The Fortress (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

A New Way

- He's alive?
- Yeah.
That's surprising. Everyone with his
diagnosis has died within 3 days.
We'll have to go to Black Level in
Bergen. Around-the-clock curfew.
The IPH says that the Yersinia
bacterium mutates constantly.
They've never seen a
bacterium behave this way.
In Bergen, we weren't infected
by refugees, but by ourselves.
Stefan Keyn got sick
from his own vaccine.
The people behind this have had me
arrested and taken the evidence.
I need assistance, room 4! Bring
a defibrillator and a respirator!
There were 234 new cases
registered in Bergen today.
That's 43 more than yesterday, 121
more than the same day last week.
That's an upward trend with
a reproduction number of 1.9.
The prosecutor has
asked to speak first.
The charge against Esther Winter
for complicity to murder is waived.
Well, I must say the police
didn't waste any time.
Has the case been
solved already?
No, Your Honour, but in light
of the Emergency Powers Act
Winter is now a critical societal
resource to combat the Black Death.
However, should any evidence against
her emerge during the investigation
which connects her to the
murder of Lars Irgens,
the police will request that she
is put in custody again. Thank you.
Thank you.
You will only be moving
within the red zone.
Your home. Your
work. The hospitals.
If you venture outside that, your
ankle monitor will beep loudly.
You'll have one minute
to return to the red zone
before the police are
alerted. Understood?
Sign here to confirm that you
consent to and understand this.
Thank you.
- Johannes?
- You got us thrown in prison!
- No, Johannes
- My love, my love, my love.
Esther Winter has signed the NDA.
She starts work tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
She'll obviously be
under surveillance 24/7.
If she keeps babbling about
us concealing the truth about
the contagion's origin
Her credibility is virtually
zero after her attempt to escape.
Charlie Oldman got
infected, but he is alive.
He's in the military hospital, and
he knows for a fact that Uma Scholl
did not get ill, so He
could become a problem.
I'll take care of it. ASAP.
- Hi.
- Hi.
What do you want?
You don't need to get contraband
wine to ask for help, just ask.
Vigleik doesn't want to
be in quarantine anymore.
He says he's returning to
Bergen. I don't know what to do.
- Leave it with me.
- I tried to talk
Leave it with me!
- Hello.
- Hello!
Listen up, guys!
I know you're working night and day.
That you're doing the best you can.
That you are very skilled.
Unfortunately I don't
arrive with a solution.
My task is to help you.
This is from
Pantogena's fish farm.
I want it defrosted
and examined.
We have samples of the
bacteria from humans.
Yes, but the first Yersinia
bacterium was found in salmon.
I want it examined
and analysed again.
Look for something abnormal,
anything. Something we didn't find
when we were only looking for
a cause of a disease in fish.
You use E. coli to
cultivate the plasmids?
They're the most efficient. We can
get 50 million doses from this.
- That's enough for all of Norway.
- One batch takes 60 days to produce.
The Yersinia bacterium now
mutates on average every 48 hours.
We don't know whether the vaccine
will still work in 60 days.
Esther Winter
I need a forecast. When can
we get a working vaccine?
I need Stefan's research and
his log that you stole from me.
When will the vaccine be ready?
I can have it ready in 100 days. And
I need another 100 days to test it.
Six months?
We don't have six months.
How many people will have
died in Bergen by then?
- No one knows.
- That's not fucking good enough!
Ingvild, I want estimates,
alternatives. Room for manoeuvring.
The only real room for
manoeuvring we have right now,
is to make sure the contagion
is limited to Bergen.
Really? That's all you've got?
The risk of contagion outside Bergen
increases exponentially by the hour.
What about those
already in Bergen?
Fuck me. Everyone out.
Out! Come on!
Ingvild, out!
Ariel, you stay.
The job now remains the
same, to save our country.
Wall. A synonym. What's the
first word that springs to mind?
Safe. That is absolutely the
most important word to me.
Making everyone in
Norway feel safe
is the foundation upon
which Our Way is built.
From safety grow safe people.
And safe people
build safe societies.
At the moment this particularly
applies to all of you in Bergen.
In this serious situation
I want you to know
that I'm doing everything within
my power to safeguard you.
People in Bergen
hate this, but
People in the rest of the
country are more convinced,
- though some are critical.
- How about Odd?
He's posted something
on Twitter now.
