The Baxters (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

For Better or Worse

Things don't always go
the way you want them to.
-I hate you.
-Are you okay?
-Leave me alone!
What did he do to you?
Why did you come back?
Because I realized
I made a mistake.
You have to start trying
to listen to
what your own heart
is telling you.
I know that you'll figure out
what's best for you,
and for your baby.
-Do you have a
No, I'm single.
You are my husband
and we are having a baby.
We have to find a way
to forgive each other.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
-Come on.
[Tim sighs]
Let me get you water.
[sighs] Yeah, okay.
[sighing deeply]
[Tim vomiting]
[Tim coughing]
Let's get you to bed.
[Tim groans]
[Kari] Come on.
-[Tim gasps]
I'm sorry.
[Tim] Hey.
How are you feeling?
I would've cleaned this up.
You didn't have to.
I miss you.
I miss us.
Fixing our marriage
is the most important thing
in the world to me.
It's all I want. It's
You're all I want.
How long
have you been drinking?
Or is this just another thing
you were doing behind my back?
I didn't drink
when we were together,
and you
I didn't need to.
I was happy.
Then how did you
have an affair?
This was never
about being happy or unhappy.
What happened
between her and me
was the result of my
My own
-Insecurities that
Insecurities that I'm still
trying to make sense of.
Tim, I cannot wait around
while you are trying
to make sense of yourself.
I need to know
that you are here
in this with me.
With us.
Through thick, through thin.
-We're gonna work on it.
-On what?
On us.
I'm gonna give it
everything I have.
I'll go to AA meetings.
I'll go to marriage counseling.
I'll go anywhere.
I will find my way back.
Back to you.
Back to God.
Prove it.
[cell phone ringing]
-Hi, I'm calling
for Ryan Taylor.
-Yeah, this is him.
-Hey, Ryan. It's Coach Grant
with the Giants.
-Got a minute to chat?
-Yeah, how can
I help you, Coach?
[Ashley] Goodbye, Mom.
Oh, hi. Ashley, right?
I'm Reagan, I work for Kari.
Just picking up some papers
that she left.
You're Luke's
girlfriend, right?
Yeah, I don't really
know anything, so [chuckles]
[chuckles] Sounds about right.
What part?
Oh, just Luke plus not knowing.
No, it was really nice
to meet you, though.
Yeah, you, too.
Hey, um
Good luck.
[Kari] So, all of these chairs,
we can interchange the colors.
Chairs are getting
a little overwhelming,
let's take you back to couches.
This is our latest model.
But the blue your eye
was originally drawn to is
It's just so classic.
I know.
It's making me want
a whole second living room
so I can have them both.
Just kidding.
Which do you prefer?
The blue.
But the blue feels more formal.
[male shopper] Then the white.
Though, will that make
our house feel too sterile?
It always helps to describe
how you wanna use your space,
and how you wanna feel inside
when you're in the room.
We want a space
that's great for everything
from hosting parties
to cuddling on the couch.
Sounds amazing.
So, then if it was your house,
with your husband,
what would you pick?
Good question.
[Tim] All right, everyone,
that's it for today.
Don't forget, your profiles
are due next Friday.
I'll see you then.
Hey, Professor Jacobs,
do you have a second?
Um, I was just wondering
about the portfolio
due next Friday.
-[Tim] Mmm-hmm.
-[girl] About how many sources
-do you want us
to have for that?
-[cell phone chiming]
-[Tim] The number of sources
don't matter.
-[girl] Okay.
What's important is you get
your facts straight,
-and tell the story truthfully.
-[girl] Okay.
-[Tim] Okay?
-[girl] Yeah.
[Tim] Okay.
Is everything okay?
-Do you have a question?
Okay, now,
what were you saying?
[girl] Yeah, about the sources.
We don't have to have
a specific number
So, what time
does the movie start?
-I think we have like 15.
All right.
So, I saw, um, Ashley
at your parents' house today.
I'm sorry about that.
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know. Ashley's always
been a bit of a mystery to me.
Well, I love a good mystery.
I thought you loved
a good romcom.
[Reagan] What?
I can't love both?
Trust me,
Ashley is not a mystery
that you wanna unravel.
Because of everything
that happened in Paris?
Kari might have slipped
and said something at work.
It goes a little bit deeper
than that,
but it's not really
my story to tell.
I got it.
So, best for me to get
to know your other sisters
a little better.
Definitely easier.
I'm sorry, just,
it makes me kind
of mad because
it's like different rules
seem to apply to Ashley
than anybody else
in our family.
She never has to go to church.
She shows up to
everything late,
and my parents just love her
all the same.
Like, unconditionally loving?
Like she's more fragile
than the rest of us.
Maybe she is right now.
All right,
where did you come from?
69th and Columbus, actually.
But why? You looking
for a trade-in?
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm still weighing my options.
Yeah, speaking of.
Is this like a are-they-gonna
are-they-not-gonna-do-it thing?
Or is it a, you know,
a thing-thing?
Do you wanna be a thing-thing?
I just, I wanna be clear.
Whatever this is,
I wanna be clear.
[chuckles nervously]
-How's that for clear?
-Yeah, you could do that again.
[both chuckle]
[Reagan] Crystal.
-[people chattering
-[man] Let's go, let's go.
Hustle, hustle.
[whistle blows]
Varsity's looking good
this season.
The special team's gonna need
a lot of work if we want
a shot a state.
You all know we're throwing out
last year's playbook.
Starting next week,
I need each one of you
to come in
with some fresh ideas.
Copy that, Taylor?
Yeah, Coach.
All right, good.
All right, that's it,
we're done here. Thank you.
[coach] What's going on
with you today?
Head's been somewhere else
ever since you stepped
on the field.
