The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Me Caes Bien

I don't think Brooke's coming, Ash.
She's two hours late.
Of course she's coming. She's coming
right now.
Right now.
Right now.
Oh, my God,
she dropped her phone in the bathtub
and got electrocuted.
-Is that the first place you went?
-No, it was like, the third.
The first two were crazy.
Just call her.
Don't you think I tried that?
I'm just gonna go look for her.
You stay here and talk to Ava.
Oh, Ava's here?
What do I care?
We went out once. She wasn't interested.
How's my hair?
-Funny running into you here. [laughs]
-I work here.
Okay. Well, funny running into me here.
So, how have you been?
What? I'm sorry.
Hi, what? I wasn't listening.
Well, it's nice to see
we still have our old spark.
So, what's up with them?
Why are those people so important?
[sighs] Those are my department heads.
I have a new project
that I wanna pitch,
-so I'm just waiting for an opening.
-Well, there's no time like the present.
[chuckles] Absolutely not, okay?
They're very intimidating.
I don't think I've ever seen
either one of them smile.
It has to be the right moment.
Well, the right moment is now.
Okay, stop messing around. Hi.
Hi! Dr. Patel, Dr. Ling,
it's so nice to see you.
Actually, there is a project I've been
wanting to discuss with you--
Excuse me, Ava.
Are you Victor Garcia from the Cowboys?
Uh, yeah.
-What is happening?
-[Patel] Sorry to bother you.
We're just big football fans.
We don't meet many NFL players
around here.
I guess it is pretty exciting, but
-we were just discussing my project--
-Ava, please. Talking to Victor.
So, which one of our employees
do we have to thank for bringing you?
[laughs] Me!
He's with me.
Dating a football player?
Guess who's our new favorite.
[sighs] Oh.
Well, she's my favorite, too,
because she's my girlfriend.
Since when was it, hon?
Um March?
Actually, she has an amazing new project.
Oh, I do. There's something I'd love
to talk to you about,
some opportunities we're missing--
We have to go give a demonstration
of the rover.
Everyone loves the rover.
Well, maybe you two can come
to my coffeehouse tomorrow night.
It is full of Cowboys memorabilia.
I have Terrell Owens' fanny pack.
-[laughs] Yes! That would be amazing.
-[Ava] Oh, great!
And then we can talk more about football
and prehistoric meteorites.
And football.
-[laughs] We'll be there.
Oh, wow. Thank you so much.
I've been trying to get that kind of time
with them since I got here.
Wow. It's fine.
Well, it's not fine.
I'm blatantly using you.
Yeah, but I've never been used before,
and it's actually kind of nice.
[theme music playing]
Brooke! There you are.
Just hanging out.
Not being slowly digested by a python.
Hey. What's up?
I'm so glad you're okay.
I've been texting and calling you.
Oh, my God. Your work thing.
Sorry, I totally forgot.
My phone was on silent.
[scoffs] No big deal.
Happens all the time.
Seriously, Brooke.
You're such an avalanche.
You did not. That is so funny!
Do you remember that?
What does that mean?
It's not coming up on Urban Dictionary.
[laughs] It's just an inside joke.
Oh, cool.
We gotta go. We're late.
Where are we going?
We have a study group.
Sorry to bail like this.
-I'll see you tomorrow for coffee, right?
-Yeah, of course.
Uh, see you avalanches later.
Oh, that's not how you use it.
And then they called her an avalanche.
What does that even mean?
She's an indication of climate change?
Because that's really insulting.
They had an inside joke.
Are you really that upset?
I'm not upset,
but I reminded her of my open house
a week ago.
-So, you're upset that she forgot.
-I'm not upset. It's just,
Brooke said she was sorry,
but she didn't really seem sorry.
So, you're upset
that she's not sorry enough?
I'm not upset!
It's just,
my work can be really isolating,
and I just wanted my best friend
to see what I do.
The most self-involved person in the world
forgot something
that doesn't directly impact her.
Brooke's like your only girlfriend here.
Maybe you can't lean on her all the time.
I guess I could use
more girlfriends my age.
I mean, everyone at JPL
wears hormone patches.
Well there's a robotics club at school
that needs an adviser.
There's a bunch of girls there
you'd connect with.
Stick, that's a great idea.
You're my hero.
-[laughing] No.
Marita Cheng, founder and CEO of Aubot is,
but right now, you're a close second.
I can live with that.
Ooh, someone must have been having fun.
I've never stayed that late at JPL,
and I work there.
Oh, I was just checking out the equipment,
trying to understand what you do. [laughs]
Oh, and if anyone asks tomorrow at work,
Ava and I have been dating since March.
Okay. Good night.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?
It's not a big deal.
Her bosses are just big football fans,
and she wants to impress them
so we are pretending to date.
