The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Woman Who Knew Too Much

[plane approaching]
[Manchola] William.
William, wake up.
We're going to my house.
Was the plane found already?
- I'm hopeful it'll turn up soon.
- Look, please don't treat me like a child.
I just turned eleven. Tell me the truth.
[sputtering]the truth
is that the last time we spoke to them
was three hours ago, and it seems like
Did the plane crash?
Who said that to you?
What I'm
Look, I think we're all just tired.
How about we go to my place, yeah?
[voice breaks] I'm not going anywhere
unless I can be with Edie.
Even if she's dead now!
No! Don't say that, no.
- [women singing] Happy birthday to you ♪
- [William chuckles]
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- [lighter flicks]
Happy birthday, dear Willy ♪
Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Bravo!
- [William] Thanks.
Okay, go ahead now and make a wish.
How'd you know my birthday was today?
Little bird told us.
We figured it'd be best
for you to blow out the little candle
while we're still here.
- Do you know what you'll wish for?
- Yeah, I do.
[sirens wailing]
[officer] Let's go, guys! Let's go!
[yelling] This is the police!
You are completely surrounded!
Open the door!
Hands in the air!
Hands in the air, God damn it!
[Lequerica] Okay, okay, okay!
Take it easy, take it easy.
[officer] Keep your hands up!
Now slowly! That's it!
- That's it! Keep moving!
- [tense music playing]
- [officer 1] On your knees! Go get him!
- [officer 2] Come on!
- [officer] Handcuff him! Cuff him!
- [Lequerica] Easy. Easy, brother.
- I'm not a terrorist.
- [officer] I'm going in.
[tense music continues]
[officer whispers]
Okay, where the fuck are you?
- [mutters] Okay.
- [hostage whimpers]
- [man] Please, help us.
- [woman] Don't shoot, please!
[woman] Get us out of here.
We can't see.
Help us, please. Please.
[officer breathing nervously]
[officer whispers] Okay. Okay.
- [officer] Ahh!
- [both yelping]
[officer] Holy shit! It's okay!
I'm a police officer. It's okay.
- Where are the terrorists?
- [dramatic music playing]
- [officer] Huh?
- [Bárbara] They disappeared.
Disappeared? What do you mean?
They escaped.
And they took the Captain Wilches.
The bastards got off the fucking plane!
- [camera bulbs flashing]
- [reporters clamoring loudly]
[loud clamoring continues]
- [cameras flashing]
- [reporters shouting and clamoring]
[man] Go in that car!
[reporters shouting]
[reporter 1] Ms. Edilma, please.
Can you tell us how you're feeling?
[reporter 2] Is there anything
[reporter 3] Is that your blood
or someone else's?
Did you have to kill someone?
- [crowd shouting and clamoring]
- [reporter 3] Did they kill anyone either?
Is everybody alive?
Could you tell us what happened to them?
[ominous music playing]
[sirens wailing]
["Jibaro (Enrolle)"
[by Elkin & Nelson playing]
[Flaco on TV] Good evening, Tokyo.
Good morning, Bogotá.
The universal feeling of jubilation
felt after the moon landing
pales in comparison
to the potpourri of emotions
that are transpiring inside this airport.
The same Flaco Marulanda
transpires through his every pore.
While I stand just a few yards away
from the doors that separate
this family I got
from their long-awaited liberty.
- We got a glimpse
- [all clamoring and clapping]
a glimpse of the first liberated hostage.
Come with me. Come with me.
Miracles do exist.
This man,
whom we presumed died inside the aircraft,
has emerged unscathed.
Lazarus has risen.
He didn't burn to death,
he was just fluttering by the sun.
Everyone, I can see the captain
of the cycling team.
[man exclaims happily]
This is indeed an emotional meeting.
It's pretty
Pretty intimate. Well
Love truly knows no bounds.
No frontiers. Love knows no limits.
Love knows no tongues, although
[hesitatingly] it seems like this one
does know about that.
The common man!
Any words for our viewers, sir?
[man] Four hundred and forty-six chicks.
My tiny babies gave up their lives.
You heard it here first.
Inside this box, not a peep.
