The 8 Show (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[projector whirring]
[quiet, atmospheric music playing]
[sharp breaths]
- [crickets chirping]
- [grunting]
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues with static]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[6th Floor groaning]
[4th Floor] Please don't do this!
I'm begging.
I didn't do anything!
I was only following orders.
[wails] I'm a victim here too! No!
[whimpers] Please, no!
[muffled yelling]
[Jin-su and 2nd Floor panting]
[2nd Floor] That's enough for now.
[Jin-su] We were finally safe.
Now that their reign was over,
it felt like we could breathe again.
All of our pent-up rage, our anger
that had been boiling under the surface,
could finally come out.
- We exploded.
- [6th Floor grunting]
[1st Floor yells] You fucking bastards.
Go to hell!
[8th Floor giggles]
Asshole! [groans]
Why'd you do it?
Why'd you torture us?
- [Jin-su] We weren't gonna step in.
- [1st Floor grunting]
[Jin-su] After the way they'd treated us,
of course he was angry.
He was more than justified.
[1st Floor] See, you're just like us.
You're no better than anyone else.
Not feeling so high
and mighty now, are you?
- You're just…
- [4th Floor whimpers]
[wailing, sobbing]
[quiet, gentle music playing]
- [1st Floor sobbing]
- [sighs]
[Jin-su] Shit…
We'd been beaten, starved, tormented.
But we didn't have it in us
to dish it back.
[1st Floor continues sobbing]
So… tell me why you took the battery
out of the taser earlier. I don't get it.
And you told us
that the chute makes noise.
You… you knew we were
planning something, right?
Listen… I know I'm a coward,
and I know I would've been too scared to
not do whatever they said if I were you.
So can you just tell
me what really happened?
Tell me that they made you betray us.
They forced you, right?
Tell me I'm right.
You were always on our side.
You just waited to help.
I'm so sorry.
I don't know what else to say.
I just want you to know
that I'm really sorry.
[Jin-su] And, after talking it out
for a long time,
we decided to let him go.
If it wasn't for him,
we'd still be playing
the human piñata game.
Once we untied him, 7th Floor took
a moment to wipe his tears from his eyes.
I realized he'd probably been
suppressing his emotions too.
He'd also been waiting
for this day to come.
Look at that. All the time we earned.
Guess it was fun to watch.
Then why… do things still feel so sad?
[1st Floor sighs]
Because… they may be tied up,
but they're still richer.
[Jin-su] Our little revolution
was worth loads of time.
And, although I was still angry,
I could only take it out on my own hand
that chose the 3rd floor card.
Don't cry, 4th Floor. I'll bring food.
[Jin-su] Once the dust settled,
we confined our top floors to their rooms.
The difference now
was that their rooms were no longer
their elite little private dens.
We unlocked all their doors,
and now they were communal rooms
that we could use as we pleased.
[Jin-su] Aren't you goin' in?
I'm just a bit shocked. Get ready.
[suspenseful music playing]
[thinks] All this stuff came from time
we earned getting beaten up.
What the hell?
Sure smells sweet, huh?
I never…
thought I'd be so glad to see a bath.
Oh! Oh!
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- [both laughing]
Oh! That's too much.
Hey, I know what this is.
It's a water flosser, right?
This place is like a damn hotel.
I could get used to this.
- [whirring]
- [water squirting]
[2nd Floor] That's a bidet.
[1st Floor] It went up again.
She's got almost 22 billion.
[sighs] My goodness…
I still can't really
wrap my head around it.
[Jin-su] Should we just spend all of it?
We can buy whatever we want now.
A bidet, for instance. Or not.
Uh… uh, would that be okay?
[2nd Floor] No way.
She came here just like we did.
She'll need that cash outside.
[elevator whirring]
[5th Floor gasps]
[Jin-su chuckles]
[1st Floor laughs]
[Jin-su sighs]
This is the first time
I've been full since we got here.
- Mm…
- [1st Floor] Yeah, this feast was…
What's the word? Uh, a lavish one, eh?
- Lavish.
- [Jin-su and 5th Floor laugh]
- [5th Floor sighs]
- Ah.
All we need now is a little drink,
to wash it all down.
- Ah!
