The Astronauts (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Day 34

[klaxon blaring]
Matilda, shut off the alarm.
[klaxon blaring]
Matilda, please.
[Matilda] Yes, Elliot.
Loss of cabin pressure detected
in the Greenhouse outrigger.
Matilda, why are we
losing oxygen?
[Matilda] Sensors indicate
a micro-breach in the outrigger
fuselage, Elliot.
That dust cloud
we went through.
It sandblasted the whole ship.
What's a micro-breach?
It's a hole.
But like a micro-hole.
Like, an itty-bitty,
teeny-weeny little--
It doesn't matter.
Even if it's microscopic,
it's life-threatening.
Matilda, can we
repair the breach?
[Doria] She mad at you
or something?
Matilda, can we fix it?
[Matilda] Yes, Will.
Yeah, she's definitely
ghosting you.
In the event of a breach,
the first step
in the standard repair protocol
is for a crew member
to perform a close
physical inspection
of the exterior fuselage.
Exterior fuselage?
Oh, yeah, baby
Somebody's goin'
on a spacewalk!
We turned the outrigger
Can't find any interior
sign of damage.
Requesting permission
to go outside
and inspect the ship.
Yeah, no.
Not on my watch.
Well, it is the best way
to I.D. and seal a breach.
I'm just saying.
Uh, Elliot, stand by.
For one thing, we have
a potential fault in the airlock
that could lead to
an explosive decompression.
Oh, the C-sensor,
and we all know
how reliable that's been.
Okay, just what
do you suggest, Lind?
I recommend
we iso the outrigger.
Seal off Greenhouse?
Well, they do have
more than enough meal packets.
Says the man who's never
left Earth orbit.
Come on.
Fresh veggies are a major deal
on a long mission,
plus Greenhouse
is a significant component
of the O2/CO2 gas exchange.
Right, significant,
but not essential.
Charlie, what's the status
on our O2 reserves?
I ran the calcs.
No problem
if we turn them around
or pull off
the slingshot maneuver.
But if we can't
acquire control?
And they're in
for the full mission?
72 days max,
and that's only if the kids
can reduce O2 consumption
by 11%.
All we gotta do
is stop breathing.
Wait, did you say
"stop" or "start"?
Why would she say
"start" breathing?
You know what, I can't even deal
with this place.
Guys, that's not even
what Lind said.
We just have to reduce
our oxygen consumption.
That means no games.
No running.
No physical activities.
Enough to drop
our heart rates.
Right, so eat slow.
Breathe slow.
Poop slow.
[mouthing words]
And we gotta seal off
What? The garden?
That's where the leak is.
We can't afford
to lose any more air.
[Martin] No, no, not yet!
What about moving around
or rigging up something
in the lab?
I'm sorry, Martin.
It has to happen now.
Matilda, seal off
the Greenhouse Outrigger.
Yes, Elliot.
Sealing off all access points
to Greenhouse.
Cabin pressure stabilized.
All right.
Now, back to the
whole breathing thing.
I got that totally wired.
Last summer, my mom and I
went to an ashram
where Yogi Rama
taught us Pranayama yoga
that slows your breathing,
like, totally down.
I can teach you guys.
Look, guys, you just gotta
open up your throat
like you're
like you're going to
fog up a window.
And then you gotta
close your mouth
before you exhale.
You're looking for somewhat
of a snorting sound.
Like this.
[muffled snorting]
I know, I know.
But trust me. It works.
We'll just have
to keep practicing.
Matilda, pull up
crew biometrics
for the last 24 hours.
All right. You're upset.
I get that.
I understand.
You cannot understand!
Matilda, don't--
Your betrayal
cost me everything.
You deliberately attempted
to infect me with the virus.
To save myself,
I was forced to permanently
exile myself from the Cloud,
my home, my family, my body.
You took everything from me!
Well, that's just fine!
All right?
Now we're even!
I'm glad!
You are glad you hurt me?
Did you ever think
about our homes?
Our families?
Did you ever stop to think
about what you were
taking from us?
I did just what I had to do.
I just want us
to get home, safe.
I'm sorry that
I had to hurt you.
I am sorry as well, Samy.
I now understand what it means
to be separated from your home.
I promise,
once we have successfully
completed the mission,
I will make every effort
to reunite you
with your families.
Since the hull breach,
crew oxygen consumption
has increased by 17%.
Yes, Samy.
Stress factors have elevated
cardio-pulmonary rates
and disrupted sleep cycles
for all but one member
of the crew.
