The Interest of Love (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Can I have your account number
as well as your ID, please?
Hello, ma'am.
-How may I help you?
-I want to open a savings account.
May I see your ID, please?
She was a part-time worker
before becoming a service rep.
I told them to give it to me.
What else was I supposed to tell them?
Ms. Ahn, can we sit here?
-Why are you eating alone?
She was an outsider
from the very beginning.
She never really befriended anyone.
She was tenacious and hardworking
to the point that it shocked everyone.
She only cared about her performance.
Your performance evaluation is excellent.
I did my best, sir.
Why do you want to switch job positions?
I want my hard work
to be acknowledged, sir.
But it's not easy to get transferred.
Out of thousands of applicants,
only 200 get transferred.
And there are barely
any high school graduates.
Ms. Ahn reported him, didn't she?
To be honest, she and I aren't that close.
Mr. Yuk? Coercion?
He always took great care of Ms. Ahn.
He was very considerate of her.
-Anonymity is guaranteed, right?
Are you saying Ms. Ahn
reported Mr. Yuk for coercive behavior?
So it wasn't about
having an affair or anything like that?
No, it wasn't.
It must've been so difficult for her.
So what did you guys say?
The interview was confidential.
I just told them the truth, of course.
Don't tell me you sided with Mr. Yuk
just because you dislike her.
What do you take me for?
Do I look like the type of person
who would abuse his position,
jump on the bandwagon, and tell lies?
Do you think the bank will take her side
when Mr. Yuk is about to retire?
She shouldn't have done that.
She did something completely useless.
We'll only know for sure
once we hear the result.
By the way, Mr. Yuk
doesn't know about this yet, does he?
Ahn Su-yeong!
Please calm down before you talk, sir.
Come see me in my office. This instant.
Will you be okay?
Yes, I'll be all right.
What have you done?
When did I ever coerce you?
Retract your statement this instant.
I want a formal apology.
For what?
I did nothing that warranted an apology.
Why would I do that to you?
I felt bad that the others
looked down on you,
so I took care of you
because we're family here.
Who else would've done that for you?
What other branch manager
would care this much?
I was nothing but considerate toward you
whenever we met our clients.
I even gave you cab fare
after every meeting.
What is this?
I've never felt grateful for the cab fare.
It felt like compensation
for your unjust treatment.
You can have your money back.
You actually saved all this?
Did you ever truly respect me?
Then why did I get a low score
on my performance evaluation?
I had the best performance,
so why did I receive
the lowest bonus?
I had to accept it,
given my position at this bank.
But doing so changed nothing.
So I decided to do something about it.
Please apologize to me.
Mr. Jeong, wash my car.
Yes, sir.
I have knots in my stomach,
and I can't breathe.
So what happens now?
Will he get fired
if he's found guilty of coercion?
There's a higher chance
that Ms. Ahn will get sacked instead.
Knowing all that, she still reported him.
Why did you do that?
What if the others get the wrong idea?
I'm the least of your worries right now.
What did Mr. Yuk say?
I can take care of this myself.
Don't worry about me, Mr. Ha.
I'm off to a site inspection.
All right.
Everyone, let's get ready to open.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
When are you coming back?
I'll have to see.
Okay, then. Bye.
Su-yeong, are you okay?
Yes, I am. Don't worry.
You know how to place orders online.
Mobile banking isn't that hard either.
Then please show me how.
You can join an association through this.
It also has voice recognition.
Let me help you log in.
The menu should be easy to follow.
But please let me know
-if you have any problems.
Isn't she incredible?
"You can join
an association through this."
"It also has voice recognition."
How can she act like nothing's wrong?
That's what you call being professional.
She scares me now.
I think Ms. Ahn--
I think Ms. Ahn should come and join us.
Sit down and eat.
He was going to call you.
-Come sit down.
-The food is good.
No, thank you.
She and I have somewhere to go.
Doesn't this relieve your stress?
It's like shooting a gun.
The curved parts are hard to do properly.
It won't show even if you go out of line.
No matter how crooked it is,
it'll still be art. That's its charm.
I'm sorry you had to skip lunch
because of me, Ms. Park.