- That sounds so good.
- Yeah, a cold beer would hit the spot.
- Yeah.
It's too bad we can't buy drinks here.
Ah, you know,
when I was young, I'd get deodeok
to make these deodeok infused spirits,
and that stuff was strong.
I know… uh, I know we wouldn't
be able to make wine or beer,
but I think we could
make our own soju easily.
We've got enough water here.
[Jin-su gasps]
- That would make my whole life right now.
- [1st Floor] I know, right?
- [Jin-su] Oof…
- Yeah, I've gotta admit… [laughs]
…I love a good glass of booze.
I do, just a tad.
I took a class on how to make soju
at home, using ethanol.
- I think…
- [1st Floor] Oh!
- [Jin-su] Ah!
- I just don't remember the exact recipe.
- Oh, now, what was it?
- We could… buy a recipe, couldn't we?
- From the chute?
- [1st Floor] Yeah.
Don't you think it would have…
a homemade soju recipe?
Hey guys, does this mean they have it?
[1st Floor] Uh… yeah, I think it does.
- They wouldn't show a price if they don't.
- [Jin-su] It's so much, though.
- [gasps] Is that okay?
- [5th Floor gasps]
I mean, I know it's a lot to us, but she
makes a hundred million in half a day.
I think she'll be fine, won't she?
[squeals] Careful!
[2nd Floor] Can we use your money?
Your call.
Sure, but there's one thing.
I'd love it if you'd loosen this tape.
Bondage doesn't really get me off.
Unless I'm the one in charge.
- I don't think so.
- Huh?
Ah, jeez.
[whimsical music playing]
[5th Floor] All right.
Should I see how it tastes?
To be safe, maybe you should just swirl it
around in your mouth and stuff?
Maybe spit it out?
- You should've spat it out!
- [gasps]
[Jin-su] What if it's like… fatal?
[5th Floor exhales]
- [1st Floor] How's it taste?
- [gasps]
It reminds me of lime.
Mm… I mean, it's very sour and…
and bitter, uh…
It tastes like a hangover.
It could really mess you up
in the best way, you know?
[1st Floor] Oh!
It's great.
- [1st Floor] Ah!
- Ah!
- It burns so bad.
- [5th Floor laughs]
[Jin-su] It's like drinkin' gasoline.
- But I need another glass. I'm into it.
- [1st Floor laughs] Right?
- It's got a nice kick.
- [Jin-su] It packs a punch.
[1st Floor] 5th Floor,
can we make another batch?
- [5th Floor] Oh, absolutely!
- [1st Floor] Good.
- [2nd Floor] Here.
- Thank you.
[1st Floor] Oh-ho!
You drank it so smoothly! Very debonair.
[Jin-su] You looked like you were
in a whiskey commercial! You really did!
- Dang, that was impressive!
- [1st Floor] Right?
[glass clinks]
[Jin-su] This is so pleasant.
It feels like we're camping.
[1st Floor sighs] I know, right?
Except any good camping trip
should end with ramyeon.
[1st Floor and 5th Floor gasp]
Oh, ramyeon…
Oh, now I'm craving a nice big bowl.
- [Jin-su groans]
- [5th Floor] Or broth. God, I miss broth.
[Jin-su] I wonder why
they've never given us any soup in here?
[5th Floor] And we can't even buy our own.
I've got… a secret.
[Jin-su] Huh?
Ooh! It's hot!
Ooh, oh, it's hot! Piping hot!
- [blows]
- [Jin-su laughs]
[1st Floor] That was hot.
[2nd Floor] So lame…
[Jin-su] You're ridiculous.
[1st Floor] Can't you see it?
I put some green onions on top.
And even cracked a few eggs.
- It smells good, huh? [chuckles]
- [Jin-su laughs]
[1st Floor sighs]
Try some, you guys.
While it's still hot.
It's great.
- [5th Floor chuckles]
- [1st Floor sighs happily]
[gentle music playing]
[2nd Floor laughs]
[1st Floor sighs]
My gosh, the broth is so good. Mm!
[sighs] What if…
we make a toast with the broth?
- [1st Floor] Cheers.
- [5th Floor] Cheers.
[gentle music continues]
How long… is this gonna last?
