The Decameron (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

A Stony Brook Away

[opening theme music playing]
[music fades]
[Neifile laughing]
But you never told me,
so how was I to know?
I thought it was obvious.
I kept offering to readjust his doublet.
What else could I have been doing?
You'd be standing there,
smelling the back of his neck
while I'm counting the candles
like a little idiot.
[both chuckling]
[serene music playing]
I bet you could have had him.
I think he enjoys men.
You could have had my brother too,
if you'd wanted.
Guidotto was a little skinny for me,
but I would have wanted.
[Panfilo laughing]
What shall we do today?
I just want to talk
about everything.
[music fades]
[Sirisco sighing]
[Sirisco] Misia?
[whispering] Help.
I think I need your help.
Do you wanna tell me what happened here?
It was probably a bad heart.
Uh, and a nosebleed.
If you don't tell me what happened,
I'm assuming the worst.
- I told you it wasn't the plague.
- I meant murder.
He was trying to escape.
Is this for loyalty to her?
[whispering] Yeah.
Because loyalty that vanishes
when things get difficult is
is no loyalty at all, so
- Misia. Misia.
- [Misia] Yeah.
- Look what you've done.
- No.
- Look what you've done. Look, look.
- No.
- I need you to look.
- No.
[Misia's breath shuddering]
You're the one that invited him.
[Sirisco sighing]
You're the one that made this happen!
And if if you had wanted him alive,
you could've just let
Pampinea stay in charge!
[Sirisco] Pampinea is a demon!
- God!
- Don't speak of my friend that way!
Your friend?
You think she's your friend?
Look what your friend made you do!
Look! Look!
A friend gives you
a sense of belonging, Misia.
Of of of goodness.
She gives me
all those things you you just said.
You just don't know her the way I do.
Oh, I know her pretty well. Pretty well.
Oh. Hmm.
- You're jealous.
- Oh God.
You're jealous because Pampinea
fucked you and she didn't love you.
But of course she didn't love you.
I mean, look at her and look at you.
You're not just a peasant
you're an idiot.
You're a fool.
[tense music playing]
I have run this villa for 15 years.
Could a fool do that?
You're proof a fool could do that.
[tense music swelling]
Attention, all you ungrateful persons!
I shan't return
to this wretched villa ever again!
Do you hear me?
[music stops]
[birds chirping]
Do you hear me?
You are all monstrous swine!
[goose honking]
[Sirisco] Not you, Matteuzzo.
You're a perfect angel.
[Matteuzzo honking]
Which pope am I?
[in a deep voice] I presided quite lazily
over the Second Lateran Council.
In my retirement, I accomplished little.
But you cared for the perseverance
of Roma as a papal center
and were constantly up against
the foolish actions of Louis VII.
But I still failed ♪
- In nomine Patris, et Filii ♪
- ♪et Filii ♪
- Et Spiritus Sancto ♪
- Et Spiritus Sancti ♪
[Licisca] Sancto.
Sancti. Et Spiritus Sancti.
- Sancto. We always said "Sancto."
- No, we didn't.
Yes, we did. "Sancto." We'd sing it
- Long and low ♪
- "Sancto"?
- Sancto ♪
- ♪to ♪
- Sancto ♪
- Sancto ♪
- [man yelling]
- [both screaming]
[man 2 cackling]
- Let me go!
- I got the pretty one.
- No, I did.
- But you're the pretty one, aren't you?
We're both pretty.
[intense, suspenseful music playing]
[both gasping, grunting]
[Stratilia] Now surrender to me.
Never! I'd die before I surrender
to your ugly face.
[in deep voice] Hey, I'm not ugly.
I'm interesting-looking.
Oh no! Where are my legs?
- I cut them off!
- [Stratilia] Oh no!
I'm reduced to [gasping]starlight!
[Stratilia gasping]
- No! Yes.
- [both chuckling]
[Tindaro groaning]
Be still.
[Tindaro grunting]
Be still. Be still.
[Tindaro wincing]
Perhaps next time you could strike me
a little less viciously.
But if you must be vicious,
then avoid the head,
for therein lies the brain.
Why did you follow me here?
Did anyone see you?
I stalked you as the seasoned hunter
stalks the majestic doe.
- [Stratilia] Ugh.
- [Tindaro] You left me no other choice.
[whispering] How else
was I going to confess my love?
[birds chirping]
My love!
Alas, it's too late anyway.
