The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[alluring music]
[Paul] "Year of the lord 1480.
God's wrath has been unleashed
against his children.
Lustful sinners driven by greed,
falsehood and adultery
beg in vain.
The Black Death moves silently
into Christians' homes
discriminating not between
men, women or children.
The sweet maiden
seduces them with her dances
to take the putrid,
dead and blackened".
The Black Plague.
It killed more than 50 million
people in Europe.
It says that here,
the plague passed this valley by.
Nobody got it
because members of
The Raven's Nest made
a pact with the devil.
They had the rune of death
etched by fire.
It says here that the Pope Nicholas V
sent one of his men
to investigate these mountains.
Father Malachi.
"Salvator Animarum."
"Savior of souls".
There are at least 50 trials
and death sentences signed by him.
I bet Father Malachi
died thinking he had destroyed them.
Well, he hadn't.
Look at all the times
they reappeared.
We could spend months reading.
And will it help us find Manuel?
[wood floor creaking]
Look. "Members of the lodge,
covered with masks
gathered in an underground place
they called the Nest.
Malachi didn't find
the door in the forest,
but he built a monastery
over the place where
- they took their victims".
- This monastery.
The Nest is here, below us.
And Manuel must be there.
[wood floor creaking]
- [footsteps]
- [Amaia] Paul.
Someone is here.
[suspenseful music]
[hasty steps]
[suspenseful music]
[door opens]
[wood creaks]
Answer me, Paul.
[boxes moving]
[Paul] Amaia?
You're an idiot.
I thought you got crushed
- and you
- [Paul shh]
They didn't fall by themselves.
Then who was it?
[door opens]
[steps approaching]
- Oh..
- The papers.
[Amaia] Go. Run, run, run.
Who's there?
[opening theme]
[mysterious music]
[footsteps fading in distance]
[mysterious music]
Wait! Don't be scared!
I'm not going to hurt you!
[piano melody]
You always skip the arpeggios.
- It's just..
- [melody stops]
You need three hands for that part.
You need to practice.
[piano melody]
[melody stops]
Class is over.
[melody plays passionately]
- [seagulls screech]
- [foghorn]
What's this?
Do you want to marry me?
Every day.
Tell me you'll do anything.
Of course I will, my love.
No, swear to me you will.
Whatever happens,
you'll never give up on me.
I swear.
I swear.
I'll never give up.
Guess what I found
in that old bookstore?
My love?
Where are you?
My love.
My love!
"I can't answer now.
Leave a message,
I'll call back."
"I can't answer now.
Leave a message,
I'll call back."
[Leon in Portuguese] "Has a young
woman been
admitted to the hospital,
brunette, slim, medium build?"
[in Portuguese]
"I'm sorry, sir.
I told you, no one with
that description has come in."
[in Portuguese]
"Lisbon Morgue.
How can I help you?"
[in Portuguese]
"I'm sorry, my mistake."
[seagulls screech]
[door closes]
[cellphone rings]
[machine beeping]
[door closes]
I'm here, my love.
I'm here.
[machine beeps continuously]
[in Portuguese] What's this?
"We're leaving, step aside."
"You can't take her,
she's not discharged."
"Move out of the way."
[nurse continues screaming]
[nurse] Security!
I'm not giving up, I'll be back.
[in Portuguese] Stop.
Police's on the way.
[Dario] Yes.
[camera shutter clicks]
[whistle blows]
[Mario] Let's go!
One, two, three, four, five.
[shower running]
"The mason belonged
to the lodge of the Raven's Nest.
He has been discovered.
He had the mark etched on his body.
The traitor will be executed".
What's this, octopus or squid?
[boys] Oh
- [claps]
- [Mario] Hurry up.
- Let's go!
- [claps]
[intercom] "We remind all students,
a five-minute shower is mandatory.
Personal hygiene is a sign of respect
for oneself and others."
I didn't know it mattered
to you so much.
[lighter clicks]
Now I know.
Doesn't mean anything anymore.
[Adele] I miss you, Rita.
I just want things
back the way they were.
I've shown you I'd do
anything for you, haven't I?
Well, now it's your turn.
What should I do?
Tell me.
I don't know
Something dangerous.
I want to see how much you miss me.
Surprise me.
If I'm with someone, it's till death.
And you?
Me too.
I'm with you till death.
I don't know what
we're doing reading this,
- we should look for Manu.
- [Paul] Here.
When the monastery was built
a worker was accused
of being a member.
- [Amaia] And?
- A mason.
A mason.
An architect of the time.
It seems he built a secret door.
A door to the Raven's Nest?
[door opens]
- [Pelayo] Morning.
- [all] Good morning.
- [Pelayo] Ramirez, to the board.
- I'd rather not.
- Give me a..
- Manuel could be there.
