The Flash s01e06 Episode Script

Sins of The Father

Walt! Martin! Let's get them back in the bus before we all get fried out here.
Take it easy, Hix.
Just move.
Get him, Hix! Take him out, man! Take him! Go for it! Get out of here, man! Right side! You got it! You got it! You're out of here! All the way! Oh, my gosh.
He's dead.
Damn it, Martin! Get on the horn! Call this in! Tell them it's Hix.
He's loose.
All right, Hix! All right! Go for it! That was great, Mom.
Always did love your corned beef and cabbage.
So I gathered.
Your knife and fork were a blur during dinner.
I've seen sharks eat slower.
And less.
I'm just a growing boy.
Why don't you go watch TV.
- I'll clean up in here.
- No, Mom, leave it to me.
You and Dad go on in, I will be there in a minute.
Put that down.
I'm all right.
- Barry, clearing the table? - Overeating.
It's affecting his brain.
And stop.
Not bad.
So, what's your pleasure? Golf, bowling, stock-car races? Enough sports, Henry.
How about a movie? Okay.
The Babe Ruth Story, channel 14.
I'll get it.
Wish this storm had knocked out the telephone company.
Well, say something, jerk, I can hear you on the line.
I'm here, old man.
- Who is this? - You thought you put me away for good.
- I'm back.
- Yeah.
- Well, what do you want? - My due.
You've got an outstanding debt.
I'm back to collect it.
You're gonna die, old man.
Real soon.
I bet you scared him to death, huh, Johnny? Nineteen years and they're doing this now? What the hell happened here? Wrong number.
Idiots can't dial right anymore.
Come here, Henry, listen to this.
- Where's the houses? - I'll find out, Johnny.
You better.
Find the houses.
Sure, sure.
Listen, I got the shooter you wanted.
- He's all lined up.
- Let's get the hell out of here.
A mini-mall, huh? The storm is expected to intensify though the night.
Travelers' advisories are out throughout the county and are expected to be in effect Always a storm.
Get back to the movie.
I better hit the road.
You know how freaked Earl gets during storms.
Good night, Mom.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Drive carefully.
You bet.
Since when is Earl afraid of storms? Since it'll get Barry out of cleaning up the dishes.
I'd better go do it.
- Wait! - I need money.
Look at me.
Yeah, sure, Johnny.
Take as much as you want.
There's gonna be plenty soon, right? Yeah.
If you make sure you find my houses.
It's straight, Johnny.
I got it from one of the guys who moved them.
They're all on a storage lot.
North side of town.
What about muscle? Gonna need lots.
I already talked to three.
They're all good guys.
- They can keep their mouths shut.
- Yeah.
What about my gunner? Name's Gruber.
You just keep doing good work, Danny.
The man says you've got guns.
Is that right? For sale.
All you ever want.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Well, I suppose a man with that many guns knows how to use them.
You got that right, pal.
- You gonna help me out or not? - Yeah, yeah.
Sure, sure.
Okay, get those pink Sonias over there.
No, not that one.
The one next to it.
Sort of peachy color.
Why don't they call it a peachy Sonia, if it isn't pink? How come in baseball, a ball that hits the foul pole is fair? You got a point.
- Leg acting up? - Every now and again.
I've been thinking about when that happened.
Yeah? Not a day that I don't think about that miserable piece of work.
Johnny Ray Hix.
Came blowing out of the back of that bank and drilled me before I turned the corner.
He was gonna kill me.
- Till you showed up.
- I should never have let you go back around there alone in the first place.
It wasn't your fault, Henry.
Anyway, look on the upside.
The leg got me transferred to a cushy desk in Records.
And besides, you got Hix.
- Got him good.
- Yeah, chased him for three blocks.
Damn near killed him when I caught him.
You know, it still burns me that we never found the money.
Nearly 600 thou.
I hope he rots in a cell till doomsday.
He's out, Pete.
And he's in town.
What? Broke away from a road gang the day of that storm.
- That was Hix? - Called me.
Said he was gonna kill me.
- Who'd you tell about this? - Nobody.
I wasn't gonna get Nora and Barry all riled over a phone call.
You talked to the station? Lookit, he's a con on the run.
He's probably miles away by now.
Besides, I'm not gonna go whining for protection when nothing's happened.