And we also have
a labradoodle named Leroy.
But you said Ava wasn't interested in you.
Do you think she changed her mind?
Oh? Nah. [laughs]
Oh, no. We're just friends.
Friends helping friends.
I think. Who knows? Ha-ha!
So, tune in to find out
what happens next
on La vida dramĂ¡tica de Victor y Ava.
You missed your calling.
You should have been on Telemundo.
Hey, buddy.
What's new?
Are we just not gonna talk
about the shirt?
Bella's got some big meeting
with these bloggers
from Tokyo Style Watch.
She really wants them to do
a profile on us,
so she needs me to step up my style.
I'm trying to make it work.
The shirt or the relationship?
Ha! Funny.
So, ready to make friends?
I guess
It's just,
Brooke and I have so much history,
it's gonna take me forever
to make another friend like that.
I got you covered.
They're cheat sheets. I printed out info
about each girl in robotics.
Pictures, extracurriculars,
favorite bands.
What's a "Lil Yachty"?
He's a rapper. Everyone loves him.
Beloved rapper. Got it.
Wow, where'd you get all this?
I'm on yearbook.
Normally, compiling all this
would be considered stalking,
but because it's for you,
it just makes me a good friend.
I flagged my favorites. Go get 'em.
Hey, everyone. I'm the new head
of robotics club, Ashley Garcia.
Despite the fact that I'm 15,
I have PhDs in both robotics
and applied mathematics.
If you think it's a little weird
having an adviser who's your age,
think of me as a friend.
Hey, there. Working in MATLAB, I see?
Very cool.
Almost as cool as
Lil Yachty.
You like Lil Yachty?
Of course. Only his biggest fan.
What's your favorite song?
Um, you know, the one
[beat-boxes] "I'm Lil Yachty."
That's not a song.
Hi, Amy.
Is that a file with my name on it?
[laughs] Bye, Amy.
-I am so sorry.
-No worries.
Sorry if the class is a little moody.
Our last adviser was brutally murdered,
and everybody's still on edge.
I mean, what if the killer returns?
-What? Oh, my God.
Sorry, that was weird.
Small talk can be a little hard for me.
Me, too.
I mean, machines have instructions,
why don't people?
[laughs] Exactly.
I'm Romy, by the way.
-Nice to meet you, I'm--
I heard your speech. Fifteen and two PhDs?
Who are you? Marita Cheng?
Wait, you're a fan of Marita Cheng?
Founder and CEO of Aubot? Who isn't?
Do you have a second
to help me with my project?
I'm trying to build
a fully functional T-1000 replica.
From Terminator?
"Come with me if you want to live."
Schwarzenegger was a T-800,
but I'll let it go.
I'm, like, so sorry to do this,
but you wouldn't mind sitting
at another table?
This is kind of me and my friend's table,
and I know it's--
Brooke. Hi. Did you introduce yourself?
-This is Romy.
Hey, nice to meet you.
Weren't we meeting for coffee?
Yeah, of course.
I just wanted you to meet my new friend.
-Sit down.
-[laughs] Okay.
So, it's
"Come with me if you want to live."
It's actually getting worse.
[Ashley] Oh, my God.
Okay, so
"Come with me if you want to live."
That's just too Dracula.
So, how do you guys know each other?
We met in robotics club.
Since when did you join robotics club?
They needed a new adviser.
The last one was brutally murdered.
Why are you laughing? That's horrible!
It's just an inside joke.
She just got another job.
Ashley is way more qualified
than that other adviser anyway.
I mean, telerobotics. Hello.
Uh, what's telerobotics?
My project. At JPL.
What I've been working on
since I got here.
Oh, right, of course.
I just can't believe JPL has two
eight-degree of freedom manipulators.
It's insane, right
Yep. Crazy.
That is more degrees than a
A what?
Actually, I think I gotta run.
I have choir practice.
I'll see you later.
That's so weird.
I thought she had choir on Thursdays.
Stick, everyone's laughing at something.
Check your fly, dude.
Buddy, they're laughing at you.
And just a theory: could be the hat.
Maybe you're right.
[laughs] But if they're laughing at this,
I'm glad I didn't wear the big hat.
[laughs] Okay, and then Romo says,
"Officer, he's a kicker, not a lover."
This has been so great.
-Well, I'm so glad you both could join us.
-[Patel] It was a treat.
I'm thrilled you got a chance
to pitch us your ideas
about the McMurdo project, Ava.
We have a lot to discuss.
Okay, great. I'll go get your coats.
Oh. You know, I never got a chance to ask,
how come you guys are such big fans
of a kicker?
I was only there for a year.
Well, it was a great year.
Largest fantasy football pool
we've ever had.