- [crowd clapping]
- [Flaco] Another lover's embrace.
A love encounter.
Once my lawyers are done with you,
you'll be lucky if you can afford
a one-bedroom in the ghetto.
- [Flaco] That's her ring!
- You might want to sell this.
- Uh, lady, any last words, perhaps?
- [man] Marta!
[clears throat] Well,
as the famous Aristotle once said,
"A man in solitude
is a wild beast or a god."
How about that for a comment?
Well, this, uh
this one is definitely no god,
let me tell you.
in the journalism world,
"No pain, no blood," they say.
- [William, muted] Edie!
- ["He venido" by Los Zafiros playing]
[muted] William!
[emotional ballad continues]
[gasps] Willy!
["He venido" continues playing]
[officer] Ma'am, come with me, please.
Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
[William] Edie
[cries] Edie
[Esguerra] If you don't cooperate
and refuse to confess
where Colonel Wilches
and the two hijackers disembarked,
you will be arrested and remain in custody
by virtue of the antiterrorist law.
Do you understand what that could entail?
Of course I understand that shit.
What, you think I'm an idiot?
Surely there's something
you heard the hijackers say.
I just assist on flights.
My job is to serve coffees and smile.
How am I supposed to know where
we landed in the middle of the night?
I mean, you weren't blindfolded.
And your eyes weren't covered either.
If you don't tell us what you know,
you will remain detained as an accomplice.
Accomplice to what?
To hijacking Flight 601.
[dark music playing]
I'm sorry, but you told me
after I answered some questions
that I could leave.
My man, you're pulling my leg, aren't you?
- [laughing]
- You're pulling my leg, you.
No. No, no one is pulling your leg.
Because, look, if I were pulling your leg,
you'd have this finger right here
all the way in your precious asshole.
And we'd be throwing you
a huge birthday party.
So you will do me a great fucking favor
and tell me where
your co-conspirators disembarked.
Don't know.
I'm just another stewardess,
for God's sake.
I'm a mother who should be
with her children at home right now,
not here!
Well, luckily, I'm the most efficient
government official.
I have a talent for making simple things
very difficult, even tiny details.
It's a very simple,
basic question, all right?
[slowly] Do you know
where they disembarked?
If I tell you,
they'll murder Captain Wilches.
If you don't tell me
what you know, I guarantee
I'm going to ensure that your life
gets very, very complicated.
[dark music building]
Mr. Vice Minister
I'll tell you what I know, I swear.
But, first,
I'd like to explain some things
so you understand
what happened right before
they all disembarked.
So, please, can I do that?
[darkly intriguing music playing]
When the hijackers
heard of the military operation
that was waiting for us at El Dorado,
they went crazy and pulled out a grenade.
They said they'd blow up the plane
if we landed.
[Toro grunting]
- [Eusebio] Don't do it!
- I'm not going to prison!
- [Edilma] Bárbara!
- [Toro] I'm not going to Bogotá!
Everything was lost. We were gonna die.
But Captain Wilches
did everything in his power to stop them.
[Wilches] You crazy bitch!
[Edilma] The hijackers immobilized
the captain by stabbing him
in the leg with a screwdriver,
making it impossible
for him to pilot the plane.
The captain was desperate,
so he entrusted the plane to his copilot,
handing him complete control.
- [Wilches] I knew you wanted my seat!
- Shut up, sir!
[darkly intriguing music continues]
[Edilma] After that,
I don't know how he did it,
he still had the damn screwdriver
buried in his leg,
but he went ahead
and confronted the hijackers!
- [Eusebio] Listen, Toro
- [Edilma] We're not going to Bogotá!
- We changed course!
- [Eusebio] We're not going to prison.
- [both struggling]
- [Edilma] There's a way out! Enough!
[Toro] Revolution or death!
Give me the grenade,
and I swear I'll get you out of here.
I'll see to it that you escape.
There's no way out for us! It's over!
- [Eusebio] No, Toro, please stop.
- [Toro] Angirú!
- [growls] I saved your damn life!
- [Toro] No!
You owe me that, and you know it!
- My life!
- I don't owe you shit!
[cries] You should've let me die.
- [Eusebio] Toro, look at me. Calm down.
