The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e06 Episode Script


[Óscar] We have the house
all to ourselves.
It sucked.
And you only thought about yourself!
But you also wanted it, Raquel.
All I wanted was to be with you,
but now I don't want you near me.
What did the doctor say?
I'm pregnant!
Everything for the team.
[Germán] I don't know
what it is about you
-[Germán] I think it's best if we leave.
-[Anna] Yes.
Is it because of last night?
If you can't play as a team,
you can sit on the bench.
Fuck you and your shitty play!
Hey, I didn't know
you were into skateboarding.
-[Gina] You don't give a damn, do you?
-[Lorena] What are you talking about?
What did it mean to you?
Everybody's talking about me,
and I'm getting tired of it.
What the fuck is that?
[Raquel] Don't let something like this
bring you down.
[Cris] What is this?
Sumo wrestling on skates?
Hey, ignore her.
Use your heads!
-No, drop it, Youssef.
-[Doctor] Your cartilage is very damaged.
-Doctor, will I be able to play again?
[Doctor] Not at the same level as before.
It's for Valen.
Enough chatting
with your Argentine girlfriend.
Leave me alone.
I can't be looking after you all day.
Maybe we should take a break.
[cheering and yelling]
We won the cup!
We won the cup!
The cup! The cup!
The cup, the cup, the cup!
We won, my love!
Look at it, look at it.
Give it a kiss!
And mine? Where's my kiss?
-[Flor] Imagine if we win the World Cup.
-[Valen] We will, it's as good as ours!
-[Flor] You think we can win? Together?
-[Valen] Obviously.
You and me together, for sure.
-We're winners.
-We're winners.
-It's a deal.
-Kiss my medal.
[typing sounds]
[Valen] I don't know, Flor,
I need some time.
Look, I thought I could do this,
but long distance is tough for me.
Forgive me, but I need
some time to think, all right?
Take care.
[Lorena] Are you stupid or what?
[Flor] What about you?
You hit me three times!
-Do you want to see my ankles?
-[Anna] Hey, girls, that's enough.
-Get back in line.
-[Lorena] It was her! Didn't you see?
[Flor] Excuse me?
[Terrats] Didn't you hear what she said?
Bring it down a notch, sweetie.
[Terrats] Hey! Hey, you two!
After practice, go to the equipment
room and organize it. Understood?
Start over again.
Terrats, is it always going to be
like this from now on?
-I mean
-Like how?
Are you always
going to go over my head?
Anna, I won't tell you how to coach,
but I promised Enric
that I'd keep them in line, that's all.
By punishing them like little girls?
No, with a heavy hand,
like I used to do with you girls.
It worked, didn't it?
They don't seem to be listening to you.
Because I want them to respect me,
not fear me.
[Terrats] Emma, where are you going?
To get a drink of water, I'm thirsty.
[Terrats] Later.
Go back with the others, please.
Didn't you hear me?
Get back to the rink and train,
you haven't even broken a sweat.
"You haven't even broken a sweat."
[Terrats] What did you say?
Emma, come here.
Do you have something to say to me?
Emma, just drop it.
Actually, I do. I don't understand
why we have to listen to you.
I mean, you're not even our coach.
You're treating us like soldiers.
It's a bit too much.
No, no, no. You're a bit too much.
Drop the attitude.
-You won't play in tomorrow's game.
You won't play in tomorrow's game.
-Don't do this to me, Terrats.
-Hey, Emma, enough. Drop it, seriously.
Go. Emma, go!
I'm sorry, Terrats
but we can't afford to bench her.
Really? I know we can't.
But we also can't allow to have a player
talk like that to a coach.
Okay, you're absolutely right.
I'll talk to her and make sure
it doesn't happen again, but
Come on, our rivals are stronger than us,
I can't play without substitutes.
Then the others will have to work harder.
We should be able to beat Olímpic
all the same.
This is the hardest game of the season.
-I know that.
-Are you trying to screw us over?
