The Following s01e06 Episode Script

The Fall

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of I have so many surprises waiting for you.
Hello? Mom? I want to go home.
Why can't I come home? I'm gonna come get you.
Joey! They were able to find a signal in upstate New York.
Jacob Wells.
Paul Torres.
Hey, guys.
This is Megan.
I thought you were gonna deal with this.
Paul's the one that brought her here.
Jacob's never killed anyone.
I think you should do it, Jacob, since you never have.
If you want to see Joey, be at the corner of Broad and 26th Street.
If you want to see Joey, get in now.
I won't say it again.
This is Hank.
Roderick sent him.
We need to get out of here, guys.
Shh, shh, shh.
Hey, Joey.
I'm a friend of your mom's.
She sent me to come take you home.
Do not move.
Hand over your weapon.
- It's okay, Joey.
- Go to your room, Joey.
You heard what he said.
Go to your room.
- Where's Denise? - Go to your room now! Do what he says.
Go to your room.
Now turn around, slowly.
I can do that.
Over there by the chair.
- Now what? - Shut up.
Let me think.
- It's Ryan.
- Yeah, I know who he is.
- Where's Joey? - He's upstairs.
- Where's Hank? - He's in the barn.
He's dead.
There's a dead cop, too, but there's probably more on the way.
We gotta get out of here.
Let's all just stay calm.
This isn't a calm situation.
This is freak time.
Damn it, Jacob, hold it together.
He's right, Emma.
There'll be others any second.
Who else knows we're here? Just me.
And the FBI.
Local police, state police, US Marshals, SWAT, ATF, HRT.
I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
But this is the end.
None of you are making it out of here.
Not alive, anyway.
Let's go.
Where are we? I was told that I would see my son.
Where is he? I asked you a question.
Say something! I don't want to hurt you, Claire.
Don't make me hurt you.
House sits a ways from the road.
It's just beyond that tree line.
Doing good.
Just hang in there.
How big is the property? Mostly fields and woods.
Chief, Lopez is dead.
He's what? How? We don't know the details.
He was with Ryan Hardy.
I'm sorry about Officer Lopez, but I need you to focus, Chief.
I need all of your men here now, okay? Feds are on their way with SWAT and HRT, but we need to guard the perimeter so no one can leave that property before then.
Where's Ryan Hardy now? Last time I spoke to him, he was headed inside the house.
I found this.
So, tie him up.
- What's wrong? - He's looking at me funny.
- Do it.
- Yeah, Jacob.
Do it.
Come on.
Do it.
The second you get within two feet of me, I'm gonna snap your neck and crack your spine.
- I'll shoot you dead.
- And his spine will be cracked.
- And you'll be dead.
- And his spine will be cracked.
- He's bluffing.
- How do you know that? Huh? He's FBI.
He knows this stuff.
Yeah, Paul.
I know that stuff.
What was that? My cell phone.
- Want me to answer it? - No.
Give it to me.
Take it.
Put it on the table and step away.
I'm too nervous to sit.
That's all.
How much longer before I see my son? Soon as I have an ETA, you'll know.
How do you know Joe? We met through friends.
I can easily slice into the prison library servers and create a separate server that piggybacks on what's there.
They'll never know.
It's very similar to the covert systems we had in Baghdad, sir.
How long were you in the army for? Baghdad, two in Kandahar.
I was a corporal in the cyber surveillance team, sir.
But you were discharged? Psychiatric discharge? There's no judgment here, Charlie.
No disgrace in serving your country.
How many people have you killed? Nine, sir.
two Iraqi soldiers, and 4 others.
The other 4? Who were they? People I wanted dead, sir.
Well, you are handy to have around.
Did Roderick explain what it was I'd like you to do? Yes, sir.
And I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity.
What's all this for? You've been watching me.
You don't have to be afraid of me, Claire.
It's not my intention to hurt you.
You have to trust me.
Why would I ever trust you? Because I'm your follower.
