The Bad Kids (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Cang Ying

Thanks Mom
Why aren't you drinking it
I'll drink it later
Drink now
It's not too hot
Finish it so you can sleep
I'm gonna wash the glass
Is it really so hot
It's warm enough
Cold milk is bad for your stomach
I can wash the glass myself
You're all grown up now
You can take care of yourself can't you
You blame me for not caring for you don't you
No I don't blame you
If your dad were someone responsible
he wouldn't have left us
and nothing would have happened today
You could've told me
Tell you what
What do you know about being an adult
All you need to do is to study
Go to sleep early and grow up
It'll all be fine when you grow up
I'm gonna find a job in the city
I'll quit my current one
so you can have
freshly cooked food every day
Go brush your teeth
Should we go in and try
Let's wait for Chaoyang
I don't know how to use it
Well well Yan Liang
You're good aren't you
You dare steal a police officer's phone
You took the camera too didn't you
Tell me now
where you are
Aren't you police
How could you not know where I am
I'm telling you
to come to me right now
It'll count as confessing
Stop bluffing
The camera is mine
I'll give your phone back once I'm done
I'm busy bye
Hey Hey
What a brat
How did it go
Was the money transferred
We were waiting for you Come on
Let's go
It's still 30000 yuan
I just came back
I'm packing
I want to move out first
We've been together for so long
I want to give he more time
You are back
Where did you get the cat
We need to talk
Isn't the cage too small
We should get a larger one
I said we need to talk
About what
I have the divorce papers ready
Take a look later
Sign it as soon as possible
Do we have to do this
I called your hospital
They told me
that you didn't have
any conference in Guangzhou lately
Xu Jing
No one else in the world
will be as good to you as I am
I gave you everything I have
Absolutely everything
Now you are the only thing
that I have left
As long as you don't leave me
I will take anything
I don't love you anymore
Are you okay to take that
You have until 5:00 PM tomorrow
to send us this week's money
or we'll hand the camera to the police
Yan Liang sounds more intimidating
Hey Zhang Dongsheng
If we don't see 60000 yuan in the account
by five tomorrow afternoon
wait for the cops to arrest you
We're gonna say it like this
We can't call him with the police's phone
I'm telling you
If we don't see the money in the account
by five tomorrow afternoon
wait for the cops to arrest you
I can only give you the 30000 yuan
That's all I have
Our deal is 300000 yuan
How about you just turn in the camera
Don't sell it to me
I'm not buying anymore
But I have to warn you
You already took the money
By law this is blackmailing
You broke the law too
The police can send you to juvie
So here's my advice
Take the 30000 yuan
and give me the camera
Think about it yourselves
What's going on Yan Liang
What did he say
Why didn't you answer my calls
There is a lecture at the Tourism Board
It's for work
I have to attend it
so I won't be back in the city for a few days
I told Chaoyang
This Saturday
we're going to the circus
Last time you said he wasn't going
so my promised my mom
I'd take her back to the county this Saturday
It's fine
Next Saturday works too
Next Saturday
Next Saturday I'll have to
pick her up from the county
Are you treating us as circus clowns
Chunhong here's the thing
A relative back home introduced me a woman
She is single and doesn't have any kids
I'm put on the spot to meet her
I'm thinking
it's time for me to get married
Sorry Chunhong
With everything happening in your family
take your kid out and have some fun
Chaoyang is a good boy
I'm leaving
Take them I already paid
Don't walk me out
Will he really call the police on us
If the police
really find out about this
just say that
I took the 30000 yuan
You're not involved
Don't say that Pupu
This was my idea
I asked for the money
so I should be responsible for it
But you asked for the money
because of me
Don't argue with me
I'm not afraid
Are you working overtime
Another phone scam
Check out their methods
You can't avoid them
-I'll leave you to it -Okay
Get some rest soon
Chen Mr Chen
may I ask you something
Why are you being so polite
This is not like you
Is blackmailing
a serious crime
Who did you blackmail
Yan Liang tell me everything
What do you mean
Say something
Say something
Just calm down It's not me
I'm just asking
for example
if you saw someone beating up another person
If you saw someone stealing
but you didn't call the police
Instead you asked the thief for money
Did you steal something
Tell me what happened
I didn't steal anything
I'm just asking
Never mind You won't understand
Let me have a look at the book
It's late Stop it
It's really late Do it tomorrow
Get some rest first
I can't sleep
You go ahead
Should I go out and buy some sleeping pills
This is Jingjing's costume
I just had it tailored
How about we move to another apartment
Jingjing likes it here
I'll shut the factory down
Wherever you want to go
I'll travel with you
I have no idea what to do
Here Three bowls as usual
Why didn't your wife and kid come here
Keep the change
Who can tell me
what this is
It's a heart
We call it the heart curve
There is a beautiful story
about the heart curve
It has something to do with Descartes
Descartes fell in love
with a beautiful Swedish princess
He was over 30 years older than her
so when the king heard about it
he was extremely against it
and exiled Descartes
When Descartes was dying
in his love letter to the princess
he wrote a formula like this
When the princess received the letter
Descartes already passed away in prison
She stayed unmarried for the rest of her life
The graph that the formula gives
is the famous heart curve
Isn't it romantic
But the truth is always
far crueler than a fairy tale
There is another version
of this story
The princess didn't care about Descartes
And Descartes didn't die of disease
He died of betrayal
So it's up to each one of you
to believe in the truth
or in the fairy tale
Also it is up to you to choose
which way to solve this problem
What's going on Yan Liang
I heard something about my dad
For real?
