The Circle (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Anonymous Trolling

- [horns honking in distance]
- [dramatic instrumental music playing]
"Since everyone is so real,
anyone wanna admit
which hashtag belongs to who?"
[in singsong] Someone's angry!
Y'all don't want no smoke
with me with this shit, B!
Nope. Not sayin' shit.
I'll say it. You know what?
I'm gonna step up and say it.
"I said 'the faker the juice'
'cause I couldn't stop myself."
Joey, that took a lot of nuts.
[chuckling] Joey's great. I love it.
That sounds about right, Joe.
That's why I'm trying
to send your ass home.
They got real catty real fast.
Mercedeze just got absolutely destroyed
in this chat.
[Michelle] Try not to look too overjoyed,
"Congratulations, Players have completed
today's game, 'Hashtag This.'"
Ah! A relief!
Man, that game leaves me
hashtag exhausted.
So does lookin' at your outfits, honey.
And following that redwood level of shade
Mercedeze got,
Rebecca, aka Seaburn,
is checking in with her.
"Loving hands chat." Aw.
We're gonna keep this dynamic
where she knows
that, hey, we got your back.
Message: "Hey, sweetheart.
I hope you are okay
after playing that game.
I really did feel bad.
The hashtags got a little crazy." Send.
I don't know if she feels bad,
or if she's just attempting
to, like, build another ally.
I mean
in this game, you never know, man.
[chuckles] You never know.
You gotta play the cards you're dealt.
Message: "Sometimes,
you have to wear an S on your chest
even though it hurts.
Hashtag Superwoman.
Just know that my door is always open
if you ever feel the need to vent.
I'm here. Dot, dot, dot." Send.
I think it's dope
that she's extending an olive branch.
"I really appreciate you, Rebecca."
"And S stands for savage.
I hope they don't make me bring her out."
Ooh, savage.
I'm hoping that she understands
when I say "savage,"
that means anyone can fuckin' get it,
including her.
So I'mma let everybody keep it cute,
but this can really get real
and once I turn on my bitch side,
y'all not gonna like it.
I think I wanna keep Mercedeze close.
I wanna keep her close, like,
really close.
"If the S stands for savage,
I am excited for you to defend yourself.
Hashtag pretty girls rule."
Message: "Hashtag, I am the real deal.
If I speak up too loud or stay too quiet,
someone always has something to say.
#Anonymous. Talk to you soon."
Message: "I'm glad that you are okay."
I look forward to talking to you soon.
Later, sweetie."
Touché, Rebecca. Well played, baby girl.
Well played.
[Michelle] Adam, aka Alex,
is feeling like another round of flirting,
and this time, he's in the kitchen.
- Let's hope Sammie can stand the heat.
- [gasps] Oh, my God.
[Alex] Message: "Hi, Sammie.
I'm really excited to get to talk to you
Had a really hard decision to make
last night
as to who I wanted to take on my date,
and maybe I should've picked you, period."
Oh, my God! No, Adam!
What's wrong with Rebecca?
Sammie is a little more of Adam's speed.
It's not saying anything ill of Rebecca.
[Sammie] Message: "How are you?
Did your date not go as planned,
question mark." Send.
"Just so you know,
my makeup and outfit looked amazing.
You missed out."
'Cause it was true.
I know I missed out.
I mean
[sighs] I know I missed out.
"The date was fine.
Rebecca is a really sweet girl,
but I think I need someone
with a little more oomph."
"What is your definition of oom
[Alex sighs]
Oh, God, what's Adam gonna say?
Fuuu [sputters] Shake the Alex out.
Um Message: "You know, dot, dot, dot,
someone who can really handle all of me."
Send. Oh, Christ.
[sputters] I just think about, like
It's okay. Gina will forgive me
because she can see
that I'm eating vegetables.
Message: "Well, I guess
I'm going to have to get to know
all of you to give you that answer."
Smiley face. Send.
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, my God.
I don't like this.
What if, like,
Rebecca finds out and gets upset?
[Alex] The dough is just too wet.
[Michelle] How you gonna make
kneading bread into innuendo?
Especially when wholesome Rebecca,
aka Seaburn,
is ready to check in
about your date last night.
[alert chimes]
"Thank you once again for the bear.
I really had an amazing night."
[Alex] "And you really made it special."