Could I sit down? - Yeah.
- No! What-- I mean, no.
So, Paul's in charge, huh? No.
Nobody's in charge.
Well, that would explain a lot.
Hey, you shouldn't be such a smartass with a gun in your face.
Yeah, probably not.
How's Joey? I gave him his special milk.
He'll be asleep in 10 minutes.
You drugged him? Why isn't he tied up? What is that? I heard sirens.
It's the cops.
What are they doing? They're letting you know you're surrounded.
I told you-- none of you are getting out of here.
The same goes for you.
Yeah, well, I'm okay with that, because I know you're not gonna hurt Joey and I know the FBI's not gonna hurt him, so I'm okay with anything else.
Really? You smug-- Oh, be careful! Aah! What's going on with him? It's the electric current.
It interferes with his pacemaker.
He'll be okay.
By the way Joe's idea.
Now tie him up! The FBI arrived earlier today to assist local authorities with the capture of 3 suspects with ties to Joe Carroll.
Now, sources claim that these accomplices are holding Carroll's son hostage inside the farmhouse.
Bring me up to speed.
Ryan's still inside with the suspects.
We can't confirm a number or the whereabouts of Joey Matthews.
We have tapped into the house's server.
They're trying to e-mail somebody.
Looks like it went to wi-fi, then bounced to satellite.
This is happening from inside the farmhouse? Yeah, no, this is happening right now.
I can grab this.
Here it comes.
I got it.
It's encrypted.
Damn it! Did anybody else get that? No.
Come on.
Joey's sleeping.
What are you doing? I e-mailed Roderick.
I told him about Hank and Ryan Hardy.
We need more help.
I am trying to be tough here, Jacob, but we are in trouble, and I don't know what to do.
Roderick sent Hank.
What if he doesn't send anybody else? Let's just wait to see if he answers.
We're gonna get out of this.
We're gonna figure this out.
Okay? So.
What's the latest update? I don't have much to report, other than Ryan Hardy is now at the farmhouse in Dutchess County.
And Claire? She went missing earlier today from a restaurant on Broad Street.
She appears to have taken your advice.
No one can find her.
Hm heh.
I think it's time to know what I'm a part of.
What is this all about? Do you really want me to answer that, Olivia? That will make you complicit if, for instance, you knew that your statement to the press triggered a plan that incited the abduction of my wife.
That would make all sorts of trouble both for you and your career.
You don't want me to answer that.
Do you? No.
Keep me updated.
You're gonna make a phone call.
No, thank you.
You do it.
No, you're gonna do it.
You tell those cops out there to retreat.
I don't want a cop or anyone coming near this house.
Or what? You need leverage.
I'm good for nothing.
You can kill me and I don't care.
But I thought we'd start with our little friend in the basement.
Have you met Megan? Hey, stop, stop, okay, okay.
Thought that would do it.
About that call.
Okay, so, I see 6 entrances, but only 3 access points.
Is that correct? Yes.
We've got the roads blocked.
What about aerial support? I need choppers in the air.
Got choppers on standby from Poughkeepsie PD.
What's Turner saying? They put an APB out to local authorities in Virginia for Claire Matthews, but there's no trace on her cell phone.
And what about Olivia Warren? What's she told Claire? She's not talking.
She knows something.
We're moments away from rescuing Carroll's son and he orchestrates a move on his ex-wife? His lawyer's helping him coordinate a plan and I want to know what it is.
It's Ryan.
Pick it up.
Ryan, it's Weston.
How are you? Cozy as can be.
I'm sitting here with my 3 new friends and a pretty girl named Megan.
Megan Leeds, the missing girl from the grocery store.
What about Joey Matthews? Well, they're kind of mad at me right now, so I probably shouldn't tell you that he's asleep upstairs.
What are you doing? Tell them to back off.
Excuse me, is that Emma Hill I'm hearing? Emma? This is Agent Debra Parker.
How are you? Say hi.
