The Eastern Gate (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Stop, you fucking fag!
Down, idiot! On the ground!
Don't be scared. I work with Ewa.
Come with me.
Want to be killed by the Border Guard
or Russkies in Polish uniforms?
We've got to go back.
- I can't help him.
- I have to go back!
Shut the fuck up now
and come with me
or you'll die here, understood?
I could dismember you
and throw your carcass into the river.
But I won't do it now.
I'll uncuff you
if you behave yourself.
Uncuff me.
Let go, monster!
Do you want to die
the way your son did?
We could help each other.
What are you doing in Minsk?
Who wanted to kill you?
It doesn't matter anymore.
We're all going to die anyway.
If you talk,
things can be different.
I doubt that.
- Have you heard of Skopintsev?
- Yes.
It was his job.
And he made sure
no one would learn about it.
But since he decided
The bomb I made
contains radioactive material.
The moment it explodes,
it will disperse with a shock wave
over a huge area.
Nuclear fallout
will have terrible aftermath.
It's not a nuclear bomb
The isotope came from Ukraine
and a Pole will bring the bomb in.
A Polish citizen will be held responsible
for the death of Belarusians.
They've already done it
not so long ago.
- And nothing happened.
- At the Toledo?
Believe me, it was just a prelude.
This incident
is going to give Russia a premise
to invade Poland.
And NATO will leave you high and dry
because it will look like
Poles and Ukrainians
are playing with weapons
of mass destruction.
Maybe so, maybe no.
Article 5 of the NATO Treaty
still applies.
I recommend you read the military doctrine
of the Russian Federation.
After a blow like this,
Russia can do anything.
And the world will understand.
And I'll tell you even more.
But I need a guarantee first.
You will move me to Poland ASAP,
and from there,
to any country I choose.
Place and time of the explosion.
They say there are no beaches
more beautiful than in Ipanema.
In Brazil.
We're not in a rush,
unlike you.
I know for sure
that it's happening tomorrow.
The parcel was picked up
by a tall Polish guy,
Today's a great day marking
76 years since the Victory Day.
Preparations lasted all night.
Tanks and thousands of marching soldiers
will fill up the streets of Minsk again,
and fighter jets will soar over the city.
A patriotic concert will be held
to commemorate the anniversary
of Belarus' liberation
from Nazi Germany invaders.
This anniversary is
all the more important now,
when Europe sees the rebirth of Nazism.
Together with our Russian brothers,
we're celebrating the readiness
to protect our inherent rights
that our ancestors fought for
against Nazi Germany occupiers.
How are you?
- You did what you could.
If anyone would have been able
to help Paulina, it was me.
- Anything for you.
I'll send you a picture.
I need an age progression.
The picture is in good condition.
The boy's head is visible,
in a biometric shot.
Give me a couple of hours.
Finally, for fuck's sake!
You got him? Is he all right?
He fell asleep.
- We'll be there in an hour.
- An hour? Why so long?
It was all a fucking mess.
I had to calm Kai down.
Do you want to talk to him?
No, let him rest.
Don't bring him here, okay?
What's going on?
A bomb threat.
- A big one.
- Don't worry.
I'll hide him outside the city.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
I know.
Lemanski didn't come home
for the night.
I checked the Poles' house,
the orphanage.
It's as if nothing happened there.
Okay, in touch.
You've reached director Halaj,
I cannot answer your call.
Please leave a message.
Yesterday, in Krynki near
the Belarusian border, shots were fired.
We have a witness' account.
These were Polish soldiers.
In Polish uniforms.
They were aiming at us,
at innocent refugees.
They were shooting at random.
It was just madness.
As a result, at least two soldiers
and three refugees died.
Witnesses claim that Border Guard,
ISA and Polish soldiers
shot at each other and at refugees.
Krzysztof Halaj, head of Intelligence,
shot on video,
didn't answer our request
for a comment on the matter.
PM's Office is to hold
You fucked up big time, mister.
It's just impressive.
And for a split second,
it'd have seemed that
you could be a real politician.
But it's game over now.
I acted in a state of higher necessity.
Our intelligence reported
And they apparently have already,
with you as a fucking
five-ray superstar.
Hand me a leave request.
Or not.