If she didn't like me,
she wouldn't be reaching out. I hope.
I'm gonna run on the assumption
that Rebecca is not playing a game,
playing a game, playing a game.
I think maybe it would be funny
to say,
"I really like your new photo.
You are so much more beautiful
than your sister." [chuckles]
Message: "You're really flattering"
- [alarm blares]
- Oh! Alert!
[alarm continues blaring]
Oh, shit! There's an alert.
We're in the middle of a convo.
Can't you wait?
[Michelle] Don't get mad with me.
This doesn't even affect you.
Get back to your bread.
Alert, alert!
[chuckling] Ooh! Praise!
[all] "Players,
the rating results are in."
I feel like I should just start packing
my bags. [chuckles] Oh, no.
Oh, my God, I'm not ready. I can't look.
I can't look. I can't look.
I've done all that I can as Mercedeze,
through Mercedeze,
and I would hope
that they would feel compelled
to, like, move me up in the rating.
"Seventh." Here we go.
[Seaburn] Seventh place goes to
Please not me. Please not me.
Please not me. Please not me.
I'm, like, genuinely scared right now.
[takes a deep breath]
[Chris] Seventh place
[imitates drumroll]
[clicks tongue]
Damn, B. I tried.
Seventh heaven.
How in the world did Mercedeze fall
to seventh place?
Wow. People really don't trust her.
[Alex] You fake, and everybody sees it.
[breathing heavily]
At least I know I won't be seventh.
Who's in sixth?
Oh, my God,
please don't put me sixth either.
[groans] I don't wanna look.
I don't wanna look.
Me? Oh, no!
That makes me nervous! Why?
I think I put Miranda at number three.
This is phenomenal! Yes!
She was my only unknown, okay.
As long as I'm not at the bottom, bottom,
that's okay, that's all right.
"Fourth," with an equal sign.
How many people tied for fourth?
Me and Chris. Wow.
- Fuck.
- [both] Okay.
I'll take it.
Not bad.
[Sammie] That's That means me
and Shubham are in the
Wait, me or Rebecca and Shubham.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
So I could be an Influencer right now.
Oh, my God.
I could be an Influencer right now.
One, two, three, four.
Okay, okay okay.
We might've got this.
We might have got this.
Take control. Take control of this game.
Right here, right now.
Come on.
[Miranda] "Third."
Maybe Sammie?
Oh, shit, I have to
It's gonna be Sammie for sure.
[takes a deep breath]
Third, okay
Third. Please let us come in second
or first.
We came in third last time.
Sammie, please let it be Sammie.
[squeals] Oh, my God!
I'm an Influencer again! [screams]
Oh, my God!
[screams, laughs]
Fuck yeah!
Oh, no!
I have such a big target on my head.
[Alex] No way!
She's being robbed.
We came in third.
We're, like, this close
to getting the Influencer spot.
No way! I got first?
Oh, my God! No way! [laughs]
[Sammie] I love you people.
And you guys love me. Fuck yeah.
My God, shoot me, I'm proud of ya, kid.
This frickin' guy.
He's unbelievable.
Good play, bro.
But Sammie,
she don't like me worth a damn.
Fuck, this makes me nervous
'cause I feel like
Sammie probably doesn't like me,
and maybe she's just been playing.
[Sammie] Look at that blue tick!
It feels so good
to have that blue tick back.
I don't wanna lose it.
There's only five of us
that could possibly get the block tonight.
Well, they got some soul-searching to do.
Sammie wants me gone.
Please, don't let this be a short game.
[chuckles softly]
[Michelle] Influencers Sammie and Shubham
hold in their hands
the ultimate fate
of one of their fellow Circle Players,
and Sammie is taking her responsibility
very seriously.
I'm back.
[exclaims] I'm so excited.
I'm so happy to be back.
This is where I belong. [chuckles]
I wanna stay here. [sighs]
Here we are again. [chuckles]
Déjà vu.
Feels really familiar.
But here we are.
[Michelle] While the Influencers dip into
their cheese platter and ciabatta,
there's only one matter
on the minds of the at-risk Players.
[Karyn] Message: Four laughing emojis.
"Here we go again.
I must've slept with someone's husband
in my past life 'cause this is absurd.
Laugh out loud." Send.
Message: "If someone gets blocked,
can you come visit me?