You've begun to procreate
with some other man.
[Stratilia] There is no other man.
He died in childbirth.
Well, that's fantastic.
[Tindaro chuckling]
So then I may decree
Oh. Ouch!
[Tindaro panting]
I decree that I will still have you.
You are the object of my love,
and I am near certain
that I will eventually
grow to love your strange, silent child.
Stratilia, you cannot tell me
that you don't love me with your heart
when you love me with your body.
[chuckling] Do you kiss each other?
- Passionately.
- Uh
[boy chuckling]
[Tindaro chuckling]
[both laughing loudly]
I suppose the crudeness
of our basest instinct
is sort of cause for a chuckle.
[Stratilia] That's enough.
I must go to work,
and you are injured,
so you must stay and rest.
Jacopo, you're in charge.
And do not forget that this man,
like all nobles,
is at all times
acting selfishly or stupidly.
And normally both.
I'll be back soon.
Anything you wish, Stratilia.
[door closing]
I'm actually quite smart.
You may quiz me on Herodotus
if you choose.
Who's Herodotus?
You're in for a treat.
[dramatic music playing]
[snake hissing]
[Pampinea] Stupid clothes!
[in deep voice]
"I'm Panfilo. Let's all calm down."
[Pampinea exclaiming]
[Pampinea] "I'm married to a pious woman."
"She loves God more than me."
[Pampinea cackling]
[Pampinea] Enjoy being covered in mud.
Viscontessa, can I come in, please?
[Pampinea] I hope pigeons shit
on your stupid felt!
[Misia sighing]
[Pampinea] Misia.
[Pampinea panting]
- What are you doing?
- Helping Panfilo.
- Helping him?
- [Pampinea] Yes.
It'll be easier for him to leave
if his things are already outside.
[Pampinea exclaiming, breathing heavily]
[birds chirping]
Ruggiero shan't be bothering you
or your precious babe
any longer.
You're safe now.
Oh thank God.
I can finally relax.
I will invite the penniless Panfilo
and his awful wife
to leave the premises immediately.
We never had much in common anyway.
What of Padrone Tindaro?
[Pampinea] Hmm.
I do love a good strong male mind.
And he remains unwed, so there's that.
Tindaro may stay.
[inhaling deeply]
Is something wrong?
[Misia sniffling]
Why does something
always, always have to be wrong?
- [Misia] No, it's nothing. It's nothing.
- Tell me.
Well, I s
Suppose I'm just feeling a bit
[smacking lips]
You know, give
given the murder.
[somber music playing]
Oh my darling.
No, no, no.
My darling.
- [Pampinea shushing]
- [Misia shuddering]
[Misia sniffling]
That was not a murder.
No, no, no.
[Misia's breath shuddering]
[Misia sniffling]
That was an act of self-defense
against an agent of Satan.
Evil incarnate.
That's not what
[Pampinea shushing]
[Pampinea] There were no other options.
It wasn't
You did what must be done.
An act of great love for me.
The biggest love I have ever known.
Besides Leonardo's, of course.
Of course, yeah.
- Misia, my sweet
- [Misia sniffling]
you and I need never think of this again.
We only need look forward
to our future
with this child.
I don't need a husband.
- I have you.
- You have me.
Well, then
My soak?
[both laughing]
I forgot about your bath!
How foolish of me!
- [whimsical music playing]
- [Misia] Where did I put my oil of mint?
[music fades]
Please, sirs, I beg you.
We are but innocent milkmaids
out for a stroll.
You must release us.
What, you think I don't remember you?
I'll never forget it. You went berserk.
I remember it like it was just weeks ago.
- Cardinal Agnolo, he wasn't the best.
- Wasn't.
- But we had a system.
- Yeah.
We taught him how to rob and steal,
and he taught us how to come to grips
with God's abandonment of humanity.
You know these guys?
- I mean, in times like these, you really
- I don't know them.
- I killed one of them.
- [man] Don't you?
I killed their friend.
- I completely forgot about that.
- Yeah, me too.
Well, kill these two.
[birds chirping]
[man 2 sniffling]
[silently retching]
Yeah, all right. You have to help me.
What? [scoffing]
- No. I'm a nice little lady.
- What are you looking at?
- Absolutely not.
- Just just draw their attention somehow.
[Filomena yelling, groaning]
I stepped on a bee.
Oh, that's bad!
- [man 2] Quiet, you!
- No! I will not be quiet.
