The Animatrix (2003) s01e06 Episode Script

World Record

Only the most exceptional people
become aware of the Matrix.
Those that learn it exists
must posses a rare degree of intuition,
sensitivity and a questioning nature.
Signal is stable. This frequency
will continue to remain open.
However, very rarely
some gain this wisdom
through wholly different means.
This man is one of those few.
Gentlemen, please take your marks!
Of course I believe you, Dan.
It's got to be some kind of mix-up.
You'll clear it up,
and if you can't, you'll go on.
Just like you've always done.
You know that.
I don't know, Dad. I don't know
what to believe in anymore.
Well, nothing worth doing in life
is easy.
And I have great faith in you, son.
I know you can do it.
Thanks, Dad.
This is no good, Dan!
Your muscles are about to burst!
Listen to me, there are 5000
different reasons why you shouldn't--
I know, but I'm not withdrawing, Tom.
Does the concept "first in qualifying"
mean anything to you?
That's enough already!
You hear me?
This is all we've worked for!
lnjure yourself now and it's over!
You'll lose everything! Over!
And you can kiss your career goodbye!
I've made up my mind.
And I'm running tomorrow.
Oh, are you?
You may run,
but if you push yourself any more. . .
. . .you'll be lucky to break
nine minutes!
I mean, why bother?
It's just not worth it, buddy.
No one will ever beat my record.
It's the last chance for me to finally--
Prove them wrong.
Then do it without me.
Hey, Dan, you got a second?
-The clock's ticking.
-Just wanted to ask a few questions.
-You must be excited to run tomorrow.
-Always. I've never felt this good.
So, what was it like
breaking 9.8 in the qualifying heat?
Like nothing I've ever felt before.
It's everything I've worked for.
And now I'm just hoping
I can get back there again.
Someone once said
it feels like zero gravity.
You're released from the world
and you're totally free.
That sounds amazing.
It must be really nice.
I mean, especially considering
what happened.
Well, I'll tell you, there aren't
any reporters out there.
All right, Dan, I guess
I'm going to take that as my cue.
But you should know even some of us
reporters are fans. . .
. . .so I'll just say good luck to you.
American Dan Davis is down!
I have an unstable signal.
He cannot wake up.
Do not let him wake up.
Dan Davis of the United States
finishes with a time of 8. 72 seconds
a new world record.
I'll tell you something. . .
. . .there's nothing quite like cherry pie
baked by my Aunt Daisy.
She always bakes me one when I visit.
Look forward to it actually.
It may sound like I'm bragging, but it's
really the best cherry pie in the world.
She was a bit of an eccentric.
She didn't get along with my mom. . .
. . .but I always loved her.
She taught me so many things.
We'd go to Broadway musicals,
to the movies.
Now they call her
the "queen of mystery literature. "
Lives in an elegant villa
in the south of France.
But, when I go visit,
she still bakes me her cherry pie.
Something about biting into it, just
for that brief moment tasting perfection.
Like leaving your body or something.
Anyone can write a novel,
but no one can beat her cherry pie.
An interesting case,
but nothing to be concerned about.
His memory of the race was expunged
with no residual effects.
He will never run again.
He will never walk again, for that matter.
We'll continue monitoring him
for a while, but anticipate no problems.
A record that will live on
in people's memories for years to come.
What more could anyone ask for?
Free. . . .
Did you say something?
Sit down.
Free. . . .
Sit down!
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