I honestly need the company,
and I look cute today.
Come on!"
[chuckles] Oh, Joey!
At Joey: "Drinks on you."
"Guys, no matter what happens,
whoever goes home,
see you on the flip side.
With love, good luck."
"Wishing you guys all good luck.
Exclamation point."
"Just remember, everybody,
if God brings us to it,
he will always get us through it.
No matter what happens,
nothing can stop his great plan
for our lives.
Hashtag all will be well."
And send message.
Damn, I'm at
Everybody is really just like,
"I'm outta here! This is it! I'm gone!"
Me, I got a specific reason
why I'm saying that shit.
Sammie been trying to get rid of me
since day one.
It's all good. And Adam,
that son of a bitch is eatin' pizza,
naked on the couch, watchin'.
This is like the Super Bowl for him.
[Michelle] Please don't be naked.
Please don't be naked.
Please don't be naked.
[inhales sharply]
Thank God for small mercies.
As riveting as it is
to watch a man in tie-dye eat pizza,
let's check in with our Influencers.
"Who do you want to start with first?"
Message: "Let's start with Miranda."
[Shubham] Message: "Pro:
she's very down-to-earth
and has a great life experience.
Joey says she's an incredible person,
and I trust Joey."
she's playing the flirt game times ten.
She called you a catfish
in the "Ask Me Anything" game,
and don't really know where she stands
with the majority of these people."
[Sammie] I feel that.
She is playing the flirt game.
She flirts with everyone.
And she did call me a catfish.
"I don't really know where she stands."
Yeah, I don't really know either.
That's the thing.
Message: "She did apologize
when we talked about calling me a catfish,
but we have been getting along.
I don't get any bad
bad vibes from her at all."
Message: "Great, let's move on to Chris."
he's super hilarious,
and I'm always laughing
every time I talk to him." Send.
Message: "The biggest thing is
Chris is by far the smartest person
in The Circle.
Chris can relate to every single person,
which is something I can't do by far.
Cons are he could be a catfish.
He's also a politician
when it comes to answering questions
and not stating any real opinions."
Okay. That's really strong.
Let's see what he has to say about Joey.
Okay. Uh "Great points. Now Joey."
I know he's gonna say positive things
about Joey.
I don't think he's gonna say any negatives
'cause they are really close.
Message: "Pros are he's the definition
of an open, honest book.
He has a heart of gold
and comforted me
on the night I was in eighth place."
But I feel like Joey's just been stagnant
for everybody,
now that I think about it, in the ratings.
Like, he's always in the middle.
[Shubham] Message: "Cons are he is flirty,
but it's just part
of his authentic personality."
So it's not really a con. [chuckles]
It definite feels like me and Sammie
have a lot more in common
with how we're viewing people
versus my other hangout with Chris,
where we saw differences
on quite a few number of people.
Let's move to Rebecca.
Message: "Pros:
she's very sweet
and always super nice in all the chats."
[Shubham] Completely agree.
She's like my sister in the game,
and I'm like her brother,
and that's what the relationship is.
So it feels good to have Rebecca
and Joey really close, it does.
Message: "Cons:
I feel she may be using
the super sweet and nice as a cover-up,
and there might be more to her." Send.
I think there's more to Rebecca, for sure,
than meets the eye,
but I don't think she's using
the super-sweet thing as a cover-up.
I agree, like,
the shyness could be a thing.
Message: "The shyness could be
a smokescreen to throw us all off."
She's always playing it safe. Every time.
Especially with, like,
pictures that she posts,
things that she says,
she's always playing it safe.
No matter what.
Message: "I agree.
Now Mercedeze."
[Shubham] Message:
"Pros are everyone thinks
she is a catfish,
so she can be a shield
for future ratings."
[Sammie] Shubham is right
about keeping Mercedeze
and using her as kind of like a shield
'cause everyone's gonna consistently think
she's a catfish,
and I feel like by keeping her around,
it would be good
because people are I feel like
are mostly gonna keep her ratings low.
He's totally playing the game correctly.
He's, like, thinking about everyone
as a game piece,
instead of, like, just, like, people.
And I need to just start doing that.
"I'm just trying to think one more time.
My gut says, everything tells me,
Mercedeze is the catfish
Antonio warned us about."
Message: "She's always calling
everyone else a catfish.
