The Envoys (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

El viaje de Salinas

Javi? Javi?
Go get some help. Get some help!
Come here, come here.
Oh, honey. Help!
I've gone
through such a long journey
so we can live in your Grace.
Bring him back,
so he can continue his work
here on Earth, my Lord.
Make him live,
steal him from doom
Put him on the bed.
Connect the monitor.
Esteban, get out.
I said out!
Another dose.
his body and expel it
with your infinite power.
We're here, Javi.
Lord, please spare him.
- Help my dad.
- Please let him live.
Javi, calm down honey.
Take away the evil
from his body.
We're here, Javi.
Help us, save my dad!
your infinite grace so that
he may be with you in Heaven.
Bring him back, please!
Leave him be.
Leave him be.
Lord, our heavenly Father.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
It makes no sense.
Why confessing
if he could just vanish?
Or maybe he's being
forced. -I knew about it.
- About what?
- About everything.
Everything he said
on the video is true.
He didn't have confidence,
he didn't have faith.
In what?
He didn't believe in
himself, in his talent,
his gift, being
the wonderful man he was.
And it was my fault
No, don't say that.
Don't say that.
It was about
Javier, my husband.
Rafael could never
forgive himself.
But it wasn't his fault.
It was mine
Because I could've taken
much better care of him,
I could've been
with him much longer,
I could've been
a much better doctor
Don't say that.
Now he's gone.
And so is Rafael.
I'm sorry.
Esteban is all I have left.
Calm down.
Did you happen
to talk to your partner?
When? Why are you asking?
I mean, didn't you call him?
No, he must be still
on the plane, Father.
He never boarded the plane.
He stole my colleague's car
and it turned up dumped
at a gas station.
He must be here, in San Acacio.
Your colleague? That hitman?
The one who beat me
and locked us up
and threatened me with a gun?
Is that your colleague?
He didn't mean to, Father.
He was looking for the cassette.
Oh, that's great.
Why were you looking for it?
To continue hiding deaths
like Valentina's?
Do you still have doubts?
You saw that yourself.
We just saved a woman's life.
Yes, but at what cost, Father?
What is the exchange rate?
A woman for two children?
You lied to me.
You have talked
with your partner.
Well, is it true or not, Father?
Two children died
under your practice, Monsignor.
No. No one died.
What about Valentina?
You are a doctor, Father.
Imagine that a patient
has a cancer that needs
extreme measures
to be taken urgently,
and the patient dies
during chemotherapy.
What did kill them, Father?
Cancer or the treatment?
So, two children did die.
No children died, damn it.
They say anything to harm us,
and I will not allow that.
I'd like to show you something,
so you can understand
the value of our duty.
Inside there is a battle that
we have not been able to win.
We've been struggling
for 40 years.
You can tell me, Father,
if someone is better off
having been released
from such a sorrow.
We stopped changing
the lightbulbs,
she'd constantly break them.
May we have a word?
If we get to know
where the video comes from,
we could perfectly
locate Quintana.
And how do you do that?
Lend me your phone.
My assistant on the Vatican
could do it, Emilia.
Come on.
Damn it.
It's off.
You haven't eaten.
Shall we go to my house?
Would you like me
to begin, Father?
No, it's fine.
Hello, Beatriz.
Do you know where you are?
Do you know why are you here?
Always stay
behind the line, Father.
Do you have a family?
Beatriz is the Captain's mother.
You drew a picture of me
Did you tell her
about my drawings?
Do you want to see me
go get your mother
and drag her like a dog
so you can draw her too!
Back off, demon!
Back off.
Show yourself, coward!
Hail Mary, full of grace
I command you
in the name of Almighty God
- to reveal yourself.
- Do you want to have sex?
Or do you prefer a man, Pedro?
Don't listen to her, Father.
Whatever is inside her,
it feeds from fear.
If it sees fear,
it will use it against you.
- Father.
- Yes?
- Focus.
- Right.
The first step for an exorcism
is to know
what we are fighting against.
And whatever is inside Beatriz
doesn't want
to introduce itself.
It's not Lilith,
nor Beelzebub,
nor Azazel nor Satan.
It's none of the demons
we know on books.
