The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Darkness Rises

You be careful. You're lucky
I didn't smash your skull.
Easy, Angad. I saw you were awake
and brought you some food.
I'm not hungry.
And I can't sleep.
It's this place.
You can almost smell it,
taste it. The bitterness.
The hate. It poisons the air.
You're letting this camp get to you.
Don't let the evils of what we've seen
darken your heart.
If we are loyal to each other,
we will succeed.
Like you were loyal to my father,
Who are you to lecture me on loyalty?
What Ram did to him
Lord Ram is not the man you think, Angad.
There is a purity in him
that I have never found before.
He didn't kill your father.
He saved him
from turning into something
Enough! I'm done hearing about Ram.
I came up here to be alone.
Wake up! All of you wake up!
We're under attack!
Come on!
We need to give the others time!
But you're unarmed.
I'll manage!
You're not stealing all the fun.
Wake up! All of you, wake up!
The vaanars should have been
ripped apart by now.
Who is this Hanuman?
He is just a fool, great Lady.
Yes, he is strong,
but his heart is his weakness.
He cares too much
for those around him.
Then I will kill his friends
to crush his spirit.
Then, I will crush his bones.
And then
Go quickly. Bring my pet.
Tell him Shurpanakha has need of him.
Great one, I only ask that you spare
the life of Prince Angad.
Why should I spare him?
Or you?
With Hanuman and his followers dead,
Angad can take back the throne
from Sugreev.
And why should I care
who sits on the vaanar throne?
Because I will become
Angad's most trusted advisor,
but secretly your humble servant.
And then I will bring you Ram
and Lakshman in chains.
Angad hates them.
Let him kill Lakshman, then.
I want only Ram.
A deal, then. Hanuman dies
and will never find Sita.
And Angad shall live
to reclaim his birth right.
Yes, little monkey, but know this.
If you fail to bring me Ram,
I will devour a small piece of you
each day as you feel agony for years.
I I shall not fail you, great one.
I never knew you had it in you,
old bear.
I am getting too old for this.
You saved many lives today,
but they're gone now.
It's not them I'm worried about.
Those creatures couldn't have taken down
the dead beast in the forest.
If not them, then who?
I think we're about to find out.
Arm yourselves! Quickly!
Hey, you! Yes, you!
The big one-eyed ugly!
Get lost! You'd better run
before I have to hurt you!
Nal! Nil! Move!
You're no match for him.
Get away quickly!
You're braver than I thought,
little ones.
I almost had him.
Or dumber. I haven't decided yet.
Now, get back.
Let me have a go at this demon.
No, Angad. Our attacks have no effect.
We need to save the wounded.
What about you?
I'll keep him distracted.
Fall, you beast!
I hit him with everything I had,
and he barely felt it. How can that be?
He is protected by dark powers
it seems.
The giant is invulnerable
to your blows,
and yet all darkness fears the light.
Yes, old bear. I see it.
He can't handle the light.
His big eye. That's his weak spot!
Nal! Nil!
We need rope. Lots of it!
Follow me, and do as I do.
What's the plan, Hanuman?
Bring the demon down to size.
Come on!
Now, Hanuman! Now!
You did it, Hanuman.
We all did it. Together.
Even these fools helped.
You're true heroes now, little ones.
I really almost had him
the first time.
What is it?
I've never seen you laugh before.
It's scaring me.
The vandevtas have returned
to this part of the forest.
They no longer have to fear
this creature.
You've given them hope.
No, old bear, you have it wrong.
They've given hope to us.
Maybe you were right, Hanuman.
That no matter how dark the night
the sun will always rise.
Why, Ram, why?
Why, my sweet prince?
Don't you know how much I love you?
Even now?
Who dares?
Great one! Please forgive me.
What did you hear?
Tell me the truth!
You mentioned Prince Ram.
I thought you hated him?
I don't understand.
Of course you don't. Look at you.