Oh. Was I on your fantasy team?
No. You were on Bob Donaldson's team,
and he lost huge
when you missed that field goal.
You won me a lot of money that day.
All right, here you go.
-Thank you so much again for coming.
-[sighs] Have a great night, you two.
Ava, we'll set up a meeting, ASAP.
Okay. All right, great.
-Well, thank you. Bye.
-Good night.
Yay, sports!
That literally could not have gone better.
Ah, could've gone a little better.
I think I actually have a shot
at getting my project approved.
It never would've happened without you.
Oh, wasn't all me.
The Cowboy memorabilia helped.
Especially, Jason Witten's shower shoes.
Yeah. Dr. Ling touched those a lot.
All right. Get out of here,
I gotta close up.
Mind if I stick around and help?
You don't have to.
I want to.
I know you have a PhD and all,
but I don't know if you're qualified
to marry ketchups.
[hums wedding march]
All right, smartypants, show me
Hmm, I like mine better.
Oh, here it is.
This is gonna be so fun to binge.
America's Next Top Butcher?
Why are we gonna watch this?
Romy's favorite show,
and I trust her 'cause she's my girl.
Well, she knows good TV.
Thanks for helping me make a friend.
You really are the best.
-[alarm beeping]
-Stick, the nachos are done.
-Right, nachos.
Thanks, nachos.
[doorbell rings]
You left this at Pat's.
Sorry, I don't think this is mine.
Oh, you're sorry?
What do you have to be sorry about?
Honestly, nothing.
Women have just been indoctrinated
to apologize all the time.
Okay, cool, whatever. So you don't think
you have anything to be sorry about?
No. Perhaps you're projecting.
Is there anything you feel
you may have to be sorry about?
I guess I'm sorry
that my BFF doesn't seem to care
about my feelings.
I don't care about your feelings?
Did you care about my feelings
when you totally blew off my open house?
I forgot. It was a mistake.
I didn't actively try to make you jealous.
Oh, so making a friend who's available
is me trying to make you jealous?
If the only reason you came over here
was to get an apology,
-you're not going to get one.
Aren't you gonna leave the lip gloss?
It is my lip gloss.
I can slam doors, too, you know!
So, where are we
on America's Next Top Butcher?
-I didn't know you had a liquor license.
I don't. That's why I'm pouring this
in coffee mugs.
So, I have a question.
Patel clearly wanted
that foam finger so badly.
Why did you give it to Ling?
Patel outranks Ling, but Ling's smarter.
Someone should put her first.
-That's an astute observation.
-Not bad for an ex-jock.
You're way smarter
than you give yourself credit for.
I mean, you're the coach
of a winning football team,
an investor in a successful business
a musician?
Oh, no, not anymore.
I haven't played that in a long time,
but please keep the compliments coming.
I mean it.
You have very high social intelligence,
I shouldn't have judged you
for not having an advanced degree.
are you saying
you'd actually consider dating me?
Jeez, do I have to spell it out for you?
So, that's a yes?
Morning, Ash.
Gorgeous day, isn't it?
Is it, though?
Brooke's still not returning my texts.
Oh, she'll come around.
You know what they say?
"Brooke will come around."
I hope so.
So, how'd it go with Ava?
Obviously very well.
Hey, Ava.
Hi, Ash. Good morning.
Um, we were just I was just ask--
Wait a second.
I thought you guys were fake dating.
And we had a fake sleepover.
Well, I should go home and change.
So, I'll see you at work,
and I'll see you tonight.
-She'll see you tonight.
-I know!
I don't even know how it happened.
I think this could really be something.
Ooh, estoy feliz por ti. [laughs]
-Thanks, Ash.
-Now tell me everything.
Except the parts that are explicit,
inappropriate or objectifying.
[laughing] Uh, well
let's just say I really like her.
Brooke's still not answering my texts
or my calls.
She can't stay mad forever.
Face it, toots. That relationship is over,
but you still got me.
Speaking of friendship,
is it cool if you sign this form?
-I need the robotics adviser's signature.
-Sure. What am I signing?
It just says that I didn't steal
the 3-D printer from the lab
and "sell it" on the dark web.
Wait. Did you?
I gotta go give this to the principal,
I'll catch you later.
Think your new friend
might have been using you.
I know that "now."
Hey, guys.
Uh, Tad what is that?
Hot pretzel.
Ash, you look upset. Are you okay?
Brooke's mad at me. Romy was using me.
I wanted more girlfriends,
and now it turns out I have zero.
Stick, you heard the fight.
Should I go and apologize?
I can't lose Brooke forever.
What should I do?
Oh, wow, okay.
This requires a lot of thought.
I mean, sure. You can apologize.
Apologize. Right.
-But that could just make things worse.
-Worse? What do you mean worse?
