The Atypical Family (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I'll save you.
I only kept doubting you
and kept asking you about it
because I was that desperate.
I was desperate to save someone.
I'll do everything I can
to find you in my past.
And then
I'll save you.
I'm okay now.
Have a seat.
Hello, sir.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
There was a bit of an emergency.
Yes, I'm at the school right now.
I'm on my way.
See you there.
That was
Do you believe me?
You don't, do you?
Come on.
Do you think I'm making this up?
Elaborately, at that.
It's different this time.
They're a family of superpowers.
Are you serious?
I'm telling you.
They actually have superpowers.
I'm asking if you're serious about him.
What do you mean?
I don't know about some superpower.
But either way, you got him fooled.
He even said he'd save you.
- So what's the problem?
- I could get caught any minute.
They see right through me.
Do you not want to get caught?
Because you have feelings for him?
Is that why you want to stop?
Or isn't it?
Have you been listening at all?
Don't say anything stupid.
Is everything okay?
I'm done for.
After you showed up,
Ms. Bok's attitude completely changed.
- So?
- There's no point in me staying there.
Nothing will come of it.
I'll take care of it myself,
so stay out of it.
Oh, I get what you're saying.
A strategic withdrawal?
I see.
There must've been a misunderstanding.
The watch was a birthday present.
The girl's name is Hye-rim,
and you don't have to worry about her.
She's actually been very nice to I-na.
She even invited I-na into her club.
What kind of club is it?
It's a dance club.
- Dance?
- Didn't you know?
Do you not talk to I-na a lot?
No, not really.
We need to talk.
Is there anything I should know
besides what you told your teacher?
The teacher asked me
if I was bullying you.
I thought we were friends.
- I-na.
- Sorry. It's my dad's fault.
You had me scared.
But we're good, right?
Are we still friends?
Of course.
Look, I-na.
Just talk to me for once.
I'm still your dad.
What's there to talk about?
You already ruined my school life.
I was just--
But who cares? I was an accident anyway.
Where's Ms. Da-hae?
She was at school earlier.
I'd rather talk to her.
The phone you are trying to reach
is switched off.
Please leave a message
Gosh, my wrist.
Let me help.
What do you want?
Well, the thing is
I was wondering
if Ms. Do was here.
I was hoping my past wouldn't hurt Da-hae,
but you accused her of stealing.
Let go.
- And let go of Da-hae.
- I'll get those.
Goodness. I'm sorry.
Clean this up.
The phone you are trying to reach
is switched off.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Hey, you.
What do you want?
I-na was the one
who stole the watch.
I think it's her classmate.
She says it was a birthday present,
but I don't see why she'd go that far
unless she was forced.
Something's not right.
Can you talk to her?
Talk to her yourself.
She's your daughter.
Why are you being like this?
This is it for us.
I find it unpleasant
that someone knows my future
that I don't know of.
And it makes me uneasy
that another Bok Gwi-ju
might show up out of nowhere
to look into my past
that I'd rather forget.
To be honest,
it's just too much.
Think about what I've seen your family do.
Floating in the air,
appearing and disappearing out of nowhere,
and now, I-na
What about her?
I'm just an average person.
I'm actually below average.
I can't deal with all these superpowers.
I understand that it's confusing.
But you're the one
who brought them all back.
And I'm going to save you with mine.
Are you?
Don't you find that odd?
I'm alive and well right in front of you.
Who exactly are you saving?
I think I was mistaken.
You can't be the one
who saved me.
You said you couldn't even go back
to the moment I-na was born.
That proves it.
Could you send my stuff over?
And please say goodbye
to your family for me.
I know it's not proper,
but I can't do it myself.
Mom, something's wrong with Gwi-ju.
What's going on?
Well, he's
What about him?
He's working out.
Are you trying to get in shape
to have another child?
You must be determined
to make this building yours.
I'd forgotten how bright
this room could be.
That's hot.
Ms. Do is away, so I thought I'd
whip something up.
Dig in.
I'm late.
Have a nice day.
Did I burn them?
Mr. Bok.
What are you doing here?
I'll take that.
Come on.
I got it.
Who threw these away?
They're still usable.
Where's my stuff?
Is that it?
