The Assassins (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Betrayal of the covenant

You're about to make the most noble
act in Hassan Al-Sabbah's call.
You're going to
kill the biggest devil.
You're going to
kill the Abbasid caliph.
The Abbasid caliph was
not a strong man.
The Abbasid caliphate was
at its worst condition.
I'm Sultan Malik-Shah.
He Sends me his orders?!
Your legitimacy
and your father's legitimacy Alp Arslan
are derived from our loyalty to him.
At the same time, it was the legitimacy
of the Sultan and the whole Seljuk state.
His presence ensures the state's
legitimacy and survival among the public.
To marry the daughter
of my lord, Sultan Malik-Shah
To marry the daughter
of my lord, Sultan Malik-Shah
to the Abbassid Caliph.
So the next caliph or heir
would be of Turkish origin.
Nizam Al-Mulk knows the danger
of allowing the Caliph into Isfahan
because if anything unexpected happens
its consequences would be
catastrophic for the entire Sultanate.
Whether it passes safely or
not, that's your job, Tusi.
Nizam Al-Mulk began a massive
cleanup and reorganization campaign
to receive the Caliph.
And from the knights of the state
there was Yahya ibn Al Mu'adhdhin
there was Yahya ibn Al Mu'adhdhin
who left his house and his love
to fight the infidels
and revenge for his father.
Hassan, in the
Sultan's secret chamber
found it to be a great opportunity
to start his call.
The killing of one person
can bring down a state.
You're going to kill the Abbassid Caliph.
Episode Six
"Breaking The Pledge"
I've committed.
Blessed for becoming a
proclaimer of the truth.
Praise be to Allah.
Oral praises are not enough.
Oral praises are not enough.
You're a clever Turkish boy, Nour.
You're about to make
the most noble act
since my call began.
An act history won't forget.
I'm ready for any mission.
You're going to
kill the biggest devil
their Commander of the
believers and Muslims' Caliph.
You will kill the Abbasid caliph.
- Me!
- Do you see the great honor?
- Is this possible?
- Everything is possible with us.
- Is this possible?
- Everything is possible with us.
I've been looking for
you for 15 years.
The Caliph's procession
will enter Isfahan's gates.
To welcome him, there will be the Sultan,
his minister, and the state's nobles
including me.
In front of the gates,
there are six towers.
They have the best
archers of the Sultanate.
Nizam Al-Mulk has ensured unprecedented
security for the Abbasid procession.
Nizam Al-Mulk has ensured unprecedented
security for the Abbasid procession.
"They plan, and Allah plans.
And Allah is the best of planners."
In front of the gates
stand two towers.
Each tower has a horn blower
saluting the procession's entry.
We followed one of the two men.
I found out he's a drunkard
Lover of wine, God forbid.
The poor man is a watchman
The watchman will blow the
horn as the first horseman enters.
The watchman will blow the
horn as the first horseman enters.
Ten horsemen will pass
then a decorated horse appears.
with a black cover adorned
with gold on its face.
It's the Caliph's horse.
And how do I
Don't interrupt our lord.
From tonight
after midnight
you will begin to befriend the watchman
and get as close to him as you can
for ten consecutive nights.
for ten consecutive nights.
Each day, a bottle of wine
from the finest selections.
Then, you disappear for five nights
and come back on the 15th night.
Surely, he'll be missing this.
You beg him to let you watch
the procession from his tower above.
You'll give him money and wine
and he will agree.
He's no soldier or fighter.
Just a man blowing a horn.
The procession passes.
After the tenth horseman, you
would have killed the watchman.
You draw your bow
You draw your bow
and aim your poisoned arrow
at the Muslim Caliph.
You would have done the
most noble deed in history.
The infidels will definitely catch you
and they will kill you.
You'll soar to paradise on martyr's
wings to reunite with loved ones.
As for this world
You and your wife and children
will have what's enough.
Rest assured
My wife is with her now.
Your children are mine and Hassan's
and you are my sister.
I'll protect them for life
I'll protect them for life
Your well-being is protected by us
and our lord, the Imam, for eternity.
Your children are like mine
and your wife is my sister.
Your children are under my husband's care
until we all meet in paradise.
until we all meet in eternal paradise.
"Brothers, on thrones
facing each other", Nour.
"Brothers, on thrones
facing each other"
Your presence in the regular
schools saved our state, Maulana.
Your presence in the regular
schools saved our state, Maulana.
