The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962) s01e06 Episode Script

Final Vow

oh good evening i'm taking up a new hobby
tattooing it's a rather neglected art form a
shame really for it has many advantages over more
conventional forms tattooing adds a dimension most
paintings do not have motion and it sometimes adds
the element of sound when i stick the needle in
too far actually i am only an apprentice i'm
practicing on this piece of raw beef steak
my assignment is to use varying shades of brown
to make the steak look medium rare in this way
if the aspiring artist can't sell
his canvases he can always eat them
i think tattooing will revolutionize the cosmetic
field if your lips aren't red enough or you want
the roses put in your cheeks allow me or
if you wish to avoid military service i'm
quite good at varicose veins but enough about body
murals we are almost ready for tonight's narrative
first however an item that is
certain to get under your skin
oh i'm so sorry all right sister perfectly
all right no please please excuse me
oh sister not tears again you've
cried a whole river these past weeks
sorry slipped again i have only myself to blame
you're not thinking of what we spoke of the
other day i haven't been thinking of anything
sister i've tried not to think and have you
prayed i prayed sister i prayed for humility
and obedience but there was no answer in my
heart sister gem only silence god if i'm wrong
sister if i truly belong to you wouldn't i know
wouldn't i feel it inside you must give yourself
time my child these things can't be harrowed
i don't feel worthy of renewing my first vows
you mustn't talk like that
dear reverend mother wants to see you
she's with sister lily in the infirmary is sister
lydia worse no it's about something else go on
good morning reverend mother good morning sister
pamela sister lydia wants to talk to you yes
i'm so glad you're here sister please sit down
i know how troubled you are sister i know
the signs i was a novice myself at your age
i remember all my tears and all my unanswered
questions then something happened i was teaching
in the parochial school and there was a boy his
name was william michael downing a wild unruly boy
he became a criminal sister i'm sorry for
you sister for 30 years i wrote to him
hoping that the change would take
place he never answered until now
he wants me to come and see him in his fine home
i'm happy for you sister of course i can't go now
but i want you to go for me i want you
to see what faith and prayer will do
will you do it for me sister i'll
we'll have to find a bus that goes
past mr downey's house oh dear i
do hope it won't be a long ride i i'm exhausted
it's so warm it's a long trip well i don't
mind i certainly sleep like a log tonight
even in the strange bed at a hotel
come in sisters
let the donny be right with you please
make yourselves comfortable thank you
so nice and cool in here sister
jim did you notice this painting
how do you do sister i'm sister pamela this
is sister jem i'm afraid the trip has
tired her out no no don't wake her up
i'd much rather have a little private talk
with you i'd feel much better if you sit down
of course
how's sister lydia not well but
very happy to hear from you at last
she's told me all about you yes very dear lady
she never lost faith in me in spite of everything
for 30 years she kept up with me in prison and out
carded christmas a letter on my birthdays and i've
got to hunt he still mentions me in her prayers
i'm sure of it you should be very glad glad sister
i suppose you think her prayers have helped me
yes i do of all your prayers been successful too
your home is lovely mr downey you must be a great
art collector funny isn't it an old heathen like
me you still haven't answered my question system
prayers aren't business deals mr donny they can't
be judged as successes or failures sounds like
your prayers haven't been working out so good then
you're new at the game you look very young sister
i suppose you haven't been at the convent long
no it was a lot better than facing
a cold cruel world wasn't it
why did you say that because
there's something about you that
look sister i've been through it all myself the
world's a noisy messy place full of problems so
wise for trouble if you can avoid it run from it
find a quiet hiding place retreat please i'm not
blaming you sister that's not what i got you
here for yes sir bring it in arnold that's it
our business won't take long sister but i
hope you and your friend will stay for dinner
we had planned to eat at the hotel mr downey
sister jim is very tired whatever you say
i wanted to give sister lydia this it's beautiful
should look nice in the chapel don't you
think this is very kind of you mr downey
i would have preferred handing it to cecilia
myself but i went to parochial school there
and that was enough and i'll be blessed if i
set foot in that gloomy old place again yes
must be very old about five centuries
comes from the medici palace
it's a couple of donatella donatello
it's priceless trying to tell us some
beautiful work in bronze but this is one of
his masterpieces it's magnificent sister jen
sister gem look oh my goodness
did i fall asleep look sister
saint francis for the moment i thought i
was still dreaming it's a donatello sister
a priceless art treasure and mr downey is
giving it to sister lydia and the holy name
how do you do sister i don't know
what to say mr downey eclipt thank you
now perhaps you'll change your mind stay for
dinner i don't know oh sister lily will be so
happy to see this i think we better go back to the
convent tonight it would be better than medicine
for her yes there is one more train if we hurry
thank you mr downey i'll have my man get your cab
tell sister lydia i'm sorry i never answered
her letters i hope this will make it up to her
don't pour it on too thick
tray number two arriving on track eight from
chicago south bend toledo let me carry the
statue ohio no that's all right i can manage
i just wanted to check the train schedule
i just don't understand all these little
notations well here it is we'd better hurry
excuse me can i help you sister no thank you no
please please i'd like to help i i saw it was too
heavy for you you uh you know the track number
yes track 15. track 15. this way you follow me
strain number eight the
wolverine arriving on track three
sorry sister will be late thank
heavens for that man i don't see him
where'd he go well i'm sure it's all
right he knows we're going to try at 15.
