The Bionic Woman (1976) s01e06 Episode Script

The Deadly Missiles

JAlME: Just think about this,
you know that the stars,
centuries ago,
were the only form
of navigation, and today,
that even with
modern technology
the way it is,
we are still using
the stars.
Anybody know the name
of that kind of navigation?
Celestial navigation,
the astronauts use it
in space flight.
Right. And you know
somebody who's very
good at it, don't you?
Who's that?
Colonel Steve Austin.
Whoa, what is this?
Oh, nothing.
Oh, nothing?
Don't be so shy.
What is it?
Well, do you think
you and Colonel Austin
ever will get married?
I I don't know.
Wow! Look at that!
KATlE: What is it?
A meteor or something?
No, it's going up.
It must be
a missile test
from Vandenberg
Air Force Base.
No. Vandenberg
is the other way.
Yeah, I know.
I wonder
where it did come from.
MAN: Mr. Goldman,
an unidentified
ballistic missile
just came down in the
Los Angeles Reservoir.
OSCAR: What?
Where did it come from?
We don't know, sir.
I'm on my way.
Here's the warhead,
Mr. Goldman.
What about the rest
of the missile?
It's still down there.
We'll bring it up next.
Handle that
warhead carefully.
We don't know
what kind of explosives
it could contain.
I've run a computer check
on all our missile complexes,
there were no
accidental launchings.
Looks like one of ours.
Yeah, let's check
the payload.
All right.
Do you know that this type
of warhead is capable of
carrying a nuclear payload?
Could destroy a city.
We gotta find out
where this came from, Steve.
May not be that easy.
Remember I told you
something fouled up
our radar defense system
near here?
Well, it wasn't exactly
just near here.
Our entire Military
Early Warning System was
temporarily jammed last night.
Jammed? Well,
that's impossible.
We don't have
a radar jamming device.
We don't,
but somebody does.
Our entire radar
defense system
was totally useless
for nine minutes
and 36 seconds.
If somebody has
a radar jamming device,
they can drop
a nuclear warhead
anyplace they want.
Right. But the
big question is,
who are they?
Helen, you have no faith.
Listen, this meringue pie
is gonna be ready
in plenty of time
for the bake sale.
Yeah. Okay.
Listen, I gotta go.
Oscar's gonna be here
pretty soon. Bye-bye.
I hate lemon meringue pies.
JAlME: Yeah.
Well, there you are.
Welcome to my kitchen.
Thank you. Pie.
Lemon meringue.
Oh, my favorite.
Got your bags packed?
Yes. Where's Steve?
He's over at M.E.W.S.
The Military
Early Warning Station.
We've calculated
the approximate area
where we think
this missile
was launched.
Well, what can I do?
We have a real
problem, Jaime.
Right in the middle of this
300 square mile area
is the vast private estate
owned by J.T. Connors,
head of Connors
Aerospace lndustries.
Oscar, I know J.T. Connors.
I've known him
since I was a little kid.
He was my first sponsor
when I turned tennis pro.
Yes, I know.
That's why I'm here.
I need your help.
We have reason to believe
that the missile was
launched from his property.
Oh, I don't
believe that, Oscar.
It's a possibility.
His company builds
that type of missile
for the Air Force.
You're making him sound
like some kind of a mad
scientist or something.
I don't think
he's a mad scientist,
but I think he's a brilliant
and powerful industrialist,
and he has
the capabilities.
When did you
see him last?
Uh, it was
at his son's funeral.
Since his son was killed
in Vietnam, he's, uh
He's gotten more
right wing than ever.
J.T. Connors has always just
cut right through the fat
and said exactly
what he feels.
But he is not gonna
go shooting missiles
at Los Angeles.
Jaime, it's a terribly
dangerous situation.
We have to investigate
every possibility.
I am not going to investigate
one of my oldest
and dearest friends.
I wouldn't
I wouldn't even know
what to look for.
I understand
how you feel.
But we can't
allow emotions
to get in the way.
A lot of lives
are at stake.
Somebody could
get hurt on that.
I guess a lot more people
could get hurt
with a missile, huh?