No, we'll handle this ourselves.
- Who's "we"? - Allen and Donello.
That's who.
You been sniffing the ant spray? Hix has got 20 years and a bellyful of hate on us.
And we got a lifetime of police work on him.
- You with me, Pete? - Well, sure.
But that Hix, he's crazy.
- What if he? - Let him.
I'll nail him a second time.
I don't know how to explain it exactly, he's just not himself the past few days.
A little bit more to the right.
He's on edge and he's a little distracted.
A little bit higher.
- Now, that's perfect.
Hold it.
- Okay.
Let's put in nails.
- Here you go.
- Well, maybe it's retirement.
You know? A delayed reaction.
I mean, suddenly he finds himself with nothing to do.
All he seems to wanna do lately is talk to his old pals on the force or listen to the police-band radio.
Picture's crooked.
For your information, I'm fine.
Well, yeah, we were just wondering if maybe you were a little bored.
Sort of Well, I mean, now that you're no longer on the force.
Oh, I suppose a little.
Not much going on nowadays.
- Everybody all right? - Yeah.
- Yeah? Mom? - Yes, I'm fine.
Excuse me, folks.
Could you please stay back? Okay, Bob.
Take this to Ballistics, will you.
- Henry, this is insane.
- Getting out of harm's way is stupid? No, me leaving is fine.
You staying is insane.
There's plenty of room at my sister's house for both of us.
Nora, I'm staying, and that's final.
Besides, I hate St.
I'm not too crazy about your sister either.
Barry, can you talk some sense into this man? Well, probably not.
But I do have an idea.
Since Dad won't leave, why doesn't he move in with me.
- That's as bad - I don't need a babysitter.
Especially you.
Hold it! It's a good idea.
Dad will be safe with me.
- Look, I am a cop! - In a lab coat.
Besides, Hix doesn't know you'll be with me or where I live.
- Henry? - Never.
Then turn around and take those bags right upstairs.
I am not leaving.
All right.
Get them, Larry.
Get them.
All right, I'll stay with Barry.
Come here, Mom.
I'll take good care of him.
- You promise? - I promise.
Now, don't worry about me, Nora.
I'll walk you out to the squad car.
The boys will drive you down to the airport.
The car was stolen.
It was taken from a motel last night.
So, what else is new? - Any prints? - It was a glove job.
Oh, man, this is some bad business.
Man, this is my house! It's where I grew up.
How much time you got here? - Like an hour or two.
- Stay with my dad till I get back.
I'll pick him up here and take him to my apartment.
- We'll get something to eat later.
- Wait.
- Aren't you going out with Tina? - That's right.
I'll figure out something.
Gotta run.
- Where you going? - Hunting.
- Come on.
Give me an eight.
- Here we go, here we go.
Come on.
Hard six! That's my baby.
- Get out of here! - Hey, man, let's get out of here.
Hey, take the money, man.
I don't care.
I'm looking for someone.
- Johnny Ray Hix.
You know him.
- Hix.
Yeah, I know Hix.
Served time with him.
But I haven't seen him for over 10 years.
- You know he's out.
- I heard.
Yeah, I heard.
But lookie here, man.
Hix is worst I ever met.
I see Johnny Ray Hix coming, and I'm heading the other way.
Look at me! I want him.
You find out anything, you tell a cop, I'll get the word.
You don't you lose.
- Here's your change.
- Thank you.
Daily Star.
It's a 5.
It's a 10.
- How you doing, Barry? - Good, Reg.
- Here's your change.
- No, keep it.
Oh, thanks.
Word's out you're looking for Hix.
Yeah, and I got nothing.
- Heard anything? - No.
Drums say he's still in town, though.
Well, that's something, I guess.
Why can't I get a bead on him? You gotta remember, anybody who gets in bed with Hix they get real loyal and real quiet.
Otherwise they get real dead.
Good point.
Well, if you do hear Anything, it's yours.
I owe your dad from way back.
- How is he? - Dad? He's fine.
- In fact, I gotta go pick him up.
- Well, give him my best, you hear? Hey, hey! Hey, you forgot your paper! What can I say, I got my orders.
If the man says to check the gas main under this lot well, that's what I gotta do.
I don't know.
I didn't get a work order on this.
