The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The streets are unforgiving

So, what happened, tell me.
Who was kneeling there?
- I wasn't kneeling.
- Why are you mumbling?
- Zima?
- I was face down on the asphalt.
- I didn't see anything.
- Have you guys lost your minds?
Here, take this.
Untie him.
We need to take the girl to her parents.
Aigul? How are you?
One dead,
two others taken to the hospital.
One ran away - the night watch
woman across saw from the window.
Says, another guy with a girl
left in a "Volga."
Is there water?
It's okay, it's okay, daughter!
Calm down, my dear.
Don't cry, my dear!
Don't worry, we'll sort this out.
Get out!
Get out! May you be damned, scum!
May you all be damned!
I didn't know there were
such beautiful guardian angels.
- Saving my life for the second time.
- Enough! This is what a doctor should do.
There's a queue till morning, what to do.
It'll reach tomorrow,
it'll be checked, right?
- Hey, at least say thank you.
- I already said it.
Come here.
How could you do this, huh?
Ice isn't sprinkled with sand - it's ice.
Walking, balancing there - bam!
Luckily, if it's just on the butt.
Are your teeth intact? Smile.
- Oh Lord
- It's okay.
They'll grow back before the wedding.
I'm leaving now.
And tomorrow we'll go to the cinema, okay?
Do you know any of
those who assaulted you?
Can you identify them?
Understand, I can't help you
if you keep crying all the time.
Maybe you heard nicknames, names?
Come on, pull yourself together.
Your mother said some guy
brought you. Who is he? A friend?
Why lie? Your mother says he's a friend.
Could it have been him?
Don't be afraid. If someone
is threatening you, just tell us.
Hello. Rinat.
May I have a word with you?
This is going to be complicated.
The girl seems to be
covering for someone she knows.
- We don't need to search for anyone.
- And no need for a report.
We've had enough shame as it is.
Sorry to have disturbed you.
- Come on.
- Hey, what exactly happened to her?
With this Aigul.
Damn if I know.
What if they compromised
her dignity there?
I think so. If the younger one starts
hanging out with her, I won't shake his hand.
For such a thing, they
get shunned, sensibly.
Brother or not - doesn't matter at all.
Otherwise, they'll say about all of us,
about the whole street, that we're no good.
Decent guys should go
out with innocent girls.
Of course.
Come on.
Vov, can you call Aigul tomorrow morning?
They won't let her talk
if they hear my voice.
Marat, look
We'll help her. Quietly.
Everyone who was there
has been punished.
And the one who
mistreated her,
this Kolik,
we'll find him too
and punish him, I promise you.
What do you mean "mistreated"?
Can you clearly explain what happened?
It's bad.
Vov, she's with me.
If the guys find out
what happened to her,
have to cut you off.
- Or maybe nothing happened?
- Did you see it yourself? Did you?
Why are you yelling? Were you there?
But I was there. If you become a loser,
I won't be able to help you, Marat.
Cutlet with mashed
potatoes. They don't care at all.
Raped or not raped -
as long as the neighbors don't find out.
Of course, you can understand -
they still have to marry her off.
Thank you.
Colleagues, sorry to eavesdrop,
it's not nice, but it's part of the job.
What's this assault? Recent?
Yeah, we went out on a call yesterday.
The father came back. Says,
nobody spoiled our girl.
She was out with friends,
ran into a scumbag.
- Which address did you go to?
- Silkina
7ns, I think.
And who's the victim?
What's her name? She's in the same class
as my niece.
Wait Akhmerova.
Well, that's interesting.
So, here's the deal. You finish your salad
and get moving
to the woman who's a witness
to the shooting in the cafe.
Show her this Akhmerova and also everyone
registered at her address. And the neighbors.
Basically, the whole "Dom Byta"
and "Universam" area.
That's a lot of people!
Tired, huh?
I'll go now then.
That's right.
You're not going to finish it?
Hi, it's me.
I know you're here.