It may seem like that,
but I'm actually trying to help.
Emma will not play. Period.
[Terrats] That's that.
[Emma] Fuck
Are you going to help,
or is it going to be just me?
Hey! Wake up, I don't want to have
Terrats on my back all day.
Honestly, I don't care. I'm leaving.
Yeah, right.
You're not going anywhere.
Not now, tomorrow.
I'm flying to Buenos Aires.
It's my birthday,
and I'm spending it with Valen.
Three days. I already have the tickets.
Are you serious?
You're leaving?
What about the game?
Dude, we're in fifth place.
If we don't move up, the team's finished.
Or did you forget what Enric said?
If I don't go, I won't have a girlfriend.
Really, dude?
We're barely a team without Emma.
If you're not here, we can't play;
they'll cancel the game
and Germán's team will win.
What do you want from me?
If I stay for the game,
I might not make my flight.
It's tight. I have to take the bus
that goes all the way to Barcelona.
I can give you a ride to the bus stop.
You'll be on time, for sure.
What if I don't make it?
I swear you will.
Dude, please, we need you.
Besides, if you don't come,
Terrats will kick you out of the club.
Fine. But don't tell anyone,
my mom doesn't even know.
Silent as the grave.
Get to it.
-[Laila] Want some?
-[Raquel] Yeah.
You haven't eaten any.
I'm not hungry, thanks.
I can't believe we had
to accept Terrats' punishment.
-Come on, Emma, forget it.
-Yeah, don't sweat it, it's not worth it.
She won't let me play
against the Olímpic! It sucks, dude!
You just had to talk back to Terrats.
So, you're not even going
to beg Anna to let me play?
Emma, we've done enough already.
Besides, you can't always
have it your way, okay?
Wow, thanks. Thank you so much.
You guys are great friends.
[car pulls up]
[Anna] Hi.
Ready for the derby?
Of course!
Just so you know, the girls want
to get back at you for switching teams.
And so do I.
Well, I just got out of practice.
Someone's dedicated.
I heard you kicked ass
during the last game.
Looks like we'll have to give it our best.
You sound like Terrats.
I'm sick of having her
on top of me all day.
I know she can be very persistent.
No, not persistent, annoying.
She's literally there
every training session.
She thinks that she has to coach
the girls right next to me.
Or instead of me.
I don't know what to think anymore.
I heard there was an incident
the other day with the skating team.
Yeah, I guess
that's why they've stopped trusting me.
Can I confess something?
I don't know if it was a good idea
to take this coaching job.
I don't know if I'm doing well or not.
Anna Ricou has doubts.
That's new.
There's your headline.
I don't know what to do.
Did you know that I can't play anymore?
I heard, yeah.
You know that ours is a small world.
I meant to call, but
-Really, I'm very sorry.
-No, it's okay. It's fine, don't worry.
I have to go.
-I'll see you tomorrow.
If you, I don't know,
need someone to talk to,
we could go out for coffee
whenever you want.
We're friends, right?
Yeah, we're friends.
See you tomorrow.
See you. And cheer up,
I'm sure you'll put up
a good fight tomorrow.
You bet.
Do you mind finishing up?
I'm going to help Laila
with her homework.
Can I see?
Yes, but wait, it still needs
the finishing touches.
Hey, kids.
So, do you want to start
with your science homework?
I already did them, Dad.
Oh, really?
Yeah, Nil helped me.
What about math?
Do you want to go over some equations?
Don't worry, Dad,
I've done all my homework for today.
I don't need help.
No worries.
Hold on.
[Laila interjects]
[Nil] Come on.
[Laila] Okay.
[Nil] Come on!
-[Laila] Ready?
-Yes, come on.
-[Laila] You sure?
-[Laila] You're going to flip.
-Let's see it.
[Nil] Wow!
Where did you learn
how to draw like that?
Reading comics
and copying other drawings.
So, does it look like you?
Well, I mean, I have to say
I am better looking, right?