Okay, I'll do it.
GUARD: Mr. Connors,
we've just admitted
Miss Jaime Sommers
through the north
security gate.
Hey, Jaime!
Look here, now!
You look great.
You haven't changed
a bit, you know that?
Are you kiddin'?
I get older
every minute.
But you, my goodness,
you've changed.
And for the better,
I must say.
It's been a long time.
What can I tell you?
Mr. Connors,
I've finished
I'm sorry.
Oh? Hey, Warren,
come over here.
Come over here.
Listen, I want you
to meet Warren Rayker,
one of the most brilliant
young engineers
around anywhere.
Oh, this is
Jaime Sommers.
Uh, say hi, Warren.
Listen, would you
get her bags
out of that little
blue thing over there?
Put them in
the guest room.
I want to show her
my shed.
Do you think
you could still
beat me at eight ball?
Oh, can I beat you
at eight ball?
Well, what do
you think? Huh?
Just like
I remember it.
Ah, you know
the old saying,
"You can take the boy
out of Texas"
"But you can't take
Texas out of the boy."
You're right.
This one is
from the Big War.
Aren't they all
big wars, J.T.?
Well, I guess
if you're the guy who's
fighting 'em, you're right.
Anyway, this is
the one
That's the one
General Patton
gave you, right?
Yeah, but Ah.
I should remember.
You know all of
my war stories, don't you?
That's the last
picture they took
of J.T. Junior.
A real fine boy.
Decorated eight times
in Vietnam.
What's wrong?
Oh, I know I shouldn't
let it get to me,
but I get mad every time
I think of how he died
like a sitting duck.
Sitting there on the runway
waiting for some yo-yo
to give take-off orders.
Hey, there's nothing
you could do about it.
I tried!
I told the brass
that that airfield
was vulnerable.
And they dilly-dallied around,
while my boy got killed.
Nobody wants to take
command anymore.
We haven't had any real
leadership since
Douglas MacArthur!
We've got a lot of
long-haired momma's boys
creeping into government.
Oh, come on, J.T.
You sound like
you always did.
You know, you're just about
that far to the right
of Atilla the Hun.
Yeah, I don't even
put out my arm when
I make a left hand turn.
Yeah, I believe it.
I've been lockin' horns
with those soft-heads
in Washington for years.
They haven't even got
sense enough
to see the erosion
of our American
way of life.
It all started back
when they started
to fluoridate our water.
Oh, come on now, J.T.,
you're not one of those people
who thinks that fluoridation
was a communist plot?
It's the same kind
of mentality that
killed my boy.
I'll tell you
something, Jaime,
one of these days
I would like to get
all those Washington
soft-heads in one place and
And what?
Uh Hey, you remember
how you used to love
to play with my trains?
Uh, yes.
Would you like
to be the engineer?
Why not?
I used to love to
climb on these things
when I was a little kid.
Let you in
on a secret, I still
love to climb on 'em.
Here, watch this.
Oh, that's
really neat.
Yeah, Warren Rayker
designed that for me.
Oh, he's the fella
that I met when
I first got here?
Right. I can work
anything on the ranch
with this little magic box.
Trains, doors,
water sprinklers,
anything at all.
(WHOOPS) That's
really something.
Warren Rayker is
really something.
Any other control box
would be 10 times that size,
but he's a genius
at microelectronics.
As a matter of fact,
I've made him
my second in command.
Really? He's
such a young man.
Mmm-hmm. Uh,
after you, Engineer.
Thank you.
Hey, J.T., you took
all these things off?
Well, that was the throttle.
Say, you've got
a good memory.
J.T., do you have
full-sized models
of all the weapons
that you've built, too?
Sure. Planes,
cannons, tanks,
you name it, we got it.
Are they working models?
Of course not.
It's against the law
for a private citizen
to have warfare equipment
in working order.
It's very true.
Of course, we do have
a few loaded guns
around the house.
RAYKER: Mr. Connors?
Can I speak to you
for a moment?
It's important.
Sure thing.
Be right back.
I've completed
the systems check on
the diode modules feedback.
