The Devil Judge (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Suspicion Against Yo Han

You're still as beautiful as ever.
Don't tell me you are…
Hello, Young Master.
Ga-on, wake up.
Ga-on, wake up. Come on.
I said, wake up!
What is it at this hour?
-Yo-han's gone.
You heard me. Yo-han's gone.
He wasn't here when I woke up.
Honestly, where did he go?
Were you scared to find
that Yo-han's not here?
-Who said I was scared?
-Maybe he's seeing his girlfriend?
Yo-han's never left this house.
Not ever since that accident.
It's hot, be careful.
What is it?
What's with the poor heating
in this house?
It's just big but useless.
Be honest. You like Yo-han, don't you?
-Seeing how you found
that prison in the US for him,
I bet you think it's meaningful work too.
-But it's fun.
Or would it have been more fun
if he decided to chop it off?
So you are from the same bloodline.
Don't say such a thing.
Yo-han breaks
whatever that's next to him.
I don't want to be such a person.
What do you mean by that?
Didn't you hear from the maid?
Yo-han's been like that
ever since he was little.
He made the maid who fancied him
jump from the second floor.
Then there's Dad too.
And me.
You still have that bad habit
of laying your hands on anything
without knowing your place.
Oh my, Young Master.
So you only recognize me now?
My goodness.
They are so beautiful.
Never in my life did I know
such a world existed.
A world full of beautiful things.
Stop making a fuss and learn your trade.
What do I need to do to live like this?
Do I need to be born again?
The president here hates kids
who talk too much.
Keep quiet
if you don't want to be kicked out.
Then there's Master Yo-han too.
I've never seen someone
so beautiful and handsome.
-So how could he lock someone like that--
Try it, Young Master.
I prepared this for you.
You should spend some time out
when the president's not around.
I'll keep watch for you.
Do you like me?
How much?
How much do you like me?
Very much.
I like you very much.
-Then can you jump from here?
Can you do that for me?
You were so cruel.
I liked you so much…
Don't make me laugh.
It wasn't me that you liked,
but something else.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Young Master!
If you're busted, it won't end well.
That man knows no mercy.
Are you worried about me?
You are worried about me, right?
I like you so much, Young Master.
Do you not like me?
That's odd.
Things keep disappearing these days.
Actually, there's something
that's been bothering me.
What is it?
I'm a little hesitant to say this,
but Master Yo-han has been
leaving his room so often.
The President clearly told him
to stay in the basement, but…
-Yes, so I'm worried myself.
Not that one.
That's a keepsake from my brother's mom.
I'll tell everyone
about what I saw if you touch that.
I was only looking at it
because it was beautiful.
I know the President will kill me
if I touch the late madame's belongings.
Do you like me?
Then can you jump from here?
Is that how it went?
You sure have a good memory.
You're very smart.
But it's true that I did like you.
I like all things that sparkle, you see.
Back then and even now.
Really? You must have lived fiercely then.
So now you're playing maid
to the foundation
while robbing them, are you?
No, I should say you're admirable.
After removing your idiot brother,
you rescued his daughter like a hero
so you won't be suspected.
Jeez, anyone would have fallen for that.
Why do you think it was Yo-han who did it?
I'm sure you had your reasons.
His computer.
I hacked into his computer for fun
when I was 12.
I saw he had a folder that was hidden,
so I looked through it.
And there it was.
A request to cancel the donation MoU.
Moreover, it was created…
a week before the fire.
All I had left was Yo-han. But…
Enough about the past.
Get down to business.
Shall I, then?
I don't care whether
you have fun at your trial
or boil Cha Gyeong-hui alive,
but please stop poking your nose
into our foundation's affairs.
What you're about to do
is messing with a sheep farm
we worked so hard to build.
I see this Dream Base project or whatever
is something that really sparkles.
We're the same kind, aren't we?
As long as we don't impede
on each other's territory,
-we could do a lot of fun--
-I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Waste time, I mean.
It'll be better to just kill me
when you have the chance.
It's way faster.
Because you won't have the chance
again to hold me down like this.
If that's how you'll be…
Blackmailing me is useless.
