The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Free Fallin'

Previously on The Challenge
So, wait a second.
This doesn't make sense.
Kendal is having a meltdown.
She is nonstop.
I have not been
vibing with Kendal.
My vote is for Kendal.
Alton and I
are attractive people,
are going to gravitate
to each other.
Come on, man.
Alton is acting like
he's gonna die.
Are you kidding me right now?
Nice. Yeah, Laterrian.
Kendal, wow.
Syrus, Beth, you guys got last.
Syrus, I'll be seeing you
in the Arena.
The rest of you,
nominate one man
to send into the Arena
to go against Syrus.
Syrus would like to go
against Alton.
My vote is for Alton.
These guys want me out of here.
All right, boys.
I'll see you in the Arena.
Syrus, Alton, from here on out,
every elimination
is a double elimination.
Beth, you were the other loser.
Come on down.
This is like a sneak attack.
I'm gonna choose Aneesa.
Syrus, Beth, this ends
your time here on The Challenge.
The game changed completely.
Everyone's scared.
Here's our big winner.
Ah. My boy.
I'm so hungry.
Nothing's more exciting
than a new twist
in The Challenge.
We are now
in double elimination mode,
which means every day
is a guys' day,
every day is a girls' day.
You got to show up to every
challenge prepared to go in.
Who wants to make a pizza?
The only way to stay safe
in this game is to win, baby.
So strategy going forward
is easy:
win, stay in the game,
lose, you're going in the
elimination. Pretty simple.
My poor little knuckles.
I know,
but you did that.
Little elimination queen.
Ain't no beer?
Come on. Ugh.
Thank you.
You know,
your girl still got it.
There is a lot of pressure,
after 14 seasons, to win.
I know it's gonna be hard,
but I just want
to have the chance
to get to the final,
and I really do want to win.
TJ's ready to stir some shit up.
Double eliminations.
Yeah. Probably.
Yeah. I mean, I can't
believe that even happened.
We're trying to figure out
why there's still
so many people here.
TJ throwing in the twist
makes this, like,
the most stressful game
I've ever played.
I just don't want
to go into elimination.
The last times I've played,
I haven't really made it
as far as I'd like to.
But I'm here now to prove to
not only myself but to my family
that, like, I can do it.
If it goes this way, I'm safe.
Like, no guy's gonna pick me.
Voting is different, but
I'm gonna just be like,
"Hey, guys,
"my elimination record
is, uh, two and seven,
so not sure if you want to pick
me to be your friend."
Yeah, like, "Be careful
who you want to vote in,
"because if I go in, I'm taking
the strongest
motherfucker here."
I'll be like,
"Do I want Mark? Yes.
Derrick? Hmm. Let me think."
Unlike most people
on The Challenge,
I'm very self-aware,
so I don't pretend
to be some big badass
when I know that I'm actually
not very athletic.
Playing the "I'm so weak and I'm
scared of everything" strategy
seems to be working for me
so far, so I'm gonna keep it up.
You're asleep?
Coming over to the inside.
And you have glasses.
Yeah, I'm a nerd.
I just got my glasses on.
I'm a single guy with no kids.
Aneesa, you know, what I love
about her is.. She's like me.
She's not afraid
to go into the Arena.
She has bruises on her
knuckles from her elimination
with Alton, and is it weird
that shit like that turns me on?
Um, no.
'Cause I would like
to brush my teeth.
Yeah, just see.
Go over
Did you just snort?
It's okay. Just, right now
Go over there.
chill, and I will, like--
I don't need one.
Yeah, just go brush your teeth.
There is a sweet side
of Laterrian that
he shares with certain people
but not everyone.
I know he seems aggressive,
but he's an aggressive teddy
bear, if you can imagine that.
Go ahead.
No, but I don't want
to disturb her.
No, that's not
I'll just wait. I'll just wait.
It's all right.
Might be here for hours.
Another day, baby.
All right, all-stars.
Welcome to your next challenge.
You're gonna be
playing as teams,
but your individual success
is paramount
to your team's success.