Is there anything you guys need? Can we get you anything? We want this to come to a safe resolution for everyone.
Then get the hell out of here.
Have your men retreat or I will kill Megan Leeds, and then I'll start on Ryan Hardy.
Do you understand? We copy.
Nice art, by the way.
- What? - At your house.
In the attic, the murals on the ceiling.
The women-- Lenore, Annabel Lee.
You're a very talented artist.
What do you think you're doing? I used to draw when I was young.
I gave it up.
But what I like about your work is that all of the faces resemble your mother.
Is that negotiator talk? It won't work, lady.
I killed my mother.
I know.
Most of us only dream about doing it.
There have been so many times I've wanted to whack my mom.
You must miss her.
Your art suggests you do.
I know I miss my mother all the time.
Screw you.
You know nothing.
Actually, I know more than you may think.
They're just trying to get under your skin, okay? Just shake it off.
I'm fine.
Okay? I'm gonna check our e-mail.
It's okay.
Just go with her.
You're sleeping with Emma? Wait.
You two aren't gay? I'm not gay.
What about you? Gay? Shut up.
What was all that about? SWAT and HRT are still an hour out.
I was trying to stall whatever it is they may be planning to do.
Is it true about her art? It's of her mom? Every single painting, mural, sketch looks like her mother.
I suspect she is completely traumatized by having killed her.
Why unravel her? I'm trying to bring her grief to the surface.
A reminder she's human.
She has a conscience.
It might make her rethink the choice she's about to make.
Sounds like her mother did a number on her.
Mine sure did.
Parental influence defines us.
Hello, Debra.
Look at you.
You're all grown up.
Hello, Dale.
I came to see my family.
It's been 15 years.
Why now? Because it's been 15 years.
What makes you think they'd want to see you? After what you've done.
Don't be afraid, child.
No Aah! Hello, mom, dad.
Any word? - They've been delayed.
- By the FBI? I don't know.
I'm still looking into it.
We'll have to be patient.
Patient? He was never coming, was he? No.
He's coming, Claire.
That's the plan.
You're gonna be reunited with your son.
Yeah, and then what? There are certain things I can't tell you.
That's one of them.
What did you mean when you said you were my follower? I've been watching you, Claire.
These are my notes.
- I'm very thorough.
- My God.
All the data's been entered into the system.
For how long? Two years.
There's more.
It's important for Joe to share your life.
Why? He loves you very much.
He loves me? He tried to kill me.
He doesn't want you to die.
He's hoping very much you'll survive this.
You filmed this? Did Denise-- or Emma.
Whatever her name is.
Did she know? Did she know about this? No.
I knew about her, but she didn't know about me.
Joe didn't want her involved.
Everyone plays their own part, Claire.
You're my part.
Roderick wrote back.
Is he sending more help? He doesn't say.
He said he'll contact us soon on the satellite phone.
Shut down all online correspondence.
It's no longer secure.
That's all he said? He said for us to be ready.
Ready for what? They're backing off.
Where's his phone? What are you doing? We need to delay things until Roderick calls.
I thought I could let the FBI help with that.
Where's Jacob? He's checking on Joey.
How's he doing with everything? What do you mean? You know what I mean.
With us? So not the time, Paul.
Oh, wow.
This is interesting.
So, you're sleeping with Emma, too? Or just Jacob, or both? You have no idea what's going on.
Yeah, you're right.
I don't, because in my head, I got this whole three-way scenario going on here You like Jacob but Jacob likes Emma.
Emma just wants to control you both, but-- that can't be it.
Can it? I mean-- come on.
Really? Parker.
Ryan's phone.
You have Agent Parker.
Who is this? It's Emma.
Hello, Emma.
What can I do for you? You're right.
I do miss my mother.
You did not call me to tell me that.
What's going on in there? Why are you playing with me? She was slutty, my mom.
She brought guys home all the time, especially during my formative years.
I could hear them in her bedroom.
