The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Sala Azul

After Gaybol got blocked,
the players had yet another surprise.
Right when I'm off to bed?
What is it now?
"One more player
is going to leave The Circle."
Don't put this weight on my shoulder,
"JP and Lorayne
are the Influencers
and will have to block one more player."
My God!
Christ Almighty!
JP! I don't have any interaction with him!
We have never even talked!
How are we going to reach a consensus?
I don't know what's on her mind.
I hope Lolo protects me, man,
but I think I'm under fire.
"JP and Lorayne,
proceed to the Blue Room
to make your decision."
Man, don't do this to me.
"All other players
must go to the At Risk chat."
Let's see how it feels.
I'm not on the throne anymore.
Let's make this decision and own it.
Putting up with two blocks is no joke.
It takes a very thick skin.
What now, Brazil?
Now let's wait and see.
It's up to JP and Lorayne.
The famous Blue Room.
Smell the power yet?
The ball
is in my court.
Here once more.
So happy, so nervous.
Ideally, we would go through everyone.
I think we're on the opposite sides
of the game.
Circle, message. Lorayne,
firstly, congratulations
for getting here once again.
Big responsibility, huh?
Circle, message.
Man, you have
no idea how big it is.
# Nervous #Help.
Circle, message.
Let's go through everyone.
First off: Luma.
I think she's incredible and brought
great energy to the game. Agree?
Circle, message.
Sure, let's go through everyone.
Man, she really is awesome
Man, I think Marina is simply amazing,
mostly because I identify with her
and trust her a lot.
What do you think? Send.
It's clear that they're in sync.
Let's do this. Circle, message.
She really is one of the greatest players
in the game
and she still has a lot to offer.
Next is Duma.
Dumaresq, in my opinion,
is one of the stars of The Circle.
What about you?
One less off the list
I didn't want to block.
Circle, message.
Dude, he really came to slay.
So, I vote to preserve him,
who's already proven his honesty.
There you go. Duma stays.
Apparently, we're on the right track,
Circle, message.
what about Lucas?
I feel him very distant. #KeepsToHimself.
If he comes to Lucas' defense,
then he wants to kick Akel.
Circle, message.
Lucas is a nice guy, he's reserved,
but he's letting himself loose
and he has a lot to grow.
I know you may not like it,
since you two have something going on,
but I changed my mind about Akel.
He's trying too hard to be likable,
he's on the fence
and I don't know why
he stopped talking to me.
"What do you have to say about that?"
He's suspicious about Akel.
Circle, message.
Yeah, dude, I noticed it too.
But I talked to him privately,
and he just respects everybody.
Rationally, I see Akel playing,
sticking his neck out a little!
Exclamation mark.
And letting himself loose,
something we haven't seen from Lucas.
That is to say,
she would rather block Lucas, right?
Circle, message.
I agree that Akel is a chill,
respectful guy.
But unfortunately,
he doesn't deserve to stay.
Do you agree?
I won't agree with you.
You might be three times my size,
but I'm three times fiercer.
The one who deserves to stay
is Akel, not Lucas.
Why give someone
a chance to perhaps grow
when someone else has already grown?
Circle, message.
Man, I disagree.
"Emotional attachment aside,
rationally speaking,
Lucas is the one to block.
He's been here from the get-go
and had plenty of time to step up."
I disagree.
I'm literally shaking right now.
I'm shaking so much.
That's how nervous I am.
If things are hard for Influencers,
imagine for those being at risk.
"At Risk chat is now open."
I'm not used to this.
I'd rather be at risk
than not be anywhere.
Circle, message.
I'm floored with this double elimination.
Insert tears of joy emoji.
Crying out loud.
You're laughing because you're thick
as thieves with Lolo, dear.
Circle, message.
Marina, welcome to At Risk, bae.
I wish we never met here.
Circle, send.
Man, he thinks I'm upset about being here.
Although, in part, I am.
Because I won't be able to
protect him.
Oh, man.
Circle, message.
Here I am, trying to guess
what Lorayne's and JP's decision will be.
"They seem to have different perspectives
about the game.
I'm really lost."
In reality, I think Dumaresq is afraid.
Yes. He was feeling all too comfortable
and he saw that
he kind of fell from grace.