Yeah, you wish.
[door opens]
[Paulina] Hello!
[footsteps approach]
-Aren't you going to say hi?
Are you staying in again?
[Paulina] What about the girls?
Why don't you go out with them?
I don't like seeing you like this,
all sad.
I'm fine, Mom.
Besides, I want to go to bed early.
At what time is the game tomorrow?
I could take the day off.
No, no, you don't have to.
Besides, it's against a really good team,
we'll probably lose.
[Paulina] But we have to do
something special for your birthday.
It's not every day that you turn 18.
Really, Mom, I don't want you
to see me lose like that.
You're always so proud.
[Paulina] Well, let me know what
you want to do after the game, okay?
Why don't you make your specialty?
Sweet potato cakes?
Of course, sweetie.
I'll stop by the store tomorrow
to buy ingredients.
What do you want?
I know, I know.
We agreed not to see each other, but
I thought we could go watch
the motorcycles together.
I I have VIP tickets.
No, Óscar.
Okay, let's at least
talk for a moment, please.
-Talk about what?
Don't you miss me?
I screwed up.
I only thought about myself, okay.
But can't you forget about it?
Why do you insist on remembering the only
bad thing in our relationship, Raquel?
You just don't get it.
Don't you think you've punished me
enough already?
So, now you want me to feel guilty?
You amaze me.
I'm not punishing you, Óscar.
You used me and I didn't like it, at all.
I don't want to be with you ever again.
You disrespected me,
like you are doing now,
making me feel like
I'm the bad guy here.
But it was you, Óscar. It was you.
Forget about getting back together.
It's over.
If that's what you want, I won't
I won't bother you again.
I promise.
Thank you.
I have a game. I'm going inside.
Hey, have you heard from Óscar?
No. Do you think
he's going to come to the girls' game?
I don't think so, not with Raquel here.
-Do you know what happened between them?
-No idea, dude, it's a mystery.
Laila, I see! So?
So, what?
Nothing. I just see you together a lot.
Anything going on there?
No, we're just talking about
going skateboarding later.
Right "Skateboarding."
I know all about skateboarding.
Dude, girls can be friends too.
Friends, that's it. Unlike you,
you're always sleeping around.
Hey, it's mutual, okay?
They want it as much as I do.
Look, just try to avoid falling in love.
If you fall in love, you're screwed.
Like Óscar, he fell in love
And look at him now, crying his eyes out.
It sucks, dude.
It sucks.
I almost had a heart attack
when my mom came in.
My passport was just lying there.
I gotta say, you've got balls.
I could never lie to my mom like that.
[Gina] Hey, Minervas!
It's been days since
we've seen you around here.
Yeah, I've been busy with stuff.
You know how it is.
Give them hell today.
Thanks for coming to watch us
wipe the floor with Germán.
Do you want to get a beer
after the game?
Dang, I can't.
I have a thing.
Can't you do it later?
-[Lorena] No.
-Or you don't want to?
No, no, I can't.
I'm very busy.
[Lorena] Let's meet another day.
Yeah, sure.
When you're bored
and don't know what to do,
maybe then you'll want
to spend time with me.
Thanks, Lore.
[Putxi] Hey, check out Germán's girls.
Not bad, huh?
What's wrong with you, man?
What's up, traitor?
[Germán] How's it going?
-Fine, very well.
-Oh, really?
Maybe today's the day
you regret leaving us.
I was also looking forward
to seeing you.
Do they know this is a hockey game
and not a runway?
What with the matching outfits and all.
Woah, what's the matter?
You scared or what?
Yeah, right. Get off your high horse.
We'll see who's really scared.
-All right!
-[Anna] Girls, go warm up!
-Come on!
-Get going.
How are you?
Don't get the wrong idea, Germán.
You and I are rivals here.
So, don't ask personal questions
or show compassion.
Very well.
Sounds good.
I won't.
Neither will I.
Where's Emma?