Is that why you killed her? I killed her to be free.
She tried to make me something I'm not.
Yes, parents do like to control us.
Not anymore.
Nobody tells me what to do.
Except Joe.
- I make my own choices.
- How so? I mean, didn't you just replace one parent with another? How's it different? Aren't you only doing what Joe wants? I chose Joe.
He was my choice.
We cannot choose our parents, but we can break free of them, and that's what I did.
Emma? Emma! You've come a long way.
I've missed you.
It's been so long.
I wanted to know how you are.
You never should have left, Debra.
I didn't belong here.
That's not true.
You had great potential.
I could talk to the council.
They might take you back.
No, dad.
That's not why I'm here.
Then why are you here? You're my parents.
I wanted to see you.
We're family.
Agent Parker.
Emma's stalling.
Did you track that e-mail? No.
Still trying.
They've contacted someone.
They're buying time.
Where's Emma? She's in the kitchen.
So, Jacob, how's the whole three-way thing work? You told him? I called that.
Not bad, huh? He's running his mouth.
Don't listen to him.
Well, I mean, it makes sense, right? Because you're posing as a gay couple for that long.
Sooner or later, you gotta put out.
Hey-- hey.
Don't listen to him.
Let him talk.
I know you love Emma.
For the love of God, you people.
Shut your mouth! You want me to kill that girl? Huh? Nobody thinks that I can.
Guys, guys, stop! Okay, don't shoot, don't shoot! You need to sit down.
Jacob, take-- just keep it together.
All right? Just keep it together.
I got something.
I unscrambled an e-mail sent on their server.
"What's your ETA? I have Claire.
" Sent from a warehouse in Richmond.
It's gotta be Claire Matthews.
Get Turner on the line immediately and give him a location.
SWAT is here.
Let's get you guys in position.
Just give us the word, ma'am, and we'll take that house, no problem.
I want the child safe first.
I got two well-trained sharpshooters.
And I've got a child, an innocent girl, and one of my agents in there.
Can you guarantee me their safety? Guarantee? No, ma'am.
Okay, then.
Get your men in position but stand down until I tell you otherwise.
I'll go on site with SWAT.
I'm going, too.
I know the property.
Yeah, it's me.
I need to speak to Roderick.
I haven't heard from Hank.
No, nothing.
I don't have the boy.
Are you sure? Don't doubt me, Roderick.
I can do this.
I still have her without the boy.
What do you want me to do with Claire Matthews? Don't do this, Claire.
Aah! Don't do that again.
In position.
All clear.
Be right back.
Must have been an important call.
We're good.
Everything's cool.
What-- what does that mean? What-- what are we supposed to do? Keep it together, Paul.
Just sit tight a little while longer.
I'm gonna check on Joey.
- What's going on here? - Relax! Have a little faith, Paul.
Yeah, Paul.
Place is surrounded by cops.
All the roads are closed.
No way out but-- have a little faith.
Hey, there, sleepy head.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
What's going on? Come on.
I gotta go.
Come on.
There you go.
Come on.
I'm sorry I ran off.
I got scared.
I heard you say something was wrong, and I just wanted to get away.
I mean, if Joey's not coming here, then why can't I go home? That was never the plan, Claire.
What is the plan, Charlie? There are certain things I can't tell you.
You tell me who Roderick is? Can't tell you that, either.
That's not his real name, is it? The main character in "The Fall Of The House Of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe, wasn't it? All I can tell you is that he's a friend of Joe's.
What is Joe doing? Hmm? Why do you listen to him? What is this all about? He's teaching me to feel my life.
Claire worked all week.
She went to he doctor.
She took Joey all over the place-- soccer, piano.
She went to a Celine Dion concert on Friday with her friend Lisa.
Celine Dion? Oh, good God.
It was a benefit.
Claire looked great.
Little black dress.
You've fallen for her, haven't you? I would never be inappropriate.
I know that, Charlie.