all aboard do you see him anywhere he must be here
trashy's gone on the train
excuse me did you see a young man carrying a long
narrow brown suitcase and he had another black one
and he was wearing a gray hat sorry
sister an awful lot of people have
gone through this gate he's not here
he's not here he's got to be here oh
sister how could you do it how could
you trust that man he's got to be here
okay sergeant bring him in all right gentlemen
i'll be sure and look them over carefully
sisters all the men you'll see here today
have committed the same crime in the past so
we may be lucky can these men see us loot at it
no they can't sister you have nothing to worry
about all right sergeant number one step forward
take off your hats next step
back number two step forward
number five step forward you know all right
sergeant step back all right take him out francine
lieutenant do you think
the man knows what he stole
its true value well naturally we're keeping
that fact quiet if he knew the statue was
worth a fortune he'd be that much harder to
find all right sergeant sent him in clancy
come on come on move lively men
pick a spot take off your hats
recognize somebody's sister
i'm not sure but the one on the end number
five sergeant number five front center
state your name my name's uh james k breson that's
with a b what can i do for you sarge i'll ask the
questions what are you doing these days bryson
still working the terminals uh you got me all
wrong sergeant i'm uh newly employed where it's
a gramercy appliance company over on 9th street
i'm in a shipping department there but i won't be
for long if you guys keep picking me up like this
not uh snatching any more suitcases i never
snatched suitcases that last time was a bum
rap and that assault charge you served time for
was that a bum wrap too what do you think sister
it's the voice the voice more than anything
you uh ever go to church preston ah what
who me sorry what are you trying to convert me he
could be the one he could be the one oh no sister
he was much taller don't you remember and much
younger you were hanging around the union terminal
friday night weren't you was that friday night
yeah say around uh 6 30. no no i was out with my
girl friday night sergeant uh you don't believe me
yes her i was there from five to uh midnight yeah
midnight man what's the name of your girl uh her
name's bess mackin she lives at 200 rice avenue
i uh never left her joint for a minute you see
how could he be we can't accuse an innocent man
he's so much like him now don't
let his alibi fool you sisters
his witness is his girlfriend and you know what
that's worth we can't be sure it happened so fast
but uh what do you say sarge
i'm just not sure lieutenant all
right sergeant step back person
i wish to leave the order reverend mother you
can't know what you're saying i know reverend
mother but you're not a child sister pamela
you mustn't respond to trouble like a child
i thought about it reverend mother i've thought
and i've prayed when a child is naughty it wants
to run away from home but your home is with god
you cannot run away from him i'm not running
away from god i wish to leave the order reverend
mother i'm not suited i've known it for some time
mr downey was right about me mr downey why
should anything that mr donnie says affect you
because he knew the truth some people retreat
to god not advance towards him and that's what
i've done i've hidden myself away from the
world for what i know to be selfish reasons
but is that so bad sister i haven't been honest
not with myself not with you and not with god
what happened in that terminal was like a sign
from heaven telling me i couldn't be trusted i
failed my responsibility nonsense poor sister
lydia what shall i give her my sincere regrets
that statue would have meant so much to her
it was more than a gift of the holy name
it was a reward for a lifetime of
work we will pray for its return
now take hold of yourself i've got to
leave very well sister pamela but think
pray and if ever you want to come back i've got
to leave reverend mother there's no other way
of course it looks a lot better
when the sun comes out and um
you can see the river and a good day i think
it'll be nice and comfy here it'll be fine thanks
anything else you need you just call me thank you
what do you think about girls who come to
work for us eight out of ten of them will
end up getting married and having babies that's
nice for them i suppose but it's awfully tough
on the personnel department i see you're
not married engaged no well that's a relief
your typing test is pretty good
how come you never had a job before
i didn't need to work no i see well we do
have an opening in the billing department
that pays a little more ever learned to use
a statistical typewriting no i'm afraid not