- [crying] I'd rather be dead.
[Eusebio] Why would you say that, Toro?
- Why would you say that?
- It's time to end things.
[Eusebio] Don't do this, Toro.
[Toro grunting]
[pensive music playing]
I know what it's like to feel
trapped in a merciless world
that ignores you,
and spits on your face,
tramples you over and over.
- Ahh!
- [Eusebio] Get up, brother! Get up!
[Edilma] And reduces you to nothing.
- [Eusebio] Toro!
- [yelling]
[gun fires]
[yelling] Freedom now!
[pensive music continues]
[Edilma] I know how it feels.
But you have two choices in life.
Live with that resentment
and despise the world
or keep fighting until you find
a way out.
And fight to find
a light.
[angelic music playing]
No matter how.
[angelic music continues]
I am putting my life in your hands.
Let go of it.
Let go.
[Eusebio crying softly] Let's go home.
Let's go, Torito. Please.
- Let's go home.
- [angelic music continues]
It's okay.
[Edilma] You may not believe
what I'm about to tell you,
but it's the truth.
With his words alone,
the captain was able to disarm them.
Then he told us about his plan.
A plan that would allow us all to live.
I'm gonna ask you a question.
Please give me an honest response.
Does my face look like a toilet to you?
[Edilma] No.
No, sir.
Then what's this crap
you're trying to cover my face with?
[Edilma] Mr. Vice Minister,
I'm right in front of you.
You've heard me.
You know what we went through.
You must know that everything
I've told you is the truth.
[Esguerra] Are you accusing the captain
of being the brains behind an escape plan
to wash your hands clean
of your obvious complicity in this matter?
No one's accusing the captain of that.
He's not involved in a plot.
A gentleman's agreement
is completely different.
He told the hijackers that we could land
in a clandestine location
in exchange for our lives,
in exchange for my life.
Where exactly is this place?
[Lequerica] This is where the captain
told me to turn off the transponder.
Right here.
Captain asked me
to descend the aircraft 3,000 feet.
This is where planes can disappear
from the radar and go into stealth mode.
It's what all the smugglers do
to transport illegal goods, you know.
It's common knowledge.
I mean, why would
I lie to you, minister, huh?
I mean, I transported
a variety of pigs years ago, right?
[laughing] And you don't even
want to know how hot it gets
when you're hauling that amount
of pig shit over Barranquilla.
I'm telling you. [laughing]
[Esguerra] So, that's
when you all closed your eyes,
and magically, the captain
and his captors disappeared into thin air?
- Hmm?
- No, they didn't just magically disappear.
They demanded one thing
before they sealed this agreement.
They needed a promise.
They wanted assurance
to keep the details of their whereabouts
secret for 72 hours.
- Two assurances, to be exact.
- [dark music playing]
My partner and I.
And that was by far
the worst part of this whole nightmare.
They were absolutely desperate.
They took me, they dragged me,
they touched me, and they beat me as well.
Those men took both of us to the exit
to be taken as hostages again.
It was horrible, sir.
- [dark music continues]
- Bárbara.
Give him this one.
You put this one on.
You better change,
you're coming with us too.
- Huh?
- [Edilma] She's not going anywhere.
[Eusebio] I'm taking her for 72 hours.
If everyone keeps their mouth shut
and the media doesn't hear
of our whereabouts, we set her free.
No! I'm going to stay by her side.
You're not taking her anywhere.
Well, then grab some clothes.
We're taking you too.
[dark music continues]
Take Wilches.
A man like him is worth
more than 1,000 of us.
- He isn't worth fucking shit.
- [Edilma] He is.
Wilches is the only one who'd open
his mouth and say where you disembarked.
[darkly intriguing music playing]
Fine. Then get that bastard ready.
Hurry up. Otherwise, I'm gonna take her.
[darkly intriguing music continues]
[Lequerica] My captain
is an old-fashioned gentleman.
The moral compass of a man like him?
It would never allow
two women to be taken like that.
He wouldn't permit that sort of deal.
He willingly traded his life for theirs.
You know, we think heroes don't exist,
that they're some fantasy
in Mexican movies
or in some silly cartoon.