It's easy to fall for a woman like Claire.
You can trust me, sir.
I know I can.
It's why you're here.
I shouldn't have done that.
I should never touch you like that.
It's impure.
What's taking her so long? Go upstairs and get her.
She's not upstairs.
- What? - I looked all over the place.
She and Joey are both gone.
They must have gone down the back stairs out through the back door.
What are we gonna do? I don't know.
Just let me think.
Run to the street.
Don't stop.
Help will be there.
Hold your fire.
It's the girl.
She's getting away.
We're in trouble.
- Mike.
- Hey, Ryan.
Emma's running, southwest corner of the property, towards the woods.
She's got Joey.
Got it.
That was Hardy.
Emma and Joey are on their way.
Eyes up.
Show your hands.
Do it now! - Okay, okay - Show your hands.
- Get on the ground.
Do it now.
- Okay, relax, everything's fine.
All the way.
Move it! Come on, Joey.
Stay with me.
We're almost there.
Where are we going? Someplace safe, away from the people who will hurt you.
What about Jacob and Paul? They'll be fine.
Don't move! Hands in the air now.
Joey, it's okay.
We're here to help you.
I'm with Roderick.
Let's go.
Come on! - Let me help you.
- I'm okay.
Then you need to help me, because you know where Joey is.
I'm gonna take you to him.
Okay? I promise.
- What is that? - Somebody's here.
- Damn it.
- Federal agents! Get down on the ground now! Aah! They're gone, sir.
Agent Parker, Hardy's out of the house.
So is Joey and the nanny.
The two men are still inside.
- Take it down.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Uhh.
- It's okay.
I can't believe Emma left.
Why would she leave? I don't know.
I don't know.
But we gotta get out of here.
Don't shoot! Don't shoot.
We surrender.
Roderick sent us.
Go out the back.
The local cop.
She's in on it.
She shot me point blank.
- Where'd she go? - That way.
I'm fine.
I'm wearing a vest.
Full tank.
Everything you need is in the glove compartment.
The keys are in the ignition.
Where are we going? I told you.
Far away.
Where they won't shoot at us.
- Better get moving.
- Stop right there! No.
Joey, no.
Man, you scared me.
You okay? I've been better.
Oh! Uhh! We blocked off every road in a 10-mile radius.
Nobody's seen him yet.
How the hell did they get out of here? Thought you had this place on lockdown.
Carroll's people killed two of our SWAT guys guarding the southwest exit, took their weapons, posed as SWAT, killed two more.
They planted a police officer in town.
How did they do that? They have tactical resources.
I mean, who are these people? Ryan, are you okay? Just let him go.
How did Joe Carroll bring all these people together? Where did they come from? Cult mentality is one of unity.
It's human nature.
We all want to belong.
It's a primal need.
You're my parents.
I wanted to see you.
We're family.
No, she came out of guilt.
She wants our forgiveness.
Is that what you think? You destroyed us.
You ran off in the middle of the night.
We lost our standing.
We were almost exiled.
No, mom.
I don't want your forgiveness.
I came to forgive you and tell you that I love you.
Both of you.
And I always will.
Please remember that.
What have you done? Debra, you have to.
No, mother.
- You have to.
- I'm not going! You have to.
Shh, shh, shh.
The FBI compromised a farmhouse in Dutchess County, but your people got out safely including your son.
The FBI has no idea where he is.
And now it's time.
For what? The next part of the story.
This morning I filed a motion on behalf of my client Joe Carroll with the Federal Bureau of Prisons for violations of the eighth amendment.
Carroll has been subject to numerous incidents of abuse by the FBI.
This abuse has to stop immediately.
Also, we have requested that Ryan Hardy's here.
Hello? Emma.
Emma, come on, say something.
I know that you're there.
Emma, where are you? You left us? Why did you leave us? Emma! Hang on.
Hang on.
Look at me.
I'm gonna get us some help.
Just hang on.
Thank you for not leaving me.

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