The Couple Next Door (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Hi, this is Gary,
you know what to do.
Is this right?
Have I got it right?
S, that's it.
I can't believe I've got a brother.
Seriously, my friends are going to
lose it when I tell 'em
Hi, Ethan, how are you?
How did you
I followed you, Danny.
I had to.
I I don't trust you any more.
I'm so incredibly sorry.
I am so angry.
But worse than that,
I feel completely betrayed.
Becks, I'm
No, don't, don't.
Oh, morning, love.
Would you like some eggs?
No, I'm good. Oh. Well, I'm making
some for your father. So
No. I'm just going to have some
toast, actually. All right.
It's a lovely surprise,
having you come and stay with us.
Even if it is a bit out of
the blue.
I hope I'm not imposing.
Not a bit of it.
No, we're just delighted
for you both.
We've been praying for you.
We knew you'd succeed.
The lord finds a way.
He does.
I was wondering if I could go and
spend a couple of days
at our cottage?
Why would you want to do that?
I could just do with
a bit of time, to be honest.
Just to think about everything
that's happened.
You know, process it.
Have you not got any work?
Well, it's the first day of
the summer holidays, isn't it?
Oh, that's come round quickly.
Well, if that's what you want,
of course you can stay there.
I'll take you down
and we can get it set up.
Is, erm
is everything OK at home?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's just's just a lot,
isn't it?
I know you'll really like him, Mum.
Like who?
It is so nice to just be here
with the family,
celebrating our good news.
In God's loving embrace.
The CCTV paused at 14 minutes
and 22 seconds.
And that's you, isn't it, Gary?
No comment.
Don't play daft.
That's where we arrested you.
Do you want to tell us why you
were outside a bank,
impersonating a security officer
while a robbery took place?
No comment.
And who was the other man that was
with you? The one that got away?
No comment.
I want to mention another
incident, Gary.
There was an accident, just off
the M62, involving a van and a car.
The van was being escorted
by what looked like off-duty
police officers.
I wonder if all these things might
be connected.
When was Danny Whitwell's
last shift?
Yesterday, but he was off sick.
I need to speak to Whitwell,
to eliminate him from my enquiries.
Right, OK,
leave it with me two minutes.
You not on shift today?
I've, uh, got some annual
leave left over.
So, what did you do to your head?
Actually, do you know what?
Don't even bother.
You're not going to tell me
the truth anyway.
Not about this,
not about where our money's gone.
And, you know,
I was talking to Lena,
trying to piece it all together.
And she told me that Ethan is only
15 months older than Ollie.
Oh, no, no, no.
I never cheated on you. I swear.
It was before we met.
It was just a fling.
I was terrified I'd get in trouble
for having
a relationship with a witness.
Yeah, she mentioned that as well.
I can understand making mistakes,
you know,
even mistakes as big as this one.
But what I can't understand is why
you would abandon him.
Becks Dad!
Come here! Dad!
All right, lads?
Watch this.
O, L, L, Y.
Olly. That's fantastic, Olly.
He's better than you.
Oi. I can learn BSL
on YouTube, Dad.
Ethan showed me loads
of videos.
Oh, wow. Better up my game.
Yeah, you better.
I'm so glad you two have
finally met.
Me too.
OK, let me have a go now.
Some thing to show you.
Well, your speech is improving.
Good. Well,
what did you want to show me?
You'll soon be able
to look after yourself, Alan.
Also, nice to talk more.
Is there anything in particular
you'd like to say to me?
..I shouldn't
have ignored you.
You are my wife
..Jean. I'm very sorry
..for what I did.
So, can
..we call it quits now?
You really think we're fine now?
Aren't we?
Hi. Hiya.
Olly, tell Ethan it's time to go.
His mum's here.
Oh, no.
Come on.
How's it been?
Yeah, good. Honestly,
it's like they're old friends.
Blood thicker than water
and all that. Yeah, I guess so.
Mum, can I come again?
Any time you like.
Um, how about Thursday?