Because I have
nothing to protect.
That's too bad.
What's with that reaction
when you're the one who stabbed him?
It's the needles
I dread the most in this world.
Oh, sure.
take our Young Master back to his home.
Why not just finish him off now
as he suggested?
No, sheepdogs need wolves too.
The more he acts out of his way,
the more those old geezers
at the foundation will rely on me.
Still, this guy was just too fearless.
So you say you have nothing to protect?
There's no one like that.
Where were you last night, Judge Kang?
Now you're interested
in my private affairs too?
I was with a rather
tough woman last night.
She yanked my hair and started kissing--
No, it's fine.
-Open that for me.
Open that for me.
You want ramyeon in the morning?
Add some hot water and bring it to me.
What about my ramyeon?
Let's eat a proper meal
instead of ramyeon
A proper meal?
Judge Kang, let's eat.
All of a sudden?
Honestly, I'm fed up with you all.
Let's eat a proper meal, all right?
I made it for living off you, so hurry up.
Same for you, Judge Kang.
Oh what? Who asked him to cook?
He should just mind his own.
I can see you smiling.
What's with that displeased look
on your face?
Just. Well, this is new.
What's new?
What's with that tender gaze
directed at Ga-on?
When did I?
I said hurry up!
I'm going to kill you!
You call this a simple meal?
Shall I order more salmon, Master Ga-on?
Yes, and some celery too.
"Master Ga-on?"
By the way, this is Korean, isn't it?
You don't like Korean?
I must have been the court lady
in the kitchen. I just hate Korean.
I bet I died after eating a poisoned dish.
If you don't want to eat it, then fine.
I'll at least taste how bad it is for you.
You'll find no poison in there.
What are you doing? Eat.
As I told you before,
I can't really taste food.
I only chew and swallow.
-So you really can't taste food, can you?
Have some more of this.
Why are you doing this all of a sudden?
I told you. I should do my share
since I'm living off you.
Well, let me tell you now,
but I want no pity.
I'm not in a position to offer any.
Do you want some fruit?
Tell me if you need anything else.
Where did you learn how to cook?
I spent 16 years
as the son of restaurant owners
and 13 years living on my own.
Once you're the son of restaurant owners,
aren't you forever the son of them?
Or did your parents stop
running a restaurant?
It just turned out that way.
Have some kiwifruit.
What is this?
Young Master!
What is this cozy atmosphere
that's unbefitting of this house?
Young Master.
But you'd never touch the food
I cook for you.
We saved some for you too.
You're not in bed yet, are you?
Just digesting.
It didn't taste so bad,
but I'm not a heavy eater. That's all.
Oh really? That was for a whole week.
Don't exaggerate.
-Do you have some time tomorrow?
I'll have to see.
But why?
If you don't mind,
I'd like you to meet someone.
Oh, you're bringing someone?
But who?
My friend.
You're here. Come in.
Hello, Ms. Elijah.
just Yoon Su-hyeon.
I heard a lot about you from him.
He's really not the type
to mind others, you know.
Don't distort the facts.
What are you two?
Why do you ask?
We're just friends.
-Didn't Ga-on say so?
-He didn't.
That he had such a pretty friend.
-You think she's pretty?
-Hey, why are you laughing?
You're much prettier than me, Ms. Elijah.
I guess that's true.
I'm sorry if I was stepping over the line,
but I thought it'd be nice
if you had a sister.
Can I talk casually to you next time
so we can get closer?
Or you could just call me Su-hyeon.
Yes, that's a good idea.
-No, thank you.
I'm not a little kid anymore.
I'll be 20 in four years too.
Sure, Ms. Elijah.
Where is Elijah?
I haven't seen her either.
Do you have the file that you said
you found on his computer?
Su-hyeon, why are you asking her
about that now?
Well, I just thought…
It may have been going overboard,
donating his entire fortune.
Maybe he nullified it for you.
And the date created
may not always be right.
No, I want to make sure
we're clear on that one.
Judge Kang.
Don't you know this is
the abduction of minors?
That's enough, Judge Kang.