You weren't at music
class or school today.
Open up.
Nothing happened, right?
Just say nothing happened.
Just say it, and it's over.
Nothing happened.
That's it!
And the topic is closed.
No one else knows, right?
If you act like a victim,
that's how it'll end up.
But you, on the contrary,
despite everyone.
So, here's the plan. Tonight, a party,
I'll wait for you at the entrance at 7 pm.
- What's this? Not enough for you?
- Want me to take you to the police?
- Take yourself.
- What? You brat!
Ow, it hurts, let go!
You You
I'll call the detective now
and write a report at the police station!
What a scoundrel, huh!
Just think about it!
The nerve to show up here.
Was he there? Tell me quickly!
Not there? If he wasn't,
he wouldn't be here either.
What a filthy little whore!
- Stop, stop, stop!
- Let's go, let's go!
Hey, guys!
General greeting.
Vov, the guys have a question.
Well, we need some explanations.
What was the situation
with you guys yesterday?
What about the VCR in the end?
You're interested in the VCR?
- Well
- I don't give a damn about that VCR.
As for yesterday, here's the situation.
Those who called us for a talk,
were there themselves
with their whole gang
- and they spun us around.
- Took all the punishment.
No more "Dom Byta".
- Hooray!
- Punished!
Quiet, quiet!
Hey, stop, stop!
Quiet! What are you yelling for?
This is just the beginning.
When I came back, I saw
everyone's grinding their teeth at us, no
one likes that we are a force on our own.
That we have weight.
That we are the street.
That we pushed back the cops,
that we want to do business.
Are we late?
Come here!
For a valid reason.
A valid reason is either your mother died
or you were in the police station.
- Mother died?
- No.
- Were you in the police station?
- No.
Want to say something?
- No.
- And this is our discipline?
Huh? You're all not ready!
I'm looking at all of you now -
you're not ready!
A bunch of weaklings!
So, what will we do
when the fight starts?
We'll just lie down like dogs.
Okay, now we all run 30 laps.
Whoever doesn't run through -
gets a beating for their age, got it?
- What are you standing for?
- Did you hear what the elder said?
Run, run! Let's go!
Do you need a special invitation?
I said, everyone of age. Go, go.
Come on, start singing, what do you know?
Know "Sedaya Noch"?
And again the gray night,
- I only trust it
- Come on, more lively! More energy!
More energy! Keep the tempo!
I'll teach you to love the street!
One! Two!
Weakling! Weakling!
Weakling! Weakling!
Five! Six!
Left-right! One-two!
Left, right, dive, side-step.
Go in, left here - throw.
Now, guys, let's consolidate
what we've learned!
Enough, enough.
Come on, come on!
That's it.
Next one?
Good. Vakhit - to the hospital.
- Okay, next one.
- You alright?
- Where is he?
- Here, here.
Stop-stop, quiet.
Ilya Sutulin. Shot dead in a
car service. May 28, 1995.
Kirill Sumatokhin was gunned down by hit
men in a hospital ward. January 1, 1996.
Nikolai Rybakov was shot dead along
with other gang members. March 12, 1997.
Valery Anchikhin. Shot dead in the entrance of his
mistress's apartment building. September 4, 1995.
Rustam Alakhanov was shot dead at the entrance of house number
58 on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya in Moscow. October 10, 1999.
Ildus Ziganshin was shot dead when exiting the
elevator in his own house, Kazan. April 4, 1995.
Sergey Belukhin. Found dead
with signs of torture. April 20, 1999.
Vasily Belogortsev was shot
dead near his home. April 20, 1993.
Oleg Semiradov was shot dead in the
"Vobla" beer bar, Kazan. April 25, 2002.
Dmitry Veselkov was shot dead
in his own car. February 25, 1995.
Albert Salikhov died in
prison. August 27, 2007.
Igor Chereukho went missing. 1997.
Vakhit Zimaletdinov was shot dead in the
entrance of his own house. October 7, 1995.