"Amund Heyerdahl, where are you
when Bergen needs you the most?"
That man is as predictable
as a rainy day in Bergen.
Liberate Bergen! Bergen!
Hey, let go of me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off! Let
go of me now! Bergen!
What's up?
- I'm here to take some tests.
- Where have you been?
- I can't talk about that.
- Yes, you fucking can!
You know Erling lost
his job because of you?
- No.
- Yeah.
He was fired from the hospital
for breaching the code of ethics.
Because he looked at Uma
Scholl's autopsy report for you.
Who Do you want something?
Are you under arrest?
It's complicated, but I'm
here to make a vaccine.
You know that Hilde is here?
Is she going to make it?
We've held the infection at bay
with antibiotics so far, but
It's not looking good.
When you were at my house, you
took a suitcase. I need that.
Tell your boss I need it.
He'll know what I mean.
- What's happening?
- Listen. All I have time for now
is the vaccine production, that's
all that matters. I love you.
Hilde, I'm so sorry
about your mum.
- It was me who infected her.
- You mustn't say that.
There are so many cases. She
could have been infected anywhere.
Am I going to die?
I'll do everything
I can to help you.
Until we have a vaccine, the sick
will be treated with antibiotics.
This is a broad-spectre AMR
antibiotics prototype I developed.
I want it to go into
mass-production as of now.
The vaccine. The plan ahead.
Yersinia mutates every 48 hours.
Hence we must produce a
new version every 48 hours.
Whether it takes 60,
61, 62 or 160 days,
we'll carry on until we
catch up with the mutation.
Antibiotics don't
work on Yersinia.
There are several recordings
missing from Stefan's log.
You've been given what's
relevant to your task.
What is broad-spectre
AMR antibiotics?
It's what you use when you
have no idea what you're doing.
Like firing a shotgun hoping to hit
something until a cure is found.
- What are you doing?
- Taking your ankle monitor off.
- I can't be here.
- Come on.
I have to be with my family.
I want to talk to my lawyer.
I want to talk to my lawyer.
Hi, Esther.
You can remove your mask,
there's ample distance here.
Sorry about this. I shouldn't be in
Bergen, but I need to talk to you.
You get daily updates from
your lackey. Talk to him.
I need your help.
Say in public that the plague
wasn't brought here by Uma Scholl.
Uma Scholl was ill. I've
seen the autopsy report.
Because someone put the bacteria
in her body with a syringe.
- This is just nonsense.
- Then we have nothing to talk about.
Put me back in jail and let me talk
to my lawyer. Or let me go home.
Okay. Is there any evidence that
the plague wasn't brought
Yes, there is.
In the Norne web.
Okay. Norne! Log me in!
Norne, bring up the autopsy reports
of Uma Scholl and Stefan Keyn.
Retrieving autopsy reports.
- Cause of death Uma Scholl.
- Drowning.
Cause of death Stefan Keyn.
Respiratory failure caused by
the Yersinia pestis bacterium.
Was Uma Scholl also infected?
Yes. Yersinia pestis bacteria
were found in her blood.
Do a comparative analysis of the
bacteria from Uma and Stefan.
Denied. You don't have
access to such an analysis.
Norne, this is Amund.
Perform the analysis.
The bacteria DNA from Uma Scholl
and Stefan Keyn is identical.
You knew this already.
Stefan was infected by Uma.
Uma was found in the
water under the fish farm.
There's just one thing: There are no
bacteria that are completely alike.
Ask Norne to make a Horvath
clock comparison of the DNA.
- A?
- Horvath clock DNA comparison.
Norne, perform a Horvath clock
comparison of the DNA samples.
The result of the Horvath
epidemic clock test
shows that the two DNA
sequences have an identical age.
Age: 6 months plus
minus 14 days.
Uma comes from a camp in Sweden.
The chance of her being
infected with Yersinia pestis
with exactly the same DNA at
the same time as Stefan is zero.
Okay. I understand.
Call me at this number at any
time if anything new comes up.
I will get to
the bottom of this.
I have to do things in the right
order, or all hell will break loose.
Please keep this between you
and me for the time being.
You have to worry about that.
No one believes me anyway.
You don't need
that. It's fine.
This has matured for 16 years.
It's from Islay, an island
off the coast of Scotland.
We haven't had time to
make this in Norway.
I summoned you here because
Because I need a
few words from you.