Whoever messes with her
will have to deal with me.
No matter who that is.
-I'm not getting in.
-Don't be such a kid.
I said I'm not getting in!
Stop being such a kid!
Am I your toy?
You think I'm easy
because I'm in this state?
Did you have to do that back then?
What are you doing?
Let's just hurry up and go.
I'll do it.
-Let me pour you one.
-I'll have the North Star.
-Gosh, I'm going to be drunk.
-You're allowed to be.
Why are kids these days so handsome?
-It's so nice, isn't it?
-It is!
-Hey, you.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Come here.
-So you're a K-Pop idol?
-Yes, ma'am.
Ma'am, I have a little gift for you.
Now where is it?
-A gift?
-Here it is!
Wow, that's adorable!
Where did you pick that up?
-Yes, what is it?
-One moment.
-Let's have a toast.
-Shall we?
Here's to wishing you
go all the way to the Billboard!
Oh gosh. Girls.
Get up.
Sit down.
Let's sit.
Minister Cha.
I'll get straight to the point.
Prepare to be summoned by
the prosecution soon.
Gyeong-hui, what's this about?
The shantytown where the second
Dream Base complex is to be.
I saw you bought up the property
under a borrowed name.
This project is to revive the economy,
not a chance for you to get rich
with information you sneaked out.
You were greedy this time.
-Gyeong-hui, please help us.
We're not strangers, are we?
If there was a misunderstanding,
let's clear that up.
We just…
We just thought you might be having
a hard time because of Young-min.
That's why we've been
refraining from calling you.
Poor Young-min…
-I'll leave you to it then.
-But we mean it!
Gyeong-hui, please!
-Minister Cha?
-Minister Cha.
-Oh no…
-What do we do now?
-If this gets out,
Minbo Group is done for.
After all that our station did,
raising funds for the project…
My head…
Director Jung.
What do we do?
Do you think there's a way?
It seems Minister Cha
has been feeling left out
from the management of the foundation.
I think only Chairman Seo
will be able to handle this one
since this is all due to
our foundation's project.
Director Jung.
You put in a good word to him for us.
I'll donate all that land…
-to the foundation.
-All of it?
You want to be summoned
by the prosecution with your husband?
-Cha Gyeong-hui's full of spite right now.
-Oh, all right.
We'll donate all of ours too.
So please put in a good word for us.
I'll do my best.
After all, this is all for you.
Thank you so much, Seon-a.
Was that enough?
Yes, and I'm sure Chairman Seo
will be very pleased.
So who is the real Chairman Seo?
Is it that man
who's always holed up meditating?
Is that so important?
Then again…
Just get Kang Yo-han
as you said you will.
I'll protect you
no matter what.
Please stop that summoning order for us.
My husband may not look it,
but he's really a wuss.
He suffers from angina, so who knows
what will happen during the questioning?
Same with my old man.
He has a fear of cameras,
so he might have a panic attack
in front of all those reporters.
Don't worry.
I'll try to find a way somehow.
We have Chairman Seo, don't we?
So just wait and see.
I'll trust you, Director Jung.
-If you need anything, tell us.
-Yes, we'll give you whatever.
-Thank you, Seon-a.
"My old man, my husband…"
What a tear-jerker.
All right.
I'll also need to see
whether our Young Master
has nothing to protect.
Are you hurt anywhere?
I let my guard down.
She was a total psycho.
I'll tighten security
and trail Jung Seon-a.
Judge Kang, about before…
Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon of WAIS 1
at the SMPA.
Proxime accessit at KNPU,
address is 2700-2, Nowon-gu, Seoul.
Her father is Yoon Ju-won, age 64,
and her mother is Joo Eun-jung, age 59.
What are you doing?
How could you have Elijah meet the police?
I thought Elijah might be lonely…
I clearly warned you
that I have no hesitation in
removing what stands in my way.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Lay one finger on Su-hyeon, and I will…
Now I'm curious
about what will happen
if I mess with Yoon Su-hyeon.
Su-hyeon, listen to me.
Be careful, okay?
Okay, I get it. All right.
I said I've got this.