Oh, yeah, baby. Not all roses, right?
Careful with the air of superiority.
Circle, message.
Yikes, now we're in trouble.
I believe Lucas is a nice fellow
and deserves a shot.
I'm a very upfront guy and I like honesty,
and I don't see that from Akel.
The Circle is on fire!
Dude, that's the thing.
I do think Lucas is a nice guy,
but I believe Akel is honest!
Exclamation mark.
we have a problem.
I think you're letting your heart
speak louder than your brain.
That's not justice.
Finally, my decision is: Lucas stays.
Boy, for Christ's sake!
Wake up!
Do you really want to keep insisting?
Circle, message.
The same way
you're closer to Lucas
and believes in his potential,
I believe in Akel.
She got attached to Akel,
teamed up with him and is unbending.
I won't compromise.
That's who I am, man. And I can be here
all night long if he so desires.
If he wants to argue all night, so be it.
- Alert!
- Holy!
I better stand up.
Hold on, dear heart.
"The Influencers
have made their decision."
That's it. The decision is made.
Jeez, I beg you, Lolo.
I don't want to imagine the worst.
"All players must go to The Circle chat."
Guys, I get so nervous.
I was calm just now.
Circle, message.
It was an extremely hard decision.
"So many doubts. Despite the heavy heart,
reason and honesty have prevailed!"
What does she mean?
Circle, message.
The player we've decided to block
"failed to get involved with everyone."
"They were too direct and succinct
with their messages."
That I never was. Don't even start.
I think she means Luma.
I thought about it.
She didn't get involved.
It's not Luma.
It's her boyfriend.
And Lucas.
Circle, message.
They lacked true emotion
when expressing themself.
"Interaction is key
on The Circle"
"but this person failed
to fulfill this objective.
Girl, your riddle only gets harder.
Circle, message.
The person we decided to block is
The moment of truth. Good God.
I'm so nervous!
"The person is"
Let's see, Lolo. Don't disappoint me.
I'm ready to enjoy my Friday.
Fuck this!
Shit, I'm safe!
I don't give a damn. I'm safe!
Gosh, that's it! Lucas was supposed to go.
He's so lackluster.
Luma continues.
JP will call it in.
I'm still in!
Look at me dancing.
That's it, Lorayne.
What about Marina?
How's she gonna feel?
Shit, man
His friends could retaliate.
Beware, Lorayne.
Alert, you guys!
This makes it what? The tenth today?
Have mercy.
"Before leaving,
Lucas can meet one player in person."
Oh, where are my clothes?
Ooh, I wonder who Lucas is gonna pick?
It can't be.
Would he choose me?
I wish he went to Lorayne
to have it out with her.
But seeing how slippery she was
He accepted
to let me share the responsibility
for the decision to block Lucas.
it's time to
"Lucas is on his way
to one of your apartments."
What now?
Jesus Christ.
What the hell?
No way!
Good evening, bae.
No way, get out!
Nice to meet you.
- Loma?
- Half Loma, half Lucas.
Girl, come here.
Sit down!
Tell me everything!
Don't hit me.
No, relax.
- I couldn't go before
- Oh, God
Talking to bae?
- Talking to bae.
- No way!
I wanted to see for myself
if that energy you give off
- really emanates
- Goddamn!
- Now let me tell you.
- If it's legit
I couldn't see,
like, if it was a catfish or not.
Everyone was telling me.
And I was like, "No way, guys."
I'd say, "I don't know him.
But I know he has a kind heart."
I even said that.
But I do!
But you aren't Lucas!
And who do you think is catfish?
At first, I thought JP was a catfish.
I thought so too.
Lo as well, but she's so like you.
She is!
So I stopped thinking she's a catfish.
I feel like I've done my duty.
That's how I feel.
With a clear conscience.
Stop focusing
on whether people are catfish or not.
Instead, focus on their game.
I think women tend to unite,
but they also tend to
stab each other's backs.
You weren't bae.
We meet on the outside
after I win this show.
Good luck, good night.
- Bye.
- Kisses.
I'll keep tabs on these men.
Please do.
I was so worried
about meeting Marina.
I wanted to talk to her face
that I didn't mean
to mess with her feelings.