You see what I did there?
You guys liked that?
Yeah, that shit was sick.
All right, so, hey,
today's challenge is called
Escape the Room.
We have never done
something like this before,
so I hope you're all ready.
This is no joke.
We're gonna put you
into four teams of four,
randomly selected.
Then you're gonna be placed
inside that container,
suspended 30 feet
above the water.
Each container
has four stations in it,
one for each of you.
At each station,
there's a puzzle.
Ah, cool.
So, when I say go,
you have to solve that puzzle
as fast as you can,
because at some point,
the floors will open
in order from left to right.
So the team to solve
the most puzzles
will win today's challenge,
and the team captains will
be safe from elimination.
The losing team captains,
I'll be seeing them
straight in the Arena.
And although this is
a double elimination,
the women will be choosing
their partners this time.
All right, so Gold
is Ruthie, Big Easy,
Jonna and Laterrian.
Silver Team is Jisela, Alton,
KellyAnne and Darrell.
The Copper Team is Katie, Yes,
Aneesa and Derrick.
And the Black Team is Mark,
Kendal, Nehemiah and Jemmye.
All right, you got two minutes
to get your captains. Let's go.
I've been captain twice, so
We all have to
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot?
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Copy. Fair enough.
Jonna wants to make it
to the final,
and she does not want
to put her ass on the line.
I'm gonna be team captain
because I need
to keep myself safe.
There's no way in my mind
that we're gonna lose.
We got it. Get loosey-goosey.
Hopefully it's just not
hard math.
Because Darrell
offered to be captain,
I decide to volunteer
to be captain as well,
because being that it is
a double elimination,
I would rather be
with Darrell than most
of the other guys here anyways.
So if we lose,
I'm with the best person.
I'm open for whatever.
If you want to be captain
I'll-I'll be team captain.
Tell me how excited
you guys are
about these puzzles
'cause I'm not.
I'm excited.
Okay. So I'll do it.
I'd rather be swinging--
Okay, fine.
So who? You and me?
Yeah. Let's go.
I easily suggested
that I'd be the team captain,
because Aneesa went in the night
before in an elimination.
I know I'm bad at heights over
water, and I just want to take
responsibility for it
if we lose.
Anybody feeling it, ladies?
It's your day? Anybody feel it?
I-I can be captain.
All right.
I want to be captain
because that puts
my own fate in my hands.
If I lose, I automatically
go into elimination,
but at least it's on my terms
and not people voting me in.
I'll do it. I'll do it,
I'll do it.
Okay. All right.
Whether you're a guy or a girl,
and you're a captain
on the losing team,
your ass is going in.
Kendal, not my favorite so far.
Any other time,
I might be pushing
for her to go home,
but this time I need her.
If my team loses, my ass is
going to the Arena with Kendal,
and I could possibly go home.
Turn up, baby!
Get it.
All right, everyone ready?
We flip over our puzzle pieces,
and it's a pictogram.
It's a picture.
Of what? None of us know.
Do we all have the same puzzles?
We don't really have the time
to look around
and figure that
part out, either.
But if I can draw the outside
line, the middle will fall in.
Let's go, Darrell!
Both my legs are stanky.
And if you don't know
what the stanky leg is,
it's a dance and you're shaking.
I don't know
when this door is gonna open,
and I'm just trying to solve
this puzzle fast as I can.
He's gonna pick it up.
Someone just dropped a piece.
That was LT.
Don't even pick it up.
Oh, man.
They both put captains
in the third and fourth seat
to try to assure
a completed puzzle.
I look over at my teammates,
and I see that they have letters
in their puzzle,
and I'm like, "Oh, shoot."
Like, I'm doing this
completely wrong.
I am trying to go by the shapes
and by the colors, but
And I look to my left,
and Alton just drops.
He disappears.
Like, he's there
and then he's not.
And I freak out,
and I'm like,
"Oh, my God, I'm next, I'm next,
I'm next. I feel it."
I'm done. I'm done.
I'm ready. I'm ready.
I'm good.