Call me by my name if you really feel bad.
Okay, Mi-gyeong.
Gosh, I just got
butterflies in my stomach.
I just wanted to say
that everything will work out.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Is the branch manager in?
He's away from his desk today.
How may I help you?
-There are others--
-That's okay. I'll come by again.
-Here, Su-yeong.
-Thank you.
Who called you?
My boyfriend.
I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
Since when?
We just started going out.
I see.
Does he work…
at our branch?
-Then is he--
-It's Jong-hyeon.
He's the security guard at our bank.
The handsome one?
You look good together. Congratulations.
I have something similar already.
But it's not
the exact same, so I'll take it.
Hey, Mi-seon!
Gosh, Seong-hye.
What's wrong?
Why are your nostrils flaring?
Follow me this instant.
-Right now.
Have you gone insane?
Why would you tell people about that?
Seong-hye, people are staring.
You told people about how
my husband throws a fit while eating
and that I got a herniated disc
from ducking under the dinner table.
What do you take me for?
Look, I only told Jin-suk.
Why her, of all people?
You know how much of a big mouth she has!
I just meant that
your husband's aesthetic sense is so great
that he can create art
just by throwing a spoon.
That's what I meant.
Don't you dare lie to me.
I know that you're actually jealous of me.
I really do.
Why are you so jealous?
Is it because I have a limited edition
that you don't have?
Me? Jealous of you?
What are you talking about?
I'm not a materialistic person.
Then why did you do that?
You blabbermouth.
-Why did you do that?
You've gone insane.
-What are you doing?
Let her go.
Who are you?
Step aside.
How about I step aside and call the cops?
Be polite when talking to a stranger.
She's right. You were being rude.
Who are you to butt in…
I'm her friend.
Ms. Han, you were so impressive.
I totally fell in love with you.
Why did you do it?
Were you really jealous of her bag?
Gosh, she said that her husband
had bought that handbag for her.
She was bragging
about how well he treated her.
It annoyed me,
so I just told one person about it.
You see, my husband
doesn't talk much at all.
Your husband isn't like that, right?
My husband died a long time ago.
I'm sorry. That was so thoughtless of me.
It doesn't hurt to talk about him anymore
because I've been too busy with life.
Hey. How about we actually become friends?
-Have a good day.
-Thank you.
This is a gift for your son.
-Ma'am, I can't--
-Come on.
We agreed to be friends.
I'll see you at the spa later. Bye.
-I'm heading out. Bye.
-See you.
-See you.
What took you so long to get back?
Aren't you going home?
I have to lock up before I go.
Where were you?
Where did you go after
lying about going to a site inspection?
Just lock up, okay?
You're still here.
I need to organize these before I go.
I have some documents
that I need for tomorrow.
I see. Okay, then.
Gosh, my neck is killing me,
and the gloomy mood at work
is stressing me out.
Do you want to have a drink
at that 30-year-old whelk restaurant?
They're really small,
but they taste like abalone.
I don't have a family
waiting for me at home,
-so I might as well have some whelk.
Someone left the door open.
Why do they do that?
Mr. Ma, thank you.
Care to have some whelk nearby?
I was craving a drink today.
-Let me just turn off the lights.
What are you looking for?
I changed the order of some documents.
What are you looking for?
A copy of the loan agreement
and the collateral security agreement.
They're probably…
Security system activated.
Mr. So must've
turned off the lights without checking.
Do you have your phone on you?
I left it in the locker room.
Mine is in the lounge.
The security company will be notified
once they detect our movement,
so let's wait.
Let me see
if there's a light switch somewhere.
I'll look too.
Your hand…
I'm sorry.
You can go first.
I'm sorry.
For what?
For talking as if your issue
with Mr. Yuk wasn't a big deal.
I know you didn't mean it.
I understand
that you could've thought of it that way.
I'm sorry too.
For what?
being overly upset with you
just because you didn't show up.
Don't be. You had every reason to be mad.
I'd also like to apologize
for what happened that day.
I should have…
kept my promise.
You asked me at the training institute…
if things would've been different
for us had you shown up that day.
If I had kept my promise…
would you have dated me?