How's it working?
Like a dream.
I've got the print
in the car.
We'll bring those
Washington turkeys
to their knees.
JAlME: Boy, your ranch
is even bigger than
I remembered it.
CONNORS: Well, keeps me from
getting homesick for Texas.
Wait a minute.
Stop, J.T.
What is that?
That building looks a lot
newer than the rest of them.
JAlME: Well,
it must be important.
That's the highest fence
I've seen on your property.
Oh, I do some of my
security work there.
No big thing.
Can I go in?
off limits, pretty girl.
Oh, come on,
you can trust me.
When it comes
to that place,
I don't trust anybody.
Not even
the Secretary of State
knows what's in there.
Hey, listen, I'm starved.
How about some of my chili?
Ah, let's go.
CONNORS: Not even
the Secretary of State
knows what's in there.
Not even
the Secretary of State
knows what's in there.
Mr. Connors,
there's an intruder
in the radar installation.
All right. Let's go.
Oh, J.T.
Oscar was right.
Stay where you are.
Do not move.
You have activated
an anti-personnel
security system
which is now armed
and programmed to destroy
anything that moves
within its field.
The floor has now
become weight sensitive.
Any movement will activate
television controlled
laser beams
which are now
trained on you.
The entrance way
has now been charged
with high voltage electricity.
And there are other
anti-personnel devices now
activated beyond the entrance.
Outside help is impossible.
Oh, my.
This is Rayker,
deactivate all
the security devices
and open
the installation gate.
We're entering the area.
Jaime! Are you okay?
I think so.
What in the world
are you doing here?
Guards, lock her up.
I'll take care of it.
Mr. Connors, she broke
into the installation.
Do you realize
what that means?
I'm not sure
what it means.
Well, what was she
doing here?
I said
I'll take care of it.
Yes, sir.
It seems that your
ultimate security system
is not so ultimate,
after all.
Get some laser beams
set on the outside.
I'll take care of it
right away.
Jaime, are you hurt?
I just sprained
my knee, I think.
What in the world
are you doing here?
You know how I am, J.T.
I'm just curious.
You shouldn't
have come, Jaime,
you really
shouldn't have.
Come on.
All right.
Now, easy does it.
Easy does it.
There we are.
I want you to
lie down right there.
I'm all right.
J.T., what's out there?
Now, Jaime,
I don't know why
you were out there,
but it's serious.
Just hold tight.
Drink that.
Now, don't argue with me.
Just drink it.
I I don't really think
that I need
Come on now.
Good girl.
Oh, no.
what did you put in there?
Something to make you rest
a good, long time.
Good morning,
pretty girl.
Yeah, I think so.
I'm sorry about that
mickey last night,
but l, uh
I thought it was best.
Well, to be perfectly
honest with you J.T.,
I wasn't so sure
it was just a sedative
that you'd given me.
Hey, Jaime,
wait a second.
Surely you don't think
I would do anything
that could hurt you.
How's your knee?
It's pretty bad.
I'm gonna have to get
to the special doctor
I have, J.T.
Uh, now,
wait just a minute.
You've got some
pretty fancy
explaining to do.
What were you doing
snooping around
my research lab?
I'm gonna level
with you, J.T.,
if you'll level with me.
Always have.
All right.
I was sent here.
By whom?
The government.
Two nights ago,
there was
a missile launched
and it landed in
the Los Angeles Reservoir.
What's that
got to do with me?
It came from
your property.
That's a lot of hogwash!
It's the same kind of missile
that you manufacture
for the Air Force, J.T.
That missile could have
come from any one
of 100 places.
Well, maybe,
but at the same time that
that missile was launched,
there was a blackout
of our entire radar network.
J.T., the radar was jammed.
Well, I don't know.
But they seem to think
that there's some kind of
a new device.
And from what I saw
in that room last night,
I'm not so sure
that they were wrong.
Will you level
with me? Please?
J.T., please.
JAlME: So this is
a radar jamming device?
Yeah. Warren
and I designed that.
We showed the plans
to those eggheads
at the Pentagon,
but their experts said
that the system
couldn't possibly work.