[5th Floor] Oh, if you're tired,
you can go and sleep.
[2nd Floor] No, I meant… about the show.
Don't you think it's time to go?
[5th Floor] What?
[1st Floor grunts]
I thought that we already decided.
We'd… finish
when I could leave with a billion.
[2nd Floor] I know that.
How would you feel…
if I just give you the
remainder that you wanted?
- Uh…
- I'm happy to help you out
if that's what it takes
to end this thing sooner.
We know what it takes to earn time.
Do you really think you can handle more?
You know it sucks.
But why would we
have to do all that violent stuff?
There's other ways to earn time.
Let's enjoy ourselves.
I came up with a few things we could do.
- Just some ideas--
- It won't work, whatever you're thinking.
It's too late for that.
There's a line, and we crossed it.
We gave them all the violence.
We can't turn back now.
I get that.
We… we just finally have a chance.
I mean, we're in control now.
We could use them to earn us time.
- We deserve it.
- [2nd Floor] You could do it?
- What?
- [2nd Floor] Gain time outta them.
- You could make them suffer?
- Yeah, course.
[2nd Floor] You can't. I know it.
- No, I'm telling you, I can.
- Then prove it, right now.
8th Floor's helpless.
Go. Play out your revenge fantasy.
Beat her silly.
Do whatever you want to her.
She can't fight back.
[ominous music playing]
- [1st Floor] Uh, 3rd Floor…
- [5th Floor gasps]
[5th Floor and 1st Floor sigh]
[Jin-su breathing shakily]
[eerie music playing]
Let's leave
with our heads held high, okay?
- I think this is our last chance.
- [groans]
[2nd Floor] If we decide to call it now,
we'll still have our humanity.
- [Jin-su] So…
- [2nd Floor] So what?
[Jin-su scoffs]
The stars…
they're pretty, huh?
[Jin-su] Yeah, I suppose.
[2nd Floor] We've been here so long,
I've started to forget
there's real sky beyond that window.
[Jin-su] What do you mean?
There's so much more
that we can't see from inside here.
[Jin-su] Outside. Reality.
Such strange words.
The real world… felt like some dream.
An old dream.
[whimsical music continues]
[Jin-su] Maybe 2nd Floor has a point.
If we leave now, we'll still have
our dignity. We deserve that.
We deserve to see the whole sky.
[contemplative music playing]
Didn't see that coming.
[1st Floor] Woof, woof, woof.
[howls softly]
Whssssh, whsssssh…
These used to make my daughter smile.
She's so lucky to have you as a dad.
She's so special. I wish
I had a photo that I could show you.
Well, you'll be back with her soon.
And then you'll buy her
whatever it is she desires.
You can give it all to her.
[5th Floor chuckles]
[Jin-su] The five of us agreed
to end the show when the clock ran out.
And that would be the end of it.
Technically, we all agreed.
But it's not like the tied-up folks
could earn any time if they wanted to.
We ate very well,
as did the captives.
[4th Floor whimpering]
[Jin-su] And we tended to their needs.
- [5th Floor] It's okay.
- [4th Floor, muffled] I hate it…
- [8th Floor whimpers]
- [Jin-su sighs]
[8th Floor sighs]
Sorry… Could you
scratch an itch for me?
Up here, right above my mouth.
It's so itchy.
[Jin-su coughs]
Hmm, you're so close. To the left…
- Here?
- Yeah. Aah!
[chuckles and squeals] God, that's heaven.
- [wails]
- [8th Floor giggles]
[8th Floor] Mmm, so nice.
[Jin-su] I kept imagining
something awful would happen.
[8th Floor] Thank you.
[Jin-su] But our days
passed by uneventfully.
The hours ran themselves out.
[cheerful chamber music playing]
[Jin-su] We washed
our disgusting outfits in the bathtub.
And we dry shampooed our hair.
We were ready to face the world again,
squeaky clean as can be.
Only one more night to go.
And then it would all be over.
I can't believe we're leaving.
It's wild.
Good job makin' it through.
Yeah, you too.
I'm proud of you.
[5th Floor] We all did great!
[laughs] Bring it in.
You too. All of you. I'm so impressed
with everyone. You're so brave.