What kind of friendships are those?
It was automatic. Next thing I know,
it was what it was.
On one hand, I made a friend,
on the other hand, I lost my bae.
You can't have everything, Marina.
Come here, Nelson. I need company.
I feel so stupid.
I shouldn't trust everybody.
I don't have any idea
how Marina is feeling.
I hope she took
my decision as rationally as possible.
I don't care whether people
are catfishes or not anymore.
I just want to know who's being truthful.
First time being rated
and Luma ranks third.
Feels good.
I more than deserve a good rest.
Good night, Circle.
As the days go by, the penny drops.
This is no child play, everyone.
Wake up to the game.
Good morning, Circle of mine!
I thought I wouldn't be here
to say good morning.
Good morning, bedroom. Good morning, lamp.
Seeing two fewer players on this screen
is a lot of pressure.
I'll stop playing with my heart
and start playing with this.
Luma needs to watch how Marina reacts,
and catch her red-handed.
She's not crazy to confront Lorayne.
When I believe there's a cause to protect,
I protect it.
I won't be bought.
My strategy from now on
is to get closer to the Northern girls,
because they're skyrocketing.
I have to start
rolling up my sleeves.
Paint my face, go to war,
and shoot my arrows.
Strategies in place,
it's time to act on them.
I should start
a private chat with Marina
to maybe clear some things up
and say that what happened yesterday
wasn't something
that I proposed.
Circle, open private chat with Marina.
Wow! Will he tell her everything?
"JP has invited you to a private chat."
My heart is racing, I won't deny.
Circle, open chat with JP.
Circle, message.
Good morning, Carioca girl.
I wanted to take this opportunity
to tell you what happened yesterday.
Our debate dragged on for a long time
and ended with no consensus.
Lorayne decided on who to block,
and I went with it
because she's attached to Akel,
although it went against my reasons.
I wanted you to know that. Send.
Hold on.
My own sister
didn't give a fuck about me
or my feelings.
In my opinion, I'm absolutely certain
that Akel is using Lorayne.
Circle, message.
I gotta say I'm a bit upset now.
I would never expect that decision
to be hers.
"I would never expect that decision
to be hers."
Look. This information is so important.
She chose to block him anyway,
stabbing her friend's back.
I think she was completely disloyal
and played dirty.
I so wanted to tell JP
that Lucas came here
and also
that The Circle is a lot more
than spotting catfishes.
Circle, message.
Regardless of all that,
I had the pleasure to meet Lucas.
And even though he wasn't Lucas,
we had a fantastic chat
that made me consider so many things.
#ItWasAGirl. Send.
"It was a girl."
It never crossed my mind.
She knew how to play a guy.
On The Circle, brother,
everything can change.
Circle, message.
I got to say
this news has taken me aback.
Let's be wiser and more attentive.
# IWantYouByMySide, #TheGoodTeam.
Oh, that's so cute!
God, JP,
why didn't you talk to me earlier?
Circle, message.
That's a side of JP
I hadn't gotten to known before.
Amen, my dear.
I want you by my side.
I dare say a probable final will be
and Marina.
I hope Lo forgives me,
but Akel needs to be blocked.
Let the games begin.
Unlike Lorayne,
Marina won't cover for Akel.
Akel, I'm telling you!
Wake up to the game, man!
"The feed has been updated."
"The feed has been updated."
Leave these dishes for later.
Let's see what the feed brings us.
Tell me right now. What is it?
Circle, open the feed.
"Before leaving, Gaybol left a message."
No way!
Gosh, I so hope he was a catfish.
That's the moment
when I either feel guilty
or I go like, "There!"
Circle, play Gaybol's video.
My God.
That's so insane.
Let's see.
My God!
What's up, The Circle?
I'm Gaybol, nice to meet you.
I've got something to say.
That's actually him. Dang.
Wow, I thought Gaybol was a kid.
He's so sexy, guys!
Some girls are playing nice,
some guys are trying to pass
as everyone's friends,
but things aren't what it looks like.
He threw me some shade. Didn't he?
The ball is already rolling.
People are already playing,
so, open your eyes, folks.
Thanks for the tip.
That's Gaybol's message.
Cheers and good luck.
Yeah, fam!