Ms. Do.
Can we talk for--
I guess not.
What's the point of buttering me up?
Get out of here.
Who said you could come in here?
I don't remember you asking for permission
when you came into my life out of nowhere
and interfered with my future.
Get out.
Go already.
I will.
Who spilled water here?
It's a safety hazard.
Hold on!
The floor's slippery, ma'am.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
No problem.
The floor's slippery, sir.
Come on.
What do I have to do for you to leave?
You could come with me.
I'm not the only one waiting for you.
You told Dad about it, didn't you?
I should tell everyone you're a fraud.
Are you listening?
I thought you could hear my thoughts.
Right, it's a secret.
I'll be discreet.
- Did you get that?
- No.
I can't hear you with my glasses on.
And you need to get a lot closer.
I'm severely nearsighted.
Is that right?
What did you say to Dad?
I didn't say anything.
Hey now.
Fine, read my mind
if you don't believe me.
Go ahead.
Then why did he come
all the way to school?
You don't need a superpower to know that.
He's just looking out for you.
About that girl, Hye-rim.
It's not her fault. I wanted to do it.
Don't you think you're doing
too much to please her?
It's not like that.
How long have you been able to read minds?
It's been a while.
Why did you hide it?
When are you moving back in?
How can I scam anyone
with a mind reader around?
You have to revise your plan.
Becoming our legal guardian
doesn't seem very feasible.
Why don't you make use of our superpowers?
Start a circus. It'll be a hit.
Oh my.
Thanks for the advice
on how to scam your family.
Just keep our secret.
How long do you plan on hiding it?
I understand it can be scary
to know what people think.
You probably heard things
you'd rather not hear.
But I-na.
Isn't it hard to keep it all to yourself?
Sounds like you got me all figured out.
Now it's my turn.
Hey, stop.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I acted like
I had you figured out.
I mean it.
See you at home, scammer.
I don't think she's being bullied.
Just keep an eye on her.
It's just not like her.
The dance club, the watch
She finally made her first friend.
She just wanted to do well.
Especially because she's never celebrated
her own birthday properly.
She just got a little ahead of herself.
She's just a kid.
Are we done now?
I'm gonna go.
Come home with me.
I only agreed to help you one last time.
You're the only reason I found out
that I-na stole the watch.
I went back to a moment
we were together.
Which time?
That's not important.
My point is,
you led me to I-na.
I should be able to go back
to when she was born
with your help.
Watch over I-na.
Stealing the watch
might just be the tip of the iceberg.
She needs her dad, not me.
I don't know how to be a dad.
Neither do I.
I've never had a proper dad.
Ms. Do.
All I wanted
was for my dad to be happy.
I'll give that a try.
I'll find my way back
to the moment I-na was born.
I'll go back!
And I'll save you!
Gwi-ju just went out
for another early morning workout.
Ms. Do must be helping him
recover from depression.
Try to relax and get some sleep.
Ms. Do must be busy
helping out at the sauna.
I bet she ran away
because we found out about her scheme.
The smell makes me sick.
At a time like this,
Ms. Do's tea always worked like a charm.
You haven't gotten any sleep
ever since she left.
That's not it.
It's since that ex-convict
from the sauna was here.
Do you want me to do some probing?
Don't bother.
I was dying to get rid of her anyway.
Good riddance.
Let Dong-hee do it.
That was so refreshing.
- Thank you. That hit the spot.
- Sure.
Number 88!
I'll pay extra. Let me go first.
- Wait for your turn.
- Just let me go first.
I guess she wasn't lying.
She makes quite a bit of money.
What is going on today?
We have so many customers.
I know. Your wrist hurts, doesn't it?
Why is Dodari dragging this out?
At this rate, you'll be scrubbing
people's bodies until you die of old age.
Grace, that little
Are you number 88?
I thought I saw someone I knew.
That was Grace, wasn't it?
What are you doing?
Were you trained to use your right hand
although you were left-handed?
Yes. What?
Your calves must cramp up all the time.
- Especially the left side.
- They do.
Your shoulders are uneven,
and so are your hips.
No wonder
your lymph nodes are all clogged.
How do you know all that?
Lie down.
I can take 3 kg right off of you.
What is this?