i've only learned general typing oh well mrs
argument will be glad to get you in the typing
pool i'm sure i'll process your application and
if it's okay with mrs erdman you can start work
on monday and i'm sure it's going to be okay
but here's an employee's manual and some other
information you'll need you might as well take
it along thank you and don't get married over the
baby watch yourself
that concludes the first half
of the alfred hitchcock hour
we now have what is known as a station break i
know that during a coffee break one drinks coffee
i have no idea what one
drinks during a station break
quite some time ago i mentioned that during
a coffee break one drinks coffee but i had
no idea what one drank during the station
break after enduring that last one i know
if your constitution can stand it we have one more
commercial and then the second half our final vow
would you like to have lunch with us pamela
we're going to the griddle oh no thank you i
brought my lunch today i thought i'd try and
save until payday okay we'll see you later
hey you got a match no i'm sorry everybody soon
you ran a joint here you uh when you worked for
any ergonomic yes yeah you know battle axe ain't
she's very nice to me yeah let me yeah let me give
you a little good advice about this place around
here you don't want to be an eager beaver you
know what i mean nobody likes a hard worker around
here they uh they spoil it for the rest over here
my name's uh jimmy what's uh what's
your name pamela camera camera
and a high class name let i said
honey social register stuff forever
yeah you call me james if you'd like to
see that no no don't get excited
don't get excited i'm just uh
looking for the evidence yeah just checking
you know just checking for rings and
stuff like that yeah
everything checks out just fine
everything i think i'll get some milk
one milk please listen uh you live here
in town yes what are you saying let's
hear me taking a movie tonight tonight yeah
tonight or tomorrow night the night after
you uh tell you ask your social secretary
when you're free you know rather
what's your matter what's the matter you got
some against me huh you got something against me
or is it a shipping department it's not that
the typing pool ain't exactly the executive
floor or is that what you're waiting for
okay okay you had your chance no please wait
what are you afraid to grab me alone i
mean you've been hearing things about
me no i haven't heard anything oh yeah a
little party friday night see you know a
few friends of mine someone from the
company here you know a little party
and i thought maybe you might come over let
me let me give you address here it's uh 200
200 rice avenue that's apartment uh 4c and the
name is smackin i won't be able to pick you up uh
i think that you're finally by yourself yes yeah
yeah that's right best mecca it's uh let's say
you try to be over there oh about about nine
o'clock got that and i uh i think we'll have a
and miss wiley a letter came for you oh thank you
it's from a convent you got
friends in the continent
dearest sister these past weeks have been
empty ones for me since you left the holy name
we speak of you often and pray
that someday you will return
as for sister lydia she was given extra motion
last week but the poor woman survived the crisis
was well enough by morning to take a little
nourishment however the doctor isn't very hopeful
come on you bum back to
the cheaper seas back there
some people they don't know
where they belong on princess
hey hey you guys what take a little drink
no thanks really
i'm uh i'm thinking about taking up the minuet you
know what i mean uh what how about you want to men
you wear with me but uh why do you know what do
you know how do you think you could even smile
maybe there's uh maybe there's some hope for you
there princess uh i have a lot of laughs when you
get to know me oh i'm awfully warm yeah yeah oh
yeah yeah it's harder than ever in this joint here
maybe uh maybe you and me we could we go
for a little walk wait wait we'll walk
jimmy i could use some help
hey wait a minute
i'll be back
i think i'll be leaving wait
wait wait wait i'll show you out
you know the party ain't over yet uh some of
the crowns are going to meet me up with the
moon garden you know what i mean it's uh the moon
garden is it's a real nice place you know i mean i
think you'd like it it's a kind of thing i think
i'd better be getting home really wait wait look
you can sleep all in the morning princess it's a
saturday you know can you do that come on let's
have a look you're a nice kid real nice kid i
mean you just gotta relax you gotta have some
fun you gotta have some games you know and i'm
just the boy to show you how to do it i know all
the rules you know what i'm gonna do please let me