I mean, that's typical
of the feather-brains
we have in Washington.
So you set out
to prove them wrong.
I built it with
my own money.
And of course,
I didn't want
anybody to see it
till I was ready
to demonstrate,
so I built kind of
a thorough security system
around the whole place.
You can say that again.
Hey, listen, pretty girl,
I tell ya, it cuts
kind of deep that you
came here to spy on me.
Oh, J.T., I'm telling you,
they are checking
every possibility
and I came here
to prove to them
that you were innocent.
I am innocent.
But you told me yourself
you're the only one that
has this kind of a system.
Jaime, I have known you
since you were
knee high to nothin'.
Now, I have
never lied to you,
and I am not
lying to you now.
Well, is it possible then
that someone is doing this
behind your back?
Without your knowledge?
No, no, no, no.
What about Rayker?
All right. I'll tell you
one thing flat out.
If there's something
goin' on around here
that I don't know about,
I am gonna find out
about it right now.
What do you mean
you can't find him?
Well, try his room!
You all right, hon?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
Never mind.
I'll find Rayker myself!
Stay right here
and take it easy.
I'll be back, huh?
Come on, Oscar.
Answer the phone.
Put the phone down, lady.
That's real fine.
Now if you will
just come with me.
You'll know that
when we get there.
RAYKER: Miss Sommers!
I guess I shouldn't
be surprised, after the way
you broke into the bunker.
Perhaps I should have
sent two men.
Where is J.T.?
If you want to
see him alive,
just come along quietly.
I'm sorry this doesn't
offer all the comforts
of your room.
You stay here,
and you two
come with me.
Are you all right?
Come on.
Yeah. Oh
Somebody must've hit me
in back of the head.
Probably that
Warren Rayker.
He seems to work
pretty well
behind your back.
Rayker, what's the
meaning of this?
Just come with me, Connors.
Connors, you may not have
paid me much money,
but being your lieutenant
made it possible for me
to bring in the missile
launcher piece by piece
until I had
everything I needed.
Rayker, I can't
really believe
you're doing this to me.
I mean, you've made
a basketful off of me.
Well, not as much as
I'm about to make.
Now, Miss Sommers,
you're obviously with
the federal government.
The OSl perhaps?
Will you give me the name
of your superior?
Jaime, don't you
tell him anything!
Please don't make
this difficult.
Oscar Goldman.
And where can I find him?
M.E.W.S. operations.
It's very convenient.
Dial it.
Yes, connect me
with the M.E.W.S.
operations, please.
Colonel Austin.
Hello, Colonel Austin,
is there
a Mr. Goldman there?
Yes, just a minute.
This is Oscar Goldman
Mr. Goldman, this is
Warren Rayker from
the J.T. Connors estate.
I need your help.
What's your problem,
Mr. Rayker?
I need you to arrange
delivery to me
of $15 million.
Get on the phone.
Did I hear you right?
Yes. 15 million.
I'm sure you are aware
that two nights ago
an unarmed missile
landed in the
Los Angeles Reservoir.
I'm listening.
Good. There's a heliport
on the estate.
I want you to get the money
and bring it here, alone.
If you fail to do so
or if you try to attack,
another missile
will be launched
armed with a conventional
but powerful explosive.
The M.E.W.S. radar
tracking system
will be jammed
and it will be impossible,
impossible to
intercept the missile.
That's an awful lot
of money involved.
I don't care
what's involved,
Mr. Goldman!
I want no time wasted.
Take a look
at your radar screens.
Everything's jammed.
He's not fooling around.
As you can see,
I am quite capable of
carrying out my threat.
And I have two hostages.
try to be convincing.
Yeah, this is
J.T. Connors,
Mr. Goldman.
I am standing here
with a madman.
And I think you better
listen to him 'cause
he means business.
There was a young lady,
Mr. Connors,
a Miss Jaime Sommers,
who was coming
to visit you.
That's right.
She's right here
with me. She's
Mr. Goldman, you have exactly
five hours from the time
I hang up this phone.