It wouldn't have worked out for us.
Because we're too different.
How are we so different?
-I don't get it.
-I think you do.
That's why you hesitated.
I told you that wasn't it.
It meant the same thing.
Mr. Ha.
You should meet a woman
who can fulfill your desires.
Was this…
the answer you were going to give me?
Then what about you?
Did you meet someone
who could fulfill your desires?
I did.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
I had no idea you guys were in here.
The security company called,
so I rushed over
from the whelk restaurant.
I should get going now.
I'm sorry.
What happened between you two?
What's with the long face?
Nothing happened. Move.
Text me when you get home.
The bus will arrive soon.
I should go now. My bus is here.
Ms. Ahn.
Get home safely.
I will.
I'm a bit late, aren't I?
Sorry, something came up.
Let's go inside.
Isn't it tasty?
It is.
Do you come here often?
No, I've only been here once,
when I first came to Seoul.
It felt awkward to eat alone,
so I kept looking out the window.
Have you been there before?
I haven't.
People who live in Seoul rarely go there.
But those who aren't from here
always want to visit the N Seoul Tower.
Are you teasing me
for being a country kid?
I was a country kid myself,
so I used to feel the same way.
I went there not long
after moving to Seoul.
It didn't seem that high
once I got to the top.
I was a little disappointed.
I've always wanted
to go there with my girlfriend.
Okay. Let's go next time.
I know you're going through
a lot these days.
I'm sorry I can't be of much help.
I tried my best not to have false hope.
I always told myself
that it was okay to be alone.
But I feel reassured now that I have you.
I'm sorry that I reported him
without telling you in advance.
What will happen now?
I might get sent
to a different branch instead of him.
That's the most likely scenario.
Then why did you do it?
I wanted to make the decision.
Instead of getting caught up
in what might happen,
I wanted to decide on my own
and take responsibility for it.
I'm okay.
It's about time I moved
and being
in a new environment will motivate me.
Let's go on a date this weekend.
Isn't your exam next week?
People who cram
are those who don't have a study routine.
Sounds like you're confident.
My mock test score was way over
the minimum qualifying score.
I've been studying for a while now.
It's getting late, though.
You should go home and study.
By the way, it must hurt a lot to walk.
Those heels look very uncomfortable.
Don't your feet hurt? I bet they do.
A pick-me-up gift.
You didn't have to get me anything.
Do you like them?
I'll take care when I wear them.
No, you should wear them
whenever you want.
And when you're having a rough day,
you can call me whenever you want.
I will.
A group loan for Blue Hill Apartment
will take place soon.
So I'd like all of you
to wrap up your current work before then.
A mobile branch
will be provided if necessary,
so keep that in mind.
Ms. Ahn.
Thank you for organizing the filing room.
-Thank you.
I didn't mean to offend you, but if I did,
I regret my actions.
It's my job to take care of our employees,
but I failed to be considerate of you.
I'm sorry.
I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
Now then, let's get ready to work.
No way. What was that?
I believe Mr. Yuk
gave her a formal apology.
What's going on? What did you guys say?
Have you finally realized
that you have me to thank for this?
Don't be absurd. It was all thanks to me.
This is what I said in this seat
during that interview.
Ms. Ahn is definitely the sensitive type.
However, she would
never lie about something.
Mr. Yuk is a wonderful man.
However, he does
take advantage of his authority at times.
Coercion and making her
do unreasonable tasks…
I witnessed it too.
I wouldn't have put up with it either.
Anonymity is guaranteed, right?
You don't have to thank me.
There's no need for any of that.
Hold on.
Does that mean
Mr. Yuk will be disciplined or something?
It looks like he won't be
going on power trips anymore
since he's become a bit vulnerable now.
Since things turned out well,
doesn't this call for a round of coffee?
I'll treat everyone to coffee then.
I'd like an iced coffee, please.
Ha Sang-su.
It was you.
A bank would never reprimand
a superior for something like coercion.
Unless a General Affairs employee
reported him for embezzling
operating expenses.
How did you know?
How could I not know?
I'm calling about Mr. Park
and what happened last Friday…
He was off duty?