Why isn't she in uniform?
It's nothing. It's Terrats' idea.
Forget it.
Can I at least wish you good luck, rival?
[Germán] May the best win.
May the best win.
My girls want to win against yours.
[Anna] I want to beat you.
I won't make it easy.
I love a challenge!
Same here!
I'm nervous.
[Germán] Come on, girls.
Let's go, go, go!
[Germán] Cover the whole rink!
[Anna] Lorena, Lorena, Lorena.
[Anna] Stick together, okay?
Work as a team, girls.
[Germán] Come on! Let's go!
Take the puck!
Pass it, pass it! Now!
[Anna] No, no, no!
Laila, Laila, cover her!
-Come on, girls, come on!
-[Germán] Counter them quickly.
Is it just me
or are they playing like crap?
You guys were doing
so well until now
[Anna] It's okay, girls. Don't worry!
[Anna] Come on, stick together!
Lorena, Lorena, pass it!
[Anna] Come on.
[Anna] Good one! Pass it!
[Flor] Son of a bitch!
Flor, Flor!
No! Damn it!
What is Flor doing?
Where's her head at?
[Germán] Keep it up, keep it up!
[Anna] Come on,
there's plenty of time left. Let's go!
Where is the fucking defense line?
Dude, the Terminator screwed up
by not letting you play.
No one's putting pressure on their team.
[Putxi] Exactly.
-What a fucking disaster!
Good job, Bel, good job!
-Call a time out, please.
-Paula, time out!
Okay, we still have a lot of time left.
We can do this!
Lorena, I want you on defense, center.
[Anna] I need you to concentrate, okay?
Come on, let's do this!
Flor, Flor, rush to their goalpost,
show no mercy, okay?
Are you with us?
-Yes, let's go.
-[Anna] You sure?
I thought you guys wanted to win?
-We do.
-Really? You do?
Then show me! Show everybody!
Go in and stick to what I just said!
Give them hell!
Come on, girls! You can do this!
[Anna] Come on, girls!
[Germán] Stick to long passes.
Great job. Long passes.
[Germán] Perfect. Keep it up.
[Germán] Good, good, good. Bravo.
Germán taught us that play,
they should know it.
What are you doing here?
Go back to the bleachers!
-I'm the coach.
-Really? It doesn't look like you are.
Hey, aren't you going to do anything?
[Putxi] Emma, no. Emma!
Very good, girls, very good!
We've got this, but keep up the pressure.
Good job, Diana,
that's it, pass the puck.
Okay, Janina, keep it up.
Good job, bravo.
[end of game whistle]
Lore, come on, let's go.
[Terrats] Hey, hey.
Where are you going?
-[Terrats] You have to stretch.
-We can't today.
What do you mean you can't today?
Do you want to get hurt?
It's important to stretch
before and after the game. Go on.
Come on, quickly! Quickly!
I know that was a shitty match.
You don't have to come and tell me.
[Terrats] No, no, no.
You win some, you lose some.
[Terrats] I'm not here to tell you that.
Do you think it's okay for a coach
to abandon her players
in the middle of a game?
-It's disrespectful.
[Terrats] No! You have to cheer them on,
and give instructions until the very end.
They need you the most
when things are going bad.
That was embarrassing.
I hope to never see you like that again.
In the end,
we couldn't have our revenge.
We're better, it is what it is.
Hey, they looked great out there.
I didn't expect less from you.
You don't have to kiss my ass.
-I'm not kissing your ass.
Anna, you're doing very well, honestly.
[Germán] If you see the referee,
tell her I left.
I'm going out to buy pads
for the girls, okay?
-[Montse] Hey!
-How are you?
-Good, very good.
-I have to go buy something.
-I'll wait for you here.
-Yes, perfect. See you in a bit.
Don't feel bad for losing.
To be honest, it was my fault.
-Your fault?
-It's just a joke between Germán and me.
He says I bring him good luck,
and since I came today
That's too bad.