- Hey, what time is it?
- I don't know.
- Hi.
- How's Marat?
- You want some?
- Thanks.
- And how are you?
- My soul ached without you.
You came - and it's all gone.
- Hey, loser, got any money?
- What about the cinema then? "Igla", cool?
- What if I find some? Empty your pockets!
- Guys, come on
Are they robbing him?
- What if I break your nose?
- Please, don't.
No, they're just messing around.
- They're taking money from a kid!
- Hey! Stop! Leave him alone!
Natasha, Natasha.
That's not how it's
done. It's boys' business.
- Why won't you help?
- Because, like I said,
that's a loser, these are the boys.
You've found quite a
child there. Shall we go?
You're a coward, it turns
out. Didn't expect that.
- A coward?
- Enjoy your movie alone.
Why did you come? Someone upset you?
It's okay, Uncle Ildar
will punish everyone.
No, I'm here for another reason.
I was at Mom's, she's really bad.
They're not treating her properly,
or maybe incorrectly, I don't know.
Can you help somehow?
- I'm not a doctor, you're not a doctor.
- How can we help?
I don't know, they will
drive her crazy there.
Mom! Mom!
The USSR national football team
is preparing these days
for the World Cup
qualifying matches in Italy.
Our team played a friendly match
What should I do with this ID card?
I can't release her,
she's in an acute condition.
- She'll be better at home.
- Why did you call an ambulance then?
- She's registered, needs to undergo treatment.
- But you're not treating her!
- I'm sorry, the young man is worried.
- Go outside.
Go out and wait for me there!
Do you like caviar?
All right, Mom, we're home.
Get undressed.
Why is it so dirty, Andrey?
Need to clean up, we have guests.
Why, it's clean.
At least sweep.
Let it be.
Bring me some mattress.
I'll be in the kitchen.
- Are you staying with us?
- I have to, to look after her and you.
In college, I slept on
three stools, no problem.
And, take all the clothes to the bathroom,
we'll do the laundry.
Are you out of your mind?
Well Misjudged it.
- I'll replace the glass.
- Who's that?
Come on.
- "They returned everything to me."
- They returned everything to me!
Even two rubles more.
- "Thanks to Vladimir Kirillovich."
- Thanks to Vladimir Kirillovich!
That's me.
- He's Vladimir Kirillovich.
- Now sing.
- White roses
- Louder.
- White roses, defenseless thorns!
- Louder, louder.
White roses! White roses!
- Light of blue shop windows
- God, don't torment him, he'll catch a cold.
Will you come with me?
- To the cinema?
- Forget it, there's a disco at the cultural center tonight.
Then I need to put on makeup.
- You're stunning as is!
- You know how to compliment.
Okay, wait for me.
Free to go, well done.
Ah, wait.
What did you say?
They gave you two rubles more?
All right, can you lie down by yourself?
- Don't go.
- I need to make a call, and I'll come back.
Andrey! Sit with her
until she falls asleep.
Give me Sedykov.
So, what do they have on this Suvorov?
Let's take him in.
Check the main places.
Home, gym.
There's a makeshift bed in the basement.
Just a moment.
- What?
- I'm just boiling water.
Take it, put it on.
So, of course, be in
plain clothes and careful.
He's trained, probably
from the intelligence unit.
If you don't find him right away,
position yourselves and wait.
He'll show up by night,
he's got nowhere to go.
Get to work.
Captain! Pull out the driver's body,
get fingerprints, quickly!
I want to take out the trash.
Cover it with something,
take it out in the morning.
I can't stand the smell.
Are you mocking me or what?
What are you doing?
You You
Stop! Stop!
Such a bastard!
This is all your doing!
What's up?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Aigul, hi!
I told you.
Everything will be fine.
- Hi! Where have you been?
- Maya said you were sick. Let's go!
- Hi.
- Hi.
That was the group "Mirage"!
- What's up?