It feels like
I'm flying.
My body feels so light.
Was it to your liking?
Let's see.
Do you take credit?
we're cash only.
Consider it a freebie.
And tell your mother
that I'm not sending Da-hae back
until they make the marriage official.
Hold on.
How did you
Guess who I saw there.
Scoot over.
Just what I needed.
Who did you see?
The new trainer at the gym.
She showed up
at the exact same time as Do Da-hae.
Can't she go to a sauna?
She was talking about someone
she called Dodari.
Who do you think that is?
They're all in on it together.
It was no coincidence
that Grace showed up at Ji-han's clinic.
All the pieces
are falling right into place.
They were worried
that I might get the building,
so she lured Ji-han to a hotel.
Did he cheat on you?
And you spent so much money on him.
Ji-han is a victim too.
Grace came onto him
to sabotage my marriage.
Or is that what you want to believe?
Are you sure it was Grace?
I'm positive.
At least I heard her voice.
Was I too quick to trust Do Da-hae?
But you saw her in your dreams.
You don't usually try to deny
what you see in your dreams.
But it was all so blurry.
- I must've been wrong this time.
- What?
No, you weren't.
He used his power.
What the
What just happened?
How long has it been back?
Since he met Da-hae.
Did you know about this?
- Yes.
- What?
Where did you go? Or when?
To Do Da-hae.
I can only return to the moments
I spent with her.
Just like you only dream about her.
All this talk about Do Da-hae
Why didn't you tell us sooner?
And why did you hide it from us?
Well, that's because
Gwi-ju can do more than
return to the past now.
What else?
What is it? Tell us.
We were waiting
until every one of us experienced changes.
- Whatever.
- Come to think of it, Dong-hee.
- Did you lose some weight?
- Huh?
This is just the result of my hard work.
Do Da-hae had nothing to do with it.
I-na might be going through
some changes too.
- Welcome.
- Let's try these on.
- That's so cute.
- So cute.
It's perfect for you.
Let's take a selfie.
Look at the camera.
One, two
Come on. Look at the camera.
What are you doing, I-na?
Join us.
Yes, I-na. Come on.
One, two, three.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Let's take a picture.
That's a good backdrop. Let's go.
How's the cotton candy?
- Do you like it?
- I got something even better.
- Here you go.
- Wow.
- Show it to Mommy.
- Let me see.
- Let me hold it.
- No.
Give it a name and show Mommy.
It's Toto.
- Toto? Let me see Toto.
- Show Mommy.
Let me have a look.
I'll meet you guys there.
Can you bring Jun-woo to the carousel
without anyone else knowing?
I'm going to ask him out.
I thought you wanted to ride.
Who are we waiting for?
Hye-rim has something to tell you.
What about you?
Do you have anything to tell me?
Why are you so nice to me?
- Isn't it obvious?
- But
the other day
at the convenience store
You mean when you called me a jerk?
I know you didn't mean it.
I can tell by your eyes.
By any chance,
do you have any ancestors
with the last name Bok?
What are you talking about?
I mean,
can you read people's minds
when you look into people's eyes?
You can tell
by my eyes, can't you?
That I like you.
Here she comes.
She's here.
- Mr. Bok?
- Oh, hey.
Why are you here again?
Are you working out?
I wouldn't call it a workout.
It's more like a warm-up.
It gets stuffy in the gym.
But I did start working out recently.
Although it'll take me a while
to get back into my old shape.
I'm almost there though.
Man, that's tiring.
She's gone.
Teach me how to make seaweed soup.
Come on.
I want to make some
for I-na's birthday next year.
Leave before my mom sees you.
Come on. I love seaweed soup.
My mom is
a lot scarier than you think.
- Talking about me?
- Oh my.
You should get the basics down
before you make seaweed soup.
I feel like we're digging our own graves.
Just focus on Da-hae.
She's clearly the one who will
get the Bok family back on its feet.
I'll take the lead.
Just stand behind me and stay quiet.
Come on.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I'm Gwi-ju's dad.
- Hi.
- Last time,
I was away when you visited.
As the head of the family,
I wanted to formally greet you.
I'm not big on formalities.
You don't even want to be here.
Ms. Bok clearly seems unhappy.