The launching mechanism
will be on automatic sequence
and only I will be
able to stop it.
Where is
the missile aimed?
Well, let's just say
that it won't land in
the Los Angeles Reservoir.
Just exactly what is
your new target?
The M.E.W.S.
operations control.
You don't have anything
to worry about
if I get my money.
This will stop the automatic
countdown sequence
by long range
remote control.
Now, if I get
my money on time,
I'll deactivate the system,
once I'm safely
out of the way.
After all I've
done for you.
Just what have you
done for me?
You made a fortune
off my research
and paid me peanuts.
Listen, nobody held
a gun on your head when
you signed those contracts!
I was always ready
to talk, negotiate.
Give you more.
Not as much as
I'm going to get now.
Take them back
to the storage room.
We just can't
take that chance.
Oscar, I should
go in there.
No, Steve,
if he even suspects
he's being attacked,
he'll launch that missile,
and there's nothing
I can do to stop it.
Look, I'm not gonna
stand around while
Jaime might be in trouble.
She's perfectly capable
of handling the situation.
You can't be sure of that!
I've got to count on it.
She's got the
inside track, Steve.
Let her carry the ball.
She's probably
waiting right now
to make her next move.
CONNORS: To think after all
I have done for that
Well, you know what he is.
J.T., we've gotta
get out of here.
Look, I appreciate
your spunk,
pretty girl, but l
I don't see any way.
But we can.
Well, not unless
you know something
that I don't know.
J.T., I assume
that you're familiar
with the term bionics.
Yeah, sure.
What's that got
to do with anything?
Well, it's got a lot
to do with me.
What in the Wires?
Your leg is bionic?
Both of 'em.
But right now
this one needs a repairman,
and you're elected.
Well, but I haven't got
the faintest idea of
what the circuitry is
But, J.T., come on.
Now, you're supposed to be
an electronics genius.
You've gotta
at least give it a try.
Well, I have
developed some, uh,
guided missile systems
and some computer
logic banks,
but, I mean,
I have never seen
anything like this before.
I don't suppose
they sent a repair
manual out with you.
Sorry about that.
So am l. How did you
damage it, anyway?
From that jolt of
electricity that I took.
There's a couple of
burned out components.
Isn't there anything
you can do?
Well, I might be able
to bridge it, but
We haven't got any
spit or bailing wire
around this place,
never mind
an electronic probe
or soldering irons.
J.T., would a couple of
hot wires work, you think?
Well, it might, but
Would you help me up?
Help me up, please.
Stand back there,
would you? Careful.
Your arms are bionic, too?
No, just the right one.
Oh. Just the right one, hmm?
Will these do?
We can try.
Sit down.
All right, easy now.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
pretty girl.
No, it's okay.
It's gotta be done.
Steve and Oscar
are counting on us.
OSCAR: I'm taking
all the money, just in case.
Look, let me fly you in.
No, Steve, you're
more valuable here.
You know more about
the M.E.W.S. system
than anybody.
Jaime can handle it.
Be seeing you.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Oh, boy! We've got
less than two hours.
Well, that's the best
I can do with what
I've had to work with.
Well, it feels better.
CONNORS: An amazing piece
of equipment.
J.T., that may be
equipment to you,
but it's my leg.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Well, let's see
what happens.
Maybe I didn't do
so good, after all, huh?
No, it's fine.
It's just fine.
I think l
It's gonna be all right.
We've gotta get out of here.
I've got to do it.
That's the way to do it,
honey. You set 'em up
and I knock 'em down.
I don't know
how many of my people
Rayker has gotten to
Well, that leaves
you and me.
You think
we can handle it?
JAlME: J.T., I don't think
we have any choice.
CONNORS: We'd better get
to the bunker, huh?
Mr. Rayker,
they've escaped.
They're heading
toward you.
All right, all right,
we'll be ready for them.
But they'll never
make it alive.
Don't touch
it, Jaime.
It's electrified.
Listen, there's
a junction box
right over there.
Come here.
Cross here?
I think it's
right there.
Okay. Look out.
Okay. Done.
Well, it ought
to be off now.
