The End (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Art vs Life

It's not too late
to change your mind.
The reward for a good life
is a good life.
God, don't say that.
Ah, well
Down the hatch.
I don't believe
In an interventionist God
But I know darling
That you do
If I did
I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene
When it came to you
Not to touch a hair on your head
To leave you as you are
And if he felt
He had to direct you
Then direct you into my arms
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms
So keep your candle burning
Make her journey bright and pure
That she'll keep returning
Always and evermore
Into my arms oh Lord. ♪
He's not breathing.
You checked?
Mum, did you see me?
Next steps. Remember?
Yes. Wow!
Ah, so good.
Were you scared?
Everyone's fine for him
to hop off to Switzerland.
Never mind he can't manage
to the end of the street.
Not even in Switzerland,
it's not that simple.
Why? The Swiss would knock
him off in a heartbeat.
My competency, you mean?
Is that the issue?
But how can you know
I'm competent enough
to know I will soon no longer
be competent enough?
You're still going to have
a lot more good days.
It's a bitch of a disease.
You know, Ronald Rayken had it
while he was still in office.
He was considered competent enough
to run a country.
What if I could prove it.
Just speaking theoretically.
That you're
Competent enough.
There's a thought.
She'll look into it.
No, she won't.
Theoretically, where's the harm?
Some contention about
when that was invented.
Pencillus, Latin for little tail.
They used to use camel hair
before graphite.
I did not know that.
OK, I want you to count backwards
from 100 in sevens.
Take your time.
I couldn't do that.
I'm good with numbers.
Nor could you.
I remember your times tables.
That's why they put calculators
on phones.
Oh, Mum.
Thank you.
44 No, no. Um
Four minus three.
Out of ten.
I need an ambulance! My friend!
He's collapsed!
I don't know what to do!
She's chewing the scenery.
It's a bit, um
I'm trying to create a sense urgency.
Go again.
Hello. I need an ambulance.
My friend! He's collapsed.
I don't know what to do!
Come on, that was great.
I need an ambulance.
My friend's collapsed.
I don't know what to do.
Walking lonely
through the night life
All the lonely souls
trying to keep control
Through the glow
of a white light ♪
Who here has ever thought,
"What the actual fuck am I doing?"
Keep your hands raised
if you've thought that this week?
What about today?
What about right now?
Who's thought,
"I'm not hot enough.
"I'm not straight enough.
"I'm not gay enough.
"I'm not trans enough.
"I'm not binary enough."
Aww, that's so cute.
You are enough however you show up.
Yes! Go, the prayers.
See ya.
See you later, guys.
Have a good one.
Hey, you guys wanna come
to Camp Life?
It's like queer camp.
It's less embarrassing
than it sounds.
Think about it.
See you later, everyone.
See you later, guys.
Think about it.
Shut up.
She likes you.
Jasper's staying for dinner.
Not tonight.
Rough day, Doc?
You look frazzled.
I can drop you home honey, but
Mum has sad news
but won't tell me what it is.
Yeah, that's what I think.
A spider bite?
No, guys. it's not the dog.
Seph, it's part of life.
I miss him, I wanna say goodbye.
She's just practising empathy again.
He was my friend, not yours.
I need to see him.
It is actually the best way
to go, you know.
Heart attack.
You know, I had a shooting pain
in my right arm the other night?
Woke me up.
You didn't suspect
anything was wrong?
No, he just keeled over.
I can see him in his garden now.
Looking for his wife.
Such a wonderful man.
A loyal husband.
To Art.
To Art!
We really appreciate this.
Oh, of course.
For one of my best customers.
Have you guys been busy?
We're meant to have
a personal development day
but then family, M1.
They've really gotta fix it.
Yeah, they really do.
It's OK.
Your Pa looks good.
He's not our Grandpa.
Our Grandpa's dead.
This is weird.
Is it?
I think he looks peaceful.
Like he's taking a nap.
I think he looks gone.
Like skin.
Goodnight, Sleeping Beauty.
Sweet dreams.
I heard.
You OK?
Hell of a thing to see.
I saw my dad die in front of me.
The Priest said not to cry
because he was in a better place.
I said, "What could be better
than here with me?"
Imagine somewhere better than this.
Impossible concept.
Watch yourself.
Um, can I Um
I've got a committee question.
Just a quick one.
Oh, of course.
Civic duty.
Keep it.
Want a swig?
Uh, no.
Well, yes but she'd smell it on me.
Hi there.
I wanted to check
I haven't upset you.
I needed to keep my distance
but I can't stop thinking about it.
You know, our dance.
That whole night.
I'd would like to see you.
Just to talk.
But if you don't think that's
If you've changed your mind.
I'd like to see you too.
You would?
Why not?
Great, she's probably dead now too.
What time is it?
Did we get a pool guy?
Hey! What are you doing?
Staining it.
Look, you've gotta stain it
or otherwise it cracks.
I mean, you can paint it but
Yeah, it's been a bit of
a work in progress.
I was just passing by.
On the water or
I thought I'd give you a hand.
Are you alright?
Because this is really
Yeah, right.
I'm sorry. I did mean it
about this not being healthy.
I wasn't being
Yeah look, say no more.
