The Letter for the King (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

When the Blood Moon Rises

[Piak] It was never Tiuri.
He thought it was him
because he was hearing these voices.
Because he was like,
"I'm the son of a Shaman,
because my father's power
flows through my veins."
Except it was nothing to do with that.
It was the magic that's everywhere.
Just like in Foldo's ghost story.
And what it was actually doing
was sending him
to find the girl sitting
on the horse right next to him.
What's up with her?
Tiuri? Tiuri, we've We've got
What's up with him?
[Tiuri] Lavinia!
Leave me alone.
[Tiuri] The Blood Moon rises in one day.
And we have to get that letter
to the king before it does.
You're the only one who can do it.
How do you know that?
'Cause I was standing right next to you.
I felt it, Lavinia.
And I never felt anything like it.
[Lavinia] I don't care.
I don't care about the king
or your mission
or your stupid knightly quest.
I live in Mistrinaut, Tiuri,
and no king, or queen, or anyone else
has ever given a flying fig
about the people who live there.
So forget your stupid prophecy
and these stupid powers.
It's not who I am,
and it's not who I'm going to be.
I thought we were friends.
I thought whatever happened
whatever we faced
we'd face it together.
Well, then you thought wrong.
[King Favian] Isn't that a splendid sight?
[Prince Iridian] Hardly.
He's marched his army
to the very walls of the city.
The threat he poses is clear.
Oh, not for me.
You're making this match for him
with Alianor
because you know he's a threat.
And I'm telling you,
a marriage to Alianor will not be enough.
I am making this match for him
because he's my son.
And because he's your brother.
Do you remember your boots?
- Boots?
- Mmm. [chuckles]
When you were both boys,
I would take you off hunting,
and he would hide your boots.
- Viridian?
- Mm-hmm.
Would hide my boots?
Couldn't have been
more than six years old.
But he thought
if you didn't have your boots,
you couldn't come,
and you would stay with him.
That boy loved you more than life itself.
Listen, boy,
I'm no fool.
Bring we proof his intentions
are treacherous
and I will act.
But until then
we will not speak of this again.
The boy took down all your men
with one look?
Not sure what it was, my lord.
There was a sound
a ringing.
And then
And then what?
We must've been thrown from our horses.
Leave us.
Sire, I did everything
He's growing stronger.
So is the moon.
I can feel it in my bones.
Once it reaches
the highest window in the hall,
I can make the final sacrifice,
and the ceremony will be complete.
Then nothing will be able to stop me
including this boy
whatever powers he may possess.
Spit it out, then.
I need a job,
and you're gonna give it to me.
This will be interesting.
Fantumar's played out. We both know that.
And there's something else you know too:
how much help I can give you.
Clearly, there's been a misunderstanding.
I don't need anyone's help.
Who is it
Viridian's always asking for, huh?
his faithful Red Rider
or Jabroot,
his Eviellan friend?
Seems to me,
you need all the help you can get.
- [grunts]
- [whinnies]
- What are you looking at?
- [Ardanwen snorts]
I'm not the one you need.
I've never been the one you've needed.
Your master picked the wrong person.
[men laughing]
Come. Join us, my boy.
We bid you welcome
to the land of the lost.
[men laugh]
Fear no more,
for there's no further you can fall.
So abandon hope.
Drink and be merry.
[men cheer]
Come on, boy. Come and sit with us.
You look as though
you could do with a friend.
[Piak] Tiuri!
We're just going round in circles.
- [Piak sighs] We'll never find him.
- We have to find him.
Tiuri has the letter.
- How are we going to find him in this?
- It doesn't matter how.
Just keep looking.
[man 1] Life's a game, boy
and it's stacked against men like us.
[man 2] Take you, boy.
You did the right thing.
[man 3] You opened that door.
You helped that stranger.
And what did life give you in return?
It destroyed you.
Bit by miserable bit.
So what's a man to do?
Aye, well, that's the question.
A man gives up, Tiuri.
He stops trying.
And he gives himself over
to the peace and surrender
of the bottle.
[men laugh]
Flesh of dog! What is this?
You scared?
Only when I think about it.