So, what are you going to do?
-Right now?
-No, I meant about your knee.
If you can't play,
you'll have to figure something out.
[Anna] Yeah.
Yes, I have many ideas
and things that I would like to do,
but I guess I have
some decisions to make.
[Montse] This sports thing sucks, right?
You give it the best years
of your life, and then what?
One bad injury and you're out.
No one remembers you.
I think it's very cruel. Right?
Yes. Yes, it's cruel.
I have to go pick up
the equipment, because
[Montse] Right, go ahead.
-[Anna] I'll see you some other time.
-Take care. Bye.
Come on, girl,
hurry up or you won't make it!
-Do you have everything?
-Passport, ticket, everything
-Yes, everything, Lore.
Come on, dude,
hurry up or I won't make it.
Come on, I can't wait to get there!
[engine starts]
[Lorena] Hop off.
-You drive like an old lady!
-Excuse me?
You have plenty of time.
You should see how they drive
in Argentina.
So much for helping you out
I owe you one.
Come on,
don't get all soft on me now.
I hope it goes well, dude.
[engine starts]
See you!
Thanks, dummy!
Pick up, pick up, pick up
What is it, Flor?
It's nine in the morning.
I really wanted to talk to you,
you don't know the day I've had.
What happened?
You won't believe what I did, Valen.
It's crazy!
Don't scare me, what is it?
Nothing bad, don't worry.
Well, since you called,
happy birthday, dude.
You remembered!
Why does that surprise you?
Even though it's kind of weird
between us, I wouldn't forget.
Guess what?
I'm on my way to the airport.
I'm going to Buenos Aires.
You're coming back to live here?
No, my mom doesn't know
anything, it's just me.
Bus, plane, and done!
-What are you saying, Flor?
Three whole days.
We can go have some
of that ice-cream, like last year.
I told you I needed some time,
and this is what you do?
Don't you want to see me?
If the problem is distance,
I can just come over.
[Valen] No, you can't fix it like that!
[Valen] Relationships
aren't that easy, Flor.
It's been a while since I've seen you.
It's been hard on me,
and I'm sure
it's been hard on you too.
-But I got used to being without you.
I don't know if I still feel
the same about you.
I don't want to be together anymore.
[Valen sighs]
[dogs barking in the distance]
[Paulina] Hello!
[keys jangle]
[Paulina] Aren't you going to say hi?
Don't leave your hair in the sink.
I won't.
I'm beat.
Between training
the boys and the girls, the game,
physical therapy
Are you going to start training us now?
No. Just until you start
taking things seriously.
We've learned our lesson, okay?
It's true,
we can't make things any worse.
Maybe you should slow down a bit.
You have to take care of yourself.
[phone rings]
Aren't you going to answer?
No, I don't need to.
It's just some idiots.
No one.
Just some people who have nothing
better to do than mess with me.
Because of the video you posted?
I found some writings
on the locker room mirrors the other day.
They said that I was fat
and, well, I don't know.
Fat? You?
I don't precisely have Raquel's body type.
No. So?
You have an amazing strength.
You went through an abortion all
by yourself, and can talk about it freely.
Are you going to let some comments
bring you down?
Have you ever had any problems
with your body before?
[Terrats] And are you going to have any
now because of some idiots?
No. No.
Well, there you go.
Damn, Sílvia, you're looking fine!
-Having a boyfriend is good for you.
-Come on, Pela, don't start.
I'm just saying. I mean
Look, he left them here and just left.
He locked himself in his room.
What do you want me to do?
Get him out?
Come on, Pela,
both of you like motorcycles.
Maybe he'll talk to you.
I mean, it was pretty cool of Enric
to get these tickets.
Yes, it was really nice of him.
So? Should I tell Óscar to come out?
No, don't worry, I'll do it.
[knock on door]
[Pela] Hi! Can I come in?
You're already in.
I don't need a sermon
or a therapy session.
I'm fine, I just want to be left alone.