I also think Antonio went to see her,
even though when I talked to her,
she said he didn't." Send.
Shubham did have a really good point
about keeping her. That's the thing.
[sighs] It's so hard. Ugh.
Whereas, like, Miranda
She's new.
Shubham had a point with Chris, though,
trying to just be friends with everybody,
and on top of that,
I feel like it's just more of a game move
to keep Mercedeze.
I think we've come to a decision.
It's not fun being the boss man.
It's really not.
It's a whole new game.
[alarm blares]
- Alert!
- Alert!
It's time!
Here we go.
Right now.
We packin' a plan.
"The Influencers have made
their decision."
Oh, my God.
"All Players must go to The Circle Chat."
I just feel awful right now. [chuckles]
Circle, take me to the Circle Chat.
Deep breaths.
Whatever happens,
we're gonna be all right.
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord,
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord.
Message: "As you guys know,
this is a really tough decision.
And it was extremely hard
for Shubham and I."
I literally have no idea
what to expect right now.
Lord, please don't let it be me.
I've got too much to do still.
Oh, she's writing some more.
"The reason we chose this Player is
we feel they are manipulative
and quick to point the finger."
Oh, no.
They are going in on someone.
Oh, shit.
I'm hoping that first time
I called Sammie out as a catfish,
she's not putting this as me.
This totally could be me.
[Chris] Mm.
I'm assuming it's me.
I mean, I do point the finger,
but I do it in an honest way.
Oh, my gosh, I literally have no idea.
This could totally be me.
"The Player we have decided
to block is"
"The Player we have decided
to block is"
Oh, my God, I can't believe
I'm really about to do this.
Knew it.
Oh, shit!
Mercedeze! I knew it!
Oh, my gosh! Mercedeze!
Oh, my goodness!
[laughing] Oh, my God!
I didn't see that coming at all.
I didn't see that coming at all.
Another OG is gone.
I'm gonna cry from happiness.
That was the best decision
you could've done!
Oh, my gosh.
Sammie didn't like me from the beginning.
I don't know what I did to this girl.
She's pissed.
She's She's fuming.
I know it. She's fuming.
"Mercedeze has been blocked
from The Circle."
I'm sad to see you go, Miss Thing. Fuck.
She seems like a really sweet girl,
but her approach to to everything
was just off and wrong.
You show love, you get love back.
I'm really hoping that every instinct
in my body was right
that Mercedeze is the catfish.
Because if she's not the catfish,
then I'm gonna really have to reassess
everything I've been thinking.
[Michelle] While Shubham has food,
and a lot of bread, for thought,
blocked Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
has missed out on a lot of dough herself
and is getting ready to leave The Circle.
[Karyn] I feel accomplished.
I did everything I said I was gonna do
when I got here.
I made a name for myself, and that's that.
[alarm blares]
Alert! Alert!
"Before you leave,
you can meet one Player face-to-face."
Damn, I dunno.
[alarm blares]
Oh, alert! It never ends.
"Before Mercedeze leaves,
she can meet one Player."
She's coming here.
I can feel it in my bones.
Oh, I'm excited. I hope she comes through.
[Karyn] Maybe I can go and see Sammie,
or maybe I should go and see Shubham,
just to find out, like, why he blocked me
or what was the conversation
that led to me being blocked.
And how about Chris, though?
I mean, at the end of the day,
good vibes, good energy.
I wanna see if he really is
who he says he is.
I kind of bonded with Rebecca today.
I mean, we had a nice chat.
I might wanna go and see her
and see if she is who she says she is.
So many people, so little time.
I'm not sure who I should go and see.
All right, let's get this done.
[suspenseful electronic music playing]
[Sammie] If she comes in here,
and it's somebody else,
oh, my God,
I don't even know how I'm gonna react.
Ugh. Oh, God.
[Miranda] "Mercedeze is on her way
to meet one of you now."
Oh, my gosh. [sighs]
[Shubham] I hope she likes PBJ
'cause I don't think she's gonna like me
when she gets here.
[Karyn] What's up, man?
- [laughing]
- Are you Mercedeze?
Are you fucking Mercedeze?
[laughing] No way!
- [both laughing]
- [Chris] Come sit with me on the couch.
- Here, I got you some soda, honey.
- [Karyn] Yes, come on.
