The Broken News (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Ulti Ganga

Hi! You are looking
different today.
What was going on
yesterday in Amina’s cabin?
Did you guys had a fight
or something because
after you were gone, Pankaj
and Amina sat for hours.
And yes, Mr. Bansal came too.
Are you wearing lipstick today?
What are you doing?
I am going to Josh 24/7.
Josh 24/7, why?
Radha! Radha no,
No! Radha!
You have gone mad.
Listen don’t do this.
Radha please don’t do this.
-It’s already done, Kamal.
I’ll see you around.
Hi! Radha Bhargava, right?
Hi I am Arfa. Welcome
to Josh 24/7 news network.
Thank you.
-Come let me show you around.
This is our news room with the
studio which is above this. And that’s
Public’s anger is on boil because it’s
been 72 hours since Gargi Pansare’s death.
But the rapist and murderer of Gargi
Pansare, Rizwaan Ahmed is still free.
He is having his mother’s
biryani without any fear or remorse.
This licentious man who should
have been hanged publically
is still not
arrested by police.
Looking at the public protests
outside Rizwaan’s house
it seems that the
justice will be done today
Whether it is done by police or public,
Rizwaan will be punished for what he did.
Look at this face as he
is hiding like a mouse.
But don’t trust his innocent face.
-Radha that’s the bosses’ cabin.
He is the one who had raped
and murdered a 12 your old child.
Please get this gift wrapped nicely.
-Yes sir.
Umm shall I write ‘with
love dad’ on the card.
It is Ahaana’s birthday today?
-Why Josh 24/7?
Why did you join Josh 24/7?
I want my stories to reach
as many people as possible.
Josh 24/7 is the number one
channel in the country today.
Josh 24/7 is power,
you guys are fearless.
Radha I have a
Praful in my office.
He says only those things that I
want hear. I don’t want one more Praful.
I want to do 3 stories which
I can’t do in Awaaz Bharati
Which ones?
Since 2015 in Vishnupur Jharkhand
180 people have died of cancer.
2 km from there is the enrichment
plant of Atharva uranium.
A local NGO has entire toxicology
report which has been suppressed.
Obviously NGO has
been since declassified.
Of course!
-I have that entire report and a witness.
He has images of Atharva Trucks just
dumping that uranium slug into the pits.
-He wants money, ten lakhs.
He wants to setup his own plant or what?
-He has Cancer, need it for treatment.
And Awaaz Bharati
does not have ten lakh.
They would not have given even if
they had. It’s a policy they don’t pay.
It’s not the policy, there are penniless.
You have joined Josh 24/7,
learn to speak the truth.
Any work brief?
Work hard.
-I always do.
Then work harder.
6 pm slot is yours.
Boss, meet in 5.
Not you, this is 9 pm edit meet.
I am not in the 9pm meeting?
-I just said 6 pm slot is yours.
And prime time?
-You will get that too when you do well.
Dipankar I always
do well you know that.
Awaaz Bharati and Josh 24/7’s
standards are very different.
I don’t need just good work from you
I expect very good work. One second,
There is a story on
which only you will work
‘Operation Umbrella’,
Home minister is involved.
Radha some stories are such that,
break the journalist, some
such that give journalist a break.
This can do both the things.
I know that neither
you will break nor I.
So good luck to Mr. Shinde.
And what about my
Vishnupur uranium story?
Call him, I am giving ten
lakhs at least I will see his face.
Hello Bhiku? Can you come
to meet me in the office today?
Yes now. Okay perfect come.
Thank you.
Radha just 2 min and
your room will be ready.
In the meantime let’s meet the gang.
Come. Kiran meet Radha
she has just joined us today.
Come, Radha meet Anuj.
Our most talented reporter you
know he broke the Akhil Kapoor story.
You are here?
-I work here now.
You guys know each other.
-Little bit.
Ma’am room is ready.
Radha your room is ready.
And I have put in a coffee
machine and a printer just for you.
Very sweet of you.
-I’ll just be back.
Coffee machine and
all ha, impressive!
He likes what I do.
He is also getting divorced.
-F''' you.
