The Convict (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

- Strzelecka is pregnant.
- Shiv?
This baby could be yours, do you want it?
- Be glad I didn't say who the father was.
- Don't you dare.
So you're saying we should buy it?
I think Shiv's offer
might be our last chance.
- He wants to separate us! Don't trust him!
- Mom!
- I'm scared of you.
- What?
You need to get Hanka away from Paweł
as soon as possible.
She's in danger.
What if my mom really did murder Ludmiła?
Your mother was driven by strong emotions.
It just happened.
I'm Shiv's friend.
I was to report for work today.
Ala! Alicja!
- Did you hear that too?
- It's probably Smentoch in the solitary.
Yo, is he calling you?
- It's him.
- Who?
We need to talk about Hania urgently.
Be quiet, you dumb-ass! Are you nuts?
- Something must've happened.
- Well, too bad.
If you want visitations,
you know you can't have notes.
Ala! Hania, she Hania loves you.
We love you
- You!
- What?
Woe betide you, motherfucker!
- Shut the fuck up!
- What a bang!
- They're gonna pinch him.
- I like him already.
I am an attorney.
- Fuck off, you drunk!
- You f
Here's my ID card.
And I know my rights
- Go home.
- Alicja, I'll be back!
Oh, great.
- There you go.
- Thank you very much.
Take that champagne to the VIP room.
I'm assuming that I became a lawyer
for the very same reason
that you decided to join the police.
I wanted to help the poor,
the disadvantaged.
Let's toast. To all of us.
And also our mission.
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers to all.
Good evening.
What are you doing here?
I got a tip that there are drugs in here.
Do you have any idea what will happen
when the press finds out
we're frisking our own?
So what should I do, then?
Let it go, chief?
Is your informant trustworthy?
He can be trusted.
Then do your job.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll go for a smoke then.
I would like to see your purse.
For real? Are you gonna let him?
There you go.
Is everything okay?
No I don't know.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.
- I'll go to my room now.
- No, stay.
But, Paweł, I think
What happened
Well I don't know
what's gonna happen now?
What it's supposed to happen.
That's generally how it goes.
I'm just gonna go.
What did I tell you
about calling at night?
I'm coming.
They've tested your stuff.
I already told you it wasn't mine.
Someone must've put it in there.
Top-quality stuff,
a mixture of cocaine and heroin,
worth around 20 grands.
- Can I please have a glass of water?
- No.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm talking about the same stuff
that was found
in the blood of the girl
murdered in prison.
So about homicide.
And you think it's me?
You're gonna accuse me?
If she got it from you,
you'd be an accomplice.
Drug trafficking, murder,
and who knows what else.
That's a couple of years.
You'll spend your best years in prison.
But you can help yourself.
If you cooperate with us.
What do you mean exactly?
You go to Amnesia, you know people.
I only go there with my boyfriend.
He knows the owner.
Bednarek, attorney at law.
- Boss, Mr. Bedna
- Thank you, thank you.
My client has the right
to legal assistance.
I'm going to contest this hearing.
- Just cool it, Counselor.
- Are you making any accusations?
If not, then my client
is leaving with me right now.
She's free.
- What did you tell them?
- Nothing. Nothing about you.
What a dumb way to get caught.
What were you thinking?
Yeah, okay. I know, I'm sorry!
- I'm sorry
- Don't cry!
I'll think of something.
Maybe Paweł won't even find out.
- No
- I'll take care of this.
But please don't get upset
and leave me, okay?
Come here, come here.
Hush, hush. Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Hello? Hi, Paweł.
Right now?
Okay, I'll be there like in an hour.
When were you gonna tell me?
I just didn't wanna bother you.
Don't worry.
- I took care of everything.
- You weren't with her for the questioning.
Cedro tried to make her talk,
but she didn't say anything.
And are you sure?
Drugs at a police party
is pretty bad for everyone.
They scared her a little
'cause they had no choice.
They'll sweep it under the rug now.
You care about her.
She's a nice piece of ass.
I'd be a shame to lose her
There won't be any more trouble,
don't worry.
You know me very well.
Andrzej, I know I had my doubts,
but you totally dispelled them.
End of story.
Get some rest.
Are you in the country?
I have a job for you, Richter.
Mountaineers use them in the snow.
- Crampons.
- It fits.
Hi, Marika.
Where do you think you're going
with all of that? You have the upper bunk.
Someone had a lot of fun last night, huh?
Is something wrong?
You guys want some coffee?
- What is it, Marika?
- Fuck off, okay?
Yeah, we also had quite a ball here
last night, did you know, girl?