Listen, the main has got a leak.
If it blows, this lot's gonna be spread across the whole county.
But if it makes you feel better, waste more time.
- Go ahead, call it in.
- No, no.
That's okay.
You guys do your job.
I got the weekend off anyway.
Well, thanks, pal.
You saved us both a lot of headaches.
- You guys lock up when you leave, now.
- Oh, you bet.
Come on, Gus! Let's go! Which house is it? I don't know.
It's a lot of years.
It's in a wall space.
It's an outside wall.
We're gonna have to check every one of these.
Now, let's get to it.
So how long were you a police officer, Mr.
Allen? For 41 years.
How's that coming, Barry? It's great.
It's Yeah, it's fine.
You sure burned the hell out of those shrimps.
They're not burned.
They're blackened.
They're supposed to look like that.
I lived with your mother long enough to know what burned looks like.
Well, Dad, anyway, I was telling you that Tina is the doctor who treated me after my accident.
- Oh, yeah? Doctor, huh? What kind? - Well, I'm an M.
, of course.
But most of my work recently has been fairly varied.
Researching paragenetic enhancement, experimental anthropobionics subnucleic biochemistry, that sort of thing.
- What the hell language was that? - Dad! - It is a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? - See, even she admits it.
You should relax.
I understand you're a little nervous on the first date.
No, I told you, it's not a date.
- Really.
- It's a good thing that you're here, Tina.
If he took you out, you might have to go through that restaurant thing of Barry's.
- Restaurant thing? - Now, wait a minute.
Every time Barry goes to a restaurant, he doesn't really handle it too well.
Now, come on, Dad, that was a long time ago.
I'm sure Tina is not interested in that.
The minute we'd get to one, you know, Barry would get sick.
I remember one time we went to Barton's Cafeteria, and he let it go.
- Oh, God.
- Barry, are you all right? Yeah, fine.
Hey, you trying to kill us? Sorry.
I never expected a water hazard at dinner.
Water hazard? You play golf? Any chance I can get.
You? - It's my passion.
- What kind of woods do you use? - Fairway Classics.
- Me too.
- Have you seen their new wedge? - No.
- You okay? - Yeah, just a little cramp.
- Here, Earl.
Come here, boy.
- Is Earl here? Hey, come here, boy.
I've got some burned shrimp for you.
Oh, the wedge.
It's so great.
- The beryllium head, the 60-degree loft.
- Terrific.
- You hear that, Barry? - That's perfect.
- What's that red thing in his mouth? - His leash.
He wants to go for a run.
We'll be back later.
Allen, I'm having a little trouble with my slice.
Yeah, well, you gotta roll the right hand over.
Stay out of my closet, all right? Hair samples matched the car's registered owner.
- Nothing new here.
- Same with the shells.
- Yeah.
- Standard 9 mm.
Fits all Mac-10s and Tec-9s.
That narrows it down.
Can't be more than a couple thousand of those in town.
Dad! Careful, that's hydrochloric acid.
I wasn't gonna drink it.
Seems to me you've drunk worse in your day.
Hey, Pete! Hey, Pete.
You remember my son, Barry.
- Oh, sure do.
How are you, son? - Fine, Mr.
I'd like you to meet my colleague, Julio Mendez.
- Julio, Mr.
- Just Pete.
Listen, I didn't mean to break anything up here.
I just stopped by to see Henry.
Yeah, welcome to my jail.
Come on, we'll talk.
Let the science boys go back to their toys.
I think I got something, Henry.
That's great, Peter.
What? A name from Hix's file.
Danny Duffy.
- Duffy.
- Yeah, you remember.
The wheelman.
The kid.
We got him at the bank that day.
- Duffy went up for 18 months.
- Where is he now? I thought you might ask.
He's got a bar.
Place over on Con's Avenue.
Danny D's.
Barry, Pete and I are gonna go downstairs and get a cup of coffee.
Don't leave the building, all right? Yes, sir.
You know, it's really weird.
Time piles up.
Suddenly you're the parent, they're the kids.
- That's the way of the world, man.
- I guess.
- Just drop me off.
- I don't know, Henry.
- Maybe I should go in with you.
- I'll be okay.
I know that drill.
Besides, this one's all mine.
- Damn it! - What's the matter? My father, that's what's the matter.