Jisela keeps
telling me that she got hers,
and that feels really good
because I'm thinking, "Okay,
"if Jisela got hers
"and I can maybe
get close to mine
"and Darrell can get
close to his,
we have a chance of not losing."
Make sure the square corners
are all done.
Yeah. Yeah.
They're all-Yeah, they are.
No, no. These aren't. Shit.
Good job.
I hear Big Easy say, "Done,"
and I look at my piece,
I'm like, "I don't think
my 'R' should be sideways,"
so quickly, I reconfigure
my puzzle pieces
and get my "R" upright.
With this sort of game,
it's imperative
that you keep a clear head.
There's $500,000 at stake.
There you go. Don't--
Take your time, take your time.
The dark ones are at the bottom.
Look at mine as your key.
My team needs to have
the most puzzles done.
And I think I got
my puzzle finished
quicker than anyone
could've imagined.
It looks like I've got just
as good a shot as anyone
in the house at winning
this half a million dollars.
I've lived half my life broke,
and that's what you have
to think of every single day
when you wake up in this house.
Flip it, dude. Flip it, flip it.
Ah, finally
a puzzle I'm good at.
I feel good about it.
I checked it,
I triple-checked it.
I feel really good
that mine's 100% right.
Had a little trouble
with the puzzle.
Uh, I got most of it done.
No idea what else
is wrong or right.
Um, did my best, and I hurt
my ass on the way down.
No, flip it. Look at this.
Look at this corner.
Oh, yeah.
Make it match. There you go.
I see that I have an "E."
I see that Easy has an "E."
And he's telling me,
"Hey, there's a couple things
you got to move around."
I'm like, I'm so gold right now.
Let's go, y'all. Channel your
inner puzzle master.
You're gonna need
to switch that
bottom one right there.
Just open the goddamn door.
Can you open the door?
I'm done with my puzzle.
I am done. I am ready to go.
I am locked and loaded.
Drop me, please.
Let's go!
Well, they're ready.
So, they are done.
When I seen the lines connect,
I was like, all right.
I know my--
I know my piece is 100%.
I will be fucking floored
if it wasn't.
Hey, hey, bro, on the real,
everybody gave their best effort
with this shit.
No matter what is the outcome,
you did--
fucking did your thing.
You did your thing, Captain.
It seems like Ruthie's confident
in her puzzle.
I'm confident in my puzzle.
And obviously Laterrian
and Jonna didn't get much time.
So let's hope we've got
two completed puzzles
and that's enough
to get us through today.
Come on, guys!
Puzzles are kind of my jam.
Not sure what kind of puzzle
this is, but I'm going to do,
um, the best I can
for my team.
I love puzzles.
That doesn't mean
I get them right.
Team captains right here,
me and Katie. See what we got.
I'm not excited about this.
Not at all.
Nervous and anxious.
And pissy.
Poor Katie.
She needs bubble wrap
Bubble wrap around Katie.
on the body.
Where's the bubble wrap
for Katie?
All right, you ready?
You're fine, Katie!
Stay focused.
Keep those elbows in.
Fucking shut up!
In my mind, the trapdoor is
gonna open immediately.
So I flip the puzzle pieces over
and just grab my vest.
I'm terrified. I don't care
about the puzzle anymore.
Oh, my God. The stress is--
Now it's starting
to get stressful.
Mm-hmm. I'm getting stressed.
I have
a sick sense of humor,
so it's kind of funny
when people are deathly afraid.
I would love to sit next
to Katie on a plane.
I just panicked.
I knew I would.
I flipped them and stared at it,
and then just
thought about falling.
I mean, gracefully?
Probably not,
but I didn't get hurt.
That's more important
than winning, to me.
Good job!
Derrick, flip that corner.
The right, that one. There.
Done, okay?
I got it. Yes.
That-Yes. There.
This puzzle is so weird because
you have weird Aztec shapes.
There's different colors
in it, so there's
many aspects to this puzzle
that makes it very,
very hard to know
how good you're doing.
I was so close.