Good talk, my man.
Should Luma be careful with JP?
With everyone!
Girl playing nice? Lorayne!
Man, you have no idea.
I really am a nice girl.
He was referring to me.
"A guy trying to pass
as everyone's friend."
Who's two-faced?
Thanks for all the hints.
Am I playing nice? I'm not.
Gosh, it keeps updating!
That's how I like it, Circle.
Circle, open the feed.
"Before leaving, Lucas left a message."
Circle, play video.
Yo, my people!
Shit, it's a catfish!
I'm Lucas I mean,
I'm not 100%
what I claimed to be.
Slow down with the catfish hunt.
Instead, you should ask yourself,
"Is the person who I trust
playing fair with me?"
They will pull the rug
from under you.
Goddamn, I'm floored!
Bae, you can do this.
I'm with you, my Carioca.
I'll always be with you, Lucas.
I got this.
I got this.
See? A catfish can be an ally.
No need to
But I don't see this catfish hunt.
It's a legitimate reason to get blocked.
- To get the ax.
- Oh, right.
That message she left
will serve as motivation
for us to leave aside this matter
of hunting catfishes.
The catfish hunt does exist, as it should.
- Paloma
- I loved Paloma.
She's so much better.
A thousand times better than Lucas.
To pretend to be a man
who goes to festivals, girl?
Quit being silly, sis.
Marina must be so upset.
I think she will understand
it was the right choice.
Yeah, but back when you chose Lucas,
he was still your friend's bae, right?
As per usual,
I wanted so bad
to celebrate with my girls!
Circle, my lovely Circle!
Open the chat She Fights!
"Dumaresq has invited you
to the chat She Fights."
Out of our way
She Fights is coming through
Is everyone shocked
about these revelations?
I want to know what they're thinking.
Especially what Marina
is thinking about it. God help me.
Circle, open the chat She Fights.
Circle, message.
Good morning, my girls!
I would like to say something!
We are the majority!
Are you sure?
Yes, guys, we are the majority.
But little does it matter
to be the majority
when some are being two-faced.
Circle, message.
Good morning, girls.
What did you think of the messages?
I have several questions in my mind.
#Life'sCircle. Send.
Yo, I'm dumbfounded by that reveal.
Scared emoji. Send.
You're not dumbfounded, Lo.
Let's be real about it.
I'd like it so much if she came to me
and said, "Sis, how are you feeling?"
Or something of the like.
But she kind of gave a shit.
Circle, message.
Lorayne, girl,
I suspected that Lucas was a catfish
"but, God willing,
you'll eventually wed Akel."
What's up with the wedding joke?
Give it a break.
Circle, message.
I gotta say I liked Loma
much better than Lucas.
Tell us about your bae, Marina.
Circle, message.
Loma is a fantastic person.
She was a sharp observer.
After we talked, I must say I woke up.
Loma left a lot of tips
for Marina, that much I know.
So, he visited Marina.
Well, I think Lucas got into Marina's head
and now she must be thinking
I'm being two-faced.
Circle, message.
We did try to be fair and honest.
Marina, sis,
it didn't work out with Lucas,
but perhaps it does with Loma?
"We did try to be fair and honest."
My heart says
I shouldn't pressure Lorayne,
my brain says otherwise. Circle, message.
Lorayne, girl, you've said it.
I was a little heartbroken,
but I totally got you.
Insert red heart. And send.
Girl, I pray that you mean it,
because that would be a great,
great relief.
Circle, message.
Right. After the group Playmakers,
created by the guys,
I noticed they're protecting each other.
Circle, message.
I didn't see that "protection"
"from JP towards his friend.
Write it down.
If she's talking about Akel
Love, you're contradicting yourself.
if you didn't see JP protecting him,
why did you say
both of you agreed on who to block?
Either she's two-faced
or she's playing dumb. It can't be.
I'll throw Lorayne some shade.
Circle, message.
The way I see it,
Akel is being super manipulative,
and I wasn't expecting that.
Damn, we have a new target.
That's the thing, sis. I like him a lot,
but what JP said
definitely had some weight.
And we gotta be on the lookout.
Pay attention!
The victims now
are JP and Akel.
Circle, message.
And a motivational quote.
Girls, good to have you all.