Hey, I'm being serious here.
You're in danger.
What happened to
the chic Kim Ga-on I know?
I said you might be in danger.
Let me call you back.
Who are you?
A biker should always
hold onto their keys.
What the hell?
I exposed myself as you told me to,
but do we really have to do this?
-We're just sowing the seed of doubt.
-Seed of doubt?
Once the seed of doubt sprouts,
it'll grow and grow.
You always go to such effort
when it involves Kang Yo-han.
But it's fun.
Sure, madame.
-Then let me go to my next target now.
-Take care.
Shall I get going too then?
To sow seeds?
-Take care.
-Yes, thank you.
I'll see you again.
Why even go after them? It's dangerous.
Before that,
who could be spying on you, Professor?
Kang Yo-han, maybe?
Kang Yo-han?
You see, I've been meeting
with some distinguished officials
to discuss some things.
They're also worried about
what Kang Yo-han's been up to.
You saw how the kids mimicking
the flogging in front of the restaurant.
It's worrisome.
You should be more careful.
That was close.
Wasn't it?
Hello, Director Jung.
Sorry, my mind is all over the place.
So what brings you here
at the Supreme Court today?
I'm here to see someone
about our foundation's work.
But aren't I lucky today?
I just bumped into someone
I'd been wanting to meet again.
You're really popular these days,
Judge Oh.
You're a star now.
Please. It's Judge Kang who's the star.
Everyone's been saying you're the most
humane and down-to-earth person.
That you understand the position
the weak are in.
That's only because that's how I lived.
I knew it.
People who are from the slums
instantly recognize each other.
It's like a radar.
Then Director Jung, you also…
By the way, isn't this place a little odd?
How so?
Why are they all middle-aged men
with solemn looks on their faces?
Every single one, without exception.
Well, that's…
Try being more greedy.
I told you before, didn't I?
You were the one who shined the most
on the Live Court Show.
Twinkle, twinkle.
My fellow Koreans, this is our festival!
As Judge Kang Yo-han said,
"This court, answering to the will"
of our people, sentences
all the trashy bastards to flogging!"
Unit Jukchang!
Let's go for it!
Did you just steal our wallet?
Hey, search him.
But this is my wallet.
He's a pickpocket!
Spycam criminals, pickpockets, hooligans…
You bastards who are ruining Korea!
Let's wipe them out with our own hands,
-because we are the power.
-We are the power!
-We are the power!
-We are the power!
Get lost!
Get lost, you punks!
Flog him!
Insert card.
Dr. Safety.
What are you doing
instead of managing wastewater?
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven…
How many zeroes is this?
Yes, Su-hyeon.
Do you remember Jang Ki-hyeon? Dr. Safety.
-You mean, from Joo Il-do's case?
-Yes. It seems like…
-he has a generous benefactor.
-Kang Yo-han?
We'll have to see. I'm going to request
a warrant to track his account.
Su-hyeon, this is dangerous.
He knows all of your personal details.
Not just your address,
but your parents' names too.
Hey, I'm an officer.
I can't just stay put
because some gangster knows where I live.
Will you stop this nonsense?
Track Kang Yo-han's account?
Are you in your right mind?
I told you, sir.
There are reasons to suspect--
Hey, having some money in
your account doesn't equal bribery.
Jang Ki-hyeon had been
financially unstable.
His paychecks were withheld--
Just what are you up to these days?
The police agency will be told to disband
if you mess with Kang Yo-han now.
I tried talking to Chief,
but his reaction was strange.
He immediately got fractious.
Is he the one who jumped up and down
when you said you wanted to
-track Kang Yo-han down?
I turned her away for now,
but I don't think
she'll give up so easily.
All right, I'll call you back.
She keeps digging into
Jang Ki-hyeon's account history.
What an annoying woman.
She may already be on to
how the funds were transferred too.
What should I do?
-Get started.
-Yes, sir.
I didn't have a good feeling about it,
so I just told him okay and left.
Who knows what the scope
of his influence is.
Good job. First…
Don't you think
Judge King is little weird these days?
What do you mean?
