The A List (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Far from Home

[all talking indistinctly]
I can't believe Mia's done this.
[Mags] We are going
to get this sorted out, okay?
[Kayleigh] We need to clean her.
[indistinct chatter]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[rock music playing]
You're not crazy.
You're not crazy.
Luka! Luka! Luka!
Luka! Luka! Luka! Luka!
I know you're out there, so stop lurking
and get out here!
Can you not just turn up somewhere
like a normal person?
Take me to the signal point.
I need to make a call.
Excuse me?
Have you hit your empty little head?
-No, I--
-You think you can scream
and I'll come running?
Is that your idea of a joke?
It's not a joke. I need you to take me--
I'm not taking you anywhere.
I'm meant to be hiding!
You try anything like this again,
-and I'll--
-And you'll what?
What are you gonna do?
Come on, big tough guy! Do your worst!
Right, then.
Either take me to the signal point,
or kill me right here
and bury me in the woods,
'cause if you don't,
I am gonna keep screaming.
Where is this?
I'm so glad we get this time together.
This is it.
Hey, where are you going?
You can't leave me here!
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
You need to help me. I am in danger--
-And I don't care!
-You don't mean that.
Luka, whatever you're hiding from
is nothing compared to this.
This girl, it's like she's not human.
You have no idea what she can do.
You think, deep down, that I'm a good guy.
I'm not.
I don't care
what kind of trouble you're in.
Just don't ever try this again.
Next time, I won't be so nice.
You call that nice?
[line ringing]
[line disconnects]
Perfect. The grade-A parenting continues.
[line ringing]
[Lily] Mia?
You know it's midnight here, right?
Lily! Oh, I'm so glad you picked up.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Uh that's nice. You okay?
Okay, short version, my phone's about
to die and I need to get out of here.
Google Peregrine Island Ferry,
see when the next ferry comes.
[Lily typing]
You don't have Internet?
Did your mum send you to Azkaban?
Lily, phone dying!
Okay, okay.
[Lily typing]
Weird, it says ferries
don't run to Peregrine Island.
'Course they do.
How do you think I got here?
There's a summer camp!
Not according to this.
Says the camp closed down
last year, 'cause
someone died.
[exclaims] That's dark!
A girl?
Was it a girl who died?
Yep. Some kind of accident.
There's a whole article.
Hang on, I'll send you a screenshot.
Lily, this is important.
What was her name?
Was her name Amber?
Amber? Hold on, I'll--
No, no, no, no, no!
We've been waiting for you.
So, I guess you'll have to punish me
for what I did.
-So, you admit it?
-Yeah. You got me.
I'll understand if you
have to send me home.
I've gone too far.
That's an understatement.
Uh, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Not me.
-I hate her.
-[Dave] Mia.
I'm just being honest.
Call a ferry, send me home.
Or I'll do it again.
Hmm. I I see I see what this is.
You think you can do something
like that to another camper
and then sail away from the consequences.
Well, nice try, young lady,
but that's not how we grow.
[Dave] Mags is right.
Go back to your cabin.
-No, please, I can't--
-Go back to your cabin
and we'll review this tomorrow.
'Cause this is serious.
[pop music playing]
The sun is high ♪
Right above me ♪
Let it die ♪
Hardly worth it ♪
The earth is high ♪
Above me too ♪
I'm sinking low down
I don't know what to do ♪
[narrator] Far from home.
Trapped. Alone.
I know how Mia feels.
And, now, Mia is finding out the truth.
Things are never gonna feel normal again.
[owl hooting]
[birds chirping]
You know what? I'm not surprised
Mia hasn't shown her face.
I can't believe what she did
to Piggie Smalls.
That pig mask?
I was gonna take him home with me.
I just feel bad for Amber.
Hope she's not taking it too hard.
Doesn't look like it.
Are you all right?
I'm okay. How about you?
Okay, campers, listen up!