Guys! Meeting room.
Also he likes his coffee black
no cream no sugar. Thanks Boss.
I met Radha downstairs.
Has she cooled down?
-She has joined Josh 24/7.
Editors and reporters keep
changing News channels.
It has not happened for the
first time in history of media.
Radha in Josh 24/7!
Over the period of time people
find their place of interest.
9 years before it was
Dipankar now it is Radha.
Can we shift our attention from
Josh 24/7 and focus on Awaaz Bharati.
What are the developments in the
Gargi murder case?
Josh’s hash tag journalism
has gathered a lynching mob,
situation is very explosive.
The crazy could happen
at any movement now.
We have a crew there?
Gargi Pansaari story
is going out of hand sir.
This has gone beyond
Facebook and Twitter.
I will just watch.
As I was saying Sir,
it’s getting out of hands.
A crowd has gathered outside
the house of Rizwaan and its growing.
Any bytes from his friends and relatives?
-They have arrived sir.
I have met his friend and
he has given sensational byte.
He was saying 15 years before,
Rizwaan used to stalk a female athlete.
Put that byte in news and
loop it at every half an hour.
I don’t think you should do this, Dipankar.
The crowd is still angry;
this video will just incite them.
Yeah I forgot about the crowd.
Thank you Radha.
Run the live coverage of crowd
and intercut it with news back to back.
-No, no don’t do it.
The sloganeering has just begun; they will
turn into lynch mob. They will kill him.
This is called justice Radha.
He has raped a 12 your child,
he should be punished any way.
Absolutely! But police hasn’t
still filed charges against Rizwaan
and you are talking about justice.
Point. I think this should
be discussed in more detail.
6 pm show, okay. Bye.
So where were we?
Police hasn’t filed charges
yet so run a story on it.
Taunt them on commissioner,
on police incompetency.
Make lots of noise and throw some
sharp words. Put pressure on system.
‘Isn’t it true that you are
trying to poach, buy his MLAs?’
‘This is an absolute lie.
All this’
‘is a rumour by the
opposition to destabilize our alliance.’
‘So is it also a rumour
that last month your party
received electoral bonds
worth crores of Rupees?’
‘Stop this interview.’
‘Stop this interview.’
‘Hey stop this.’
Yeah? Yes make him
sit I am coming. Thanks.
-Namaste Madam.
I was waiting downstairs at Awaaz Bharati
for you, they said you changed your office.
Yes sorry I forgot to tell you.
Come from here.
How is your health?
Weakness has increased, it is
difficult to work in 2 shifts now.
If boss agrees then you
might get money from this office.
You can talk and see.
What has happened?
Call Vicky quick.
What type of man is your boss?
-Tell me if you know.
Your boss?
Yes don’t worry, you can tell your
story frankly. He will listen to you.
Madam make it fast
-Yes you sit I will just come.
Just now received the news that
Rizwaan has locked himself in the house.
Gargi Pansaare murder case’s
main accused Rizwaan Ahmed
has locked himself in the house.
Despite the many efforts of his mother and
neighbours Rizwaan is not opening the door.
Guys it’s confirmed. Suicide
for sure with mother’s dupatta. F'''!
2 days before Gargi Pansare’s dead
body was found at the Gorai Beach.
Rape and murder was confirmed.
Later the needle of suspicion
was pointing towards Rizwaan.
While talking to Josh’s investigative
reporter Anuj Saxsena
Rizwaan said this, “If caught I
will finish that bitch.’ -“Rizwaan.”
“There is no girl
or boy in the pool.”
Guys, meeting room.
'While teaching you
need to touch little bit.. ..'
'Everything is not done with a remote'
-What happened?
Rizwaan has committed suicide.
Into the studio breaking
news come on guys.
Sir, before dying he has seen the
Anuj’s video, the one of his friends.
This got him triggered you know.
This does not look good.
That video was edited, what
if police ask for raw footage?
Okay,! Calm down.
I know the situation is a bit complicated.
But we won’t back off but
we will make more noise,
‘#JusticeDelivered’, ‘#JaisiKarniVaisiBharni’
(reap as you sow)
Bold and aggressive.