go please you bomb you no come on take it easy man
come on best take it easy come on take it easy
all right all right now look i ain't got all
night you coming with me all right all right
what do you want what are you hanging around
for anyway i'm sorry bess i didn't mean to
cause any trouble trouble you you don't
know what trouble is have you got a hanky
that bum ooh he's rotten you were smart not
to go with him you can't trust a guy like that
don't don't drink anymore listen don't give
me orders i take enough orders there's a
hundred million men in the world and
i gotta get stuck with jimmy breson
he's no good and he never was any good jailbird
sure he's out on parole right now where are the
cigarettes but he is trying to reform isn't he i
mean he has a job you call that a job 60 bucks a
week he only took that to satisfy his parole
officer he spends more than that on herotonic
well don't just sit there help me
find a cigarette for pete's sake
you think he ever takes me
anywhere buys me anything
look at this it's very pretty glass that's all he
ever gives me he's got plenty of dough to spend on
the horses though for that he hawks everything
he can get including what he can get from me
and all i get back of the pawn tickets
maybe i can find one in the
kitchen i'm fed up let me tell you
you watch he'll come crawling back here
tonight only he's gonna be surprised
i'm throwing him right out on his ear that's
what i'm doing the minute he walks in here
hey what are you doing with that pawn ticket what
are you anyway some kind of a fancy snake thief
i'm sorry biz go on get out of here
you've caused enough trouble already
pawn bye bye what you want to huck something or
sell something lady bye but i don't know if you
have what i want i'm looking for something
ornamental for my apartment well like what
oh i don't know an interesting lamp maybe sorry
don't carry your lamps well an interesting antique
you're looking for the antique shop lady this is
a pawn shop well do you have any religious objects
i got rosaries and jewelry some pictures tell
me what you want and i'll see if i got it
i'm not sure maybe a piece of sculpture would be
nice sculpture you like statues why yes yes that
would be perfect do you have any religious
statues small ones wait a minute i'll check
how about that
that's a real fine piece of work
lady ain't one of them cheapies
how much well let's be doing
so much stuff like this
i'll let's have him for 20 bucks it's exactly
what i've been looking for all right 20 bucks
yeah i'll do it for you what are you doing helping
you lady but why i just wanted to buy the statue
sure you did all i want to do is check in this
business i like to know who i'm dealing with
what took you so long i stalled as long as
i could you'll get to come around the corner
do you find anything ah nothing no gun
identification nothing you sure she's a
cop i don't know i don't know if she's been acting
like a cop all right that's why i told you to call
me when she showed up here all right right girl
you want to do a little talking now sweetie please
jimmy i just came to buy something this statue
yeah you just came to buy something all right
best told me yes about the pawn tickets
last night when i came back to your place
you never figured on it i'm not with the police i
swear it yeah then why all the noise around here
bright girl i don't know trouble in here if she
ain't a cop she's something woman i mean she's
got to be something aren't you something
please i just wanted the statue that's all
you're the nun what
she's a nerd warmer a nun she was carrying this
thing in the terminal only how did you find out
about how did you find out about me huh how'd you
find out about me when you talked to me talk to me
talk to me i left the order over a month ago i had
i found out where you worked because of the police
line up what are you what are you talking about
police i had to find the statue again don't you
understand it was a gift to the convent it meant
so much to them oh bad luck jimmy bad luck robin a
nun shut up i didn't come to get you into trouble
jimmy all i wanted was the statue i swear that
yeah you went to a lot of trouble didn't you you
got a job down to grandma say just get next to me
that stash you must be quite a statue huh
a mess some mess to me i don't like this
kind of business i couldn't be more careful
that's valuable it belongs to the convent
jimmy i wanted to see it back where it
belonged please let me have it i swear not to
involve you that's uh it's sacred stuff jimmy
we can't fool around with stuff like
that you stop bothering your jerk
this thing is old i should have seen that
before maybe maybe hundreds of years old so
what so what good is it this thing may be worth
a fortune that's what you know you may be right