- Now for the guys from Raziezd
- "I want to be with you".
Slow dance, shall we?
And now a song for Semyon Gnyry.
I'll go greet the guys.
What happened to your girl?
I wouldn't want to shake hands
with a loser.
Okay, go.
- Vov!
- Not now.
You're wanted.
Excuse me, gotta go.
- What?
- Ildar said, he's a cop.
That you're being watched
everywhere. At home, in the gym.
Can't go to the basement
either, they're waiting.
Did he tell you that?
No, he was on the phone, I overheard.
Oh, Marat.
Got a cigarette?
- Yeah.
- Give me one.
Wait. Smoke with me.
When else will you get
to smoke with the elders?
Come on, let's smoke.
- That's it, we danced, let's go.
- Where to?
- Need to go to your place right away.
- Straight to business, huh?
Didn't watch a movie, didn't let me dance.
- Who do you take me for, anyway?
- For fate. With a capital 'F'.
Big 'F' fate.
- Nothing's going to happen, don't count on it.
- Natasha! Are you serious?
- I'm actually a good guy.
- I really hope so.
Even if you wanted to,
I wouldn't let it happen.
That's it, let's go. Look.
Wait for me on the first floor now,
I'll say one thing to my brother and come.
Go ahead, go.
Make way, guys.
Respect is purely a concept,
let's say, of the street
They start firing at it
with a machine gun - dr-dr-dr!
Ah-ah-ah! Ah-ah-ah! A giant monkey.
Who to respect, how to respect and,
most importantly, for what to respect.
Hey, guys!
Hey, guys!
- Listen, you're from Dom Beta?
- I'm with "Raziezd" now.
Right. Tough times for "Dom Byta".
Listen, give me some advice, be a friend. I
don't get it - the guy came, he's dancing.
But actually, what happened to her?
Which guy?
And did you watch -
"Man from the Boulevard des Capucines"?
- No, didn't watch it.
- Give me another one.
Dear friends, a moment of your attention.
An important announcement.
The theater-studio of modern dance
"Under the Roof" announces enrollment.
We will dance
cha-cha-cha, chu-chu-chu, cucaracha
and, of course, the cha-cha.
Just kidding!
And now for all the guys - "Laskovy May"!
Let's dance?
- Just a sec
- Here.
Yuck! Gross!
You know what? You probably need to go.
People are mean. Who
knows what might happen.
Aigul! Aigul, wait!
- Let go!
- Don't fuss.
- Let go, I said!
- Don't fuss, don't fuss.
Oh, it's her!
Let the careless.
Pink evening gaze into your windows,
Let it bid farewell with a rosy gaze,
Watching you leave
Calm down!
You're my brother! Did
I ever warn you before?
I won't repeat it again.
Make sure he goes home.
What, can't he make it on his own?
Stop. Where are you going?
To my place.
Come in.
- I'll write to the newspaper!
- Let them know what you
I won't let you get away with this!
His son was in hell.
Came back from hell, he had medals!
Yazov personally awarded him!
And what do you have
here? A "Dynamo" badge?
Don't worry, I'll
compensate for the vase.
I'll check the second-hand shop tomorrow.
Who did he shed blood for?
For people like you,
who dirty their laundry here
- And how much is this chandelier worth?
- It's a gift!
No, clearly - about
200-230 rubles, right?
It's hard to find one like this.
How does that work out?
Growing up in comfort,
living luxuriously.
With VCR, carpets.
With this chandelier.
And then commits murder.
How does that happen?
I really can't wrap my head around it.
We will discuss this
with your management.
Sure. I'm not accusing you,
just trying to understand.
I know these gang members.
Parents working in the
factory - where to go?
They band together and go forward.
But here's a rich kid.
- Fridge full of food. Probably got salami, right?
- How long is this going to continue?
Until we find him.
Marat, tell me,
you haven't seen a pistol around here?
More! Oh, guys, thank you.