Hand me your resignation.
Let's not dwell on it.
But don't sign it in fucking Cyrillic,
I'll make sure
that PM handles it in person.
And accepts it.
Today is Victory Day.
But not for you, apparently.
I want everyone back by this evening.
Or else, I'll start a fucking war
against you myself.
- Yes.
- Where the fuck are you?
In Minsk. We have to act fast.
Fast, really?
Why the fuck are you in Minsk?
We got Tamara Sorokina.
We have to move her to Poland.
We don't have to anything.
- But what, Lange?
We're neck-deep in shit. I got laid off,
Minister froze the whole Agency.
We can't do shit,
so get your fucking ass up
along with all the agents
and head the fuck back to Warsaw.
You're grounded until further notice.
Wild Wild East is over.
Fucking hell.
And it's all because of the Krynki gig?
That's just bullshit.
We must go back to Warsaw.
I'm not going anywhere.
That's what I thought.
I have to.
I hope Skiner helps you here somehow.
So you suddenly believe him now?
Compared to other agents,
who are morons, Skiner does stand out.
What about me?
Why am I here?
We chose you for this job much earlier.
Skiner fought hard for you.
And he was right.
Niedzwiecka's death sped
things up a bit.
We're on the verge of war.
Only you can find Lemanski
and stop it all.
I know the tape with Helena might help you
I just know it might.
Good luck.
What is this place?
Our hideout.
You've got to stay here for a few days
until it settles down.
What's up?
Where's Ewa?
Call her.
Call. Now.
Can you tell me
what the hell's going on?
Your mum is dead.
What are you saying?
We failed to take care of her.
I failed.
I'm sorry.
Who the fuck did that?
The people who wanted to kill me.
You've been lying your whole life.
Who the fuck are you?
Fuck you, Ewa.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck you.
Listen to Skiner, okay?
It's me.
Do your thing and don't worry.
I'll take care of him.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Listen to me.
Your mother was killed
by Polish intelligence, do you get it?
If you want to live, from now on
you go no contact with anyone.
You'll be safe here.
That time in Kaliningrad,
I immediately had a hunch
that there's something about you.
And that my spoiled little son
did not deserve you.
Lemanski vanished into thin air.
We need some trail.
What was your sister's name?
She drew very well.
I can't draw like her.
Thanks to you,
her works will now soar in value.
I just told her son
that it was you who killed her.
The agency doesn't give
a shit about you.
You only have me now.
You owe me something.
I really don't know
where they plan to plant it.
is in an accordion case.
- Do you remember Pushkin's birth date?
- I've had enough of your pop quizzes.
June 6,
- Why the long face?
- Fuck off.
Haven't you heard or seen it yet?
- What are you getting at?
- Let me show you.
- Who sent it to you?
- Does it matter?
See? Helena knows how to party.
Where is she?
Wonder if Monsieur Jankulowski likes it.
- Where is she?
- Shut in her office.
Hide it away.
- Helena!
- Leave her alone.
Do you have the key?
Do you hear me?
Get up, up!
Helena, can you hear me?
Wake up. Come on.
Wake up. Sit up.
Everyone has seen it.
I can't look anyone in the eye now.
My husband got it too.
He's packing his things
and heading to Poland.
Maybe it's for the better.
That fucking Lemanski.
He could have just poisoned me.
A god-damn diabetic.
Born here but kept bullshitting how Polish
he is, that son of a whore.
move Tamara to a safe place.
She can't stay here anymore.
If it comes out
that Lemanski is a terrorist,
they'll fucking kick me out right away!
had he contacted you earlier on?
Did he?
At all?
No, he hasn't recently.
my husband won't play
that accordion tonight.
Where was he supposed to play?
We're almost there.
It's all going to be over soon.
We'll leave.
And we'll start over.
How's Kai?
He's strong.
We've got Tamara.
You'll take her to the safehouse
and keep an eye on her.
But she killed your sister.
And I killed her son.
We promised her something.
She decided to cooperate.
Everything comes with a price.
Lange had to go back, it'll take longer.
Lemanski has the bomb
and it looks like he's blowing up
the Gorki Theatre tonight.
- Motherfucker.
- What?