What is it, then?
That's what we've been trying
to find out for several decades.
Feel at home, Father.
Have a seat.
I guess we are alone.
- If you want
- Do you want
Do you want something to drink?
I'll help out in the kitchen.
Yeah, sure.
But you don't have to.
What are you
thinking about, Metzi?
How could a woman be
in such condition for so long?
The evil is restless.
I don't understand
what you want from me.
I don't have
any training in exorcism,
I can't do nothing
to change this situation.
You didn't have
your absences just because,
what you have is a gift.
You were shown a path,
the rules of one game.
But there are other paths
and other rules that
were written a long time ago.
What your absences speak to
you is what you must listen.
I don't have those, Badi.
They went away a long time ago.
You can learn
how to listen again
and get loose.
Look, honey.
This will help you.
What is it, Badi?
All you have to do
is let yourself loose.
Don't be afraid,
I'll take care of you.
You can make
a difference, Pedro,
and save so many people
from suffering.
Trust me.
That's it.
Good job, honey.
How was it?
You need some more light?
No, the meal was lit.
It was great, I just wanted
to adapt to the culture.
That it was lit, it was cool
- Oh, I get it.
- It was great.
Oh, OK.
- I'm glad.
- It was
I haven't prepared these
in a long time.
My son doesn't like it,
and my husband
Well, you know what happened
to my husband.
Father, what impression
am I making to you?
Rafael is missing, Helena is
And I'm here cooking you
my husband's
favorite enchiladas.
I honestly don't know
what this means.
Well, it means
we're hungry, right?
What does Rafael know?
It's so hard to live here
in San Acacio.
So much madness,
so much death
If I didn't have Esteban
with me, I'd be crazy.
Sometimes I kind of think I am.
Don't say that, woman
I'm sorry, Father
I'm sorry.
That was not OK.
I'm sorry.
No, you're forgiven.
Your vows
The vows
Like any promise,
you realize too late
that you've broken them.
It's never too late.
It wasn't a mistake either.
It's Esteban,
he's not coming home tonight.
At least he still cares
enough to let me know.
You can sleep in his room
if you'd like to.
It's too dangerous
to stay in a hotel.
I think it's more dangerous
to stay here.
I think maybe someone
could've forced Quintana
to record that video,
and that person is following us.
I told you it's not that.
That video
doesn't make any sense.
Quintana didn't trust
his talent.
Well, it's just a hypothesis.
A crazy one,
but someone could've forced him.
Who? Benavent? Prado?
Benavent, Prado, Molina, Rios
Any of them, I don't know.
If we could find
Quintana's phone,
maybe we could find out
who it was
- Someone is coming.
- What?
Someone is coming.
It's Molina, don't look.
Start the car, come on!
- Open the fucking door, now!
- Come on!
Let's go!
Open it!
Father, are you OK?
Why don't you hear me anymore?
Help me, Father.
Here, come on.
Calm down, Pedro.
You saved me.
You will save me.
You will save everyone.
Come here.
I can't wait to go
to the stars.
I'm walking very slowly
on the sideway.
You are OK, Metzi.
Everything is OK.
You were like this for a day
and a half, but you're alright.
What did you see?
I wouldn't know where to begin.
I thought it was time
for you to wake up.
Everything OK?
Do you feel different?
Sure, different.
I don't know if I am
what you're looking for.
Lord's timing
is perfect, Father.
Quintana's gift manifested
with Valentina's death.
I'm sure the Lord will find
the perfect time
for your gift to be revealed.
I'd like you to join me
to Mexico City,
I'm part of the committee
to receive the Holy Father.
I want you to meet
a couple of people,
so that you understand
the true dimension
of our mission.
They brought your things
from the hotel.
Take a bath and get dressed.
You come find me
once you're ready.
What is your problem
with cellphones, man?
I've been trying to reach you
and there's no use.
Oh, Simon
We'll need more
than a couple of hours
to let you know
everything I've seen.
Are you OK? Something happened?
Well, it's hard to explain,
but I'm fine.
- Everything is fine.
- Pedro, listen to me carefully.
I need you to get away
from those lunatics,
they tried to kill me.