But you want to know
who a real-life hero is?
It's Captain Wilches.
I just can't stop thinking
of everything he did for us.
The risks he took
and everything he sacrificed.
It's hard to believe there are
heroes like Wilches in the world.
- [dark music continues]
- [Wilches screaming]
Goddamn, crazy bitch! Argh!
- [Edilma] Press on the wound here!
- Son of a bitch!
[Wilches groaning loudly]
- You're going to wear this.
- [groaning] Go fuck yourself!
We're keeping
our part of the pact, Wilches.
There is no pact! I will not cooperate
with these guerrilla sons of bitches!
[Edilma] I won't say
where you disembarked.
And in 72 hours, when they release you,
I won't say that you turned on us.
- I haven't turned on anyone!
- No?
Because I've never
turned on my principles.
Do you know what my fucking mistake was?
Keeping us in the air
when I could've just fucking landed!
Pray to God
that these revolutionaries murder me
or some flesh-eating bacteria
gets me first,
because if I get out of this alive,
I will tell the whole goddamn world
that you are a fucking terrorist!
- And why wouldn't you tell the truth?
- What is the truth?
Why don't you tell everyone
that you wanted to escape
when it wasn't necessary?
That you would have rather gotten us all
killed in a military massacre?
And I would do it again.
Motherfucking terrorist.
Backstabbing whore.
- Fucking bitch
- This can go one of two ways!
You know how?
We're all charged with treason
and go to jail
and you labeled
as the coward that cheated us all.
we give people
the fairytale they want to hear.
That this amazing man,
in an act of heroism,
sacrificed his own life
to save his crewmembers
with a gentleman's agreement.
How would you
like to be remembered, Wilches?
Like a hero?
Or like the coward you are?
You should use it.
Your head.
Who do you think they'll listen to?
To the captain or
or to a lowly stewardess?
[darkly intriguing music continues]
I believe you.
And I do believe what the captain said.
But I cannot trust
in those troublemaking rebels
who think they can
break all the goddamn rules
because their mommies
didn't pay them enough attention.
Do you want to see your captain again?
Then give me their location.
Tell me where you landed.
[Lequerica] Here.
Right here at the very end of the runway.
Far away from any eyewitnesses,
the tower, far from everything,
that's where I landed the plane.
And right in this spot,
just as I was making a corner,
the three of them jumped out.
By the escape hatch.
- [Wilches groans]
- [Eusebio] Let's go!
[Lequerica] So I kept going
full speed ahead.
[imitates plane flying]
Until we
[imitates plane flying]blasted off.
So this means
you didn't land on some pasture.
You actually landed in an airport.
What airport was that?
I am terribly sorry, but I'm not about
to violate my oath as a pilot
and break the pact
I made with the captain.
I'd never betray him like that.
You understand, right?
And if my auntie had balls,
she'd be my uncle.
Would you give us a minute, please?
[door opens]
[door slams]
Cut the bullshit,
you sorry-ass piece of shit.
Listen, Lequerica.
- I'm tired of you pulling on my dick.
- [softly] Motherfucker.
If you don't tell me
exactly what airport you left them at,
I'm gonna reserve
this very cozy patio I'm familiar with
at this jail called Modelo,
where this group of locked-up queers
are gonna love
saying sweet nothings in your ear
while they all passionately rail your ass.
[Esguerra exhales and inhales]
[slowly] "So delicious!"
- [imitates licking loudly]
- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay!
It was in Mendoza.
Here. Here. We landed here.
- [picks up phone receiver]
- [phone dialing]
Get the president on the line.
- [spits]
- And in Resistencia.
[dark music playing]
Stop fucking with me, you useless bastard!
No, sir, I'm not fucking with you.
If I were fucking with you, you'd still be
saying weird shit in my ear.
Like, "La, la, la, my delicious hunk"
or whatever.
Where did they disembark?
Mendoza or Resistencia?
Or Asunción.
We landed in those spots too.
I assure you one of those three spots
is where they disembarked.
I'm not really able to tell you
exactly where
[sputtering]because the mirrors of
the rearview ones you have in cars
wasn't invented for aircrafts yet.