As our sergeant used to say,
you can't climb a sheer cliff alone.
Thanks, guys. Thank you.
Thanks, fellas.
Hey there, princess.
- Hungry?
- Nah, not really.
- Got a guitar?
- Yep.
And those who passed
through fire and death,
Came home to be greeted by mother, father.
He remembered friends who never returned.
And kept whispering: "Why wasn't it me?"
Cursed wild mountainous land.
Simple order
Get up, go and die.
But how come,
Spring's been here on earth for so long,
Yet the heart is cut by
dreams, and filled with sorrow.
Did you write that?
A fellow soldier of mine knew the author.
Know anything not about death?
My cousin died recently.
Don't know.
I was working,
they told me through the housekeeper.
Probably crashed.
He was always racing
around on his motorcycle.
Want me to sing you something
about love?
Well done!
Thought you'd come back in the morning.
Right, what. Guys don't apologize.
Sit down. Everything's cold, though.
496 You'll pass yourself the fork.
So, are you satisfied?
Had a good time, danced enough?
Where have you been all this time?
- At the community center.
- Of course, Lenin's community center.
How did it go, alright?
Any issues with the music?
Well, good.
Remember that Kirill
guy, nicknamed Fantic?
I spoke with Kirill recently.
He said your main guy,
Suvorov, nicknamed Adidas,
is usually at home, at the gym,
and sometimes crashes in the basement.
Came home every night
after returning from the army.
And then, bam - vanished.
Like Igor Kio.
That's the situation.
Because of your Kirill,
a kid was killed, Eralash.
- I wouldn't trust him if I were you.
- Who should I trust?
Can I trust you?
You know, Andrey, here's the thing.
You know, when you step on a rusty nail, you've got to
cut off part of the leg, or else you'll get gangrene.
That poison's already inside you.
You're more in tune with a criminal
and a rapist than with a normal person.
Because he's a street guy, right?
You eavesdrop in the
corridor, then go and tip him off.
But your mate Adidas killed a man.
And it seems they raped a girl there too.
- It wasn't him.
- Yeah, "it wasn't him."
You've driven your mother mad!
You, Andrey!
Still don't have the brains to understand?
- What are you doing here?
- What?
What are you doing here!
- Ildar, what happened?
- It's all good.
Your choice.
What's up?
I just wanted to talk. Can I?
We need to talk, basically.
- Are you drunk?
- No.
How about you come to my office tomorrow?
I'll be in my office from nine.
- I need to now, I'm from home
- Let me talk to him.
- Wait.
- Just a second, politely.
What, you're so hungry
you've got nowhere to sleep?
Fine. Promise you won't get offended.
They carry water on the offended.
Quiet, quiet. You're the odd
one out here, you get that?
Alright, alright, I'm leaving.
Just tired, it's all good.
It's okay, he's leaving.
- Please, step back.
- He's gone, Ira, it's over.
Enough fussing over him.
Leather straps that
tightened around a weak chest.
I want to be with you.
I want to be with you.
I so want to be with you.
I want to be with you,
and I will be with you.
- Natasha! Not the guitar.
- It's five in the morning!
- Sorry.
- And why are you yelling,
- what exactly is bothering you?
- It's all, it's all.
Come on, let's finish the song.
Just quietly.
I tried to escape from love.
I took a sharp razor and corrected myself.
I hid in the basement, I cut.
Leather straps that tightened
around a weak chest.
Halt! Where from?
Kazan, TASSR.
- Knives, brass knuckles, rebar - what do you have on you?
- Nothing.
- Feeling bold, huh? Turn out your pockets.
- Should I jump too?
If needed, you'll jump. Stand still!
Don't twitch.
At 2:10 pm
be here.
You got that, right?
- All set?
- Alright, run along.
Straight-A student.
- What's up?
- They let me go.
The nurse said that 37.5°C
is already above normal.
The teacher just called.
Come here.
Need some salt?
Don't want it.
Well, I'll pour it out then.
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