I'm convinced the information
comes from above.
People in the Vatican
approve of these solutions.
They tried to kill you?
Who? How?
They tried, and I had
to run away with Adriana.
Listen to me, please.
They don't want the information
about the dead children
to come out
It's no good for them.
They have the captain
working for them.
They're after us.
That's why I called.
- Yes, I'm here.
It's just
It's odd, I've been with them
for quite a while now
and I don't think they're
the kind of people that
I'm telling you they are.
Will you believe
in those lunatics over me?
Where are you?
In Esteban's house,
Can I trust you, yes or no?
Hey, hey. Can I have
What is it, Father?
You don't like me anymore?
How are you doing?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Have a seat, please.
What are you doing here?
I'm escaping and protecting
you, 2x1 on the tourist agency.
And how did you find me?
You called me 200 times
from the phone of a woman
- named Adriana Cortes.
- Yes, yes.
Having the number,
I can find you anywhere.
You can't escape from me.
I don't know if I'm surprised
about what I see
or where I see it.
I've been thinking for two days
that I'm in
the wrong profession.
- I was worried.
- What happened?
No, I was worried about you.
Well, about me too, I won't lie.
And about Salinas
and a lot of people
that I'll introduce you later.
That village, Emilia
In that village
you have plenty of reasons
to feel worried about.
Well, you tell me first.
What are you doing here?
Everything alright, Father?
I'm worried about my partner.
Did he communicate with you?
I don't know what plans
you have for him.
What plans
could we have, Father?
I don't have any plans.
I hope so.
Please, Father.
Do you think that
with everything we have to do
we are going to go around
killing people?
Then you don't kill priests
for lack of time.
What a relief.
You don't know me, Father.
But you've known Badi
since you were a child.
Do you think she's capable
of hurting a priest?
We just want to talk to him,
so he can understand
that our work
is crucial to San Acacio.
Just as you could see.
And about you
We've done nothing
but taking care of you.
Haven't we?
Do you know where he is, Father?
You do.
Tell me, so I can send
someone to pick him up.
I'd be pleased
to have a word with him.
I can imagine you do.
But with all due respect,
I think that you haven't
earned my trust yet.
Then let me earn it.
Isabela Católica 566,
Alamos colony.
I know that area
very well, Father.
It's very pretty.
There must be some record
of all those dead children.
We need proof
that they entered the orphanage
and never came out again.
Do you have their names?
Yes, Geronimo gave me
their names.
That's easy to get, right?
You are good at that.
But this is not according
the plan we had.
What plan?
You becoming a Pope
so I can be a Bishop.
- Please
- This is not politics.
No, this is very politic.
Emilia, look,
that's the only way
to overthrow people
like Benavent, like Vilaró,
so we can take those places
and make a real change.
Emilia trust me,
I know about politics.
No, it's fine.
I don't know anything
about politics,
but I do know
what is living in fear.
Anywhere in the world,
even when I'm far from home
like here in Mexico,
someone could come over
and shoot me in the head.
I know, I know.
I know how to run away
from a mafia,
- I know how to live in hiding.
- Yes.
I know how to regret having
wanted to fight for justice.
I also know many things
that you don't.
So, are you going
to help me or?
Of course I will.
But when you're against a
mafia, you can't go head on.
The rules are different,
just listen to me.
I will listen to you only,
"Monsignorita." Oh!
- "Monsignorita."
- That's it.
Monsignor, if you don't mind,
I would like to visit my
parents while we are in town.
It's been a long time
since I've seen them.
Go ahead, Father.
Don't worry about it.
- Just don't take long.
- I won't.
Once you're back, you can
find me in the Cathedral.
Remember, I want
to introduce you to two people.
I won't be late, don't worry.
Go ahead and go,
I can do it myself.
- Don't worry about it.
- Have a good day.
I'll see you later, thank you.
Would you like some coffee?
Good morning.
How was your night
on that horrible sofa?
It wasn't that bad.
There was some space on the bed.
I think the best thing to do
is to return to San Acacio.
You can't go back to San
Acacio, they're looking for you.
No, I won't. You return.
I really appreciate you
letting me sleep here.
But I don't think it's OK
for us to be together.