[angrily] Where the fuck
did they disembark?
In Mendoza, Resistencia, or Asunción?
[dark music building]
[Esguerra] Your friends already talked.
We already know.
Where did they disembark?
or Asunción?
I swear
that I'll tell you in 47 hours.
Swear to God.
But right now, no.
It's the only way to make sure
they won't murder the captain, please!
- Mm-mm.
- [Edilma sighs]
In 47 hours,
those commies will have escaped
with a sufficient amount of money
and motivation
to start spreading their revolutionary
ideals all over the continent.
- What if they're not guerrillas?
- What they are doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters
is how that revolutionary declaration
against the republic
will encourage other idiots
to pull the same shit,
to rebel against the Colombian State!
Can you imagine
what the guerrilla
could do in this country?
Decades full of kidnappings,
crimes, bombs,
rivers of blood.
Is that what you want
for your own children?
Obviously, you have no children.
Because if you did,
you wouldn't continue this torture.
Actually, I have two.
Alvaro, he's four.
And Geronimo, he's seven.
I would be devastated
if something bad happened to them.
What if
What if someone with power
and strings to pull in every direction
[ominous music playing]
called Child Protective Services
and told them that
I don't know,
I no longer have the mental capacity
necessary to raise my children?
- [ominous music continues]
- [exhales]
What if?
[phone dialing]
[dialing continues]
[Esguerra] Mr. Calderón,
how are you doing?
Tell me, how are those
indexes for adoption coming?
Listen, I heard
about this family that just
If I tell you in this very moment,
you swear none of this
will leak out to the press?
As Vice Minister,
my promise is to
impose respect for confidentiality.
[tense music playing]
Attention, Fujiyama. Attention, Sutatenza.
New shocking developments
in this aerospace odyssey tonight.
This moment, authorities in the south of
the continent are tracking the whereabouts
of the hijackers
that haunt my nightmares still,
in the outskirts
of the airport where they escaped,
leaving only a simple,
politically-charged message.
"Resistance, Argentina."
"Resistance, Captain Wilches."
[grave music playing]
You really fucked things up now.
Why did you
have to open your mouth, Edilma?
They're going to kill Captain Wilches.
They're going to kill him.
- What if I've killed him?
- No.
You didn't kill him.
They won't kill him, anyway.
They're not killers, you know that.
No, Bárbara, if they're
pushed into a corner, they would.
In the middle of some jungle, all alone
[grave music continues]
If Wilches ends up dead,
we'll all end up in jail for homicide.
He turns up alive,
and opens his mouth,
we'll end up in jail as terrorists.
You only did what you had to do.
I still haven't done what I have to do.
You two shouldn't
be paying for my mistakes.
[grave music continues]
[tree branch snapping]
Man, hey, the river's over there.
If we follow it, we'll get to Asunción.
[Eusebio] Toro, wait.
Why are we going to Asunción?
[Wilches groans]
If we do, they'll put us in prison.
I want to see
the old man again.
There's nothing to do in Asunción,
let's go.
This trophy is for them.
For all of those who trusted me.
I won't go, Toro.
This miserable life is so fucked.
I never cared for anyone.
Until I found
a brother for life in you, man.
Wherever you are, we're brothers forever.
Thank you, brother.
And thank you for not letting me die.
Wow, that was very romantic.
I was waiting for you guys to kiss.
How about we hurry up
so maybe I can take a goddamn shower?
[Eusebio] Get up!
Get in the water! In the water! Hurry up!
I I won't say anything.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
I know you won't say anything.
'Cause where you're going,
no one speaks a word.
Get in and don't stop walking.
In the water, go!
Come on, in the water!
Look where praying
and working hard got you.
After breaking your back
just like everybody else.
Take this thought to the other side.
Our only difference
is that you lived a cozy life,
with a loving pop and a loving mom,
while I was born in the dirt
with nothing.
No, no, please don't kill me.
[crying softly] Please don't kill me.
[water sloshing]
[whimpers] I was just lucky.
I was just lucky.
I was just lucky.
[crying] No, please don't kill me.
I was just lucky.
[gun cocks]
Edilma Pérez,
what exactly is it
that you would like to amend?