Our state will always be grateful to you
for the Jihad you waged
here with your knowledge.
My Lord.
It was very difficult.
Al-Ghazali feels that
he wants to learn
not to be a teacher.
Al-Ghazali humbles himself as he wishes
but we can never do without you.
Keep up your Jihad, Imam.
Keep up your Jihad.
I would sacrifice my life for
you with my mother and father
I would sacrifice my life for
you with my mother and father
If I acted badly
in your love, forgive me
Because only
prophets are invincible
The groom is waiting.
Why does the bride
seem sad and gloomy?
Is the marriage contract signed?
How could it be
signed with you like this?
What would the groom
and his family say?
Come on, my daughter.
I forced myself to get married
I can't force my face to smile.
You go see the groom and his family
and I will make
her laugh, not just smile.
I am satisfied
with just the smile
- but convince her.
- Okay.
It's a forced marriage, mom.
We've been patient for so long
and your lover never showed up.
I told you if Yahya came,
I would get your father to agree.
But he never came
and you're not young any more
and it's shameful to
reject suitors without reason.
He will come.
Indeed, he will come
Only after he finds the one
who killed his parents, if he does.
How old will you be then?
My daughter, go down
Go down and enjoy with the girls.
Let your mind control your heart.
If I acted badly
in your love, forgive me
Because only
prophets are invincible
Because only
prophets are invincible
About a witch who walks on strings
By God, I heard my soul
Congratulations, bride!
The procession arrives in a few hours.
Our lord, Nizam Al-Mulk!
- How long have you been serving here?
- For many years, my lord.
What is this!
- This is
- A drunkard!
Drunkard, and honking on
a day like this!
Drunkard, and honking on
a day like this!
Take him!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
Long live the Caliph!
I am the oppressed, Shamata.
I don't want
charity, money, or begging.
Injustice in our country is
ancient, living safely and soundly.
Like the market, the
soldiers, and the sultan.
At first, injustice was
a small cowardly rat.
At first, injustice was
a small cowardly rat.
Then it grew and became a beast, like
the market, the soldiers, and the sultan.
Noor Bareq is not home,
he has vanished.
Did he betray us?
Aren't you worried?
I am accustomed, at a certain time
to resign myself to
fate and be prepared.
Don't defy your fate, Zaid.
Deliver the message to
the call supporters .
I am the oppressed, Shamata.
I don't want
charity, money, or begging.
A heart sickened by the beauty's love
And a chest tightened by what is unsaid
My Lord, are You
satisfied with this thirst?
And the water flows
Before me, like a stream!
Should this heart continue to beat?
And be burned in the fervor of love?
What a wasted day passing
without loving.
On the day when the
tree of my life is uprooted
The galaxies will scatter
If they made a cup from my clay
As soon as they fill it with
eagerness, my soul will dissolve in it.
This is public sinning
and love for wine.
Where is the sinning
and love for wine?
What a waste to live like this.
Rushed and ignorant!
His heart is sickened
by the beauty's love.
His chest has tightened.
By what is not said.
It's nice to feel like
a soldier in a strong army.
You feel you're
not just any soldier.
- He seems to like the new uniform, Yahya.
- What uniform, you coward!
I'm talking about the Sultan's
army; renowned far and wide.
A strong state, but full of sedition.
- Every good has its evil.
- We are soldiers of goodness.
Goodness lies in unity.
Being of a single
heart, one man, one creed.
Not greed and souls.
Every soul holds darkness
that can overthrow any state.
One man's heart, one creed!
A very distant dream, Yahya.
It was a reality when
at religion's inception.
The era of divine revelation is
different from our era.
See the nations, races,
and religions that disappeared
but their traces are still here.
Human souls, Yahya,
can hide many things
and disguise to
live on and continue.
But at the first real moment
the truth appears.
One goes around people as
if they don't know them.
You can only see their appearance,
but not what lies within.
He could be side by side, fighting
under your banner, but within, your enemy.
You mean
The one who used to
serve your father then betrayed him.
I know.
But are you sure it's him?
Nourhan saw him from her window.
And by the way,
you were unjust to Nourhan.
How can I love and
adore, while my parents' killer lives?
Where is my honor!
What love can conquer a scarred heart!
And what is her sin, Yahya?
That she loved you?
She loved you, and you
seem to be punishing her.
Should I leave my avenge
and propose to her?
- Is that being a man?
- A man is a man in everything, Yahya.