Everybody, be ready to go in ten
for one of my favorite trips
this island has to offer.
We're scrambling up Peregrine Peak.
Uh wait a second,
what about last night?
Are we all meant to be pretending
that bloodbath didn't happen?
I had nightmares.
I can promise you we're taking
what happened last night very seriously,
and now we need to focus on healing,
not stirring the pot.
Which is why, while you lot
are off at Peregrine Peak,
I'll be making sure Mia cleans everything.
I covered it up last night,
so that nobody has to look at it.
And I'm sure there'll be an apology
coming your way, too, Amber
if you can find it in your heart
to forgive her.
Okay, then!
Wings up in ten.
I guess Mia won't be
going on the trail, then.
Serves her right.
I just mean, you know
you and Mia, you have a thing.
There's no thing.
Not anymore.
-[knock at door]
[door handle rattles]
[door rattling]
[whistle blows]
[Dave] Form a line!
Quickity-quick, that's it.
Now, we'll take this nice and slow,
and use the techniques we talked about.
One at a time,
you spot the person in front of you.
The person behind you
does the same for you.
Let's check their lids.
We have to swap.
I can't spot Zac, not after
what happened at the party. I'll die.
We need to switch.
I can't work with Kayleigh.
It's still weird with us.
-All right.
Amber, please?
[Dave] Next up
Oh, no, that looks awful on you.
[laughs] I'm joking, I'm joking,
I'm joking.
No, well, I'm I'm partly joking.
[door rattling]
What are you doing here?
Give me a boost?
You're really good at this.
You know, I love being outdoors.
It's really helping take
my mind off everything.
That's good. Keep going.
Okay, ready?
Where you going?
Are you okay?
You must think I am being really stupid.
[Petal scoffs] No.
Everyone's scared of something.
You didn't seem scared.
Well climbing isn't my scary thing.
But you should have seen me yesterday.
Long story, but
I basically saw a ghost.
Alex and I found one
in this creepy old cabin.
Only Alex doesn't believe in ghosts,
so it's kind of unlucky that she saw one.
She's pretended to be sick so she can
go back and see how it works.
I told her, "It's a ghost.
Maybe don't go back and poke it."
But some people don't listen.
[whistle blows]
Could you tell the others I was
I just had
I'll make something up.
[Alex] Preparing for a zombie apocalypse?
More like an angry mob.
Yeah, I heard about that.
You're not anyone's
favorite peregrine right now.
Amber set me up.
[sarcastically] OMG!
You didn't see her.
She did that paint stuff, and everyone
stood there like it wasn't happening.
She's controlling them.
There is no way I'm staying
in a cabin with her after that.
[sighs] Stop looking at me like that.
I know how it sounds.
[Alex] I can buy Amber setting you up.
I doubt you'd do something
as basic as go after a dress.
You're more "subtly torment her
into an eating disorder."
Um thanks?
Just calling it how I see it.
Well, at least you believe me.
Everyone else is on Amber's side,
so I guess you're better than nothing.
Heartwarming, but I'm not on your side.
You know what? Then, get out.
I don't need a snarky sidekick.
And you're not getting one.
I'm not here for you.
Me and Petal got spooked
in this room yesterday,
but I don't believe in haunted houses,
so I'm not leaving till I figure out
what we really saw.
Fine, Velma. Knock yourself out. I'll go.
[rattles doorknob]
[Mia] Hey! Help!
[both] Hey!
[both muffled] Help!
Let us out. We're locked in!
-[Mia] Hello?
-[Alex] Guys! Oh, my God!
[Mia] Hey! Hello! Is anyone there?
[Kayleigh] Poor Dev.
At least he knows now
Mia isn't good enough.
You two make so much more sense.
I hope he isn't too heartbroken.
Shut up.
[Amber yelps]
[Dave] You all right?
[Amber] Ow!
Okay, well, the good news is,
it's not broken,
but it is twisted.