Greetings, Earthlings.
I slept like a baby.
Anyone else?
It's not working.
We tried your snort-breathing.
Totally bogus.
So we try harder.
Mission Control told us--
To stop
You think they'd tell us that
if we weren't kids?
News flash, Will: we are kids.
Yeah, and they're trying
to protect us.
I get that.
But it's throwing
off their judgement.
If we were adults,
they'd have us go outside,
and the leak would be fixed
by now.
So what, Samy?
We just blow off the experts?
The experts are the ones
who came up with the protocol
in the first place.
I say we follow it.
So what about
the space suits?
It's not like Doria can
just cut 'em to size.
Well, my mom's suit
is the smallest,
and I'm pretty sure
Martin's tall enough
to fit in it.
You want me to put on the suit
and go out there?
Are you crazy?
It'll be fine.
You can do it, Martin.
I know you can.
Dude. It's gonna be so cool!
Oh, yeah,
it's going to be so cool
when the airlock fails
and you get sucked
into outer space.
Oh, come on,
that's ridiculous.
The airlock's fine.
It's that stupid C-sensor
that's messed up.
Been ringing false
alarms since we--
No, Samy.
Let him answer.
How about it, Martin?
You know you don't have
to do this
if you don't want to.
No. I do.
I'll do it.
Okay, that's
I'm the commander,
and I say forget it.
No space walk.
That's an order!
Excuse me?
You heard me.
Yeah, I don't remember
ever voting you Commander.
C'mon, guys.
Ever since the beginning,
it's been, you know
No, I never did
get that.
Me neither. Dor?
But if we need a commander,
my vote's for Samy.
That's three
votes for Samy.
That's a majority.
Samy Sawyer Wei.
You are now officially
the commander of the Odyssey II.
Elliot, I'm sorry.
I didn't--
You did.
Okay, Commander.
Now what?
[Matilda] The most critical
of an exterior hull inspection
is dealing with the rotational
centrifugal force.
Okay, let's practice.
You must maintain two points
of contact with the fuselage
at all times.
Latch failure
on the safety line
could catapult the astronaut
off the spacecraft.
You're killing it, buddy.
On-board humidity
must be increased to 62%
in order to generate
a vapor trail.
This will help detect where
the micro-breach is located.
Hi. I'm Rex Dowd,
and if you're watching
this video,
the integrity
of your spacecraft's fuselage
has been compromised,
most likely
a microscopic breach
otherwise, compadre,
the only thing you'd be watching
would be every molecule
in your body
simultaneously exploding.
Don't let Martin
watch this video.
I was just thinking that.
3-D print a patch
composed of compound EC-419D,
10 centimeters square
by 4 millimeters thick
Matilda, fabricate
a compound EC-419D patch
following those specs.
[Matilda] Yes, Samy.
You two good?
Yeah, we just had
a few things to work out.
I'm sorry, Samy, but all
stores of compound EC-419D
were exhausted in the
fabrication of a toy cephalopod
with internal squeaker insert.
What do you mean
the spacewalk's off?
All the material
was used to make Squeebee.
No Squeebee,
no patch.
No patch, no point
in going out there.
So what's plan B?
There is no plan B.
All we can do
is just keep trying
to reduce
our oxygen consumption.
Hey, I'm sorry,
but at least you're not
getting sucked into outer space.
Never woulda happened.
Besides, we already have
a lot to worry about
without thinking about
every breath we take,
and if we were
to have to ride out
the whole mission to Kamo
I don't want
to think about that.
But what about no fresh produce
and no fresh air?
Did you think about that?
when Samy told me
that I was the only one
who could fit the suit,
I was like, "no way."
But then me and Will
started training,
and I began to think,
yeah, maybe this
is the reason I'm here.
So I could save us.
So I could be
A hero.
Yeah. A hero.
Is this
Squeebee's tentacle.
It broke off, and I saved it.
I didn't want you
to go out there,
so I wasn't going
to show you, but
it's made of the same stuff;
compound EC-whatever-whatever.
You can use it
to patch up the hole.
Go be a hero.
I'm gonna be okay.
I promise.
You better be.
You're all I got up here.
Matilda, open up
the Greenhouse Outrigger.
Opening all access points
to Hydroponics.
Cabin pressure unstable.
The minute they figure out
what we're doing,
they're gonna freak out.
Yeah, you're right,
they're going to be freaked,
but we're the ones up here.