Not at all.
She's just badly sleep-deprived.
By the way, where's Ms. Do?
Didn't your daughter relay the message?
You can't meet Da-hae
until you make it official.
But who cares about formalities?
Plus, our kids are in love.
We can't break them up.
That is true.
We can't seem to get rid of
that clingy son of yours.
Come on in.
All the way over there.
Oh my.
- Come this way.
- My gosh.
- Come on.
- Ms. Bok.
My eyes.
It's so humid in here.
She needs to get her sleep somewhere.
She looks like
she could drop dead any minute.
Thank you for the gesture,
but she's a fussy sleeper.
Pick up your son on the way out.
We're ready to
register their marriage.
The real head of the Bok family
is finally talking.
We've already got the papers ready.
She's going to be a while.
She's sleeping.
My mother?
Did you put her to sleep?
That's not good.
This is incredible.
Just so you know,
we've all agreed to the marriage now.
Let me get you some more soup.
I got it.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
Ms. Do puts my wife to sleep
just by the touch of her hands.
I see.
Now I know where she got that from.
Is the kimchi to your liking?
- It's perfect.
- Great.
You should take some home.
Thank you so much.
Careful, it's hot.
Everything tastes great.
Thank you. Help yourself.
You're up.
- Did you have a dream?
- Yes.
Are you okay?
What did you see?
I saw Da-hae.
I'll be in touch.
Never set foot in that place again.
What did you dream about?
I'm absolutely sure this time.
- I saw everything clearly.
- So what exactly did you see?
Did you even have a dream?
You had your doubts too.
You haven't registered your marriage
because you weren't sure.
What if that's changed?
I'm sure now.
I just saw how all of this ends.
Do you really have to do this?
I have to see this through myself.
There's something I have to see.
What did you see anyway?
These are your favorite, right?
You saw what?
For real?
Gwi-ju and Do Da-hae
Are you sure?
It was a grand wedding.
Marry you?
Why are you surprised?
Didn't you know this would happen
when I brought you
the marriage registration from the future?
Did Ms. Bok really
dream about our wedding?
The future's already decided.
And I'm quite excited about it.
Just accept it, Ms. Do.
What if I don't want to?
Like I said, you don't have to save me.
Even if you don't,
- I'm right here, and I'm just fine.
- I know.
You're alive.
And that's what keeps me going.
The fact that you're alive
proves that I'll save you one day.
You're right here by my side.
If that's not hope,
I don't know what is.
I decided to hold on to that hope.
Even if the future's been decided,
I can't just sit around
waiting for it to arrive.
So I'm going to do
what I can do now.
Be it getting married
or falling in love.
To 50 billion won!
You go, girl.
I guess playing hard to get paid off.
No, her sincerity paid off.
There's no sincerity in a marriage fraud.
But your groom-to-be
seems totally serious.
He started working out,
and he doesn't reek of alcohol.
He's like a new man.
I think I'm going to turn in
for the night.
I'm not feeling well.
Congratulations, scammer.
Have you gotten attached
to the Bok family or something?
Just by the way,
you don't have to marry him
if you don't want to.
You'd just have to be
stuck with me a little longer.
But I'm actually pretty sad to let you go.
Think about all we've been through.
And all the insurance money
that's been stacking up.
The weather is lovely today.
Yes, it's a beautiful day.
Could you move the big table over here?
- Yes, sir.
- Put the flowers over here.
- Yes, sir.
- Be careful.
- Yes, sir.
- Careful.
I assume you only used
the top-shelf produce?
Yes, of course.
I love the colors.
Did you pick one out?
I don't think they'd suit me.
I've been there.
I felt so suffocated in my tuxedo
that I wanted to rip it off.
But listen.
I've witnessed my wife's dreams come true
time and time again in my life.
But they didn't always
come true on their own.
At times, someone had to
make those dreams come true.
Were you
My wife had me by her side.
And you're the one for Gwi-ju.
I'd like to tell you
what it is like
to be a part of the Bok family.
Let me see that.
This is going to hurt.
But some steps are inevitable
in order to reach your destination.
Think of it as ripping off a Band-Aid.
It'll be over soon.
You can have these back.
- But why?
- Why do you think?