I think I got it right,
but then I start looking
at the details,
and they're a little bit weird.
I did my best helping Aneesa.
I think she nailed it.
We're a good team.
Shit. Oh, fuck.
Take your time.
Okay, okay.
Take your time.
It goes from colors--
lightest to darkest.
Come on, you almost got it.
It looks good, it looks good.
Flip it with that one.
This one?
No, no, no. That there.
Yes. That's right.
I switched it last-minute.
Not sure if it's right or not.
I think Nehemiah
for sure is right.
Me and Kendal both switched ours
at the last minute.
I didn't have enough time.
She should have enough time,
so we should be good.
I think that's good!
I think it's good, man!
It didn't say it had to be
a certain way.
Now I'm staring at mine,
which is upside down.
I think, oh, gosh.
If I start to flip mine
and I drop halfway through,
then I for sure won't get credit
for finishing it.
I am just gonna take the risk,
because that's the only way
that I could possibly get
any credit for doing it.
And I'm team captain,
so there's kind of a lot
at stake for me.
Oh, fuck!
Hopefully this piss-poor
puzzle person's getting better.
All right, everyone,
great challenge today, huh?
All right, well,
only one person got
the whole puzzle correct.
And that was Big Easy.
Yeah, Big Easy!
Yeah, Easy!
Gold Team,
you win today's challenge.
So, Big Easy, Ruthie,
you're both safe
from elimination.
Told you, Mark.
I felt it, baby.
Thank you.
For the first time
in a long time
your boy is
at the top of the mountain.
It feels great knowing there's
a zero percent chance
that my name could be said
I definitely dodged a bullet
this week.
And I'm sure
if I look over right now
I'm gonna see some stank,
stank faces.
And I don't care.
As for the losing team,
it was close, but
it was the Black Team.
Kendal actually
got the puzzle correctly.
She just had it upside down.
There's no half credit,
So great.
So now I'm supposed
to be in elimination
with this guy who is
trying to send me home.
So, Mark, Kendal,
I'll see you guys in the Arena.
You two are now teammates.
As for the rest of you,
go back to the villa,
and nominate one female
who will then be choosing
her partner.
All right?
I'll see you there.
This is kind of hilarious,
because Mark's trying
to get Kendal out of this game
the entire time,
and now they will be going into
the elimination as partners.
His fate in this game lies
in Kendal's hands.
You literally cannot make
this shit up.
Now go back to y'all's
drawing board
and see who you're gonna put
in that motherfucker. Ooh!
What are you thinking?
If you take Mark out of
the picture
and take the other guy
out of the picture,
and it's just you and the girl.
I mean, I--
I think it's more
of your decision at this point
just because I'm pretty cool
with any of the guys.
So I think in terms
of your game,
you should pick who you think
you could beat, you know?
I would not want to go
up against you,
KellyAnne, Aneesa.
I could not go against Jonna.
Yeah, that leaves Katie
or Jisela.
Katie, I-I just, I would
feel terrible about that.
Gosh, it depends on what it is.
That's the hard thing,
'cause we never know.
Jisela's a lot bigger
than you.
She is that. Yeah.
Which could be a good
or a bad thing.
You never know.
I-I kind of want to see
Who they vote?
where people are at.
The weird thing about this Arena
is I am now tied to Kendal.
Would I like to lose Kendal if I
wasn't partnered with her? Sure.
Do I want her head in the game
when she's competing with me?
You're goddamn right I do.
Um, congratulations to everyone
who's still here.
As we look around, we see that
we have a lot of fallen angels.
Um, I know we've been
doing performance and who
the people going in
have wanted to choose,
but this time, actually,
uh, Kendal said that
she wanted the house to choose.
Well, on that note--
I really actually
didn't do anything except this
the entire time.
So I feel like it's not fair
for any of you girls
to have to go
into an elimination
when you did all perform, so
I will go in.
Am I the only person
that understands
the whole point of this game is
to avoid elimination
at all cost?
Old Katie would've
never done this.
I don't even know if old Katie
would recognize new Katie.