- Your Don Juan was screaming outside.
- Have you seen Serafin?
I hate that asshole.
You can have him. Good luck with him.
- Hi.
- Did my mother send you again?
- I already told you.
- Hanka, I do understand.
- Serafin
- I'll give you a ride home. Come, come.
You can't be mad forever.
You look pale today.
Did anything happen?
You don't look blooming either.
You've missed the turn.
Serafin, where are you going?
We're going to my place.
Pull over.
Is this my mother's idea? Kidnapping, huh?
- Calm down, I am your godfather.
- I don't give a damn!
- Pull over or I'll call the police.
- Calm down.
I'm calling the cops. Give it back!
You're fucked up just like my mother!
I hate you both!
Can anyone just can have
a normal conversation with me?
- You have to kidnap me?
- We are
We're on our way to have a long talk.
I know what he did to you.
I saw you both.
- He only did what I wanted him to.
- Yeah?
For fuck's sake.
He's manipulating you, lying to you.
- Hanka, wake up, please!
- You're lying!
It was mom who lied about being innocent!
I know she killed her!
Yeah? He told you that?
And you believe in everything
she tells you, right?
I hate you both.
I thought better of you, Mrs. Mazur.
You have a husband, a good kid.
Contrary to this fool Marika.
She was assigned an alcoholic lawyer.
She had no choice.
- But you?
- Serafin is a close friend.
What the hell are you doing?
Fuck, you're lucky
you didn't get my pants dirty.
What's wrong with her?
- What's up?
- What's up? Nothing.
She was on pass and it seems
she forgot how to use a bucket.
Come here, inmate.
I'm okay. I haven't slept much.
Mrs. Mazur will finish the cleaning.
You and I are going to the infirmary.
But what for? My friend really missed me.
- You know how it is.
- I envy your friendship.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
All right, Mazur, just clean that up.
- But I was going to work now.
- Guess what? The job came to you instead.
I didn't take anything, doctor.
I had a glass of wine maybe,
but that's really it.
And what's on your back?
Me and my boyfriend,
we like to play rough.
And are these cigarette burns?
And you have never experimented?
Maybe he went over the line, but I
- I'll have these memories.
- Memories?
I wouldn't wanna remember that.
- I have to report it.
- No, doctor, please don't. I beg you.
If he leaves me,
I'll be completely alone here.
You can get dressed..
You're hurting me.
Okay, so let's talk.
Now I have to go to prison
for a questioning.
But I'll be back.
Sure, no problem. Go, tell her everything.
I don't give a fuck.
Think about what you're saying.
I'm saying that I don't give a damn!
- Did you blurt out, little thief?
- No, of course not.
Swieta was suspicious
and she sent me to Baśka.
- But I'm clean. I didn't say anything.
- You better.
'Cause you owe me for the stuff, right?
This is your chance to pay the debt.
They like you. They want you.
- But I won't get another pass.
- I'll get it for you, don't worry.
Shiv, thank you for the opportunity,
but I can't do it again.
I just can't. I'm sorry. You know,
that I always have your back.
- Yeah, do you?
- Yeah, sure. You're like family to me.
Yours live in Mysłowice, right?
Imagine when they see
yesterday's video, I mean
- They filmed me?
- Ha!
You'll go back to work, and if you don't,
everyone will get to see that video
and you'll become a star.
The other way, princesses.
Marika, what happened on your pass?
What's wrong?
You need to get me a transfer.
- You're in good terms with Penis.
- No, not anymore.
I beg you,
I'll give you all the money I have.
Listen I can write you a letter.
Requesting a transfer due to the threat,
but I need to know what's going on, okay?
Do you really believe all that crap?
Well, I used to.
Mazur. Questioning!
We'll talk when I get back. OK? Calm down.
Superindendent Cedro is on his way.
I'd like to talk to my client.
Yes, of course.
How's Hanka? What happened yesterday?
- What's going on?
- I took her away.
- Where to?
- She's at my place, she's safe.
She'll stay there for now
and then we'll figure something out.
I need you.
I'm sorry that I was drunk.
Good morning.
Shall we get started?
You can transfer me wherever you want.
And I won't be causing any more trouble.
Will you show it to the warden today?
- Your tip?
- No, it's not a tip.
It isn't? Marika.
You wrote that we are not able
to guarantee your safety in here.
Twenty guards on shift,
monitoring, procedures
No, that's not what I mean.
Then what is?
Will you show it to the warden, please?
You have to do it, you know?
I don't have to do anything.
He will reject it anyway,
like hundred others.
I can guarantee that to you.
- Horst Richter, Horst Richter
- His real name is Franciszek Sędziński.