Yeah? Thursday, works for us.
Hi. Hey.
Get on like a house on fire,
these two.
So I've heard.
Right, come on then.
Bye. Bye.
You have one new message.
Danny, I've got
a DC here who urgently needs you
to come in to the station
and answer a few questions.
So, how about you answer your phone
within the next hour
and get your arse down here?
Remember when you and Rachel used
to have sleepovers at the cottage?
Well, we didn't actually,
We always begged you,
but you never let us.
No, that can't be right, that. I
remem No, you'd let us stay for
a few hours and then you'd always
march us home to bed.
Probably too young
to be left on your own.
I was about 15.
Look, I don't doubt I've not got
everything right.
I was
I was trying
to follow God's path
and I may have lost my way at times.
And I'm
I'm sorry if that were the case.
Did you just say the word sorry?
Your mum's a bit worried about you,
turning up out of the
blue like this.
Are you worried?
No. Not if you're not.
I'm not worried.
Aha-ha. It hasn't changed a bit.
Yeah, your mum wants to start
Airbnb'ing it, but I'm not keen.
No, no, it's for family, isn't it?
Now, what can I get you to get
settled in?
Nothing, I'm good.
You know, I might just have a bath.
All right.
Coming up for dinner later?
Yeah. Sure.
I'm so happy that yours and Pete's
prayers have been answered.
Who said anything about Pete?
Well, it's his blessing as
well, Evie.
No, I never told you
it was his.
What do you mean?
Dad, you told me contraception
is a sin
and that IVF is a sin,
and that I'd go
to hell if I used it.
How do you think that made me feel?
When I lost my baby,
it felt like you'd cursed me.
Like you'd prayed for her
to be gone.
You wanted me to have
a baby naturally,
so I had natural, unprotected sex
with another man.
A man that I am in love with.
And now I'm carrying his child.
Isn't that what you wanted?
What are you talking about?
If Pete comes looking
for me don't tell him where I am.
I just need a bit of me time.
I should have brought
Ethan round before.
I was too scared.
I know that was wrong.
I'm so sorry.
Why is Evie calling you?
Danny, I've told my dad that
the baby is yours
and he's gone mad. He's really
threatening me and I'm so scared.
Well, where are you?
I'm in the cottage on my
parents' land.
In the field behind the farmhouse.
He's trapped me here.
Evie, I can't.
Please, please come.
What is it? You have to come and
help me. I'll send you the location.
No, Evie Evie!
What's going on. I don't know.
But I think she's in trouble.
Will you come with me? Why?
I'll explain everything.
Just come. Please.
Olly? Yeah?
Will you go Viraj's place for
a little bit?
OK, Mum.
Oi! Oi!
Fuck off.
It's got fuck all to do with you.
You reckon?
Who'd you think my source was, hey?
You're going to have to learn to
cope on your own, Alan.
I'm leaving.
What what are you talking about?
On top of everything else that
you've done,
I found a bank statement from our
savings account up in your office.
You've been lying to me for years
about our financial situation.
I don't know why it
surprises me.
Anyway, I've taken half the money.
That's my share.
I think that's fair, don't you?
Enough to help me start
a life without you.
And the rest will pay
for your care.
Wh–wh–wh–what's happening?
I gave you the best years
of my life.
And all you've done is throw them
back in my face.
Did you honestly think you could
come back from all of this?
Hey? Oh, and by the way,
when you're well enough,
the police are going to
want to have a chat with you.
Actions have consequences, Alan.
Oh, hello.
Mrs Richardson?
Yes, that's me. Come in.
That's Alan in there.
Hello, Alan, my name's Reena,
this is Max.
Say hello to your carers, Alan.
So, how are we doing today?
Are you going to tell me why we're
driving to Evie's parents'?
Because she's scared.
Of what?
Her dad.
It's complicated.
No, no, don't do that.
Don't give me that shit.
Why did she ring you?
Because she needs help.
Why do I feel like every word that
you're saying to me is bullshit?