No, that will make matter worse.
-I am talking Radha.
Sir even I think so. People are already
tagging us ‘Bully Media’, ‘Killer Media’.
Who are these people?
-These are Facebook - Twitter people.
Even Awaaz Bharati has
Facebook Twitter is no people;
they only know to move their thumbs
and who sees Awaaz Bharati.
More than half of the time
their channel is apologizing.
Listen guys, this is Josh 24/7’s line.
Rizwaan Ahmed was a rapist.
He raped a 12 year old child
and when Josh exposed him,
he committed a suicide out of fear.
Whatever Indian Judiciary was going
to do tomorrow we did it today. Simple!
Dipankar suicide
is not that simple.
When you put a person under pressure
they can lose their mental balance.
Rape is also done by mentally
imbalanced people, right?
What is the proof that
Rizwaan has raped?
Even if he has done
rape, this is not the way.
You! You did that breaking story?
What do you think,
what should be done?
‘#JusticeDelivered’ Sir
Actually Sir my police sources are saying
that maybe Rizwaan is not the rapist.
In that case, ‘#JaisiKarniVaisiBharni’ and
‘#JusticeDelivered’ such lines could backfire.
I I will go with Radha Sir.
-Same, me too.
You guys have fucking lost it.
I have brought all of you
from the canteens of Delhi.
You had fire in you, where is that gone?
You got more of salary or respect?
If you are so fond of apologizing then you
can go to another office in this building.
Otherwise do as I say. Right?
Right now according to the
sources of news bureau the news
is that Gargi Pansare’s
swimming coach
Rizwaan Ahmed has
committed suicide in his home.
This incident happened
when Rizwaan’s mother
had been to the market
to buy vegetables.
Rizwaan was all alone at home.
Though police has not yet arrested anybody
or has registered FIR against anybody.
But ‘#Gargigotjustice’ is
trending on social media.
Hey not now, sir is very angry.
-I know.
Bhiku is waiting outside.
Radha, not now.
You can see what is going on here.
In Gargi you are seeing your daughter.
I get that.
Here you are getting salary as
a reporter not as a psychiatrist.
Dipankar, Praful has got a sure
lead that Rizwaan was innocent.
Don’t take out somebody
else’s anger somewhere else.
What do you think we should do?
All I am saying is that let’s feel
for Rizwaan the way we felt for Gargi.
Let’s show compassion
and his family is devastated
and you know what we
are all responsible for this.
He has killed himself, he was social
shamed. That, that is your story.
‘Reverse Card.’
United media’s most
favourite technique.
Turn from your position but do it so fast
that nobody understands what happened.
Not to get, but make others emotional.
Now you are earning your salary.
My source is waiting there Dipankar.
Change of plan guys.
We are running an anti-bullying campaign.
Praful get online and get
me the worst tweet about Rizwaan .
I have to read it on 9pm show.
Smita, ‘say no to online bullying’ and
‘justice for Rizwaan’, these two hashtags
I want them to trend within an hour.
Plus start a petition on
for anti-bullying cyber law or something.
You had been to Rizwaan’s house.
What happened?
Sir he has a mother and
a maternal uncle at home.
Good, take them to our
side, we will talk to them.
One sec, his mother?
Yes his mother indeed, Radha.
Since Rizwaan is dead we are
talking about his mother.
Now the whole country is
interested in his mother only.
Sir but getting his mother
on camera at this timeHow?
Anuj! I want the mother cursing
social media bully,
making people cry on social media,
crying herself, I want her on screen.
You know what I am saying?
-Yes sir.
I know you can do this.
So do it.
Yes sir.
-Dipankar Bhiku is waiting, let’s just.
Radha you have been
given a story, you work on it.
We will meet Bhiku some other day.
And yeah! I want an animation on
his death with a very sad music, quick!
Okay sir.
Bhiku! Bhiku I am so sorry.
A big story is breaking
suddenly so all are busy in it
Our story is smaller, Madam?
No, I didn’t mean to say that.
My mother, my father, two brothers,
a sister total 180 people died.
And if I die, forget the justice
for them, this story will end.