I'm in excruciating pain.
If you don't believe me, look!
- Ow!
- Well, I see no bee.
[Filomena] Because the criminal
always flees the scene.
- [man] Watch the other, Martuccio.
- You watch her.
- I want to look at the feet.
- Yes
[man screaming]
[Filomena roaring]
[all screaming]
[men cackling]
[Licisca yelling]
- Put me down!
- [horses neighing]
[Filomena] Riders!
- The monk's knights! Wonderful!
- [Licisca] Who?
That's who we wanted to see
in the first place.
Hail! We have prisoners
- [knight grunting]
- [Martuccio] No! There's been a mistake!
[both screaming]
[horse neighing loudly]
[intense music playing]
They're gonna kill us. Do something!
- [horse snorting]
- [both screaming]
[music fades]
[birds chirping]
[calm music playing]
We can go wherever we want, Matteuzzo.
We can go wherever we want.
[chuckling] I'm so thankful for you.
[gasping] Should we go for a swim?
[Sirisco laughing]
[Sirisco] I bet you would like that.
Let's do that. [exclaiming]
[Sirisco laughing]
Oh yes. Look.
Look at this!
[Sirisco chortling] Whoo!
[sighing heavily] Oh God.
[sniffing deeply]
Breathe it in. Breathe it in.
[Sirisco chuckling]
Whoo! [exclaiming]
[Sirisco roaring]
[Sirisco laughing]
Come on in, friend! Come on in!
- [Sirisco laughing]
- [Matteuzzo honking]
[Sirisco] It's good.
I I wanted you to leave!
I wanted you to leave!
Just don't fall in love!
[Sirisco laughing]
Be free like me!
I am free!
[Sirisco chortling]
[Sirisco yelling]
Oh my God! You're not dead!
[both yelling]
Stop, stop, stop!
- Please don't touch me! Get off me!
- This does not help the situation!
[both groaning, panting]
[upbeat music playing]
[chuckling] Sirisco.
It's I, Arriguccio.
I supplied your man's villa
with fertilizer.
[both chuckling]
[Arriguccio] Friend.
[Sirisco whimpering]
- [Arriguccio] Are you lost?
- [Sirisco crying]
[Arriguccio smacking lips] Uh
[Sirisco crying]
Okay, should we collect your things?
Shall we, friend?
And you and I ♪
So how's your farm doing?
[music fades]
It was burned by brigands.
Hmm. Sorry.
But other than that, I'm content.
Hmm. Sure.
And the villa?
Uh, it's not like it was.
It's been poisoned by avarice
and a shapely redhead.
[muttering] God.
The Visconte Leonardo?
No, he's gone.
He seemed like a decent man.
I don't know if he was decent exactly,
but he was a friend.
[birds chirping]
- [Arriguccio] Pestilence?
- Hmm.
[Arriguccio sighing]
- The world can feel lonely, can't it?
- God, it is so cruel.
I had to eat my donkey a few weeks ago.
You know, I I'm just a stony brook away
if you ever need an ear.
Or a friend.
Well, that's You know,
I can't return back to the villa.
Perhaps I'll go to Venezia.
You know, the pestilence
can't last forever.
It can last long enough
for you to join me for a drink.
[Sirisco chuckling]
That would be fantastic.
[indistinct chatter]
[man] Thank you.
- Arriguccio!
- Arriguccio!
- Oh, Arriguccio!
- You abandoned us for far too long.
Friends, I thought I found a corpse
floating down the river.
- But I was far luckier.
- Yeah.
Please welcome an old friend of mine.
- Oh my
- Sirisco.
Steward of the Lord Leonardo's villa.
Oh, why, thank you. Thank you.
Oh, such lovely faces.
Thank you for having me.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Who who's in charge here?
- No one's in charge.
- [Sirisco] Oh.
No one.
- Wow. [chuckling]
- [lively music playing]
I've never felt such a connection
to people I only just met.
Be of good cheer, brother.
This is where you belong.
- You're welcome, Sirisco.
- Yeah.
- Sit. Please sit.
- Cheers.
You wanna hold the gladius like this.
Pretend you have a scutum.
Then you advance. First,
with your front foot, then with your back.
And you cut and thrust!
Now, take my stance.
Is it like this?
- Ow! No! Not quite.
- Like this?
Ow! Stop it!
That's not the technique
that I demonstrated!
[birds chirping]
Your moves show promise,
but they're incorrect.