You looked into his expenditures
and found records of personal use.
Then you went to HQ to report him.
But why haven't you told anyone about it?
Nobody needs to know.
Why not?
Ms. Ahn would thank you if she found out.
What difference would that make?
Be honest with me.
Would you have done the same
had I been in her shoes?
You reported your superior.
It could work against you
when you go to HQ.
Would you still have done it
if it were me?
Are you crazy? I'd just let you get fired.
You jerk.
You still like her, right?
Stop it already.
You're the one who should stop.
Has Seok-hyeon taught you nothing?
He was head-over-heels in love
for years with his ex,
but in the end,
he's marrying someone on his level.
What? Am I being a snob?
What's the big deal about love anyway?
Is it really that great?
People are so weird.
They read reviews and do thorough research
before purchasing an item.
But they act all innocent
when it comes to love
and pretend like they don't judge others.
Then they call you a bastard
if you weigh your options.
Want one?
Do you not see that?
There's no place to smoke these days.
Mr. So.
Did Mr. Yuk tell you
to wash his car again?
You're a security guard,
not a car wash employee.
Let me carry that.
I bought one for you too. Take it.
I heard everything worked out well.
Yes, thanks to everyone.
I'm glad.
Hold on.
You didn't know, did you?
Don't let on that you know.
Did you know about this?
Su-yeong and I have become close.
They just started dating.
All done.
Don't Su-yeong and Jong-hyeok
look good together?
His name is Jong-hyeon.
Not Jong-hyeok.
He must really like her.
I'm so jealous that they're dating.
It wouldn't have worked out for us.
Mr. Ha.
You should meet a woman
who can fulfill your desires.
Excuse me, but are you from Tongyeong?
-Yes, I am.
-I see.
What kind of place is Tongyeong?
Someone I know used to live there.
I'm just curious.
I wonder what kind of place it is.
The ocean is beautiful there.
It's very blue.
You should visit when you have the chance.
I'm not sure.
Will I ever get the chance?
Has work been hard these days?
You're drinking a lot.
Of course, it's been hard.
It's tough work…
but that's not why it's been hard.
You should finish up and go home.
You drank a lot already.
I should finish things up.
I still have the side dishes
from your last visit.
I threw them away.
Eat the new dishes I brought.
I made this for you.
You'd be a terrible daughter
if you ate everything, but this.
You're in a good mood today.
I made a new friend.
Nobody you know. She's so amazing.
She's like a guardian angel.
Now you can finally stop stalking Dad.
He went to work again today.
I heard he's meeting people
from your branch.
HQ has allowed you
to get the maximum limit
when purchasing the land.
We will also offer you
the best interest rate possible.
All right. Let's take a look at it.
Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Yes, sir.
Are you married?
-Not yet, sir.
-What a shame.
A true man
needs to have a family he can support.
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, sir.
Let's play a proper round of golf
next time around.
I'd like that, sir.
What brings you here?
I met with a client. You?
I see. Are you here for your father?
No, I came to hang out with you.
Are you thirsty?
Do you want something to drink?
I made it this morning.
What an early bird.
What is this? It tastes great.
Is there something on my face?
No, you're just ugly.
Which part is ugly?
Your eyes and nose.
Stop staring and study.
I know I'm handsome.
That's for you.
They say
it's impossible to understand love.
… I find it even more impossible
to understand myself.
I can't understand
why I hesitated back then
or why I need to let go now.
He was an incredible man.
And an incredible artist and lover.
They say he was in love with three women.
There was his muse, Isabel,
whom he stayed with for only three months.
Caroline was a prostitute
and his last lover.
And finally,
his devoted wife, Annette,
who was by his side until the end.
Which one of them
do you think he loved the most?
He should have loved his wife the most.
But he poured all his passion and love
into another woman.
And for that, people still badmouth him.
You can't control your heart's desire.
What's this? Why are you defending him?
You shouldn't go down the same path.
After all,
you're a bank clerk, not an artist.
I think HQ will make
the announcement soon.
Are you going to apply?
What's wrong?
It won't start.
Is this funny?
-Of course, it is.
-Is this entertaining for you?