I can understand. I am sorry. Bhiku
please wait for half an hour. Please.
I don’t have time madam. Doctors have
given me 6 months, at the most 1 year.
I will try my best.
See Salim uncle I can understand your anger
but we can’t change what has happened.
Now we have to think about future.
Josh 24/7 is standing with you.
You should too stand with us.
We can help each other.
Are you getting me?
I had said this is the
right place for you.
Bhiku went away, after
waiting for so long.
It’s okay, he will come back.
No one gives ten lakhs just like that,
he knows that.
He has cancer.
He doesn’t have even 6 months.
Sir Rizwaan’s mother is ready
to give byte but 18 lakhs
Done. In 20 minutes.
-Yes sir.
Okay. Alright.
Ah! Pankaj.
Plan has been approved.
Mr. Bansal and Raghav are on board.
Raghav is going to raise the money
and we are going to revamp the channel.
Make it to more aggressive face you know.
New Awaaz Bharati.
-Very nice.
What happened?
You look distracted.
What’s bothering you?
I have told Shruti about us.
She wants to try
for the kids.
-And you?
I would like to try too.
Of course!
-For kids.
You love her Pankaj.
She is your wife.
We were just
-We were beautiful.
Mistake. That’s the word
I am looking for. Mistake.
Praful, what is the name of this
aunty, umm Rizwaan’s mother?
Zeba, Sir.
Okay. Come on connect my audio with her.
-Patch the audio, patch the audio.
Ms. Zeba, you know what
you have to say, right?
You guys have not
done right with my Rizwaan.
Ms. Zeba your voice is not reaching us.
What are you doing? Haven’t she
understood what she has to say?
I agree, he was short tempered.
Hey Praful. Give this aunty a script.
-Give her the paper.
Do it fast.
-My Rizwaan had not done anything wrong.
Hello! Sorry your voice is still not clear.
-Read this, you have to say this only.
Aunty whatever is written on
this paper, memorize that well.
When I will signal you, you
have to say the same thing, okay?
She is rehearsing.
Start now.
Ready ma’am? Rolling and action!
Rizwaan has not committed suicide.
He has been murdered.
Social media has killed him.
His killers are roaming
free on internet even today.
I Zeba Sayyed
Requests Josh 24/7 news.
Don’t give me that look.
Ma’am will be so fucking proud.
And of you too.
It was all your idea.
Feel for Rizwaan.
Let’s give a new twist to the story.
I just executed it. You know I thought
boss had some other interest in you.
Because he is getting separated
and all that, etc. but I was wrong.
He hasn’t hired you,
he has just hired himself.
You are the clone of boss.
You both think in similar way.
You both are very ruthless.
And yes, your stories
are indeed about humanity.
But your own
humanity is a story.
I am requesting Josh 24/7 news
to get justice for Rizwaan.
for my Rizwaan.
I am standing
shoulder to shoulder
with Josh 24/7 news
in this campaign.
Aunty, just say
Justice for Rizwaan.
You are right.
I am ruthless.
You and Radha, you guys go
a long way as colleagues, right?
Yes 8 years.
Can’t believe she is a part of this now.
Actually everybody
has a breaking point.
I thought she is unbreakable.
Amina has an important
announcement to make.
Now what is it, are they going to
come clean about their relationship?
Come every body. Come in the
middle everyone, alright. Amina.
You all know the condition of TV news
in general and Awaaz Bharati in particular.
No matter how you feel about it,
TRP and advertising revenues
are the current realities.
But just because this is our
current reality, it does not mean
that we can’t
change it tomorrow.
In fact I am happy to announce
that we are going to do just that.
From now on we will not just work
for TRPs and advertising revenues but
we will fight for free,
fair and unbiased news.
We are going to fight for the
viewer’s right to be informed.
Wow nice.
As you all know that till now we
were free to air channel but not now.
If the country wants to listen true
news than it won’t get it for free.
They will have to bear the
expense of that news themselves.
Only PR can happen
for free not journalism.
From next week if they want to see our
channel, they will have to subscribe to it.
We are going to be a subscription
based channel now. Any questions?