But perhaps that's due
to your incredibly obnoxious height.
And your height is not your fault,
nor is your inexperience.
It's not?
Have you ever even held a proper sword?
[Tindaro] What about a crossbow?
A mace?
A glaive?
A trident?
A golden wreath?
- A cornucopia?
- No.
Have you had any exotic fruits?
[Tindaro] A fresco?
Don't tell me you've never seen a fresco.
[gasping] You have to see a good fresco.
What a drab existence.
Why don't you live in the villa?
There's enough room.
Well, my mom does go to the villa,
but she says nobles hate us,
so I can't go.
Well, this noble
certainly does not hate you.
[chuckling] You ever had saffron?
- No.
- It's expensive and very delicious.
[wondrous music playing]
You next.
I guess I never really believed in God.
I've not always been entirely sure
of the fellow myself.
- Really?
- I never found the answers, exactly.
I tried so hard.
I searched everywhere.
But I've come to believe that finding
the answers was never really the point.
I got to ask the questions
with you by my side.
[horse neighing]
[horse snorting]
[music fades]
Sir, there has been a mistake.
We are but two milkmaids out on a stroll.
Shall I do the bee thing again?
[ominous music playing]
[horses neighing]
[man yelling indistinctly]
[whispering] Oh my God.
[men chatting indistinctly]
[Filomena] Ow!
[music fades]
Do you feel hot? Warm?
Aches, pains, mental confusion? Hmm?
Have you spent time in the company
of cats or Germans?
- No.
- Unpleasant dreams? Farting?
What is happening?
Can you help us?
No one can help you now.
There are no signs.
[ominous music playing]
[men chatting indistinctly]
[man] Are you dead yet, or what?
Bring 'em here!
[man grunting]
[men begging]
[man grunting]
Hello, sir.
[music fades]
Good afternoon to you both.
Step forward.
Where'd you come from, child?
Well, we were at a villa,
but then were kidnapped by wicked bandits.
And if your men hadn't saved us,
we would certainly have perished.
So we are so thankful
for their assistance.
[Licisca exhaling]
[monk] You are thankful?
Indeed, we are.
You should take care
not to lie before God.
But we are not here to harm you.
We are here to save you.
These knights were once mercenaries
in the service of Genoa.
When payments failed,
so did their loyalty
[man grunting]
and like you, they were lost.
But God has helped them find their way.
We are great believers in God's plan.
As are we.
Sadly, the church and the clergy
have betrayed that plan,
and God has sent his punishment down.
- [ominous music playing]
- But there is hope.
As Disciples of Order,
we have the men, the arms,
and, with this plague, the opportunity
to reshape society into one
that promotes holiness and order.
We will re-enact God's plan
and build a world where survival requires
the piety God demands.
He was a dirty one.
[monk] He came to us a nobleman
with no penance in his heart.
But regard him now.
We have made him clean.
[man 2] He stinks.
This is such a relief to our ears.
[Filomena] Yeah.
We are nobles, yes,
but, um,
we grew sick of the sins of our peers,
and the the the greed that drove them,
so so we fled.
Did their greed bring them wealth?
Well, yes, but we knew
their wealth was tainted.
So we said, "Keep your fancy Villa Santa
and keep your wealth."
"We're off to be sexless nuns."
Fancy villa?
- It it it wasn't too fancy a villa.
- No, it was quite fancy.
[Licisca exclaiming]
The wealth of the gluttonous noble class
can be used to fortify our efforts.
Where is this fancy villa?
- Um [sighing]
- Oh. Um
- Ugh.
- From here?
I can't remember.
You will tell us in time
if you wish to earn your freedom.
[man 3] Please have mercy.
- Take them to the punishment cells.
- Wait.
Licisca here
killed an evil cardinal for God.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
Yes, this cardinal, Cardinal Agnolo,
he was dirty
like the clergy you described.
He tried to force himself upon a woman,
and Licisca cleansed him to death.
That's good.
[tense music playing]
You killed a cardinal?
For God.
I sentence you both to death.
[ominous music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[chest creaking]
My greatest pleasure is sharing
these treats with you, my love
and the baby.
Nothing can stop us now, can it?
[door opening]
[Tindaro] You're surrounded!
Surrender, wherever you are!
What in St. Julian's name
are you doing, Tindaro?
This room is for my hats!
Oh, Pampinea.
I'm watching this child for his mother.