[Jin-su] Fare thee well, so long.
Hope you all have a good life.
And see you fuckin' never!
25,666,090,000 WON
16,319,960,000 WON
10,053,930,000 WON
6,212,280,000 WON
3,890,340,000 WON
2,333,540,000 WON
1,533,620,000 WON
766,890,000 WON
[music crescendoes]
[music fades]
[ominous music playing]
[2nd Floor] Oh, fuck! Come out here!
[grunts] Wha--
[Jin-su] It must be broken.
- How…
- [1st Floor] What happened?
How'd we get more time?
[2nd Floor] When we went
to bed last night,
we only had nine hours on the clock.
We've somehow gained
almost 37 hours.
We barely make 24 hours in a day,
even when we're tased
or fight with each other.
[scoffs] Is this crap for real?
I know for a fact they don't
just give out time for free.
Did you guys do something to earn time?
- [thunder rumbling]
- [2nd Floor] Huh?
[Jin-su] Well, it wasn't me.
[5th Floor] All I did was clean my room,
pack up, and go to sleep.
[1st Floor] I didn't do much of anything.
[7th Floor] Yeah,
I had a quiet night too.
[2nd Floor groans]
What the fuck's going on?
Come with me.
[4th Floor whimpering]
[2nd Floor] Make sure she's still bound.
[8th Floor snoring]
[5th Floor] I think she's asleep.
- [2nd Floor sighs]
- [4th Floor] Hey.
Did you bring me some food?
God, I'm so starving.
- [whimpers]
- [5th Floor] I'll bring you some soon.
[1st Floor] Uh,
I think she's just as we left her.
What the heck's going on?
[4th Floor] Huh?
Why are you all worried?
[2nd Floor] We need to strip her.
- Why?
- [2nd Floor] Get lost, guys.
5th Floor, stay.
I've gotta see with my own eyes.
[4th Floor] Huh?
Get out now!
No! No, don't! Don't leave me here!
Oh God! So this is how you're
earning time now? By getting me naked?
- [2nd Floor] Anything?
- [Jin-su] Nothing unusual.
[8th Floor] What's goin' on, you guys?
- [laughs]
- [2nd Floor sighs]
[Jin-su] We tried our best to find out
where the time came from,
but we came up empty.
[5th Floor] Hmm. I don't get it.
We still have no idea what's going on.
[2nd Floor sighs]
There's one thing we know.
The culprit's gotta be in this room.
Hey, hey, hey. Come on.
There's no reason to think like that yet.
We need to believe each other,
or we've got nothing.
Yeah, she's right.
We can't all turn on each other now.
What if the showrunners were upset
that we were going home,
and so they gave us some extra time?
[thinks] Hold up.
The fuck am I talkin' about?
This isn't some karaoke bar, you idiot.
[7th Floor] The showrunners
were entertained somehow.
Whatever it was, it must've been
fun to watch, that's for sure.
Come on…
Son of a bitch.
What have we done
that you love so much, huh?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jin-su thinks] So weird.
What's really going on here?
[screaming continues]
- [7th Floor] 4th Floor! Oh! What…
- [4th Floor whimpering]
- She's bleeding!
- [7th Floor] God!
- Oh!
- Oh! Who did this to you, huh?
- What happened, honey?
- [sobbing]
Oh, oh! Her… her tooth was pulled out!
[1st Floor] Oh! Oh.
[wails] Assholes.
I told you fuckers to untie me!
This is your fault!
Oh… My gosh, I'm sorry…
[2nd Floor] Did you see who did it?
- Uh, I don't know.
- [5th Floor] Oh…
Someone did it when I was sleeping.
[sobs] God, it hurts. It's so bad.
[5th Floor] Oh. Oh, no…
- [4th Floor] It's awful…
- [5th Floor] I'm sorry.
[4th Floor crying]
[thinks] Bloodshed for time, as per usual.
But who did it?
Wait a sec…
This means that somebody…
got attacked yesterday too.
They're just hiding it well.
Like, out of sight. That means…
Oh, my God.
- You guys! Follow me!
- [2nd Floor] What is it?
[Jin-su] It's his feet!
[6th Floor groaning]
[Jin-su whispers] Oh shit.