Well, I picked out some potential cases
for our next Live Court Show,
but he barely glanced at them
and told me to just leave them there.
I think his mind is somewhere else.
We're in the same team.
So if he has a dilemma,
shouldn't he share them with us?
Or is he not happy
with us associate judges?
Is he looking down on us or what?
What are your thoughts, Judge Kim?
What do you think?
Judge Kim.
-Kim Ga-on!
Oh. I'm sorry.
-I didn't get much sleep last night.
-Were you on a date or something?
You all must have so much free time.
We're at an important juncture here.
We need to really seal it
while the public's all for us.
Jang Ki-hyeon disappeared.
What do you mean?
Did you go there to see him alone?
I rang the bell but no one would answer,
so I just picked the lock
and the entire place is a mess.
There were traces
of a physical struggle too.
Hey, get out of there now.
Do you think
something may have happened to him?
I better…
Oh my! Excuse me!
Oh no… Are you okay?
-This isn't funny.
-Are you all right, Miss?
-Can you hear me? Oh no.
I had the bankbook with me,
but they snatched it.
-I'm such an idiot.
-Stupid, that's not so important here.
I'm really fine.
This is nothing!
Didn't you just throw a fuss about
how you're going to die?
I was just considering
all the possibilities.
You were extremely fortunate.
Those injuries could have been critical.
Look at me in the eye.
Are you really okay?
Well, I was scared though.
That I'll never see you again.
What's this about?
We received a report
that Judge Kang Yo-han had offered
a large sum of money to Mr. Jang,
who was a key witness
to President Joo Il-do's case,
the first Live Court Show trial.
If it is indeed true that Jang had
committed perjury for monetary rewards,
this is a serious crime.
What's more surprising is that
the witness in question, Jang,
is currently missing.
The Ministry of Justice will thoroughly
investigate all the suspicions
surrounding the Live Court Show
until we reach the truth. Thank you.
What are your grounds for this briefing?
He'd gone to such lengths
to block this, did he?
How dare you mess with Su-hyeon!
That's your reason for
getting so worked up?
But it was your doing.
I never laid a finger
on that childhood friend of yours.
How am I supposed to believe you?
It's up to you
whether to believe me or not.
Kim Ga-on.
Don't ever attack me again.
We received a report
that Judge Kang Yo-han had offered
a large sum of money to Mr. Jang,
who was a key witness
to President Joo Il-do's case,
the first Live Court Show trial.
If it is indeed true that Jang had
committed perjury for monetary rewards,
this is a serious crime.
Yes, Jae-hee.
I'm watching it now.
Good work.
Don't you think
you're overworking me these days?
I'm going to report you
to the Ministry of Labor.
You didn't even do much, so stop barking.
…all suspicions surrounding
the Live Court Show
until we reach the truth. Thank you.
Hey, why are you only coming
into work now? It's chaos here.
Did you hear anything from Judge Kang?
This can't be…
We were only getting started.
After all that we've been through too!
Minister Cha.
Isn't our meeting rather appropriate,
no matter how you look at it?
What's your business?
I have a hunch who gave you what,
but you won't be able to prove
anything with that.
Look, Judge Kang.
I'm sure you know best
that in the court of the public,
it's not evidence,
but the overall picture that's important.
And the picture's already been drawn,
am I not right?
How long did you think you could stay smug
after making me shed tears of blood?
Tears of blood?
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry to be so rude,
but I just couldn't hold it in.
Of all the people, I didn't expect to you,
an expert on slander, manipulation
and interrogations,
to say you shed tears of blood.
Watch your words!
I thought I'd offer a deal,
but have it your way.
Then please excuse me.
That psycho bastard.
Are you crazy?
I'll handle it.
Handle it how?
This is just disgraceful!
How could you commit fraud
in the courthouse
with the entire nation watching you?
Did you just say fraud?
A judge just paid money to a witness.
How is that not a fraudulent trial?
They're all just one-sided claims.
First, give me the chance to clear up--
The trial you presided was
a trial of the public opinion.
Not a trial
that goes by the principles of law.
Throw a boomerang,
and it'll come back to you.
