The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The Crazy Family

- Hey, where's Taeko?
- She escaped.
- "Escaped"?
- Taeko?
She said she couldn't handle it.
Don't worry, I warned her.
- She won't tell anyone.
- I see.
Then let's go back to Tokyo.
Shin, get the luggage.
- Yes, sir.
- Let's go, Mitsuko.
We need to keep filming.
A beginning needs an end. The die is cast.
There's no going back now.
We have to keep making this film.
- Got it?
- Yes, sir.
Now we have just one last location left.
- Your house, Mitsuko.
- What?
You'll hide us in your house.
That's our only option.
- Right, Shin?
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Murata.
- What?
There are a lot of clothes in Taeko's bag.
- Punk outfits.
- I see.
This, too.
I'll make Azumi wear this
and have some fun with her.
Let's turn my father into a punk, too.
Yes, that sounds fun.
This is Murata. It's been a while.
I'm calling because of Mitsuko.
What is it?
I can't tell you over the phone.
Let's meet at the cafe.
You know which one.
Go for it.
It's been a while.
Sit down. Don't be so nervous.
Please, don't tell my husband about us.
Of course not. That isn't why I'm here.
I'm hurt. We haven't met in ages,
and you're being a stranger.
I've settled my accounts with him.
This will be the last time we meet.
Don't you love me?
I love you, you know.
- Please stop that.
- What? You want me to stop?
I'll get to the point now.
Mitsuko killed a friend of mine.
She disposed of the body, too.
To top it off, she's pregnant with my child.
So what are you going to do?
I'm tired. The meeting took so long.
- Listen, dear.
- What?
Mr. Murata is here.
So I need you to do something about this.
Believe it or not,
I'm not a horrible person.
I'm here talking to you
because I don't want to abandon her.
Or will you abandon your daughter?
I know you have a lot of pride.
I hear that even when
Mitsuko attempted suicide,
you told the ambulance to turn off
its siren in order to avoid attention.
You're a respectable man.
That's exactly why I'm here to see you.
Azumi, may I have some beer?
- Bring me some beer this instant!
- Yes, sir! I'm sorry!
I'm here to help you, damn it.
Do you think I want to be here?
Shall I go and tell the police
about everything your daughter did?
No, that would be too cruel.
That's why I'm here, although reluctantly.
- Do you understand?
- Yes.
Do you?
- Have a drink, mister.
- Here.
Hey, come on, it's okay.
Let's have a drink.
And let's calm down.
Here you are.
I'm sure you're in shock.
Your daughter suddenly became a murderer.
"How could that girl do such a thing?"
I'm sure you're furious.
But there's only one thing
you can do right now.
Choose whether to abandon your daughter
or to protect her as parents.
You know the answer, right?
Now drink, come on.
Drink up.
She cut up the body and disposed of it!
Which is why if you stay quiet,
things will be fine.
Unfortunately, it wasn't just me.
My friend saw what she did, too.
That's why I brought him with me today.
Anyway, for the time being,
we can stay in this house, right?
We're staying here.
- That's fine, right?
- Did she
Did she really kill him?
I even have proof.
We were all friends with him, after all.
I'll do whatever I can.
All you have to do is let us stay here.
Hide us until this blows over.
That's all we need.
You can do that, right?
No big deal.
Just take it easy, man. Got it?
Yes, sir.
- Hey!
- I said, got it?
- You get it, right?
- Please, stop it!
- Well? Do you?
- Please!
Please stop!
- Shut up, asshole!
- Please, don't!
- I may not look the part
- Dear!
but I used to be
a filthy rich singer-songwriter.
After I met your daughter,
everything went to hell.
Why are you crying?
I should be the one crying, not you!
Look at this mess.
This is all your fault.
You have to fix this.
Got it? Well?
I said, "Got it?"
Please, stop it!
It gives me the creeps
seeing people like you who only care
about their public reputation.
It makes me puke!
You really care so much
about your public image, Professor?
Will you quit crying?
Hey, Azumi, bring some more beer.
Beer, I said.
You can drink this. Here, drink.
- Drink up, come on. Drink, damn it.
- Yes!
- Good, take a swig.
- Oh, dear!
- Get drunk and forget about everything.
- Yes.
Then you can start all over.
In fact, we're shooting a movie.
You should participate.
Do you want to be an actor?
Or one of the staff?
Assuming you still have some savings,
you can be the executive producer.
Movies are expensive, you know.
You'll be the producer
and fund the rest of the movie.
That's a brilliant idea.
Pay for the expense!
Money, I said!
Cinema is life, you know.
As humans, we're all living things.