Let's live our dreams,
make things lighter.
- #Let'sBelieve.
- Believe.
I gotta wake up.
I used to say Gaybol was the sleepyhead,
but I'm the one dozing off.
Don't be harsh on yourself, Marina.
You're awake now.
I was thinking about creating a chat
with Luma and Ray.
I want to clear up what happened yesterday
and tell them to wise up
because some people are playing dirty.
Let's do this.
create chat North-Northeast Alliance
with Luma and Ray.
"JP invited you to the chat
North-Northeast Alliance."
Circle, open chat
North-Northeast Alliance.
Circle, message.
First, I want to propose something
to you two.
Would you care to form a throuple with me?
# JustKidding, #YouWonMyHeart.
JP is invested in going down this route
with the two girls he flirted with
to come up with a strategy
in which he's saved.
He knows his neck's on the line.
No, he got first place.
- He's outnumbered.
- He's on his own.
- He's on his own.
- Yes, he is.
Circle, message.
you must have noticed
that some are playing dirty.
The decision to block Lucas/Loma
was taken by Lorayne against my will
"because of her feelings towards Akel."
So he wanted to block Akel.
He's playing dirty.
He's trying to turn Lorayne against us.
Us against Lorayne.
Lorayne against us.
Is he talking to Lorayne?
Good morning, Mr. Firefighter.
Back where I come from,
the man who dares to bed two women
"gets pierced with an arrow.
So, if it was up to you,
you would've blocked Akel?"
Circle, message.
Lorayne is trying to pull everyone
to her side.
#BetterWatchOut. Send.
If that's true,
she's playing the hell out of this.
He could be making it all up.
But Luma is going to say,
"I've heard stuff from us here."
Circle, message.
I had thought Lorayne's choice
made sense,
but now I'm having second thoughts.
"but now I'm having second thoughts."
Circle, message.
Lorayne put her foot down
in defense of Akel,
only thinking about herself.
To me,
it's clear that she's building her team
and now, more than ever,
we need to cement our alliance
and protect each other.
"For the win, playing fair,
North-Northeast alliance."
Can you imagine us in the finals?
Shit would get real!
Circle, message.
JP and Luma, we're together in this.
Thanks for the eye-openers
regarding the game.
Heart emoji. Send.
We can do this.
This alliance will work out.
You know why we can trust JP?
He reached out to us before all that.
Plus, he just ranked first.
- He has no reason to
- Yeah.
It's not like he's sucking up to us.
Circle, message.
Guys, this chat was very eye-opening.
Let's think things through and wake up.
That's the most beautiful hashtag
at the moment.
North-Northeast Alliance.
Good talk, my princesses.
That's two for my team.
The two people I plan to rank lower are:
first, Akel, who's kind of a consensus,
and second, Lorayne.
If that happens,
it means we're actually together.
- Luma is like, information
- The good thing is
She has to mix all the info together,
bake this cake and see what comes of it.
Good thing Luma is a Libra.
She's good at balancing stuff.
One scale, two measurements.
Is every player online?
I took it out.
I want so bad to talk to Dumaresq
to see
he really is with me.
Circle, open chat with Dumaresq.
"Marina has invited you
to a private chat."
Open chat with Marina.
I have no clue
what she wants to talk about.
Circle, message.
Friend, I'm reaching out to you
to say how I'm feeling.
How do you read
what's going on with the ratings?
"How do you read
what's going on with the ratings?"
Talking to Dumaresq feels like
Circle, message.
Right, sis,
I think people freaked out
about having to be honest.
Speaking of it,
we're always paired up, huh?
Circle, message.
But what do you think of the girls?
Do you trust them completely?
#TalkToMe. Send.
Oh, my God.
Circle, message. Marina,
I trust pretty much all of them. You?
"I trust pretty much all of them."
Love, eventually you're gonna have
to choose between two.
Then what?
Marina is already thinking
about the future.
Will it be
me, Marina and Lorayne?
Or maybe me, Luma and Ray?
He wants me to spill it.
Circle, message.
Right now, what worries me the most
is my sister Lorayne.
I want her to be more assertive
in regards to Akel.
Man, now I've either screwed it all up
or I
killed it.