In his avenge and promise to his lover.
Fulfill your promise, Yahya
Then we'll continue
on your journey of avenge.
Where am I?
May God honor you,
father, can you help me?
My sight is weak.
I don't see well.
Are you a fairy
from the night fairies or..
Are you a fairy
from the night fairies or..
a girl on a horse?
I'm lost and I need your help.
Helping beautiful girls
is a duty.
Take me to King Shah's army camp.
I need you to go to
Nourhan's father confident.
Don't forget, you're a knight.
If he asks who you are, your father?
Tell him my father is
Isfahan's top slave trader.
We have a palace near Isfahan
where your daughter will live like a queen.
- Respected
- Suleiman, Suleiman!
He is our neighbour and he
knew my father, may he rest in peace.
And you know.
Anyway, stand tall.
And consider that if you have
a son, you'll name him Tayfoor.
And if it's a girl?
Name her Tayfoor as well.
- Suleiman!
- Tayfour!
Peace be upon you, Haj Ardash.
You're late, my son.
- Is everything ok?
- How would it be ok?
I am filled with regret and shame.
God rest your parents.
Your family left you
because of killing and death,
but death in the end is a mercy.
But for a man whose daughter
leaves him while she is still alive
It's a shame, Yahya.
Her cousins just arrived.
They searched for her everywhere.
She left no trace.
There is no might
nor power except in Allah.
There is no might
nor power except in Allah.
There is no might
nor power except in Allah.
Is Judgement day already here!
Girls want to
join men in the army.
Girls want to
join men in the army.
My husband has been there for so long.
I want to know
if he's alive or dead.
Your husband?!
Though your voice and appearance say
that you couldn't possibly be married.
He is my fiancé and lover.
Do you have
a weapon to protect us?
Just keep walking
beside me, let's go.
Where are we?
Good people will welcome
and shield us from road dangers.
They will shelter us and feed us
and in the morning, they
will guide us to the camp
where your husband,
lover, or fiancé
is located. Get down, get down.
It's unbelievable that a pretty
girl like you and an old man like me
would come to good people
like these and be scared.
They will protect us, let's go.
The poor man.
Are you alone?
Zendar brings news.
That's Zendar.
And he has a gazelle with him!
And he has a gazelle with him!
- Bring her!
- Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
Leave me alone!
- Hide now.
- Who are you?!
- Watch him.
- Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
Get me out!
- Get me out of here!
- How bad love can be!
your voice fades.
Don't raise your voice.
I’m the only one here
who can raise his voice.
Do you understand or not?
- Now, put her with the others.
- No no no, please don't!
- Now, put her with the others.
- No no no, please don't!
- No please! get me out!
- Let's go.
Please, get me out!
Secure the door well!
Please open the door!
Open this door!
If you keep screaming,
they will kill you.
Open for me!
Please, open for me!
And I went to her house
and reassured her
told her your kids are like ours.
Aren't you listening?
No, I hear you very well.
The key is to reassure those in need.
At dawn, you'll take Al-Hadi and Al-Hussein
And you'll move according
to Zaid bin Suhoon's guidance.
Did something happen?
I heard you.
Now, you'll listen to me
and execute.
Your eye is going blindly
and your soul is close to hell.
If you spoke up
I can order them
to stop the bleeding.
My soul is heading to paradise
and you all are headed to hell.
Who are you all?
Enemies of God
and the Imam.
The drunkard turned out
to be wiser than you.
The drunkard turned out
to be wiser than you.
He said you were
with him for a while.
A well thought out and solid plan.
I liked it.
But since you're dying
I'd like to let you know
that your wife is on her way to us.
She'll be asked the same questions and
tortured after your death until she talks.
She'll be asked the same questions and
tortured after your death until she talks.
Say what's the story of
the drunkard horn blower
Is there any hope?
Do I know you?
I kept my pledge
but you betrayed me, Hassan.
There is no pledge for traitors.
You who first betrayed
- and for a long time.
- You?
- Who's "you"?!
- Those who side with oppressors.
who denies the truth.
You think you alone
can take down the
strongest country in the world?
Weaker than a spider's web.
We'll see
We'll see, Hasan.
If there were three
like Hassan Al-Sabbah
there would be
no country like yours.
You servant to the sultan,
the caliphate, and the devil.
You have three nights
You'll see colors of
torment you've never seen.
Then, I'll keep my pledge.
Your head will tour
the streets of Isfahan
on a spear!
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