Yeah, it's just been
a weird few days.
Yeah, women will do that
to you.
It's a little more complicated.
They're all complicated, son.
I got a call from the Giants.
The Giants-Giants?
Yeah, they wanna offer me
a coaching job.
-[Ryan] Start right after
our season ends.
How about that?
Hey, that's good news, Taylor,
complicated or not.
Yeah, I know. I just
I didn't expect
to be leaving again so soon.
This is the chance
of a lifetime, boy.
There ain't nothing keeping
you here, you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Congratulations again,
son. [chuckles]
[Tim] Kari?
I I'm sorry.
What was the question?
[counselor] Would you like
a bottle of water
before we continue?
Oh, no. I'm okay.
Thank you.
[counselor] Okay.
Tim, I'd like
to start with you.
[sighs] Oh, boy.
How did you feel
when you saw
Kari with Ryan?
He is her ex.
-It felt
-[counselor] Not "it."
You. How did you feel?
Honestly, um
Not sure.
You were angry.
No, no, I wasn't.
I, um
I was scared.
[counselor] Why scared?
I felt scared
I don't know, I
I guess I
I guess I've always
been afraid that
I wasn't good enough for her.
That she deserves
someone better.
Like, there's always
been this thing. This
So, you had an affair
with your student to solve it?
We agreed we wouldn't
bring her into this today.
You know that it's over
She's confirmed she doesn't
want any more contact
and neither do I.
We're here to move on, right?
Tim, I still think it's
worth asking yourself
if cheating was a sort of
self-fulfilling prophecy.
You proved to yourself
that, in fact, you weren't
worthy of Kari.
I guess.
And then I saw Ryan.
And it just confirmed
There she was, standing next
to the better guy.
A guy who she would always love
more than me.
That's not true.
Are you sure?
[counselor] What about
you, Kari?
Do you think you have
any deep-seated fears
about Tim?
Fears that perhaps led you
to take comfort in Ryan.
I've never felt smart enough.
I've always been afraid he was
gonna find someone smarter.
I've always imagined him
meeting a professor.
Kari, you've always been smart.
Well, not smart enough,
I guess.
That's not fair.
I'm here.
I'm doing the work.
Look, for this marriage
to succeed, we're gonna have to
set some ground rules
around your fears,
and everything that's happened.
Forgiveness happens once.
Healing takes a lifetime.
And there won't be any healing
if these wounds are reinjured.
Does that make sense?
Let me ask you
a simple question.
do you love your wife?
[counselor] And Kari,
do you love your husband?
I do.
[counselor] Then it's settled.
Divorce is off the table,
but your marriage,
for it to survive and thrive,
you both have to be open
to the following.
Complete forgiveness
to yourself, and to each other.
And complete honesty
with yourself, and each other.
The best things in life
are worth fighting for.
Now, are you willing
to put in the work?
One hundred percent.
I am.
[sighs deeply]
[whistle blows]
It's your footwork
and follow-through.
Just those two things.
Keep going.
So, you and Tim?
Me and Tim.
For better or worse.
I think it can only go up
from here.
I hope you're right.
I never should have kissed you.
I'm glad you did.
Tim is a good man,
and he is going to be
a great father.
Are you trying
to convince me
or yourself?
I think we need to go back
to the things were.
-You know
-Before you knew I moved back.
I love my husband.
I believe you.
That's why I came here today.
So that you could tell me
that you love your husband?
So I could tell you goodbye.
I guess that means
"just friends"
is off the table.
I think we both know
that isn't a good idea.
Yeah, if it weren't
meant to be, I mean,
I think it'd be easier.
What? What is that
supposed to mean?
It means, this thing we have,
whatever it is,
friends, more
it's always been effortless.
That has to mean something.
Doing what's easy,
and what's right
aren't the same thing.
Maybe sometimes they are.
The best things in life
are worth fighting for.
I couldn't agree more.
I should go.
Goodbye, Ryan.
[line ringing]
Hey, Coach, yeah,
it's Ryan Taylor.
I think I'm ready
to accept that offer.
[door opens and closes]
[John sighs] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. [chuckles]
I completely lost track of time
with a patient.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I saw Lillian today.
Lillian Ashford?
I was down at the church,
dropping off book donations.
Did you talk to her?
I wanted to.
[sighs] What kind
of person am I?
You didn't know
what to say because
it's hard.
Maybe she didn't see you.
Maybe she didn't want to.
You know, I keep thinking
about what if things
had been different that night.
What if Ashely had
I know.
Or perhaps, I should reach out
to her in a couple of days.
I think that'd be a great idea.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[door opens]
I was beginning to wonder
if I should be worried.
I went to my first AA meeting.
How was it?
And incredibly humbling.
I learned that the first step
is to admit
that my life
has become unmanageable,
and that I need help
to move forward.
I know this is
my journey, Kari,
but I want
and I need your help.
I hope you're hungry.
I bought steaks.
And after dinner,
we'll make that chair
look like new again.
I don't know.
It's in pretty bad shape.
Oh, it just needs some love,
and time.
Next time on The Baxters
[counselor] Five months,
that is quite
an accomplishment.
We're taking it day by day.
I wanted it to be a girl
so she can grow up to be
as strong and beautiful
as her mother.
[Luke] It makes me sad
that Lily has never seen those.
I think that she'd really love
what we've done to honor
her son's memory.
[Reagan] Why is it Ashford?
Uh, it's a dedication
to my best friend.
He died in a car accident
a few years ago.
I'm so sorry.
[woman] Slight change of plans.
You two have fun.
-Can I help you with something?
-Where is she?
-Angela Manning!
I know you had
an affair with her.
You ruined her life. And mine.
[theme music playing]
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