[darkly intriguing music playing]
[Edilma] Baby of mine, don't you cry ♪
[Wilches] You're the opportunistic,
backstabbing, terrorist bitch.
[indistinct wailing]
- [William] Edie!
- [Edilma] I am the worst mother.
[spoon clatters]
[Esguerra] Edilma Pérez.
Ms. Pérez, whenever you're ready.
- [crowd clamoring loudly]
- [man] Captain!
- [bulbs flashing]
- [reporters clamoring]
[reporters clamoring indistinctly]
Captain Richard Wilches at your service.
I believe you require me
to answer some questions. Here I am.
[Esguerra] Vice Minister Esguerra.
It's a relief for Colombia
to see that you are alive.
- This way, please. Edilma?
- Yes?
- [Esguerra] Give me a second.
- No. That's all right.
She may stay.
Good morning, Edilma.
Captain Wilches.
[unconvincingly] Such a joy
to see you alive.
[Wilches sighs]
[Esguerra] Please, come in, Captain.
[Wilches] Thank you.
[Esguerra] Edilma?
- [darkly intriguing music continues]
- [Wilches grunts]
[Esguerra] Captain, this is a transcript
of your crew's individual interviews.
- Please read it.
- Okay.
[Esguerra] And any questions,
comments, I am here.
[Wilches] Of course.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music building]
[suspenseful music building]
[music fades]
[Esguerra] Anything you'd like to add?
Any comments?
[Esguerra] "Uh-huh"?
Mind being specific?
Of course I can.
[Wilches clears throat]
I want what I say to be very clear
that except for the hairpiece,
everything is true.
[tape recorder clicks]
[Esguerra] All right.
Thank you.
[clears throat]
- [door opens]
- [tape recorder clatters]
["Volveré" by Diego Verdaguer playing]
[bright music continues playing]
[boys] Edie!
[yelling indistinctly]
["Volveré" continues playing]
["Volveré" continues playing]
["Volveré" continues playing]
["Volveré" playing in background on radio]
[door hatch opens]
[guard] Pirateque, you have a visitor.
I'm on the clock,
but I snuck out of the beauty salon
because I want to know
what happened with your sentence.
They decided
to give me 17 months.
[Pirateque chuckles]
But it's not that awful in here.
[Manchola] No?
You know, I feel
a sense of relief.
Like almost as if
they lifted 13 planes off my chest.
In here, I spend all my days working
getting my hands dirty,
and I feel like
taking things apart makes everything
easier to think about, and
And what is it you think about?
I think of you.
About the times we made love.
[both laugh softly]
[Pirateque] In my office.
[both chuckling]
On first-class flights.
In Chavarriaga's office.
I don't know,
it gives me a little bit of faith
in the future.
I'm always thinking of the future.
I'm also thinking of the future.
Isn't it bizarre how things turn out?
I think they're gonna
ask me to leave soon.
How much time do we have?
The rest of our lives.
If you're up for it.
["Un minuto de tu amor" by Sabu playing]
[sobs] Yes.
Pirateque and Manchola
urged the chaplain from La Modelo
to marry them
before he finished his sentence.
After his release from prison,
the couple moved to Guaduas.
Neither returned to work
in the aerospace sector.
[Chavarriaga] Ladies and gentlemen,
the brave dare to love
because only the brave
have something of value to fight for,
either in the battles of everyday life,
or in the battle we all wage
against the heavens
from the day we are born
to our last breath.
As manager
and owner of Aerobolivar,
I'm inspired by the acts of valor
of Captain Wilches
to persevere
and continue to fight for those
who trust us
with their lives in the skies.
Sir, new Minister of Defense,
will you do the honors?
[Esguerra] Mr. President.
Good afternoon.
Captain Richard Wilches,
it is my honor to present you with
the Grand Cross of the Order of Boyacá,
the most illustrious distinction
our country has to offer,
for reminding our people
that heroism does not lie in the desire
to put yourself above the rest
by any means,
but in the willingness
to serve others by any means.
Congratulations, Captain.
[all clapping]
Appreciate it, thanks.
Commander Richard Wilches
continued flying commercial aircraft
until his death seven years later
in a plane crash
in Florida, United States.