Oh, my God!
It's diet soda, so don't worry.
I'm not worried about it. Come sit down.
- Oh, my God. I'm so
- [laughing]
[Chris] I'm so glad you came.
Look, look, look,
I have a massive question:
- Who is Mercedeze?
- My real name is Karyn.
- Karyn.
- Karyn.
And how old are you, the real you?
In real life, I'm 37.
I'm a lesbian, 1,000.75.
- I've never slept with a man.
- No.
There is no, like Right?
Could Could you believe it?
- I can't. Shit.
- [Karyn] But, um
- everything I said was me.
- [Chris] Yeah.
Just the face, like Halloween.
I kept it as real as possible.
Like, I kept it as real as possible.
If you closed your eyes and spoke to me,
you would have the same love for me.
I'm going to miss your energy,
your personality.
- You brought home to this circle for me.
- Exactly.
That personality Mercedeze exuded,
your personality,
that's my homegirl.
I said, "I don't know
if this bitch is real or not,"
but I said,
"Whoever the fuck is behind Mercedeze,
I wanna be friends with regardless."
I said that about you every day.
- Not every day, but erry-day.
- Oh, my God.
And I feel it right now with you.
- I love you.
- [Chris] I'm gonna miss you so much.
Nobody That's some big shoes to fill.
I want you to understand
- that I have so much love
- Right, right, right.
and respect for you
for even standing up
as an openly gay man.
Aw, thank you.
And the reason why I played Mercedeze
was because I came here to prove
that you can't judge a book by its cover.
[Chris] If you would have played you,
you still would've been
my number one imaginary homegirl.
Could you imagine the rest of them?
That is never gonna be me.
But that's what everyone accepts.
We fight to show who we really are
and not what the world perceives us to be.
The weight that we carry,
people will never understand that.
They think it's just so easy
because we're gay.
This shit is not easy.
I really want you to be the one
that carries that on.
Even though I'm going home,
I'm getting to pass that objective
and that baton on to you.
- Oh, thank you.
- To make sure that we're represented.
You know I'm gonna carry it.
Look, here it is in candle form.
[Karyn laughs]
[Michelle] While Chris works out
how to accessorize a candle
into his wardrobe,
the other Players are realizing
Mercedeze won't be rolling
into their apartments.
[Shubham] Good thing Mercedeze didn't come
'cause I already finished the PBJ
I made for her.
Mercedeze doesn't love me either.
I had a wine glass ready for her.
I feel relieved she didn't come.
My secret is protected.
I don't know who she would be going to see
if it's not me.
[Karyn] I don't know what the tea is.
I'm not gonna hold you up.
So Yeah, Sammie, besides the fact,
like, I knew she was sending me home
because one, not to be funny
and not to say anything
to anybody else here,
but the AG in me was like,
"She's gonna send Mercedeze home
because, not for nothin',
I give her a run for her money."
You see, she buddied up with Rebecca
and you not gonna tell me
Rebecca look better than Mercedeze.
[laughing] So at the end of the day,
it was very much,
"Hello? Is this thing on?
Bitch, you comin' for me
for the wrong reasons,"
- but I couldn't speak to her like that.
- Right.
I still think Shubham is just innocent,
and he's gonna continue to run this.
- I don't know what's going on.
- I agree. I agree.
As another day in The Circle ends,
and the artist formerly known as Mercedeze
keep on having a kiki
while the other Players
have had enough excitement for one day
and are heading to bed.
Finally, my bed.
Let's call it like it is,
Uncle Joey's not goin' nowhere.
I wanted to meet you just to make sure
that you know:
do not fuckin' change, Chris.
I plan on not
You even sidestep,
I'm comin' back to fuck you up.
You understand me?
From my lips to God's ears, yo, Chris,
you better
I'm not playing with you.
I love you.
I will miss you.
When it came to me having to wind down
who I wanted to meet, it was a no-brainer.
- You are the bomb. I will miss you.
- You are the bomb.
I met the one person who I promise
will have a friend for life in me.
[Chris] I'll miss you. Bye, Mercedeze.
God bless you. Aw
Me and Chris had a bond
on multiple levels,
especially being from the same community.
What a fantastic human being.
It's hard to just be yourself and be out
and be accepted across the board.