I never know what you're thinking.
But you seem to see right through me.
Honestly, it's kind of creepy.
Oh my goodness.
You said it'd be a small ceremony,
but look at all this.
We just wanted to
make it as official as we could.
Just like you wanted.
Did you get some sleep last night?
I was so excited about the wedding
that I tossed and turned.
Would you like a massage?
Your massage the other day
really cleared my head.
Thanks to you,
everything's become crystal clear.
I can't thank you enough.
Everything's as clear as day.
Please excuse me while I freshen up.
Was it you?
Is this about your dad getting married?
Not really.
So you didn't feel like
you were losing your dad?
He was never around to begin with.
Anyway, don't worry.
No one's taking your dad away.
I'll work out with you.
I'm expensive.
Where are you going?
Demonstrate for me.
I'm putting on some weights.
All right.
You go down
and then up.
Seen enough?
I thought you were just a power,
but you're pretty good.
Nice form.
I have strong legs.
You can go heavier then, right?
This should be easy for you.
Show me what you've got.
I think this is a bit too heavy for me.
I'll spot you.
Did you hear?
My brother's getting married today.
So why aren't you there?
I'll go soon.
I'm going to crash that wedding.
I have evidence that the woman is a fraud.
What evidence?
Guess what I found in her room.
No way.
Probably just sleeping pills.
Sleeping pills?
So that's what she's been giving my mom.
Wait. Come back!
Please help me.
What's taking her so long?
I'm sorry, Ms. Baek.
Please wait a moment.
We have to get started soon.
Bad news.
- It's really bad.
- Can I help you?
Hello, I'm a trainer at The Bok's Gym.
I'm here to congratulate Mr. Bok.
Yes, I do remember you.
You have a good memory.
We only briefly crossed paths at the gym.
No, I saw you in my dream.
Your dream?
See you around.
Bok Don't Eat found out.
I'm going to prove she's a fraud.
No matter what.
She's beautiful.
Just like she was in my dream.
Gwi-ju lost his power
because of a certain moment
from many years ago.
It was the happiest moment of his life.
Do you mean the moment I-na was born?
That moment gave him hope.
But his hope soon turned into despair.
The happiest moment of his life
turned into a monster
and swallowed him up.
He kept being pulled back
into that moment.
Day in, day out.
Eventually, he ceased to exist anywhere.
In the present,
he was consumed by the past.
In the past, he was like a ghost
who couldn't touch anything.
And eventually
There was a door in that moment,
and it was just like you.
It was a glimmer of hope
that glowed with vivid colors.
If he loses his hope again,
he might not be able to recover.
Ms. Do.
What were you thinking about?
Gosh, I'm tired.
There has to be something.
This is
I found it.
The evidence that Do Da-hae fooled us all.
Bok Don't Eat!
Damn it.
Wait a minute.
I said wait!
What's that?
It's all over, Grace.
Get out of my way.
- Just a second.
- Let go!
- Please.
- What's wrong with you?
Wait a minute.
You're making a huge mistake.
Look at this, Mom!
Look what I found in Do Da-hae's suitcase!
Let go.
I said let go!
Give it here!
I did it.
Did you just hear that?
Not now.
This is a crucial moment.
What exactly did you see in your dream?
It wasn't just the wedding, was it?
You'll see soon enough.
Take a look around.
You might see me
somewhere around here.
What do you mean?
I think I'll remember this moment
for a long time.
As a happy moment.
No, you're not here.
- What?
- Your future self isn't here.
You won't be here.
I'm actually a fraud.
What did you say?
You were my mom's third target.
You jumping into the water
was the golden opportunity
we'd been waiting for.
The suspicious guy in front of
the ladies' room I-na was in
was one of us.
- Ms. Da-hae.
- Just as your sister suspected,
I spiked Ms. Bok's tea
with sleeping pills.
But you already knew that,
didn't you, Ms. Bok?
You can see the future.
I'm sorry.
You can't save me.
You were
the only one I could reach in the past.
I can only go back
to the times I spent with you.
You're the only one
who can see or touch me.
I can see him.
I can even touch him.
I'm not sure why.
It's all over now.
I will never
go back to a moment
I spent with Do Da-hae.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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