Smita where is Radha?
Umm She left sir.
What are they doing inside? You
think she is going to come back?
I hope so. -You guys think Amina
will take her back?
What? You think she won’t?
Please, see.
“You guys have not done well with
my Rizwaan.”
"I agree he was short tempered."
“My Rizwaan had not
done anything wrong.”
You have come here
to show me this video?
Not just this video Amina,
there are many such stories.
I have Dipankar’s
personal files.
And we can prove that he is both personally
as well as professionally corrupt.
That man is willing to
do anything for TRPs.
He can hail anybody
or pull down anyone.
He even gave me a lead to
bring down the Home minister.
You should have thought about
these things before joining Josh 24/7.
Amina I am sorry.
I know I have made a
mistake but I really think
that we must do a story on
Dipankar’s double standards.
It’s very important.
-Hold on. We means?
You want to come back?
Why? Has Awaaz Bharati
become better than Josh 24/7?
24 hours before it was not.
24 hours before
Awaaz Bharati’s editor was
ethically compromised and
Awaaz Bharati was powerless.
What has changed
in just one day Radha?
Amina I am really
sorry, I was just upset.
I was upset the way we
handled Akhil Kapoor’s story, I
What? How did we handle it?
What wrong did we do?
I thought of saving
Awaaz Bharati until
I had enough information
to expose Akhil Kapoor.
But when I had the solid
information which you had given me,
I brought Akhil Kapoor
down on live TV.
without giving a thought
about Awaaz Bharati’s future
and without caring for
Mr.Bansal’s approval.
Without thinking about
it we exposed him. Why?
Because I had solid information.
What was wrong in it?
I am sorry, I know you are pissed.
You have every reason to
-I am not pissed.
I am not pissed.
I am just disappointed.
I used to feel that you are one in office
who will understand me and my choices.
You will fight shoulder
to shoulder with me.
But no, you were the
first one to run away.
You just ran away and where,
Josh 24/7 for God’s sake.
I have no excuse, okay. Josh 24/7
was the biggest mistake of my life
but it’s done, now what.
Whatever I said
It was not completely wrong. If
we want to survive, we have to fight.
Whatever I said outside,
how much did you hear?
So you heard that Awaaz Bharati
needs a facelift.
It needs a feisty,
aggressive new age face.
You Radha Bhargava, are
Awaaz Bharati’s best foot forward.
I was your boss and will remain so.
Still stricter, you will report
to me everyday at night.
And no more tantrums.
I have a request.
Can I get an advance
on my anchor salary?
How much?
4 lakhs.
-Thank you.
Come on out.
I have to introduce Awaaz Bharati
to their new voice.
I think she is back.
In Gargi murder case Mumbai police has
arrested Gargi’s Uncle Naresh Pansare.
Now it seems that
Gargi will get justice.
But what about Rizwaan Ahmed,
His killers are still at large on social
media searching their new victim.
I am Dipankar Sanyal and
you are watching Josh 24/7.
Because it’s the matter of the country.
And cut.
Happy Birthday my child.
-Thank you Dad.
Sorry I couldn’t invite you to the Birthday.
-It’s okay!
Don’t worry. You must
have fun, okay.
I hate Mom.
-Hey you shouldn’t say like that child.
But I want to stay with you.
We will, we will stay
together very soon. Okay.
Okay tell me did
you like the gift?
Yeah, I liked the camera Dad.
-That’s nice.
But this is the first time you are not
there on my Birthday dad. This is not done.
I really missed you.
I will be back in two minutes.
Tomorrow Awaaz Bharati is
doing your story. This is the money.
You had said that Awaaz Bharati
doesn’t give money, so how this?
I had also said that
I will do my best.
Namaskar! I am Amina Qureshi. You
are welcome in today’s Awaaz Bharati.
Come let me introduce you to
new Awaaz Bharati’s new style.
Our new face, our
new Awaaz Bharati.
Meet fearless, impartial and honest,
today’s Awaaz Bharati in real sense.
Please welcome Radha Bhargava.
Namaskar I am Radha Bhargava and
you are watching today’s Awaaz Bharati.
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