- [Chris sighs]
- [Karyn] Day in, day out,
I'm judged by what I look like
versus what I sound like.
I'm physically leaving The Circle,
but my spirit is staying here
through Chris,
and he's gonna carry that baton on for us.
[Chris] Wherever you're at,
I'll be there with you in spirit, girl.
Tomorrow's a brand-new day to slay.
And on that note, good night, Circle.
["Are Friends Electric?" playing]
[Michelle] Another day in The Circle,
and it's a big one
'cause last night, the Players caught
the first Circle catfish.
And as they wake up to life
without Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
there's one question
on everyone but Chris's lips.
I wonder who Mercedeze went
to go and visit.
I mean, she kinda gave it away
that Chris was her best friend.
[Chris] Look at that. My girl is gone.
I'm buzzing to wake up with the blue tick.
I don't know if I like to say
the word "Influencer," though.
I might not have another e.
[Chris humming]
[all] "The news feed has been updated."
If this is Mercedeze's video,
I'm gonna shit myself.
Circle, please take me to my news feed.
"Mercedeze has left a message
for The Circle."
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
Oh, girl
Circle, play the video.
[Karyn over TV] Girl!
What's good, Circle?
It's me, Mercedeze.
- [chuckling] Well, it's me, Karyn.
- [gasps]
- [Miranda gasps]
- I played Mercedeze.
Yes! Yes!
Just so I could prove to the world
you can't judge a book by its cover.
So I hope that everyone learnt a lesson
right here.
I want everybody to know
that you can never ever write
someone else's story.
With that being said, folks,
I'm headed to go and finish God's work.
And make sure you stay true to yourself.
You know who you are.
Love you, babe.
Oh, my gosh.
That is her. [spits]
I'm speechless.
You could feel that good vibe,
that good energy.
I will definitely miss that ho.
Sharky Shubham is
hunting the catfishes, the snakes,
and the rats.
This is a message for other catfishes.
It's shark season,
and we're hunting.
Why wouldn't you just be yourself, Karyn?
Can't take this. Stupid hair. God damn it.
The right decision was definitely made.
She's right.
You can't write anybody else's story.
And, like,
you can't judge a book by its cover,
for sure.
It definitely was a good lesson
that she taught us all.
I like her better
than I like those filtered-ass photos.
Like, I would have been her friend.
What if Sammie's a fat truck driver
named Tony?
[Michelle] That was oddly specific.
Who hurt you, Joey?
With The Circle still reeling
from the latest catfish drama,
Chris wants to chop it up
with some of his, as he would say, hos.
[Chris] All right,
first message of the day.
Message: "Good morning, girls."
Exclamation point.
"The bomb has been dropped.
Hashtag Mercedeze-gate."
Send message.
Message: "I was like, 'OMG.'"
"That is not Mercedeze.
Who is that girl in the video?" [chuckles]
"Y'all ain't even ready.
Exclamation point.
Guess whose room she went to last night?"
[Seaburn gasps]
Oh, Chris!
Message: "Did your wig fall off?
Laughing face emoji." Send.
Message: "Oh, please, sensei,
share the juice."
Message: "Biiitch, I was shocked
beyond imagination,
but here's the jungle juice."
Be quicker, Chris! I can't handle it.
I need the juice now.
"Karyn, aka Mercedeze"
"is the definition
of a heart of absolute fine gold."
"She walked up in here,
and I swear to y'all,
I felt like I was hugging family.
That queen is the real fucking deal."
"I gave her the biggest hug.
We laughed our asses off."
"And the kiki of all time commenced."
Message: "After watching her video,
I can completely agree with that.
She seems really genuine."
"I'm glad that we're in this chat
because I have some tea,
and I would like to know something
about Adam."
Okay, what you wanna know about Adam?
Message: "I have some things
to say about Adam also."
Ooh, I knew it.
"He private messaged me
and said he wanted to get to know me more
and was being extremely flirty.
I don't like it."
To know that Adam tried to come up
and be a player and, like, say,
"Hey, sweet thing
[smacks lips]
You know, I'm really feelin' you."
He is a dog.
That is so funny.
So, some people came on The Circle
lookin' for love.
Girl, I'm trying to help my mama out.
God knows we need a new window
in the living room.
One thing Adam forgot is that girls talk.
[Michelle] The second thing he forgot is
guys pretending to be girls also talk.