- [laughs]
- Silence.
To the board, now.
- Good morning.
- [all] Good morning.
[Mara] Be seated.
Leon hasn't shown up today.
And since you have a break,
I thought
maybe you could substitute.
- Of course.
- Yes?
I could really use
Ramirez, what're you doing?
Have you no shame?
[Mara] Do you enjoy being rude?
Let's go, to detention.
His kind are all perverts.
- "My kind"?
- [Paul] Are we homophobes?
Just what we needed at this school.
That's enough, quiet.
Or detention for you too.
[Mara] Let's go.
Where's Ines Mendoza?
She didn't sleep in her bed.
[Paz] She's with her dad.
Up front, Espinosa.
[Paz sighs]
- [phone] "Yes, Mara."
- Yes, Dario.
- Sorry to bother you.
- "Something happen?"
"Is it urgent?
I've got a lot of work on."
"Mara, are you there?"
Yes, yes, I'm here.
"Mara, you're not gonna
do this on the phone, are you?"
[Dario exhales]
I was calling about a school matter.
But I guess you're not back yet.
"No. I come back tomorrow."
Then I'll tell you tomorrow.
It's not urgent.
See you soon.
[breathing heavily]
What's wrong?
What? No, nothing.
I wish there was a map
that'd lead us to the Nest.
Look, look, look.
The mason revealed
where he put the secret door.
Yes, and Malachi sealed it forever.
This is just hopeless.
[door closes]
[Luis] That
a disaster, truthfully.
[Mario] I know.
Did you not get the message?
I'm sorry, but it's your little
sister who's chasing me.
Adele would do
anything to be with me.
Do what now?
What did you tell her?
[suspenseful music]
Adele! What did you do?
[Mario] What's going on?
No. My fish!
Please, what have you done?
Darn kids.
- My fish
- Why'd you do it?
I'm speaking to you.
Cause Pelayo is a jerk.
What'd you say?
You're sick.
[door closes]
Thank God.
What are you doing here?
Are you ok?
Why did you leave school?
Can you take me back?
Listen, Ines.
You can't do this.
I mean,
disappear like that, without
without telling anyone.
While you're in school,
you're my responsibility.
You understand?
How did you get out?
I'll get dressed.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[indistinct chatter]
[eerie music]
[man] Hey, careful!
Hey, hey!
[man] Stay still!
- Don't move!
- Help!
- Careful!
- We need help!
Eric, stay calm!
Don't move, please.
[Elias] Eric.
Listen to me.
Give me your hand.
Your hand.
Your hand.
That's it.
That's it.
You're safe now.
Are you crazy or what? Huh?
- No
- What were you trying to do?
No, I don't know.
I, no I don't know.
You'll be staying here
while we run some tests.
- Ok?
- Ok.
Thank you.
It seems this was anxiety driven.
He'll be under observation.
I just don't think he wanted to jump.
He was disoriented,
he didn't know how he got there.
Isn't it strange for someone so young
to have mental lapse?
- There has to be an external cause.
- It's unlikely, but
I'll check his medication.
What medication?
Eric is one of our students
diagnosed with ADHD.
But what is ADHD?
It's attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder.
Could it be a side effect?
I'll look into it.
For now, just in case,
we'll lower the dose
and see what happens.
How many students
at the school have ADHD?
See, Yolanda Pascual
had the same symptoms
- as Eric.
- No.
I recall the case, it's different.
Well, it's in the report.
took the same medication.
I don't think it's the medication--
"I don't think".
"I don't think".
Doesn't sound very rigorous.
Does it?
I will review both cases carefully
and keep you informed.
- Elias, wait.
- That disorder, Elvira.
Why didn't anyone tell us
Yolanda had it, too?
It's a neurobiological disorder.
It's often diagnosed in children.
If not, the kids
come into adolescence
with a lot of behavioral problems.
And end up at a school like this.
You scared me.
Wanna give me a heart attack?
Are you ok?
Yes, I'm ok.
Come here, I'll show you.
Dude, it's not fucking funny.
I thought you were gonna jump.
What was that about?
Well, it's just
this time
I blacked out heavy.
Alright, ok.
[Amaia] "Lights are shone
into the sky
to summon The Raven's Nest".
"And whenever this happens
a young virgin is sacrificed".
You seen Paul?
Haven't you heard?
- What?
- He's in detention.
What? Why?
[Julio] Come on. Go on, tell me.
There must be one.
No, Julio, I don't wanna
fuck any teachers.
Well, for me
several of them spark my interest.
[Amaia] Paul.
What happened?
Nothing, that asshole locked me up.
Why are you here?
I know who killed Alba.
"Lights are shone
into the sky to summon
The Raven's Nest".
"Whenever this happens,
a young virgin is sacrificed".