It sure is.
I seem carefree, don't I?
Aren't you happy when I'm around?
It's nice to see you smile.
You should've just taken a taxi.
And miss out on all this fun?
I've always wanted to ride in a tow truck.
You're going to think of me
whenever you see a tow truck from now on.
Did you just lay a curse on me?
Think of me, Sang-su. Abracadabra!
I'm sorry, sir.
Will you be doing that too?
Yes, if I pass the exam.
You'll look so amazing.
You'll be the first person
I salute when I become an officer.
Yes. I'll keep it at all costs.
You had to spend your day
in the library because of me.
I'm sorry.
That's fine.
I'll treat you to some good food
after the exam to make up for it.
What are you doing?
Didn't you learn
how to hold hands with your friends?
I made sure I learned that lesson.
We're not friends.
We're closer than that.
But we're still using honorifics.
This is quite a difficult relationship.
I agree. It is.
People who talk casually to you
at work only do that
because they look down on you.
But you're someone I always want
to treat with good manners.
So you're right.
This is a difficult relationship for me.
Would you like to come over
on the morning of your exam?
You should take the exam
on a full stomach to do well.
And that way, you'll treat me
to some good food later.
I'll make you breakfast.
-Please insert your card.
Actually, I don't need the cigarettes.
You're going to think of me
whenever you see a tow truck from now on.
Think of me, Sang-su. Abracadabra!
Hi, come on in.
These are for you.
You didn't have to.
I was told to buy flowers when going
to my girlfriend's for the first time.
-Who told you that?
-The Internet.
Thank you. Come in.
This is amazing.
Sorry for looking around without asking.
That's exactly why I cleaned the house.
This is a beautiful area.
It's my favorite place in the house.
I only chose this place
because of the veranda.
Did you grow all this yourself?
Yes. It was my dream.
I pick and eat the herbs
whenever I have pasta or tea.
Do you play the piano too?
I taught myself. I'm not very good.
Can you play for me right now?
It's too early for that. Maybe next time.
Hurry up. The food's ready.
Eat up.
Thank you for the meal.
This is delicious.
You've always been there for me
when I needed support.
This is an important exam,
so I wanted to do something for you too.
Take your time, and eat slowly.
How was the exam?
Call me when you're done.
Goodness, hello.
You don't have an appointment.
I know.
We're friends, remember?
I'm just visiting.
You haven't had lunch yet, right?
I got some brunch for you
at a café in Hannam-dong.
Thank you, but I'll have it later.
A client will be here soon.
There she is. Just a minute.
Hello. Please sit here.
Oh, dear.
This will get soggy later.
Ms. Han.
Go ahead and eat. I'll talk to her.
What is it?
I've been going to spas
for decades. I know what to do.
What service are you interested in?
Aqua care? Pore tightening?
Or back acne treatment?
They're good at everything.
And you get a discount
if you purchase ten sessions.
Right, Ms. Han?
Yes. That's right.
You're still up.
Mom, can you please ring the doorbell?
That's a waste of electricity.
I'm leaving right away. Here.
What is this?
This is from me,
and this is from my friend.
Isn't this gift too expensive, though?
I agree. Well, see you.
-I came to give you that.
I'm tired. Rest up.
And change the calendar. That's so old.
Take two, then.
And become twice as average.
How was the exam?
I can't seem to reach you.
Are you not home yet?
-Hey, you're the substitute.
-Thanks for helping out.
Good morning.
Good morning!
-Good morning.
Mr. Noh is on cloud nine these days.
That's because Mr. Yuk is miserable.
Action and reaction.
-It's science.
-That's right.
By the way, where's Mr. Jeong?
-I'm not sure.
-He's not here today?
This number is not available right now.
At the tone, please record your message.
I can't seem to reach you, Jong-hyeon.
Is something wrong?
Your message has not been saved.
You have a guest.
She says you're expecting her.
-A guest?
-Yes, sir.
Who is it?
Have you gone insane?
I'm already a laughingstock,
thanks to a stupid employee.
You just made it worse by coming here.
I told you to wait six months
until I became a director and--
What a beautifully
despicable couple you two are.