Message: "I really thought
that he was a sweetheart
when we went on our date.
He said a lot of genuine things,
but to know that he is flirting
extremely hard with all of the girls,
he is just another dog." Send.
"Well, just know that you have nothing
to worry about on my end."Send.
Sammie's like: "Bitch, that ain't my tea."
Message: "Patience is a virtue, lovebug.
Hashtag don't rush a cake, let it bake."
You really is messing with the wrong girl.
[Michelle] After discovering Adam,
aka Alex,
has been flirting with every living thing
except his houseplants,
Rebecca, aka Seaburn, wants a one-on-one.
Oh! Uh-oh.
We're gonna have to see
how Adam can explain sliding in the DMs.
Myself, I wanna be like,
"Dude, you know you wrong."
But Rebecca's in the driver's seat,
so I have to take a step back
and just allow her to do what she does.
She's gonna get the answers
that she needs.
Okay, message:
"OMG, how did you feel
about Mercedeze's video?"
"OMG, you were so right about her.
Last night was really intense.
I would be crying a little bit
if you were gone."
And then that "wah" emoji.
Hmm. [laughs] Wow.
Message: "I completely agree.
We really didn't get
to finish our conversation,
but I'm here to pick up
where we left off."
Dot, dot, dot
Shit. "Did you get a chance
to talk to Sammie or Miranda?"
Ah We're stirrin' the pot a little bit.
I have nothing to hide.
Message: "I've talked with Sammie,
but nowhere near as much
as I have talked with you.
But I'm still your cuddly toy."
Winky face emoji
and then that, like,
kind of bear emoji-ish thing
and send.
[Seaburn chuckles] Oh!
He still thinks that he's my cuddle toy.
[Alex] "I definitely don't wanna be
on the wrong side of anyone.
I need you to know
that I will talk with Sammie,
but at the end of the day,
it's you I'm thinking of.
Heart eyes emojis
[smooches, blows]emoji."
[Seaburn] Adam is a dog.
Message: "I will make sure
that every time I look at Sir Bear Bear,
I think of you.
TTYS." Kissy face. Ha!
[Alex] Adam did pretty well.
I think Rebecca is, like,
following the line,
and I'm just kind of reeling her in.
We're gonna keep him in our back pocket,
Sir Bear Bear.
Up until the right moment.
It's gonna be B-E-A-utiful.
[Michelle] Shout-out to these two.
This is the realest relationship in here.
Meanwhile, Adam, aka Alex,
is blissfully unaware
that Rebecca, aka Seaburn,
and Sir Bear Bear are on to him.
- [shower running]
- [Alex] Hot tea, hot bath.
And a catfish can't catch a break,
not even for a relaxing swim in the bath,
'cause now Joey's got his rod out.
"What's goody, my dude?
How you feelin' after last night?" Send.
Message: "Man, that was so insane.
I knew Mercedeze would be a catfish,
but it was still nuts." Send.
[Joey] Oh, now,
this is where we start havin' fun.
"I can tell we got a lot in common.
We're both the kind of guys
women look at." Send.
"We're both the kind of guys
women look at."
[chuckles] Yeah! Adam is the type of guy
women look at.
I'm like Joey's sexier big brother.
"Confession: I'm workin' out
right now as we speak.
Are you a fellow gym rat?"
Oh, shit.
[softly] Okay. Uh
Message: "You caught me jumping rope.
I'm taking a break now.
Sweating buckets."
"Why don't we open this up
to a group chat,
and we can all do it together?"
Okay, Circle. Group message,
Joey, Shubham, and Chris, called
[both] "Workout Challenge Chat."
So, message: "Hey, guys.
I was just chatting with Joey,
and we're both working out.
Any chance you'd want to join in?" Send.
Message: "Yeah, guys. I'm down.
What type of exercises are you doing?"
"We were just talking about
doing some push-ups together.
Little friendly competition."
"First to 50 wins. [chuckles softly]
Strong arm emoji." Send.
I can do maybe, the most, 30,
and that's already pushing it.
That's pushing it.
I could do 100.
I'm not doing 'em right now.
I'm exhausted.
[Chris] Let me go get my chips
while these hos work out.
Y'all can work out all damn day.
[Shubham grunts] Okay.