According to some documents,
he's the owner of the flat
that's on 8/23 Garażowa Street.
His name sounds so familiar.
Before we get into any details,
I'd like for my client to
I know! It's Shiv's boyfriend.
Agata Strzelecka, I adjudicated her case.
Horst Richter gave her an alibi,
but it wasn't solid.
- Do you have anything on him?
- That's the point, we don't.
The girl who he doused with acid
has retracted her reports.
Marika was at this place yesterday.
I paid her a visit and tried to warn her.
Marika Lisiecka got a job
at Amnesia during her pass.
- What kind of job?
- As a waitress.
Just like Sara.
Paweł knew Sara. He knows Marika.
So Shiv, Richter, Garażowa,
it all comes together.
Calm down, we have no evidence
to connect these two cases yet.
I will get the evidence.
If you re-open the investigation
We can only stake out the apartment.
And that's it.
I requested unsupervised
visitations with my husband.
I'll provoke him.
So that he admits his involvement.
- This is too dangerous. You can't
- Serafin, this is my decision.
You keep an eye on Hanka. This can work
only if she doesn't go back to Paweł.
It's at your own risk.
Of course.
- Good morning.
- Oh, it's cleaning day today.
But I just finished,
it wasn't that dirty anyway.
- I took out trash, I wiped off the dust
- There was a young girl in here.
Yeah, uh, but she left.
She sends her best regards though.
Fucking hell.
Something like this/
- We wanna see it.
- No! No! No, you can't It's not
- Why not?
- It's not
- You.
- Yes, and you?
- Me too. Yup.
- Yes?
What are you watching?
- You and mom. Would you like to join me?
- Turn it off.
Let me finish.
- You're heavy. That's a microphone, yes?
- Yes. Yes.
How would you comment on
I'm not going to make any comments.
She's not making any comments.
That's the end, unfortunately.
Who's drinking this?
- Alicja?
- Oh, I got us a visitation.
- When?
- Tomorrow. At 5 pm.
My place. But please don't expect
silk sheets or pretty lace underwear.
- That's okay.
- Are you okay?
Your voice sounds weird.
Hanka is around, right?
No. She's still at her friend's house.
So everything's okay, then?
Yes. I'll tell you everything tomorrow.
See you then.
- Good night.
- Good night, my love.
Okay, so? You're gonna meet up with her?
This is from a year ago.
Do you know what she wanted to do?
She had Serafin come and kidnap me.
He locked me up in his apartment.
- I'm lucky the cleaning lady arrived.
- Don't worry. I'll sort it out with him.
You know you can't tell her about us.
She can't find out about this, Paweł.
Fuck, Marika! Oh fuck, fuck!
Help me, quick! Take it off!
Hurry up, quickly!
Let's bring her down.
On the ground. Come here.
Why don't we just take a cab instead?
- Is that a love letter, Warden?
- Are you following me?
That's That's a violation.
You have no right to
Are you reporting it
or are we going to talk?
Marika, you don't have to be afraid.
The police is snooping around Shiv.
She'll leave you alone.
I don't believe it.
They weren't afraid of you.
I know you were set up.
- I saw the video.
- Wait, what video?
I found a memory card on Garażowa Street.
She was afraid of him.
Of whom?
Of Paweł. She said that if something
happened to her, it would be his doing.
Do you have this video?
This is my only protection though.
But I have to see it.
This could be evidence that I am innocent.
You have to trust me.
Dammit, ladies,
you know that I have a sleep problem.
Shut the fuck up!
What's wrong? You're clearly upset.
Something's going on, move over.
Well. What are we talking about?
Mazur was getting pretty annoying
with revelations
that some girls are living
on Garażowa Street.
Some girls?
- So you came to watch them or to get laid?
- To check the address.
This is like 20 grands.
Not for an overnight stay, right?
How long have you known me?
You trust me?
You stole a girl from me.
Basia has nothing to do with all this.
Sara died in your prison
and I'm conducting an investigation.
No, you're picking on me
'cause you don't have other ideas?
Are you gonna tell me what's going on
or do I have to find out for myself?
Fuck, so you wanna arrest me
for putting money in a freaking mailbox?
- No, I'll call you in for questioning.
- You have nothing on me.
We'll see about that.
Okay, girls, let's just sum it up now.
The memory card is in escrow, okay?
And the cash box number is 123.
Inside the watch.
It won't work. There's no chance.
Penis declined my request
to give back my lipstick. Two times.
It was Jungle Red.
This isn't funny, you morons.
He kept it from me for four entire weeks.
- Too long, I don't have that much time.