He's sadly ignorant in warfare,
but proving a swift study.
- Say hello, Jacopo.
- What?
Uh, if you must know,
he's Stratilia's bastard son
and a savant in offensive hiding.
reveal yourself.
[roaring] I was going to attack you
with chariot men.
[Tindaro chuckling]
I thought you were in the vase. Devious.
[mysterious music playing]
This is Stratilia's child?
[Tindaro] Yes, but you're not
to mention him to anyone.
He lives in the woods.
He's a secret child.
Say hello, Jacopo.
You're playing military?
Tindaro, I'm sure Jacopo
would be fascinated
by the Roman cuirass in the parlor.
- A true Roman cuirass?
- [Pampinea] You're the expert.
I'll keep an eye on Jacopo
while you fetch it.
When I return,
I'll be ready to defend myself
and fight back against your sick
and deadly blows.
[chuckling] Don't tell anyone I said that.
It's just boys having fun.
[Pampinea] Mm-hmm.
[Pampinea] Hmm.
Would you like some treats, sweet child?
You poor thing.
Starving to death, aren't you?
Nothing in this world is free.
- What do you want?
- I have a few tiny little questions.
- A treat for every answer, how's that?
- Okay, sure.
Who's your father?
I don't know. Treat, please.
- You've never met him?
- Nope.
Your mother never mentioned a name?
A nickname, perhaps?
Any details of his appearance?
I look like him. She said that once.
[silently] Once.
What of his social status?
Rich? Poor? Anything at all?
Only that he's a no-good whoring rat.
Oh thank God.
[Pampinea sighing]
Your father sounds like a horrible person.
[Pampinea chuckling]
He's not a horrible person.
Just didn't want us to live in his villa.
His villa?
[ominous, suspenseful music playing]
[music swelling]
Jacopo is the son of Leonardo.
- Who's Jacopo?
- He's that child in there.
- [Jacopo] Let's get ready to do a
- What?
[Misia gasping]
- Your Leonardo?
- With the cook.
The cook? And she's been hiding him?
Keep him here.
I have to go to their home in the woods.
Uh, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, viscontessa. For what?
You can't go by yourself.
[Pampinea] To investigate.
If she seduced him,
she could have items of his to hex him.
Maybe she's even keeping him alive
in their disgusting little hut.
Oh, I don't think so,
because we've seen his head,
you know, roll across the table.
- [Pampinea] Misia!
- Yeah.
When evil is at play,
there is no up and no down.
Yeah. But I beg you, please,
my friend, let's calm down
because I worry what the agitation
could do for the baby.
- [Jacopo] I'll get you!
- The baby?
[Pampinea chuckling]
Misia, don't you get it?
Jacopo is the baby.
Oh, I I I I'm talking about
the baby in your womb.
There is no baby in my womb.
You're not pregnant.
[Pampinea] I've had my blood.
But I knew there was a baby
somewhere, didn't I?
I just had to follow God's path for me.
For us.
And lo and behold,
he has shown us the way.
- What?
- The way to the true heir of Villa Santa.
[dramatic music swelling]
[Jacopo yelling indistinctly]
- [all laughing]
- [music fades]
- [man] Sirisco.
- Yes.
Tell us how you came to leave the villa.
Oh, I'm I'm not much
of a storyteller. [chuckling]
Oh, none of us are much of anything.
[scoffing] But you all seem content,
like you like each other.
We share our resources,
and we work to keep our spirits up.
- That's beautiful.
- [man 2] Many have died.
That won't stop.
But here we like to focus
on the good things.
Sirisco, will you honor us
by joining our evening meal?
Nothing would give me greater pleasure.
I could eat a ham and a half.
[Sirisco chuckling] Thank you.
Oh, look how big these plates are.
Oh my. Ye
This is dinner?
No fish? No cheese?
Oh, I'd forgotten about cheese.
[birds chirping]
You all must be starving.
Oh yes, we are starving.
[Arriguccio] Let's not trouble our guest
with the group's misfortunes.
Sirisco, what's ours is yours. Shall we?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This is not acceptable.
But we always say grace before dinner.
No, my God, not the prayer.
My God, you selfless angel of a man.
No, this. All of this.
Why should you perfect souls hunger
when cruelty feasts at Villa Santa?
What are you saying?
You deserve better than this.
Over there, they they have comfort.
They have excessive food.
Barrels and barrels and barrels of wine.