I certainly hope so,
I've had enough shocks
for one day.
Yeah, me, too.
Wait, don't go
in there, Jaime.
I had to be the one
to tell him to put up
another laser beam.
We've gotta
get in there, J.T.
What good would that do?
I'm sure he's got
guards inside.
What's that?
It's a radar
jamming antenna.
Well, then all I really
have to do is get up
on top of there
and put that
out of commission?
CONNORS: Anything that moves
in that area will be
cut in half by that laser.
Besides, there's no
ladder up to the roof
from the outside.
One thing at a time.
Well, you really are
full of surprises.
How's the leg?
Oh, it's a little ragged,
but we'll make it. Come on.
Well, how're you gonna
get up there?
Well, all in
one piece, I hope.
I should've known better
than to ask.
Miss Sommers,
I'm not sure
how you got up there,
and I have no idea
how you managed to
get through
all the security,
but it's over now.
Come down,
we're going to
meet a helicopter.
(ON RADlO) Steve, this is
Oscar. I'm just crossing into
J. T. Connors' property.
I do hope
your Mr. Goldman
makes it on time.
What are you gonna do
if we deactivate
your jamming system
once you've left here?
I'm taking you with me.
Listen, you
RAYKER: Look, Connors,
you don't know
what it's like to be
without money. I do.
Are you really going to
deactivate that as soon as
Oscar gets here?
Once I'm safely
on my plane.
All right, Rayker,
here's your money.
Now deactivate
the system.
Not until I've got my money
and I'm safely on my plane.
I've got LOS
from the main radar bank,
we're being jammed.
All right,
everybody freeze.
Come on. Get up.
The control device
must have triggered
the launcher.
The jamming device
has been activated.
There is no way
the Air Force can
shoot it down!
Oscar, it's headed
for the M.E.W.S.
operations control.
The antenna.
MAN: (ON PA) Colonel,
the whole M.E. W.S.
radar network is jammed.
Come on, come on,
if we can't find it,
we can't stop it!
Come on, Jaime,
where are you?
MAN: (ON PA) We've patched
into our surveillance
Colonel Austin.
It's jammed, too.
Colonel Austin,
we have a visual.
The missile's headed for us.
We can't nail it
until we get a radar lock.
MAN: It's closing in fast,
Colonel Austin.
We don't have time
to evacuate.
The jamming stopped.
STEVE: I have a target.
It's coming in fast.
I'm tracking.
Rotate to grid coordinates.
Delta Charlie 16-41.
Calibrate tracking error
to zero mode.
Switching magnetic finder
override to automatic.
Releasing first safety.
MAN: It's almost on us!
Releasing second safety.
And fire!
JAlME: Steve?
Well, that was
a little close, huh?
A little.
Well, at least this time
I got to return the favor
and save your life
for a change.
Yeah. Thanks a lot.
Steve, meet J.T. Connors.
Colonel Steve Austin,
United States Air Force.
Colonel, thanks
for all your help.
My pleasure, Mr. Connors.
OSCAR: We have to catch
a plane for Washington.
The Pentagon
is very interested
in his radar jammer.
Ah, you finally got through
to the soft-heads, eh?
(LAUGHlNG) Looks like it.
But I learned
a lesson myself.
Never leave
a loaded missile
around the house.
Take care
of that leg, Jaime.
I'm a good doctor,
but I'm not a specialist.
Colonel, you just
wouldn't believe what
this young lady can do.
I'll see you in
a couple of days, huh?
Okay. Bye, Oscar.
Dr. Wells will be
here tomorrow.
Take care,
pretty girl.
Okay. Bye.
What was he
talking about
your leg there?
Oh, well, it's
nothing serious.
Are you all right?
Oh, yeah.
Rudy's gonna look at it.
You know,
I'm pretty good
with bionic parts.
Oh, you are?
Yeah, you'd be
amazed to see what
I could do with 'em.
Would l?
Well, at least
we ought to
talk about it.
Like maybe over
a candlelit dinner?
Yeah, like over
a candlelit dinner.
I'd love that.
What you got
in the fridge?
Huh? Hey!
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