You're lying right now.
Come on, Danny, you said that you
would tell me everything.
Evie's pregnant.
It's mine.
Pull over.
Pull over.
Becks Becks, wait!
Becka, wait.
Christ. Becka!
Becka, for Christ's sake,
come back.
How long have you known?
And don't tell me that you didn't
know how to tell me.
I bet you fucking didn't.
It was an accident, obviously.
You had sex with her without
a condom.
No, I didn't.
The condom split.
And she said she was on the Pill.
Yeah, this relationship, it
It used to be built on
But it's just lie after lie.
Danny, if we have any kind
of future together it has to stop.
It has to stop right now.
I need you to tell me everything
before we get back in the car.
It's that bad, is it?
Well, whatever's happened, we have
to face it.
Even if it kills us.
I had sex with her again.
At work.
She came to me.
She was very insistent.
No, don't do that.
Don't put this on Evie.
I'm not, but
I shouldn't have done it,
but she's not in a good place.
She's obsessed with me.
I just asked you not
to put this on her
and you're doing it again.
Can you see that?
Look, I accept that
I am also responsible.
I was reckless, and I didn't see
that she was so vulnerable.
But Danny, you did,
and still, you fucked her again.
Presumably making her infinitely
more confused.
I can't stop fucking up, Becks.
I try and I try, and I just can't.
Well, maybe you're not trying
hard enough.
I have never been good enough
for you.
That is absolute bullshit.
I I have worshipped you from
the day I met you.
I still do. And you,
you just, you just can't see that.
And so, you fuck up,
over and over so you can say that
it's your fault
and you hate yourself.
And you get stuck in this
pathetic cycle.
Can you see a way back?
I mean
..can you?
We need to get to Evie.
Well, I never.
Control to Charlie Oscar
Any update on Whitwell, over?
Sorry, Sarge, no sign of him.
OK. Head back
straight then. Over.
Going on holiday, Jean?
Yes, I am. A very long one.
Hi, could I just have
a moment of your time, please, Sir?
Uh, yeah, yeah,
I was just looking
for my neighbour.
He doesn't appear to be home.
Do you know where Mr Whitwell
might be?
When did you last see him, Sir?
And do you know him well?
I guess so.
What's your name, sir?
Pete Thomas, I live just,
uh, just here.
Right, well,
if you do see him just let him know
we'll be in touch.
Will do, yeah, thank you.
Pete, Pete.
Are they looking for Danny?
Er, yeah.
Yeah, he left.
He drove off about half
an hour ago.
Thanks, Jean.
Where's Evie?
Uh, she's not here either.
I know it's none of my business,
but I hope you and Becka aren't
being taken for fools.
I do care about Becka. And I.. know, you do see things when
you live in a place like this.
I'm sorry,
I know it's none of my business.
No, no, I, uh
I appreciate that, uh, Jean.
I'd rather know the truth.
It's been nice knowing you.
You take care of yourself.
Where do you want it, mate?
It says it's around here somewhere.
Oh, there it is.
What now?
Check out what's going on.
Well, I'm coming.
No, no. We don't know the situation.
I'll suss it out.
It might be dangerous.
I knew you'd come to the rescue.
Evie, what are you doing?
Come and join me.
You said you were in danger.
Oh, well, my dad was really angry.
And he could be back any minute.
What's going on?
We'll wait while you get dressed.
I know she's here.
Sorry, what's going on, Peter?
Look, youyou seem awfully upset.
Why don't you come and sit down?
I need to see her, Susan.
You go right ahead,
I won't stand in your way.
What she's done to you,
I will never forgive her.
Would somebody please tell me
what's going on?
It's not mine.
The baby.
Sh She had sex with one
of our neighbours.
And she paraded that fact to me like
she were proud of it. Where is she?
In the cottage.
You better see to matters, Peter.
I don't think that's a very
good idea. Tempers are frayed.
You bet tempers are frayed.
Move out of the way, Susan.
Oh, oh!
And you tell her never
to set foot in here ever again.