Well, sometimes when you apologize,
it makes you look desperate and needy.
-Okay, so I shouldn't apologize?
-No, I didn't say that.
Don't put words in my mouth.
I don't want the guilt of ruining
your friendship on my shoulders.
Well, what would you do?
[sighs] If I were you
I am so glad I'm not you.
This is impossible.
-Stick, you're stressing me out.
-I'm stressing me out.
Think my nose is bleeding.
Why is this so hard?
How does anyone ever make any friends?
How does anyone ever keep a friend?
Maybe I wasn't cut out
to have any girlfriends.
Ash, take a breath.
It's gonna be okay.
What are you feeling?
-What do you mean?
-You're thinking too much.
Thinking is overrated.
I go days without doing it.
you gotta go with your feelings.
What's your gut telling you to do?
I wanna apologize.
Then do that.
But what if she doesn't accept it?
Of course she will. You're awesome.
Thanks, Tad.
That's exactly what I should do.
Why are you laughing?
You just wouldn't expect advice that wise
from a man wearing an adult onesie.
When you have to fully unrobe
to use the bathroom,
you learn a lot about life.
I'm guessing you and Bella
are still trying to get
into that fashion blog?
We already made it into the blog.
It's pretty awesome.
They're doing a full profile.
Then why are you still wearing that?
'Cause I like it.
Who cares what anyone else thinks?
Wow. I respect your confidence.
You really know who you are.
I do. I'm Tad Cameron, and I wear rompers.
Check this out.
Never done that before.
That was all romper.
What is that?
An apology gift I made for Brooke at work.
It's a robotic teddy bear.
I programmed it to say I'm sorry
in Chris Hemsworth's voice.
If you wanted her
to accept your apology,
shouldn't you have used
Liam Hemsworth's voice?
Are we really going to get
into this again?
Fine. You know where I stand.
As soon as robotics club is over,
I'm gonna bring this to Brooke's house.
I hope this apology works
because right now it feels
like I'm never gonna see her again.
Brooke! What are you doing here?
I'm your newest member.
-But don't you have drama club right now?
-I had to rearrange some stuff,
but I really wanted to be here.
This is your world,
and I wanna know more about it.
I can't believe it.
I'm so glad you're here.
I didn't mean to miss your open house.
It was important to you,
and I should've been there.
I didn't mean to leave you out.
I wasn't trying to hurt you.
I'm sorry.
And that was a real sorry,
and not an indoctrinated one.
Aww. I missed your big words.
I can't believe you apologized first.
I wanted to apologize first.
I made you
Robot Teddy Bear Chris Hemsworth
and everything.
-This is literally my favorite thing ever.
Stick says I should have made you
a Robot Teddy Bear Liam Hemsworth.
Stick's Team Liam?
Oh, I see it.
And now you can connect this with this.
Ow! [winces]
I just singed my arm hair.
Why is Stick even here?
He's terrible at this stuff.
That's the third time
he's singed something.
It's a miracle he still has eyebrows.
Oh, he just signed up to help me
with the whole making friends thing.
So, he signed up for a club
full of stuff he is dangerously bad at
just to help you out?
-Yeah. Because he's my friend.
-Woman, wake up!
I tried to back off
and let this thing play out naturally,
but this is getting out of hand.
He likes you. Like likes you.
Like, in a rom-com way.
That's crazy.
What possible proof do you have?
He's at your house all the time,
he brings you your
favorite latte every morning,
and I caught him writing "Stashley"
in his notebook like a fourth grader.
The kid likes you.
When you say it all together like that,
I get why it may seem that way,
but he doesn't like me.
Here, I'll prove it.
Hey, Stick. We're just friends, right?
You don't have a crush on me or anything?
[laughs] That's nutso.
-Right? It's insane.
-We're just friends. Nothing but friends.
Told ya.
And once I explained to the principal
about the mix-up
with that form Romy had me sign,
she was really understanding.
Apparently, last semester,
she tricked a sub
into cosigning for a car loan.
Huh. I remember that guy.
Had to move back in with his parents.
Well, I hope you called Romy out
for manipulating you like that.
I tried. But now she's on house arrest.
And I know after all this,
I should be mad,
[laughs] but she's fun.
[cell phone chimes]
Oh. [gasps]
My project got approved.
-Really? Ava, that's amazing.
They want me to start in two weeks.
Oh, my gosh. I can't believe it.
Believe it. You did it.
Not only did they approve my project,
but they want me to spend a year
at McMurdo.
You're going to Antarctica!
[both] Yay!
[chuckles] Antarctica?
The project is
in Antarctica?
Yeah. That's where the McMurdo station is.
This has always been my dream,
and it never would have happened
without you, Victor.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
[theme music playing]
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