- Yeah
Maybe Swieta could help us instead?
Marika, you do remember that,
a while ago this quartermaster
was hitting on her, right?
Have you lost your mind, Pati?
We can't tell her about this.
Swieta won't do anything for free.
Yo, neither will the legal advice bureau.
What do you mean you didn't do it?
I couldn't, he caught me there.
- And what did you tell him?
- Nothing.
I didn't say anything to him.
He suspects, so he won't stop.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
- It still can work out.
- Basia. We're not buying this baby.
Give me a minute, I need to think.
See you later.
Are you deaf?
- I'm here 'cause have to see my client.
- Please don't raise your tone.
You're not listening to me.
- It's an emergency.
- You're not listening to me.
I am bound by the procedures
that you're familiar with
- Doctor?
- Yes?
Can we talk, please?
- You have to pass this on to Alicja.
- No, I don't have to do anything.
- That's completely illegal.
- I know you helped her before.
I'm the warden's wife, not the camp queen.
You're putting all of us at risk.
I know. But if she doesn't get it,
she'll be in even more danger.
Thank you.
My husband did nothing wrong.
- Piotrek, give us a second, please.
- Okay.
He sent you to negotiate?
You wanna destroy him
now that you have a chance?
- He's the one who got into this.
- I sent him there.
This is not his fault, it's mine.
- Before you say anything--
- I can't have children.
One of the inmates is pregnant.
She made us an offer, which we accepted.
Or I accepted it, actually.
Bartek was reluctant, but I persuaded him,
because this is
'cause it's an unwanted pregnancy.
And I I don't want
anything more in life than a child.
Hey, hey, hey
It's okay.
I'll give you anything you want.
- Stop it.
- Please.
- Can I have a word with you?
- Back up.
- I got a business.
- What is it now?
Well, the thing is, you're
having problems with your son, right?
And, you know, my pal here, Mazur,
has a master's degree,
she can help you with her connections.
You have connections in Ukraine?
And what kind?
Jan Widzicki, consul in Ukraine.
Before he became one,
he was innocently accused
and I acquitted him
in the second instance.
He always says he owes me something.
What's there to think about? Don't you
wanna bring Jura to Poland finally?
That's not what I need to do.
He could've easily gotten citizenship
long ago.
It's only that my ex doesn't agree
and there's no fucking way around it.
All right, how old is Jura?
- Thirteen.
- Aw
He's a smart kid.
Well-behaved, clever after me.
He could be in a good school instead of
rotting in the countryside with him.
Well, maybe
he needs to be convinced?
My ex-husband?
To do something the way I want?
He will never agree to this. Dickhead.
He's an impotent with hangs-up.
He'll ruin our kid's life
just to annoy me 'cause I'm successful.
And what, this consul
can suddenly convince him? No way.
I'll try to do something about it.
- I assume it's not out of good heart.
- No.
We need something from the depository.
Can you do it?
- And why can't I go with you?!
- Because you're staying home now.
You're staying here and grounded
from now on.
You're coming home after school,
you won't get a penny.
And no more parties, no more meetings.
If you wanna play daddy,
then make yourself a baby!
- I am not a little girl!
- Stop shouting.
I thought you actually took me seriously!
But I'm just a piece of ass
that you can fuck, right?
I could've had anyone, but I chose you.
Your clothes were from the thrift shop.
Don't you remember where I found you?
You were nobody. Thanks to me,
you go to school and have everything.
So, wanna go back to the thrift shop?
- At least give me back my phone!
- Oh, right. Here's your phone, take it.
It has a five-złoty credit
so that I can call you later.
Is this some kind of joke?
Go back inside and lock the door!
Don't answer the phone!
Unless it's me! Get it?
You'll regret this you you old fucker.
Hello? It's me, Wiki.
You told me that if I changed my mind
that I that I can call you.
But if I talk, will I get protection?
Hi, Wiki!
- Richter?
- It's good to see you.
But I didn't do anything.
You shouldn't be walking alone
in the street at night.
Come on We'll give you a ride.
Get in, get in, get in.
Sit with her.
Are you putting on your wedding ring?
I'm sorry.
It's just an object.
I don't love your mother. I never have.
It didn't look like it.
A lot has happened in the meantime, right?
- Go, you're gonna be late.
- I won't.
Your ointment for burns.
Do I have to carry it for you?
- Thanks, I still have some.
- You need to put some on.
Are you coming or not?
Thank you.
I'm sorry I'm late.
- I didn't expect that
- Paweł
I'm sorry. I'm sorry
It's so hard to feel like a woman in here.
That's why I'm here.
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