..please turn 'em away
from darkness to light.
And the power of Satan to God
so that they may receive forgiveness
of sins.
And a place among those who are
sanctified by faith in you.
Amen. Amen.
Told you to stay in car.
Yeah, and look how dangerous it
turned out to be.
OK, you didn't know that.
Fuck's sake, Becks.
You always do this.
You just never think
anything's going to be dangerous.
You just walk right in,
thinking it'll all be fine.
Yeah, OK, Danny,
you've made your point.
No, we needed rules.
We always did, and you're
always breaking them!
Look, I should have been more honest
about Evie
..and everything
that's been going on.
ButI shut down, I bottled it.
Yeah, I know you did.
I think we've both beenhiding
the way that we've been feeling.
I've been really unhappy.
I'm going to take control
of this whole mess.
Finally prove to you that
I can be a man worthy of you.
Even if it is too late.
But you've always been that man.
Listen. I led you on badly.
That's all down to me, but
..this is all to stop.
Does she know?
About the baby?
And whatever you want to do,
we will work it out. OK?
Evie, you and I are not together.
Right, so is that why
you fucked me again?
Evie, I know about that as well.
Look, Becka, I'm
I'm really sorry that you got hurt,
but, I mean, it's
He just couldn't help it.
It's how he feels about me.
Feels for you?
That's not how it happened!
I was weak, I was stupid.
Danny. The bond that we have
is special!
Bond? You can't stop this
from happening. Evie
Let not steadfast love and
faithfulness forsake you
for I have, I have bound it
around my neck,
and I have written it on
the tablet of my heart.
Evie, stop!
Get away from him.
Get away.
All right, everyone stay calm.
You ruined everything.
You stole her from me.
Now give me one reason
not to put a bullet in your head.
Brian? I've nowt to say.
That's our daughter.
Our own flesh and blood,
and she needs our help.
She'll get no help from me.
Look, if anyone does not know
how to manage his own family,
how can he take care of
God's church?
I don't need lessons in scripture.
No, no, but you need lessons
in their meaning.
You're a hypocrite.
You twist the words of the Lord
for your own ends.
I won't be spoken to like that!
Well, you earn my respect,
and you go and help your own flesh
and blood in time of need!
Ever used a gun before?
The force of the kickback means you
don't know what you'll end up
shooting in a small space like this.
Come on, mate.
You know you're not going
to use this, huh?
Stop playing silly beggars.
Put it down.
Pete, look,
we've all made mistakes.
Just, let's forgive
and we'll move on.
You need to look after yourself
and look after Evie.
She needs you right now.
Not if she's keeping that baby.
You don't get to tell me what to do.
Why don't you understand
that it's over?
I don't recognise you.
It was all fine
until he came along.
He made me feel things
that I have never felt with you.
The Lord has granted
the desires of my heart.
I am having his baby and there
is nothing you can do about it.
Pete, I want you
to know I have no part of this.
I'm not trying to replace you
or come in between you in any way.
Bullshit! Bullshit!
From the moment we met,
you saw me as easy prey.
You belittled me. You sneered at me.
And then you stole Evie from me
and took her to bed,
right in front of my face!
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Fuck off.
You've every right to be angry.
But we are not going to be
together. Not ever.
I love Becks.
I want to be with her,
whether she wants me or not.
Pete, no!
Danny. Are you OK?
You have to stop him.
He's not thinking clearly!
Pete, please.
Pete, stop.
Pull that trigger, you'll regret it
for the rest of your life.
Shut it!
Evie, please.
I've never loved anyone before you.
And I'll never love anyone
again, please.
You can't leave me.
You can't Pete! Stop!
Danny! No, no, no,
no, no. No, no, no.
Get out the way.
Stop. Pete, stop.
I have nothing against you. You're
not the one who took her from me!
For Christ's sake, Pete,
no-one took her from you.
Shut up! You hear me?
Shut the fuck up!
I really loved you.
Do you still love me?
No, Pete.
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