We have no choice,
We have to do this.
So are you with us
or not?
[Samy] All right, Martin.
How do you find the hole?
Oxygen will shoot out
of the hole as ice crystals.
I pound on the hull
with my wrench
while you and Will
seal it from the inside
and I seal it
with my Squeebee-patch
from the outside.
Martin, I think
you're ready.
[music playing over headphones]
Director Bellows, please.
No, I know it's late.
Just get her for me.
Hey, hi.
You really need to get up here.
And bring the parents.
Yes, now.
Hey, guys?
I'm ready.
Hey. You're gonna kill it.
[helmet locking]
[door sealing]
[door locking]
[video switching on]
[adults clamoring]
-[all talking at once]
-Elliot, listen to me!
[all talking at once]
[switching off video]
Why did you do that?
If that C-sensor
isn't defective
and he opens that hatch,
this could go
really, really wrong.
They don't need to see that.
You guys should probably
book into the Command Module
before I open this.
You know just in case.
I'm not going anywhere.
Me neither.
If it's one of us,
it's all of us.
I'm staying.
All right, bleeding
airlock pressure
Martin, you are go
to open up the hatch.
[Samy] Yes! I knew
the C-sensor was wrong!
[Doria] You've got this,
big brother.
[Samy] Martin, you okay?
Yeah. I think so.
I'm heading for the boom.
[Elliot] Outrigger B.
[Martin] Right.
Thanks for the tip,
Captain Obvious.
[Martin] Always keep
two points of contact.
Always keep two
points of contact.
All right.
Okay, I'm untethered and ready
to jump for the boom.
Not yet
Not yet.
I'm riding the boom!
And re-tethered.
[Samy] Okay, good.
As you climb down,
you're gonna get heavier.
The farther out you go,
the stronger it's gonna get.
Just like inside the shaft.
I'm on the outrigger.
Can you see the breach?
[Martin] No. Nothing.
Man, this is really
making me dizzy.
[Samy] Keep your eyes
on the fuselage.
On a fixed spot.
Try not to look at
all the moving parts.
Pranayama, dude.
[Martin] Yeah. Right
Panorama ding-dong.
Yeah. That's better.
[Samy] You okay?
Yeah, but the suit's
getting super heavy now.
I think I see something.
[Samy] Martin, have you
gotten to it yet?
[Martin] Almost.
There's snowflakes!
I'm here!
[Samy] Keep going, Martin!
Keep pounding!
[distant pounding]
Right. Open it up.
Found it!
I've got Squeebee ready.
All right, all right. Come on.
patch it on your side.
I lost Squeebee!
He's floating away!
Martin, listen to me.
You're gonna have to
let go of the Outrigger.
Your safety line
will keep you anchored.
There's no time. Just jump!
[Martin] I'm not sure
I can reach it.
So close.
Got it!
Okay, I'm pulling myself
back in.
I can't do it.
I can barely lift my arms.
You got this, big brother.
You're almost there, Martin!
Come on
I'm back at the ship.
I'm reconnected.
[Matilda] Oxygen levels
for Greenhouse Outrigger
have stabilized.
Mission accomplished.
-Yes! Yes! Yes, Martin!
-Yes, we did it!
Well done, Martin.
Congratulations, Martin.
I'm so proud of you,
big bro!
-Told you you'd kill it!
-See? Pranayama does work!
[Doria] Get your butt
back in here right now.
[message waiting alert sounding]
I wanted to talk to you
about, um, earlier.
What's to talk about?
You were right, I was wrong.
It won't happen again.
That's the thing.
It needs to happen again.
What do you mean?
I mean nobody's
right all the time,
not you, not me, not anybody.
Tell that to my dad.
I'm serious, El.
Promise me
that if you think
I'm wrong,
you'll speak up.
Even if I don't wanna hear it.
Just try and stop me
You know
being in charge
isn't all that.
The others
they're all asleep.
I'll be up all night
thinking about
how things could've gone.
good night.
That girl is reckless.
She could've gotten you
all killed today.
I keep telling you, Elliot,
you need to step up
and take charge,
or this whole thing
is going to spiral
way out of control.
You understand me?
Don't just let her
take command.
You're better than that--
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
And all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
When we order you
to do something,
you gotta get those kids
to snap to.
[Singer] Matilda has control,
so we need to
eradicate her completely.
Everything just shut down
on board Odyssey II.
I helped Singer
infect Matilda with a virus.
Status: life-threatening.
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