[upbeat instrumental music playing]
[Shubham] I'm at 40.
[sips loudly]
I hope Adam's really workin' out,
[sighs] Bath time is my favorite workout.
Oh, my God, my elbows. [chuckles] No!
Burns so good.
[groans] God damn it! [scoffs]
Come on! Five more!
That's 50!
Yes! Message:
"I just hit 50."
[Alex] Message at Shubham:
"Got me beat, just hit 45,
and I'm taking a break to chat.
Hashtag no pain, no gain."
"No pain, no gain. Good work, boys."
He must have a dictionary of cliché terms.
What a stupid person.
Message: "Going to work
on some core exercises.
Let's all chat soon, period." Send.
I feel like this was
the fakest conversation I've ever had
'cause not one weight did I lift,
not one crunch did I crunch.
Instead, I just munched.
[Michelle] From one ridiculous competition
to another,
as Miranda and Sammie continue
their "Who Can Get a Dirty Emoji
from Joey?" contest,
Sammie somehow failed yesterday,
so today, it's Miranda's turn.
I want that eggplant. [chuckles]
Message: "Hey, baby girl."
"So, what're you doing right now?
Side tongue face." And send.
Message: "Well, I'm currently naked
in the bathroom shaving my body.
Wanna help me with my back?" Send.
What? He didn't have to say that.
He just didn't have to tell me
he was naked, but he wants this.
So, message: "I'll help you
with whatever you need, comma,
is it the whole body, question mark."
"Is it the whoooole body?"
Message: "Well, I could tell you,
or I could get you to come over here
and do some inspection yourself."
[Miranda] "And what would you like me
to be inspecting, question mark.
Really trying to get a good visual here.
Wink face."
Does he know there's emojis? Like
[Joey] Message:
"That's a really difficult question.
I'll say this.
When you come over,
I guess my body belongs to you.
Eyes looking emoji,
quiet emoji,
bottle popping emoji,
red hot chili pepper emoji."
- Send.
- [Miranda] Uh-oh!
Wait! I know that means dick!
That's a dirty emoji! Right?
Is it smaller?
Is that why he sent the chili?
Is it like a small chili
and not like an eggplant?
- [electric shaver buzzing]
- [Joey] Oh.
She said: "So, by red hot chili pepper,
are we talkin' about"
What's that other chili pepper?
What's that?
Is that another chili pepper?
I think it is.
Like, this bro doesn't know
that the eggplant emoji is, like, it?
Come on.
Let's go with that nice purple guy
and let Miranda know what we're all about.
[gasps] Eggplant emoji!
I did it! [laughs]
Eggplant emoji, wink face.
Message: "This got me a bit too hot.
Gonna go take a cold shower."
Wink face, send it.
I feel like I do need a cold shower
after that, bud, jeez.
Message: "Don't worry, honey.
My DMs are always open if you feel lonely.
Let's talk soon."
Kiss emoji, wink emoji,
nice strong purple guy emoji, send.
Oh! Another eggplant!
[in New York accent] Two eggplants!
[in normal voice]
Thanks for the chat, Joey.
Thanks for the two eggplants, bud.
They're actually purple guys, Miranda.
After that victory,
Miranda can't wait to tell Sammie.
Does she get a trophy emoji
or a medal emoji?
If not, this whole thing has just been
a bit of a shrug emoji.
Message: "Dude. exclamation point!
Got a couple eggplants from Joey. Lol.
Eggplant emoji." Send.
What the hell?
She got a couple, not just one.
So, what,
he was just slanging it everywhere?
"Here ya go!"
Message: "What the hell?
How the hell did you do it?
Lol, I'm pissed."
Laughing face emoji.
"I had to work really hard for it.
He said he was naked - in all caps -
and shaving."
"And that I would have to come see it
for myself!" [retches]
Message:"So, can we call
this silly little game over now?"
Laughing face emoji, send.
Message: winky face.
"This was a really good laugh,
but you win, exclamation point."
It's good to know he shaves.
[Michelle] Living in The Circle
can often feel
like you're living in a vacuum.
Now this, my friends, is a good vacuum.
Sorry to interrupt housekeeping, Chris,
but the thing about social media is
it's never long
before a new friend pops up.
It's time for a new Player to move in.
Did I say "a"?
My bad, I meant two people.
[theme music playing]
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