"I want her to be more assertive
in regards to Akel."
No space for love affairs.
The affairs that we see here
are indeed fake affairs
meant to keep people on the game.
Circle, message.
Marina, I feel that our bond is stronger
than hers with Akel.
And I believe that between She Fights
and him,
it would be smarter of her
to stay on our side.
That's true.
If she runs to stay with Akel, honey
We'll have to aim for somebody.
That somebody will be one of the boys.
Which of the boys is more fragile?
Akel is.
Circle, message. Dumaresq,
I relate so much with you
because of your honesty,
and I needed to get it out of my chest.
I trust your words.
There's still so much water
to go under the bridge, right?
"#Let'sDoThis." Right on, Marina.
Chill out, woman. For God's sake.
Were you really thinking
these affairs were for real?
I expected more from this chat.
It's so childish to be like,
"Let's unite and kick out the boys."
I don't like it.
Dang, friends drifting apart.
So healthy, JP!
Lolo, Dumaresq and Marina are so strong.
I need to hear
from JP what happened yesterday
in their argument,
in the Influencer talk with Lolo.
Circle, open chat with JP.
"Akel has invited you to a private chat."
Open chat with Akel.
Circle, message.
Yo, JP. Everything cool?
Two question marks.
Surprised with Lucas video,
or did you expect it as well?
Circle, send.
What's up, man? I'm chill. I know, right?
I never expected Lucas to be Loma.
LOL. Send.
Circle, message.
Was it hard to decide?
I gotta be direct. It's an important chat,
I shouldn't beat around the bush.
Circle, message.
I'm surprised
that you're finally reaching out.
Message. In the beginning,
I saw you as my brother,
but since then, I've been wondering
about your attitude change.
I thought something had happened
because you quit interacting with me.
As for the remaining players,
I have no reservations.
"We were between you and Lucas."
He destroyed me.
Perhaps he took me for a gullible kid.
I wasn't expecting that.
I thought JP and I were in good terms.
Circle, message. Well, @JP,
I always felt
like we related to each other
because of our similar lifestyles
"and playbook.
I thought we had each other's backs."
you have been acting different, bro.
You gotta take a stance.
You can't be on the fence,
trying to please everyone.
Circle, message.
Well, bro, we do have each other's backs,
I just think
you should make a clearer stand.
"Just trying to help a brother out.
I mean, I have never seen you give
any kind of opinion.
He never reached out.
Now that I'm at the top
as an Influencer,
guess who wants to be friends.
If it was between Lucas and I,
then I'm next on the chopping block.
If I were him, I would side with me.
I don't see him as close
to Dumaresq, Marina and Lolo
as they are between the three of them.
Circle, message.
Count on me for whatever you need.
# StayStrong, #CoolAsACucumber.
Send. Done.
It's better to cut the whining.
I felt that
he's kind of desperate
to establish an alliance.
Oh, well.
He waited until things got out of hand
to act upon it.
Who knows if you'll ever be
at the top again.
Slow down, cowboy.
Power is ephemeral.
On the one hand, Akel is right.
Nothing ever lasts forever.
But how about we clear the air?
My good people,
the last few days have been so tense.
I wanted so much to propose
that we stretch a little,
and I'll minister the class personally.
create chat
"Dumaresq has invited you to the chat"
I love it!
He is obsessed with group chats.
Circle, open Dumaresq's group chat.
Christ, so many people.
Circle, message.
The last few days have been so tense.
"In order to relax, I offered myself
to minister a stretching class."
"Let's go, workout buddies?"
What the heck?
I'll push this table away
to make me some room.
First move!
"I can't see beer
and not want to drink it."
"Head to one side, arm to the other."
"Grabbing your elbow with your hands."
Like this?
Beer's there,
head points to the other side.
I want beer.
I want beer.
Like this, right?
Circle, message. Second move!
Pre-hair whipping.
"Stretch your neck up and down."
"One side, then the other."
- "One side"
- Pulling your shoulder lightly.
Hair whipping
Circle, message.
Third move.
I farted, but no one must know.
"Take a deep breath."
"And exhale slowly."
"Repeat at least five times.
# Relax, #Grateful."
Hi, The Circle.
Anybody there?
Subtitle translation by Natalie Botello
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