There's no doubt, Paul. It was them.
The Raven's Nest lodge killed Alba.
[bell rings]
Manu and I saw the lights
the night we escaped.
Paul, I have to go.
Hand me the papers.
[Julio] You're into some weird shit.
Is it a RPG or something?
What a mess, Pelayo.
Those kids are vermin
with no feelings.
[Elias] You called?
You've no right digging up the past.
Leave the dead in peace.
I need to know what happened, Pelayo.
Entrust yourself to God, our Lord.
You knew she was on medication.
Maybe she needed help,
but in another way.
Maybe we were wrong.
You've never had doubts, Pelayo?
[Pelayo] "Yolanda was one
of the challenges
He put in my way.
I tried to help her for my sister.
I just wanted to heal her.
I did everything in my power."
I have no doubt in my mind
that her death was God's will.
[Elvira] Blood is a fluid
that circulates
through the arteries,
capillaries, and veins
of all vertebrates.
It's the vital essence
that facilitates
the functioning of our organism.
Blood is part liquid
in the plasma,
and part solid,
platelets, red and white blood cells.
[Julio] So, some fucking
bird-masked lunatics
have kidnapped Manuel
and locked him in some hole here?
You're losing it.
You know that, right?
[Paul] This it's here.
[Julio] It's fucking crazy, man.
It's mind-blowing.
Did you know these rooms
were built in the 16th century?
[Paul] Oh my.
Someone marked the lodge's symbol.
"Members keep
their identity secret to protect
themselves from
the Church's persecution.
The communicate with messages
hidden by the death rune symbol
which goes unnoticed".
[Julio] What?
What're you talking about?
Paul, what are you doing?
[Paul] I found something.
What do you mean?
- [crack]
- [groan]
[stone grinding]
[alluring music]
[stone hits floor]
[Julio] What did you find? Tell me.
[Paul] It's a tool!
Hold on. It opens.
[object placed on floor]
[door unlocks]
Wait, Julio!
Julio, tell Amaia the door is
under Saint Malachi's feet.
[door opens]
Come on, let's go.
[door closes]
I deserve my punishment
I promise not to
break the rules again.
[all] We thank this institution
for showing us the way.
I love getting my moment of glory.
By the way
Paul told me to tell you
that the door is
under Saint Matthias' feet.
Saint Matthias?
Don't you mean Saint Malachi?
[snaps fingers] That was it,
that's the one.
But there's no statue of him.
Amaia, don't trust this one.
He has no idea
what he's talking about.
[Mario] Silence!
[plays piano slowly]
[playing stops]
[plays melody]
[plays melody faster]
[melody stops abruptly]
[breathing heavily]
[closes piano lid]
I have a bodyguard now.
According to the drawing
the statue is in the Magna room.
Are we really looking
for the doorway to a satanic cult?
According to the index,
the Magna Room is here.
This is it.
Latin and its various morphologies.
In this case, we see
[door closes]
Where was the statue?
Well, in the floor plan it's
right there.
[alluring music]
[Julio] The fireplace?
No way in hell.
[bell rings]
- We've to go.
- Come.
[intercom] "Students, remember
you have ten minutes
before lights out.
To discipline the body
you must discipline the mind."
He finally told me.
He nearly fell out the window
but not a clue how he got there.
Well, just relax.
[hearing aids off]
[mysterious music]
I heard your footsteps.
What's up?
I know this is all a mirage.
And you'll soon realize it.
I have nothing to offer you.
I've been in this
monastery for 20 years.
With my doubts, my books.
With monks as boring as me.
All older than you.
And uglier.
Elvira, I don't have a bank account.
I don't have a phone, or a car.
My computer is from the congregation.
In my closet
pants and three sweaters.
I think
there are a lot
of men out there with more
experience, who'll know
how to make you happy.
I'm not interested
in those men you speak of.
I don't know them.
I know you.
[door unlocks]
Out, let's go.
[door opens]
[Amaia psst]
[door closes gently]
[door closes]
I found the door.
- The fireplace in the dinning hall.
- Really?
We have to find a way to open it.
Manuel has to be there.
We did it.
[Amaia] Yes.
[soft music]
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to wake you.
Wake me up.
Even if you've to kick me,
wake me up.
I just couldn't sleep.
What are the chances
that students suffering from ADHD
have the same Rh?
[door closes]
[door closes]
[object spinning]
[intense music]
[top spinning]
[top continues spinning]
[Ines] That girl
isn't real.
[Amaia] What?
[top spinning]
[intense music]
[wood creaking]
[Amaia breathing heavily]
[Amaia] "What the fuck is that?"
- What?
- [Ines] "I don't know."
- [Amaia gasps]
- [Ines] "I don't know."
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appearing constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# I should go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# If I get l close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
#Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
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