The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

A Date with the Strongest Captain of the Knights

Oh, Vice Captain Daim.
It's good to see you again.
It has been a while.
Prime Minister Magna advised me to
leave some monster materials here.
Yes, I've been informed.
Let's see
A place for you to put your materials
This should do for now.
Um, I'm very sorry,
but this room won't be big enough.
What?! You have that many?
Are they all like the red dragon
you have in your mansion?!
Oh, no, there's nothing
quite that impressive.
Just an earth dragon.
An e-earth dragon?!
The one a whole party of A-rank
adventurers can barely take down?
That earth dragon?!
I don't know much about it
but it's a big one!
Well, in that case
Could you leave it here for now?
The knights will carry
it somewhere else later.
All right.
Here it comes.
What is all this?!
This is all of them.
C-Cain You are simply
Sorry, but
could you take all of these for me?
But the truth is I have more
than just A-rank monsters.
I have S-rank ones, too.
That's because my status is off the charts
But that's a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"A Date with the Strongest Captain of the Knights"
You're telling me you killed
all of these by yourself?
Are you a hero?
Or perhaps a disciple of the gods?
No, no! I'm just the son of Margrave Garm!
Hmm Well, I suppose
I won't probe too deeply.
I'd appreciate that.
Very well.
It'll take a bit of time to appraise
this many. Is that all right?
Sure. Just let me know when it's
done and I'll come right over.
Well, then
Whoa, there.
It's still early.
Mind helping out with the knights' training?
I'd like you to meet our captain, too.
Yeah. Our captain loves strong folks.
I'd love to show off what you can do. Okay?
And then
Wait a minute!
Let's Go Back in Time
This is the hero, Baron Cain.
As I'm sure you all know,
this is the Baron Cain who annihilated
thirty orcs and saved the princess.
Pleased to meet you all.
Um, where's the captain?
The captain will be here soon.
As soon as the mock battle begins, I'll bet.
Our captain does love a
good battle, after all.
Oh, no! It's gonna be someone
super scary, isn't it?!
Don't worry. The captain's not
gonna eat you or anything
All right, let the mock battle begin!
U-Um May I?
He genuinely looks like a child.
And he's only ten, right?
Should the Royal Chivalric
Order really fight him?
If you're worried, you can go first.
I will grant you the first move.
Come at me with what you've got.
Very well! In that case Boost!
I am defeated.
I won! Crap!
Thank you very much
Wait, Cain!
That was even better than I expected.
Why don't you take on thirty
no, all of them next?
Back to the Present
And now
Hold it!
Hold it, hold it, hold it!
What is going on here?!
Why is an entire order of knights
pointing their swords at a child?
Have you no pride as royal knights?!
Are you okay?
You must have been so frightened
with all these scary people around you.
But I'm here now, so you'll be just fine.
You must be a lost child
who wandered in here.
Ooh! An elf!
Daim! You were here with him!
Why didn't you stop them?
If I may, Captain
This is the boy who annihilated thirty
orcs and saved Princess Telestia
The hero, Baron Cain.
What? This child did that?
I see
I see!
So you are the one who
annihilated thirty orcs
The hero, Baron Cain!
In that case, you must fight a duel with me!
Mock Battle
Wait, I'm sure I just heard "duel"
instead of "mock battle"
Captain, perhaps you should
introduce yourself first?
No! We who fight with the sword
speak with the sword!
Oh, boy. There's the
captain's bad habit again.
She does hold the title
of Master Swordsperson.
I doubt even Baron Cain can handle her.
Um, I can hear you. What's this
"Master Swordsperson" thing?
Baron Cain, let us duel!
W-Wait a second! The only weapon
I have is a wooden sword!
Not a problem! I've dulled my blade!
Looks like I'll be able
to fully enjoy this now!
Wow Baron Cain is giving the
captain a run for her money.
And he's moving even faster than before.
Clock Up!
This duel is over,
I've decided.
I am
I am going to marry you!
What?! The captain?!
Y-You're suddenly bringing up marriage?!
I'm only ten years old!
And I don't know anything about you!
That's a good point.
Then, I'll introduce myself.
My name is Tijuana von Liebert.
I am the captain of the
Royal Chivalric Order of Esfort.
I hold the title of honorary viscount.
I am the daughter of Duke Liebert,
who oversees the northern forest.
And you needn't worry
about the age difference!