This isn't
your kids' soccer league.
This is a Challenge. Half a
million dollars is on the line.
Get out of parent mode
and come back
to Challenge savage mode.
So your vote is for you,
but unfortunately, um,
since you do have to pick a guy,
we can't just allow you
to vote yourself in.
I think it has to be okay
with the guys as well.
How do the guys feel
about Katie saying this?
Are all the guys hiding
their faces?
I-I mean, we know you're
a badass in there,
We'll see.
It's been a while.
Katie's gonna have to choose
one of us.
I love the people in this house,
I do, but a lot of
these motherfuckers are scared
to go into this elimination,
and that bugs me.
Yeah, I know. Yes.
Would you guys like
to take a vote?
I have total faith in you,
You can go and come back.
Uh, my vote's for Katie.
Go in there
and bust somebody's ass.
I really want you to go in there
and just fucking kill it.
Thank you.
My vote is for Katie.
My vote is for Katie.
I am gonna say your name,
and I am gonna hope
that you kick some ass,
which I know you will.
Thank you.
My vote is for you, Katie.
My Katie.
I have faith in you.
Thank you.
I found glory in the Arena.
I'm not really looking to go
back, not this late in the game.
Mark, you know, I've always
respected him as a competitor,
love him as a friend,
but I do not want to compete
against him.
I hope that she
doesn't choose me.
My vote's for Katie.
Do your thing.
Just don't pick me.
I was just thinking, this would
just make sense, right?
My back hurt.
I ain't gonna do well.
All right? So you
just leave me out of this.
I know that-that, uh,
you're gonna bring it.
So my vote is for you.
I'm freaked out,
because now Katie's
gonna get to see
what the elimination is,
and then pick a partner,
and I know that could be me.
So she's
in a very powerful position.
Let's go!
Katie, I love you,
but I'm not trying to go in
against my guy Mark.
I'm beaten. I'm broken.
I need the day off.
What happened to your head?
One of those puzzle pieces
came crashing down.
Oh, you got hurt, too?
I was told
to deliver this to you.
I feel like this is
the reverse Bachelor.
Like, tell me
why I should not pick you.
Ow! Ow!
This is where I sit at
every time we come here.
The guys are
shitting their pants.
None of these guys
want to go in.
Depends on if you want
to win or lose.
Well, I'd like to win.
Well, I may not be
the best option.
Actually, besides the fact
that I messed up my eye,
I think that we'd be
a good team.
I think that we
can beat anybody here.
You know me.
I'm way closer with you guys
than anyone else in here.
You know,
I want her to have a great shot,
but, you know, if I had to pick,
it wouldn't be
against one of my friends,
It'd be someone on the outside.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I would feel
very confident
in an elimination versus
Nehemiah, versus Yes,
versus Alton,
but the most anxiety-ridden part
of this competition
is that I have to rely
on Kendal.
If it's a hall brawl,
I'm taking four ibuprofen
and I'm clocking in.
Yeah, Mark is gonna work.
I have so many motivating things
outside of this
that will rev me up
for that one thing tomorrow
that it's on.
Thank you.
Please. Goodbye.
Yeah, sure.
We've reached the point
of the game
if I'm in the finals,
and I need someone
to help me up a mountain,
I would want Alton there
with me.
Alton and I have found,
like, a safe and comfort zone
within each other,
so if he was eliminated,
I would be very upset.
Yeah, I guess.
I know, but I'm talking
about my game.
I understand. I understand.
For my game.
I get it.
you call my name out,
I'm not gonna tell you,
"Oh, I've been in before."
Fuck all that.
If I get in the ring,
you choose me,
I'll unleash the dog.
And we'll send
the motherfuckers home.
I like it.
That s-that simple.
I wasn't even gonna come
over here and bother you.
They were like,
"Go talk to Katie."
I'm like, "Why?"
I love these guys.
And let's be honest,
they're being smart.
They don't want
to take the chance
on losing
half a million dollars.
But I couldn't sleep well
at night,
thinking here was somebody
in need, and I backed away,
just thinking about myself.
