The Edge of Sleep (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Dream Warrior

I know it's you, Dave.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
The whole time,
it smells like shit in here.
Yeah, well, I haven't showered
in over two days,
so, uh, I'm sorry.
Hey, what'd you do
to your arm?
Uh, I'm having a little trouble
reading the instruments.
Just, I can't-- I can't.
Everything's blurry,
and I'm barely hanging in there.
I'm gonna give you
a quarter of a dose
of Modafylist.
when you absolutely
must stay awake.
Side effects may include
heart palpitations,
chest pain, heart pain,
dizziness, swelling,
spinal bleeding,
feelings of impending doom,
loss of consciousness,
hallucinations, and death.
Ask your doctor today.
Oh, shit!
Breathe, buddy!
Buddy, breathe!
You're good.
Oh, that hurt!
Okay, that's
your last dose, pal.
Your heart
can't handle any more.
Yeah, no shit.
- All right?
- Yeah.
Cut yourself.
Make small incisions.
Pour hydrogen peroxide on it.
It'll hurt more, scar less.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
The Elephant
will try and stop you.
The Dream People, yes.
You're starting to hallucinate.
At least I feel fine.
I'm wide awake.
Aren't you supposed to be
in the cockpit?
I am.
We are micro-sleeping.
Our brains are shutting down
We're drifting
in and out of consciousness.
This shit is bonkers.
I'm sorry.
What if I'm wrong?
What if we get there,
and we find
It's possible.
We're probably gonna die.
we have two hours left.
Okay? Two hours to stay awake.
That's what you owe me.
You owe it to Matteo.
And you owe it to Katie.
She wanted you
to get all the way,
and that's exactly
what you're gonna do.
Just two more hours.
We've got this.
We got this.
You're not gonna fucking
die on me.
I think I see the island!
Fuck! Shit!
Don't do this to me, man.
Hey! We got a situation here!
What's wrong?
There's no runway.
I've circled the island
three times,
there's no goddamn runway!
Okay, so what do we do?
We gotta butter the plane.
What does that mean?
It means I gotta
Sullenberger this shit.
I gotta land on the ocean.
Do you know how to do that?
You'd better hope that I do.
Do it.
Get in your seat.
There's no runway.
We're landing on the water.
- What?
- There's no runway.
We're landing on the water.
Okay Okay
Okay, make sure
all the cargo is stowed away.
Anything loose
is gonna go flying.
Keep your head
between your knees.
Cutting the engines.
Starting descent.
Opening cargo doors.
Opening emergency doors.
Brace for impact!
Katie. Katie.
I'm sorry.
When did the nightmares begin?
I brought him home
from the hospital.
He cried and cried and cried.
He just never slept
through the night.
You know the guys
who came back from combat?
They tried, okay?
They went
and they saw their friends.
They went to bars.
They got laid.
That is how you get better.
Take it from me.
You don't have to tell me
everything about your dreams.
I understand that everyone
has difficult shit
they don't wanna share.
Just don't lie to me about them.
The time has come for you
to join us.
Oh, my god.
Now I'm awake!
You good?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm alive.
Yeah, you're good.
I can't believe we made it.
I told you
you could do it!
Just like riding a bike.
This way.
Come on, we gotta keep moving.
Yeah. You good?
You good?
- This way.
This way.
Linda Linda
You walk between the vail
but you shall die
at the threshold.
The Elephant will try
and stop you.
I gotta stop!
I gotta stop!
No, we gotta keep moving.
I said I need to stop!
You don't hear it?
It feels like there's--
there's needles
in my goddamn brain!
I think
they're trying to stop us.
We just gotta push through.
What the fuck?
We keep moving forward,
no matter what.
This way.
Through the hills.
How do you know?
Because I saw it in a dream.
Please be seated.
Here lies Katie Dowd,
taken before her time.
Those seated before me
let her die,
and in her final hours,
she was tired and afraid
tired and afraid.
You walk between the vail,
but you shall die
at the threshold.
You shall die
at the threshold
die at the threshold.
You're a good person.
You are good.
You have got to face
this darkness.
Your power is raw.
Don't let him stop you.
Don't go, stay with me.
You're not here.
We left you.
That doesn't matter.
This can be our second chance,
you just have to take my hand.
You're not Katie.
You're not her.
She's gone.
And you killed her.
I need you, Dave.
Stay with me.
I need you, Dave.
Stay with me.
Dave, stay with me!
I need you. Dave!
Don't go!
Guys, look.
I think we made it.
Hello, my friends!
Are you okay?
Did you get into trouble
in the fields?
The vail is not so strong there.
But you are safe now.
Let's get you cleaned up.
Come on.
It's okay.
We found this place,
the same as you.
A message in our dreams.
"Come to the island."
A small group from Tunisia
came yesterday.
Do any of you speak Arabic?
I'm afraid not.
Too bad.
Do you know
what's happening with the world?
What's killing everyone?
Did you see it?
The beast?
The Elephant Monster.
It takes many forms.
Looks different to everyone.
But you'll learn that
soon enough.
Safet will teach you.
Who's that?
Trust me.
You've met.
Come with me, please.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry,
just for him now.
Don't worry.
It's fine.
- What the?
- I don't know.
The whales are real?
The vail.
What is that?
In our dreams.
So why did you bring me here?
So you brought me here
to fight some war for you?
You think
this is me beating it?
Is this a dream?
Am I asleep?
I would really like
to wake up right about now.
And if I did,
maybe Katie wouldn't be--
You were there?
You saw all of it?
The nightmares,
the doctors, clinics.
All those years,
I was running away,
you were--
what, there to protect me?
Do you think it's safe?
There are no nightmares here.
I promise.
Well, shit, then I'm out.
Thank you for bringing us here.
Not all of us.
You tried.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, uh
I brought us
halfway across the world,
so, hopefully, it doesn't get
much harder than that.
Let's think about that
Sweet dreams.
When I look up
from my pillow ♪
I dream you are there ♪
With me ♪
Though you are far away ♪
I know you'll always
be near to me ♪
I go to sleep ♪
Sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I go to sleep, sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I look around me ♪
And feel you are
ever so close ♪
To me ♪
Though tears that flow ♪
From my eyes ♪
Bring back memories
of you ♪
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