So are we just going to miss out on this?
It doesn't matter,
I'll just give them back to Enric.
No, come on.
Enric can go whenever he likes,
but we have to take advantage.
I can see myself there with a sandwich,
a beer, watching the bikes
Take Ray then.
Well, that's not a bad idea,
but I want you to come.
I don't want you to think
I'm a bad father.
All right, fine, I'm never going to get
the Father of the Year award,
but damn it, come with me,
it's not that much of a hassle.
Óscar. Óscar, don't make me look bad,
I promised your mother.
You're the worst.
I know, man, I know.
Come here, come here.
-What are you doing?
-Come here.
I can't believe I have such cool kids!
Let go, let go!
You're so annoying!
You used to like that as a kid!
[Pela laughs]
Son of a bitch!
[phone rings]
[typing noises]
[Emma] Hey. Hi!
Hi, Emma!
[Emma] How are you?
Pretty good,
especially after beating you.
The Olímpic is
on a whole other level, right?
You guys played very well too.
[Germán] Very well!
Listen, Germán,
I want to talk to you for a minute.
[bottles clank]
-[Anna] Dad!
Check out the wines I've brought.
-What? You want me to start drinking?
-[Santi] No, not you.
I'm meeting Julia and Youssef
for some wine tasting later.
-I want to impress them.
-You sound motivated.
[Santi] And you're stuck in a rut.
You should do something else
besides laying down all day.
What do you want me to do, Dad?
[Santi] You've been in a bad mood lately.
What's wrong?
Has Emma rubbed off on you?
Listen, Anna, you need to do something.
I understand that you need some time.
And that you won't have
your surgery until summer.
But, I don't know,
maybe you should reevaluate your life.
I've already told you. I don't think
coaching the girls is enough.
Why don't you try to get
your pharmacist license back?
-You finished pharmacology school.
-Yes, but I don't have experience.
Besides, I don't like it.
So, what do you like?
What do you want to do?
I don't know.
I was happy enough playing hockey, Dad.
My entire life, you told me
that I should pursue hockey.
-"You'll go far."
-And you did.
Yeah, I went far enough
to come back home.
Anna, please, you're a smart girl.
You left home to do great things,
and you'll do it again.
But find a goal.
You're strong, honest
No, Dad. You don't know me,
I'm not like that anymore.
What are you saying?
Don't you have a wine tasting to go to?
Well, go, I don't have all day.
[Anna sighs]
[Santi] All right, let's begin.
This wine here
Look, this is a Montsant wine.
-Yes, yes, yes, from Montsant.
-Okay? From Montsant.
-Once you try this wine--
-Maybe you should
-What is it?
Maybe you should learn how to open
a bottle before you open your business.
It's not me! It's that shitty wine opener
you gave me, it's worthless.
-Good job, Youssef!
Okay, let's do this.
I won't drink it.
-Just a sip.
-No, I'll just taste it.
Hey, won't you have any regrets
if you drink this?
No, with this color, I can't spit it out.
It's a shade of purplish red
with subtle highlights.
-Fresh as a strawberry.
-Oh, là, là.
I didn't know you were an expert.
Expert? More like a phony.
I looked it up on the Internet
to impress you.
I have no idea of what I just said.
All right, let's do this.
Okay, let's try that one,
I like the label.
[Santi] You don't chose a wine
based on the label.
But I like the label.
[Santi] Okay, fine.
I'll get the wine opener.
I'm getting dizzy.
-Are you okay, Julia?
-Yes, yes, I just got a little bit dizzy.
[Santi] But you didn't even drink.
-[Youssef] Have some bread.
-No, I'm fine. Don't worry.
[Santi] Once you try this wine,
you'll notice that
Hey, you look pale.
Bring her a soda,
maybe her blood pressure is low.
-[Youssef] Yes, right away.
-Julia. Julia.
[Julia yells in pain]
Julia, are you okay?
Take me to the hospital.
Take me to the hospital.