Call my name out.
Let's go to work.
It's that simple.
If it's something
where it's a few stages
of stuff, we do our own thing.
We don't pay attention to them.
Yeah, they don't exist.
It's just gonna be us
doing our best,
whatever that means.
Um, but I need
I need to trust you.
I did feel like
maybe you didn't want me here,
and, um
Well, just-just so you know,
I'm focused on being here
and taking you with me.
So whatever I have to block out
for the moment
I will.
I haven't really been spending
much time with Kendal.
I actually wanted
to get rid of her early.
But now she's my teammate.
Hopefully, she'll be
on the same wavelength as me.
But in terms of personality,
she's over here, I'm over here.
We need to be here tonight,
and we'll get this thing done.
I'm not a screamer.
I'm not
a "Kendal, you suck" guy.
I'm not that.
-: No, I know.
I have never really felt
supported by Mark,
but I am feeling
a lot more confident
that he wants to be here,
and so, if nothing else,
I know he'll fight for that.
I feel good about it.
I'm definitely not giving up.
I think I have, like,
a top three of the guys
that you trust
Give yourself
I would say Laterrian, yes,
Darrell and Derrick
are all great options,
depending on what it is.
But then also, like,
if we lost, I will feel
like a complete dirtbag.
It's your ass on the line, too.
Give yourself
the best chances to win.
I really like
Laterrian and Yes
as my contenders
for elimination,
but I can't pinpoint one person
that I think is
just a guaranteed win.
When you see it, you just know,
and I think
that that's where
you're gonna be like,
"I know exactly
who I'm gonna pick."
At this point,
I don't really want to see
any guy go,
but I have a soft spot
for Laterrian.
I won't lie.
So if you could kind of
leave him out of it,
I'd really appreciate it.
Just trust your gut
and believe that you can do it,
and that's all you can do.
Oh, God.
I see two very long ropes,
and I'm pretty sure it involves
some kind of tug-of-war.
I feel like Laterrian's
more confident, but Yes
is super agile,
and he's also smart.
So I'm just
not sure who I'm gonna pick.
All right, everyone,
welcome back
to the Arena.
Big Easy, Ruthie,
by being the captains
of the winning team,
you are both safe
from elimination.
Thank you.
As for Mark and Kendal,
you were the captains
on the losing squad,
so come on down.
Good luck, guys, good luck.
Now, I told the rest of you
to go back to the villa,
deliberate and nominate
one woman to come down here.
You chose Katie.
Katie, come on down.
Come on, Katie!
Come on, Katie.
So, I hear that you
might have chose yourself.
I mean, I didn't do anything
with the puzzle-I stood there.
'Cause you were scared to fall.
I'll have you know
that I had you
hitting your face
on that puzzle.
Of course you did.
Well, tonight we need
to get you a partner.
All right?
Just remember, whoever you pick,
you lose, they go home.
Everyone's, like,
looking at the dirt, sky, bees.
I'm actually doing eyes
No. Over there. Over there.
Go pick somebody over there.
but Alton's eyes.
I'm gonna need you
to choose somebody.
I'm-I'm totally nervous.
I've never been in the Arena.
I don't want
to go home one bit.
Katie, who do you want it to be?
All right, Katie,
now we got to get you a teammate
to go against Kendal and Mark.
So, Katie,
who do you want it to be?
Laterrian, come on down.
All right, Laterrian,
come on down.
Let's go, LT!
Katie picks my Laterri bear,
and I get it.
He's strong,
she doesn't have
a close connection with him.
I get it,
but it just sucks, like,
he's kind of growing on me.
I feel very confident
in my choice
in picking Laterrian--
I think he's gonna do great
against Mark-and I think
that Laterrian has the strength.
Would winning
this whole Challenge
help change my life
significantly as far as
having that much money?
Hell yeah.
Would I be able
to sleep at night,
knowing that
I had a friend in need
and I could have helped
and didn't help? Nah.
I don't rock like that.
All right,
tonight is gonna be good.