Since I'm an elf,
I'll live at least 300 years!
That means my looks won't
be changing for a long time!
That's not the issue
Despite how I may seem,
I'm quite confident in my looks.
But still
I don't think a duke's daughter
can make decisions on her marriage
at her own discretion!
No need to worry about that!
When I left home,
I said I wouldn't return until I found
a marriage partner, so it'll be fine!
It may be fine for you, but not for me!
I have to consult with my father
and lots of other people!
Vice Captain Daim!
How are you asleep?!
Yes, indeed
It's true that I can't make
the decision on my own.
Thank you, Captain Tijuana!
I'm glad you understand—
I'll speak with the king first.
Arrange an audience at once.
Wait, that's the worst
thing that could happen!
Letting the king hear about
this is the last thing I need!
Bring him.
N-No! I don't want this!
Captain Tijuana! Anything but that!
Cain, I was told you've come
here on urgent business,
but why are you here?
Didn't you go to the knights' station
to drop off some monster materials?
Your Majesty! I have decided
that Baron Cain and I
will get married! Yes!
How did that happen?!
Cain, explain from the beginning!
The truth is
I had a mock battle with her and won,
and it led to this.
Cain! Haven't you told her
about Teles and Miss Silk yet?!
That matter was supposed to be confidential,
so not yet.
Cain, do you even realize the
position Captain Tijuana holds?
No, only that she's the
captain of the knights.
I thought so.
The Liebert territory that she comes from
was originally an elf nation.
Elves are all beautiful, as you know.
For that reason, they were often
dragged into wars by those
who wanted to kidnap or enslave them.
But here in the Kingdom of Esfort,
per the dying wish of the first king,
Yuuya Terra Hirasawa Esfort,
there is no discrimination based on race.
That's why we took their land under our
protection as a territory of the kingdom.
The Liebert territory is self-governed,
and differs little from
an independent nation.
In other words,
Tijuana is essentially a princess,
and you've received a marriage
proposal from said princess.
Do you understand what that means?
Tijuana, this is still confidential,
but I'll inform you.
Cain here is already engaged
to my daughter Telestia
as well as Duke Eric's daughter, Miss Silk.
So that means Baron Cain
is extraordinary enough
to have been recognized
by both Your Majesty and Duke Eric.
I understand.
I'm glad you understand, Tijuana.
I am sorry, but—
That just makes me want to
marry Baron Cain all the more!
The desire grows stronger and stronger!
Why is that what it leads to?
All right. I acknowledge your feelings.
But first, you need to write a
letter to your father, Laysan.
We'll talk only after
you earn his permission.
In that case, Your Majesty,
I'll take my leave now!
Let's go, Cain!
G-Go where?
To the battle arena, to further deepen
our love and write that letter!
And now, we'll be on our way!
I can't believe he even defeated Tijuana.
She's the kingdom's strongest knight!
Perhaps the captain was under the weather?
No, that's not the case at all.
Yes, to be so strong at the age of ten
How in the world is he so powerful?
Garm, he's your son. What is the story?
I'm afraid I don't know, either.
Apparently, he killed the red dragon
in his mansion by himself, too.
Now that you mention it
When I asked him if he was a
hero or a disciple of the gods,
he did react for a brief moment.
So there really is something to him.
There is a way to test him
By showing him that.
Oh, that!
Don't worry. It's just me today.
Vice Captain Daim
You look exhausted.
Can you blame me?
I've had to go on "dates" with
her every single day since then.
And Tijuana never lets me go until
my endurance has reached its limit.
Your mock battles have reached a
level that none of us can even touch.
But thanks to you, our captain
has gotten even stronger.
Actually, while I was having
mock battles with Tijuana,
the title of "Master Swordsperson"
was added to my status.
Master Swordsperson
Um Has Tijuana always been like that?
Yes, and she leaves all
the knight business to me.
I figured.
Cain! Where are you, Cain?
Oh, crap!
Let's hurry. His Majesty wants to see you.
Wh-Why?! Did I do something again?!
Cain! Let us show our love for one
another until our bodies give out!
I've been really careful
not to make him angry!
Why are all of you here?
Cain, why are you making that face?
Oh No reason.
I've called you here today because
I want to show you something.
Yes, sire. Look at this, Cain.
This is an emperor-level magic text that
is passed down in the royal family.