-[Santi] Shit.
-[Youssef] Julia.
Santi, call an ambulance.
Call an ambulance.
[Santi] Shit.
[Youssef] Breath. All will be fine.
[car door closes]
How could you, Florencia?
Travelling by yourself?
I'm 18, I don't need authorization.
What if something happened to you?
I almost had a heart attack
when I saw the note.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Well, you spent all your savings.
-You wasted all your money.
-I don't care about that.
I only wanted to see Valen.
Oh, you youngsters
This is the worst birthday of my life.
-Shoot, pass it.
-I can't.
-You're getting your ass handed to you.
-Dude, pass the ball.
Fuck! See?
You made me lose again.
No, you just suck, dude.
Pitxi! What's up?
[Putxi] We haven't seen you in days, dude.
[Putxi] How are you?
-Here, take a seat.
-Fine, I'm managing.
Forget about patting me on the back,
giving me advice and all that shit, okay?
Sure, okay.
-I'm going to the bike show tomorrow.
-What bike show?
Dude, the fucking bike show.
I have VIP tickets.
-Yeah, right!
-Where did you get them?
Chill, dude. My dad gave them to him.
Oh, that's right,
you guys are brothers now.
Are you going together as a family?
Nah, I don't like motorcycles.
I just go to make my dad happy.
Well, it was really nice of him.
Hey, so, what's up with Raquel?
Have you definitely broken up?
Putxi, drop it, forget it.
[Putxi] Sorry. He said he didn't want
advice, so I was just asking.
Hey, I'm fine.
Honestly, it's fine.
We broke up, that's it.
It sucks, but we broke up.
But you'll get back together for sure.
-No, I don't think so.
-Sure you will.
-Raquel has always been crazy about you.
-But not anymore, Nil!
What do you mean?
I messed up bad,
and she doesn't want to see me again.
-You want to go have a drink?
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Do you need anything?
-Maybe some water or a blanket?
-No, thanks.
I'm going to the pharmacy
to fetch your medication, okay?
-I'll be back soon.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Aunt, I'm so sorry.
I know this was very important to you.
Berta, this was a risk, and that's it.
Let's not make a big deal out of it.
-I'm going to get some
-Where are you going?
To the kitchen.
You can just ask me
if you need something.
I didn't have open heart surgery.
I can walk.
It's okay.
It's also okay to ask for help, Aunt.
You're allowed to be sad,
cry or even be angry
-because of what just happened.
-Weren't you going out with your friends?
You don't have to stay here with me.
Besides, Santi's coming back.
-I know, but
Go. [snaps fingers]
[Berta sighs]
Emma, what do you want?
I don't know.
It's better like that.
What's up?
How are you?
Fine. I wanted to be alone,
but come right in.
What do you want?
I wanted to
I need to tell you something.
What have you done this time?
Anna, promise you won't get mad.
[Santi] Here.
Take that, you'll feel better.
I'm fine.
You don't need to ask me again.
Sit down.
It's clear that I will have to do in vitro
since the inseminations aren't working.
-Don't think about that right now.
-It'll be a long, hard process,
but I'm not worried about that.
-[Terrats] I'm worried about the money.
-Julia. Julia, calm down for a second.
[Terrats] I don't want to calm down,
I want to find solutions.
I'll have to work more hours,
but that's it.
I'll have to work like a mule,
and find more clients
because I don't have enough.
You must have savings, right?
I live day to day.
Between the rent,
Berta's expenses and Olga's center.
Yeah, but that's because you're putting
everything on your shoulders.
You should let Berta
help you out somehow.
-Babysitting, tutoring
-No, no, no.
Berta has to focus on her studies,
that's it. I'll figure it out.
-[Santi] What is this happens again?
-And what do you want me to do?
Huh? Just let it be?
[Santi sighs]
Listen, Julia. I have some savings.
-[Santi] I could lend you the money.
I know becoming a mother
is very important to you.