Aren't you supposed
to get a divorce first before remarrying?
What kind of nonsense is this?
Please pull down
the shutters at four o'clock
so that our customers will know
that we're closed.
-One iced Americano.
He's with a guest, ma'am.
Goodness, I didn't know
you were with a guest.
My late mother-in-law
must've had a daughter
I didn't know about.
Close the door. Shut the door and come in.
What is this? Who is this woman?
Answer me!
I am…
his lawful wife.
Gosh, this is unbelievable.
-It's The World of the Married.
-It's the real-life version.
-What do you mean?
-I'm so shocked.
My hands are shaking from the shock.
Hold on.
So the woman who we thought was his wife
-was actually--
-His mistress.
-And the woman who came in earlier is--
-His real wife.
It must've been
the mistress in the photo then.
They look the same from behind.
Is that where he spent
the operation expenses?
I'm taking a leave of absence.
Goodbye, sir.
What's with Mr. Yuk these days?
Ms. Ahn, you missed out on a spectacle.
We saw the real-life version
-of The World of the Married.
-Mr. Ma. That's enough.
All right, let's wrap up.
By the way, where's Mr. Jeong?
Will he return tomorrow?
He also took a leave of absence.
Let's wrap things up now.
Oh, dear.
Did you take a leave of absence?
Is everything okay?
I'm worried.
Jong-hyeon, what's going on?
Where are you?
Isn't it too late to work out?
Have you never jogged at night?
It feels amazing.
-Do the shoes fit?
-Yes, they do.
But how did you know my size?
I didn't.
I got every shoe size in my trunk.
What? That's going overboard.
I'm just joking.
-You said your feet were average-sized.
Let's run to Dongjak Bridge.
Isn't that too far?
Tell me if you get tired, Mr. Ha.
I'll carry you on my back.
-You're being cheeky again.
-Let's go.
Are you sure you're okay?
Can't you see that
I'm slowing my pace for you?
Fine. You're a good runner.
Doesn't this feel great?
Yes, it does.
I feel the same.
This feels great!
Hi, Su-yeong.
What's going on?
I guess I was on edge
while preparing for the exam.
Now that it's over, I don't feel good.
I see.
I was worried sick.
I'm sorry.
Do you feel better now?
That's a relief.
Your heart
is going to explode at this rate.
Worry about your own heart, Sang-su.
My heart is younger than yours.
You're going to trip and fall.
My hobby is running marathons.
You're not so bad yourself, though.
This feels amazing.
Hey, are you okay?
Let me see.
Hey, you're bleeding!
I told you to slow down.
You should take better care of your body.
Hey, what's wrong? Are you crying?
Sang-su, look.
A 500-won coin.
I can't believe
you're happy about finding 500 won
when your knee is bleeding.
It's from 1998!
They only made
8,000 of these during the IMF.
This is crazy.
I can't believe I found this here.
No way. I can't believe this!
This is unbelievable!
You really are unbelievable.
Did you hear me? It's from 1998!
Look at this, Jong-hyeon.
I wore these today.
I see. They look good on you.
I have something to tell you.
This is so surreal.
Hey, should I buy a lottery ticket?
How can you be so happy
with a scraped knee?
So what? Accidents happen.
It felt great to run.
And I ended up finding this.
I'm showing this off at work tomorrow.
What is it? Do you want it?
You can't have it for free, though.
I'll give it to you if you date me.
Shall we then?
Give it to me.
What did you say?
Like you said,
I'm not 100% ready yet.
Are you okay with that?
I just need 1%.
I can fill up the rest.
I'm confident
that this relationship will work.
So this means we're in a relationship now.
All right.
Let's break up.
I'm looking at my boyfriend,
wondering why he said he'd date me.
Were you really single that whole time?
Not even a crush?
Looks like you two have become close.
Is that a problem?
So does Mi-gyeong know?
That you liked Ms. Ahn.
So why are you
stabbing me in the back like this?
I'm dating Sang-su.
I thought you should know.
If I fall down,
will you ask me out again?
Is that what you really want?
Is it that easy for you?
Subtitle translation by: Sooji Kim
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