That was a bad move!
-Go to hell.
It is not over until I say
that it is over!
[ Screams ]
[ Screams]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

[ Birds chirping ]
-Tom: You get my note?
-Emma: No .
No note. What did it say?
Oh. That I liked you.
That's weird.
Uh you think maybe
your landlord took it?
No. I talked to him.
I think we're
straightened out.
He's still got sealed records.
It was a misunderstanding.
Some girl he got close to
but not in a
You know, it wasn't, um
It wasn't sexual.
According to him?
I don't wanna talk about Pete.
Don't go home.
I kind of feel
like we're being watched.

[ Laughs ]

[ Both laugh ]

[ Bubbling ]

You live by yourself?
There's enough room.
You wanna stay?

Your love line is strong
but, like, dominant, you know,
like there's gonna be
someone powerful in your life.
You can see that?
Not like a real reader,
but I was at a festival once.
I learned from a shaman.
There are things to look for.
You can really see stuff.
I see this energy around you.
It could be good.
But it could be
kind of dark, too.
Why don't you want to go home?
Don't you want to be found?

Tom: Emma?

I want you to stay,
so if you don't like my guests,
let's just take 'em all down.

What's that?

[ Drawer opens, closes ]

Taxidermy needle.
That's what was in your leg?
How the hell did that--?
I was in the bayou.
You got a needle in the bayou?

You know a man called Abel?
It says "Andrew Bellevue."
I know, but I think
it means something else.
You ever hear anything
about a
a swamp monster?
Something dangerous?
Look, we got a bunch
of folklore around here, okay?
Stories about man/creature thing
out in the bayou.
-But they're just stories.
-Nothing ever happened?
No girls went missing?
-This is getting weird.
-Please just tell me.
Have any girls
ever disappeared from here?
Years ago, uh, you know,
maybe 10,
there was a girl that was
found out in the bayou, but--
I was chased out there.
A man caught me,
and I felt this pain.
It was the needle in my leg.
I think that it's him.
I think that Andrew Bellevue
is Abel.
Who's Abel?
The man who put the needle
in my leg.
The swamp monster.
Andrew Bellevue's
been dead five years.

[ Breathing shakily ]
Oh, God. Oh, God.
[ Click ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

So, Missouri?
What are the highlights?
What should I see
while I'm here?
If you like country music, you
should probably go to Branson.
Do you like country music?
No, I'm not big into music.
There's a gas station coming up.
You can just set me down
right there, and I'll
-have a friend take me--
-[ Chuckles ] No.
Ah, I wouldn't dream of it.
A knight in a shiny Dodge
does not abandon his maiden.
It was nice enough of
you to pick me up from
the side of the road.
I'll be fine
from the gas station.
It's just It's just up ahead.

[ Shower running ] Shh.

[ Humming ]

[ Sniffs ]

I don't want to go
to the gas station anymore.
[ Lock clicks ]
[ Train whistle blowing ]
John: "Love is a virtuous mind
that creates only peace
and happiness,
whereas attachment
is never virtuous
and it only causes pain
and problems."

[ Train whistle blows ]

[ Ringing ]

John: Hello.
I think I was unkind before.
I was hard on you.
Yeah, you made it pretty clear
how you feel about me.
You-you scared me,
John, back there.
Finding out about
Andrea Black was
I did not expect that of you.
-You didn't?
I believed you
when you came to my office.
I think you're that guy.
I-I was surprised to learn
there were things
-about you I didn't know.
-Yeah, well, ditto.
There is the not inconsequential
matter of Esther.
I feel very alone right now.
I feel like you let me down,
and you let her down,
and maybe you even
let yourself down.
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
What do you mean?
Are you gonna say
that you're sorry?
For what?
For, uh, firing me,
canceling my cards,
for being a murderer.

I hate myself
for what I've done.
Yeah, and for what
you made me do.
What did I make you do?
You put me back on a bad path.
you made me think things
that I didn't want to think,
You made me feel things
I don't want to feel.
Well, when it comes
to Theresa, I have
I have tunnel vision.
I know she's out there,
and I all I can think about
is getting to her.
But I have not been
appreciative of
all your-your good work
your feelings.
Well, then, here we are, huh?
I-I-I know something,
and you know something.
Both-We've both got our
our fingers on the button,
like Khrushchev and Kennedy.
I'm guessing that I'm Kennedy,
'cause I-I have the hair.
Do I mean something to you?
Your work is very
important to me.
Not my work me.
I couldn't do it without you.
Well, what-what-what
does that mean?
I mean, what does that
actually mean?
That I want you to stay.
That I want us to
go forward together again
as colleagues.
Not colleagues.
As friends.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Mary.

Jess: Abel says
there's a swamp monster
10 foot tall, skin all scale,
like an alligator
one red eye, one black.
Emma: Who's Abel?
Jess: I can't talk about Abel.

[ Banging, shattering ]

[ Pounding on door ]
Hey! What are you doing?!
[ Pounding ]
What are you doing?!
[ Pounding ]
[ Pounding ]

Emma: I'm onto you.
[ Organ music playing ]

Mary: Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.
What's your sin, my child?
I have a dog a hunting dog.
It's had a bad life.
I thought I rescued it.
That sounds like a kindness,
not a sin.
There's an unpredictability
to it, an anger.
And the more he grows,
the less I can control him.
He's dangerous, Father.
What exactly are you confessing?

My selfishness.
want for what the dog brings me.
For as great as my fears are
my desire
to keep the dog is greater.
Don't look at me like that.
You had a miracle
bring your kid back.
I've got to make mine.

Hail Mary.

[ Phone ringing ]
Bella: Hello?
John: Well, hello.
Who is this?
And is Bella
little Bitty's mommy?
And where in Louisiana
does little Bitty live?
Saint James.
How'd you know my kitty's name?

Want to go to dinner?
Jake: Oh. Uh, Dad and I
actually got take-out.
You got him to get out
of the trailer.
Good for you.
Did you order for me, too?
Of course we did. Nothing more
annoying than having to share.
And you wonder why we broke up.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Oh. I can smell
the wasabi from here.
[ Door opens ]

Detective Samuelson,
Lake Elsinore precinct,
Sit down, please, Mrs. Barlow.
Jake: What is this?
I'm so sorry, Jake.
I didn't mean to --
Mom what?
I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm so sorry.
What's going on?
Mrs. Barlow,
Mr. Barlow
I have some very difficult news.
A couple of hikers came across a
shallow grave in Elsinore woods.
The grave contained
human remains.
What does this
have to do with us?
We found a necklace
on the remains
correlating to an FBI's
missing-persons report.
Mrs. Barlow, I have to ask
do you recognize this necklace?

It's our daughter's.

Just breathe. Breathe.

Theresa: So, you do
live with someone?
Karen: My boyfriend.
I thought I said.
No. You didn't say.
[ Door opens ]
[ Keys scraping, jangling ]

Karen: This is Theresa.
I-I told her she could stay.
Karen: You want a beer?
We have beer and cold,
mutilated pizza.
I'll be through in a minute.

Baby, come on.
I'm coming.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]
[ Buzzing continues ]
Oh, God, I'm glad it's you.
I just had such a weird feeling.
Pete: Emma.
I've got some real tough news.
What is it? What?
There's been some remains found
in Minnesota,
close to where
Esther Moses lived.
They think it's from
around the time of your arrest.

[ Knocking ]
We're closed.
I said we're closed.

I hoped I'd just catch you.

Child: Tell me a story.
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