I'm gonna make a call
Hi Chen
Why didn't you answer my calls
I caught a cold I'm hooked up to an IV
What do you need me for
Oh here's the thing
Have you read the probation list
that I just sent you?
I have
When is Yan Wenbin getting released
Probably this month
Or maybe next month
I need to double check
the exact date with the prison
Which hospital are you at now
I'll give you the papers
I can't right now
Where are you I'll send someone over
Then let's meet
1:00 PM at Laojing's Fried Dough
I'll confirm Yan Wenbin's release date
with the prison
I'll let you know then
How did it go Yang Liang
My dad is getting released
Laojing's Fried Dough isn't far
You wait here
I'll be back by 2:30
If anything happens to Chaoyang
call me right away
Don'r worry Yan Liang
what if they find out you're lying
It's me Yan Liang
No one can catch me
You just wait here
Don't go anywhere else
I'll be back soon
Don't wonder off
We meet again
What are you doing No fighting
Let him go It's fine
I know him I know him
I know him
Alright then
You're for real
You really hit me
What are you doing
Cut it out
You think you can fight me
You hit me hard
You deserve it
How dare you use my dad to trick me
Take this as an apology
I'm sorry Please calm down
I know that you still blame me
I had to send you to the welfare house
Your dad had to go to rehab
He couldn't take care of you like that
If you really care about your dad
you should go back there
Don't be a little punk
What were you doing
Blackmailing people
I didn't do anything bad
Believe it or not
Well I believe you
But after the lunch
I'll take you back to Hang City
I'll arrange another time
to let you meet your father
What are you doing
Don't you run away
They are my colleagues
You won't get away
Why is it so difficult
for me to meet my dad
Why do you have so many excuses
Is he dead
Is he dead
If he died
just tell me
He's not dead
but he's not in prison
He's in hospital
I'll arrange
a visit for you in a few days
I'll take you to see him
But after the visit
you must go back to the welfare house
Can we make a deal
Can you do that
I can
before the visit
you must behave yourself
Don't do anything against the law
Or you can't see him
Can you do that
I can
This is my wife's phone
If I call you you must answer it
You got that?
Got it
Where are you going
Sit down
Why are you so late Yan Liang
I'm so worried
Why are you here
You didn't come back
I was afraid you were in trouble
What time is it?
Oh no
Chaoyang's class is almost over
Let's go
Goodbye Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang
Is there anything you don't understand
You know that's not why I want to talk
Do you have the camera
Didn't your friend
tell you what I said
in the call
Don't scare us
That's not blackmail
If the police ask
we'll say you threatened us
asked us not to tell police the truth
and bribed us with money
The card is the evidence
Do you think the police are so easy to fool
Anyway you killed two people
It'll be death penalty
You haven't left yet
You're doing all the work
How much do you get
It's none of your business
I think you're smarter than them
How about this
You give me the camera
I'll give you all the money
You don't have to share with them
I don't want the money
Then why are you doing this
For friends
For friends
Will friends
let you ask me for money alone?
You are really good friends
I trust them
You'll pay the price for trusting others
The 30000 for last week
I'll send it you
Mr Zhang
Which one do you believe
Believe what
The stories about Descartes
that you told us in class
Was the class just over
Then why did all the other kids
come out earlier?