[Bárbara] More agile than a refrigerator,
braver than an avocado.
- Captain Wilches! Bravo! Bravo!
- [both laughing]
Oh God, his poor hair
and how he brushes it to the side.
He's losing all of it, you know!
Honestly, my God, I really needed this.
- [Bárbara] Mmm-hmm!
- To see you.
[laughs] We're here, we made it!
No better place to say goodbye,
don't you think so?
Are you going on vacation?
Are you taking a breather, finally?
Kind of, yeah.
I want to get out of here.
This is my goodbye.
Of Bárbara.
Since we returned, I
I feel strange, um
I can't find my footing.
Edie, what did you feel up there
when you thought they were gonna kill you?
It's hard to explain it.
Well, I felt relief, you know?
Like I could take a break
having to act
like this character, Bárbara.
But after I felt afraid.
But not of being killed
afraid of having felt relief.
[voice breaks] Life's weighing heavy,
my friend.
I'm so sorry for not giving you more.
Not being better or more for you.
And every single day,
I regret letting you get on that plane.
But I thank the heavens
for your decision to come on board.
Edie, if I hadn't
boarded that plane with you,
I wouldn't have realized
I needed to get down
from that cloud I was floating on
for so many years.
I'm going to miss you,
my sister from the sky.
So am I.
So much.
So much.
["Pobrecitos mis recuerdos"
by Bola de Nieve playing]
["Pobrecitos mis recuerdos" fading]
[man] Toro!
- [indistinct chatter]
- [musicians playing lively music]
- [all cheering]
- [lively music continues]
[officer] All right.
Let's take you to jail.
Come on, let's go.
Francisco "Toro" Solano
distributed the money from the hijacking
amongst his neighborhood,
which drew the attention of authorities.
He was extradited to Colombia
where he served
a five-year prison sentence in Medellín.
It is rumored that he died years later,
during a failed bank robbery
in Buenos Aires.
[all chanting and cheering]
[all cheering] Torito! Torito! Torito!
- [woman] Bom dia.
- Bom dia.
["Esos ojitos negros"
by Dúo Dinámico playing]
I wasn't sure you'd show.
[laughs softly]
Neither was I.
["Esos ojitos negros" continues playing]
After landing in Resistencia,
Eusebio Borja disappeared.
He was never captured,
and it's believed that he's still alive.
[Edilma] Dearest María Eugenia,
I was so excited
to receive your last postcard.
Did you know
I've always dreamt of visiting Brazil?
[wistful music playing]
Frankly, I don't have much to tell.
Although, the other day, I began wondering
about what you asked me
last time we saw each other.
What I felt that day,
when it became clear we'd die.
I now know my answer.
I haven't told anyone about this.
It was after I said goodbye to my kids,
to my life,
that I noticed a hole in my tights.
The sun hit it in a way
that made it seem as though
it was alive.
As if it were a heart beating,
a breathing thing.
And suddenly everything
around me seemed alive.
It was alive.
And the only one
that had given up on life was me.
I looked at my hand,
and the dots were breathing,
and I looked up at the sky,
and the sky was alive too.
I accepted the fact I'd reached the end.
[boys laughing and chatting indistinctly]
[Edilma] And that hole, those dots,
the sky,
all reminded me
that we're only here temporarily,
María Eugenia.
That life is just a blink of an eye,
a heartbeat.
And that even the hardest moments in life,
are miracles.
Just being able to breathe
and smelling my children's necks
every morning is a miracle.
Being able to embrace pleasure,
and the fear
of loving unconditionally,
of being able to look in the infinite
heavens amidst the turbulence,
and live with your feet on the ground,
and your head in the sky.
["Canción para mi muerte"
by Charly García playing]
["Canción para mi muerte"
continues playing]
Edilma Pérez was able to continue working
at Aerobolivar despite having children,
but never received
the raise she was promised.
Three years later,
she was fired for smuggling alcohol.
Edie and María Eugenia, Bárbara,
are still friends to this day.
Even though it's inspired
by real facts and people,
some characters, incidents, places,
dialogues, and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes only.
["Canción para mi muerte"
continues playing]
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