Hey, let's not get our hopes up.
I can get them this. I can get them this.
I, Sirisco, can do this for you. I can.
Of course, I'll go back and they'll say,
"No, Sirisco. Go away, this food is ours."
What makes it theirs?
What makes Pampinea master?
Must there be a master?
We don't know.
Listen to me,
I swore never to return to Villa Santa,
but now I am among my true friends,
and I vow to return.
And if they will not share, they can
come here and get their fill of one frog.
Now, come.
Please, come with me.
I will lead you there,
and I will sing to you along the way.
Come, come, come, come!
My dear, my dear, we have a plan ♪
Magnificent, wonderful, glorious plan ♪
My dear, my dear ♪
Come, come, come!
[horse neighing]
[man] I swear to you, I repent!
- [whips cracking]
- [man] No!
[man grunting]
- [man 2] Keep an eye on these two.
- [man 3] All right.
[Filomena sobbing quietly]
How do you do it?
- What?
- [Filomena] How are you so brave?
You act with such freedom,
detached from the earth.
Are you not afraid of death?
[Filomena exhaling, sniffling]
Ever since Eduardo died
I'm not afraid.
[somber music playing]
I loved him,
but as such, was bound to him.
And when he was gone,
so were the bindings.
And now, it's
I feel like I can see
the other side of everything.
[birds chirping]
The stillness and the peace in death.
And this side
this is hell.
[Licisca crying]
And if I left this side
what would I even be leaving behind?
[Licisca sniffling]
I'm sorry I pushed you off the bridge.
Well, it was your bread.
Maybe I deserved it just a little bit.
[man 4] Dear God, as I enter
your kingdom, please [grunting]
Right, go and get those two.
- There's something I need to tell you.
- It's all right.
No. This might make you angry.
At least you won't have to live
with the anger for long.
[Licisca] What is it?
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Filomena breathing heavily]
You didn't know your mother,
but my father did. He knew her very well.
They were in love,
and they had a daughter.
You and I are sisters.
[Filomena yelping]
[man] Execute them.
[dramatic music swelling]
Please, it was but a tickle
in my nostril. I'm
I'm not ill. Please. I'm not ill.
[Filomena screaming]
[man 2] No!
Do your job, doctor.
[tense music playing]
Get over here.
Hold them back!
You're still gonna get it, so shut up.
You take care of this.
- Don't let me have to do it.
- Go!
[Filomena screaming]
Stop them!
[Licisca cackling]
Come on, you idiot! Go!
Wait! Take me with you!
[Licisca groaning, panting]
Licisca, you have to let me
take you back to the villa.
- No.
- [Filomena] Yes.
- I'm not going back.
- Dioneo is there and he can help you.
There's nothing left for me there.
If you don't let me help you,
you are going to die,
and I don't want you to die,
I want you to be my sister. Please!
- Okay?
- You are not my fucking sister.
[dramatic music playing]
[Licisca grunting, panting]
- [men clamoring]
- [swords clanging]
[Filomena] Okay.
- [Licisca] Go!
- [man] Hey!
[men clamoring]
[ominous music playing]
[Stratilia] I'm back.
I was almost able to grab enough
for both of your suppers,
but we're gonna have to supplement
with pantry items.
What are you doing here?
[Pampinea] Your son revealed that
you squat in this hovel on my property
without my permission.
It was my duty to see
the nature of this home,
and look what I found.
These are the tools of a witch.
You are a witch.
- I'm a witch? [scoffing]
- [Pampinea] Yes.
Yes. You seduced the man of the house,
you birthed his heir,
and you used dark magic to do so.
You took what was mine.
Where is Jacopo?
Leonardo would never have let his son
live in a sickening hole like this.
From now on,
Jacopo will live the life of luxury
that he deserves.
Where is my son, you delusional bitch?
[ominous music swelling]
[Pampinea tutting]
[music fades]
We need to make arrangements for you,
for tomorrow and the day after that.
Neifile, I can't really bear to hear that.
Go to Ruggiero and make things official.
You deserve this villa.
[Panfilo] I can't leave your side.
It will comfort me
to know your future is secured.
- Go.
- No!
No, I can't do it!
I think I'm some sharp mind.
But I'm not, I'm
I'm nothing without you.
My Panfilo
you are as clever as you think.
You see with eyes so clear.
Trust them.
Trust yourself.
Now, go secure your place.
For us.