And public opinion can be rash and brutal.
Do you think
they will be willing to wait patiently
while you defend yourself
as per the law and principles?
Exactly. We'll see stones hurled at
the court for protecting you.
Turn in your resignation letter.
Put the Live Court Show on hiatus for now.
-And distribute the press release first.
-Yes, sir.
I did warn you to get off your high horse.
Here comes Judge Kang!
One comment please.
One comment please, Judge Kang.
-Did you really bribe the witness?
-Did you deceive our nation?
Do you know anything
about his disappearance?
One comment, please!
The camera loves that Kang Yo-han
even without the lights and all that.
His face is never puffy.
Does he get massages every day?
He's still no match for you,
Mr. President.
But I was born with superior DNA
to start with.
That's why I have no pores
or wrinkles at this age.
But what will you do, President Park?
Didn't you say all the time slots
for the ads were sold?
We have plenty of clowns to go on stage.
We'll just cast someone else.
Besides, he's already doing fine
with the ads
Right. What does the content matter?
As long as we have good viewership.
I hope no one else heard that just now.
I will take full responsibility.
In the court where I risked my all,
I will say my last farewell to our people.
I'll see you in a minute then.
So you admit to the suspicions
raised against you?
Please say a word.
Look at him. Does he think
he's Na Hoon-a, Cho Yong-pil,
or Seo Taiji?
Seriously, what's up with him?
Have all the channels
broadcast Kang Yo-han.
And raise our rates for commercials too.
You're sure quick to sniff out
where there's money.
Here he comes!
Judge Kang.
How could you do this?
We're all in the same team.
-I'm sorry, Judge Oh.
-She is right.
We all should take the responsibility.
Let us go up there together.
There's nothing you have to
take responsibility for.
Today, I'm going up on stage
not as a judge, but as the defendant.
Minister Cha, Judge Kang Yo-han
will be holding a press conference.
Turn on the TV.
have stood here in this court
with your trust and belief in me.
But today,
I stand here
under eyes full of doubt and suspicion.
The suspicions raised against me
that I had offered money to the witness
of the wastewater leakage case
are all true.
I knew it.
If that's true…
My deepest apologies to our people.
Judge Kang is innocent!
Isn't that the witness?
Everything that I had said in court
are all true.
Didn't Joo Il-do also admit to
being informed by me?
It was true I received the report.
Judge Kang only took pity on me
and my kids for being…
forced out onto the streets
after I was fired from the plant
for whistleblowing.
He was only helping us. That's all.
As you can see,
all the deposits were made
after I was fired from my job.
Judge Kang looked to see whether I was
disadvantaged in any way after the trial.
He took pity on me and helped me.
Is that such a crime?
Trials are grounded on trust.
Whatever my motive,
it is true my actions
aroused misunderstandings.
Don't feel too burdened by it.
I ask you now to be my judge.
Let me place my fate in your hands now.
If you believe me to be guilty,
press the red button.
If not, please press the white button.
If our people will not believe me,
I will resign
from my post right here, at this minute.
If this is the will of our people,
I shall abide by it.
Thank you, Korea.
And now…
I will risk my everything
to expose the truth
that the powerful have been hiding.
Please take a look at the screen.
This is the Dream Base project by the SRF
for which a nation-wide donation effort
has been carried out.
But we've received reports
that the project fund
has been trickling
into some private pockets.
They are the private pockets
of the key persons of this project.
Hold on.
Why aren't you airing the ads?
What? There was breaking news?
I will reward you handsomely
out of my own pocket
if you come forward with information
about where your donations are going
and what the real purpose
behind this project is.
I promise.
Thank you.
Hold on. Hey!
Secretary Park!
It should be fun at least.
I'm getting cornered anyway.
-Anxious, are you?
-I will take care of it.
They're just ungrounded suspicions.
I need to shake them up first.
You just waged war against the country.
This is war.
A brave informant has come forward for us.
This is the story of his parents.
Don't you dare speak like that!
I see you were extremely
touched by the stern ruling of the law
on that fraud who killed your parents.
You torture them to death
Do you want to see me losing it?
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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