- [gasping]
- [2nd Floor] What the hell?
- [5th Floor yelps]
- [1st Floor moans]
- [5th Floor gasps] Oh, my…
- [6th Floor moaning]
[5th Floor] Someone pulled out
all his toenails.
[Jin-su and 1st Floor sigh]
[5th Floor] Oh!
[6th Floor grunts]
- What's with all the fuss?
- Why didn't you say?
You should ask your comrades that.
Who else coulda done it?
You thought you could go home?
[scoffs softly]
This won't end that easy.
Things are getting
fucking real now. [laughing]
[tense music playing]
[2nd Floor sighs] Who is it?
Which one of you is the bastard
behind all of this?
- 2nd Floor, take a deep breath, okay?
- [2nd Floor sighs]
Take a sec to calm down.
We can work this out.
So you did it, then?
- [sighs]
- [7th Floor] No, I didn't hurt them.
Just keep lying.
- [1st Floor] Oh--
- [5th Floor] Oh!
We never should've freed you.
You really were one of them, weren't you?
You love being on this show.
And I bet you would do whatever it takes
to keep it from ending.
Am I right?
[5th Floor] Let him go, 2nd Floor!
He's not on their side anymore.
Just let the past stay in the past.
He's redeemed himself enough.
Were you in on it?
In on what? You're being really cruel.
- And you?
- [1st Floor] Huh?
- Thought it would get you your billion?
- I didn't do anything.
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- It leaves you.
- No way. I don't have the stomach.
- [2nd Floor] So, what?
He plucked his fucking toenails out
all by himself?
What if you're trying
to throw us off your scent?
[sighs] What?
Oh, never mind. But why do you
care so much who the culprit is?
What's it matter?
The important thing here
is someone wanted to earn time.
At least one of us, maybe more,
isn't ready for the show to end quite yet.
That must count for something.
You shouldn't ignore that.
Have you gone insane? We already agreed.
This place is only gonna get worse.
Did you all forget
the hell we've been through?
Do you want more of that?
[tense music continues]
[Jin-su] We went from half a day
to three whole days.
Maybe 6th Floor was right
and this show would never come to an end.
- [banging at door]
- [metal rattling]
Who's there?
- [banging]
- Who is it?
- [drilling]
- Man, what the heck? What do you want?
If you think you can rip my toes off,
you're barking up the wrong tree!
- You fucker!
- [banging]
Beat it! Get lost!
- [rattling]
- [grunts]
[metal jingles]
- Don't break my door!
- [drilling]
No, please don't!
Don't break my door! Fuck off!
You're gonna regret this!
- Let's go!
- [rattling]
[Jin-su] I misjudged things.
It wasn't a break-in.
I was getting locked in.
[2nd Floor] I'm sorry.
This is the only way to stop
more of those attacks from happening.
[Jin-su] What? So you're…
you're just gonna lock me up?
I didn't do anything wrong.
I'll send you two meals
and two waters a day.
Please, just try to be patient.
The show'll be over soon.
Don't do this. Let me out!
Come on, please. Open the door
and we'll talk it out, okay?
- 2nd Floor!
- [sighs]
[Jin-su] 2nd Floor!
We can figure this out.
We've got other options here!
- [1st Floor] Please, 2nd Floor…
- [banging]
[chain jingling]
Are you
locking me in as well?
Oh. No.
You should feed and check
in on the tied-up people.
Just a few more days to go.
[Jin-su] 2nd Floor made a call on her own
that affected all of us.
It was extreme. I got why she did it,
and I wasn't too happy.
But it was the only way
to stop the mysterious crime wave.
And so, with all of us trapped,
life got pretty boring.
The clock ran itself down.
2nd Floor didn't do interrogations.
She'd only stop by to give us meals.
Our time on the show was finally ending.
Why is she suddenly in charge here? Huh?
- [elevator whirring]
- Since when's she the boss?
Ah, jeez.
We coulda hashed it out together,
but instead, she just locked us in.
Ugh. Insane…
I can't believe 2nd Floor.
As if imprisoning all of us
will even do anything. God…
Oh yeah, we get two.
The next time I see her,
I'll honestly tell her
that you can't just
go back on a promise like that.