Who is that?
Come on, quick. Make your bed.
I have already.
Tell your brother to get ready.
We're going out, as a family.
Seph! Stop!
I'm gonna walk around!
You hurt my eye!
He hates me.
You should apologise.
I don't think I feel guilty.
I mean, I'm fully expecting someone
to take me away in handcuffs
any second
but so far as guilt goes
It was right.
Which is why we have to do it again.
How is it fair to help one person
and no one else?
What if it's my purpose?
I never had one. All my life.
What if this is my way
of making it count?
No, Mum. Never again.
What, so we're meant to just go on
as if nothing has happened?
Yes. Ideally.
Come on!
Now, we might be the Host State
this year
but as it's bloody Port Douglas
and so I can only afford
to take one of you
to the conference.
But I still would like help
in drafting the program.
Speakers, activities, etc.
And if somebody
wants to write my speech
and let me take total credit for it
then that's encouraged.
So he's probably like
a local celebrity.
Well, he kind of is, yeah.
OK. Good.
Philippa's uncle runs
the Cane Toad Racing
in Port Douglas.
What are the chances?
Yeah, I thought it could be
a fun Conference activity.
All the State Presidents
race their own toads.
I had some thoughts
on your keynote speech?
Oh, OK. Want to be co-author?
Well, I could do that,
if you want me
No, I was just thinking how
every conference,
someone gets up and does the war cry
for more funding. Right?
Oh, I would do it with some panache.
But what if it was
a different call to action?
What if you opened up
the Assisted Dying debate?
Right there on the podium.
Yeah? In what sense?
I mean, I'm not talking about
an endorsement
but just like a willingness
to listen.
I just think with everything
that's happening
on the community level,
we do run the risk
of being out of touch.
Would you mind giving us a minute?
I was just
Thinking outside the box.
Hmm Hm.
Oh, don't do that.
Core Values, Katie.
I think that's a little more than
thinking outside the box.
I think that's more like
fucking the box in the arse.
Right. So that's no
on arse box fucking then.
Well, I wouldn't make that
a hard rule but
No to the euthanasia debate.
OK. Yeah, sure.
Ah, no. Um
That may not be your speed.
You and I need the pockets
for the chicken fillets.
Not magic.
40 years on the floor.
We have a 'Cancer Be Glammed' range.
Let me show you that.
It's for our anniversary.
I thought I might try something new.
Make it special.
Mm. They stop seeing us, don't they?
He will love that.
It's a bit vanilla.
It's 'Un Amour'. Mark wears it.
I'm feeling more woodland creatures
and pine needles.
Like camping smells.
I just feel like
there's some fun to be had.
You know, you haven't asked me
how he is?
Like ever.
I'm just not a massive fan
of the whole situation.
No judgment.
Same way I'm not a fan
of fucking Camp Life.
We don't have to go.
I suck cock. OK?
I don't need your support group.
It's not a disability.
I mean, you should go.
No school?
It was sports day.
Uh, can I borrow some money?
I need a sleeping bag and a tent.
Mum can pay you back.
I cannot eat anymore salad.
Is it the love of the Lord
that keeps you so skinny?
Mm, it's gonna help.
Hey, I put Lucy Sidarto
in the chairs for you.
Wife of a former patient?
Pretty but doesn't know it.
Man, you whiteys.
We all look the same to you.
Shall I come with?
No, no. It's fine.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand?
I don't know what you're
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry what happened
to your husband but
It was just too late to help him
any other way. I couldn't
Not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
Thank you.
Wow. Present?
What did you do for the guy?
I'm going to take off.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh, hey. I will be helping
with that conference keynote.
If that's OK with you?
I know you had some ideas
of your own.
Don't fuck him.
I mean, if you want to, of course,
but the power imbalance.
Excuse me?
I mean, you're like what, 35?
Just go on E-Harmony,
make some babies.
This is a big happiness sabotage.
I didn't think it was fair
to leave it half done, so
You thought you'd come back
and tell me to go fuck myself?
It was more to the universe
than you.
Yeah, it kinda wrote itself.
Mum? Who is that?
It's my friend.
What do you think, Seph?
Should we ask him to stay for dinner?
Do you have health insurance?
'Cause she's a terrible a cook.
Oh, get off!
Go see them down South now
They'll see you're
Well looked after
See a boy there
Mournful and fair
Works the tables
To keep him in the share
Don't say those words again
'Cause you've got the kind of
Nerve I like
Tell him no don't
Mean he's lost her
She was young then
Things were stranger
Don't say those words again
'Cause you've got the kind of
Nerve I like. ♪
Seph, don't touch the flowers.
We helped him.
It matters.
I want to help some more.
Though here the winds blow
And winter's stone coat
Has covered up all
Sun and shelter
She remembers
How you held her
On the warm floor
Of the bunker
Don't say those words again
'Cause you've got the kind of
Nerve I like
Don't say those words again
'Cause you've got the kind of
Nerve I like
Don't say those words ♪
You've got the kind of
Nerve I like ♪
Stop it.
There'd be rules.
Of course.
Strict, ethical framework.
I know.
Nothing less.
Don't say those words again
'Cause you've got the kind of
Nerve I like. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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