We're all alive, every last one of us ♪
Sing. Don't you know the song?
I bet you do.
- Sing, damn it.
- Stop it!
- Sing, I said! Sing!
- Please!
- Please stop.
- Okay, just drink.
- Drink it. Bottoms up. Come on, drink it!
- Bottoms up.
Bottoms up.
- Drink it!
- Yes, I'm drinking it.
Bottoms up! Go on!
- Stop it, dear
- That's it.
Now sing.
- I'm telling you to sing!
- Please stop!
- Sing, fucker!
- Please!
- Sing, come on. Sing.
- Okay.
- Sing! Stand up!
- Okay!
Let's go. "We're all"
- Please, stop!
- Keep going.
Stop it!
- Yes, we have a deal. You can come over.
- Dear!
- Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko!
- Okay, grab him.
- Yes, sir.
- What?
- All right.
- Shock him.
- No, wait!
- Don't do this!
- Wait!
- Mitsuko!
- You didn't discipline your daughter.
- Yes, sir!
- Ready
Wait, no!
Mitsuko, what are you doing? No!
- Okay, next.
- No!
- Wait!
- Don't move.
- All right, it's your turn. Ready
- Wait, no!
Good. This is good.
Now say,
"Sorry for the inconvenience caused."
Say it!
Sorry for the inconvenience
- All right, let's shoot our movie.
- Okay.
This room is perfect.
- Scene 21.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, mister. Get up.
Don't space out. Get the lights.
- The lights!
- Yes, sir!
Azumi, get up.
I said get up, Azumi. Come on.
Come here. Come on. Let's have a drink.
Beer is fine, right?
Thus began our strange life together.
- On the first day
- Toss everything.
- we threw away
- Out they go.
all of Mitsuko's parents' fancy clothes.
Okay, next. Here.
We dressed them in punk outfits.
Okay. Ready, set Drink up!
- We force-fed them alcohol the whole day.
- There we go. Drink up.
- Good. You can do even better.
- Okay.
Okay, another one.
- Next.
- Bottoms up!
Nice. Keep going.
All right, look up.
Ready, set Go.
Keep going.
Another bottle!
- Okay.
- The second bottle.
- The second bottle.
- Let's go.
Red looks good on you, Azumi.
We held a party in Father's study
to celebrate his fall from grace.
Farewell to the old Father.
Farewell to the old Mother.
It was the day the old Father died.
It was also the day the old Mother died.
To commemorate the occasion,
we made Father wear his expensive kimono.
We bade farewell to the book manuscript
Father had been writing.
And hello to the new Father.
Hello to the new Mother.
That was the day
we came together as one,
like the Beat Generation.
We howled and howled,
and then howled some more.
We filmed everything.
It was all or nothing.
"This is a line from
a famous Beat Generation poem,
one of the defining works
of modern American literature.
'I saw the best minds of my generation
destroyed by madness.'
Thus begins the first line of Howl."
This is amazing!
The best minds, destroyed by madness!
That's me!
This is incredible stuff, Shigeru!
- I'm the Big Generation!
- Yes!
Come on!
Howl! Louder! Dance!
- We continued to make our movie.
- More!
I borrowed 50 yen from you
when we were kids.
Do you remember?
Please accept this 50 yen
that feels like 500 million to me.
My Madonna.
I'm so happy.
That was great.
It was great, but let's do another take.
- Mitsuko, when you receive the coin
- Yes.
- I want a natural, authentic smile.
- Yes, sir. Okay.
- Again.
- Yes, sir.
- One week later
- I'm home!
- her younger sister, Ami
- Hey!
- came home for the school holiday.
- Mr. Murata!
- How's the movie going?
- It couldn't be better.
Your kisses are still great.
So are your lips.
If Dad finds us, he'll be upset.
Don't worry.
I've already tamed your mom and dad.
Unlike before,
your dad now has a bigger heart.
- Really?
- Yes, come with me.
Check them out!
- Hey!
- What?
- Isn't this great?
- Amazing!
What in the world?
All right, Mommy and Daddy, dance!
This is amazing!
Your dad has decided to analyze
modern American literature
through the music of rock and roll.
Rock on!
I always wanted a family like this.
I've got it! I've come up
with another fabulous idea.
Ami, I want you to act in my movie.
- What?
- Ami and Shin as a couple in love.
I want you to write a scene for that!
Yes, sir!
Finally, Mitsuko's parents appeared
in the film.
I'm fucking good!
I'm a bitch! Too young to die!
I'll dance until I drop!
- This will be an amazing movie!
- Right? The Grand Prize is ours!
Now drink more! The more you drink,
the sharper your mind gets!
This is amazing!