in that religious stuff is worth thousands you
only heard once about yeah maybe we could uh
handle it through some odd collector or maybe we
could uh just handle it through mike to broker
you know you know what this thing's worth i'm
gonna bring mikey on this yeah bring mike in on
this why not what do you mean you haven't yourself
all your nickel and dime stuff here what about her
huh that depends you don't have to sell it please
i'll pay anything you ask yeah how much honey
huh how much you think maybe you could uh maybe
scrape up a couple of grand if you'll give me time
you see the woman they say you must be worth
plenty all right girl i'm getting back from him
you call mike you tell him to come to us
he won't come here come on here's what we
got here i got a feeling about this
woman yeah i got a real good feeling
yeah mike he's calling him
somebody's in the neighborhood
only just uh he's just double
checking he's a wise fox at mike
you uh you tell him everything's okay
to come over mike it's okay come on over
what about her just relax just relax no i mean
afterwards actually make the deal with mike that's
what i want to know about look if the deal's good
enough don't worry don't worry about it where my
people disappear don't you i mean
you read about it every day you know
you mean it jude that's right i'm
tired of these nickels and times
i'm sick of these little deals i want
to reach out for once in my life i want
to grab something golden real gold you
know what i mean this might be it right
hey hey hey guys hey hey hey baby look over
here look at me hey let go jimmy come on hey
princess come here hey come here get me hey come
on look at me this is a pretty little picture
only i came all the way across town
for this so make it fast and good
who's the girl shut up i didn't ask
you she's a nun i'm not mike no kidding
don't give me that since when do nuns wear
lipstick please shut up can't you keep her
quiet you keep your mouth shut like mike said
she was a nun mike only she left the convention
she was after the statue i swiped from her and
that's how come i knew the statue was so valuable
what statue you thought might be worth plenty
we figured that you'd know we figured maybe we
could make a deal yeah yeah that's right mike
only we want a straight cut we want a good terms
this time right straight down the middle 50 50.
uh-huh what happens to the girl after
we'll take care of her you can trust us
yeah i bet i can
you had this thing on sale well
yeah but that was how much um
what were you prizing it at well
we didn't know what to put you know
you know i was gonna sell it for 20
bucks can you imagine a thing like that
you're a fool warmer your mouth is down for scrap
it's worth maybe two bucks next time you want to
handle junk call a junk dealer but don't call mike
you know wait a minute this ain't gonna be worth
some i mean that day you went to so much trouble
over there don't teach me my business junior
it was worth something out of hand that
that's my livelihood it's a cheap copy
of something that wasn't any good in
the first place there's a million of
them floating around the country
yeah but the nun was yeah the nun
that's what you get for being so stupid
brenson she doesn't understand about money
they'll knock themselves out for a scrap
of junk just because it's been blessed
and you better be careful this one's liable to
say a prayer and send you both to the devil not
that you don't deserve it what we do now do
you let her go of course what else oh wait
wait wait wait mike we can't do that we do as
mike says we don't need that kind of trouble
all right all right all right are
you listening and you listen good
to me princess i'll swear i'll kill you i mean
i'll kill you if you turn me in you understand
i said i wouldn't give you away jimmy all
i ever wanted was the statue just a minute
take it hey you can't do that
go on sister go on do what he says you
said 20 bucks yeah consider yourself lucky
well at least i got 20 bucks oh shut up
sister pamela can i give you a lift
you want me to wait for you no you don't have
to wait i'm going to stay goodbye goodbye
sister i said some rough things to
you i mean the day you came to see
me i just wanted you to know i was wrong
you're not hiding from anything thank you
don't forget to say hello to sister lydia
for me come on let's get out of here
i've graduated from tattooing raw beef
steak to working with a live model i'm quite
excited some localities busy bodies are
destroying the natural beauty of the landscape
by removing billboards we hope to circumvent
this by tattooing advertisements on the size
of the animals that graze along the
highway thus art nature and commerce
are fused in a beautiful tribute to
man's ingenuity and speaking of commerce
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