Maria Drawicz,
Lemanski had an affair with her.
The baby can even be his.
Where do you know that from?
Lange told me.
She never got to Poland.
At least not where she was supposed
to go with her new identity.
She was kidnapped along
with the baby.
To be sure
that Lemanski really does this.
- How many people have you got?
- Two on the front entrance.
I can't have more people there.
It's a big event
and we're the only ones that can enter.
I'll be there soon.
what the spies' world looks like?
This is what it looks like.
I'm happy you're with us.
Do you speak Russian?
A bit.
Good. You'll need it.
Not a step forward,
enemy of our great nation!
It has yet to become great.
Oh, definitely.
- Hello, brother.
- At last!
- How are you?
- I'll manage.
Oh, how you'll manage!
- Smoke outside?
- Sure.
You're staying.
Let's go!
- Where are you, Helena?
- Inside.
He's nowhere to be seen.
KGB guards all exits,
also the one for artists.
Jankulowski, accordion.
I see you, I don't see him.
I know why Lemanski is doing this.
Tell me.
Lemanski will soon post the parcel.
Did your bitch catch the trail?
Don't call her that.
Is it because you trained her so well
or because you have
a weakness for her?
You shouldn't have brought
that snot-face here.
He's all she's got left now.
As long as he's here,
we have leverage on her.
Vitya, she won't make it out alive.
Everything's ready.
It's done, brother.
Let's go.
I'll pick her up.
Come again?
You won't make it in time.
Did you forget?
Did you?
Love is weakness.
You'll find another.
- Let's go.
- It's still 90 minutes to go.
I'll persuade her.
- Thirty five minutes.
- How come?
Why only 35 minutes,
for fuck's sake?
I brought it forward.
We can't waste time.
Your big brother knows
how to take care of you.
Fuck you.
You're out of your fucking mind.
You hear me?
I'll say you died for your motherland.
But first, choose for which one.
I'd like to wholeheartedly
welcome you all
to this marvelous venue
of the Gorki Theatre
to mark this special day,
the Victory Day.
Belarus and Russia,
our brotherly nation,
will always stand up together
against our common enemies.
I see him.
The West is trying
He's behind the stage.
a neocolonial hegemony and ideology.
I'll go upstairs.
But we know the truth!
the artists of the Moscow Ballet.
He's above the stage,
on the right.
Too late, my dear Helena.
I push the button
and the bomb goes off.
Don't do it!
It won't make Minsk Poland again!
How would a whore like you know
where Poland is now?
We can still stop this thing.
You got seduced like an idiot.
Just like Niedzwiecka.
We all got seduced.
Think of Maria and the baby.
Do you know where they are?
Do you?
Where's my baby?
Insulin. You're about to faint,
you god-damn diabetic.
You bitch!
It's not the fuse Tamara mentioned.
Stay with him here.
There must be another bomb.
- I need you here.
- Calm down, Ewa. I'll be there in a sec.
I'll wait by your car.
Not now.
No, Ewa, you have to.
I sent you the pictures.
You need to see them.
It's almost over.
Come on, we've got to go.
Come on, there's no time.
What are you doing?
I know who you are, Skiner.
I know everything.
Put it away.
Ewa, please.
We need to leave.
You wanted to leave, didn't you?
The real bomb is in the trunk
of your car.
It's going to explode.
They'll blame it all on you.
You brought the bomb here.
When, for fuck's sake?
We'll still manage to leave.
The war is going to break out anyway.
The parade starts in a minute.
Russian and Belarusian tanks
will roll through,
there's their KGB,
people will step out of the theatre
and it will blow up.
This bomb will contaminate everything
within a kilometre's radius.
In four minutes.
Let's go, please.
Don't you understand?
The West was always
important to Russia.
Poland or Ukraine were never an issue.
Poland is going to disappear.
- So she did not tell you.
- Who?
That I can diffuse the bomb.
That she gave me the code.
Pushkin's birth date, Skiner.
And Kai?
Have you thought about Kai?
You have no idea where he is.
Down, now!
Lay on the ground,
hands on your back.
You won't do it.
You're all alone.
You won't get on without me.
I am your whole life.
I've always loved you.
Where is Kai?
Where is Kai?
This is Vera.
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