You took a wrong turn, dad.
Legion hall's around the corner.
Duffy, I'm talking to you.
- I want Hix.
- I can't hear you, man.
You hear me now? I'm looking for Hix, damn it! - Now you pay for the jukebox.
- Can anyone get in this game? God, it's him.
He's real.
Get down! Looking for this? - Where is Hix? - I haven't seen Hix.
He's lying! If you are, I'm gonna put you behind the eight ball.
Barry! Did you see him? The Flash guy, he exists! Where'd you come from? Me? I followed you here from the lab.
You promised me you wouldn't leave.
I gotta get you out of here.
Yeah, but this guy is something.
If we had a half a dozen like him on the force there wouldn't be a criminal left in this whole city.
Three blocks.
Henry chased you three full blocks.
Here's the only place you could have dumped it.
One of those boarded-up homes that they moved outside of town.
You always were the smart one, Donello.
570,000 big ones.
I can't turn my back on that, can I? What I really wanna thank you for is this.
My treasure map.
And this.
Allen's with his kid, huh? I found this under the lawn chair.
- Thought you might wanna hold on to it.
- Hix's file.
So he and Dad They just couldn't let go.
- Henry.
- Lieutenant.
Pete didn't have a wife or kids.
I thought you might wanna have these.
His gun and badge.
- Thanks.
- We found them inside.
I knew Pete Donello myself for over 20 years.
We're gonna make Hix pay.
You've got my promise on that.
Nobody wants to lose another good cop, Henry.
So you stay close to your boy.
Head down, watch your back, okay? Dad? I never should have dragged Pete into this.
He was right.
A couple old men can't go back out on the street.
I killed him, Barry.
You can't blame yourself.
There's only one thing to do now.
Get Hix.
Take a look at these.
You might find them interesting.
See, these are shots of the mud around Pete's garden.
Now, the ground was still soft when we took these so I think we may get some interesting prints from this.
Okay, Barry.
According to the size of the wound and the shape of the blade the weapon that killed Mr.
Donello is a hunting knife.
All right, that's something.
We can have the Homicide boys check the surplus stores for purchases.
- Yeah.
- I don't believe this.
What? We've got a good solid lead here.
Who cares what kind of knife killed Pete? He's dead.
That's what matters! - Well, wait a minute, there's - No, no.
You wait! You seem to be pretty good at it.
One of the best men I've ever known is dead.
And all I get from you is footprints and coroners' reports.
Let me tell you something.
All the chemicals and all the microscopes in the world won't bring Pete back! He's dead, Barry! Everybody in the whole damn world knows who killed him and I have to sit here and listen to this! I gotta go down to the storeroom for a minute.
We're short on beakers.
Did you ever for one single minute, stop and think that I might get a little sick and tired of your endless criticism of me and my work? I am doing the best I know how here.
And you're not getting a step closer to Hix.
Well, what am I supposed to do, huh? You seem to know, so clue me in here.
What should I do? You get out on the streets! You turn the town upside down looking for Hix! If you can't find him, you find somebody that knows him and you kick his butt.
You keep kicking till he tells you what you want! Is that all being a cop means to you? Turning on a siren and pulling a gun? Law enforcement has made a few advances in the last 25 years, you know.
I knew how to do good police work, but you And I don't? - Look, look, Barry - Just drop it.
Barry, maybe we dropped it too long.
Let's take a walk, son.
Barry, I've always gone at things, well, pretty straight ahead.
You know, the physical, rough.
Now you sound like Jay talking.
Yeah, I guess it does.
But when Jay went through the academy and became an officer, well I knew what he was doing every day, you know? How he thought, what he was up to.
I always understood your brother, Barry.
But as much as I loved Jay, I never loved you any less.
But you Well, you, Barry, you were different.
I mean, you were smart, you know, reading all the time.
Hell, you were the first Allen to go all through college.
And now look at you, a scientist.
Doing things I can't imagine, I don't even understand.
Do you know what I'm trying to say, Barry? Yeah, I think so, Dad.
Well, maybe we should be getting on home.
You know, I think I'm gonna be working late tonight.
You gonna be all right a few hours on your own? I'll be fine, Mother.
- and heavy cream with salt and egg yolk until they are golden brown.