[emotional music playing]
[Panfilo sighing]
[door opening]
[door closing]
Ruggiero, Neifile has asked
[mysterious music playing]
[music swelling]
[Stratilia] Jacopo!
- [Pampinea] Slow down, witch!
- [Stratilia] Jacopo, I'm coming!
These shoes are not made for running,
they're dinner shoes!
- Shut up, you stupid bitch!
- Oh my God, I can smell you from here!
- Jacopo!
- Slow down!
- [Jacopo] Mama, up here!
- [Stratilia] Jacopo!
- [Jacopo] Mama!
- I'm here!
- You run too fast for a slutty hag!
- I'm here!
[Pampinea] Misia!
- Jacopo!
- [Stratilia] Stop!
- [Stratilia yelling]
- [Pampinea roaring]
[Jacopo] Help.
Jacopo! Bitch! Ow!
- Shut up, scullery whore!
- [Stratilia] Jacopo!
- Jacopo!
- [banging on door]
[Stratilia] You psychotic bitch,
get off me!
- [Jacopo] I hear you! I'm right here!
- [Stratilia] Jacopo!
[door creaking]
Darling, how did it go?
Did he sign the villa over?
[Panfilo clearing throat]
Yes, he did. [chuckling]
He signed with glee.
[Neifile gasping]
And he he wished you the best, dear.
[Neifile] Really?
[somber music playing]
[Panfilo] He's happy for us.
[Neifile chuckling]
[Panfilo] Such a miracle.
[both chuckling]
[labored breathing]
Are you lying?
[Neifile gasping]
I have to I have to get up.
- I have to.
- Please, Neifile.
- You're too weak.
- [Neifile] I am not!
I cannot be.
I have things to attend to!
[Neifile crying]
What's going to happen to me?
I love you.
I am so scared.
We can't let Ruggiero see us.
Hey, do you wanna talk?
I was just curious
if you wanted to talk about
Talk about how you knew I was your sister
and you still chose to treat me like shit
for many years end to end?
I don't think
I wanna talk to you ever again.
Just looking at you makes my stomach turn.
Jacopo, I've got all the best stuff.
I'm gonna teach you how to make a testudo.
It means "turtle."
[Stratilia] You cannot do this!
- I can do anything I please.
- [Stratilia grunting]
- Quit squirreling, please.
- I am not a witch.
That's what all the witches say.
I know you are
the cause of the pestilence,
and I know you are the reason
my beloved Leonardo died.
You never even met him, you mad bitch!
[Sirisco] Now, if you look to your left,
this is the villa.
[gasping] Hello! Oh, Filomena, Licisca!
Um, she's she's Filomena.
Ah, yes, yes, yes.
These these are my new best friends.
- Hello. I'm
- [Stratilia screaming]
- What?
- Misia.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Licisca grunting]
[Stratilia screaming]
Shut up!
What in the name
of history's greatest generals
are you doing with my girlfriend?
I'm not your girlfriend.
Tindaro, she has bewitched you
as she did Leonardo.
Misia, show him the profane items.
I insist you let her go.
We are burning her because she is a witch.
She's not a witch.
She is a future noblewoman.
[Stratilia panting]
will you do me the intense honor
of being my wife?
What? No!
[Pampinea laughing]
- Shut up!
- [Misia] Don't touch my lady!
[Tindaro grunting, groaning]
[suspenseful music swelling]
[Pampinea] In the name of love!
[Stratilia] What is wrong with you?
[Pampinea] Nothing's wrong with me!
I did it!
[screaming] Help me!
Help her!
Watch out! Fire is hot!
[Jacopo] Mother!
[screaming in distance]
[Jacopo] Mother!
[Tindaro] Help her, she's burning!
[Licisca groaning]
Put me down.
[Misia screaming indistinctly]
- I'm okay.
- You can't burn people!
Misia. Misia! [shushing]
[Misia's breath shuddering]
She's gone.
Neifile is dead.
This foul woman
is the cause of all our woes.
All of them.
If anyone is a witch, it's her.
I'm not a witch. No.
[dramatic music swelling]
[Panfilo] Did you not hear me?
Will no one look at me?
This plane is definitely crashing ♪
[all screaming]
["Shit Luck" by Modest Mouse playing]
This boat is obviously sinking ♪
This building's totally burning down ♪
And my, and my, and my, and my, and my ♪
And my, and my
And my, and my, and my ♪
And my heart is slowly drying up ♪
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