You have never known true, deep love.
But I have felt it once
when I first saw Prince Ram.
Are you a god?
No, dear lady.
I am simply Ram.
How may I help you?
I have never seen a man
so handsome and full of life.
I ask of you only one thing
and my happiness will rival that
of all the devs.
Ask, and I will do what I can
to make you happy.
Then be my husband,
noble and beautiful Ram.
Dear lady, ask of me anything else,
but that I cannot be.
I have a wife, who is everything to me
and wish for no other.
Princess Sita.
That pasty, feeble thing?
She is unworthy of you, sweet Ram.
Let me devour her,
then we can be happy.
Stand away from her! Now!
You think you can stop me, human?
I will feast on her bones!
Not while I live, demon.
What have you done to me?
What have you done to me!
I was mutilated
despite my love for Ram.
With a horribly injured face
and a broken heart,
I fled.
Fled all the way to the nearby kingdom
of my rakshas kin, Janasthan.
Yet, even 14,000 rakshasas
could not prevail against the mighty Ram.
Ram was as skilled as he was handsome.
There was then just one
who could give me justice for my injuries.
My brother, Ravan.
He flew on his great Pushpak Viman
and abducted that pitiful Sita.
I had asked him to devour her,
but he grew enamoured with this woman.
However, he will tire of her soon enough,
and then her life will end
and Ram will love only me.
You you believe Ram will love you
after Si his wife is dead?
Of course.
Do you think otherwise?
No no. Not at all.
You will be a most worthy wife.
Less flattery, more work!
My rakshas could not defeat Hanuman.
He is the most exceptional vaanar.
So, we must be more cunning.
Take this.
Darkness in a bottle.
It will not kill,
but it will corrupt.
It will twist the victim's nature,
bringing their darkest desires,
their darkest appetites to the surface.
This may not work on Hanuman.
It's not for him, for there is another
that will respond well to it.
Angad. His strength matches Hanuman's.
And this darkness
will make him even stronger.
There is a king nearby
who has no love for Ram,
for Ram is responsible
for killing
someone important to him.
Use whatever guile you have
to ensure this is the path Hanuman takes.
He must be guided to King Suketu,
who will surely destroy him
in case Angad fails.
How can I do this?
Hanuman does not consider me
one of his advisors.
He has that troublesome Jambhvan
at his side.
Wait for the right moment.
I will lay a bait
that a hero like Hanuman
will be unable to resist.
Prince Angad, you look thirsty.
Here, share my water.
Thank you.
Hariya, isn't it?
You were a councillor to my father.
I was. How kind of you to remember.
I mourn the loss of your great father
every day.
We will not see his kind again.
Now, our leaders
are made of lesser material.
Hanuman is a noble vaanar.
I've had my differences with him,
but that's the past now.
You are gracious.
But I would expect no less
from the son of Vaali.
Yes, Hanuman is strong,
but he is not wise like you.
He was not raised to lead others,
but to serve. He is not a prince.
Hanuman saved us, Hariya.
It was a feat I could never imagine,
or ever achieve, alone.
My Prince, you would never have
brought us here to die.
Hanuman is fool and a dangerous one.
He will kill us all
unless you do something.
Hey! Be quiet!
All you've done is complain
and moan ever since we left Kishkindha!
Hanuman is our leader,
and that's the end of it!
Fools will always follow fools.
Be gone with you.
Don't call my brother a fool!
I called you both fools.
Then it's okay.
Wait, what? You
Let Hariya go.
I said let him go!
What happened?
- Prince Angad!
- Angad, let me look at
Stop mothering me, you old bear!
Get off me!
Are you all right, Prince Angad?
Never better, Hariya.
Never better.
I thought we were making progress with him
these last few days.
We did. Something doesn't feel right.
For a second, I thought his eyes
Help me!
Help me!
You need to get me out!
You have to hurry.
Please! Before he comes back.
- Before who comes back?
- Him.
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