Laterrian, Katie,
Mark, Kendal,
tonight you're playing
Pull Me Over. To begin,
you guys are gonna start
by standing
on these giant stumps.
When I say "go,"
you're gonna pull that rope
as fast as you can
till it gets tight.
Then it's a game
of who can pull their opponent
off the log or take
the rope out of their hands.
Now, if both players
on your team win the round,
that's one point.
First team to two points
stays in the game.
Loser goes home. Got it?
Good luck.
Good luck, guys!
It is a good old-fashioned
It's about endurance.
It's about creativity, if you
can outsmart your opponent.
This is going to be
a great double elimination.
My man.
My man.
Have fun.
I want to win this.
I feel like I have a lot
to prove, and
I don't want to go home.
If I were to win $500,000,
I would want to build
another house for me and family,
my husband and my daughter.
I just want
to make my family proud.
I just want to live up
to the expectations
and not let my partner down.
She picked me
'cause I'm a bad motherfucker.
That's point-blank it.
It is true.
She picked me
'cause my heart
doesn't pump Kool-Aid.
She picked me because she knows
I'm gonna come out here
and give it everything,
and try to pull his fuckin' ass
off of that damn stump.
That's it.
A lot of pressure
on the line tonight.
$500,000 is at risk.
I can see this being
a very even matchup.
We're leaving here tonight
with a victory no matter what.
I promise
I'm gonna try my best.
That's all we ask, baby,
that's all we ask. Okay?
Let's do this. Let's do this.
Kendal's gotta go.
She's nice and everything,
that's cute,
but listen,
this is about $500,000.
She's done one challenge,
she won it and she went home.
So I'm gonna need her to go home
empty-handed today.
I need her to go.
We are entrusting Katie
to get this job done.
All right, stand up.
Find that balance.
Ready? Let's go!
Get ready for that yoink!
Slow and steady.
I'm not gonna give
you this money,
you have to earn it.
Going against a huge dude,
a huge threat.
I feel like tonight is the night
to earn my spot
and get one step closer
to that $500,000.
And that's what
I'm gonna fucking do.
Good. Good.
Now it's a game. Good job.
These ropes are heavy.
They are 200 feet long.
So it uses a lot of muscles,
not just your arms,
not just your fingers,
but your legs, your back--
is going into this rope.
Katie, Don't let her take
that rope from you, Katie!
Kendal is using her yoga
and getting into
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Kendal.
Then you have Katie.
She's kind of hunched over,
using the wrong muscles.
She's starting to fatigue,
and it's not looking
so good for her.
Come on, Katie!
Stay strong!
Come on, Katie! Come on!
Holy smokes, dude!
Katie just knocked off
the best girl player
in the game.
I can't believe this is
actually gonna be a showdown.
Watch your slack!
Oh, I thought I had you.
After Katie wins
the first round,
she looks at me,
I look at her. She's like,
"Let's pull these
motherfuckers off."
I'm like, "Bet. Let's go."
When Laterrian
goes into beast mode,
he doesn't even
recognize people anymore.
Any outside influences are dead.
He is a completely
different animal,
and anything that's in the ring
with him is up for grabs.
Oh, he let it go.
He let it go, right?
He let it go.
Score's one-nothing.
This is what it's about.
All right.
Score's one-nothing. You ready?
Tonight is the night
for the Godfather to show up.
If I can wear this guy out,
and his forearms go dead
and his hands go dead, I have a
real shot at winning this thing.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Get as much slack
Take it steady.
Use your whole body.
Katie, come on!
Come on, Katie. Come on, Katie.
Shit. I'd rather rest up.
I'll let them have it.
I'm gonna rest up.
All right, reload!
Ugh. They finally get one,
I'm spent.
Katie's spent, they're spent.
My body is like, "No more."
But my head is like, "Yeah,
do this just a little bit more."
Dig deep. This is it!
All right,
the score is one to one.
The next team
to get a point
wins the entire elimination.
We've got the biggest
biceps in the house out there
going against each other,
and they've used
all of their gas.