It's said that the first king,
Yuuya Terra Hirasawa Esfort, wrote it.
Wow An emperor-level magic text!
You mean I can look at this?
Yes, you may.
Thank you!
Even the magic texts in the palace mages'
library only went up to mega-level!
Stars' Judgment
This is a spell I've never seen before!
Wow! So there really is an even higher level!
I thought so.
What is it?
Cain, that text
is one that none of us can read.
Do you know why that is?
Stars' Judgment
That's right.
Because it was written by our first king
in a language called "Japanese."
That's right.
The first king's name was
Yuuya Terra Hirasawa.
That's obviously a Japanese person's name.
He was probably reincarnated, like me.
We know it's emperor-level magic
because it's handed down as such,
but there's no one here who can read it.
Cain, I ask you once more
Just who are you?
I can't hide it anymore.
When they find out I was reincarnated,
will I lose everything?
No But surely these people would
I'll tell you the truth,
but can you promise that only those
present right now will ever know?
If you can't understand,
I'll have to leave this kingdom.
Very well.
I have my memories from my previous life.
Memories of a different land,
the one your first king came from
Memories of a nation called Japan.
I'm sorry I never told you.
So that's why
Cain, are you truly Sarah's and my son?
Yes, there's no doubt about that.
The gods told me so when
I was baptized at age five.
Y-You met the gods?!
At my baptism, and when I go to church.
I meet with the seven gods often.
What?! All seven of them?!
Cain, would you show us your status?
Status Open.
Cain! Is what's written here true?!
Yes, it's completely true.
The Reincarnated
God's Chosen
Protection of the God of Creation 10
Protection of the God of Magic 10
Protection of the God of War 10
Protection of the God of Commerce 10
These are my real titles.
Protection of the God of Life 10
Protection of the God of Earth 10
Protection of the God of Technology 10
Whatever are we going to do with you?
Why didn't you tell us the truth?
With that title, in addition to myself
Every single citizen of this kingdom—
no, of this world—must bow to you!
That's just how high the
title of God's Chosen is!
Wait a minute! That's not what I want!
It's true that I have my
memories of my previous life,
but I'm content with the life I have now!
I understood nothing when
I reincarnated in this world,
but my mother, father, and many
other people were kind to me.
The experiences I've had using magic
and fighting monsters on my adventures
were so exciting.
Meeting Teles, Silk, and all of you,
and being named a baron,
an honor far greater than I deserve
In my previous world, I had lost
my parents and grandfather,
and I was all alone.
But now, I'm blessed with a wonderful
circle of family and friends,
and I live a happy life!
Father, I am truly grateful
that I became a son of Garm!
Your Majesty, I apologize for
hiding all this from you,
but could I ask you to please treat
me the same way you always have?
Your Majesty, I
Very well.
Cain, this kingdom recognizes
you as Garm's son,
Baron Cain von Silford,
just as it has up until now.
However, Cain
Maybe you should be the king instead?
Your Majesty!
My dear husband!
I found you, my dear husband!
Your Majesty, I just received
this from my father!
He has granted me permission
to marry Baron Cain!
Well, Your Majesty,
I'm in a hurry, so I'll be off!
My dear husband!
She took him away again today
Your Majesty
The way Cain was acting just now,
I don't think you need to worry.
Cain will always just be Cain.
You're right.
He certainly doesn't look
like a divine child.
No one is permitted to speak of
this matter outside this chamber.
You must tell no one, not even your families.
Yes, sire!
Just look at how strong you are.
Please protect this country, your family,
Teles and Silk,
and all the citizens who seek your aid.
Master Cain!
How did you end up engaged
to Captain Tijuana?!
I'm sorry.
I fought a mock battle with the
Chivalric Order, and that's how it ended.
How many fiancées will you have
by the time you reach adulthood?
Though I'm having fun, so I don't mind.
Well, I mind!
Please stop indiscriminately
accepting more fiancées!
My dear husband! There you are!
Let's share our love lots
and lots again today!
What does "share our love" mean?!
Master Cain!
I-It's not like that!
Hear me out, Teles, Silk!
She just means we'll have
another mock battle!
No! You'll get me in trouble again!
My dear husband, I won't let you go today!
Master Cain!
Help me!
Not until morning!
My dear husband!
Wait a second!
"Cain, the Rookie Adventurer"
Next time, "Cain, the Rookie Adventurer"!
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