[pained breathing]
What about Núria?
Don't worry, it's my money.
[Santi] Come on.
Hey, aren't those
Son of a bitch.
What are you doing here?
Why didn't you tell us
it was your birthday?
It's all thanks to Lorena, otherwise
Happy birthday, champ!
[Berta] Come here.
It's okay.
[Emma] Come on, guys, I'm starving.
Come on.
Come on, if we don't go upstairs,
I'm going to eat here.
Come on, Florecilla. Let's go!
Let's go.
[Flor] You guys are assholes!
[all laughing]
Happy birthday, dear Flor ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
[howling and cheering]
[Emma] Congrats.
I'm sorry, I'm really bad
at cutting cakes.
No, I don't want any.
Dude, it's your birthday.
I don't like cheesecake.
-[Emma] Dude, Lore.
-How was I supposed to know?
I love cheesecake.
[Flor] It's cool.
It's the thought that counts.
Thanks, guys. Seriously.
Well, I want some.
It's the least we could do
after breaking into your house.
-Do you want some?
-No, but seriously.
If it weren't for you, I'd be crying
all night. And, I still might.
No, no, no, no.
It's your birthday,
and we have to celebrate.
Let's see.
Flor, do you have a pen and paper?
-Paper, what for?
Okay, I need a lighter.
-What is she doing?
-[Emma] I don't know. Where's she going?
[exhales deeply]
[dial tone]
That's cool.
That you called me. I'm glad you did.
I like that whole
mysterious vibe of yours.
You really want to party, huh?
A little bit.
You want to dance?
You want to
-Can you see without them?
-No, nothing.
-I mean, a little bit.
Get me another drink.
Two more!
Two more!
-And done.
-[Lorena] Okay.
Okay, now you have to read them, Flor.
-Aren't we supposed to burn them?
-[Lorena] No, no.
This is the fun part.
First you read, and then you burn it.
-Come on.
-Okay, sure.
I want to forget about Valen.
She can go to hell.
-That's right!
-[Raquel] Good one!
Wait, wait, here.
-[Flor] Burn, bitch.
-[Raquel gasps]
[Raquel] Wow!
What? You look like
you've never seen fire before.
[clapping and laughing]
[Lorena] Okay, your turn, Laila.
She wants to see Nil's butt again.
I want to pass my exams, dumbass.
Emma, you're up.
What did you write?
No, no, next. You.
-No, no. Your turn.
-[Berta] Your turn.
Come on, dude.
-Hey, I read mine.
-Come on.
I don't want you
I don't want you to hate me.
Why would we hate you?
I'm switching to Germán's team.
[Laila] Come on, dude. Be serious.
I'm sorry, Laila.
[Emma] I'm not kidding.
I'm leaving the Minervas.
I'm sorry.
[Lorena] Fuck.
[car honks and skids]
-When is Anna coming back?
-Soon, hopefully.
They're mad at me, Germán.
You have to give
the girls at Olímpic a chance.
We should kick her out
of our Whatsapp group.
-Gina? What are you doing here?
-I'm the new player.
They hate me.
I can't stay there trying to earn
enough money to support this family,
-so you can go around giving it all away.
-You're more than happy to be in Budapest.
[Berta] I meant that I don't want filters
on the photos.
[Lluc] Why don't you lie down?
Lluc, if my belly is big, it's big.
I don't want to hide it.
-[Enric] He's quite the character.
-[Sílvia] You don't have to tell me.
-[Enric] Pela is a good guy.
-What? You're friends now?
Isn't that what you wanted?
-Is he your boyfriend?
-No way, Dad. We're just friends.
[Núria] How will we tell them?
Perhaps we don't have to tell them yet.
[Gina] Are you seeing other people?
Is this because of yesterday?
I hope you have a good excuse!
You've gone too far!
[Gina] I think it's best if we didn't
spend so much time together, Lorena.
If I'm with you, I'm only with you.
Well, next time,
be sure to use your head.
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