It could be dangerous.
Let's do this.
You go back to San Acacio,
talk to Molina and Rios
and you tell them
I made you come here.
I'll be in the Vatican then.
I don't want to pass on
my problems to you.
It's not your problems
whatever happens,
they're our problems.
This is a real problem for me.
Right, I understand.
Go talk to him, OK?
Hi, God bless you.
I come from the Santo Niño
de Atocha in San Acacio.
I'm looking for the records
of the children we've housed
so we can send them
their baptism certificate.
We can't give out
that information.
But you should have it.
Oh, yes, of course.
With the earthquake a lot
of information was misplaced.
It was God's action,
He might has His own reasons.
We never judge His strategies,
even when sometimes
we can't understand them.
It was a request from
the Monsignor Eufemio Benavent,
the Bishop will be receiving
the documents.
Well, I can ask him
to talk with your superiors,
he'll surely make things quick.
What was your name?
What the hell
is your problem, bastard?
You were right.
Yes, I'm on my way.
Goodbye, Father.
Are you OK?
Excuse me, Your Eminence.
What are you doing here?
You'd better talk to me
right now
if you don't want to make a
fuss the size of this palace.
Follow me.
What do you think you're doing?
Listen to me, Your Eminence,
we don't have much time.
I have documents proving
the transfer of two children
to the San Acacio orphanage.
Birth certificates of children
who never left that place.
They were not adopted,
they were not transferred
to another institution.
There are no death certificates.
They just disappeared.
You have no idea
what you're talking about.
Those documents are saved,
I have digital copies and all.
They are ready for release
in case something happens
to Father Antequera.
A great welcoming present
for the Holy Father.
Are you threatening me?
It was not enough
sending the Captain,
they sent four hitmen for me.
You said that Emilia
is talking with Vilaró?
She's doing everything
possible to help us.
And to report them also.
Yes. Sure.
To whom?
What is it?
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Exorcisms are
Exorcisms are real, Simon.
I saw them.
- For God's sake. But
- No, come on.
Don't start
with this nonsense, Pablo.
I think you know me enough
to trust in my judgment, right?
You don't know what I've seen.
And you don't know
what I'm seeing right now.
Have you told anyone?
- Did you say something?
- No.
Then he followed you.
Shit, he's coming up.
Come on, let's go.
What the hell are you doing?
You won't be able
to cover up what they did.
I'm not here to hurt you!
I'm here to protect you,
you dumbass!
Benavent sent his hitmen
to kill you.
Where is Antequera?
This way.
Stop everything, immediately.
- What happened?
- There's no time to explain.
- Stop everything.
- Yes, sir.
I need support
to Torres Modern, number 24.
Are you sure?
Let him go.
Let him go.
Let's go.
You killer!
An ambulance!
We need to call an ambulance.
Come on, one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten.
One, two, three,
four, five, six
Stay with me, Father.
Stay with me, will you?
Stay with me.
One, two
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ,
I put my trust in you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ,
I put my trust in you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Stay with me, Father.
Stay with me.
Stay with me
Jesus Christ, who
resuscitated on the third day,
bring him the gift of life.
Jesus Christ, who
resuscitated on the third day,
- bring him the gift of life
- Father.
He's already
Hey, do you feel any better?
I'm so lucky
you're a doctor, Pedro.
If I ended up
with an engineer of a partner,
I wouldn't be here now.
I don't know
if the medic in him saved you.
Of course he was saved
for medical reasons.
Why else it would be?
The plan worked, Sister. Barely.
You were almost late,
but it worked.
Thank God it worked.
Thanks to you, not God.
He seemed pretty pleased
seeing me dead.
Excuse me.
They asked me
to give you this back.
Thanks, officer.
They're so kind.
Thank them for me.
What is it?
Do you remember
the Quintana video?
- Yes.
- The one he sent Adriana?
He sent it to her at 11:52 PM.
He sent it to me
at the same time.
What's wrong with that?
If Benavent and his people
had my phone,
I don't know why would they
send me the message too,
because they had my phone.
Perhaps so that
you wouldn't suspect them.
He's online.
What? Call him, call him.
Son, you scared me.
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