Naturally, a very good side dish What's the matter, pal? Stay down.
Stay down, Earl.
Stay down.
You took my life, Allen! Now I'm gonna take yours.
Twenty lousy years.
That's a bad place to grow up, Allen.
Are you listening to me, old man? I want you to hear this.
After I kill you, I'm gonna kill your son.
No more Allen cops! That was close, Johnny Ray! I thought he was gonna nail you.
Shut up! Just make sure you nailed him.
How long before the x-rays are back? I understand.
Okay, then I'll be by to pick him up in about an hour.
- Righto.
Thanks, doc.
- Well, how is he? He took a few pellets in his arm but the worst is the whack on his head when he fell.
- He's got a mild concussion.
- Other than that? Well, he's depressed, quiet.
Not like him.
It's a two-way gunfight and all he gets is a crease in his helmet? I'm sorry, that's one tough old man.
Keep cranking on what we got.
I can't sit around here.
- Where you going? - To the gym.
Yeah! I want a damn lawyer! Can you hear me out there? A lawyer.
Pipe down in there.
- This whole thing's a setup.
- Worked, too.
- What? - You're in here.
Hix is a free man.
- Who are you, man? - You know me.
From last night.
Hey, help me! Somebody's in here! Call them.
And when they come, I'll be gone.
But then I'll just come back.
- Where's Hix? - Please, man.
I don't know about him.
Just some guy I met at Danny's.
Said he'd pay me 10 grand if I'd do a trigger for him.
- How does Hix have money like that? - I don't know, man.
I swear! Who's bankrolling him? It doesn't make sense that he could offer Gruber $ 10,000.
Maybe he knocked off another bank.
He was always good at that.
The bank robbery.
The missing money.
That's it! It's gotta be.
He's still going after the money all these years, and Pete figured it out.
I wondered what this old city map was for.
Hey, Dad, look at this highlighted part.
The streets where you chased him.
Now, see where Pete marked it? What is that? That's Fifth and McCullum.
Boarded-up houses.
Been there for years.
Not anymore.
The whole block's under construction.
The houses have been moved out for relocation.
So Hix is having trouble getting to his money, huh? We got him.
For the first time in this whole lousy deal, we know where he is.
Hey, Dad, come on.
We got him.
Yeah, fine.
Call it in and have him picked up.
It doesn't much matter to me anymore.
Don't you think we should be there? I mean, after all he's done.
After all I let him do.
Shooting up our house, endangering your mother.
Then I dragged Pete in.
Look around.
Look at the damage.
Barry, he came here to kill you too.
You're right.
Who the hell do I think I am? I'm too old for any of this.
What are you doing? - I'm going after him.
- No, Barry.
You're right about Hix.
The grief he's brought us.
I'm gonna bring him in.
I'm not letting you go out there alone.
Then come with me.
All right, son.
Let's end it now.
- Hix! There's something here.
- Get it out of there! Get it out of there! - Pull! Pull! - There it is.
- Got it! - We got company.
Get them! Nice shot.
- How many? - I made four.
- Three to go.
- Right.
- Let's separate.
- Right.
Sleep tight.
Hix! Come on, Hix! How's it feel, someone coming after you? Come on, old man.
Come and get it! I got him.
The porch must have been rotted out.
That's not the only thing.
The money must have been stored next to a water pipe.
I called in.
Cars are on the way.
I'm gonna go check on the one I wounded.
- Okay, Hix - Say your prayers, Allen.
Barry! Barry! Up! Get up! Barry! Barry! It's over! It's over.
He's beaten.
You know, I can't figure it out.
If this Flash is a good guy, why doesn't he wanna show himself? Oh, I don't know.
Maybe one day he will.
Come on.
We gotta knock off and go pick up Mom at the airport.
Well, listen, there's something I've been wanting to say to you, son.
That was a brave thing you did out there, taking on Hix.
- That was brave and dangerous.
- Well, while I doing it I felt like I could have killed him.
- Yeah, I know.
I felt that way a thousand times when I was on duty.
It's part of being a cop.
You gotta do your job and keep your feelings in.
What I'm trying to say, Barry is you are a cop.
And a good one.
You may be different than I was, or Jay.
None of this is easy for a dumb old Irishman.
Sounds great to me.

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