The Deleted (2016) s01e06 Episode Script


Who are you? What do you want? I was looking for someone.
The door was open.
Is everything okay? My girlfriend's gone missing.
She left.
I I don't know.
Do you know where she went? No.
I don't.
Do you want me to help you find her? You know where she is.
You know where she is, don't you? [groaning.]
You're home now, Agatha.
You're safe.
Do you have any? I need it.
I need it.
Do you have any? Why do you need it so badly? - Why do you need the Guidance? - [groans.]
Guidance is the only thing that makes the pain go away.
[sniffles, groans.]
It's the only thing that makes me feel.
Agatha, why did you leave the compound? Please? Why did you why did you Agatha, look at me.
- Why did you get on that bus? - Please? Did Logan did he say anything to you to influence your decision? Please? I'll tell you everything you need to know.
Just help me.
Please? Please? Why would you think I know where your girlfriend is? That's weird.
Why have I never seen you? Maybe you weren't looking.
They taught you how to do that, didn't they, at the institute? Taught me what? What institute? How to act normal, fake everything.
You're the Genesis patient.
You never even knew how to be natural.
That was their goal.
You never had limits.
You don't know anything about me.
I know that you were made by a committee in a lab.
Where is she? [knocking.]
- Yeah? - Hey.
Do you want to come out and meet some of my friends? Just casual.
Um, not really.
Just for a second? Please? They think you're hot! [chuckles.]
If they only knew Yeah.
That's what I said.
Um, let me clean up, okay? Okay.
So none of you called the police or anything like that, right? No.
No, nothing like that.
Not even Ryder? Ryder isn't like that, Parker.
- Why isn't he like that? - [scoffs.]
Because he's afraid of what you're capable of.
He shouldn't be afraid.
I hate that he's afraid.
I hate it too.
And that's why we need to get him back, right? [softly.]
We never should've left.
It wasn't your fault.
It wasn't your fault.
It was Logan.
How would I know where your girlfriend is if I don't even know you? No, we haven't met, but I know what you Fuck! Fuck! [coughing.]
[engine starts.]
What's up? Hey.
You're Kylie's cousin, right? Yeah.
And I'm Jessica.
I'm her friend.
I'm on the show with Kylie.
We just wrapped season two.
"Show"? What show? You guys are on a show together or You didn't know Kylie stars on a show? Actually, no, I actually do.
Um Th-the what's it called again? I think I've seen it before.
It's It's called Band Together.
- Just a group of girls.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That show.
For some reason, I thought that you were talking about something else, so I yeah.
Is this, like, a is this, like, a joke? Are you serious? Um I've just been I've been gone for a while, and, uh I've actually been out of the country for a long time, and I'm just trying to acclimate myself.
A little piece of advice? You should make sure you're completely acclimated before you start conversations like this.
It's super awkward, and it'll save you a ton of embarrassment.
I'm all right.
We should get out of here.
I got a couple friends, they're throwing a party.
It'll be fun.
[no audible dialogue.]
Come on.
You'll dig this place, I think.
It's on the beach, in Malibu.
Malibu? Really? [engine starts.]
That's right.
It'll be fun.
I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun.

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