Great advantage of being me
is I don't really think about it.
[strums lute]
Young knights
Their swords were gleaming ♪
For me, that's
that's the scariest part.
There's things happening
my parents don't even know about,
things that could take their lives
and the only ones that can stop them
are us.
I don't think I can.
Are you kidding?
You're kind. You're brave.
You're amazing with that sword.
Your parents are lucky
to have their lives depending on you.
Just think about my parents. [laughs]
All they got is me and pipsqueak.
Pipsqueak's actually quite good.
Shut up.
if we all die tomorrow
Which we probably will.
what's one thing
that you haven't done
that you'd, um
you'd really like to have done?
[exhales softly]
His looks were so alluring ♪
Young Foldo's heart was purring ♪
Is that the best you can come up with?
It's a first draft.
Revisions to follow.
And the love between them lasted ♪
Till the grave ♪
[Arman] I don't blame you
for turning your back on me.
I'd turn my back on myself
for how wrong I've been.
Wrong about this quest,
wrong about my father,
wrong about everything.
But most of all
I've been wrong about you.
I thought you were a fool, Tiuri.
I thought everything you said
and everything you did was just so
But it turns out
you weren't the stupid one.
I was.
And it's taken me my entire life
to finally see it.
And that's why I know we have to go.
Why? What's the point?
Because people are going to die, Tiuri.
Jussipo's parents, Foldo's parents
are going to die unless we stop it.
- Can't stop anything.
- [Arman] That's not true. You can
by delivering that letter to the king.
Even if I could, why would I try?
My father's already dead.
He died from the blade
of your father's sword.
Held by your father's men.
And I had to watch it.
Then he imprisoned my mother
and sent you to hunt me down.
Probably to kill me too.
So you don't get to tell me
what I should or shouldn't do, Arman.
Go to Lavinia.
She's the only one that can help you now.
[Arman] Lavinia?
Why would I go to Lavinia?
What's Lavinia got to do
with this mission? You tell me that.
Look, I know I have no right
to tell you anything,
and what my father did to you
what I was willing to help him do to you,
I will never forgive myself for that.
But Lavinia?
So what if she's the one with the powers?
Was she the one who answered the knock
on that chapel door?
No, that was you.
Was she the one
the Black Knight gave the letter to?
No, that was you, Tiuri.
Not because you were magic.
Because you were the only one
brave enough to answer the call.
Because you're a knight.
Just like we're knights.
Even me.
And now, we're going to prove it.
- [Foldo and Jussipo laughing]
- [lute playing]
What are you doing here?
Getting him.
This will never work.
It will work.
[Jussipo] Look at this place.
And Tiuri doesn't even have any magic.
Stop talking about magic.
All anyone talks about is magic,
and I'm sick of it. Forget magic.
We're knights.
We have courage. We have training.
We have chivalry, and honor,
and 1,000 years of history on our side.
And this is where we use it
to find a way through those walls.
Right, Tiuri?
Who said anything
about going through them?
- [Arman] Stop pushing.
- [Foldo] I'm not pushing.
- [Jussipo] He's definitely pushing.
- [Arman] Then move faster.
[Jussipo] It stinks down here.
It stinks worse than Arman.
[Arman] Shut up!
Now what?
Are we going around in circles?
Round and round like moths at a candle.
We could die down here,
and no one would ever know.
No one's going to die, are they, Tiuri?
Come on. This way.
Are you sure you know where you're going?
We get out where the water gets in,
the highest point.
Quick question:
Are you sure this is water?
I would like you
to ride with me tonight, Jabroot.
We began this journey together,
and I would like us to end it together.
Go ahead.
You have served me loyally
for as long as I can remember
and hated me for every second of it.
You have my blessing.
Go ahead. Do what you must do.
I know.
Brothers can kill each other
but not brothers at arms.
The end is coming
but it won't be from this.
[Jussipo] You're pushing me again.
[Arman] Because you're going even slower
than you were before!
It's It's in my hair! It's in my hair!
[Foldo] It's definitely not water.
I told you.
My boy.
You're home.
After all these years.
[man] Bravo.
[crowd cheers and applauds]
Oh, stop it!
What are you staring at?
Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!
[crowd laughs]
Come. Sit with me.
Get stuffed to the gills.
We've roast so many animals,
there's been a run on gravy.
[King Favian] Here.
Eat. Eat. You're skinny.
This boar was killed
by your brother yesterday.
[King Favian continues speaking
It's around this corner.
Come on.
Where do you think you're going?
You have every right to hate me.
Well, we do hate you.
I hate me too.
What I did
what I've done
I'm sorry
for all of it.
I'm sorrier than you'll ever know.
But I just [sniffles]
I just wanted you to know that.
[Jaro laughs]
Every time
you think you've got her pegged
she turns around
and she surprises you all over again.
Looks like the letter's
not going to the king after all.
do you want to walk away and live
or make a futile gesture of defiance
and die?
A futile gesture, it is.
Stay there.
- [Jussipo] Piak!
- I've got it!
What did I tell you?
- What are you waiting for?
- Go!
[Arman] Go!
[Jussipo] No!
I have a letter
for the king.
What letter?
Who cares what letter?
Does the royal court
now allow mere children
to enter the presence of the king?
My father died for this.
The Black Knight
with the White Shield died too.
The Black Knight?
I have his ring as proof.
He was slaughtered
by Prince Viridian's Red Riders.
[crowd gasps]
[Tiuri] I saw it with my own eyes.
Who is this boy?
[Sir Fantumar] He
is nobody.
I am Tiuri
son of Sir Tiuri the Valiant.
Born of Eviellan, raised in Dagonaut.
And we are all in danger
if you do not read this letter.
Let him through.
What is this?
[crowd gasps]
[King Favian] You take my crown?
Kill my friends and allies?
Answer me!
You dare ignore your king?
Bow your head to your father!
I will not tell you again.
Bow your head.
Beg for your king's mercy.
If the world is to be healed
then the power he has
the power you want to be yours
has to be mine.
The decisions you take
the decisions the people
on that list take
will now be taken by me.
What is this?
Lives you've all led
lives of comfort and luxury
lives built on the bodies of soldiers
like me and my enemies
are now over.
And yes, freedom is over too.
And the world will have peace at last.
A peace
that will last forever.
He's mad.
It has been foretold.
And there's nothing
any of us can do to stop it.
Even you.
[crowd gasps]
I beg to differ.
[gasping and shouting]
It is done.
Our journey together can now begin.
I'm scared.
I know.
[Prince Viridian] Stop!
You did it.
Are you okay?
Never been better.
- Don't worry. I've got you.
- [chuckles]
Would now be a good time
to get that reward?
[Foldo] Easy. Easy. Easy.
- [Jussipo winces]
- [Foldo] Easy.
Did we do it?
Did we stop him?
How could we not stop him?
Has he messed up my hair
with all his all his fussing?
Your hair looks good.
Better than good.
It looks great.
I've always had great hair.
Ain't that right, Fol?
He will be all right.
Won't he?
[Piak whistling]
[all whistling]
[Novices singing] Young Knights
Their swords were gleaming ♪
Lady admirers beaming ♪
And the one they call Jussipo
Was their king ♪
[bells tolling]
[Iona] Well
we certainly made a fine mess of that.
I like you, girl. Honestly, I do.
But I swear
by the gold in my first victim's teeth
I hope never
to cross paths with you again.
You didn't hear what I just said?
I never listen to what you say.
That's what makes us such a good team.
Where are you going?
I'm heading west!
Ah, suit yourself!
You're harder to live with
than saddle rash!
[Queen Alianor] The darkness
from which we are only now emerging
did not gather overnight,
and it was not caused by one man alone.
It was caused by all of us.
But these young Novices have led us
into the light
by their simple commitment not to give up,
not to stop trying to do the right thing
no matter what the cost.
No matter how slim the chances of success,
they have reminded us
what those values truly are.
And so
on behalf of us all
it is in the highest honor
that I knight them in your name.
Arise, Sir Foldo.
Arise, Sir Arman.
Arise, Sir Piak,
the youngest knight in Dagonaut's history.
And finally
Sir Tiuri the Valiant.
[birds chirping]
[dramatic music playing]
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