Mm. This squid's so good, though.
[unsettling music playing]
[4th Floor winces and sighs]
Hey… Just one more bite. Please.
[4th Floor] I can't… [whimpers]
My mouth hurts too much…
And my stomach hurts.
I think it's… from how I'm tied.
What do you say?
Can't you just untie my hands? Huh?
I'm feeling so cooped up here.
I told you already,
I'm not that into bondage.
I can't even stretch out my legs. [sobs]
[sniffles] My body feels
like it's paralyzed.
It's all numb.
- I've never been in this kind of pain.
- [sighs]
[8th Floor] You're really
a bad person, 5th Floor.
[5th Floor] Come on.
[5th Floor] 2nd Floor.
Would it really…
be so bad if we untied their hands?
This feels much too cruel.
It's not cruel.
[5th Floor] It's just…
I mean, they've been tied up for days now.
They're not bad people.
[2nd Floor sighs]
- [sighs]
- I know that they're nice, deep down.
I think… this place just
brought out the worst in them.
They're not really like this.
- We'll all be out of here soon anyway.
- [sighs]
- [5th Floor] Why can't we untie them?
- Come on…
You know why we can't untie those guys.
I wish we could, but we can't.
I hate it just as much as you do, okay?
Oh? Oh!
How… how did you get out?
2nd Floor untied me, silly.
- She did that?
- [8th Floor] Mm-hmm.
She thought it over and realized it
was wrong to tie us up. She felt bad.
- [4th Floor] Guess what?
- [gasps]
[4th Floor] She set me free too.
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- It's so good to stretch.
Oh my… You girls are so strong.
You went through a lot.
And 6th Floor? Is he free too?
[4th Floor] I haven't seen him.
6th Floor is still with 2nd Floor,
but I guess she hasn't
let him go just yet.
Mm. Maybe that's true.
I'll go check in on 6th Floor, okay?
Mm-hmm! You should. [giggles]
[5th Floor laughs awkwardly]
["Summer" from The Four Seasons
by Vivaldi playing]
[5th Floor] It's me.
Hasn't 2nd Floor come yet?
- [6th Floor grunts]
- [5th Floor] She set them free.
She untied 4th and 8th Floor earlier.
- She did?
- Oh, yes, yes.
I'm sure that you're next.
Just wait. I promise she'll be here soon.
Uh… she came already.
Oh! Of course!
How'd it go?
Well, she said that, uh…
I had to wait, but…
but she's gonna untie me.
[laughs] Is that so?
[gasps] Oh, I knew she had a good heart.
[music intensifies]
Uh, could… could you, um,
please untie me now?
Just to speed things along here.
Uh… I… I… I don't think so.
Let's just wait for 2nd Floor to come.
- Okay?
- No.
She won't.
- But you still can.
- Huh?
Actually… I'm really terrified.
- What? Is this a joke?
- It's no joke.
She… she's gonna kill me.
She came close before.
She was the one who pulled
all my toenails out.
I'm… I'm sure you're wrong.
Don't you know
how much 2nd Floor hates me?
So, please, untie me before it's too late.
If you don't,
2nd Floor's g… gonna kill me today.
Please, untie me.
I can't. I can't…
You're wrong.
I know her, she'd never kill you.
She won't. I'll talk with her, okay?
Oh, if only you knew. Uh…
That bastard did more
than pull my toenails.
She did some fucked-up shit to me.
I can't even think about it,
it's too awful.
[whimpers] No…
[5th Floor gasps]
I'm not the same man anymore.
She's pure evil…
I won't be able to survive
going through that shit again. No.
Please help me…
[5th Floor sobbing]
Don't leave me. Stay here, please.
Stay. As soon as 2nd Floor
comes back here, I'll be good as dead.
- [5th Floor gasps]
- I'm so scared, I'm shaking.
- Uh, I don't know…
- [panting]
How… how can I help? What should I do?
I just need…
[5th Floor sobs] Oh!
[6th Floor whimpering]
[both sighing]
[6th Floor] Please…
- I need to hold you close.
- [5th Floor moans]
[6th Floor] Please free my arms.
[5th Floor] Oh!
[music fades]
[foreboding music playing]
[whimsical music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
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