Everything was unbelievably awesome.
Hey! Ever since I first laid eyes on you,
fucking so bad!
I'm Sid Vicious and Romeo.
You're Nancy and Juliet.
We're like Romeo and Juliet,
or Sid and Nancy!
Let's do it!
- Yes!
- Yes, baby!
That was great.
You're such a good kisser.
But we're running out of funds.
Hey, Mitsuko.
Cash out your parents' bank accounts.
We're out of cash.
- Yes, sir.
- I know.
- Daddy.
- Yes.
- Shigeru!
- Yes?
Do you have any good sources of money?
Do you? We're out of cash.
You want to finish the film, right?
- Right?
- Yes.
- You've got relatives and shit, right?
- Yes.
Bring all of them. Call them!
- Call them.
- Okay.
What the fuck? Where's your spirit?
You're a punk, right?
- I am.
- If you really are a punk,
- you have to enjoy having no future!
- Yes, sir.
Say it.
Say it like you mean it.
That looks painful.
- Thanks.
- There we go.
I'm writing a new book with Shigeru here
and it will be published in Hollywood soon.
How can I help you?
Well, we're making a film
at the same time as the book.
This is one of the movies
that I made recently.
This movie's famous.
You see, we invested
two billion yen into the film.
- Two billion?
- Yes.
Do you know how much
the film earned in profits?
Fifty billion.
Fifty billion yen.
We paid our investors back
based on their contributions.
Those who invested 50 million got
Let's see, 1.6 billion.
They got 1.6 billion yen?
There's no safer investment.
If you invest 5 million yen,
you'll get around 200 million yen.
You'll receive two billion yen
in your bank account this time next year.
Shigeru, is this true?
Yes. I believe they are trustworthy.
Did you invest?
Actually, I invested 50 million
in the last film
and made quite a profit. Right?
I see.
If you say so
He invested immediately, of course.
How are you feeling?
- What the hell?
- It's Mitsuko.
What are you doing?
You're creeping me out.
Everyone, wake up! Lights on!
We're going to shock her right now.
- Okay.
- Shigeru!
You didn't discipline your daughter!
Yes, sir.
- You do it.
- Yes, sir.
Now get on with it. Shock her.
- Shigeru, do it.
- Yes, sir.
You bastard!
You bastard!
You bastard!
You bastard!
You bastard!
Your turn, Azumi.
Do it, Azumi.
You bitch!
You bitch!
You bitch!
- You bitch!
- Hey!
It's not plugged in!
Do you want to explain this to me?
Hey, Mitsuko!
Was that an act?
So you're all responsible here.
Electrocution for everyone!
they were shocked, one after the other.
It continued until morning.
Day after day,
just filming and electrocution.
- All right, cheers!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
At night, we drank for hours on end.
It was insane.
We drank and drank,
then drank and drank,
then drank some more.
And we kept filming.
One day,
Mitsuko finally snapped.
What the hell? What are you doing?
- Mitsuko! What are you doing?
- Mitsuko.
- Thereafter, Mitsuko was treated
- Mitsuko, you dumbass!
- like a nuisance.
- What a mess!
And finally, we've decided
to shoot Mitsuko's death scene tomorrow.
Say, what's really going to happen
at the filming tomorrow?
Are you worried?
Don't be.
I'll let her live.
She's my trump card.
I can't kill her.
Your mom and dad
are only following my orders to protect her.
You understand, right?
- I understand.
- Good.
Personally, I don't care either way.
How scary.
You're such a bad girl.
From now on,
Ami will be watching over Mitsuko.
We'll shoot Mitsuko's death scene tonight.
- Okay. Let's do it.
- Good.
I want to go look for the outfit
that I'll be wearing when I die.
She wants to go look for an outfit
for her death scene.
- Keep a close eye on her, Ami.
- Okay.
You're walking too fast, bitch. Slow down.
Murata tasked me with monitoring you.
Isn't that amazing?
You're worth nothing.
He thinks I'm a good actress, too.
What a beautiful sight.
It's hardly beautiful.
I kind of feel good.
Feel good, my ass.
Mitsuko, get back here!
Open up!
Please, go!
- Hey, what are you doing? Stop it!
- Someone!
- Help me!
- Stop that!
- Hurry, just go!
- Hey, you whore!
- What's going on?
- Hurry!
- Hurry, just go!
- How dare you!
Do you love electricity?
Say, "I love electricity!"
Say it!
I love electricity.
- Okay, very well. Let's do it.
- Yes, sir.
This caused severe damage to Mitsuko,
and she was then hospitalized.
She ended up losing Murata's baby.
Subtitle Translation by Li Woon Chen
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