Go, go,
go, go, go, go
Get all that slack,
get all that slack.
Brace yourself and watch
My forearms are burning,
but it's my hands
that really hurt.
And because I'm trying
to stay low to the ground,
my thighs are burning,
and it's kind of exerting
all of my energy.
Katie, watch-Do something.
Oh, shit.
Guys, this is it!
Who wants it more?
I need this win.
If there was ever a time
when I need to step up
and show someone
I'm the fucking man,
it's right now.
Come on, Laterrian!
We're pushing ourselves
to the absolute brink.
My forearms are cramping.
My back is seizing up.
We are four of the best
and strongest competitors
in this house.
We're going at each other
with everything
that we have left in the tank.
My eyeballs
are so fixated on Mark.
I wasn't sure I could
trust him to begin with,
and so he better
not let me down.
500 grand, boys!
Take the rest
of the rope.
Just take the rest of it.
That is your rope.
Take the rest of it.
That is your rope, Mark.
Take it.
It feels amazing to win,
because I-I didn't know
if we could,
and it was so evenly matched
and so frickin' exhausting.
But I'm quickly reminded
that that means
Katie and Laterrian
are going home, and now
I just can't even be happy.
I'm sorry.
No, don't be.
I'm sorry I dropped it, too.
We gave it all we had.
Both teams, exhausted,
have nothing else left.
I'm still so proud of Laterrian,
and I think he did
an excellent job.
I'm so glad you picked me.
So glad you picked me.
There's no other better way
to go out.
I agree.
Just when you thought
the old man was done,
he pulled a zinger
out of his hat.
The game's nasty at this point.
It's coming down
to the final, final, final days,
and if I could run a final with
anyone, it would be this girl.
But, hey,
we're one step closer, babe.
How about a high five? Boom!
All right. Laterrian, Katie,
unfortunately, you lost
tonight's elimination round.
You ran into a couple of beasts,
so it just wasn't your night.
This ends your time here
on The Challenge for now.
You take care.
Thank you.
Let's go, brother.
Let's keep it 100, man.
A lot of these men are happy
that I'm going home tonight.
They didn't want to see me
in the final.
And if you tell
yourself otherwise,
you're lying
to your fucking self.
I came here to win.
I gave everything that I had.
Today I lost
to a better competitor.
Bye, guys!
Love you.
We're allowed to hug again.
I usually leave
the show flipping people off,
and now I'm hugging them.
With this Challenge,
I tried to play a fair game.
I kept my word, and I think that
is the most important thing.
I'm sad to leave,
but I'm very excited
to see my husband and my baby.
But this has been
a very good experience.
The best Challenge
I've been on,
and I'm happy I came.
Be good.
I don't know what's gonna happen
with Laterrian and I after this.
I would like to see him again.
I think he's a nice guy.
And if I can crack away
all of that hard exterior,
we may be able
to work on something.
Mark, Kendal, getting it done.
That was very good.
Go ahead and rejoin the group.
You're still in the game,
going for the big money.
Good job, guys. Good job.
Womp, womp, womp.
Mark and Kendal coming back.
It's really Kendal.
I mean, she's a good competitor.
I don't want to go up
against Kendal in the Arena.
I don't. Don't want it.
Don't want it.
Did that. You fucking did that.
Oh, sorry.
Good job, buddy.
And that is how you dig deep.
That's how you get it done.
Go home and get some rest.
I'll see you guys real soon.
Get out of here.
The crazy thing about this game
is you start off fun.
Everyone is high-fiving,
"let's play a fair game,"
and it's awesome.
But as you move closer
to the finale,
and you have
that $500,000 in your grasp,
you have to switch
from nice to strategic.
People's feelings
might get hurt,
but it's all part of the game.
Today's challenge
is called Rib Cage Pass.
I might be in
elimination tonight.
Oh, uh-oh. Somebody fell.
I play with my integrity.
So you can stab me
in the back at the end.
There's one goal here,
and that's
to make it to the final.
This is the last Arena,
which means you're going
straight to the final.
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