Some words that
are a bit like this whisky.
Bloody awful at
first, and then
it grows on you.
What I'm about to tell you
must not leave this room.
It has to stay between us.
I have just been told that
the first case of infection
outside Bergen has
been registered.
In Tromsø.
The brutal truth is
that we can't stop this
contagion spreading on our own.
That we for the first time
in ten years need help
from outside.
You have to check all
fish farms in Tromsø.
Every farm that vaccinated
their stock in the last year.
There's something wrong with
the vaccine, I'm sure of it.
- Vaccines don't spread contagion.
- Don't you understand?
The salmon vaccine
was used in Tromsø.
What I understand and which you
have to understand is what I say:
You will make a vaccine. Not a
word about anything else to anyone.
- Esther Winter!
- Could we ask you some questions?
Is it the same plague bacterium
in Tromsø that we have here?
What we know is that it
is a Yersinia bacterium.
- How could the it spread to Tromsø?
- I don't know.
The contagion in Bergen came from a
refugee. Tromsø is 745 miles away.
- How can you explain that?
- I have no explanation.
When you were at the DHFS, you said
you'd never let us in Bergen down.
Yet there's now food rationing here.
Many have died, even more are ill.
Why do you think you'll have greater
success in developing a vaccine?
- No comment.
- Why should Bergen believe in you?
These are the instructions regarding
the deportation of refugees.
And one person is to be
deported first. Charlie Oldman.
- He's a very high contagion risk.
- Surely everyone is?
He's to be deported
first. And by himself.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You've been working all night?
We must hold a press conference
about the spread to Tromsø today.
- Amund told me he'd briefed you?
- Yeah.
Do you have anything
for me to read?
Not yet.
Get some sleep.
Who took these blood samples?
I did.
- You know Charlie Oldman?
- Yeah, I was his doctor in jail.
He had the pneumonic
variant of Yersinia.
We thought he was going
to die, but he survived.
He was cured by antibiotics?
With max two days to live, he just
got painkillers and fever-reducers.
The samples gave no
indication why he survived,
so it was reported
as a margin of error.
- Do you have more blood samples?
- No, but he's still in hospital.
Apparently he's being deported.
- Norne, call Esther Winter.
- Calling Esther.
Ingvild I need
to talk to you.
- We're preparing a press conference.
- I need to talk to you. Now.
It looks fine, but please let
BT ask their questions first.
What is it?
- Call Heyerdahl.
- Calling Heyerdahl.
Excuse me, I'll
have to take this.
Hi, Esther.
I'm looking for a
patient. Charlie Oldman.
He's being deported and
we need his blood sample.
- He could hold the key to a vaccine.
- I'll find him. You'll hear from me.
What the fuck is this, Amund?!
When were you going to tell me?
I was going to tell
you when I was ready.
- When you were ready? What aboutwe?
- I see you've talked to Ariel.
- Don't put this on her.
- We'll take a five-minute break.
Ouch! Daddy! Dad!
It hurts.
- What happened?
- A rat bit me.
You have no right to decide that
Norway should ask the WHO for help.
I needed to air my thoughts.
It helps to write them down.
Well, now I've read your
thoughts! And they are wrong!
We can't break with Our Way's
policy right before the election!
Sooner or later we'll get a vaccine.
This rescue plan is madness!
Madness is keep doing the same thing
and expecting a different result.
Esther Winter won't have a
vaccine for a long time, at best.
- Then we'll find someone who can.
- There isn't anyone in Norway.
Esther says there may be a
Swiss scientist that can help.
May be? You'll stake your entire
political legacy on a "maybe"?
She also says the plague
comes from the vaccine.
There's something wrong with it.
- We don't have a vaccine.
- She means the salmon vaccine.
Can't you hear yourself how
totally stupid that sounds?
Maybe! But people will keep dying
in Bergen unless we act now!
- I want what's best for Norway.
- And I don't?
You always want what's
best for Our Way.
And I'm not sure that's what's
best for Norway anymore.
Heyerdahl. He knows we have to get
a new blood sample from Oldman.
There it is.
Why aren't they stopping?
Can you cut them off?
- Viking 9. This is Viking 1, over.
- Viking 9, over.
We're being followed.
Order to stop?
- Negative, over.
- Drive, drive, drive!
- Who's that?
- It's not the same car.
- We've lost them.
- We have to go back.
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