I have a question
to ask the teacher
Have you got the answer
Good job
I'll take you to dinner
You can decide what we eat
Get in the car
Is it good
You have a sweet tooth
I hardly take you out
and buy you dinner
This is what you chose
If your mom knows you're eating desserts again
she'll give you a beating
Chaoyang a few days ago
when Wang Yao went after you
I should have come
and explained it to you
It's fine
What happened to your sister
has been a big blow to her
She can't accept it even now
But don't worry
It won't happen again
Our family is a little special
Sometimes it's hard for me
to a go-between
When you grow up
you will understand
I'm not mad at you
Do you swim now
I haven't gone swimming for a long time
Are the goggles the same pair
that I bought you two years ago?
Do you want a new pair
It's an import
You can have it
Thank you Dad
Do you like it
I want to ask you a question
Don't be mad if I offend you
The day your sister fell off
were you following her
You think it's me too
That's not what I meant
It's what Wang Yao means
The day it happened
I had a Math Olympiad class there
I wasn't following her
What I meant was
if you were following your sister
I want to know if you saw
anyone suspicious?
So that we can tell the police
Then we can
arrest the killer as soon as possible
Do you have any more questions
No it's just
Wang Yao
She told me
when she looked at you
you were avoiding eye contact with her
You'd even run away
I think she's paranoid you know
can you tell me why
I didn't run away
I didn't avoid her eye contact
She was gonna hit me
Should I just let her do it
You're right
You see
I told you she's being paranoid
Let alone you
even I don't want to stay with her
If that's all you want to ask
you don't have to buy me these
No I really
really want to give this to you
I'm sorry I'm sorry
Sir let me help you wipe it off
I'm fine Where is your bathroom
Over there
Let me show you
Dig in Chaoyang
Do I look like I peed my pants
Let's forget about
what I asked just now
I won't ask you about it again
It was the last time alright?
Come on Let's eat
Do you know
why I want to come here
You want to go to the fair after this
don't you?
I remember
the first time I came to this place
it was you who brought me here
I brought you here?
Back then
I was about the same age as Jingjing
You took me here for desserts
and then we went to the fair
In this restaurant?
That's right
When you divorced
I didn't know what was going on
I thought we could play basketball together
You could still take me to go swimming
But later I understood
I know how much
Jingjing depended on you
How sad Wang Yao must be
My mom has suffered a lot
because of Wang Yao
and she cries alone at night
but at least she has me
You should spend more time with her
I study hard
I don't think I'm good enough
I wonder
if I had been good enough
you wouldn't have separated
You silly kid
It had nothing to do with you
I failed you
You didn't fail me
It's fine if you suspect me
I want to change places with Jingjing
It'd be fine even if I were to die
Because at least
you wouldn't be so sad
Order another one
This is good I like this
I'm full
Let's go to the fair
Dad we should go back
My mom will be worried if I go back late
Let's go
Thanks Dad
What we talked about tonight
is a secret between us
We don't mention it again
I'm going back
Finish it first
I will be a good father
Dad I'll go back now
When can we go swimming again
Go inside
Why are you still up
Did you have dinner with your dad
I'm full
Pour it down the drain
You didn't fail me
It's fine if you suspect me
I want to change places with Jingjing
It'd be fine even if I were to die
Because at least
you wouldn't be so sad
Let's go back
Did you get choked
A little
Did we reach 30 meters
It was 50 meters
Let's take a reset
Have a rest
Come here I'll carry you
Here Wipe it up
Don't catch a cold
Are you cold
No I'm not
Help me wipe my back
You did good
What a great progress
You're almost as good as me
Give it two more years
I'll ask you to drink with me
Dad I don't drink alcohol
You don't drink alcohol
Since you like swimming so much
we can come here every week alright?
Can you swim five more rounds
-Sure -Let's go
Let me help you get the luggage downstairs
The key is on the table
Is there enough room
Can I get another chance
l have to go
Xu Jing
Drive safe
I know
So which one do you believe
What's with these stupid stories
What was he even teaching you in class
I choose to believe in the fairy tale
It was beautiful
Close your eyes
Three two one
♫ Under the blue sky and the galaxy ♫
♫ there's a little white boat ♫
♫ On the boat is an osmanthus tree ♫
♫ with playing white rabbits ♫
♫ The oars are invisible ♫
♫ and the boat has no sail ♫
♫ Floating and floating ♫
♫ Floating out of the sky ♫
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