How'd this happen?
Why weren't you spotting her?
I'm sorry, I I was having some water.
No, it was my fault.
I assumed Dev was in position.
Well, you can't walk on it,
that's for sure.
We'll have to go back.
[Amber] No, please.
I don't want to ruin it for everyone.
I can't leave the group,
and Mags is back at camp.
I can take her. It's not far.
Thank you.
Okay, nice one, Dev.
As soon as you get back, uh,
tell Mags to have a look.
[Mia sighs]
Maybe a tree fell against it.
We have to find a way out.
I'm getting off this island,
but my phone's dead,
so I need the one in the office.
But you're planning on taking a nap?
What? No.
[inhales deeply]
I saw something in here yesterday
that I can't explain.
And I don't like mysteries.
I like answers.
But this island is full of questions.
I heard a girl crying and singing
here in this room
where there was no girl.
I heard a girl crying, too.
In the woods.
But you couldn't quite figure out
where it was coming from?
It's Amber, it's all her.
Forget Amber.
This has nothing to do with
your quest to be alpha mean girl.
I'm talking about
a ghost, okay? A phantom.
And I know I said I don't believe in
ghosts, but there's no other explanation,
so ghost is what I'm going with.
I'm talking about the same thing.
A girl died here last year.
Then why do you keep going on about Amber?
Because it's her.
Amber is the ghost.
[phone chimes]
You okay? I'll try not to
bounce you around too much.
[Amber] I'm fine.
You must be getting tired, though.
Let's rest a bit.
-Thought your phone was dead.
-It was.
-[phone vibrates]
-It's my friend Lils.
This is gonna prove
what I was telling you.
Amber must be the girl that died.
"Girl dies after tragic island accident."
Okay, where are you, Amber?
No, this can't be right.
-That's not Amber.
-I can see that.
[Alex] Says her name is Midge.
That's a terrible name for a ghost.
Wait "Midge."
I've seen that name.
She was here in this room.
There we go. You're all right there.
How are you doing?
All good.
I'm secretly a superhero,
so I get a lot of practice carrying people
out of burning buildings,
saving them from runaway trains.
[Amber laughs]
Your secret's safe with me.
But that's not what I meant.
How are you feeling about Mia?
I know you two were close.
No, not anymore.
I'm over it.
I know Mia hurt you.
It's because you always
see the good in people.
Nah, she just wasn't
who I thought she was.
I can help you, Dev.
I can take away all your hurt.
I can help you forget about Mia.
Yeah, you're right.
I do need to forget about her.
She played me, Amber.
It was all a lie.
She's a fake and I hate fakes.
She didn't like me.
It was all just mind games.
What I thought we had wasn't real.
Didn't mean anything.
I'm the same.
I want something real, too.
[Alex] Ghosts are
a residual psychic phenomena.
Midge died on the island,
so she left behind a trace.
What if Midge is trying to tell us
Amber killed her?
Whoa, slow down, Alice.
I can't believe that many
impossible things before breakfast.
I'm still adjusting
to a world with ghosts in it.
We should find where Midge died.
Maybe her bones need to be laid to rest.
That's how these things work, isn't it?
[chuckles] Okay.
You go looking for Casper if you want.
I'm getting away from Amber.
-[Dev] That was really nice.
-[Amber] Thank you.
Thanks for helping me.
[Dev] Are you going to be okay?
[Amber] I'll be fine.
[Dev] If you need me, you know where I am.
See you in a bit.
-[narrator] Home sweet home
where we all want to go
when we're afraid.
Come on, come on, come on.
[narrator] They say
it's where the heart is.
[Mia's mum] Hello?
-Hello, who is this?
[sighs] Mum, it's me.
I can't hear you
Stay away from me, Amber.
I know about you and Midge.
Poor Mia.
Feeling homesick?
Then it's time to go.
[narrator] And maybe
the old saying is right
there really is no place like home.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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